f. Tbr tobacco reduction jro Into effect S May lt rebate to - manufacturer I mid dealer on nil original him! nnbrokMi r.r.irv o.n-kiire on lot ml- M.iV Ir, tlie i f claim iolm presented within sixty days I and m drawback to 1e allowed for a less ; amount than ten dollars. North Carolina is liercared in tlic death f so able and true a main as Col. David f Coleman, of Buncombe; He was a superior I lawyer and logical thinker, and was a man of sterling worth. His age is stated to have been CO years, and his home was in Asheville I He Was unquestionably one of the ablest of J the Western men. He was in the U. S. Navy for eight years. . He served in the P Legislature several times, and was a mem !; ber of the Constitutional Convention in U: 18"3. He ran for Congress against Hon. Z. f B. Vance and was defeated. He was a gallant aoldier, and was Colonel of the 80th -;pJf. C. Troops. , He was Solicitor in his I District at one time. Modest," able, rnlti I vsUd, aud honorable, his death is a positvie ,los toias State. Wil Star. An Arrest In Alexander.! FOREIGN. AD VERTISEMENTS. . - Ut ...J MMliHb HI .... uri m. rmimr ..." y -- J! I tm4, for I he tpr i -"-; w W Seminal amissions nnl IrsTKrtancy Mine n.w. m. ihm prn-- - " Cintiiniik OmmAmtt I"" " -" f miwt III .mM M " ..i. mnlal troubW. lb. .J aW swasBf-aiijr MB - MARiltft REMEDY CO. "''CIISTS, It mm. M 4IMDV ifcinrty if GALLEY UOTHAL;:- LIFE AGSOGI ATIQEJ OF VIEGINIA. HOME OFFICE, STAVNTOX, YJL. '-Slots- ; Police Guaranteed for their full face val ve, Secured by an ample fund, inrested i in U. . Bonds, which is increased f erery year, from the three Annual pay- . ments of $5.00 per $1,000 Insurance. Ctarke ITrnre, who, at the - time of the Thompson roblwry and i murder in Alexan der county, nearly two years ago, was sus pected of complicity in it was arrested one day last week in Surry county and taken to j Toylorsvilte where there was a hearing, i Saturday, of the charges aganist him. The investigation was conducted before three Magistrates, Mr. E. B. ; Jones conducting the prosecution and Mr, A, C. Mcintosh, Jr., representing the prisoner. Bruce is a rela tive of J be Thompson family. On the af ternoon when the robbery and murder were committed, he was absent from his wrk on the farm where - he was employefi. He has had abundant moneys ever since the murder. Asked, shortly after the tragedy, SO FFICER S- where he irot his monev. be answered that I Hon. Alex. H. H. STUABTrPrcsident. hlinnlnT.F It tn lurn nia Pmnl.irPr HON. f AKfiUALL HaKGER. Vic President . I chariic8 jm Cooke SwrttuFT Mr. Lee Lackey, denyed .it. He was in P w Thoot. Tiwuurer: South Carolina some time after the crime, William Forbes. General Agent.. and. his relatives down there wrote" to the I Da. Cartbb Bebkeley, Medical Examiner. family up here asking where Clarke got so much money.! The result of the trial was that Bruce was committed.-aJn7 Land mark. DIRECTORS ' A. H. II. Stuart, I. WitJE, C. L. Cooke, Q. P. Baker, A. Ayers, , W. B. McChesncy, : Mi Wm. Fortea, 1L Hanger, G. G. Goorh, W. E. Craig, P, II. Trout, W.M. Moffet. Mjr , IT DISPENSARY. CHikSaa 1817 till . 8ta Stiit, ST. LOBR KO. THI rkf sleiMU la ehuf or Ihii old and well known tMUtatioa r recnlar grsduatea in saediein ud rMr. Tmk of Kxperieno In tb trtment of GhnvM riiifim bar made their tU nd tbilitf pm aapanor iba of the ordinary practitioner, tfcat ikof bar aeooirod a national rapntation through Ibalr traatmont of eimpllcd . I H n 1 8CRSTJ CiM wEXPOS URE Mtf 4i" Marenrr or Poisonoaa Medicine. and ttoae of middle see who are ini1Tin from the caeeta of i tiuu uam it vktmi ir besiness oc marriace. rmaneailv rurwd, al mmi.ra(e erpxnae. -i nwii c.-a.ull.n it arrlcrred, m kxt n Ji iiiJS mviim. LM af to vifirtrrt to patnul, mtnBg truaneat Hl Aw a ad!ra ea ipplteaitoa. (rHm iarwT rma Hi.pirmhMMra4 tholreildrMa, Ml t,ara mirUilnt W tbrlr wlrlitlMPk llh auta traw.JP Cataw.ri-.rtrH'i!i ralriril, ant (fcmld fct tdi!rtM4 JM. B0TT8, J Njt Nth Ht. VmnU. Urn. Majr , V.