:w: j I p. i I K 4 ; I. FMUIUil JUT Mil OlIlQJjIhC SHAKER . & . AREY.; Phestons, Wagons, &c,4" Adminislrafor,si:Nolicoli - ' 'i ' V- ITavinjr qualified ae Administrator of the estate nf IMkvth Cowan.ecrased, I here by five notices to all perrons having claims 'against the deceased to exhibit the same to me on or liefore the 25th day nf Nevember, 1883. and all persona indebted xo sai estate ire requested to majcejinmediate navrtient. j W. IBTEELE..AdmY " 7 A x l of Ilcbccca Cowan fNor.0th, t882.-40:Cw j 2 "Present, their compliments to the public aad respeetfuMv solicit a trial of their Es- tablisment. It is complete in all the re quirements of first class business. f '. , xiorses, .Buggies, carriages, p . " avsjrr tnru . ' . ' S ViL r - C4M'RP4fthi interesting boo.k mpy Le had of F.IKiXTtz, Tiieo. KcjxrtAirsi or at live Watchman Office; .. f i ,s i ' : f I i 7T AHD AUK COXFIDEST OF. XIYlXQjgJ - 8pecial provision and favorable rates for Hoarding and keeping horses. - Drovers will find good Stalls and Sheds tour place. . .:.w , ; Special accommodations for the benefit f Commercial, Travelcre..- ?L Leg Street, Salisbury, N. C. i Sfctf ' ----- j'-.- Merit PRIZE WMh SEED.i ; be best Market variety in the World.. Palats of excellence : - ll bas no equal for root or Salad. , '.. v r.-T ft Produces Salad two weeks earlier thanQ. anj other kind. " ; Inserts do not injure this as they do other ' t t i . .' - ! varieties. It produces more Salad than Turnit. " ; ANTED. Onion Sets, at; !; j enmss jl'Dm store. SGHpOMBpOKfJt cost: at ENNISS' any other ' : & i ; i i It U the bcstrTurnip Tor W.ntcriusejn jjjji narKec f f , i Tot sals only it , - - J. H. ENNISS' Drug Store, nu viuci si ill ituis .vi Mf. .4' tore. SALE" OF HOUSESal LOTS I " SALISBURY. On Monday; the 4tK day , of December, next, at the Court "House jri 'SalisburV,: I will ell five Isaacs aajdjptailn Uie Jjast Ward of Salisbury, near the Salisburj Cem etery, belonging to the (estate of Otho Stunk aefd. ! mT'"y"'jf vr4 TEEMS OF The purchasers Will be required ' to pay one third of the purchase money. down and will be grantekl a credit of thre and sjr uiwuwia iui in uiucr tniHiuirus wun mier et at eighi per jcenW-Pitles reserved until all the purchase utonev is naid. J. S. M(;CUBBINS, Com.1 of Court. z:7t. TUUIVIP SEKD at : IT STANDS AT TIlE HEAD, j . it - ' Professinal Cards. no y COMING IN EVEB-YDAY'-ATJ vli PJSin'S j 1 MiMM:WMmFpom- f V f:D..QQftto;J -!lFa,0 tfSSa OOMib3'TOroTHB 3STEW STbUjE f .. luff rrnt mrrTiwThi'nir rrn-n trrnTiTKiW thrt. Pnnnifnw flii - .u:j- -! : i ALL MY. GOODS - V Were inspected in person at the-Manqfactories, and bouirht-for! rash at I he lowest prices, and. warranted p b of. the latest styles! nod best -quality, and will iuw as nj,iiouse in iue country. come .aiw j;et.- be sold as A nice Cottsie CfiaiDer'get'for oily -4.---..-:-4.$25.0II e-SGtS;ft------f-M:--$ao,, $35; anil $40 jpe-yyamnt setsMarDie :Tops.- only -i.i....:...-:-:::..;.:4..