LCfCAU THURSDAY. FEB. 8. 1883. SEW Tisisma. r0n Mi - l8t. dlV' JaB"I' rU" , iii..,.r, tirwa fF HlH 11 nil-,. Vx tlie suns i " " navnient delayed 3 months, 2,00 gj ,ncjtt delayed 12 mouth 2.50 fr A. Briugle'j had his safe robbed of rtu contents, ?ne aay last wwk. I aw- - -wj fashioned candy pulling was I An om i 1 attraction tlte Mt. Vernon last Fri- Lv evtiniig if 0- A great dal.f Hickory', Dog and Per- lailllOH f?'J. DJ this county, it is leareu our peo- ,do uot know the real value oi tueir I iber, , -r 0 Mr. Willie Wiley, of the barque, Rialto bere spending, a lew days. He joins k... nkA mt Boston, fur a two 1S w"F T- ---- - - ear' vojitge. 1 J le expects to doireiglitiug the Indian Ocean. J o For ibe pasC five months there have u but four deaths in balisbury among 1 .?.- i" be whites. J4e kiiietf, two or cousump- mi-tmA cliilil. Wlmt. town liou U -?' - in show a beJptrr mortality record T Mr. Ed. Caiihle has another invention patented .Ho has this time an evenly i,..i,im ri1 doulile window sash, that slides up sad 4wipn -the frame without t'ie aid ol wail. The invention will ciieajx u (few style of window reiv much. I o Sbrcial fisticuffs of recent occurrence have atioidetii street corner committees business short sessions. Williams and Tarlor. and iMeuos anu Jvetcnie. i lie lst asaied two had a oout on batarday juid ou Sand pistols were displayed. I i Messrs Klfttz 6r GaskiH, Proprieters of Kluttz's Wai-ehouse, hve received a lot of fine tobacco seed from Mr. R. L Btyland, tin famous tobacco seed grower of Ilvco, Halifax county, Va. Farmers will do well t secure this improved seed disttilutedfree, at the Warehouse. I o Kluttr's Warehouse has received to bacco from t he Asheville market, of a bet- t:r grade tha has geuerally beeu brought Iu-re, The lot was sold on Saturday last and brought $5 more than the limited J It I .1 M . unct put on uy tne owners, lius is only mentioned to show the advantage of ti is over other markets. o On list Friday evening, Mr7 W. S BlackuierVaJ tnag Baud gave a com pli- ineutary Iop to the young people of Salisbury, at the residence of Luke Black inr, Esq. iLast Monday evening another gatheriag ojthe oang folks at the same place for th same purpose has been pro Mwnesq ajfare eveuiue to the graceful follovrera o terpsichore. -o The LiTjri.K Pistol. A shooting scrape i ieiK)rtedbetween Messrs. A. H. New- om and RjjL. Poel. They wore leaving towu and had crossed the town creek when a diftitulty was brought about, re ultuig in tjirce shots from Pool's pistol, one of the bulls taking effect in "the thigl ot gewselE near the side pocket. Not eonsideiediigangerons, however. Newaom was first bffiisplay a pistol Pool first to use it.' If s the stub end of a lent ftoeil, boom, betoonojt to the Char we Journal's Salisbury CorresiKudent. Hs has ujKl it well. He is bright and witty, snd'edits a live column, which is approciatd ami enjoyed by the Journal's rtuer8 nj; lius section. He is fast making anaaie a a paragraph writer. Success to imu The lOBACCO Warkhofmc UBti act iaTe, been let, ami bonds taken w te eranpletiou of the Warehouse in 8,t.v ua$R If tl,e weather is favorable tlis worfe may be completed dorinc the fU for day. Dr. J. R. Keen took contract for the wood work, aud J. H. Kdtlj, cojdrod, the contract for laying the brick. h has already put a force of hauds a tiNfork . A "speculators'' of Salisbury 'nraw f ? Uul put their money iu a to bacco faetory-it would pay a fair per centage Improve and give tone to the husmessfiff the town. Try it. Auothii "speculative sVndicateiVhr. niako alJuwi i.:.. . . .. thiug out of a cotton seed oil mill. ntinue brisk at Klottx's Ware liouse. Tf f&e break vestonliw .... if until y iafnMa there was a full corps of hayers ijrWnt. Tho aril. k-j.. i. 1. in are fpenor to those first pnt on the y an insneetion nf th marirot floor. inoted U tUU m)eTf k Beei that Pncc-s aH higher than last week. This is P plads;to bring your tobacco Winston anl Danville both l. ,m. ,m.: "Vic noj)g the buyers. tn mm.MJ vivrumii uuu oil. . rSMKX. Mr r'r.cni .. f 1K7 iujcBell are here at the Mt. Vernon. pt. iNeely bought nine brace of par table use and these getlemeo J m J killing. TheCap'L was afraid E gaf WouW get off and told them he onelft bird in the hand was worth 9 mh bush." The gentlemen agreed Th 10' fW Wrd t,,Ht 8 w aff IP wa dH1 uU view from u IfbJM Veranda-one and Awo being It f ft,leintely. 