I 1 ' - - ,, i mmm - - 1 BBM I , Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, MAY 17, Ji3. It is said that President Arthur and Gen. Malt one are now at work endeavor ing so harmonise the conflicting political factions within the ranks of the Republi can party. While the President ia using nil the power of the administration to ac mmplish thin end, Mahone is trying to f Z tirpate the Republican party of Virgin la witli the hope of getting rid of "stal- wartisro," alf breedlsm" and everything not rendjusterism. Is the face of this the Washington flta-J tettc i authority for stating that "the whole weight of the administration baa wJ i uhnna behalf, and a VCCU Ml"" ' ..noknli thouffht must arise in the minds of the faithful when the Washing ton Republican calls aloud to the brethren of all the factions that "the gravity of the situation cannot be estimated." He Ex-Commissioner Raum's Game. Senator Vance, in an open letter first published in the Charlotte Journal-Ob server under date of May 3d gives light as to the cause of Gen. Raum's resigning the office of Commissioner of Internal We agree with onr valued contempo rary the Charlotte Journal Observer, that it is high time the attention of North Carolinians were called to the fact that in a neglected corner oi the national cemetery at Arlington Geo. Lee's former residence, opposite Washington City - A Sea of Fire. Lightning's Work at the Tank, Revenue; and ia proof of US aftMparJiaiw M remains of teany North the following epistle is produced : Carolina soldiers, whose graves are mark ST aTESvillb, N. C, April 30, 1883. .a vith rude wooden head boards on I North Carolina Gems for Exhibi tion at Louisville. Jersey Citu OU n- ri... t. Wheeler, the eminent I . v mm mm. mineralogist whose collection of North New York. Mav 10. The tire is under Carolina keras is one oi mo mow control bat It will burn some time before ble of any in the State, recently sen t en a .11 U U MinanrnMl. Tfc ilk. kta olinWat snecillieUS to be CUt Ull lug mm wmm ran W I t ""II.-." ".-11 I : w thought that the loss will exceed $1 ,500,- ua polished for exhibition at tne louie- Yesteruay tne geoia l 1 f'lV tt - . d urine clone of Sunday t.i..i.t i- ' " ""ft" l IMF .o I ,"1 a bolt of Hghtnlng part of the town comparatiTelT of the Vfestern Union ed. The loss, however, will r lv y, at Asheville, and! 000. Three persons are knowli 1)00. Twelve larare tanks, eighteen cars, ville Exposition ... . l . . a i .a i j i f i a ranA nnrrnr hiiii W WUliams. Ksa.. 1). V. : .l.;k .M i...riKa in hia h ack letter six barres. a dredce. turee uocas auu utb were receiveu irom v Sir I quote ss follows from a telegram j - WOrd "Rebel." A correspondent brick bnildings were destroyed. The Dr. Wheeler took a just pride in showing received en the 30th April from Wish- there ouanity of oil consumed ia not known, them to his friends. Among the collec- ilJ .11 -i fina fiftT Amonc the loaera. besides the Standard 1 tion are bine and green beryl, garnets iairton : (ien. Kaum wisues manufacturers and dealers io collecting .raves of Confederstes, and that at leant Oil Company, are several ether oil firms and rutilated amethyat. The bery l is a their claims for rebate, ttx' charges will be reasonable. Persons wishing bis ser vices can endorse the following on their claim : Green B. Raum is hereby empow ered and authorized to prosecute this claim and receipt for drafts issued in pay ment." The collector aays please give general information of thia fact. Yours, -Signed T. Guckx. -.m MM X- rTfMl - 11 MX i. n rl VI a B I 1 1 M III one-third of these are tho resting places wue eaon loss rrom wu w w wnm " specially ow uu u UwiinW nil wliifh was stored in one of 1 a mnarkle of the diamond, but the rati- 01 iigrwi vKrvuuivui v wi i.nww.. ( -- - i - rfr tn tlie contrast tuo coarse, decay- the warehouses. Che flash of lightning Uted amethyst is ins head-boards of the Confederate graven that started the fire was witnessed by a make with the beautiful marble bead- Bremen on watcn in we engine uoubq iu It Mi BoaxrsLB Stoxt of a young man who went mad from hydrophobia on the evening of his Marriage, after retiring to bis room with his bride. Cries ia the room brought in the friends ; the bride fnmmd Ivtne on the floor in s pool of She stilt breathed, but her body torn and bitten as if she had been seised by a tiger. The bridegroom was crouched down in a corner of the room. smeared with blood, snd sprang at those who entered like, a wild beast ; and to mwmm tbmaelvaa a brother of the bride sent s ball from a pistol crashing through the wretched man's brain. The bride- aroom had been bitten by a mad dog three months before, but having been very promptly treated, his physicians pronounced him entirely out of danger, and thus the marriage was permitted take place. to stones above the Federal dead, and aug- Jersey City a mile away, is waa oi a gesta that the memorial associations of blinding brilliancy. A canopy of smoke Wilmington, Raleigh, Charlotte and oth- rose above the oil works and spread it- Tro. to th. intwert. of th. people, tb.lortowu. oonuder MU mmj m god. w o,w .... . t ot the state tnose "miuistenug ngrw i tiiuji wu iiuImH wlioae naezamnled natriotism in tensive oil works were soon a roaring terestcd as collect their to how all claimants may rebate on tobacco, fee He says: "Can anything he clearer than the fact that the department ia thus lending it self to the enrichment of the ex-Commissioner by a trick prepared whilst in ottcef In nine cases ont or ten persona win oe disposed to believe that the authority of Mr. Kaum is a necessary preiumum j the collection of what is due them, and will atan it aa a matter of course. When it ia considered that the am e tint of these S - - ... t r ., rebates will reacn anywuere in n twenty millions of dollars it will be seen at a glance what the "reasonable" com pensation of Mr. fiaum would be. '! feel it my duty to warn the manu facturer of and dealers in tobacco in North Carolina, that if they do thia their money will mostly be a present to Mr. Ranm. In nineteen eaaea out of tweuty ill be time of war has been equalled only by thair devotion to the memory of the lost since peace haa dwelt among us f mass of flames. Before six o'clock seven tonka were blaziuc. Rivera of fire mwent a round the bottoms of Other tanks while the flames bombarded them u.n ooonnnta h tni. Rn-r ed asses from above. It was soon diacoverea to II Hit l-WMOJVW w v. , r? m are not infrequently concerned in law be useless work to play upon the flames suite. But that the genuine aas equu and all efforts were directed to prevent (Minus should assume the prominence in them from spreading. This was partial a suit which haa been attained by aCali- ly successful until nearly 5 o'clock, when foruia donkey was not to be expected, tank He. 7 exploded wnn a .emuo rr The suit in which our ass is interested port, and the blazing oil spread with k. 4.i f hn cnninicnrfd in Marinoaa licrhtninsT rapidity. Fire Chief Farrier countv. Mr. Black is a well-to-do resi-1 and a number of men were wit dent of Bull Creek, in that eounty, and in yards of this tank when it exploded aud the owner of a herd of flue cattle. Lately were saved by a miracle. Dropping the a grizzly bear haa been making nightly hose which waa soon burned to ashes, farufi on hia corral, killing and carrying they fled for their lives. When they off his calves. A short time since he pub- mustered together at a safe something as odd in appearance as it is beautiful, lbe amethyat, which has an excellent polish, contains a jumbled mass of something hich resembles human hair. There are three pale an one red ameuijv, wr hair in the former being brown and that in the latter being a jet black. On the whole it is a very fine collection of gems. Journal Observer. Convicts Make a Break. distance six Pbettt Towns. The Wilmington Star, whose editor boasts of having seen nearly all the towns in the State, awards to Raleigh the honor of being the prettiest eity j and decides in favoi of Wilson as amneir the smaller towns. ''There is no accounting for tastes," we are sagely in formed, aud as the question raised is purely one of that nature, we give notice tu tobacco business is looked upon even to the Star, ou behalf of halubury, that at t,e national capital, says : no attorney or aceut whatsoever jp ... j !TSl-3 Z where3 The facts Ire lished an advertisement offering $50 re- of their number were found to be m.ss.ng. disputed or there is some suggestions of ard to any person who would kill the Tim smoke was so deuse that it was impea fraud. JSlanxa ana now to procweu bear. William Opie, also a citizen oi now w mi wmtu wj !.rs""s furnished by the Treasurv Department, . fa possessor of a jackass, it is thought that the unfortunate men ran and affidavits of the collector snd his "u" ! u'71ICLZ . Z n r of the hmm and were deputies will be conclusive in sll but ex- une nigns, , . l Su Z ceutioual cases." broke down a portion oi air. diack s cor- iosu iiw wjr mmm v. A Wftfthrnirtan correspondent of the Cin- ral fence and began to eat bay wun tne and a long iresue onug oi n""i . I ... . J a.1 I - . 4f t!lft l.iri.f vnnninnr imit; Ti'mm.SMi' in refftrrinir to Kaum s 1 cftttle. While tie was tnus eugageu me a uhili i -n.no "B VIUK.' - o I - - . I . , , - , : .u- i,n H.i. niM.lv aMl rr!rl b.ftr made a descent on the carrol. the works to tsiaea ioms isuauu, 1 CBluauuu, mmmirwim " w" " - ' I " J up game for fleecing the people engaged in Columbia, S. C, May 12. Intelligence reached here last night fiom the convict camp on the Georgetown and Louisville railroad that a break for liberty was made on the 4th instant by niue convicts of the ninety-nine engaged on the works, and the guards fired on them, killing one man outright and another who was shot in the river, waa drowned, and the third was shot and supposed to have been drowned. Of the aix who escaped two were recaptured.. One of the convicta who waa shot was a white man named Coles, who is supposed to have instigated the whole affair. He waa serving a life sentence for murder. One of the negroes killed had been pardoned but the pardon bad not been received at the couvict camp until after the escape and death of the pardoned man. A Telkgraph Office Biowk Lightning. Laat Monday night tho thunder storm ran into the'oftice Telearaph company tore up things generally. The office is in the Eagle Hotel, and it was about 12 o'clock at night when the bolt struck. Mr. S. G. Weldon, tho operator, was for tunately not in the office, or the fiery - ' - " rift i fluid might have used him up. ine lightning struck the wires outside, only . . . c .1 -" .fl an "a short distance iron tnw mwmw, heavy was the bolt that it melted all the wires in the office. A bed in an adjoin ing room waa set fire to and was partial ly destroyed before it could be extin guished. A lot of written messages hang ing on hooks in the office wore burned, and this ia about the amount of damage done. iTho instruments were not harmed. Mr. Weldon went to work yesterday re pairing the damages, and got hia office in tamnnmrv woi killlT Order. A UOW SSt Of wires run into the office will make every thing all right again. A scheme to place the cities ot New York and Brooklyn under one and the same government, broached at the recent bauoaet of the Chamber of Commerce of the former city, finds great favor among the great body of citizens. It is claimed that there would be a great saving in official salaries alone, diminish in g the number of offices, which at present are th nrav of the hall" and "008800 For i- - j - this reasou the scheme would doubtless be resisted by the politicians of both par ties, but it baa been shown in New York, as elsewhere that if the body of citizens are united the bosses must staud out of the way. ATeir Observer. she enters a cfcrnurrer, aud appeals to a higher court. Z kenftrior and San Salrador are in the threes of rebellion, with little apparent advantage on either side. Central and South American politics are so little knows or understood in this coantry tntjmssess small interest with us. Strife ''Speaking of the Internal Revenue and Commissioner Raum, brings to mind Sen ator Vance's open letter to his constitu ents on the tobacco rebate question. It voices the sentiment of a good many peo ple here. The fact is, there is no use for persons who have claims for rebate put ting their claims into the hands of claim agents. The Government haa provided the machinery bv which these claims may be presented through the Collectors of ing the bear from was aud by mistake seized upon him. A des- burned down to tho water s edge, i ne perate combat ensued between the donkey fragments of the iron tanks were hurled aud the bear. They fought all over the half a mile by the force of the explosion. kfld and Mauv neoule in the neiaiiboriiood vaca- Veal tuif uuv tii-iuii j wmw - i a w chewed the grizzly to death. Next morn- uiug the badly lacerated donkey was found quietly eating Mr. Black's hay, while his grim antagonist lay near by, dead. When Mr. Opie came to get his animal he made demand upon Mr. Black ted their houses. The space burned over covers an area about three quarters of a mile along the bay and a quarter of a mile iulaud. The wind blew from the southeast. A slight change to northerly would have caused the destruction of the for the $50 reward he had offered for kill- Eagle refinery works and an indefinite . a -ni l Mr. Black declined to pay amount or valuable property oesiues. between the States seems to be the nor-1 Internal Revenue. That Is all that can mal condition, leaving no chance for be accomplished until the next Congress marked progress in the arts-and sciences which distinguish tries. other civilized coun- mnkes an appropriation for that purpose. Treasury officials say frankly that no claim agent or anybody else can facilitate the collection of these claims. The ar rarnremeBta made bv the Internal Reve nue Bureau are verv thorough and com -. a' " S ' J TK. V V VeXA lio. luan mt mill was es'the 11th in.t. transferred to it. plete and the machinery very simple." new owner, Mr. Jos. Pulitzer, former ed- iMAr Am at Tni. Pnit.Dienntrh Mr. Greenville (S. C.) News: The latest ex- Pulitzer is an experienced journalist and ample of brotherly love is from Dallas, is said to be loyal and sound to true N. C. The Rev. Mr. Wetmore, an Epis Democratic principles, and is therefore copalian clergyman, was on his wav to worthy of the confidence of the IForWs hold service in a mission church, but waa . mfm J i l rri patrons. i stoppeu oy a swollen cross, xnereupon a Baptist minister took Mr. wetmore on his back and ferried him over, thereby preventing him, it may be remarked, from becoming more wet. This may be accepted as aa illustration of the readi ness which Baptist take to the water." If it was our Mr. Wetmore, that Baptist never took water with a cleverer burden on his back. Watchman. until a power of attorney could be pro duced from the donkey, and to Mr. Opie's astonishment presented him with a bill for 8.25, the estimated damage by the jackass to the carrol. Mr. Opie immedi- " ately sued Mr. Black, setting forth in bis Neck Md ttani8 a arge sized poplar - 1 ..... m . ll - I l . complaint tne iacts or me onermg oi ,ue tree, perhaps three feet in diameter at reward, the killing of the bear, and the the gIOQU(i, and on the bark, some ten further fact that the jackass is his lawful feet from tlie baas, is the mark of a property, aud therefore prays juugmeni uuman baud, which it has borne for The Print of a Felon's Hand. On the side of the public road between this place aud Harris' Chapel, Tuckshoo Charlotte Journal: Whiskey got the start in a crowd at Wadssboro, last Tues day, and came near creating a serious row between whites and negroes. Sober citizens snd officers got into the crowd just in time to svert bloodshed. There is Xo be a bag race on the 21st men are to be encased in bags up to their chins sad run a race. ' 1 t i Some of the newspapers of the State are discussing ths rasrits of certain worthy gebtlemen of the State for the next Governor. We suppose the purpose is to forestall the publie with the promi nence of men who might not otherwise be seen in a State Convention to be held sometime next year to nominate a can- date. 1 I I i V The municipal muddle in Raleigh, re ferred to elsewhere in this paper, has been settled by su opinion from the Attorney have already arrived at the depot in this West. N. C. R. R. The Summer Schedule on this line will go into effect on the 20th inst., running about the same as last year. Trains will cross the mountains in daylight, with observation cars, affording smpls opportunity to passengers to obtain a full view of the glorious mountain scenery of Western North Carolina. This' road is being equip ped with tho most splendid" passenger coaches to be obtained, comprising all the elegancies, comforts and other im provements up to date. Two of them in his favor for fifty dollars and cost of aboat twenty years past suit. Black in his answer admitted tbe allegations of the complaint, but avers that the reward was offered to any person killing tbe bear ; that the jack is not a person within the meaning of the statute, and that if he were, Mr. Opie is not his bis legal guardian, and in default of a power of attorney or any assignment is not entitled to sue for the recovery of his claim. He further alleges that Mr. Opie, owning the jackass, is responsible for the damage done to his carrol. Wherefore he prays judgment in his favor for $25. and his cost in the action. Take the case, gentlemen. Ex. It was produced in the following manner : In 1861, James Wilson a bright mulatto, about twenty three years of ags, committed a terrible crime upon a little child. He was hun tA down, owned the crime, and was lodged ia our jail. A few nights after ward he was forcibly taken from tbe jail and hung and shot in the rear of that building by the infuriated populace of the neighborhood ia which the crime waa perpetrated. After he was dead his and burued ou Raleigh News-Observer : The railroad decision on which we commented y ester- da has the effect, if we understaud it tw. of nnttinir all the railroads of j 7 M this State under the control of the Legis lature in the matter of fares except those old companies chartered in tbe for ties, tbe original north and south lines of the East. By the charters of these com panies the directors are eutitled to fix rates not exceeding six cents a mile, &c, thus fixing a maximum rate for them They then have a contract with the State ot he inierferred with. The other roads, the North Carolina, the At lantic North Carolina, the Piedmont, the Western North Carolina Railroad and all the new roads, we believe, have no auch provision in their several acts of incor poration. They are therefore under the control of the State. The proposition to hold a national eon vent ion of colored meu at V ashington in September, for the purpose of considering matters for the betterment of the condi tion of tho negro race, is giving rise to some contention among the prominent persons who are considering it. Freder ick Douglas advocates the call of tho con vention, bnt it is opposed by others on the ground that it would degenerate into a political affair without accomplishing any good result. Ex. A Mean Man. "My dear," exclaimed a loving husband to bis wife, "I have just had my life insured for your benefit." 'Well, I declare," said the wife, look ing roudd uDon her family and friends with an expression of .injured innocence "just to think of the selfishness of men and narticularlv of husbands I There w - you've been and had your life insured while your poor wife may go without any insurance on hers. It's just what I should expect of you." Toronto News. A Boston editor has found that a tin pan hung carelessly to a bedroom door is as good a burglar alarm as the genius of mau has yet invented. Elijah tbarlea tU been killed, namely Mm Mrs. John Clarknon and The injured an being ample, relief is beine vtoa.i . 1 citizens. tu Park, May 10.-TM, momin. T?.-. Cairtf I"l, I . l -I - wun, uiie a ma Was proceeding along the thomorhfTI their wav to the rhuwl. -k . -m - - . n ure tin m riace was to be solemn u. w vj . inn kik.-i i the bridesTOom suddeni.- . -rr. - TftM, J "Fpesrsi shot and killed hira. The sm....:!? onoo nimseii instantly after fatal sliot. nrii NOTICE TO CREDITOR All persons having claims miL tate of Levi Peal, dee'd, are hoZ ?& to exhibit the same to tne usds J. r or before the 1st dav of- If.- ,.f.6,raU - j loB4 notice wil!4e pleaded in bar of MLT1 ery ; and all persons owinK said titS required to make immediate n.vZ This April 30th, 1883. r J T I.LSHINN,Exr 29:6w of Levi Deal, d'd. BANK NOTICE! Ordered by the Board of Directora (U 1 dury, at the store of J. D. Gaskill, iot jz iiuum raun.upnuu w i ne capital t(VV .1 vm J""0"u' ji April 25th tn and including Saturday, Mhv 5th, 1888 The amount of additional stock limiuj to Twenty Thousand Dollars. m S. W; COLE, Pretft J. D. Gaskill, Sect'y Board VmZu April 24, 1883. It. P FAIR WARNING : All persoiia. deb ted to me, as agent for Guano uotei that are part dne, as well ns tlios du me indiTidually, by note or iiecounj,, requested to make payment, for I cannot giro a further indulgence. If yon fail t heed this notice don't be surprised to tied your notes or accounts in the hands of u officer. J. U. McNEEhY April 26, 1883 28:1 in Notice to Creditors, All persons having claims against tbe n. tate of Moses Lingle, dee'd, arc herebj no tified to exhibit the same to the undeniga. ed for payment on or before the 19th du of Apnl 1884, or this notice will be pUead ed in bar of their recovery. JOHN C. LINGLE, Adnj'r. April 1, 1883. 4t:pd. IT IS CERTAINLY SO! JOKES, ttcGUBBIKS & CO - . Npih ffarmfk- Stock Complete in ol XXUb v v sswm jL J - - DEPARTMENTS I DRESS GOODS, In all tie New Shades ail Materials. :o:- :DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS AUD NOTIONS H j -ii v.wa nnPoH thPm aa the I'rettiesi in uiu rrOUOllllteU UJT Bit WMW um Mmmmmrrw- The Mothek of Twentt-focr Chil dren. The Boston Poet aays that "Mra. - n . . x-. n . l . . . I l.J - J ;.a ani nriiPil Oil ! CJillliu. OI DiilUUISl. . 10 uiwii.ti the ontikirta of the town. Bat one of of twenty-fonr children, all living and in the hands, cut off at the wriat, nae taken good health. To make it more intereet- ; n wr h nom one. and with a food inn. I will any that Mrs. Qninn baa never Gents' Furnishing Goods General, who declared that the five Unit ed State official elected to fill places on tbe Board of Aldermen are ineligible, and therefore their election is null and void. place, and one other is now on the road from Richmond. Cj clones, whirlwinds, storms and floods, are fearfully common this year, and have produced more melancholy effects than the present generation have before known. Verily, we know not what a day may bring forth. Attention ! Debating Societies. A new and intereating question is presented in this paper arising on a question in one of the California Courts, as to the right ful ownership of $50 offered by a herds man for the killing of a grizzly bear. The trial of Hon. Phil. B. Thompson, who shot Walter H. Davis under such distressing and sensational circumstances on the morning of April 27th, at Harrods- burg, Kentucky, promises to be one of the most remarkable in the annals of cel ebrated causes. Hon. J. C. S. Blackburn, M. C, has been retained as leading coun sel for the defense, aud Senator Daniel Voorhees, of Indiana, will assist on that side,' Thompson being an old friend of his. The interest in the trial is so great that men are anxious to serve as jurors in order that they may hear the whole case, and from the preliminary steps so far taken it is evident 'that the attorneya for and against Thompson are determin ed to fight every inch of gronud. Newt- Observer. now, seen sized nail waa spiked to thia poplar tree. It remained there until it decayed, and tho handprint, full sized, may be on the bark of tbe tree, the nail which held it m position still fast iu tbe three. We visited the spot laat week aud can vouch for the correctness of tho above statement. Denton American Union. been married bnt occe, aud her lawful husband, the father of these twenty-four children, is alive and well." TO SUIT ALL, AND CAN NOT BE EXCELLED BY ANY. 0" Qive us a call you will be pleased. LADIES: ;-" OSL Senator Ransom made one of his great speeches at Goldsboro on the 12th. He pfeads for the development of the resour ces of the State as a means of attaining that distinction to which she is eutitled. It is estimated that the arrivals of for eign immigrate at Castle Garden, N. Y., during the present month will reach 100,000, aud that many of them are com ing to tbe farms aud factories of tbe South. . ... i i 1 : J 1. ,' "L ta won Fred Douglas defends the motives of port, whioh is the propeity of King Hum- YOU Will filld mMV tlUIigS WHICH 110 0118 6186 J1&8 IU OUT piaC MM WIUWT juu himself aud associate, in calling a color- bert. The J rest .sen veue "P"ce TIT TYDMQ JlAATtQ hows flm final, fnlm that WW ed convention in Washington, aud says being W,UW, auu tne pnrcnasri m u qq qtiq TJlUSl SaV hliai LUB iNiiVV UIVlUU UUVUU mckvo uhv mv,wv ,v - . I i 4. 1a.-1.1- : - m no " . m. that it has no secret purpose : that its permiwea, u u auu. m cpi v- ever been brougnt out. I have a full stock of them, consisting of- There were five public executions last week five men taken off with hempen cords. The pistol and gallows went to gether, baud in hand, last Friday, and they were worthy companions. London, May 10.-The weather here is very bad. Cold, cheerless rains pre vail with a heavy fall of snow through out Northern England. A terrrific snow atoms visited Galway. The-snow lies two feet deep. mmm. . Horatio Key m our declares that a tariff for revenue enly is ths true platform of .the party in the uext campaign for Presi- nr. seymour voices tbe seutiment of ",tfUL OOQUl- beep ordered, and the road will operation. has no secret only object is to advance the the colored race, and that there is no more reason why there should not be a colored convention than that the conven tions of Irishmen, women, temperance people, workingmen, and religious socie- es should be abaudoned. The colored men of the District of Columbia are much Tbe Last ttiver Bridge, connecting New York aud Brooklyo, will be opened to the public on the 24th inst. It will bo a grand day in the metropolis. Big S)iAK--STORr.-So ponder coon "ty is awarded the honor of producing a snake 15 feet long snd six inches across tbe head. Send it to the State Fair. All the necessary material and arrange- menta for the completion of the "Yadkin Valley Bailreadn to Greensboro have soon be A negro baptist preacher wab detected in And arretted in South Cat oliua for horse stealing, and on the way to prison t ok ftUyt'hjijue Jo cuic the ttr at om-e. . The recent session of tbe Ev. Lutheran Syijud arranged to ra-oppen North Gsm-o Una College, at Mt. Pleasant, whioh haa been temporarily suspeuded. A Crown for Sale. London is the mart of the world. You may buy anything here, from a wife or a white alave, to a castle, a palace, or a pedigree. It ia not often, however, tuat a crown is in the market. Such ia the case. in all sober seriousness, to day. There ia an island somewhere to the east of Sardinia, to bo bought, all except the Wi ,00 0 U hleoAe uouMeive& vem macn vy V v exarnmiyuj MY pritig anil Sfammtr (iwis. t. it suits hia caprice, to as- interests of 1 some the name, atylo and title of Kiug, such being tho designation of the ven der, who prefers bard cash to barren acres and barren honor, like a wise old Roman. Here is a tine chance for Mr. Shoddy, Mr. Brummagem, and those numerous plntorats who will back any political party that will covenant to give THEY ARE PERFECTLY CHARMING. excited over the removal by the of the district of Perry Carson, many years has been oue of the leading deputies of that office. rshal them a Baronetcy in return for bard cash I . i - . who for and their votes, a .ing is sareiy a cut, atwi vp & Rarouet . and among other ad- jjll Sif HB gP Sm fiBBl yj Go to tbe Ant, Thou Well Digger. The Dakota Free Press aaya, "Mr. Syl vester Snow, who lives eighteen miles south of Plankinton, in range 61, informa ua that in digging wells, at whioh ha has had much experience, he always makea it a point, if possible, to find an ant bill, and digging directly beneath it invariably strikes water at a depth of from nine to seventeen feet. vantages, ho could make all hia progeny Princes aud Princesses, and he might re- .,n biiimelf bv sellins titles ad litU turn. London Truth. nmnvfll of a niece of steel from tbe AWV mm mw mm C interior of the eye by a magnet. Dr. Geo. Reuling of Baltimore, the well known Occulist and A urist , removed veaterdav a piece of ateel from the inte rior chamber of the eye of Mr. G. Helens, It is said that the anu by the introduction of a pointed power- Elizabeth City. N. C, baa suffered a j ten ibis vUitatiott by fire, Lot est i nut t ied at 9133,W. - mm 11 invarUblv locate their hills directly over I ful magnet. The ateel naa oeen loogea ft vein of water, which, if so, accounts for ia the corner and pushed oy the constant j bis statement He savs he has tried the endeavors of a physician extricate it experiment several times in Dakota aa into the interior chamber, from where the well as iu the East, and as yet it has not Doctor removed it by inserting the mag failed once" J net in the slightly enlarged wound. NTOS'VTIILraG, and many other kinds. Also, Ottoman Silks, Satins, Laces, Buttons, Ribbons, Hosiery, Pans, Parasols; Kid, Lace and Lisle Thread GLOVES, all in perfect style and very pretty. GKJN TLi!iMr!iJN will find a fuU, complete, and a very nice selection of CLOTHING, HATS, Underwear, Collars, Cuffs, Hosiery, H A jj win Dlease note that I buy more and sell more Goods than any ether Store in Salisbury : W a better and more stylish Stock, and have the best and leading trade of the Town. Very respectfully, April IS. 1888, J. D. GASKILL. ( . J ...IJ

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