$55 i The New York World, touches up the tariff Commission in regard ito the ilnfv on window crlass in the ful- lowing paragraph : . i m :" President Arthur's abxtird Tariff Com mission proposes to inflict a duty of,, sdnie 75. per cen t. advaloreci on window, glass. ; Jtis pleasant to see the-Unitel States in this year of our Lord 1882 arid of perfect peace invi ted to ' impose a tax onlightsncli as England tyrew pa 4 more man ,ininy rears asro. but in or. more objectiona ble form ! This proposition involves laKiug ons oi iue uocKeis oi iue rf" ple"in,the forin'of ajduty on 'snosnine the sum of about five millions of dol lars a year, of vhicli sum 1 however,' orily one' million will ' go;, into ' the .Treasury," theremalning four ' millions being , donated to sii udry window-glass-making monopolists I However, never mind that,! ' Messrs." Kel ley, Kasson ' and Morrison , Make your tariff Tables o suit yoiirsel ves ; but remember that you must cut down the -Federal taxation this session by at least a hundred in il lions a year, or you are doomed I flhOQTi florte of GQ Rtl ; Special terms made -with .country mprehan ts w ho" want cheap Beds iu one dozen ind half dozen lots. BTI will also hare on hand A full line of COFFIKS, CASKETS and J i 40:3m ftEK."i DAVi8';MStik,'. '',T!T ill wrtvft W'Oai rnl 4 i;jB-1 FIVETHQUSAHD dUSTprJARSlWAHTED ,1 i MCCOBKLK. . , tllfiO. T. KJ.CTTZ. I r 1 McCORKLB & KLTJTT2, U ATTORNEYS AKD ( C U IUI C Kh" .r&Uisbury, NIC ." it W. SMITHDEAL IS NOW BATTLING with all the surrounding Towns and 'Cities in North Carolina a-ainst hih pricea on Engines, milers and lining ilachinerC.' Saw.Mills, Grist Mills, .Threshing! Machines, . . . "r-- gi-o. ojjuug j agons , ijou uie and 1 " C- Hmr W tDI lacturersnrices ail ranee, at the following low prices, to wit : Open Buggies with liar- THalr.Al TT 3 J-' ' vrr r. !T.",..Tr, " V'' irness rompiete tr9m f 05 to 200. attorneys. Counselors and Solicitors. i tuivic iiiiiniuaviiucu ajt nc louowing wen Known firms : i Columbus Buggy OoMoumbu Ohio; Whitney Wagon' Col, Svra, iw, N. Y. ; Emerson Wher. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; Sechler & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; Davis, Gould & Co Cincinnati Ohio ri MACHINES7 MANUTACTUIIZD BY e" t K-aii&.i4T. sk. mia. tnr. ra o,. Waynesboro, Pa . . Wcktord Hoffman, Macedone. N. Y. lvis Sswikg Macuink COMrMKT, watfruwn. New York. nLeMAffiedhi- A Co. Utasvtlle, Pa. THE L1GHT-RUHHIN0 ' DOMESTIC : That it is the acknowledged tadr in I tte Trade is a fact that cannot bu disputed , MANY IMITATE IT, NONE EQUAL IT! Tha Larjtest Armed, i : . - . The Lightest Itnnninsr, ; J The Most Beautiful Wood-wr rk. AND IS WAUB1NTED' ! To be made of the leal material. ' . To ilo any and all kind of work, i - 1 BERNHARDT BROS.,: - . Sanitary, 3,C ' - Agenta wanted in unoccupied territory. Addrew, " - - - r ' Domestic SetciHtj Machine Co. t 42:f 1 ErciiMOND. VA. ,. Urrlil .C! . iVi KERIl CRAIOE, L. II. CLEMEXT. CRAIQE & CLEMENT,- - ti- -- :- . . ! jl t fotitug j5 ivt g air; smsnm. 