'No iiirda escaped. -"I remembered that Mr. Vlitchcll trial several ,u il nem Id The season of Lent commenced on Hie 7tli. It is observed bv tlw V iouiish churches. A nnmber of the citizcus of Mt- Ulla township have filed ft nofitinn I....... I J!s.i...i . . , I rwnivil W liaiC II - f "iPJi uitiubu IUIO tWO tOWtl- ships. The stated reasons for desirinir a division of the territory is, because of the great distance some of the voters have to go to cast their votes at elections. As a suggestion, would it not do as well and H5 more economical to make two voting pi cL-mcis, ana leave the township as it is. " - the i Meat an Ml-.sir One an Music One night last! week the ferocious dogs kept at Mr. J. M. Jlorah s were kent busv barkiiiir in He corner of his front yaitl'by a uoctur-l ual serenade on a banjo. Nothing was suspected from tins occurrence, (by no means rare on oar streets) until next morning when it was discovered tbat his i)acon bad been stolen during the night. Then the light streamed in while the dogs were doing their best to relieve the monotony of the banjo, the thieVes had actually relieved the smoke house. The police should keep an eye on every banjo-1 pick ing-meat-stealing d o g-charmiug-in- dividual in the community. But the same game can hardly be played twice. o The coroner was called to the country Saturday to investigate the death of a negro woman. There were several cir- cum stances to demand his investigation. She was found in a cully or ditch in the woods, and her husband had not only not noticed her absence, but had been careless about her condition prior to her , . i . r i " disappearance, which had occurred five 1 t . m. j 1 days before her discovery. The Coroner's inquest only proved that she died from a multiplicity of diseases, any of which would have proven fatal singly, under like circumstances. It seems that she was on her way for water, aud fell by the way and died from exhaustion no evidence of foul play came to light by the inves tigation. o The amendments to the town charter have been prepared aud sent to Raleigh for ratification by the Legislature. The amendments provide for issuing bonds to the amount of $30,000. $5,000 to be ap- t imlebted, l lUUeOieUUeSS I plied to settling the preset) of the town, aud the remaining $25,000 to be spent ou the streets inacadaiuiz ing. It is feared that the amount set aside for the streets is too smaU, yet our citizens may be thankful for what they can get. The present board of commis sioners have beeu laboring for two years to get some organized system for im proving the streets. They will be, or should be, continued as a board for anoth- er year, or longer, so that their plans for the permanent improvement of streets may be matured. i o tue There is complaint that tlie freight traius block the wagon approach te the cottou platform at the depot, aud keep tliem blocked for a considerable length of time, thus hiudering business and making trouble. This same blocking effects the approach to the Warehouse, grain and hay of J. D. McNeely and tlie Tobacco Warehouse also. The Railroad, or the Towu must make a ruling for the relief of teamsters. The resident railroad offi cers will no dout have tbia rectified, as soons the matter is brought before them in proper shape. Bloooy Deeds. McDowell county has recently been the scene of several bloody deeds. A Mr. White brained a Mr. Gil bert, with a heavy rifle barrel, near Old Fort, last Friday. There were no wit nesses. It was the settlement of an old feud between the young men Whit claims to have acted iu self, defence, bn no deadly weapons were fouud on the dead man. Au old woman, living near Old Fort committed suicide laat week by hanging. She got up iu the night and tied three hanks of yarn together, slipped her head through one end and hung the other ou a hook iu the juice, aud jumped from the table she had used in the dismal prepara tions for the laui ching of her soul into Eternity. Her husband and