'T V";V; S V " -' i . . - . "- - - - . ; . . I - ---- ,.. .... olXiv.-piRi) series iv--..;;.! sAnsBijW; pwSaL-feiv - XX-L f .,fifaMMBMMMf8fWIaMfafBBfaB . ,. .; '-- -.r-"" 11 '. ; . . J Carolina Watchman, UlBLBHEDIjr THE YEAR 1832. 3 PRICE, It JOIN ADVANCE. - - . COEBRHTCO is ' . . f. I J. I. CP 8TOaACSi iilld8. broken tlo3i In health and splr Jk. jhroniclvieiMsi, or suffering Jrora 'IT i IthLuUoA that lollowa tbe SLk of tcute tlw testiinony of S2Sldr who ,hiv been raised ma by Tminwle from -efnuiar eiat e 01 pros LSin by Hotettes stomach Bitters, taiTMife piiarantejf that by the same J!ni jou too, mayIe strengthened and ""r sale by all Itnipsists and JJeaiera gcuefll). mm Z1 h IiODU SHOWS E, Prff 1,- Wif . C. COAKT, Scc'y; AHome Company, fceefeing Honie Patronage. i f fOljtij Eella0i6; '.Literal! Term policies wrlftcn on Dwellings. . Premium iayal(jjOne-half cash and b- ince in twelve iimrti.. ' J. ALL& BROWN, Aert:, ; 2l.-6m fcjalUbury, N. C : ; ' errokjI of youtjk. ft Gesti.emas'iIi snfi'ered for rears from M Nervoiw UtBifeiJv, Pkematlke Decay, aid all the eHeettif foulhlul iiMl.nerelun, will fr the ake of oufleHTisr luiinnisit v. ceixLfieeto til ho need it, the trecipe ami Iirection foe ikm; the xiiiiplfr remedy by wlm li he was ywed. ,fcii(Terers-wishing to profit lj t4te ml Tertiiiern experieniLan lo ho by atMreMingin perfget eon ranfiJeiice i I JOHN B. OGDEX, Cedar St.. Ntw York The attention ofiFarmers andJhe gener- 1 public is called (i the fact that ! ; T, MORGAN Hm opcnet a Fir Class FAMILY GRO- J t.-i h . . i i -ii i I 1ST lor 9 I l:iril-viri irh.iw lw u-ill lrotan a I full line of fresh :ods, such as Flour, Meal, Bacon, Salt, Susaii Coffee. Tea. &c : Also a fresl) l complete stock of C 0 X F E CjT I OJ CRIES, . . and Fancy Groceries. , Will pay tlie llighest cash prices for But ter,, Egjjs, Chicks, and all saleable coun try products. II, : January 18; l$ij3. 14:3m. HOUSE AND LOT : Having ilctcripincd to make our home in Winston, N. C, ye have concluded, to sell our House and pt in the great West Ward ot Salisbury, N. C. House has 8 rooms, a goou kitelien wijt'h 3 rooms ; well of good water in the yard. A good garden and sts Wc Ba the lot. fin the best neighborhood n the city, on the corner of -Monroe and Church streets, J&lioininsr J.-'M. Horah and nthcrs. For l'ntlier oartieulars see Messrs. u uuoumanfJS. W. Cole or B. F. Fraley. IU. F. & M. C. GRAHAM. jft THE- HIMING STOCK REGISTER . - - ill AND JWRNp of FINANCE Gives the valetf and correct ratings of over I 8,000 ICIilff Ccmuanieaandtlia I LATEST illNlKO INFORMATION. I Including Dt$d'ends, Assessments, Lowest I Mil O 1 1 l .. ' I - osbuiw ones iur eacu ween, up i niuua Hi iiirs ot publication, -&c. . oaie DVjaii news dealers. 51ng'e Copy 1 Cents. Snctinl detailed ; iwtsnpon lay; mi ae furnished. See pa-" TwJortemisifAd.lress, : ne rmau4&l and 31inlng Pub. Co., ! 2s7roudway, New York City. : ' li lt" TED. Onion i Sets -at! . : - ; . IMNiss' Dn Store. . - - ' -. - $ ' - - ' s f' . ' - - SGHbOL0500KS at T,k 0 Ef niss' Drni S:o?e. j-tf. i 20:ly , : 1 1 - j I - r. i t k a . . r .. . . s . .-... ' : - 4 - ' AVhat Killed Gambetta.1 ! I 5 T Died from the Bullet of a Woman. Pari Special lo N. Yj Time. j Thouglioat his illness his frieiuU have songlit to conceal the gravity of the situ otionind above all the agency f a wo mau ia' the tragody. Nevertheless, no doubt is permissible that the shot which directly or indirectly caused his death was fired by a lady who is well known in Paris, and, whose pseudonym, Leouio Leon, conceals the patronymic of one of "OMorawe israylitislt Amines of Boi deanx. -- She Tcft iier hiiUnd, , the A. 