5.c. nepaano cnenucai oo.. FanaaelpWa; ra. AtiaaMc ;ui ronr Co.. S Y . ? lr- , 5J. w Maatara rpwaec coiapnay, ew York. -" ErrOFFICE UNDEUllEHONEY'S OPEHA HALL. ) WAKf HOOMS"rxUKIt MEKOXET8 OPKBA IIAI.L AK1 BOY DEN HOCSB STORK MAIN BT Fu.t, . i - ZB. Vascx. liSUGCESST EAST, AV, II. Taili y VANCE & BAILEY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, CHARLOTTE, V. C. PratlicaJn Euprene CurtToItii Unhad Staten, iiiprenw Court of North Carolina, Federal t ourta afid Codntieaof Mecklenbnrjr, Oabarrus,-Union, uaston, ftowan and: David- sonHS w COfficet wo doors east jof Indepen aenca aqaare 'I T 33:tf mum mm IXVEXTED AND PATENTED BY DISPEfslSARY; -: T. J, MERONEY, 'if t? Il OM&DMed of Herbal al JtluuiiuKiiiutu irrvxi- ct, wtiicii permeaie tfc ulitft oftlM JOa; expectorate. tha aerJtt mnttt-y r (hat ouUecu lu Ic uroncmai waiotwa 0tHlMZ ccnUuSi vhkb roJirJ3 t- ii--ftwtion that eatiM th cnwjh. i b. lutt- of ll Im irltli, l r-ii t. u heut vrlicu cuTce bl?.l tty dlvui.iiitiaoi. aMa Um elrcujauon 0f b biunit ana trNrat'v) iuniUjit ion. Jti4 i!n. ')i i u tl.m. Aisljr tit NuitiV ?tckly.sA t wlofrw-nry yr trvtramiW Wi iwruun thai Mrul)riuTr fw.4 tt.i I Hi prompt in Iwcffectsas J Jt fS frrWAjiT; lMtinat nh. A plcnaant sr l.t, rhil KV' Arik Ink It rtwllir. fr vraj it U . Tauhl 'i'l houM W m rnf r.uly. f lsUlM41847tia.8taStnet,ttWng,l8. ' ' rpHE PhyaieiaiM la charge of IbUt aid and well know 1 X mtitntoaf j regular -gradual la jaodiciB aad nnrgm. Taara of Kxperiaooa ia th trcaUnant at unreal jjiaaa; v aaaoa taair auii ana ability j t atatauea mouriot to that of Ihe ordinary nractitioiar. T j j LKfi. hva AAllltrail a nimal h.Mit.tlM Ik.AH.k , A j thair traatment oicompticatad ee. , - -. SURE Pro" rSsaaii iac ai. u. ..in vc whm. flrffinvu who no ; eaa. wHboot oin Marcitnr or Poiaanpna Modieiaaa. YOUHG'MEMudlhaa of middla aca rhaan I duaatw that unata iia Tieaiiaa nv baaiMM m nuraiaa - S , prmwiwrttt mrX. at tnoderata trrw-uga,. - r7- t'f ay aaf Enaaas n wlwra ji-- i i to rSSB aaaiaiad. r toai4tt& krm i . auilad fraa la T addren oa aimllcMLna. i Qaaa haw wartbii t iWrtatmaa i lit. aatatraZi! J T naimaami-iM. Mivrif eaaO'lcaMal, and abould ba aadranatt pOU. BUTTS, IS WM SuTafc. sTliautjlSr SALISBURY, N. C. .- paraoMAl cvwaiiauoa m prc(orrL wbKl Ltol I of aaaniam ta ba aatwarcd TIITQ tr 1 nnwn . . . " - . ' I11UJ,1UAI,III VV..1U a Stltll.t p n a . I . . .....I. l , ... j f with Brfn'.il i i. , f Y"'"-U Mineu.wiin conporor galvanized iroB. ing b.ck-.d forth oVer . .f " ""V..?""'? .n, 'r.w,'"l , .The nroce.Sh ia itrikute ,hemvenrVbur fi:: ' cToh terto cover thtm-turo nn atatn an,l .u.. in , , , u e"'jn wi- is cnlorfd "ii i T V . 'er oaca ana lorth until the water rwuHil the water; paaa off Add fre,h w.te.d repeat t h i ZIs?':. .f.,.Mtnd Ju.??d the clothea. are thorauirhlv washed ith.,t tl.- Don't Do It. J ; . ' ti-ff i a i i , i AOT OlREwTLY Op. h U Ai. 1 Cure t kilm autt w..' iiyo.wyara, .- .... wit: . . . i .. . ' - i : 3?... -.. 4; 4d n -. p U l!rrt, Jlr Tovpi -i-ii-tir, avi. k'eml Ir."iUnriti. IT 70a do not "l.ti. N.OTT.CE! JOHW F. -FASHIONABLE Tin Am v - SHOE .JIAKEB, Anomfinn a a J . . .;:r:'r" "fe uue 01 J nciimei at small coat and with Batisfartftr r.uit. rn" " ine work 01 ten wash women in one day and do th. Woric iJ.;;:; "Pendid thing fo? boiling rfain and Wei.hl. fP .fi. Ji - 0 , tea so bed they ler in One ay . ; Bwu wooi-wasner. tatani 'Couoty rights'for sale Hiy the Inventor. 19:tf ;t--4 1 - . 1 mmmm. Pli r jJr-a and biiYroHn : I I nvitea yonr raitention to his eliop, opposite I cltaf and beautlfuls iWi '1I.....J. fl t) ! il.. 'i .