-ly ' 1 111 tiAK Pa witaWiM nTiia OUNQ WEI It- Si LUH, KAIKIT ft PLASTER! Building: Lime, Agricultural , Lime, Land Plaster and ; Jilarl. ; QOOZi FiiStTILIZr.RS ! An.it Verf O op, tSeiulfor cin-u!r. FRENCH BEOS.vKockv Poit,., N.c. , I7:3m ExcEmoss in the Revenue Bill vvaeiiington, March 4. Wnile tne pro visions of the' act "to roduce. revenue" goes into effect genelly on and after July 1, J 883 1 TllO Valley Huttial Lifd Assodatlca except ion is made in respect of tariff duties I ; Preaenta the Following Plan a. ! - I. V - . - . ,;v ...II upon bugar w ucu kc cueci uune i, ana to nel Persons u desire to become the internal j- revenue provisions rcla I ZXE2IBERS .s .f-.uvi.uu M.U r The t of t8-00 for membership; oacco, snun ana cigars, and the reuuc- 5-00 annually for three years, commencing tion of the special license taxes, which one year from date of Policy, and thereafter go into effect May I, with a provisions that 13 00 annually during life, with pro rata ..l data. .ft, br.wU.ok onn-br.keop.ck- -J--fi emr".o . Certiacf ngea wwww, uuu, cigara auu cigarettes i Quo TbOHtand SOlIart. to lie paid to held by manufacturers or dealers at date I the legr.l heirs or assigns, in ninety days must be presented before July 1. r - s PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . i ii - - BLACKMER & HENDERSON 3 Attorney's. Counselors and Solicitors. Swlisbury, N. C. t Jan. 22d, 9-tf. J. M. McCORKLE. T.P. KLUTTZ. ilIcCOKKLE & KLUTTZ, . ATT0HXEYS Axn COUNSELORS Salishckv, N. C. Office on Council Street, opposite tho Court Ilousf. , 37:tf '-I KKKlt CKA1GE. L. II. CLEMKXT. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, Salisbukt, N. C. Feb. 3rd, 1881. ZB. Vasce. W. H. Bailly. VANCE & BAILEY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, f ' CHARLOTTE, K. a 4 Practice in Supreme Court of the United Staten, Supreme Court of Isorlh Carolina, Federal Court", and Count it of Mecklenburg, Uiuarrti", Union, Ualon, Kowan and David aon. f-Office, two doors east of Indepen ; aence square. - 33:tf from approval of death notice.' TABLE OP ASSESSMENTS roa a KMBiasHir or ohs thocsand doixabs: AtveMm'nt '.As :Asem't Ag '.Aiumtinnt SUT1 SI ti S3 84 t9 ST JS 80 SI 39 33 84 35 Tor 47 48 49 6tf 61 es i ts M CO CI - i S3 i 63 6T C IS! B9 41 i 4i 41 44 45 4S 4T 43 49 to 73 7 ' 7S Pi 8S S3 SI 95 00 i 03 I 10 1 18 1 125 1-M i M C3 4 1 55 65 57 68 59 69 61 62 63 C4 63 too. . A Woman's Wit.-A womnna advice is generally worth having; so, ifyoa are Ui trouble tell your uioiher.or ynnr wifr, or your aiitii; ll about it. Ue aisuml that light will Hash upon your dark new. Wo men are too cmnniouly judged verdant in all but purely woman ih affnirs. No philo sophical students of the sex ! thus jndge thcni. Their intuitions or insights are mogf subtle, and if they rnnnot see a cat in the meal, there is no cat there. I advise a uiau to keep nonf of bis affairs from his wife. Many a home has ij.een saved, and many a fortune retrieved by a mail's confidence iu his ; wife. Wonmu is far more n seer and a prophet thau man, if she! be giveu a fair chance. As a general thing the wires confide the jmiuutest of their plans aud faults to their husbands. Why not reciprocate, if but for the pleas ure of meeting confidence with confidence? The men tliat succeed best i in life are thoso .who make confidant of 'their wives. Independent j - ' . Indian Progress. Large Land Swindles. Kitchen Knowledgre. - "Never Iwo late to Icaru." and tere are a few tilings that have bceu Sl.iM 148 1 5S 16S 179 190 to 914 3 87 45 S65 kS3 3 05 8 5 330 V 63rU.A3T As we have before stated, the policies issued toy tbe "Valley Mutual", are guaranteed. We do not promise to p:ty "as many dollars as any assessment ur til vfM lint ativ lh .mnnnt littttirl fnr wf II )w l smtd la rul'l. In order for us to do this a guarantee fund has been provided, which, as wil! be seenJrom our annual stnt- ment. now amounts to over $5,Ko. 