'l - - , Uonseiiler-Generul of the! Qirnnde !De- pai tnient, to follow the Wtuuoa of him by whose eloquence in the Daudin sub- ftciiptiou and trial she was comnletelv fascinated, and united with him in 1868, 1 sbe deserted her family Tlieir connec- tion has lasted ever since.' He .was im- I servaut, all of the dnst only to' see it set patient of the chaiti he could not break, I thythicker in another place. It is no especially as a child was ! born the sue- ceediug year, whose paternity he refused to acknowledge. Theso refusals caused scenes of recrimination aud often of pos- J itive violence between the lovers. The 1 man wearied of- the connection, ami the woman clnng devotedly to him for whom she had saexified her honor. Ganibetta J disliked the child, who was sickly, but I intelligent, and lived as his nephew. He I resembled Ganibetta in character and I features. Two years ago Leouie's bus- I band died, and he summoned Ganibetta to fulfil his promise of marriage, but re ceived another refusal. Ho made an agreement, however to provide for young Leon, on the condition that he should be educated in Germany. The mother hesi- htated, but finally consented, and acconi- hianied the child aud his father to Dres den. The connection was continued af- ter their ivturn, Leonie going every. Sat- nrday afteruoou to.his villa; where she I was accepted as mistress by the servants and returning Monday morning in his car- ge. Their quarrels also; eonijnned. tics revealed the mysteries of the ill8tar- ml establishment. Fiually the; dissen- Uy : 1'iftor t. Gambetta lost his iciuiri, giving ciii, io uuuse nuu jcoarse language, suck as he was wont to employ m moments oi passion, tone was exas perated, seized a revolver, and fired. Ho raised his baud to turn aside the; weapon and received his death wound. I Everv- thing else is conjecture j none bat' they know the truth, and Ganibetta died, vet made uo sign. I can vouch for tho an theuticity of this version of the nnhappy storj-, and I assume the entire responsi bility for it, no matter , how different it may.be from the others which wav ob- I tain publicity. Tub Federal" House has passed an im portant bill, one of whose select ion .reads as follows: "That the Circuit Courts of the United States shall not take original cognizance of any suit ef a civil nature, either at com man law or inequity, between a corpora tion created organised' by or imder the laws of any btatc, and a citizen of any ' Riot in --whifli Riifh cnrnnrntlfTin iif ! time the cause of action accrued niay have been can iin on any business authorized by ! the law creating- it, except' in 'cases arising under the patent or copyright laws and in like cases in which .said courts arc authorized, by this act to take original cognizance of suits between citizens of the same State; nor , shall any such suit be- tween such a corporation and a Citizen, or citizens, ot a btate in which it may be I - ! I doing business, be remove to any Circuit I Court of the United States, except in like cases in which such removal is authorized by the foregoing proyison in suits between citizens of the une Statt." The effect of the section is to check j the Federal courts in drawing to that forum suits between foreiam corporations and citizens of the several States. This law became necessarya particularly because! of an important decision of the Supreme Courtof the United States, accord in ? to a corporation the same standing in the Fed eral courts as citizens of the States granting the charter of the incerporation. senator FnoM West Virginia. Hou. John E. Keuna, the newly elected Sena- tor from West Virginia, is ne of the youngest men ever elected to that office having been born on the 10th of-April t in 1 1 : ll A . A. A. nm lo-to. anu uemg inerriorr, iis yet vears old. .."Ho is the son of an Irish fa - ther and a Virgiuia j mother. His father died wlieil his son was only eight years old, and after his death the widow moved with tire little boy and two youncer sis - ter to Missouri, where John, at II yearsi of age, began- farming. When the war broke out they returned to Virginia, and John, young as he was, entered the army aud served throughout the war, surren dering with the army at Shreveport. He was badly wounded. After the war he read law aud was a successful practition er for several years, until elected to the House of Representatives, in which body he has served-witir distinction for three terms. He is a man of decided character and ability and will make his mark as a Senator if he lives. Char. Journal. WomanM iov'ef. The mothers Micitndethc wife's" pa tience and anxiety, the nUttr'a love, have proved in nine cases out of ten, tfieatfong cord- that pulled at the heart of the wan dcrer, till son of hnsband, or brother could no longer bear the strain, and loos ened it by coming nearer and nearer horue. Soine . woman's hand holds the key unconsciously and carelessly ; per hapi, but holds it to almost every man's heart, and the closed 'doors' will; be nn barred to her; and yield ifLolwr touch when no other power will jstir ; 4lenupn their rusty hinces. .Let nov woniau who finds hcrnejf thus inside beware how she werks! In clearing out the darkened chambers m that God V light can enter, let her work w ith such skillful toadies f prayer and tenderness as hall d-rsome- thliig better than stfr. Iikean unskillful light work, this leading of human souls, and any womau who undertakes 4it needs to bring to it all there is of her. She will need all , . her kuowledge of Gotl, and perhaps never discover how little she possesses till she tries to open it for an- other soul to measure her treasure. She will need her knowledge'of; people, her discrimination ef character, her intuitive discernments of mental conditions, nod her sympathetic perception of feeling. J All the brightest and best that she can cetumand is not too good nor too fair to be nsed in the saving f what is best aud fairest ia others. ; Horrible Deed of an Insane Mstber. JIit.wackee. Jan 23. At noon to-day the wife of John Zimbrick, a laborer liv ing in?fit.h tritL killfd lipr threp. rhilflrin the oIVst of .horil WM 7 Tpars f arTfi .u ,0 . .- manner, literally cutting them to peiccs and disemboweling them. The attention of the neighbors was attracted to the scene by the woman's attempt to hang herself ia an outhouse. Tbeycut her down and brought her to the house t w here tho, hor rible spectacle was Jdiscoverd. Mrs. Zim brick was at once arrested, she took her ar rest very calmly stating that she had read in the good book that it was right to sac rifice children. She is doubtless suffering from religious insanity, HOW TO BK YoCXG AT KlGUTY. KeV Robert Col Iyer, pastor of the Church of tho Messiah, New York, deli vered an in teresting sermon Sunday on 'How to be Young at Eighty." Among other things he said : "One of the first essentials for Tor SIU wia ne' ,,Ke 11118 18 siro,,K anu iieainty constunnon, anu mis in a great measure depends upon a man's early home and training. For 'sixty years have never been ili a day, and I attribute all my health to the good foundation laid in my childhmuVs home) oatmeal and milk, bread and potatoes, a bit of meat wheu we could catch it, and a "plenty of nnfe air and exercise did the business. I do not know what a constitution or m. digestion is. I came from a country where beer is as common a drink as wa but 1 nevcr U8td 8tronS ot nf description, for I found I was well euoug without it, and that it might end by be- comiug my tyrant. So I let it alone." A Wrong Fokt Sxeezk.Iu a certain printing oBice in this city there is acotu- potdtor who is deaf and dumb. In the same nriutiuir office there are two other , ' " . . . . .. compositors who are endowed with the power of evolvingrtrcmeudous