-tJi 1 . PIMPLES. I 7iUmailXfreellh rechtaior a olmr.I. V. " win reuiore f ak, FKiscxLn : f L a m a - 4f f ' - - a a m -. vrTrwauv,Mtaiipiiia ueaiaa -Hunivesips., i .Mayors uinre. repairing neatly snd prompt-1 cng luxuriant kiowtl rAmaAn.watAts.(ha tanwrl it ivtiiorf a vi .C. t nfl . 1 J . ... 11 . . .1 . . a . . . a r 1 . s .a to .con s i:m ptives. 8, IeavinR ihc .kin kUt 7'? hin l9 P'"ntl.t- rnra wnMnret fw protloi ! lf ''r1 Conanmption, a aim plc i of l.air in a laid head "f "e known lohia fellow wiiiaria me iiieana ol nire G GEEDS SEEDS PEDI0flF.ESEF.08" lbS2 inrloninc .Ic.stanmi ,J2BarclaTSt..K.Y. ' 20: ly 4. ti SPI iMiTjAB.y?Tiiraii t-orine iaib.it jn AMTtis For tho MARKET. OAR Pnr thn PI7IUATP FAMILY . en-l-IMn CrOWn by mirsfllvftaon our OwnyffwIWSSUO?;J f V j:ajwLomo X!Ia8trae CatcJeffae aad Kmral Reotater rFJtES TO "AIX. ISIiCIlAXTS, SEXX US YOUR BUSINESS CARDS tOtt'jrRAD'Y.IST. Horner-School r v -r imm v APiPiaaA I 'or circnlar fiivins ternia and ntlior n-ini ara; apply to IhpiiDcipjil , 4..t, j, J. II. & J. C. noRNPTt Khly . ..a - m -mw mm m a , UrFli E Co71iewiiraelfd a ropy or the prwrlplion nrd, rfTprcWce),viih tK direct ion. for prepar 1 7 rnnS? lie !""Tic,, finl sAe CURE for Cocoas, Coi.m,Cok6ukptioii, eaae 4arilva w Wdng the Precrirtin, will pi, dlrliaiuburh, N. Y. Stklv 1 , II. CW PAsaaa, ... , ate of Warrenton, Ji. C. rr - i ;.. w , J W. C. Kask. i v Late of Edg-ecomba Co if a'TJVJ r27i 5 -mMiaaijaii sli ijin.ul B7 rM fJrmt J-mntwiami y ito6ia arm. .Foe Mte, JVoatraMaav o f ea owcra it i iitoaMMr PURIFIES most excellent remAdv ttobilitatedTiteltceaV t d ILKV. A. I. HOSBS Wri lea: After a tnorooe'h trial of the jKOxi TONIC, I take pleasure i in craunar toac a aaveoeea creauy benefited by ica Xiae. iJKIniaters and Pub lic Speakera will find it of the greatest value - where a 3?onia la tieeAa pary. I recommend it .j oa a reuaoie remedial n?ent,:po89eBslnsr tin doubted nutritive and g-entorative properties. Avaurtfte, A., Oct. J, 1SS3. " JIZnT13EILIIAIlTI HEDICIin: CO.. 13 S. 1UI$ Sl ET. 1 .1 Agent for i the CAUD WELL ILiESHEB t A," AT WELL. i , At Low . Pictures - Call otJT)uideiii;iiVU dtjfo 2, Gran it Ron, h v D A. AT WELL sSalklurj ;N Ca. Junt 8 U. -PARKER & CARR, fana mm . w sr-w r f v w j a ai . UflHOLUOlMCM S tCoiocfcu Payette asd Water Stbkets i IVORFOLK, VAL IiKine and ComarHMHlence sol fd ted. tO:-illi:Kl M5t i! j 'a : ; f ;"Tawiiiwu V l.iai Zr - - tal.. J a 1 ' - aa Oa.. - I . haria.Mii av mi - - , I faL f- Ik. nry n.t.r.. . , - 1 3 jtaa.a.awatarr yi ItartaM itwi.aiMiaaMaiaa I T : 'jiiuiiii hmi auit,t a-Wat mi im a. kk I -a.-M - -. " I ' g -r Ui(U,Mt,H,IU.aw! ... "" ' 1 i i i r. iiim , ii - i ii i a7 Maa.tt.bMk7aaZai3ikl HAKR'S REMEDY CO. MF1 CHEMISTS, t MaMi aad la.Wtrrrta, tT. Pa, HIV. . -A i - . ' . - 1 ; A special' dispatch ' from Washing Ion rta the Iliclitndnd rSlaUay tliat etitioiiA are jk ni tg in' front various an i ucrease of I he fltitt in I h fl, obacco to proliil)ition if ; .ni : 'J'hey say that the Su mat ro leaf" U sof filler for wrapWrs (liat native prtA timers ; are senon.My lnjiireti oy ine competition. The duty nor is 35 cents a lrottnd. W'c Ir not exactly "-"catch on" to this proposition. We favor the entire abolition of Hhe Internal . Rev enue tax on