'Ihlitfuudls Increased every year from the three annual paymenuot Ave dolUinipertl.i-twlusurance. It Is tbe Intention ef our Board of directors to In crease this fund to an amount which 111 in any emerg-ency be fully adequate to meet any possible deficiency arlslnjr ftoni a failure to receive enough from an assessment to pay a loss. . Int great not Not one of them provides a fund for the protection The report of the Board of Indian Com missioncrs shows a very gratifying improve mcnt in the condition of the nation's red wards during the past few years. The ef forts to civillize them and make them self- '.-jf.. ; ' . ... ............ supporting seem to be crowned with success, and they are rapidly learning and practicing many of the arts of civilhzed life. Consid erable progress has lieen made in education, A. number of schools have been established amoung them and, one fifth of the Indian youth of school age arc nmr attending cither day or boarding schools. - i In the matter of industry, the improve meat is even greater, and the: agricultural and stock wealth of the redskins has quad rupled in the last few years. The following are some of t he figures for 1868 and 1882: i . ... Acres of land under cultivation increased from 54,207 to 5G9,932, an increase of 955 per cent.; bushels of wheat produced in creased from 126,11? to 073,033 bushels, or 432. )er cent; hogs owned, from 29,890 to 424,740, or 1,350 per cent.; and sheep owned from2.CS3 to 1,301,730, or more than 50,0U0 per! cent. ' No state in the Union can make a better showing than these savacx, and these fig ures would seem to piovc that the despised Indians can be civilized so as, to become respectable and industrious money-making citizens. i BnAnoREin'G pills. Galveston. Texas, March G. A T.14l are a Te2etabie tonic purgative, aiw special from Austin to the News says: jllleiT harmless under all circumstance. They investigations show tuat me .ami never injure t,he weakest female or me young- a ws have been grossly vioiaieu y nl chnd. One box m a medicine cnei wiub- he use of fictitious names. Uonrsnr- a? for R whole family, oppose you nave vvnni hnvft hneiiJ !u colltision With diarrhoea: nature is making a great etlort to the speculators. One syndicate has gct rid of some irritating matter in the Mom taken up 320t000.acres by using fic- ach br bowels. A dose of Brand reuYs Piihi Iilo.ta nnma Tn tliA snme wav in- removes the matter and the disease iaenred. dividuala have secured from twenty In costivenens one good dose of Brandreth's tn tU:rt ctln. A hi w nrob- Pill. followed by one r cverj. .v - ably be introduced declaring the sales week or two, make the human machinery run I as regular us clock work. In bad cold?, where the pores oi tne sain ire wwwu ; sible perspiration thrownupon the blood, pois oning the fountains of life and filling the nose, the throat and the lungs with choking mucus; seven Brandreth's Pills taken at night on an will restore the persuiration. Icarjied by au old, housekeeper : break Dp lhe cold and purgeaway alt the wa- lliat it we wish to proioog., our itery cretions that should have passed off by lives we should put one (lay between 1 ti,e gtin. Diphtheria, a family disease and a waKiiiu ami iruuins. I most dangerous one. is almost iaiiueui.iiviy That people who chew plenty of cured br one or two doses of Brandreth's Pills, gowl beef aud eschew pork are sen- J aided by a gargle of lime water. Rhumatism, sible. 1 which comes from too much acidify or too That touch beefsteak may be made I much alks.inity of the system, requires noth eatable by mincing it pretty fine with ling but Brandreth's Pills and-a few good a chonninir knife and cookine. it I sweats to make a perfect cure. f nillCKI V in a uoiiwiiii-a ciosw uuvei i n " " r"..v . . i . I . .. .1 " .i. ..r i.-ti. . to nrevent the steam from cscaDinsr. ahwiwuui uhcuukciu ""i""1 Tlmt. r.i t mirk mav be nearly as ' e ye "nu clearness oi iuckkiu. au nice, uearly as fresh, if soaked iu PIe nd mpU8ns vanish like magic under iiuivt mill; n mi vvninr. pn n nans. i rm r---v---o r-- - ....... m- . - ' " " - 1 '1 -r" :. M - . Tlmt r.lld ilfmilk i tiotiPr l ban cannot stop the fuarcli of tune with any roeUi r... ii.: HU cine: out Kranurein a jriiia win remove ine Wilier nil ii csiiviitiig nun uau. That ha water w nearly as dors not least. " Hint liver should be thrown into boiling water after being sliced thu and then fried iu lard or drippings. That boy will a v;ry jwipular preacher said a father, pointing to his eightr-year ol son, who was kissinjr his little female com panion. ''What makes you think so?" uske tho mother. Why can't you fee lor your self ?w was the reply: "so joung,- and yet so In this one respect the "Valley Mutual" claims fiinil nt'tlw oir! Teat Bupertorlty over all tooperatlve associations. uu" 1 1 fe",a- j iot ore of them has this all Important feature. . ' 7 r1 nn. tfiam nffnvlflAtt a fim fAvlh. nmtoAtiAn ' f of members, and not one of them guarantees to pay SU BSC K I BB FOIt THE CKAO ona cent more than tney collect by an assessment. , t t t w fivtixr i v nvi v DH.TOO.P.rOAM,.Ae. I ; gj Jo E" yeabT lWm HOME ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 lDj ot flf II clu ifunntttrc IT STAND AT THE HEAD.5 THE LISHT-RUNfJING SHERIFFS SALE OF LAIiD!! n V i f-f h II if -S-l- DOMESTIC By virtue of an execution issued out of I j the Superior Court of Rowan county. In fa vor of J. D. Trexler. to the use of A. n. v Thai it is the acknowledged leader in ' Newsom and wife Ingold, and A. A.IIodse te Trade is a fact that cannot be disputed to tI)e UR0 of A 11 Newsom and wife Insrold, y '"' o. i. i rexier unu wne r . d. 1 rexier, in my nanus lor collection, I will sell at public auction, at the Court House door in COMING IN EYEEY DAY AT liVW, 1 K1iM KKU Hrf MANY IMITATE IT, NONE EQUAL IT!1 t Larjfeftt Armed, tm. t i r..: The Most Beautiful Wood-work. f nd.tw thf fr,low'nJand vm n ttt tt . Tmnn i land consisting of 63 aci AiSU IS VAlUiAilUU NEW FURNITURE STORE Soin Sir. fexf Oodr 16 J. F. loss. the town of Riilislnirr on tlm nth it.r Af W5,,V.u'-- OOM3JJ TO THE NEW STORE wiuiv; nuigii iuchuiu r. o. irexier uas in i i . .i . . it . n- i t a tract f m fiVRMnifl mn in m unrniinrR nR vt ivijiui& j - Tp bo made of the best material. Tff do any and all kinds of work. To be complete in every respect. For sIe by BERNHARDT BROS., ' ;alisb.iry,N.C 4snts wanted in uuoccupied territory. AJdrena, Domestic Sewing Machine Co. , 42: ly Richmond, Va. TIP viz : acres, more or less, County,adjoining the lands of Tobias Kesler, J. B. Trexler and others. Terms cash. . Dated at Salisbury, the 20th. lan'y, 1883. ! U U. KKIDEK, Sheriff. By M-A. Smith, Dep't. 17:1m TU PSLLS -. rr:r y j SYMPTOMS OF A r TORPID LIVER. i of Appetite, Bowels costiveTPain in Head, with a dull sensation in- ths ik cart. Pain under tha Shoulder wiw. luiiuvH miw muni, wiut uimii lination to exertion of Body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with a fiMlinc of having neglected some dnty, wearine Diszineaa, Flattering at ths 71 art, DoU before the eyes. Yellow Skin, lleadsehe gsnerally over the right ere, Kestleaanesa, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION, I'll WS PXIXS are especially adapted t - swh eaaea, ont dos effects such av ehjuig t feeling at to antonish the safferer. Tber Inereas tb Appetite, and cause tha body to Take mm FUwto, that the tystm ts artahed. and by thrlr Tonle Artlon on the plireeUve Ornm, Ut-fralMr SMeois re pro duced. Price 2& cent. a Homjr SU N. X. m.. m'n J. D. GASHLL only, 17:tf Salisbury, N.