children were asleep in the room, aud were not aware of the horible deed, until next morning, when they awoke to find the wife aud mother swinging from the sealing, with ghastly countenance locked in death. At Mariou last Mouday night, Mr. Connelly shot Mr. Brown, iu the back of the neck. This is supposed to be a case of accidental sheeting, aud the wound is not considered fatal. A New York lady's expression in regard to "Heart of Steel," as expressed in a let ter to a gentleman of this city : In regard to "Heart of Steel," well I cannot say enougn. it is certain ly one of the most charming works I have ever read. It has completely bewitched me, and I wish so much I could see the ''Au thoress" and thank her from 1113' heart of hearts for all the beautiful thoughts she has given me. Such charming cultivat ed conversation such a thoroughly refin ed atmosphere pervades the whole book ; and the descriptions ef Patis and Rome I only know that I feel as if I had seen the eternal city, and lived over again my brief visit to Paris. There is so little "mawkish" love-making in it and somucl nnih.,.,. n.wl tnhmr Yn minnnt imaffinel a 1 - mm half the pleasure I have realized in read- ing this book, through the long dreary days we have had within the last two peljg. Teachers' Association of Rowan Co. The next Teachers' Association will be held in Salisbury Graded School building, ou Saturday the 10th inst, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The teachers are all requested to attend. Subjects for discussion : Arithmetic and Penmanship. 1st Topic, Arithmetic Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Divisor. Dr. W. A. WiUorn, leader. 2d Topic, Penmanship, Mr. S. J. Shin 11, leader. Rj:v. F. J. Murdoch, Pres. A. W. Owen, Sec'y. MINING. T. K. BUCTKSU MAXAOEU. The North State Mining Co.. have ... i.ll,. ll 1 . . inir UMU0 iu me --iui'in Matt the ; Iron and Transportation Co." The Board of Directors for Dutch Creek Mining Company, will hold their meetiug here this week. Mr. J. C. McCandless, well known as a I good miner, has beeu put in charge of underground workings at the New Discovery mine. They are pushing work at that mine. Soapstoke. Maj. Thus. Bonar, of i Henry, N.' C, has just sent tho Watchman Ca timet a specimeu of soapstoue. It is very mir quality, auu comes irom a . i m TerJ large deposit 1 he Barns 6c Cagle mine in Moore tinty has recently beeu purchased by a rsorthern Comuanr. Thev have betrun work with fair prospects of success. The w ! property was worked by J. M. Worth, Esq., before the war. Mr Ft leu Coppkr Mining Co. This company, in Davidson county, have a fine plant of machinery, and are workiug a copper vein. It is expected that the cP1"1 produce a large amount of copper during the present year. Mr. S. R. Harrison has returned from Moore County, aud reports that the "Bel,e Miue" now bci,,C worked hi' & H Luniberc & Co is in verv fine condition , , g 18 , .y. ni,e conaitltu- TllfiV liaVn ft Hill Vtl7IllT mil III) nf They have a new pulverizing mill up, of their own design capacity o tons Ier . dlLV. TllftV a PB nnw on mi rrn.l imt I . . -tk. r K in nuttiucr mi m m m m me prospects ot una itropertyis en couraging. Conrad Hill Mines. CONTINUED SUCCESS AT THE MINES, THE clatton's the model mineks of the STATE. Everything is running full blast at Conrad Hill. Last week's shipment was 88 of rcfind SoUh The entire gold ouipui ior ine monni oi January was m - m 0 m M . I , . $7,452. This does not take into account tue outPt iu copper, which is more flat- teriug thau the return of gold. They are running 20 stamps now, aud have just closed a contract with Becket & McDowell for 10 more to be delivered at once. They will be planted beside tho present battery. The company have recently purchased property adjoining, known as "Dodge IIliU." The outcrop on this property is very bold, and shows better than the Conrad Hill veins did on the surface ; and is. only 150 yards distant from the mju Engine shaft, at the mines. If this property opens well, aud there is every reasen for believing so, the company will erect a min a hundred and thirty stamps strong. Ibis will be aucqnaled by any thing in the Southern States. At present1 J are working a force of 150 hands, bnt they have advertised for 175 more miners aud surface hands to whom steady employment is promised. Our readers will have laid before them in a short time, a sketch of the mines aud the work being done there, The Foust Mine. Archibald & Co. A non-speculative, private corporation, with L. U. Campbell Snp't., have taken hold of this property and begun its development. It adjoins Silver Valley on the west, and is 11 iles from Lexington, N, C. The vein is a bold one, running N. , aud S. W., down 20 feet. The first shaft was sunk to the east of the veiu, 65 feet deep, cutting a lot of string- el's. The country rock proved too hard and the shaft was abandoned, and a new one opened on the vein : which at out crop, is 20 feet wide. It has increased in width as depth was attained, at the rate of from H to 3 inches to the foot. The vein matter is chalcopyrite, intersperced iu a crangne ot silica. The indications are that it will run into galenite at from 70 to 100 feet down. This conclusion is justified from the fact that the stringers cut in first shaft, were of a complex char acter, resembliug in a marked degree the ores ef Silver Valley. The company have also bought the Hunt property, (52 acres) adjoining the Foust. This is also a new property, only prospected -to a depth of 15 feet, with a fine show for copper. Exploitation work is now being conducted by the Snp't. Tlie Southern Ore Company Again. Mr. J. Bono, one of the directors of the Southern Ore Company, recently estab lished in this city and chartered by the Legislature, expected to leave for Char lotte last evening, on his way to New York, to attend a meeting of the direc tors, who will elect a President of the new company. This honor will probably fall upon Mr. Beuo, who, as the prime mover in the enterprise and its assidious pro moter from its inception, is justly enti tled to the distinction, to say nothing of . , . Having a man 01 ins experience at tne head of affairs. While in Charlotte Mr. Beuo will sign contracts with two mining companies for the delivery at the works here of eighty tons of ore per day, all of which will come down on the Carolina Central railroad and will form quite an item of freight on that road. The three resident Directors of the Company Messrs. J. Beuo, E. S. Latimer and George R. French, Jr., will constitute a local board and are all men of pnsh and energy. We predict for tlie Southern Ore Com pany a prosperous cereer. Wil. Star. This Company, advantageously situated at Wilmington, is destined to do for North Carolina mines a great work. It places the facilities of cheap mining at eyery man's door, and no longer will the much used excuse of financial inability to open and work the many dormant pro- tprties of tlte section, be valid. They will help those who are in earn est, aud are willing to help themselves. The manager of the Mining Department of this paper, will gladly furnish desired information to those contemplating sell ing their ores, and will see that they have thorough scientific analyses of them, free of cost. Specimens left at this office will receive - prompt attention. Digging out your ores aud selling them I at a small profit on the ton. is a much sorer and economical way of eeeuriug a steady income, than putting up expen sive works and ruuniug the risks. This tlie way miuing is conducted iu the great West a glance at the bullion re- turns of that section will be convincing enougn. 30 MINERS and STRIKERS' WANTED ay me uooyer uui -uoia fining Company, . . . I Lend, Randolph County, N. C. Wm. FKECHEVILLE, Manager. 17:2t Salisbury Cor. Charlotte Journal. Salisbury is one hundred and thirtv years old, and was at one time the comi ty seat of territory stretching to the Pa- LQc ocean. Here men have lived whose names stand on the rail of honor thus One was a President of these Uuited States, one a member of General Wash ington's cabinet, one a minister plenepo teutiary, ouea minister to South Ameri " " . ca, two were United States Senators, four . . ' - I were Governors of tho State, ono was a iUBtiee. and another a nliUf nation f H.m ' Sapreme Conrt -eTen were gu iop court Judges, eight were Congressmen, and a number of them were authors; aud she has produced a man who refused a United States Seuatorship, and another a seat in Congress. There are not two men living in Salisbury who can from memo ry unaided call the roll. Try it for a chroiuo. An indisputable case of suspended ani mation is reported from Mocksville. Prof. Stirling, before meutioued by us in a dy !" ndition did actually die but is new in tltm luml nf flio livmrr omiin Vim mmmamA iu the land of the living again. He ceased to breathe, his pulse ceased to beat, aud he was to all appearances dead for six minutes. At the end of that time he threw up his hands, gasped, and his lungs bsgan the exercise of their functions again, trot. Stirling reports a dissolu tion between soul aud body. The County Commissioners held their regular session the 5th inst. All the mem- WB leui. v. rieming, tue newiy elected member took the oath of office and assumed the duties of a commissioner. Messrs. Baker and Kluttz, who compos I6 the committee of finance, reported that they had examined the books aud accounts oft he County treasureraud fouud all correct. A number ot applicants were given allowances from the poor fund ; and others exempted from road duty. Numerous petitions aud requests regard iug common school matters were heard, and dispose of to the best interests of the parties concerned. Ordered, that Burwell Brown, a prison er now serving a term in the county jail for assault and battery, be hired out to J. C. Brown for $15 to cover the cost of tne remaiuuer ot tne term ot his impris onment ; also, that Wm. Rankin, colored, be farmed out for the cost iu the case of the State vs. said Rankin. J D. McNeely was uppoiured bonded auctioneer for Rowan county. Ordered, that the Sheriff be allowed until the 1st of Mai eh next to make set tlement of school and county taxes. To regulate the salaries of the teachers of the common schools it was Ordered by the County Board of Edu- cation, that Teachers of the 1st grade shall receive not exceeding $ '), and of the 2d grade $25, and of the 3d $15 ; aud that no warrants shall be paid by the treasurer unless the same be cuntersigned by the secretary of the Board and by one member of said board. W. L. Kluttz protested aud voted against tho low limit of salary allowed 1st grade O teachers. , Ordered, that the school committeemen of district No. 1, Franklin township, be notified to be present at the next regulai meeting of the Board and show cause why they should not be removed from office. Ordered, that two new bridges be built one across Third Cieek, on the Wilkes- boro road at File's mill ; and one across Crane Creek ou the new cut running from Union church to Mrs. Kluttz's. A number of claims were passed upon and the following jurors drawn for the Spring terms of the Superior and Iuferior courts : for superior court 1st week. Jacob Menus, J D Gaskill, Rang. Dou ther, col'd, R L Weddingtou, Lem. Josey, W F Rice, C A Rice, J W Wilhelm, G H Ritchie, L J Peeler, D C Reid, Caleb Bar ger, J F Grupy, J C Snuggs, T M Phifer, B H Owens, C A Sloop, W A Shuping, W G Gardner, Jas. W Knox, T P Overman, D R Julian, M Safret, P C Shaver, T C Winders, T D Reseman, Chris. Holeshou ser, C A Liun, W A Eller, Jno A Wise, Levi Powlass, A E Bai n hart, Renin n Long, E C Nesbit, Jno C Brown, W H Overman. 2nd week. J B Leon anl, W A Cauble, R F Pool, J N Fralcy, Joa A Brown, P A Liugle, Jos J Kim-aid, J A Rendleman, W L Par ker, Jesse Sechler. J N Morgan, J F Ross, Isaac Lyerly, J H Krider, Geo H Shaver, Jesse Kluttz, Wiley Dodge, jr., col'd, Mi chael Miller. FOR INFERIOR COURT. DanM F Wise, Jno Powlass, Jno Mow ery, col'd, C L Reeves, Sam'l Beaker, W A Houck, R P Roseraan, J B Foard, D L Eddleman, J K Graham, W W Harris, R C Knox, M L Phifer, T N Renehaw, D A Lyerly, M M Bailey, M P Cline, Adam o . .11 may safely sav for S200 Lentz, Joshua Gaskey, A L Peeler S Dl Morriwm, V Piot, W T Thomaso,,, Jnol xj Aiieuer. i M Uoleman, II A C Ketner, SaAVi,Ul,z' J W J K Filler, 8 C Miller. For the Watch hat ti. A Cricket Club. Gold Hill, Rowan Co., N. N. February, 5th, 1883. Dear Brunei-: On SatnnUv I mn ed to you and others the subject concern ing ine iormntion of a Cricket Clnh i Salisbury, and I presume it was received wiui more or less lavurab e cnmiiiiif In England and the North it i a frit anu lasuiouable game for gentlemeu, and mucu appreciated by both sexes. Seeiug I. lo 8"oh outdoor sports, I fail to per umi uic ooumeru climate is more adapt- ceive why we In the South, should not h near, uot only in business but in snorts of equuuno wun our mends, both far and an kiuus. au work and no play, makes uaca a anil ooy." l wiste to make a few brief remarks on the subject. l shall propose that a committee m lormeu, consisting of a chairman, a dep- ntV Chairman, mm momlmr m avMu.. . . . . -r T " " v V I , t. CUVICid aud a treasurer. The committee formed. its object shall be to secure as many hon orary members as possible: that each member shall put. as an entrance ft, tin- Bum oi o, or such sum as the committee A . . oiiun ueem ncosarv ior orfranixmir a jitivct viuo. Alter sumcieuc mem bers be obtained, the next object of the committee should be to purchase the ar- Sill m mm m -mr . ri.i..i.... i..i. w . -T . iictes, e&c, winch l estimate should cost from $150 to $200. We should require a 1 1 1 m m. m mi ueiu or some suitable place) to practice ana piay oar matches in. It would rest with tlte committee to say if a pavilion with fittings he built the first year or not. if so, an additional sum would be ueces- RJirv Sit Kuta nrliioli I buU cost $40 ; six balls $10 : three sets of wick- cost ; six balls N ; three sets of wick- ets $20 : 4 nairs of nads 2() battinir aud l .' . . V, UUIHHI WIU wicket -keeping gloves $2U. and extras, sar . - wo could form a verv nice club, aud I Iuhia von will exert yourself aud assist me iu or- gauizmg the same. Shall be glad to hear from you aud to consider any suggestions you may make. faithfully, Egbert B. C. Hamblet. Fnyetteville Observer. On Thursday Februarv 8th ISffi tli undersigned w i 1 revive kW . ilJ S of Am ru w viiv ji mviu I mi llSCf I C'f lhe Observer will be a large 28 column subscribers, postaie paid, at $2 per an I nun. !.. imu .11. 1l 111 weekly newspaper, and will be mailed to num. always iu advance. It will give the uews or tne aay iu as ample form as its space will permit, And both regular and occasional correspondents will contribute letters from the Capital on State politics and affairs. Democratic in politics, the Observer will labor, Bras of ail, to assure the prospei i y oi tue town or r ayettevllle. to develop tlie vast agricultural resources of its owu and the neighboring counties, and to pro- all that f ""W U welfare of the Opposed to such innovations on the Icwjjic wi nwrui oil run ii a. pomely ways of onr fathers as, iu the J gnise of progress, harm society, the Ob server will be found in full sympathy with the new things boru of the changed con- ment or enlightened experience find to be union oi ine aoum wnicit sonnet luag- also good. As to the rest: it will strive to deserve the reputation of the name it inherits. . J. Hale, Jr. Garden Skeds Direct from Thk Grower. -Mr. Joseph Harris. Moretoa Farm. Kncutor. N. Y lias sent us his new Catalogue of Kleld, Garden and Flower seeds, for 18S3. Those who want good. fresh seeds direct from the grower. wlU do well to send ior mt. nams' ew uataiojrue for ist3. it is sent 10 au appucanu. aaaress, joseps Harris. Aioreton Farm, tester, x . T. Db Cassagxac Raises a Brezye ik the Chamber of Deputies. Paris, Feb. 2- Th debat " the Chamber of Deputies yesterday lasted 101 hours. A noticeable feature was that the Rights organized a system of obstruction. M. Paul De Cassag- nac taunted the Cabinet with having been unable to find a Minister of Marine. He objected to the statement of Gen Hibarrdid that the soldiers were devoted to tlte Re public. The army belongs to France. He said: When you tell ns to go and get killed for Frnce we 8hn11 , but not for Re" 1 ai , j i public. Amid a-stonn of exasperation and diPProval froQ the left, M De-Cassagrisc "cciarea mat. ine army was aeraoraiizea dj i j i: i th propositional measure, and that the turn of the iiuLca iiicuuo nvuiu nuu come. Thk Deacon lettcci. This is a new cabbage leciuce 01 great size ami or tne nignest quality in troduced by