tobacco, but if that is to be ' done, and the tobacco interest is going to play the same game 'that they have been attacking the iron,f woolenf.and other manufacturers for playing, we should very decidedly object 'toueeiusr them cralifietf. If with the internai;tux removed, and 35 cents customs duty jou leaf tobacco, they cannot com j)ete successfully with the tobacco growers in the far di- tant island of the Indian Ocean, they had better shut upj sliop and engage iu some otucr ousjiiess. , : We do not believe, however, that these petitions to Congress came from the producers of, tobacco ui this part of the country, if from the producer uny where. We incline to think that, tf there is anything in the remirt at all.it corned from a rliffcrctit source altogcther,--Ghar. Journal ' " . An Iustilictl Girl, Every Sunday night a crowd of men ami youths collect on the corner of Preston and Main streets. Iuis ville, to discuss poliru-saud tell jokes, triist; Sunday' night just such a crowd assembled, and about 9 o clock the meeting broke up all the members dispersing except :i young stripling named John Fanhftrau and several others, who still braced up the side of a a- . i a - unck , House, biisking their lazy length ia the niooulight. - Faimigan is a queer droll chap when 'about half &hoL and is a larire mau.' He was leaning against the corner of the house when a party of three irirls passed down Main fctrcct. turning- out Pres ton. Among. the number was one verv pretty Irish lass named Ivizie Kiik. A o .1... .1... ...l l i.i iiiu iuivc wueeicu ine corner m front of the crowd Faliniiran sinsrlwl out Ivzzie as the ql.iect of a verv in. bultinsr remark, evidontlv micruL;. . I. I 1 . . O me luemii v aim character t thp trirls With a slight turn of their heads to see who the - rude youth was, they passed on. As they erased the street they were heanl in high consultation. Evidently they felt insulted and were holding an indignation meeting. One remark of the passui? conversation was overhei-rd coming from the lips of the insulted girl, w ho allowed tluit she whould teach the scoundrel to in sult decentgirls upon the street They went on tip Main street, disappearing out Jackson. About a quarter of an hour elapsed. The Vein nan t of the crowd, including Fahnjgan was still holding up the house, in futile hopes that they would spon le sober enough to leave. Soou the isaire three girls, side by sjde, were seen walking down the north side of Majn each with her arms folded beneath jitr shawl. They made the same, left about as thev near cd IVston, and as jthey did tatfni gan chirpetl and" remarked : "Ain't she a dandy ?" All! three; came to a dead halt immediately, and wheeling around bwed to the! impudent rascal and with a nod of the head iuvited hi in to stand but froiri t he, crowd. Thinking it was a case of mashev eronce dreaming of what was in store for him, he stepped jotit' as gay us a fight iiigciclcf The three girls separa ted as he approached, and at a giveu signal two pistols wjth afSiiap stood cocked on either side! of his head nd the insulted Lizzie faced him in front wuii a goou strong cowhide, flourish rng.it in a wralhy and vengeful hand. So quick was all done as if conjnr ed Irofn the realms of the mysterious by the art of magic-Ut hat, the astou ii ded man. fctood;trera1lingf like a leaf and as pale as a Ulieet, spellbound and niotionlcssly transfixed. His coat number, stood "W and laughed hearti ly, encouraging" the girl. by.