-C HARDWARE. ALL MY GOQDS ; Were inspected in person at the Manufactories, and lought for rash at the lowest I prices, aud warranted to be of the latent styles and licst quality, and will be sold as low as any House in tue country. Come aud get A'HteCottaie Outer set for only - - 825.00 55rJuss Mbb sets fur -- 830, 835, nl $40 Fine Walint sets, HarMe Tops, only - - - 85 HaiasoE Pallor sets for -- - $40, $50 and 87 Cheap 'Beds at 83.50 Special terms made with country merchants who want cheap Beds in one d07.cn nn dt dozen lots. 3ri will also have on hand a full line of CbFFIKS, CASKETS am HEALTHCORSET every tat COHFOKTABLI f AKD , FERTECT JTITTIXO corset evr r worn. Her- chants ay it jrivct tbe bcot satisfaction of any corset they ever rold. Warranted Mtisiactory or monc landed. For sale by It. VERNOii Livery S8&! .. I a mm Mku.. a A fm d.mWm MlA adl eaijl MMttAiltl If anupof vtiieRtir iu the .,.-...,.. . n iiiT 1 1 crey uair. 1 ney improve me bikhi aim tuue ill make an old low! cook b ' . .J , , , - f. , . , , t 1 up the human bodv, so tliatjlieold man 4eyes . J 1. J.. " .. ., will be undimmed and his natural force una the tlavor -ttiei injure bated even after seventy years. Best in the World. Brandreth'a Pills have stood the test of forty' That pie crust Will not be soggy if 1!!"" f iT' it is brushed over with the an ejg before t,hc fruit is put in. HPlvahw 4t Wa awiiWAlvt VanafaVIa Tkuw m m white of r. """f -y - aosoiuieiy uuiverrai, lor mere m no uuease That a piece of cork is better than cloth for applying brick dust to kivcs. lie Heady JSsirly. they will not cure, if taken in time. They are safe for infants and adn'.ts. They aim to ac complish three things first, to purify the blood; second, to cleanse and regulate the stomach and bowels; third, to stimulate the kidneys and liver and purge away the ashes of the sys tem and d incased matters of the body. By pur A season of activity is near at hand. g"mg wi.h thee Pills constantly, a new body Spriiiir is jL-uniinir, with its pressing -- he bunt up from fret-h, healthy food iu a work. Are iarmers ready for sowing nionins. in una way,gout and rbeuma- aud planting ? ! jvfery implement lwm n,WfW "na ,ever "". u erauicatea ahoiil J be nrovided beforehand, that in few weeks- The worst" cases of dystonia . 1 . ' . I I .! I ....... J . no time ninv k? wasloi in 111:1k inr w"" can oe curea oy taking one or I...u..r rLiiiiini'sMPr 1 1.. w,eL : two l,l,! uihi for month. Ill cawttof 1 la ' f ... 1 I . ' t liou4.l Ixgiii. We have known a half ' ... .. ilay nl' plowing ,o,U lost because MTZ." r 1 avimiimiiu o A llin gif IU t-SI tlU 111111 VUUT IIU OOILC I . I.. er oitl ii I ! tk m mm r I . ' t iiiiiiiv i- Dun t unt niiu 111v.ii ppiiuu whifilotrees were not at hand. nnwri nf ruilli I tt..ir .x.ii.n 1 1,.. ta!itu f owing withnutabingte plow-potut llie rapid chansce. of the youthful body. We in stock, and .when one is necdetl the a wi,h 4o d!e &f oId nge A hundred u team is taken from the field and driv U,e natural limit of life, which can only be en 10 me store, oucu a loss 01 lime ri in. i.t.r;t,u ...t ,..,r;fi,.-,;..n ca o 1 is a serious matter, ami Should be In general debility, nervous tremor, and thoughtfully guared against by am- mental depremion Brandreth's Pills have a pie provision of all such articles of marvelous eflect. They have won the confi- the larir. it is a poor time to mend deuce of uiiiHuns in alt pans of the civilized a harrow when it should be at work (world. Consiinuions shaken by long residence in the field. i unwholefooie climates, wr by sedeiiiaryhab- W'c do not favor that economy if I hi are wonderfully renovated by a course of it mav be so called that relies upon extraordinary medicine, which, . powerful I .. ,,eigl.Ws lor rarer of ll. loo U of r -'tC? tlie farm. I here are certain iunu mi- are comoosed of rare baUau.... viiiioiit ibi- rf, plenients that may Ihj owned ill part- mixture of a aruinof any mineral vhutera; or of uership. us a roller or retipcr,! but the T.' Wl" f i oraie ' . . e . .. , j directly, powerfully, and beneiluiaily uon the Miniduv imiiiMMiigu. t-M-s, wim, iwliole maws or blood ; norcan wequeMiiou lh etc, is not a wieund economical prac-1 fact when we see indigestion cured, liver com tiw. Be provi.led with all these es !'l"b rrrtwlf the oppressed Inng brought . 1 .1 1 1 .1 I into healthful play, and every phymcal func- sent.al larill tools, and have them I" hion renewed and sirenglhened bibeir agency. "oou onier, ami at natui when the i time arrives for using them. Now is the time to look to these matters, and make all needed prepar ations for the busy days that will soon be here. In tbe peace of winter prepare for the war of spring. Agri- cuUuralist. Letter from a Gentlemen Ninety Years Old. Long1 Life from Use of Brand reth's Pills. Prairie Da Cm en, Wis., Feb. 11, 1882. I am in the ninetieth year of mv eatrhly pilgrimage, and before pacing to auolher,and 1 trust, u belter world, 1 wiidl to bear testimo ny to the great virtues ot Brandreth's Pills as a liouxeuolu remedy. They are the best blood purifiers and cleansers ot ibe stomach and bow eh in lite world. 1 have raited a family of 10 cliiUlren. been bleared with three Kive.and mv as from all other points, but now Mexico I luiiiily experience reaches over seventy years. I LV. r .. .. I !.... ...1 . I . , 1 ti uiti luiij.mi icaia Mitre kiiuwu unu A few years aga w imported noarly tureo times as much coffee from Brazil M. Ii. AREY Present his comnli and respcetfully solicit a trial hft-1'" tablismcnt. It is complete h ijuiii.uiuiu u. uisii vtaBs uusiness Horses, Buggies, Carriages Ptotone, Wagons. &c tWn IS CONFIDENT OF GIVlSo 4s Special provision anJ f,iv.vi i. ! Boarding and keeping horses H :i Drovers will find nn,l sn . at this place. ' wna f 8ecial accommmlstions for thmiK ot Commercial Travelers. ine beBfit ux otrect, Salisbury, No 3:tf :.f.U Just Received A FRESH LOT OP-ASSORTED !' . GARDEN SEED At ESKISS' Drug Store. ' A Good SLATE Giv AWAY! ' cn Any person purchasinr 50 Cents worth of' BOOKS or -Medicines, &c.. at EXXiss Drug Store will be presented wit I, a slate. LAMPS AfJD LAMP GOODS, AT KEDUCED PRICES, J - At ENNISS' Drug Slun. Jununrj 18, 1883. Onion WANTED. Sets, at ' . ENNISS' SCHOOL BOOKS at COST, at -ENNISS' Dm Sil Itf. - , , I. if.., -I North Carolina Railroad, CDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS (JOINO EAST. Date, Apr. 30, 1&82 I No. 51. I o. M, ! - I Daily, j Daily. Leave Charlotte.... 4.00 a.m. 4.4U . a. : " Sali-biirv 5.53 " 0.24 t ! ' " High Point.. 7 20 " 7.35 f Arr.Ureensboro.... 8.00 " S.Oti f LeavsCJreensboro. 9 30 " i- Arr. Ili44boro 11.47 " Durham 1 1!6 " U Kaleigh 1.40 p.m !.. ! Lv. " 4.05 Arr. Goldshoro 6.30 J - Mo. 17 Daily except Sitiinlsj, j i Leave Greeuloro 5 C0p.ro. Arrive at Kaleigh 1.51 s. ni. 1 i ArriveatUoldnhoro 7,20 " ! No. 51 Oonnect at Greenfboro with H.4 D. B. It. for all points North, Eot and Vet, via. Danville. At tioldsboro with W.AV B. R. for Wilmington. f No. 53 Connects at Salisbury with yV.f. C, R. B. fiirallpoinUin Western N.Curolinij daily attirecrutboro with R. & D. R. K. fcrill Kints North, East and West. i TRAINS GOING! WEST. T . .. . I. vu t.u. -""j lieved in Brandreth'a Pills. They have from her southern compettitsr, aud bids I cured me of indigeMioti,cotflivenevdy'pepi: fair iu the not very distaut future to take half Undertakers' goods all at the lowest prices at 52:ly. R..fi. DAVIS' M Store. MM: VE8TERII K. C. RAILROAD. OFFICE GEN. PASSENGER AGENT, t Salisbury, N. C., October 12tb, 1882 SCHEDULE. TUH'S HAIR OVi. Gbay llAiaoa WmsKKits changed toaOuiwf Black by ntinalvapplicAUoaof tliit Tyk. Itlm partt a natural color, tcU InaUutar.eouslr. Sold . tr DrugylMa, or sent by express on receipt of L orricE; as hvusay st.hew torzz. ( Br. 11 1 I I BlIirtT. f .litW hfmtL'r. aai V Mhl M.Mif t ta b aulM ViXS M -jr'1 J Mar iy - Wt - '-.jr. I ' ' WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at NO. 2. Granite i - D. A. ATWELL. Agent for tho t4Cardwell, Thresher. Sal isbury, N. C, June 8th tf. Pass. Train No. a Arrive MS r x " 4.SS " s.ot S.1S " 1J.M " 11.50 AX 10,08 9.04 Leave s.w . S.00 STATIONS. PX.'S!ln ....Salisbury...... Leave 6.10am ..,.8tate8Vllle .... Arrive T.xs ....Newton ., - s.4 " ....llfefcory .5!5 ....Worganton.... 