j: Carolina .Watchman. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1683. Tmb telegraph briefly announces the tli of E. JV Hale, in New York city, on tbe 3d lust. There are few men whose death will bo more seriously regretted than that of Mr. lUls. -r"' Nixctecx Couriers Puo wised. A force of 43 picket! coot let hands: while epssing the Tuekaaeegee rirer, from their! Barracks, to work In the Co wee Tunnel, n the W.N. C, Railroad, became frighten ed, and thinking the ferry boat was about Jo sink, all ran to one end. which sank the boat. Nineteen were drowned. The others tared themselres with much diffi culty, - .; . ; :.r V A striking example of Cuffy's "ruliug passion strong in death, occurred in the midst of this terrible scene. One of the negro eouricta, who was serring a term for tbrft, succeeded iu taring a white guard from a watery grare. After pull ing him ashore, he deliberately robbed him of Li purse containing about $15 -and hit watch. parry in jhe State. Two plans hare been j wgtrested daring the Ipast yearone in the Raleigh Observer early In the Sum mer and one in the! Chatham Record about a I month agoi-either , of which would be fair, and in strict comolianca i j - t with the apportionment act of Congress in regard to population and contiguous- ness of territory. Whether tbe question of couuty government will be agitated or whether the result of the electien will be taken as an Expression of tbe wishes of the people against such agitation; we do not know bat we hope that until there it stronger demand for a change than there hat been, the present system of county gorernment will be continued, The establishment of n Railroad Com mission, j will,) deubless, be another im portant matter for consideration, and, if it is determined tjjat there shall be. one, NORTS CAROLINA. Tbe Legislature in Session. Cbsriottt Journal. liALKiaii, Jan. a The Legislature of North Carolina met to-day aud organised The uemocrata bare control of both q booses by a large majority, Lieut. Gorernor Robinson presided in the Sea'ata.' George M. Rose of Cqmber lind, was elected Speaker of the House, and Sobert M. Furman Clerk of tbe ' House. Ne other business was transit ed. i Got. Jarfis will send in bis message to-morrow. ' ; State Treasurer Worth reports that of the unsecured debt, $8,820,745 has been aoaprerised for $3,600,641 in 4 per cent, bonds, and $3,800,300 old bonds recalled outstanding. j Of North Carolina railroad construc tion bonds, $1,700,000 hare been renewed under a contract fr new Q percent, bonds yrith tbo snipe security, ring $4,075, 500 stilt unexchanged. Provision baring been made for tbe payment of interest on $ pore 4 per cent, bends than bare been t tke up, there is now $254,189 surplus ; ia tbe treasury applicable to the payment ff inserts? when these bonds shall haire fceot) exchanged. " Tbe Senatorial election for tbe succes sor of General M, Y, Ransom takes place en the JOtli of January. Eon. W, T. Pertcb, who serred in th Confederate Senate is Mr. Ransom's epponent. J. M. Gedger, Superintendent of the State peaf, Pumb and Blind Institution re signed to-day, the Commissioners will : doubtless be elected by the; Legislature. Other railroad matters, including what may bo done about the extension of the Midland, and the State' interest in the A. & N. C, will also demand attention. One subject which ought to receire careful cosideration, and to be perma nently settled Is the law in regard to conveyances. We shall hare something to say about this matter heieafter. We suppose; it would be i expecting too much to hope for a law to protect sheep husbandry bi it is needed badly enough to justify prompt action; on the subject. "These are 'among the more important matters that will probably receire at tention, at the bands of the letnalatnr but there are many others to which we hare made no! allusion and which are of equal importance to jtbe people. Tbe Governor's message will probably desig nate most if not all of them and we hope to see the Legislature go to work prompt- ! J jr L . .i l . . i nuu dispose oi in em in such a way that all the people can say, "well done. good and faithful ser ran te.w Char lotto Journal. Restored to Ileal! h hj Prayer; Boston, Dec. 31. ElizaWth Lambert, 30 years old, who liret in Norfolk street, Cambridge, claimt to be another example of the efficacy of prayer to core disease. She bad.becn afflicted with disease of the spine and other ailments for serenteen years, and for the past teren bad been confined to her bed, unable to walk, eren with the aid of her cratch, She employ ed the best medical skill, until, about two years ago, - tbe ; became discouraged and dismissed all her physicians,, and .has lired hopelessly on in great pain, unable to rise from her bed. A short time ago, according to the story told by herself and her relatires, a friend tent her a newspa per account of an alleged prayer care, in which it was related that the patient was restored to health while a number of clergymen were praying around her bed. This so impressed her that the determin ed to pray. Accordingly, while the was alone, the prayed ferreutly that she might be restored to health, and, to ber surprise aud delight, sho was soon able to rise from her bed. She went to the door, call ed her mother, and told her story. Since then the has been able to go about the house and up aud down stairs every day, and has been entirely free from pain. Within a few days, howerer. she met with a fall, whfeb, while not preventing her from walking, has rendered her lame, so that she walks with a slight limp. All of her frieuds believe that her recovery is directly due to Divine intervention in her behalf in answer to prayer. MB0 .If 1 . - . . ; ) " i -i 1 -. " j The highest grade Acid Phosphate, contsining Potash, sold in North Carolina? '!-! . - . !' . I last season. . f" ? -.v..- ' ; -- -:f ! ------ - - - i - , ; - . ! I : 'y Ssnd to Pr. 0. W. PASNEYi Jr., at Ualsgh, fbr analjses. cf tlia different Brands. Fiusoxs B. Hacxeh, President ' I 9:3m ' ! OF DIRECT niPORTATION. FOR SALE BY THE ' " VAtlDO PHOSPHATE COMPANY, r ! CHARLESTON: 8. C. Joszah J. Bhowh, Treasurer. 5ii i i WILCOX. GIBBS A CO.'S MANIPULATED GUAIIO. i !i I nnw ninno f, nn 'ft oiincnniinGDUATC iiibuun uiuuv v uvi o uurbiiriiuunn i bf At acknowledged by everybody to be tbe Best Fntrnrisas la use, and are sold low for Casa, arid on : j reasonable terms oa credit, witn Cotton Option, by fr- . . . .i .v 1 CHARLESTON, 3. 0., AND SAVANNAH, OA., And their Agents Uironebous the Country. I GRANDEST M TO BUY t With a riew of changing our business we trill aj, once 'jj ! mence sclling'the following goods at cost J OUR EIITIOE OTOCK OF BEADY-HADE CLOTHIIiR. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FINE;8H0B3. , "LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR. WHTTR ANT1 DOmKED TlT.ANKPrrQ WATER PROOFING, CLOAK INGS AND BEAVER CLOT We bare the iesc8tocfc of ! ! iiiii OPPORTUNITY 11! I ill i EVER OFFERED IN SALISBURY. ! i The Largest Stock of FRENCH AND AMERICAN Thm Legislature and some of its ;-!.- Work. The Legislature, which meets to-nior-f$ ill bare suiue Terjr important du M to perform. The election of a U. S. Jtanater to succeed Senator Ransom wiir be the chief caao of excitement in the ear) dajs ef tb session, but that will be OTer ia two weeks, and will most probably result in Ransom's re-election, although the air ia thick with rumors of pobable combinations, berwpeq gentle men aepiring to diQreq( positions, to de feat liim. . We are too far from Raleigh to -learn partienlara without special inquiry, and these we hare not made, but we hare been told that at the Capitol a strong aud somewhat unexpected opposition to Ran sow has been dereloped. W that those Who seem most exercised about the mat- T are, fortunately for him, not members the Legislature and will, therefore, not e an opportunity to ctto expression their opposition in the form of ba!- Jple. " It ia. erident that he will nut hare a walk-erer, but there is, in our judgment, little reason to doubt his re-election. Jike other public men, howerer, he has some lurjeraerjiceable friends rhose siT Jeneeio (he pent put would! be to hisad rantage. " We hare learned that some of these Orerxealoes persons liare complAiped that Journal ie unfriendly to hie reflection because it baa not been more pronounced fn hie faror. Of course such persons hare RQjng MBpeption of the duties and re spoDsibiliUes of a party newspaper, and fheir criticjami pq)j naicate a jjeal that js without discretion. Another of the important duties that will demand the attention of tie Legis lature will be the redisricting of the tate intonine ICongressieaal DistricU. To Journal has heretofore expressed its ppinione on this subject in a general way. There ia an honest Democratic tnajorjty n Not! Carolina of at least 30,000 if the Whole TQte ijiould be cast, and, aa the large Radjpa) ranjorities are confined to a comparatively mall territory composed pf countiea mostly contiguous, it is ouly fair that at least aeren if qqt eight of the Districto should be o laid off aa to giro democratic majorities, y havpnof tbe )t ilobt that if the Radicalf ad a nipiority f the Legislature ther would FTTjnUWfcr flip 8tate iu the most Bhaine- Washington in Danger, this time from indignant tax-payers. No 1 this time the respectable citizens of fittsbnrg, in Pennsylvania, are enlist ed. The descendants of! one Bladenmore claim that they bare a right tothe Capi tol of the nation. The property inrolr ed is that upon which stand the United States Capitol the White House, the Treasury, and other gorernment and prirate dwellings in Wasiiington and Georgetown, corerin 31 acres In the Distriot of Columbia, besides 100 acres in Bladensburg; Md. j 500 acres in Wash ington County, Penn., aud an amount of treasure in the Bank of England. Law yers aro already enlisted, and moneys bare been subscribed to push this claim it will amount to infinite millions, and may enlist all the legal talent of Wash ington itself, jnpJndiflg the leading mem bers of the Senate, All these men sel their brains 'when the demand is urgent. Just what dimensions , this morement may reach we cannot foresee: but expe rience at Washington leads us to beliere there are millions in it. We watch with interest. Rattlesnake Versus Bla.cksxa.ke.- On the other side of the Santa Fe water a... 1- a. 1 a . e tail. jesieruay a ngut occarreu ueiween a rattlesnake and a blacksnake. The; rattlesnake was apparently on a journey and the meeting was quite accidental. At first the rattlesnake songht to avoid a difficulty, but when the blacksnake press ed the matter he halted and folded his length into a coil. The blacksnake glid ed round ia increasingly swift circles ; the rattlesnake never changed its posi tion only, his head went round follow ing the swift movements of his foe. But the circle still diminished its size, and as the blacksnake drew close tbe rattlesnake appeared to get confused. His rattles ceased to give out the sharp souud, and his head drooped as if vertigo was seizing him. The blacksnake seized, by a light- uing movement, the rattler by the throat and, winding him up in folds the two rolled over and over together, and in a few moments the rattlesnake ceased to breathe. Aa examination of the dead body of the rattlesnake revealed a frac ture in the spine as complete as if done by a blow with a club. The rattlesnake measured, dead, fire feet aud three inches Fort Worth Democrat. In the town which most bo sold regardless of COSH A splendid line of , :: ; PEINTS AT 5cts. PER YARD We intend making a clean aweep of our FA.N CY GOODS NOW IS AN OPPORTUNITY OF BUYING CHRISTMAS BOOBS LOW. Dec. 7th, 1663. JONES, McCUBBIlTS & CO 1 i I- Suoar, Fruits, ajjd Toys, NUTS, ORANGES, LEMONS, ItLI&l rMPSS, BjJFjSlHJlS, CANNED GOODS, "Pickles, (loose and bottled), 'CaUnps, Sauces, Brandy Peaces, Figs, &c, &c.g O Tto-o XiArc;oiait Stools, of (3 SALEof mm Will be sold on the nremlses Ion tht dar of December next, the lind mf Okorok A. Locxa, deceased, containing 270 acres. Said land will -be dirided and sold in two separate lots the Andersen place, contain ing 120 acres, on which is a good Dwelling, Barn, and necessary out .buildings. The Yanisaton place, containing 150 acres and no bnildintm. - is well timbered hmi uim I good Creek and Branch bottom-lands on it, m J t . y-i 1 ci iuiu some isir specimens oi uoia. osia lands lie on Fourth Creek in eVotch Irish township, Rowan county, adjoining the lands of A. A. IIrt. John Camnbell and others is well watered, and prod u res corn, wheat, oats and catton. freelr. TJm in a T rfw good neighborhood. Any one wishing to . examine me property can ao so Dy calling on nr. xienry u. uppara, wuo rcsiaes on tne piece, and will point it out. Terms of sale CASH. J. D. JOHNSTON. . Ex'r. Geo. Locke, dee'd. Nor. 13, 1883. 5:-H erer brought to this market and CHEAPER than erer before. a biuca oi unexcelled are ooened and re&dT for the I lie. Haung bought the largest stock of Toys erer exhibited in uu .iocc, m cu guarantee sausiaction to mf customers bcth in nualltv and nrinea. We inrite Ctnntry Merchants, Christmas Tree committees and tha AKmMA ma SI a JM . 4. ... . rciii irauc, to come ana iaxe aarantage ef this oppor tunity to buy the cheapest goods erer effered in this market. Nor. 30. A. PARKER. 7:tf How-a Danish Juiob Checked Peu- jubt. A Danish Colonial Magistrate for whose exceptional character and abilitr we can rouch, once made a grimly comic experience in this direction aud upon tnia principle : He was appalled br the SALE OF LAND . FOB PAETTnON! 1 Pursuant to an order of the Superior - rrmm wj uv a n vi iwwjiu vuuDiv i win oiier av, pur cu perjuries committed in cases be-, i llc 8aiei ai 111 e vourt nouse in Salisbury, on )ess manner hut wljat they would do j pught not to be a gujde for the Democrat and, We trust, wiJ n9j fa. It will rrqniiv ny ,gprfyfnande.ing on Hieir part to secure all that PhPX re en titled to or ought to ask iu redistrictinip phe State, and-as the Districts ape lajd oflf ?rlth an ye to fl.e bpaf IsterpsU of the State, of tliejr party, and of fairness aud pot to proriding partjeujar Dittricts for ambjtious members of tlie Legiidature, thei need be no cause for anxit.ly as to : t he future ascendency of the Democratic Washington Jan. 1-Tbe weather to-day wae clear, bright and; spring-like. The great erent of the day was tbe Pres ident's reception. The Executire Man sion which has just been thoroughly re painted, decorated and newly upholdster ed and furnished, presented a handsome appearance, The floral decorations were plain but elegint. The Marine Band was stationed in! tbe restibule and nlared sereral airs during the reception. The President and party stood in the blue parlor and the presentations j wore made by Marshal McMicliael and Col. liock well The President Was assisted by the wires of sereral members of the Cabjuet and a number of other ladjeg, At 1 o'clock the members of the Cabinet aud diploma tic corps and the) dress of the Chinese m- ceired much attention. At jl 1.15 Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Su preme Court of the United arrived, and were followed at 11.30 byj Senators and Representatires in Congress, Judges of the SVpreme Court of the District of Col umbia, &c At 12 o'clock officer, of thm Army and Nary, in full dress uniform; filed in, headed by General Sherman and Admiral Porter, and were! egeh in turn presented to the Preeident, At 12.30 a number of officials of rarions departments were received, pp to this time the pro gramme laid down had been followed, and the President and all in tbe building were in the best of spirits, whsn an erent occurred which at once changed tho whole spirit of the scene, Hen, j Elisha AUeo, Minister of Hawaiian Islands, oldest member of tbe diplomatic corps, who-had remained a short time after beinir seuied tothe President, had retired to the eloak room in company! with his son and was chatting pleasantly with a num ber of gentlefpean! when j suddenly his bead fell back and he became speechless. Surgeon -General Crane and sereral other Army and NarjiSurgeons,! who were' in attendance at the President's reception gare Mr. Allen prompt atteation, but he died in a few ininutea. The canse of his death : was auqina pectoris, i Word was conveyed to the President, who at once sapped the reception. The baud was si eupt'd and the White House clotd. ; fore hira, determined to stop them, and M?ndaT th 5th day of February, 11883, a did He of enn- ! nnH.;A r u- I T,uaD,e rct oi land, known as the Old mhi Vft T T T u hl;W PItclB Proridence Township, Rowan method, but an English friend, seated T County, adjoining the lands nfSam'l Eller, erer a witness told a palpable lie he 110 ACRES. juuipu. xicasKeaiue reason, and theiwitn cemfortable dweUincr and necessarv : . A m. I a. I U? ma magistrate, alter a caution, rerealed his I uu'ouuaings. i nere is a good orchard on secrete "Mr nrdrl tnAm ti.:n.i i.-lttte premises, and good indications of cold. wit... o.wi -i , r ; " I TJSKllB : One-third cash, and the bal- witness. and whenerer I pat mr left! anno in nnai nm.. . r.ZV-. hand to my ear that indicates that the months, with interest from date of sale at. eriaenco is laise, and he runs a pin iuto him.w It is a well knows fact to the many who will recognize this story that the "sting of conscience" in this material form prored effectual, and that the mag istrate who died honored throughout Denmark, iu three years turned all Alsa- tia into one of the most orderly and law abiding of communities. He could al ways get the truth. eigne per cent, j it e reserved nntil nnr. chase money is all paid. J. BASI L McCUBBINS, Com'r. Salisbury, N. C, Jan'y 2d, 1883. i ! 12:1m I TAX HOTICE! Notice is hereby giren that I will at tend at the following times and places for the purpose of collecting the Taxes due for the year 1 882. All persons concerned are earnestly requested to meet me promptly and pay their taxes. I will at tend at unity. i... Monday, January 8th,! 1883. A Davt Crockett im Petticoats. A correspondent writing from Kingston, New Mexico, ssyet Here, also, lires a woman ef some thirtr-fire or fortr sum- completed a log cabin and done all the Coleman's, Thursday! do. work herself except putting up the last Enoch rille, Friday, do. logs. She cut the logs, hauled them, and I Chn Grore, Saturday do. uiaue me sningies to corer it. I saw hrl"0?l.oa.W"a8 Monday do. rid in .t.i.. s.x IV.oiail,,! Tuesday, do. nn ' 7r7'J:rri n.B Wednesday, uw.ov, u iuk ui ucr do. do. do. do. An Salisbury, Tuesday. do. Salisbury, Dee. 30, 1883. 12i2t 9th. I 10th,i 11th, 12th, 13th, 15th, ! 16th, ! 17th, f 18th, I. 19th, ! 20th, , 22nd. 23rd, i u tt t u u tt . tt t tt tt tt tt Was A fl Aor BltA 1 Prii1aii.i Th.J.. UA t-fli tr ... It .1 . . . - " uuu ;un Kiiieq, xou may probably think I ocae-s, riday, sho ia a lomlv ChaK : ... I Franklin. Saturday. case. She has a husband and ho tafco. K7i"i!,,feM,PdV care of the children. (Qeod boy) The expression white as snow" ia not strictly accurate, for there is such a thing as rea anow. Aristotle, in . his . writings, mentioned mp phenomenon, but could not explain it, Mr Sossure. a French scientist obserred red snow on the Alps uw Upj eammmq is witn a microscope mscorereu Wat the snow owed its rA hue to si minute plant. Protococcm Niva- Mf which consists of a single cell. Bed awtmr Va I... 9 . ... I lahi Gormiii &n1 all : wou wowrrea in una country I awl tfc Erfy-iix yW practice No on the Wasatch Mouptftias, ten thonsand fhr8tti0' mination of models or draw. Ural I trsde-mark- I Mill I tho United Btat liVl ents in Can DESIRABLE ROODS TO RENT! I bare two splendid Front Rooms up A. Z 1 t . -k . aiaini aim one ocore itoom for rent at low ngures. Call at once. It. R. CRAWFORD. Jan. 3d, 1883. I22t At the residence of1 Mrs. H. J. Scherer, Rowan county, N. C, on the 27th of De cember, inst., will be sold a Lot of House hold and Kitchen Furniture, Sereral bush els of Corn, 25 bushels ef Wheat, Hay, Ac. Terms strictly cash on delirery. J0:lt H. J. SCHERER. RoraComty-In He Snperlor Court, J. W. Mauney, Adm'r de bonis non of Darault Lenta, pVff. Summons Against for Mrs. M. A. Lentz. E. D. Tntr. Ttaur and others Deftft. f - STATE OP NOSTH CAEOLINA, Eowaa Comity. It spnearinsr to the Atifnt;rt n k - wwwa wfl w Court that J. C. Lentz. John J nnnrim.n and Sarah Goodman are non-residents of mis state, and are necesaarv nriia tn tia 11 1 f Tfr ! 1 a. 1 in . ... ... "nicicv uj iiiq uours mat publi cation be made in the "Carolina Watchman" for six successire weeks, requiring the said defendants to annear at tho nffi r Clerk of the Superior Court for said countr. T "M ,,aJ,B rom nejaate oi this sum mons, and let them take -notice that if they fail to answer the said complaint within tliattime the plaintiff will apply to the Court fnr tK nliri).....j.j Ii . . . ----- v-i .ui uwuftuueu in ms complaint. Giren under my hand,,; this 27th day of r..a J. M. Horah, C. 8. C. l1I:6wJ of Rowan County. coramssioHER's sale OF REAL ESTATE! Pursuant te an order of the Superior Court oi nowsn county, l win expose to sale at auction, in the town of-Enoch rille. on Sat urday the 23d day of December, 1882, about 110 ACRES OF LAND, situated in Atwell Township, Rowan coun tr. adjoininz the lands ef John Bntler. Da. vid Deal, Hugh Parks, and others, being lioi no. z in me airision or the lands of Smiley Oehler. deceased. This land is well located, and is rery Taiuaoie. TERMS of sale One-third cash. on. third in six months, and one-third in twelre months. Interest from day of sale on de ferred payments, at the rate of 8 per cent.. line reuunea unui purchase money is paid. DAM ii xi. wiLtiiix, lom r. (P. O., Salisbury, N. C.) Blacxmes & Hehdkrsok, Attys, Norember 18, 1882. 6:5t flDUIIIISTRATOS SALE Of I PERSONAL FROFETY! JNotice is hereby giren that I will offer tor sale at public auction, at the late resi dence of Elizabeth Lrerlr. dee'd. in Vrv; i lin township, on the 27th day of Norember, 18S2, tbe following personal property, to wit : One horse and buggy, three head of cattle, 8 or 10 hogs and pigs, about 50 bush els of corn, about 20 bushels of wheat, far mine utensils, household and kitchen fur. niture, and perhaps others articles. a cmis oi Eftie UUZU 4;3w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Commissioner Sale - or HEAL ESTATE! Iu pursuance of an order of SudctL vwu.v m. auwio vpanry, i will sell at nnk he outcry to the highest bidder, atlta vuui i, avuBc uoor in Salisbury, on Monday, 5th day of Febntary, Ififli a tract of land situated in, Rowan CoTjitt lying on the-Mlller Ferry Road, adjoiHiB; the lands of Dr. LVY. Jones, Mrs. Hacfett Thomas M. Kerns and others, T:ontainjM about three hundred (300) acres and briij the tract of land! which was devised to! 7 iJ. ouiiuaiuu vy wuua i. Duarer as ik "Powe Place." " f - siicws&o r oAiiE z vjnsi rnira tnof ... third in 3 months and the Wnnn. i months title retained until ey is paid. - CHARLES PRICE: I ' c- Com'r K. B. This Is a ralnahlA tmrt nf i.r.j . ... - ,r . " um lying o miies irora Salisbury and one mill irom xm. u. . and is well watered ani timbered. 4t J VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE Tor 1883 ia ava Elegant Book of 150 pages, 3 colored olates of flowm La resetables. and more than 100Qillustr;An. of the choicest fiowers, plants and rcgeUv bles. and. directions for crow-ins?. Itie h. some enough for the center tabic or hulL day present. Send on your name and pojrt office address, with 10 cents, and I will Mad you a copy, postage paid. This is boU quarter of its cost It is printed in bdtk English and German. If you afterward ot. der seeds deduct the 10 cents. j Tick's Seeds are the Best la the World I The Floral Guide will tell how to get and grow them, j r Vicx's Flower and Vee-e table Grd 175 nasTcs. 6 colored olates. 50S enrr&vinc For 50 cts. in paper corers: tl in eWint cloth. In German or Enerlkh. i Vick's Illustrated Monthlr Maazin. pa''es, a colored elate in ererr nnmher lid many fine engranngs. Price $1.25 a jesr! j. w oparjuca nam iters Kn ior WCIS.J3 inai copies for 25 cents. jajhes vicii K19) BOCBSSTKB, K. T. ADMINISTRAT01VS SALE or RAIL ROAD STOCK. On Saturdar Januarr 6th 1R8.T r will sell three shares of N. C. R. R. Stock for cash. Sale to take nlaco at 12 oVWfc M. at the Court House in Salisbury. I H. C. B0ST,Admr. de" bonis nonef Bnrrace Heathman. ! Doc-fith. - j ojim. Ix thb 8trsx ox Qovxt. I fciAjLt, persons haring claims against the voi,ra w i. uc hiu Aiizaoein iycriy, aec a, are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of Norember, 1883, and all persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make prompt payment. Monroe Barger, Adm'r of Elizabeth Lyerly. Nor. , 1882. 4w J SHERIFF'S SALE LAND! We continue to act aa solid tora for DStanta. esTeatn. copyrights, etc.. for BS. and in ohta.in nl. , - - -- i aa, jsnnaaa. Jfrance id all other eoi feet abore the sea. that has been sprinkled with fresh blood. There Jires in Taylor ; county a Mr. Ganltney, ttJjq l the greatest curiosity in Georgia. There seems to be an accu mulation of adipose mattpr about every jotut m his bfiyincl the nearer the joints of course the greater amonFpf tfjia fatty matter. .Conseqdeutly bis jiapdsand fept are euorinoofr, each of his panda weighing UI1IIIIG STOCK REGISTER AND JOURNAL of FINANCE Gires the ralus and correct ratings of orer s,qoq uming Ccapanies and tk8 LATEST MINING INFORMATION. Includinsr Diridenda. AfuuHamnf t... ml ITIl QI- O.I . M.ynmw owMm. oun ior eacu week, ud in within 9A Kaum Af .nki:..i: . ' Tor Sale by til JTears Dealers. . SCBSCBirTIOjr. kS tier vm Single Copy 15 cents. Spedal detailed 5?2.flS2? are noticed in ft ,6CIK?T1F10 AintfeiCAW, which has wrges eirctiUtion, and is the moet tafln ffi P'pef of it3 kind published ia the n8dTsTOCh"otipe J&l!."1 iejedidlr JUustratsd news- sod is admitted to be tho 1m Iv - ' aZ?"? apiuffls, engineering works, and other departmenta of todnstrial progress, publiahed fn any country. Single eopiesby mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news- Ad dress, Mum & Co publishers of Brian- By rirtue of Venditio Exponas and execu tion issued out of the Superior Court of Rowan County in faror of p. N. Heilig & Son against John L. Cruse, in my bands for collection. T will Boll ni: . ' I 1 T ... mr.. mtm uwil MUVllOfl, at ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE i KKM ftSr all the richt. title, interest and Mtitntftii. v " . w. hUQ said John L. Cruse, in and to the following real property, ria : A tract of land in Row. an county, adjoining the lands of John P. Rimer, Henry Klutts, and others, and known as the Chancey Young place. .TJ!llniCMhDated Salisbury, the 18th day of September, 1883. . C. C. KRIDER, 5A'jf. . Haring ' administered on the estate of Arua tt.iney, aee'd, 1 will sell at public auction on the late premises of the deceased t. ri i n pv-p w , ie, iwo Horses, tWO Milch COWS, one Vparlin to... TT 1 Farming Tools, Corn, Wheat, Oats, Hsy Kitchen Furniture. ; ITorth Carolina. ROWAN COUNTY,' t Jam es Millard, Admr of Sarah Greea, Tft A.aa.UAAt - ' Wilford Dent and others, Dfn Petition to sell land for assets. ey deroted bflo American. 261 Broadwar, Handbook about patents mi l&tf '. New York. i mailed free. tiMl.rerfehUI1ead,lHel. tw,n. per for tIL. Xm. -Jffi& tj thi-ee years.oM and thirty-six inches iu ueignc. pavqnnan jseics, The Financial and Mints Pii. o 887 JJroadw6.T ??ew yorlCity. Kotice'is Hereby Given- That application will be made to the next General Assembly of North Carolina for the passage of an Act to amend the Charter of By, order of the Board of Commissioners. UUllES, Mayor. E. B.Nkavk, Secjf. Datid December 37, r882. 13:1m SPECIAL N0TICE.-,Those baring claims against the said Aaron Rainey, dee'd fi!rieedt0,eXiiDitthm on or before the 13th day of December, 1883, or this notice will be plead in bar of recoVery; and m-f? utJWf fia dee'd, must pay without delay, i ' JL.OipBLB.Admr. Rowan co., Dec. 13th, 188J. 8tpd LAUD AflD LULL PROPERTY FOR SALE 6v CAWDYi i 'Vtf h tin fforld. 8:1m ASHvboofFioeu pAWDT, oettrorwl -?V'xpeesi office for SXfiO. sni. boztertl.7a Standard for Purity ant rct Mre. Address,! v A p. R0YSTEI 4 tS SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CRAO LINA WATCHMAN, ONLY . $J.50 fR YEAR. I offer mr Plantation and Xfsn t. i for sale, situated on Crane Creek 5 miles oou LQ or Baiisoury, containing 230 acres 75 to 100 is Bottom. Th 1. . j dwelling house with all necessary out S52"Jft. IX 5" co". of a wtiu u cxceiienc pair or Burrs and Com Mill with the UVrr.p.f "u: water wheels, a new Eureka Smut machine and new Bolting Cloth. The Cotton-Gin house is 34x38, two story building, riijbt new with a Hall Gin nn,i -Vir.V I " f wviiMVHSVl OBiAii BCII feeder, with Lid del Boas Press, There is 'J" o er or 85 horse power situated between the two .rr.nmui 1. . run either or all at the same time. The time. pVJM ln repair at this Any person wishing to buy such property Will do Well to Call on m .f 0111.... USII9UUIT, ? oo, ,o P. N. IDZILIG. Nor. 28tb '82, It appearing to the satisfaction of tie Court that John Dent, if liring, and lis heirs, if he be dead, and Hatch Dent, if lirj. ing, and his heirs, if he be dead; defending in the abore named case, are non-rcBidenti of the State ; It is ordered by the Court that publication be made in- the "Carolina Watchman" for six successire weekt, notif fying the said defendants to appesrsttks office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan County, on Monti sy the 18th dsj of December, 1883, and answer the csmplsint which will be filed in tbe abore entitle se tion, within ten days from the date hereof, and if they fail to answer the complaint tbi plaintiff will apply to tbe Court fox tbe re lief demanded in the complaint. ! J. M. HOHAH, C. B. C. j of Rowan County. 1 Oct. 27, 1882. 3.-6W j North Carolina, l ra Bxrt: Tobias Kesler, PTjf, . Against John F. Reed and others, IkfCt. Petition for partition of land. v .... It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that John F. Reed, JohnC. Conno? and wite Sally J. Connor, John S. Leonard and wife Margaret & Leonard, B C. Jones and wife Alice 0, Jones, W. W. Rcid, LuU Reed and Louisa Mason, defendants in tfes abore entitled case, are non-residents of this State and are necessary parties to this action : It is ordered by the Court that pub lication be made in thfl "Carolina Watch mann for six successire weeks, notify th said defendents to appear at the .office ef the Clerk of the Superior Court Row County, on Monday the J8th dsi of peceaf ber, 1882, and answer the complain! ICB will be filed therein, and if they fail to anf a. i .u i.;n;fT Stl annir to the Court for tbe relief demanded m the complaint. J M. HORAH, u. a. w. of Rowan County, Oct, 31, 1883 .J- 8:6w FOR RENT- SHOP Ce. pWBLLINGr ! Property sitnatedVon Main Street, op posit MerMiey'a Hall. To examine prop erty and learn .terms apply ! MRS. Klit 4? i