-.clamorous applause to lay it on thick and heavy. When:' they had given him what they deemed sufficient, ihey no-nin folded their arms under their shawls, and soon disappeared in' the - shadows' that fell thick ..and fast on the the south-side of the street. Philadelphia Clironide-IIerald. - VESTEBH.H. C. RAIL Rn OFFICE GET. TASSEXQER Salisbiiiy, Pass.Tralm -o.a ' ! i , ArrtTe a.45 r is Home, Sweet. "'-"'" - : "ri'-i - - 4.88' f s 1 i u Jij Jf reet llome. : " ; V ? 4 . . ll.B Alt ' t 10.08 f Baltimore Sun. :.-c- V j 'a 10.08; Leave coo s.00 STATIONS. .saiiRDtnrv. . ..tatesvllle .... ....Hickory...., ....Moreanton.... hft'; .Marton . ... .v buck Mountain.. ....Ashevllle....r. ....Warm Springs ....x-igvon reiver Arrtvef'i l a. Connects at . Train No. 1 illsbniy. wita K. & o. r. I We' print to-day an interesting bn graphical eketchj dra wn frorbfQrigt uaj. materials of the once famous boy -actor. dramatist, stage manager and H 1 terary uxaS and from RaieVsh &? marrbf all workrJohn Howard rayne, I at sutesviiie ith a ;!tvo. dit. of r 'c the author of "Home, Sweet Horne,MR. conaeets at warm springs with e. TtpiTr, . uuiversai, heart - " T verses. thaVtoncb Die by the tender memories: they invoke more profoundly than any others in .T"nr ""Lf the English toiigue; ;; For, nearly six- guteamie wim A. T. i o. dit. t c c i Til ConBecjj ty years "Home, 0 weet ,11 oie. lias J and at Salisbury wit b. ft n. a. a. tor an been the one favorite song among En- N - nd aataa tor Balclh glish speaking eoplin i whatever j 5 : : t Through. Tickets Country they nught be Tpuiltlaridrt j on "1 at Salisbury, Statesvliie, Asbertiie tajK. cluster about the ' houstliotd. 5 hearth. Ii 'r ss--W . .l. it'? ' J.Jl, Maemurdo. Ihe song ot xiouert liurns that. is ot- bli iip:tJMr,eir. ' f- r- .... 1 . I " ' -.1 tenest sung by Ins 5 countrymen' is "Auld Lang Syne,": and perhaps next NlQrin..GarO!!na- Railroad, ?J?lf " ?5 ? S " COHDEnSED SCHEDUIE. i r a " "- a rni T it was ue aestre .011 nomas rjood 1 TRAINS GOING'EASr. who sleens ambiig so nianjr other Date, Apr so, 1&82 -No. rarYVmetr6rthV.lasttha1iceut . .. I Dai 51. ily. 4.00 a.m. 5.63 " 7.20 yf' 8.00 9,30 , 11.47 .!. 12 20 " 1.40 p.ra ,4.05 6.30 Dailj? -ul'.e. 7.35 : 8.06 Date, Feb. 19, 1882. .1 No. 50. I j Daily; j Leavedoldaboro .. Arrive' Raleigh " I... Leave " . .... Arrive Dnrhaw ..... " Ilill-boi r,.; " G rrenat to... Leave . t ffai-o Arrive IIi?h Piont ; 4 oahahurv... Charlotte... 10.00 a. n. 12.2B p m 3.55 " 5-06 5.46 M 8.05 .15 1.10 a.m. No. 51 0.40 a. 10.10 . 11.21 1.00 ? Kensal Green Cemetery. :that there 1 Leave Charlotte.. should be inscribed on his tomb. -f He ?.,,,,b"rT:"-' 1 . ii.;..i i wrote the -Song of the Shirt.' " i,,, " : y TiSll SOUg writers have long been re-1 Leave G reenaboro. cogiuzcii.as ne oest.jn: me. worm. 1 r. , mwn... ij . ; .. : . 1 iiiiniu miming ca sons;, ociiiiuiciifc- 1 ?