sneezes when the suirit tickles tho nose. One of them is a little abort, chnbby fellow, with I'a round red face. The grandeur of his sneeze is so utterly uisproponiouaio iw the dimiuutive size of his body -that his fellow printers refer to it as "a wrong font sneeze." Neither of the two compos- itors who sneeze work in the same alley with the compositor who is deaf and dumb, and the cases between them are so I arm Hired that he ! canuot see either of them. Nevertheless, whenever, either ot them sneezes he always jumps as though ! a cannon ball were fired under his ear. The question for the scientist is, how does he know just when to Jump. Boston Post. j Gentkel Pauperism. The Republi- I cm lesidera now argue that oqr (domestic I ... . . A n ..fV Altai lliof JkCMIl luaDuiBciureisvaiiuu mr mi viv 1 certain growers of sngar, lemons, oranges j and peanuts In the South Cannot live an- j less poor rates are doled out to them out of t lie earnings and savings of every mau 1 wamnn and child in the landr As Mr. Belmont sc clearly put the ease inhis speeches! uring tho canvas, what i would be ; tho . difference in . priuciple between Jegislation to compel this and legislation authorizing the Federal Government to pay these poor rates iu cash, out of the Treasury to those sturdy beggars ! WnEELiso, Va-, Jan. 3 D, Taylor Republican, has been elected to fill the va- cancy in the 47th and 48th Congress, cans- j ed by the death of J. F. Updegraff, of the Democrat, by a majority of 1,500 to 2,000. 17tn Uliio aisinci, oier iwuta Jiicianuti , Large Republican gaius are reported m all the counties. Draw. Investigation has developed that the I fascinating game of draw was invented i.omewiere auout i4ony a ir. jvirsman, i or lennessee, a. lunman or some note. The game of straight or plain poker, off course, aates further back, uraw may I t. M.t t : -i now ue sniu w ue uie uiiuouui iruiuu. nuu i and otner specie iliudred thai the verv heiirht man wisdom is to know when to lay a hand down. Some years since a draw poker sham, who ostensibly traveled for a Baltimorii liquor aud cigar house, and ho claimed the startling and showy sobiiqnct of "Speckled Yellowhamraer from Nortli Caroliaa." exhibited to us and a couple of New York commercial tourists how four jacks could be drawn from a pack and held up a sleeve, for use during a succession of games. We con tributed liberally for f the information, aud since then we have not been drawing much.. To uninitiated, it may bo , said that they' will not lose anything if they 5ct to draw in this i way; There are uegiecc to araw in tuts way i . some rule about it entirely safe. Never play for money if yon cannot convenient ly afford to lose it. Don't play without you understand the game.' TheWeir are all dead who understand the game. Ma eon Telegraph. If you will look in the dictionary, or a cyclopedia you will find that a sardine- is a small fisli that comes from the coat of Virginia'and the MliteM1,0,n K.. i.;.i;;n-;M onA i;..wwi: ..L ..ii q i: I is that a petition has been sent to Con- gress from thatState protesting against I any reduction of duty on them. JSTiue- tenths of the so-called sardines which -,.i.i : , t.. uic ouui iii ni iiiiii kci, J t niiiciy- uihb iiuiiuicuiun vi vu.iu, uic lime I fish eatmliL m the cnn.t ot Afuine and I, t rw! fftfwl I l.a - tliAtn nfM fill Ia put up in cotton seed oil, and there- tore this infant industry ought to be "protected." n r-i ? l r vr. v i. . stron irtltPiii tier IliQ crcuul niunion it I "O t O " . I The' Game of s, perhapsi doing more harm in a quiet I vcipnia, wuo-regisiereti mmseil at the unnotited way than dealing in any noter as being trom iiichmond, has s or gambling. - Almost ev-I uwu mai. mirg iur eerverai nays. erybody kijews a little:something aboht t?t he is in the employment pjf the game, which appears' simple enough goyernnient, his business bein i an3yct It jias: ieen ; gravely considered n,ak inqiiiries and secure evidence, in and adiudiwl that the verv heiirht of hu- reganllto election frauds in this Stdte. ready created by. making exellent naoimwn aim . ii. uuuiPiceiy ueuiora nominathins. Mr. Shanahan. his nom- lizetl the Radical brethren. A motion inee for Suiicriiiteiideut of Public Works, has been unanimously con- ' m. I firmed, and 'Mr. Dutcher, his Itepub- i " hcan prcileccssor, says if the Cjovem- or had searched theJBtate over he could uot4iave-fouiura man better suited for superintendent than Mr. j that it was a remarkable iudict Shanuhan. The Governor's nom itiees mpnt against the Iiadieals and that for railroad commissioners have also been unanimously recommended for confirmation by the Senate commit tee, their.higb character and capacity oeing eo nceciea uy an. The newsnaners which sometimes tt.Am.l... l.Ai:Ail..f they a fleet legislation will have to abandon that conceit. Every paper in the State has been urging the pas sage of a dojr law," but the Lcgisla ture voted down - such a proposition with the usual promptness. Do the people of INortli Carolina really de- reallv d sire to protect siieep nusuaiuiry, or a f't j j iiui t . iwm iu. AvpI tlmt ia ,he nnes.ion. If thev J f 4 II . . . .. . . n Inl I liaiti iir ri t r t, I inip -anpiiunn t n nu fK.lt 1116111 lit Ilk . , VOWU.M 1 . tives demanding it. twnw v-i7ir 7Vi71.iPiiih.frtiinw:Ur miiet bfi ouile" altogether emljitr- . r " ing, which shows that the age of genuine chivalry has not ret oassed. even in the m a great commercial metropolis of the money making United States: A lady pulled the strap of a street car at a comer where here was a huge muu middle. She looked at it anna'llcd. She was not very young, nor especially beau- ,iM,butct ..epedaman from ..,e car E r ,veang IU s, ana p.an. e thctn square m the mud, and said: uThcrc, ma'am step or. that" Alter all there will be a heaven for men some men. It was thought tho laboriug classes Imil hut few friends in Washington, but the following from the Post of that city tells a tale that may cause some to change their opinion. That paper says : 'That the poor are not withoat friends on the Way a aud Means Committee is eviueuceu iy tue lacs mai uwuiuuu i tiiTMl nii'lv one ninth as much as blan kets.!T"riV.hc Sarkasmn may bei Wil. 5fr The bill offerhsd iiy' Mr. Cox, of North Carolina, two or three days ago in regard to contested elections in the House of Rep resentatives provides that in cases of con tested elections the contestants shall be paid nothing unless the Houseshall declare that there were reasonable giounds- for the F. .l .1 ; I.. .,.,.1, llw.fr. centesr, anumai ine pay hhuu w uvii nniv tn rnvcr the necessary expense and 11.1 V J xwww- mt nt rrf pxmm 22.000. It seems to us that the pissage of this bill would be eminent- ly judicious.- Charhtte Journal The Newer Arithmetic. Tn An, lot there are four calves anu in l k m anotljcr two young men with their hair par- AH mvmw - tel all? In the middle, j How hiany cavles in The jWifminjrf on i?ercw!ayj4 that a luan named Haywtod, from Wash-! ineton i . City, ? liasr been rumaffine? arouncl the defunct ballot- ioxe8 at fauu?poru seeing u anyminff COUItl uwucu mui wuum oe oi, .service in Dockery's contest . for Bennett's seatl ic tiarioue journal remarks ikif AI'i. U T ' lt.....J -,r? ri.:i- T . uai nuwi, i -1 iiiiHt ve "ave " olyection to Mr. Iockr f U a employing as many lawyers p agents; as he may choose to get o is for his case. . But we do olyect lo United States government em; Vloying a riiiiadclpnia lawyer oranj Pne e,?e to get up Dockery 8 case ft! him. And we protest that no public money ought to be paid out in this way for Dockery's benefit, i ;.: - 1 m, -m - - - AAA If it be unfairly stated and the man is not jconnectcd with Dockery's ease, then we protest against the United States' government scmiins: a paid agf"wn hfr e to do w,mt,theUu ted Distncr Attorneys ought tO( do. e cannot impute io me oihirici at torneys such a reflection upon their own competoncy as that this lellow Haywood was sent here at their in stance;. If the District Attorneys are iucom- pe tents, let them give place to better men ; but pray do not give the world the spectacle of having a Philadel phia understrapper nosing around to u, l" u"ea ojaies omc an, charged with the execution of the law I I . I . I m. 11 are obable to do. In no aspect does J10? "e b5.nu ' P. J. r , T " K" """"""o- " v Jr. " ""vr cw9-J08erver. mi . . i i That mU8t have ben a Very am US- ing 3ebate ia lhe MassachusetU Leg- islature, last Monday on the resolu tion to print 10,000 extra copies of tA TXtrn RtitltPr's inanriirfll rldrpaa. I " "e I . . I 1... J l- T A. - I was I made, bv a Radical, to reduce was ti.e ! number to 2.000. and the ball Li j imj ' -' tv-iL":.J:- linen upeneu. x tie xeiuuvrais hisis- , . , i i j i teti ; tnai me people naa noi oeen sufficiently informed of its contents every Radical ought to have the priv ilege of reading the accusation agaiiist him. The Radicals opposed the reso-l ....... - -t i - lution, 4some. giving aa a reason that it was a job put up 6 that if the leg- th manl.it.inn RniUr I J. ... - rnnifi veto it anu ciaim creuu lor (l . . 11! J i A 'I .i rs saying that it thnl. it Jiit i r .! ..l" J i J wouia ue endorsing iuuer s siaiiucrs of the Stale. The resolution passed. -Char. Journal. A Narrow Escape. To be beard i , , ...- i . r i eti even uy me puny irmms ui jjh i . . i i. . ... ... P,aCC8 0ne 10 1,61 Pos""v"" tnKa i.iiKIvu1 tirnnnrl thl oh ill llV Cold .. trVJj ..tWtVV. HtVHal. .Vwj. f ' I ' I . ii. l . . I ..A. Mfta .Vi.Ilmr Anil - wranllllKT till whiskers with4 a 50-horse motive pow - r . .-t - --o- . rasnig in me exireme. yeu r. Wyatt Aberhathy, of Ixiwell, Gaston county, was the other day engaged iu training a lot of shafting in the mills . of i Rankin and Abomathypf that nm.ee. and while drawinz a sight on 8ome point in the room, carelessly , ehIn wllUkers Wl nf. i . & u " j" .... anl drawn around the mi like warp onja beam, until his chin came cose to the cold iron. Tt so happened, i- - , , n iiri however, that the fineness of his beard and the grease on the shaft combined ; in nllmv a slinoin? process. But for this, Mr. Aoeruathy's neck might have been broken before the raacbin- .v 4 a i cfL was stopped. Char. Journal, - You may make an impression on genius with advice, but it takes a Mick to influence a fool. WhiUliaU Times. iThe Texas Shifting is greatly struck by the appropriateness of the name of a new Missouri weekly paper. It is called the Weekly Omm, and the ejjtor of the Shiflings says that; it is j happens every Saturdty night I w,e the assets and liabilities are trot- I . . le(J oul iThe Washington Pod seems inclin ed to opose liberal appropriations to the weather bureau ltsays ! jWe never have had such delight ful winters as were enjoyed when the ther appropriation, was diverted m ...A. . into other channels. . row mau nst money is all laid out far vcather we get too strong an article." T7 LEADIKO,DPALERS IK VRX M - til AND , n i :i ... :- mm ... mmmm me r m v Large Assortment of Ladies' Cloaks and ffiJa4T INDIES' MTS AHD BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY. We keep the best mke A0ENT FOR COATS' BPOOICOTTON. New soppty of cnt'T&faVT" Full stock of Glass and Table Best Flour, Meats, Sugar, Coffee, TEAS, Rice, Potatoes, Canned Fruits nYTTU Corn, Bran, Mesl, New Orleans Molasses .nd Sy'rups, 2ly : ..-) Medicines including Quinine., rmn One atd three -fourth lbs. Cotton Sacking- at 9 Centa.aZ7emSiek at i .ia ier bund le. Three -u.-i.'s .at; try it. lie sure to see ourGoods before tou Terj lowrst prices. f-Ve buy and . W. W. Nov. 1, 1882. A Brobklyn lady cansht a bursrlar in her room 1 and compelled ' him to marry her. Since tins terrible punish ment there has been a great fallinz off In the nnmber of robberies in Brooklyn, ahd U is proposed to cut down the police force pne-half. There are more ways than on to make bur glary odious. NorrUtotbn Herald. The Democrats don't want any tariff reform this year, remarks the Philadel phia Prest. Bat suppose they did want it, esteemed contemporary, where would they go to get it f To the subsidized Re publican Ways and Means Committee f Atlanta ConstittttioH, Dem. .' News from Washington of two or three dajs ago was to the effect that tho Senate Civil Service Reform bill will pass the House without any change of importance. The bill may do good, but it will be sure to give the Rad Peals the offices. Common things are the hiddeu springs from which flow the rivers of greatness ' Lnnghter--Thc silver river of cheer that waters many a blossom of beauty in the desert of life. . . The total net receipts of cotton at all the ports since Sept. 1st, 1332, is 4,017, 424; ' ' SAYE MONEY! SATE MOM! i k tr j pi.cVonr1 sis, thereby l navinc wuuurawn an ncencies anu r - "'ii a d our business on a strictly cash ba thereby saving Agent's Commissions and losses by bad debts, we are enabled i to mi wnreii hum (emiuen, th: Wilcox, Gibbs & Co's Manipala,ted I Gun.no. tfTllott Rhhfi Jr HA'a Hnnamnnfnth.UA. t to Mcrcnants and Farmers at wry ; low prices, by the sinyle Ton, Car-Load, or t . A . I. t larger qnanuiy. ior ine casu. Write for prices. " Wlleox,Glbb8& Co. Charleston, S. CM or Savannah, Qa. 0;3m - : -. ; I History ofRowan County ST KKV i. BCXrLX 1 cnlea of this interesting book may be bad f T. F.Kluttz, Tiieo. Blebbacm or at the Watchman Office. 9 O Cati is ij Motto. Having determined to adopt the Cash $S?5lZ?& t ,kerwis, ,nd 'for Guano to eall in and settle, as I am ( n notd of nioneJ and Must HaVG It. I shall in future sell strictly for CAMgr isaktek. as uy mis dimusiwiu w . , . m fricnd and cuatoraers give my More Goals For Their Money I am now receiving a nice and fjresh lot Country Produce for the Christmas Holidays. i - glf-Call nd see my stock b-jfV.rt yu make your purchascs. ;, 1 have a tine lot of.. - COCOANUTS ASD APPLES OX HAND. AU Kinds of Country Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. FURS, SKINS, WAX, RAGS, BEEF HIDES, SHEEP SKINS, BUTTER, EGGS, CHICKENS, TURKEYS. omE. AND DUCKS, FfO ETC. j. D. MCHEEIY. 7:1m (DA TED ui iiiui inn nil UO0D3 JkKDJo'ioCHBSShW 3, lb. Cans Tomatoes at 13 cents. aJj Best 10 .n.-.- 4. buy. We mean t-eUvou eooaods at sell all kinds f Conutr ProUucw -.w TAYLOR. II. F. ATKINS ATKINS. N.' - HAVING TURCHAieD I1E) biama Ta nTm' UF Of WHi SMITHPJAL, at AS WELL AS,THB; INTRE3,T;)F . K. R. Crarwrford, Wttftf'iteh pf nt!-.ni t.l Jl Amvti R. R, CpQRjr, enstomers with all kinds' ofb is$ AGRICDLIIMIPLIMENTS, - Inl adaitfon tVTtfe Best. Selected, Stock ,o,J A R D W AR BHirthi II imm Hill We also haiulle" i& Rifle &na Iastiii Ponder - !fl.5tt and a full liue of Mining- SapHes. ms We will' 1 Duplicate Any Pricela in the State: CALL AND SEE'.UK, W.S.BLACKJEB, Oct. 5, 1882. T CAITCRS. made tc order: An Aork Kl-t Ian vt'ttfiTean Kj- uertence. AU Vjite.tJii doie in the latest st ios c-f Uie Ust trade, aid wots J.ejly made woi 1 lv. n;s on hand RepalrlBj a?sit!y ami promni y loTf . ri n mall womi ly ttlel 81:12, Tl II I'TI ii ii. n ill ui. -Li. l a s BLACffl A. . - w ?H iP?l" WirCTg ... . i 1 I 5 ' ! i l .1 1 3 ! .j. i. ft if -ft Iff ill it I i t I- ! ::A-..A I.... - ....(

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