Joseph Harts, More ton Farm, Roches 1 t, N. Y. Hr, Harris says it is tbe best lettuce in the world. He is very confident tbat it will please all who try it. He has put the price down to only 5 feents a packet, in aoj f .nlu will cm n. t w. ( mat every one wno likes aatin Qond tr XT r T I n f t c: I iciiiuuc, mil mvr IUC hwuiam itiii 04vv uiv ivavwii. uvuu iw 1111 11 ui 1 10 for tils free and valuable seed catalogue for lSSS con taining a full account of this valuable lettuce. Ad dress, Joseph Harris, More ton Farm, Rochester, N. DIED. In this county, Jan. 30, Calvin M. A Kluttz, son of Jacob and Eliza Kluttz, aged 2i years. MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's mother Jan. 24th. 1883. by Rev. J. Alston Ram say, Mr. T. C. Hyde aud Miss Letitia, daughter of the late Rev, B. Scott Krider. Bv Rev. B. S. Brown, at the residence of Mr. W. H. Fonts, Mr. John A. Sloop and Miss Sarah Jane Bigham, all of Row an county. At Gold Hill, Feb. 4th, 1883, by Rev R. Rush, Mr. Renben J. Shaver and Miss Elizabeth H. Tyack. CORRECTED WEEKLY BT JOHN SHEPPARD, . . . .AUCTIONEER. Loos, common 33? ' " to medium 3i4 " medium to good " good to very good 8 7f " good and fine...' 7f10 Leaf, common 46 to medium .0 7f medium to good 7i10 pood to fine . .10&16 u Wrappers, common llQ14i " good 17 22 fine, 85 00 No fancy wrappers, cutters or lugs offer ed, as yet. FARMERS AND GARDNERS LOOK TO YOUR - IS JUST WHAT WITH IT von can Tint mat avatiIv tmd nnifAnnlv Your Stable Manure, HTON EIGHT OR TEN ACRES PER DAY.a It is the cheapest and most efficient machine of the kind known, and will riifttrihnta broadcast, single drill or in two rows at once h.e fa.ri"f w.lU' in "e W .back mn V--.-."' 7 "T' w lu" '"u r,l" u ' cmn ln the ,ncreRsei his crop alone, to say nothing of money saved which he . , nillO fnr furfili,. OIlH tlio .irmonnl nnnrio ..f i.:,.V...i has been paying for fertilisers, and the permanent improvement of hia land Read the following certificates from Louisiana planters, where the machine was in- I vented and lias been thrtrmirrhl v footed tXr I J " This is to certify that we have used Brown's Patent Distributor, and can say EVERY THING in its nraise. as it distributes stable and barnvard manure, rnttnn mA ,.t- i j :r i i ,1 : i cvcmiv uuu uuitvruiijr, iu nuy ucsucu ijuiiiiiiijr, uutu iu single unit anu two rows at once any width. We further recommend it for its cheapness and simplicity, as there is not a piece about it but what can be had on every repairer. Signed, D C MORGAN, C C SMITH, w u ububaffereid, i j tv illoams, ttf mr . mWm r , m -. WOOD, . U FAULK, I And a host of others. ' This Machine took the first prize where it was exhibited. Simle Machines $12. In 3FAgcnts wanted in every BROWN & B. H. MARSH, A Guilford fruit grower has tested the the ory that iron drivenpnto apple trees will pro mote fruit bearing. He has a winter golden pippin which never held its fruit or bore heavily until some old horseshoes placed m, ' . mm m mm . m m t 1 1 in the forks or the tree became nuoeaea in it.Now it bears abundantly, and the fruit is of the best quality. Oreensloro Patriot. BUSINESS LOCALS Choice lot of sngar cured meats, Eating Irish Potatoes, Pearl Hominy and Grits, At A. PARKER'S. COMPOST 1 COMPOST I ! I have now on hands a stock of com posting materials Acid Phosphates, Chemicals, &c., and cheaper than ever be fore offered. Am also daily expecting a car load of "Genuine German Kainit" (or German Potash Salt), an excellent and popular fertilizer itself, as well as a number one com poster I lull oar I v a Call early and secure or leave orders for wbat you want. J. Allen Brown. tf TUJT'S PILLS A SUGAR PLUM Turr's Pills lire now covered over with a vanilla Ftigar coating, making them a pleasant to swallow as a little rusar plum. nd render ing them agreeable to the most delicate stom ach. They cure sick headache and billions colic. They give appelile and flesh to the body. Thev cure dyspepsia and nourik the sys tem. They cure fever and ague, costiveneas, ect. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a box. 43:6m Malaria. Chills and Fever, and Billions attacks positively cured with Emory's Standard Cure Pills '. -an infallible remedy: never falls to cure the most ... . . m m m ml obstinate, lone standing cases wnere vmmne ana all other remedies had failed expressly tor malarious sections, ln double boxes. two kinds of Pills, containing a strong cathartic and Tney are a chill breaker, sugar-coated; containing no Oulnlne or Merrurv. causing no irrlDincor nursnnu:: they are mild and efficient, certain ln their action and harm- , less ln all cases ; they effectually cleanse tne system andgtve new life and tone to the body. As a house- hold remedy they are ucequaled. For Liver com - plaint their equal Is not known ; one box will have k wonderful effect on the worse case. They are nsed and prescribed bv physicians, and sold by druggists everywhere, or sent by mall, 25 and so cent boxes. Emory's little Cathartic Pills, best ever made, only 16 cents. Standard cure Co. 114 Nassau Street, New York. 43rty FORI 8 ALE BYJ. H. ENNISS. Classical, Mathematical and English. HICKORY, N. C. Spring session opens January 8th, 1883. Tuition, per month, $2.00 to $4 00. Board do do 1 10.00 to $12.00 For particulars apply to ll:6w-pdj II. C. DIXON, Principal. SPECIAL NOTICE ! All persons to whom I have furnished either Fertilizers or supplies are hereby no tified that their notes and accounts were due November 1st, 1888, and all persons who have not paid np must pay up, as no longer indulgence will be given. R. J. HOLMES. Nov. 82d,l882.-6;4t HIGHLAND SCHOOL DtfTEREST ! YOU WANT! . - : Compost, Muck, &c, any width and in any desired quantity. t,mea the Pnce of the farm "ght and ma- Hie lust four vmm. J " Ouachita Pabish, Louisiana, July 20th, 1881. .u j i . . ' farm, which enables everyone to be his own A B SCRIBE R, R G COBB -m m r mm s- m, -m, . w u hiu, jus. a rOWELL, M L BOWMAN, J R MEHIDETH, medals at all Western State Fairs in 1880, dftbbs of Two or More, $U. County in the State. Address, NICHOLSON, Proprietors, Charlotte, N. C. Agent & Manufacturer, Salisbury, JV. G 1882. FALLSTOCK, 1882. IT is with pleasure that we announce te our many friends and customers, tbat we have just received the most complete and desirable stock ef GENERAL MERCHANDISE that it has ever been our pleasure to exhib it. Beginning in our basement you will find Two Car Loads of Bagging and Ties of the best brands, and at reasonable prices. DON'T BUY TILL, YOU 8EE US! In our MAIN ROOM will be found the largest and, by far, the most desirable stock of DRY GOODS, Domestic Goods, Piece Goods, Notions Trimmings and many other goods you want and ueed, that is to be fooud in tli is part of North Carolina. ln onr Clothing Department, np stairs, you will find 1,000 Suits of Clothing, all sizes, and prices. Also ajarge line of OVERCOATS. In our Boot and Shoes Department, which is our boss department up ataire, will be found a very large line of Goods, all stamped with oar name and warrant ed. If they rip bring back the pieces and we will refund your money. ; Our Hand-made Boss Boot at $2.50 ia the best Boot for the price that is be found. In this department will be found a m Mm ... large lot of - . HATS and CAPS, ALL DESIRABLE AND CHEAP. We have repainted and fitted up our for mPr tira;n rrk..m mer K1,!" rra over oor warehouse an. Mm lA Wmt mmmU I M 9.4 uptiicu m " & hLXTBQ St0C 01 CaTDOtS. Mattllir . "5J .Z... ' ' tfUffS, WroniC WlOtllS. CaiXet LinitW 1 - I i aibo " mw HUUSS win ie lound a Inrft A t t At." vnAAvar -n m -mm , anu hannsome strx;k of Xiadies's Cloak: J0lman laekat atllh ' JaCJtetS, Hilt CirCiOS, In our Warehouse will be found THKKK Car Loads of Salt Bar n by the BOX. Sheetings, Yarns ami Plaids by the Balej and many other goods. We have rented the store room adjoining J. D. McNeelv and will buv your GRAIJU FLOUR; COTTON or other PROM n . or Store It for you. With thanks for your many favors and an earnest intention to meet your continued confidence, we big you to call and see u before you Imy your- OR SELL YOUR PRODUCE J. P. ROSS, T. P. 70UVQ A. M. Tocno, W. L. Johnson, W. W. GAI.KS. William 11. Rick, N. B., Cucwsa Three hundred circus in Russian persons attending a 'ol;tud ou Saturday ttnernoou peiislted bv the burning of building. 1

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