-4:i. al song!, -con vi vial'songs aim songs j Lv: of the affections abound ; yet iu' the 1 Arr. Goldilioro.... whole collection, admirable as it isl 17 Daily except Saturday, and of hiirh iotiftejepIltiie:ther i , : Vrlu.D?ro ?Wp.. T' 1 - J I Arrive at Kaleirh 1 si a m . . i. . , . i . i -7 r not one uiav siriKes wun so sure ai Arrive at Goldboro 7,20 hand the kev-note to which nil hearts resiMMid as tjC 'HomeSweet.'Ho.me' 1 1 K?t preeaahoo vtik Ri! of the wandering American-with his VJ 47. T genius ana his liohemiantsm, Ins vi-f R. R, ftr Wilajipftoa. . , cisitudes of fortune and his attractive f ; No. 53 Connect at SaUaWry with w.-j J, 11. K. rorallpointain TVealrrn N.CaroIiu ' T. lil.i .ll!u.luini a II. Br ' M I. A " I " a i; ' . ' 1 ,a T " Ti"-v.l w Willi Mm. Vk 'ayiif . ,As the young. America njlps poial. North. Eaat snd Wert. a am . " cms who crowded our theatres three fourths of a cetiturv ago, aa the ati thor, tntiiIator or adapter of a mini ber of play4, ctmiedics and tragedits, very few of which - are ' known to the present generation, his Tame" "would have beeu as fleeting as that of the young English Ilosciu-, Master Bet tv, Or the thousand and one plavwrights iiuc uuiufs are in uramaiic oioiiog raphierf, tut -whose works niori or lesa successful nrtjieir da the pres ent generation of1 nlav-troera rarelv 1 No. 18. Dailvex.Suuda-l. otdi,'i sn., ever uearu oi. ine memory' ot John iloward l'ayne wouhl have soon be come a" tliino-'of th it.ist Ihii Tup tin. oe .i,ple ar wliU :M,.igi ,11 ASlS!iti lie has written. ; Out of the toverty weat, and with C. U. A A. R- R . for a!l Doiiu tha( had driven him for refWe to a" 1 150111 n "d &ut'beast, r . Parw MrrPt ramn ilia u..i tl.. .-1 r 52 Connecla at Chirlotte with A.AC iminorialrzetl his name. It is the expression of the sadness I PIn,"Jiuib Ld Souiheaat. and yearuing which, m liis hunger lie lelt tor the home in which he was born,' three thousand miles awarr.; As a literary prtKluction it may jot "lear the severer tests of criticism ;but the very cseueeot home longing vervade a I a a - - it--a longing lor old lannJiar scenes. old familiar faces, the mother's love, the father's care, the friends we once knew, all clothed in the soft and gra cious itsrhf which lends ite f ' fond recollectious and to which distami. lends etichantment. It is little mar vel that such a song when it was first sung should have taken all jEntrland by storm ; that it should touch the potMilar feelincr as deenlv tiwlflvnt it did half a century a?o. . " . ijr tlie irood which this OIlf- has ' ammttkmn'r rlrma .L.tm. I-l ....... ...I 1) .1 I '. . ... 1 . un.un lajruc ucservesi Arriveuoiveriiy..:..... 12.10 a t l ui i... ........ i i... t. : . 1 1 a .m r l. . . t a;it avr uciiuuuiruuj ii is 1TUIIIII ry meil. 11 LSI yiiwpri rim ' x.Of p Bl iue, iiKe mat ot l'oe, was a broken Pullman SleeDiuir one. Atler tenty vears of exile he re- 0,1 'A rum No. 60, be turned home, NMrer than he w;s when he went abroad. UN immJ;. v w m m aaaaa Ar. Ralei&b 7.10 pa Lt. f i 6.00 aa A r. Q retaaboro 3.15 a R. W.fl.C. RAILROAD. I " f lO mW Gdwo West. : No 504; f Dil7J i .am a Ijt; Daily." ex.8untlT. Ar, KerneravUle 10 41 f: A 10 41 fl " Salem J 11 25 S5 1 No. 51. I j Goiko West. Daily.4 No. 51 i ei 8un.' DailyJ Leave Salens , 515an I 600 pa Ar. Kerneravitlai ; 550 " f 140 1 Grrenxboro 7 00 8 00 f STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD,! No. 1. TT Goiso North. .1 1 Dailv . laa - 10 L?a ve Chape I H ill 1 0.40 a Arriva Uiuveraity.... 