1.!3 ....Marlpn " 11.49 " Black Mountain.. " .Urx ....AabevlUe M S.0 ....Warm Springs " 6.44 ....Pigeon Biver.. 5.41 i . wmm & V. A. X. UOui Writea:- Alter a taoroturn trial of ta EBON TO2X10.I taJa pleasure in stauns tnat I nave teea rreauy benefited by its tose. ZXiniaters and Pub lic speakers will find it f tae greatest value w&ero a Tonic is neoee saxy. I recommend it aa a reliable remedial agent, possessing tin doubted nutritive and restorative properties. - Xouinut Oct. 2, 1SS3. s XT'! x . sua hmm -A. Dttmhimnttnm tf IbM of Iron, Ftantvian o palataU arm. for -itty, ioa of Arm JProtftruUon of YUal powers UUimlizsa- J. I. TOWlilia, Industry, IlL. aarK ' Xoonaidarlt a most ezcallent remadv fa - -a . . . . m ut oeouxtatea vital saroas. mm i t 1 123 DIl. II AliTEH XISXCZI7S CO,, W . jfim R y- Train No, 1 Connects at Sallsbory with R. St D. II. R. from all points North and South and from Raleigh. Connects at Statesville with A. jT. & O. Dlv. of C. C. Ac A. R. R. Connects at Warm Springs with K. Tenn., Ya. I Ga. R. R. for ilorrtstown and points South-W ett. Train No. 2 . . Connects at Warm Springs with E. T. Va. St Ga.R.R. from Morrlstowa St the Soutu-Wefct. Ccnceclsat Statesville with A. T. & O. Dlv. Of C C. St A. R. R. and at Salisbury with R. D. R. R. for all points North and East and for Kaletgh. Through Tickets on sale nt Sallbarr, Stateavtlle, Aahevlllc and the Warn Springs to all principal cities. , z j J. B. Macaurdo, Audr.G.F.t P.Agt. GEO. A. EAGLE, W. A.' MORGAN. Eagle Jb Morgan BLACKSMITHING AND Wagon-Making. We are prepared to do any Icind of work at our Shop on Lee Sft. (W. 31. Barker's Old Star.il.) , SALISBURY, N. C. HORSE SHOEING and all kinds of Blacksmithing done promptly and with ex pedition. Kepairing of Carriajri'. Bupiea and; Wann. done promptly and in first class sttle. Painting and finichin of fine work. will Ik; done .by . JI. Barker. All we ask i a trial. j Jan. 10, 1883. I 13:tf !.N:OTI.ClEl JOHW F. EAGLE, 1 --FASHIONABLE- BOOT. AND SH03 Inviteavonr attention to hi ajirp, orHite Mavorw Um-e. K pairing neatljrnml uronipt ly done. Ail grade .rGiH.K made to onler Octi Im.'Sliif. i the whole of it. In 1831 w imported 280,293,855 HMitids of offce fraui Bnuil, nuil 107,589,021) from other mints; where as, these other points Mexico, Central America, Columbia and tho West Indies exported to this country, this jenr, 121,218,500 pounds of collet, or uearly ouc-thml of the consumption of the coun try. And the product of these countries, 1 iuir on the Gulf Mexico aud tho Carib bean sra. ii constantly iucreasiuir. Five and the female of my family have found them invalualile at all timeo. I aIo wifh Jo mt that I hare found Allcock's Poaocs PIAS TERS very uoeful in hreaet pain, backache and weak muscle. Alfked Bbunson, A.M., D.D. CU2E OF NEURALGIA. Taken as a "Forlorn Hope'Braxxdr eth't Fills Effect, a Magical Cure. Small Pox Cured. Schatck Ave., East New York, April 12, 1S80. I roost cordially aive mv teotimonr aa to the great value of Brandreth's Pilla, verified hv feiirliteeii exoeriene in mv ninili.- yigirs ii;o Alfsici saut us only o.JdV.Vod (the Ute Mr, Dr. Geo M Browne) htmiiy and Hunds of coflfee ; to-day she ships 17,- my own. They were at first taken ax a "for- t20,G(iU iou.ids j Cohtral America has iu- IO" no . ,urrlUB curel0' m eT,fre CM creiisedher exports to tho United States patient being completely prostrated by diseaae duriu! the aame period from 13,803,955 and the excewive use of opium, taken to dead- to 22,149.111, and Vuezula from 39.13d,-1"" v- w. i w imjMeiao.i l ie '1 (Hivli wort, almmtl mssiril- in nn. mnnik ih. 035 to 43,309.170. I wa- -Kie i0 be m. and walk arnnnd frU. nH the dioeaae has never returned. My mother w a nlfii pitrmA tf an allaolr nf InA.m.ini. Thk Preacher Had to Laugh. Rhumatism by the same mean. About six 'Well, brethren, said a Main minister to yeanymo I was taken with what appeared to ' l. .aaaaa a.. oe a oau com, mil in a enort time, yauoms oi confluent Small Pox were developed, cauxing un mnch alarm. 1 determined to try Brand, reth'a Pills aa a remedy, and their efficacy wan aoon apparent. I was well much sooner than was expected, and without receiving a aingle mark or trouble of any kind. It is my firm belief, judging from the severity of the case, that had I gone through the regular routine prescribed hy physicians, 1 should nave lied. I know of many other instances of the value ixeae and sickness. eiva to say one who JUBS. . &T. JOHX. tMiinc of his fellow evuugeiista, 1 never was guilty of laughing in the pulpit bnti once. Some years ago 1 had in my con cremation au old man who universally went to sleep in Church aud snored loud ly through the entire service. One sab-h bath morning, glancing in his direction, I saw him as usual, with his head back en joying a nap, and right above him, in the of Brandreth's Pills in dim: gallery, a young man was rolling a quid 1 win b ,,-,W to . . . i . ' . .. . will apply tome. oi tooacco arounu in nis nioutu. as i looked, he took it out and iHiised it care fully over the opened mouth. With a wicketl smile, he took careful aim and dropped it squarely j into the out man's mouth. With a gwlp-Ip-lp the sleeper started up and with! his face as red as s beet rushed from tle house. The ieople USED THIETY YEAKS. I COULD NOT GET ALONG WITHOUT BRAND. RETIl'8 PILLS IN THK HOUSE. 84 Morton Street, New York City, Mar. 1,1880. I have u?ed Brandreth's Pills for over thirty tur doubt were horrified, but I oould not y.erfc ;m re" . 8u.ne.7' m . . . . . , , . tiara. W henever I feel it I take one or two have fct-pt from laughing if , a sword had dogeJS wuich me immediate relief. I also hung over my bead ready ; to fall. The take them for cosittveness, with which I am old man din not coio back for several troubled, always give me relief. 1 couiu nut gev uiviiji, wiiiiiiiii uur iii 111 hit Sabbaths and when ! ho tlid he changed i Ioai his scat aud itiualncd wide awake." house. 18:ly ClIAS. F.IlERNBKnO. Pate. Feb. 19, 1882. Ko.150. Daiiv. Dai If. Leave Goldshoro ., Arrive Raleigh Leave - ... Atrive Durham .... " ilillsboi-..... Greens,l ro.. Leave " Arrive Ilich Piont o h.i ;-.., Charlotte.... 10.00 a. n. 12.20 pm 3.55 " 6.06 " 5.46 8.05 " 9.15 9.50 " 11.12 " 1.10a. m 0.40 1. 1610 " 11.21 i" 1 1.00 iM I" No. 18, Daily ex. Sunday-Lv. Goldsb'o 2.50 p" Ar.lUleigh- 7.10 1" Ly, 6.00 - Ar.GreennWojMap; No. 50-Connecta at Charlotte willi A.AJj Air Line for all points in U.e Soiuli aiidbi west, and with C. C. & A. R. K. for a!l poinU South and Southeast. ! ,r No. 52 Connects at Charlotte wih ' Air Line forall lwinU South and outbwe at Charlotte with C. C. & A. K. R. 'fh " jMilnts South and Southeast. N.W.N. C RAILROAD. Goixo West. Lv. Greensboro Ar. Kernersville 'Salem No. 50 Daily. Goiko West. - 9 25 p iu 10 41 " 11-25 " No. 51. Daily, ex. Sun. Leave Salem Ar. Kernersville Greensboro 515am 5 50 " 7 00 " No. 52 : : fl.Susj! -9 50 a i 1041 " ! I No. is. 6 00p" ! 6 40 B ! STATE UMIVERSIfY RAILROAD Goiko Nobth. Leave Chapel Hill ... Arrive University Nn. 1. 10.40 a ru 11.40 a ni Ns. 2. Goixo Sotjth. ' j Daily exuni ArriveUniversitv.. J 12.10 p m Arrive Chapel Hill...... 1 1.00 Pullman Sleeping: Car. without Cha-Jg On Train No.6o, New York sndiAilaau 'J Washington & Danville, and between htt , loroand Charlexton. , ,u On Train No 52, Richmond nd Csn Washington and Charlotte vis Dsnvill- t. fi-Throngh Tickets on MlestGrwnJJ O-leigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and CharJJJ aSlat all principal point! Sonth, SontJweJ Wat, North and East. For Emigrants r" L.iuisiana,Texsa. Arkansa and iheSoniB c-. address - . i A POPE. Gen. PasM.nSei Ag - 21:ly ' IJichmontl,

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