WOC Ah' MINING. TlIUlsi?AY. JANUARY 4, 1.8eU T. K. BSUNEtt MANAGER. a ' All ... it. A. f Tnnnii tr vi a rrpr iiin ihl Uii v ui naiiuai v 33 the slil&cription price of the Watch' Ooe year-p""- V, v. u payment ueiaye uiuuiu, ,w P4ymcnt delayed 12 months 2.50 Work has been suspeuded at tie Reimer tniue, until next ami be. ' Thev have also saspcuded contract for sinking 50 feet, which was let sometime since. f of The pareita and sister of MrV. S. ecus re M1 kiting gentleman. 'If o ; Inferilr Coart is in session they Wm. P. Buckle of New prietor of Dunn's Mountain looking after his interests, v York, pro line, is here Mr. Th itore ncrii tfu old tai Mauri e lid W:, at F Vbeeler. ill dispose f a miog tliefr sitting Sulphuric acid from 3ulphurcted oldorea. JLTr. Editor :-u ."a! recent number of the New South I saw an article from T. K. tltSlt tite last r-ftltliOnilke SllOfk ll-Hl .If'S-Unr tliaTi 1 -.With ilia nrniur di. troytil the whurr, so we luiiuYd what we veridty of crops, with crass, cattle and I could oi tons of .freight, in smnll boats sheep, farmers ought to have a plenty of huh ui nr.. wain iai.ru uuck to is. i.,aii-l nitrogen, without buying pound, will letm u by way of New Orleans, in i,Hve frequently recommended a in a month or so, at an expense of some Kainite nsa substitute for the mui Hundred dollar per ton. . potash in this formula' wherever it could wealth (estimated) of these United State U As you will see by tbe head of this letter, be obtained cheaply enough; Kainite has ft, now m,l; im .V 000 000 000 itHs lam at Sun Ptnlro. Am wnitinrrfnr n,m iw.-k;Mv..Aii-i.ifi.L,iti: I is now qui jv some foo.wuw, u to repair the track so that I can go on. I It probably acts both! directly' and iudi- M)Uin ?f ndred year hencejwe may in the United States which count, $1Q0; 000,000 each. lAccumulaHiis at 3 per cetirl; each these at'the eud f 100 year rousT wel to $2,00a000,000. Ami a tn;4wuoie fBuerbauni the street, nearly id see ad. 4-Mr.Johu Joseph. Kincaid Miss Al fee H Overman, on the 4th ankliu church, by Rev. Jos. The Holiday . a tatple have ife fsr ano .tble aud p i left Puerto Cortez for this place about 9 jjrectly. The sulphate of potash it con-lw 25 men owning all the property of A-111 box r, that being what is tains is quite a stimulating' food to the every kind existing in this bonnteoas IV.n .r" ...t7re,r,,e,r: e".u Vlu " anw promotes ine na. X)o our readers know that Moxor v vmicvi vuuiuiun m regular ana eany npeuing oi toe coiten. U :30 -p. m., and put op at a mad cabin, Kainite may : be 1 used with advantage and sleptin a hammock for the night, therefore both upon the moist low-landa V 1,10 27 milea ln I3 hoars, stopping of the eastern part of the SUte and upon eight times to fix the eugtaereut trees the hillsides of the west where eottoL ia on the track and put mud.m Uie boiler, out of its natural kingdom and haa to be so that it would not leak the fires out. hastened to maturity, i The common salt, rom Choloiua to this place we traveled it contains also, acts' only indirectly, I lRrm.r r.r Q.ii'.t.nr :.:n;...i.uM. on mules, and here lam atthia miaerahialaiituwia in tnm.K'ino iai. f.jt i M ias removed his I i, . u i.t. i.. I Hotel. I wish von conld mm It awl tl.l ix--.;i -.fi opposite iug ef the eold bearing ufnhurets of the Pf"Petor, "Subn as he is called. He is a tbe plant food locked up in insoluble Ct.. k .1.. l.Lm T1 niCe UOSt aild St 111 ttlliea nntnArml til mmnnnnJa T 1 M TT IU . n - HMB. II L W I - - - wv uua rM UIIW . . w M va f ! .m 4. .11 1 1 . I a - - - I IJlArinS TI1F n W A.aK I W fill I HI. iBuvk ufu uu urns nui ui nun UO noil Win a nil tlna la nmlu il fraA in ell 'vv.ims w m w..www j behave to suit his whims a typical man leases, let me speak a Warning azainst the I fw oftiie country. I continual nse of Kaiuite alone upon tlie "Tx i verjr )eaa,Bl country, J same land. Its cheapness and the good and it is filled With natures most choice IrMnlbk it nnMlur fh firat vr bmi.li again and again. will prove ensnar OLT XXAHS WAEV J$tfc0. 1 .-T-i ;- ... : (, Brealclnsr a Merchant's Heart. H - y -c J ' 'j ' It was a clothing dealer on tbe Bowery and as the slab-aided young man opened the door he rabbed his hands over ' each other and said: 1 'Come ia my front. - I guess you Thas festivities are over and ClUfU' UU II VM CILI I UOJT year. May it be a profi- easatit pne to all our readers. her Kew Years day wai charmingly spent U the geiitjmen of Salibury, who paid ' SL ,. . r !; . i. lieir resiecis w a uo oi isui wuo re- Keived theul lu the most haudsome man lier. Tlieilvas quite a concourse at the sideuce M Mr. W. S. Negas, on New areata evetfitig. Mr V. a. rilackmers tiiug. bandj was ; there. Hud tliU4M who clt J.jclnisd enjovcil the da her, others referred vtitlveroatitin, and others talked fVH-rits otilths ; stair ) .M been found a method sufficiently economi cal for their successful .. and profitable treatment. While I do not propose to solve the problem and give a method for 1.1 1 trMf niAitt'.f tliAM lnur imiU gr f desire to offer a sueirestion which, under I S1!18 ocoa-nuts, oranges,bananas and all I the farmer to apply it given conditions, may be worthy of someiXhucr '." iw grow in aonnaauce.i Jiut these gKd results thought. At least there can be no harm I wids are full of monkeys, parrots and mg, if it is continued too long. It must in the sUorestion. If the cold in such blia? of oeatttiful plumage. Youremem-lbe remembered that It supplies onlr sulphureta as Mr. Bruner mentibus occurs I 1 was promised "a kiss for a monkey" j single elemeut of plant food, or counting m its native state and is only iaiechani-1 "TL U"DS cage imi nome. i ne sou the maguesia and soda as directly useful, Mllr mirnil nr. tli ! nliilmr.i nf irnn I S Woudeifall T rich, and if the Climatel olllv Mouia ailbordinAtA elmiir ak linaf m ;A xnnrur on I it la nnf miiunlirul tlin im 1 WSS OUIT tiealthV. it WO U 111 M ttlA fAnln I TllOBJ AM at m lllu t i n IT ! ami OTfmnati a nfl .Rk n .11 .nn. nin ilr, " Vfrf ,u41 IVIQ uv Uliuvi a laivuiiu.u loi , - . 1, , O I - v " " wmw.m j -wAMf.i.vw. w iku m VAIgaiU M mi J VU1 Wi u -.-J v. does not occur as asulphuret of gold then I fTO V.1 fcUO -woiwuusianaing wie tue sou when nsed alone, as explatued. itjLM t WM MjBlt pTe & . a. . . a. 1 A. . a. 1 - a. a. I I llilll rilHIHlal. If! a pa .im nilllV IHUyi W n t 11 ff. ".1 la . f T A M awl a lr aa a-a aa .w . aT I J - ll BCCUIB IQ IUO UUl reHBOUUOlO tuai Uie I . u... 6vvu umg, ii u,uot IUOT UIkO UIIIU BM uuu lur nu rial 1 a 1 TA ar hnt 1 1 aftvaaal l IVa 1 n I. aaaaa .11 I a. a.' 1 a ores niiguc ue mauipuiateu in iuemauu-i . &u.u mcio 10 n vuum, uvnr or so, out lis conuuuat use, 10 pro facture -of sulpuric acid. This would I w,tu J Jo muse aiso partaae uuce tins effect, will kill mm. m quiume as a sa. new i just imag- l nud exactly the same objection to the iue ltl 1 nae of lime nlona nnon fuittiMi liuid. nn1 I am sore thisis a eood mining COUntrv. I for a similar reason. Lime is niuiallr ni.- although I have not yet seen anvthinir of counted anioni? the elementa uf nlant fnat. the mines.1 1 be indications are crood. t e but its Drimarr action unon the soil Is mining lies, mimog experts and fights. I like that of common salt digestive. It "Thakee, I've got $80 in my pocket, and I thought" - 'Ah 1 Mine frent you vhas come to the right blace. How you like a blue suit for 1 10 fn "Fve got $80 in my pocket and was looking for" Take dis gray for $14 you never S-r hail desulphurize them and prepare them for the collection of the free geld that might be present by I the amalgamating process. The sulphuric acid ought certainly to de fray every expense and Jeave tbb gold and copper as clear profit. But I believe the snlpunne acid would jield some profit J hare been thinking that if the mines hastens the breaking up of orgauio matter itself, especially Kince you have fertilizer PTOT n good, l would go into the sheep especially and turns over its plant works iiLyour city. This you bee would raising business. On enquiry I have new plants. Hence its value up food to I was savins. I've cat $80, and I want tot bnv a Drettv fair one." 'ilere Is one au wool ft fix; simmp right into it." 1 , "A pretty fair one, with silver blated handles," continued the young man." "Fve got 'em ! I'm der only dealer in New York who kep ofergoats mit silver- Useful Christmas Presents k sea a. VERY CHBAP.? HaTO just received a New Lot which will fed . sold Cheaper than erer before. DON'T WAIT i V E A The Ma -o- 9 it rat en of mealing, lap Monday, which itttwitu held their was for the st i f - r a n . mipose oi eiecuog a county ommisaioa- er to till a vacancy in the present Beard. . m s iif I it - r .1, .. il ' rw w At tue caiiifg oi iue roit m uusuces an swered t tir names, which constituted a quorum ii lie.) iiutuvuiatcij urnuueu by calling TiXT Sumner to the chair, who announced Ife object of (he meeting and requested tlat the ballot iug be proceeded with, tlie result of which was as follows: J. G. Fleipiug received 13 votes, VV. G. WaUoD y, l Jacobs 2, Wilsou Trott 1, J. K. Grabafji 1 and J. M. Harrison 1. Mr. Flemig receiving a majority of all the totes eaft was declared duly elected. Johu Sloop JfEsq., then made a motiou that Mr. Klemingls election found that it requires from 30 to 40 oun ces of quinine per sheep, per annum, to keep them alive. Quinine is worth $8 per ounce, bo it does not ntrure like a N. C. sheep farm, Perhaps I will start a "Nup tial Association" -it inicth take with these people who do ne calculating. 1 am delayed here waiting for machin ery to come on, and for the railroad track above here to be repaired. It has not been used fer some time, and is fast going to decay tue only "fast going77 thing iu the country. I fear I shall hare trouble to secure laborers, although these natives I sons stated. are poor tUey will work only as they The snecial case which I vUli tn rite please; because they can live on the shows how these things may be riichtly natural products of the country. I den'tlused. Wheu a heavy application of or think you could stand their mode of liv-lganic matter, like cotton seed, stable ng get up at 9 a. m., (that's not hard to j manures, oreven straw, leaves, muck,&c, re- cheapen the procurement of the cold and copper. If a portion of tbegoldsbould pass witu tue copper the value of the pig could readily be ascertained by chemical aualy sis and a market, no doubt found for it. If any of the sulphurets, referred to by Mr. Bruner, are sufficiently pure, that is, comparatively free from extraneous mat ter. to justify j handling for the sulphuric acid they maybe capable of yieldiug, tneii l .would be glad to see this process tried in their treatment for the! profitable collection of gold. 1 am not a practical gold miner, have never attempted to handle gold bearing sulphurets but it ap pears to me that in practical and scientific bands some good might possibly come of a proper experiment in this process. I til roar rIlt. th adirorAtSnn ami oltnnll it prove to be chimerical and uiiworthy of k) nd "ftTe..a CQP of cffe. breakfast I can be made, this objection o lime is upon new grounds and npen peaty, sour low lands. But it is eminently desirable to preserve ! the organic matter in the soil taimprove its mechanical condition and as a basis of fertility to retain ammonia salts and mois ture in the soil. Our! light sandy lands are usually already deficient in organic matter. It is a puicedal policy, which burns up all they do contain with lime in order to produce one crop. The continu al use of any siugle compound upon soils is questionable. But the use of lime aud potash alone are especially so for the rea- blated handles." "I don't mean overcoats." .'NaT 'I mean coffins ! Let's see fsil styles." "My front," whispered the dealer as he 4la lata ill A t,a-aa n.t(tmm Vkan I realize dot yon haf $80 in your peckeit, I O U 1 1 0, undlhafno gofflns to sell, I feel dot I miglit as vhell gif oop dis mad struggle for riches. Haf tome, pitty on a broken hearted man, nnd take two bed quilts at three dollars abieee, nnd let dot geffin go." Wall Street Daily News. As they are Selling VERY FAST. MvS. iBRQWHTSr mi if dp m n m mi .,5.' IS THE PLACE! your latest! fflgg 'F 2LE3lOJ? O HATS, &C. :o: The distillers held a quiet meeting last YOU Call SaVC MonGV by GXam- i- -: s it i j x i I - ,ww wee, to Vmoinnau auu axrceu to acep unanunoas, niutiou. N Udjoarued. be made yrhich was carried by aceU ther busiuess, the meeting serious tuougnt, it will at least do to talk about. CD. Smith, Fuanklik, N. C. Dec. 26th 1882. i Kew South, Wilmington A Tbe suggestions in the foregoing letter from Prof. C. D. Smith, are worthy of thought. The practical miner may by experiments determine in a short time the value of the suggestion. Prof. Smith overlooked the statement in tho letter re ferred to, that "This is caused by the re fractory condition of the u u decomposed veiu matter, the gold being in chemical combination with sulphurets" Sue. ' A aaV . large per cent oi tue gold winch is me chanically mixed with sulphurets may be saved by careful treatment with si in pie amalgamating plates, to Which may be added concentrating blankets. These blankets placed just beneath copper plates catch what fine gold escapes. It is of courmA. npraiuuirv ' tn lia.cn ttit nrv Kt : . - Jl -i a... . i i I ' "T; quarterly pulv.rizing m3iciuerjt M fre gold ,u. u-wwu, .v. occurring in sulphurets is fine grained Ma mw v av'mMsaw vu 90 j itisv viue of the sulphurets, hence the necessity of concentrating blankets. The sulphurets of Rowan and Cabarrus counties are suf ficiently-pure to test this at eleven and dine at 5 p. m. If you tret! Hungry between meals, take a little quin ine. When I get to the mine I shall in troduce some American .customs, three solid meals a day, for instance. Its awful lonely, and no one smiles when I sine : "O for a woman with all her woes To wash my victuals and cook my clothes." Countt Co.i'i.ssioKits. At the regular meeting of die Board of County Coiutnie- ftiuner; on Monday the 1st instant, there were preseuji Titos. J. Sumner, C. F. Ba ker, Dr. W.li. Coleman and W. L. Kluttx, aud after p:siug upon a number of coun tj claims it pVas Ordered that Joseph Barber, heretofore appointed f4!ell for cash the Scotch Irish Stock Law uce, pay the money received fur the saniiiow in his hands into the comity treasury,' less, 10 per ceut, com- UIMlOtlS." (j ' W.L. Kldftz and C. F. Baker were Editor Carolina Watchman : Doubtless there will come to yon this moved, of course. Where immediate re sults are desired from such application the use or lime and salt becomes advisa ble. Here is a case in point. A very successful farmer in j an eastern county writes me as follows ; "I took a piece of land that, iu its natural state, was too poor to produce cotton and put upon the acre the following manures: 100 cart loads of muck, 15 bushels cotton seed, 100 pounds of salt, , 100 do of Kainite, zuu do of Lame. their production down to 40 per cent, of their capacity instead of 35 per cent, as decided six weeks ago. For the purpose of aiding expert, each distillery which continues running agrees to pay four cents a bushel on the mash used, which is expected to aggregate $3,500 to $4,000 a day, jaud is to be used in paying a bonus to. distillers who export their spirits. Over $700,000 is said to have bs,n ex pended in these bonuses last year nearly as much will be spent tins year aaig- nificant proof of tbe over-preduction ining my BOOTS, SHOES. TRUNKS, &0. week, a score of pens for the benefit of The result was, I made about 1,000 lbs. which has glutted the borne market. "Ni Fnllor." Aud there should come to kim, for his benefit, a score of horse whips. This is from one who disap proves and even carried a feeble voice iu protest, against the practice of masque rades, remembering how. 25 or 30 years ago the custom was so abused as to make it necessary in some Cities to Legislate against it, but the youth of Salisbury wonld not believe, because it could not see that it could lead to evil. Aud eren of seed cotton. It grew as high as my 1 shoulders. Where there was no manure it did not crow higher than my hand. . I am sure it was cut off at least one-third by the drought.77 The lime and salt sup plied the larce atnout of food contained in the vegetable matter rapidly to the growing plants. The gentleman thinks the common salt may be omitted, as there is enough iu the Kainite, and that the application would be improved by the the settlements between the Sheriff and Treasurer of all county and schoal taxes. J. F. Robeson, J. H. Graham and Mo ses Host, wei-a appointed as a committee to select a pfoper site with one acre of land, aud tojeondemn same, upon which to build a public school house for colored District No.- Locke, township. Ordered that the public road crossing st Johuson'sjlce Pond Brauch be repaired aud pat in gbod otder at the county's ex pense. ' I ' Ordered tat the double tax levied on the estate of, J. N. BJobnson, dee'd, be remitted. Ordered t at a bridge on the Mill Hill road, and ts on Bi ingle's Ferry road, crossing Crape creek, be repaired. this old knowing one could not see that addition of 100 lbs. of acid phosphate per it would lead to gross tnsult frein one of Inert) to biippIv the first demands of the Salisbury's own citizens (if it is a citizen) plant, before the onranic matter is de- aud the publishing of that insult in a composed. This would certainly be very neighboring city, or that cue pages of the I good manuring. process, er manipulation in the manufacture of sul phuric acid and subsequent collection of the precious metal. The ores trom the "Beiaier," "Bulliou,"or "Beudleman7 in this county, or the "Phoenix," "Tuck er" or "Quaker City" in Cabarrus would fouruish material which would effectu- allr test the practicability of Prof. Smith's suggestion. - "I Charlotte Observer would consent to be soiled by anything so foul so vulgar. Such evils as a man being clothed in wo man s garb and imposing on the unsus pecting is mortification enough ; even to those who feared it might come to that. But who could anticipate the C. W. Dabnet, Jb., Director. The following letter from Mr. R. Eames Jr., is so much like him, thai it is pub lished for tbe benefit of nisi numerous frionrl.. vim will dnnlitlcm itnd it tvilli uwrga d.ong, consUDie elect, of Sal-1 ,,1,.,.,., aim PIT fni. aaT. ' si. , I it' lyunuAuip, uieu 111s omciat uouu eestions, which I presume are not even I comprehended by most of the partici pants. There are I presume gentlemen among the dancers of Salisbury, that there are ladies as pure aud chaste as never to have conceived the existence of ideas suggested in this paper 1 know. As a specimen of humor for 1 suppose it makes no pretention to wit it is a signal failure. Awakening only a sensa tion of disgust, as a bit of composition, the most iguoraut negro might have pro duced it, but as an emition of filth from , . a, a tout conception aua nearc, it pre-emi nently a success. May main incog: Jau. 1st. 1683. Skxatob Raksok Outside or His State. United States Senator Baosom low sag-1 is warmly endorsed for re-election by the "iSi r'ailor" re Old Folks. leading Democratic paper of .North Caro lina. The general sentiment of the press seems to be voiced when it says that "while there are many gentlemen in tbe Democratic party of the State who with exerience would grace the position, we kuow of none who would fill it better than or as well as Hon. M. W. Bansom, and hence we believe it the part of wis dom to re-elect him." Outside of North Carolina Senator Ransom has won the reputation of an able, conservative aud honest Senator. Baltimore Sum aud was duly qualified. A petition from a number of the citizens of School District No. 1, Franklin town Alrip, was psented, askink the Board to oke an c)ier iiiadrat thdflast meeting requiring tle school term of said district to be taaghj, in the Hall school bouse was notgraBtedjj The Beard, after hearing tbe qbestioti ; discussed at some leuirth. erdered that their prerious order iemain in force, provided, Mr. A. L. .Hall repairs and makes! lomfortable the Hall House t his Own iilteuse. and fllm mftlcA a. t. San Pedro. Cnot Sanco Pedro) Rep. Honduras. Cen. Am; Dec 11th, '82. My Dear Thos. K. I sailed from N. Y. on 4N0V. 18th, and arrived at Puerto Cor tez on Dec. 2nd. On tho seventh day out we were some 20 or 30 miles off tbe coast of Cuba, could see the mountains very plainly which Are some 5000 feet high aud look very grand from the Ocean. At For tune Island we took on fifteen: negroes as laborers. Not like tbe ones you have in N. C.,'by any means. Long,; lank, wild looking men half civilized and less than tlfi to the -SlhooL Committeemen and their I half dressed. They are treated about the successers for the acre of land on which aame as slaves. I saw some of them div- said house located. ing for sponge and it was remarkable how Allowance were made from the Poor long, they could stay uc der water. On the Fuud as fbljlwa : T Jas. B. Gibson for 18th (the same day I left N.: Y.) one of Wm. Smith 2 peT month ; John Kincaid, tuo nativoa went down and came up on 2 j Polly VVlIer, $2.30, and Mr. Can- u,e twenty -fourth with a cotton basket Pftothioghis blind chihl during fulh He wanted to ,sell it to me, but I weretjetjyear, now at the Institution concluded from the looks of the u stives forhe Bliqdjin Rsieih. that it was not fashionable to bathe with ' W A Cailtfi-ir t"1Jk r 1 it a sponge, so did not buy. Joke, hey t Brtdv W.V ' - P l Eagle, and Joe Whe about two hundred miles off the el: J. 3 f Ppwntwd co in in i ttee tn e u for ast of N. C. we had quite a storm. I oi uiit ho. 7, Morgan township. I hope neyer to realize another such j al though we were id no danger, as nothing happened to the ship. But bow she did jump 1 racks ! on the table did no good dishes went all over. I suppose you won der whether L was sick or notiT well yes, just a little. It euly lasted about 36 hours. I wish 1 could describe the feeling to you, but cannot. I felt like the man who was one minute afraid that he would die, and the next, afraid that he ' would not. On tbe 26tb, one of the negro laborers died, and was buried at sea. Just think of it Tom, we all went black berry iug" on the briny deep, and in November too. We arrived inlBelize on the J28th. Bel ize is an English tow u but the Spanish niercantila houses. It I language is spoken altogether.: It is cer- la a 1 a I a aiaa.aa.al .aaa cainiy a cropicai town. imvicM j unco- . N. C. Agricultubal Station, Raleigh, N. C. Bulletin No. S. HOME-MADE MANURES TOR COTTON. ; The interest in home-made manures is rapidly increasing, nship. paupers reported at the wnty-jfour por;Hou4! D.ffHllATE.-The Wando Phos tonPay, ot Charlestons manufac a Sl I""10 of Aeia Fuosphate. --enisement has 'hi 'fngly worded remonstrance . bsea Resented to Congress against .,1 f? H any bankrupt act. It is fodW ' i !? V lwelTe andred firms and MaJi-r1" baaioe8 in New York, niof Ti awothe largest and . Tw JC0Pcjed AMon a. . I '"-c Itiaa. tin. K.l to .iy.rm"luVy cs necessary -vj Lueniiui ..... r . . niifr. -3 3 vi aa uooes. on. hae be r wiii.e tnosrj which tp fra..lTfu H? bavp bpeu a tepijitwtion I IS men and tropical Custom House officers. I mean negroes by tropical. Sa w bu 1 1 wo white women during a stay of two days tit ere. i - Arriving at Puerto Cortes we found Is Life Worth Living:? is a question asked by a bright English man a few months since j and was not answered. In the name of the majority af the workers we say decidedly it is not. And why t We answer briefly : Because the men who do the work and A host of farmers tried the formulas recommended last year, aud iu spite of the bad season, they re mrt pi.tr .otif'ipli.rr roiiulfs ITt.it. icno.L a . aa . .... .1 nnulniui'tha it'.iiirli T r 1 1 1 a a n I mvmw ftrh. materials as were tound on the Jarni auu w. j supplementing them with such chemicals ler country do not secure for their own as ceuld be obtained numerous different comfort aud cood the wealth which their , . An old woman in St. Louis saved $1,- 100 out of the hard earnings of 30 years, and the other night lost the money u the street.! The newspapers described her pitable grief, for she was completely prostrated by tbe loss, and when she read oue of theseaccounts she felt still worse j for she said she did not waut the the whole world to know her troabe. But when a boy came in with the money, and explained that he had found out its owner' from the papers, she thought bet ter of journalism. F i Paris, Jan. 3. The funeoal of Gam betta has been postponed until Saturday morning M. M. Brisson and Jules Ferry will be among the Speakers on the- acca- sion. , Berlin, Jan, 8. Seventy houses have fallen at Badenheim in consequence of I the floods. At Rercheiro, Morsch and Oppari, eighty housM have fallen in each place from the same cause. At Vienna the danger is serious, and preparations are making to sound alarm bells directly the dykes show signs of yielding. x ' Edward J. Hale Dead, i New York, January 3. Edward J. Hale died in this city last night, aged SO years.! He was born in Kandolpu county. N. C.,! October 26th, 1802, and for forty1 years was editor of the Fayette villa (N. C.) Observer, a controliog journal in North Carolina aud.the Soath, from 1828 to 1865. Since 1866 he has been at the head of a publishing house in this city. i Froih this date will give you special BARGAINS! M. S.BROWN. December 7th, 1882 SALISBURY MARKET, Cotton. Corn, new Meal, .. Flour. wneau , Oat a, Rye, Teas, Bur. vt loo lbs. Potatoes, sweet, man Apples. dried. .......... Peaches, M nnpealed. - peaieo, , ... t-at 45 to 60 SO to SO SS.25 9 Utt 8501.M .70 9 , .S54 .40(4 .SSa .04 .03 X .04j .TS .45 .85 .48 .OS MX BUSINESS LOCALS New Store, More Room and More Goods ! I hsve removed mv Stock of Goods into an elegant Store Boom just across tbe street from my old stand. Have replenished my Stock, and invite all my customers to come and see me in my new quarters. TIIEO. BUBBEAUIX. January 1st, 1883, work produces. Let us see how this is Charleston, Jan. 1. Dave Roberts, a netrro confined in the Abbeville jail this State,' on a charge of cotton stealing and murderous assault, was taken out said lynched last night. Admittance was ob tained by strategem, and the Sheriff ov erpowered. mixtures have been tried. 1 he aim of all. however, was to apply about 25 lbs. ithnATtlutifr. arid, ten to twelve pounds of I80 nitrogen and twelve to fifteen pounds ofj The census tables of 1870 showed that a Wa. . u a 1. a I . m . . potasu m uie acre, wiibb preoeu. uervitne real workers oi cue country uien pro-i n nmrrj m tttjitttj npT3Tl just one general and one special case, by daced wealth u, the amount of about bOMBlIl lEdLh i UlLKll OfilU llri farmer ha. cotton seed for each pair of hands. The census and stable manure, and every one is able! tables of J830 show that the average to get some dissolved bone or dissolved J wages paid to all mecj.anical and mill S. C. phospiiateano apoiasu sau. a mix hand8 WJU ouiy f37per year : aud the TUTT 8 PILLS A SUGAR PLUf.l Terr's Pills are new covered over with a vsnills sngar coating, asking them st pleasant to -wallow ss s little sugar plum, and render- at. -T . a ing mem agreeanie to tne most uencaie stom- acb. They cure sick headache and biilious colic. They give appetite and flesh te tbe body. They cur dyspepsia and nourish tbe nyt- tem. They cure fever and ague, eostiveness, ect. Sola everywhere. 25 cents a box. 43:6m Malaria. Cntlls and Fever, and Bullous attacks poslUrelr cored with Emory's standard Care Pills an Infallible remedy : never tails to core tbe most obstinate, long standing cases where Quinine and all otber remedies had (ailed. They are prepared expressly for malarious sections, ln doable boxes, two kinds ot Pills, containing a-strong cathartic and a chill breaker, sagareoated; containing no Quinine or Mercury, causing no griping or purging; they are mild and efficient, certain in their action and harm less tn aU eases : they effectually cleanse the system and give new Uie and tone to the body. As a house hold remedy they are nneonaied. For liver Com plaint their equal Is not known ; one box wiilhave a wondemu effect on the worse case tare like the following was tried by a wages of farm-workers in 1870 was still aadf monir farman 111 at. VfUir i 800 lbs. Acid Phosphate, aboui $10.00 less. Probably an average wage of $300 , 100 do. Muriate of potash, do. 2.50 per year for all our workers is not far h 600 do. or about 20 bushels from the mark. ' : 500 do. stoble manure, What becomes of the balance of the aiasine a ton oi a.vw ivb.. wruuxi uu coun he best Market variety in the World. Points of excellence : I has no equal for root or Salad. i. It Produces Salad two weeks earlier than any other kind. They are used and prescribed by physicians, sad sold by druggists everywhere, or sent by mall, SS and so cent Dozes, smory- utue vataarao mis, nest ever made, only 1 cents. Standard Curs Co. 114 Nassau Street, New York. 43:17 FOR 3AU 5T J.IH JEHFIIU. HIGHLAND CIOL I c W 11 a l f f Ul vivvrnvq vi sjpss v waawaavw vi wsv I I - SiJSSA -i .aOvmoa.st.iMo dcotinjuu-t d., oth, 081, Hathematical and $120. ! One farmer who applied 300 pounds of this per acre writes t ! am wonderfully pleased with the results. I made, ia spite of the drought, 850 lbs. of seed cotton on laud that made last year 700 lbs. per acre, highly manured with a commercial fertil izer. I had a teuant whose crop joined mine (land equally as good) who nsed the . Gaano and made about 500 lbs. per acre. My experience is that it is equally as good for corn as for cottn.w i Mauy farmers added 100 pounds sul nhataaof ammonia to' similar mixtures. Thia won necessary on SOaie. soils when varieties. each? Our i&morant and conscienceless tax spenders at Washington take some $300,- It produces more Salad than any ot 000,000 a year; oar ignorant and con scienceless legislators for States, coun ties, cities, -etc., take twice as much more! which, they spend regardless of the workers who make and pay the taxes. Our Railroad and other monopolists and speculators take the j balance j and that balance seems to collect in. the hands of bur plundering Barons, like the Goulds, stable niauure aud cot tou seed were in- x lelds, Vanderbilts, Kockfelders, Mill's, tnfiicieut. But no farmer ougnt ever to Sprockets, Hnntingtons, Smiths, Tildens, hava to buy all or even a targe iar- oi uis .-millions upon minions, f Aitiiimrcial fertilizer j aud it is destin ed to ect dearer everv year unless fanners These fortunes must devour the land. ta0 up the home sources of nitrogen bet-J there are now perhaps tweuty fortunes Turnip. It is the best Turnip for Winterjusein market. r For sale only at J. H. ENNISS Drug Store. so them. Also Other VarictictOI TUCttlP SEED at i ' J. H. ENHSS' English. UICK0BT, 5, C, Spring session opens January 8th, 1888. Tuition, per month, $2.00 to $4.00. Board do do $10.00 to $12.00 For particulars apply to 1 l:w-pd H. C. DIXON, Principal, SPEGIAU10TIGE ! All persons to whom I have furnished either Fertilizers or supplies are hereby no tified that their notes and accounts were due NoYSmber 1st, 1883, and all persons who have not paid np must pay up, as no longer Indulgence will be given. If. w. ItUaUkLES. Nov. 2d, i882.$:4t ' 1882. FALL STOCK, 1882, IT is with pleasure that we announce to our many friends and customers, that we have just received the most complete and Uvoiiaviv.Okyv vi .. .. GENERAL MERCHANDISE that it has ever been our pleasure to exhib it. Beginning in our basemeut you will ; find Two Car Loads of Bagging and Ties of the best brands, and at reasonable prices. D0I1TDUYTILL.Y0USEEUS! V ba W,V Vk .v .fv e A at in our 41A1IN KUUfti win te iouna tne , largest and, by far, the most desirable stock of DRY GOODS, ' Domestic Goods. Piece Goods. Notions Trimmings and many other goods la Jl J al.-iL i t - J JUU WftUd AUU UCOU, VIIItl IB IU VO 1UUUU in this part of North Carolina, in our Clothing Department, np stairs, you win nua . 1,000 Suits or C!thingr, ! all sizes, and prices. Also a large line cf , OVERCOATS. In our Boot and Shoes Department, ' which is our boss department up stairr," will be fouad a very large line of Goodsj all stamped with our name aud warrant ed. If they rip bring back the pieces atd we will refund your money. a m a a w a a r h. m-t r.a iisn i. $2.50 is the best Boot for tb& price that 13 be found. In this department will be found a -large lot of ' HATS and CAPS, ALL DESIRABLE AND CHEAP. We have repainted and fitted np our fa mer grain room over our warehouse h:?1 opened in it A Large Stock of Carpet?. MattiiT, Bngs, Crumb Cloths, Carpet -EfafagT Also in this BOOM will be found a lare and handsome stock of ladies's CIoaIrt Doloans, Jackets, Silk Circles, sttc, lc. In our Warchwuse will be found TIIREfJ Car Loads of Salt Baeoa by the BiX. Sheetings, Tama and Plaids by tit Btlef and many other goods. - We have rented the store room adjoh i J. D. McNecly and will buyyour (JBalX, FLOUB, C0TT05 or other P&0Di'CC or Store ft for yon. With thanks ir your many favors and an earnest intent?.;:, to meet your continued confidence, we L; -you to call and see us before you buy ' OR 8ELL YOUB - 1 PR02DU03 J. P. ROSS, T. P. YOUKC A. M. Yomse, W. L. JOHKSOK, W. W. Gales, Wiixiam Ik Bice, N. BrlfcCjaKLEsB, CEExa

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