1 11.40 a a at m I No. 2. -Daily tx. SdS. ale neetls were supplied from the pro eeeds of a theatriciir bencfil, and tie Cars without chutn ew York ant Ailaaiatit. Waahincton 4 Danville, and btwn (lreu- boro and Charleston. Ii On Train No. 52. Richmond and CKar 'alU Wafhingtwn and Charlotte via Dantillf. il SwJ hroujjh Tickfta on KalaatGrenbara, a-a Ualeijh, Galdaboro; Salwbary and Charlotu, and at all principal; points South, 6oothwet, Weal. North and Eaat. For Emionnii nMM was thrown once more upon his own resources until friendly solicitation obtained for him the uoor Dosition nf,liina,Texaa,ArkanaaaBdilieSoatlilretl . I. . . y I ailrtrmu . ji A TJriUW ii nr. rointiiA n.iiit.iii.1. . x ' t ri I " vuiiuiudic U a u u is. 1 ncre ne tiieu; there his remains were buri ea, iar Horn the home to which he hail a I as - , lurneii so sadly years before 111 his 2I:ly ' " ' 4 j A POPE. Ge'n. Paaensei Art. " Richmond, Vs. I CD " CD s 2. wis Orderwl olij and ie clared not re fiiso. hizzie with fla.slunr eves, lait og the punishment with a strong aiid willing arm, giving liim in all about thirty lashes; each raising a welt, aiid calling forth apologies and cries of mercy from the deserving wretch. Wis coninanions. wha were but ew ju fans-garret. There he would still have been left in his obscure ahd un- l ltlfaril uaa.a - - I. ..a ,1 il t - - . .- I ..ui.uktu gae 0111 ior IHC freueroiiK act of Mr. Corcoran, who "lias iitidr.r. a .a ' a. LaBl taken to have the remains brought to cd" Sfj the United Slates and interred with niting t-eremouH's in Oak Hill Ceme- jcT ier, ne-ueorgetown. - Over his re- . vvivwiuu inu Hcsfa iu mian i z : a. : a . . ,, Ii ow cost,- a mouument which snan mark, lor many venr : f Sb f hn. Ine-mu.1 . .1 . f .1 . ilnX v,B piuiu or ine author ot j xiome. fcweet Home. o: o 3-,- 2 C 3 'i?B i;:?ril:tifi m m . ! a . ; 'Char!!)tt5 Journal: We think the more in is .ma Iter of. subst i t uti ng State officers Federal offices in the col- I a.v .AT ia 1 V a m - , uwil 01 lU0 "wnial lievenue of me government is examined, the SWJer the number rf embarrassments surrouuqing u wiltvLe, found. The people hate the extern of taxation by tlic generai4governincnt, and cannot reconIf4V u bv aujechange of the pcrspn,, not believe that the altemnt nre oetween sen i od to them of cl if TM1 n ra Hon Uf the 'Internal1 T&V&Lazi but we dolie.vej.that..jf,;ifoy wei Ibrced tu choose between them and ri""r'er f.,lcrual,. the people of JSorth Carolina certainly of wJLi. rn orth Carol i na wou lUf ay : .i .v vui im; 4 menial tcvc ern 8-1 S3 V a .8 aS D Is. 2. O S. 3 o sa 3 - si m S Sv - D - it, ta ; a. a m e n -I SB i 2.2 3-2 S U L PR Sw - . i -Mk z: a uX . , c-. 5 CO El A C mm. m S" m CD s r 2. a re r i.H-S.S"!2.' L C5 CD hmm 3 a S ca Q IAJ S 9 ea o $ f r,- 3 " "rf 0 D H is-- . - s 2 i araaa aa a , c ". 85 C " J6 ; j- o 9. - i-a 12r a . o a SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CRA0 1.1 XA WATCHMAN. OXMl lr P ! i i i1 1- II vuuiv 50 PEIYEAR. I: