- - A " i vt ... ..4 j. .-.4 ... .i .4: f -4 .1 Carolina Watchman. m THURSDAY, JUY.L 12, 183. A new war seems imminent .Against the 1 - I- nihi l- dollar. The government, with a , . x i - .,, rane lack.qf lom, it would seem, Mm issued tjrp .entirely different pieces kfiowu as ul hi t's t Ijo.. ' t a 1 1 tla r silver '4)lar ami the Vtrade dollar,1 though the .s - : 4i. - iM avicstof.thetwosHie subject of do- ly'cciaiiou, in some puna oi mo tuunnj trussing for only 85 cents. It is easy t6 -; how readily the objection to the :.rndfc !dl.ir," once generally admitted, tcfiii lie made effective against the stand ard dqllar alsn, in which case we shall don ha; all the iuconvenieuce, vexation Ad b)sstf a depreciated currency. The Chicago Mining Review, of July 5th, is i;credltid with the following sensible ar ,jcle ou this subject ; g . , . I I S .V lllfl VlllVllJb uuvi iii.niiix' fii.fi njiiuiiwi t ie trade dollar mar at this lime I sue- . sissfuUv turned against the standard sil- rr ""dollar, and iu fact against any xiaM of currency which is limited iu its r u,;''.j,vrw .is;. cut classes and kinds of currency, and psciiiiiinate againsf one kind in favor ol Aiothcr by ciiirai hug the value and Jim. fit: in the vwak of currency, we must eon t1i.ni. 10 sutler ficiioclieal season of rinnn- cial diiister, ami business enterprise can jlever Ihj established upyii a permanent and reliable foundation. 11 the govern itiont h:in h liulit tti discrimiitate in the Sat lei of currency so hare the people. j Ko just or sound reason can be given r dti o " yoJajMe of onr na- mmu c m uW y -more dii L-1 11 it If v irrlili-M! n t. i i' or I'frt.ii i I founds. Jf the government fixes the legal tender value of. silver coinage at lire dol- Jars it actually demonetizes its coinage, .anu ny legislative act renue.s 1. rJt iiiiinev a nartv mav have. aeiMiinn- kted nbove that amount. When the lo- gal tender limit of silver or National Ban note currency is reached the whole unions oe on, uin ... Fm a, iiitsui-KM. fvi-n it it reaches into the thou - kiwi .. h,ii:,rH im van hlftaa .i n.i ti. Jtho only purpose tor w Inch a circulating liiedium should be created and accumu lated. I This movement against the trade dol lar proves the point of value in a enrreu ey of any kind. It has been persistently claimed by the enemies of the standard silvei dollar that the chief point of its 'kleliciency. was its lack of weight ; its bullion value was too small to entitle it fto the name and place it was given. Now the war against the silvei dollar has begin-, BLL 1 1 . x .1 .. ..... .1 ! 111 y 11 poii W siauuaru dollar, but upon a dollar which, according o tbe theory givi n, possesses more value Kbao the standard dollar. I The objection to the trade dollar is not -based upon its weight, but its legal ten- dor diMjualitication, which, in" reality is its point f weakness, and gives it its measure of woi thles.suess. A1J currency bused upon a restricted sphere of useful ness must contain within itself these ele incuts of weakness and danger) and no Substantial financial prosperity can be eared ami sustained upon such a fouud- datiou. Such a monetary policy places a dangerous power iu the hands of those fcrlio may be able to secure awl control the better and more valuable class ot ciirren- by. The currency that is iuetl by the government mints should be money, re- jgardless of the material used, and this e.. ..I.. 1... .1: 1 : . : i .1 ran O...Y i- none ,.. maK.ngn a lega. li'iini'i , u iiiiiiin jM;n. i.ig iraiMriiiiii llj)on 4ts newer to iw rforiu the tunctions of cur- i-euev mittide of certain limitations and boundaries. The value of curieney lies teriau church recently erected at Old an its power to perform its mission.- Frtrt wi u. dedicated on Sunday next. :Money is valuable onlv as it can be used . e t , ... , ,. ns a means to accomplish ,1 purpose. To Ur-1 Ku'M'l o( this place will preach the lo this regularly and readily constitutes ddicatiou sermon. The mountain peo- ;the real value of currency. pie are goial church-goers and it is ex- I The fact has been proven by every test pecte(l largt. co,Jt;ri.gsUjoll will lie pres of actual service that the curicnev value . i mfn .'ii'i'iii'.l.'.' t.n-.ii ii. m Lit .li 1 m. 11 S I .....vi....ii. 1 1 . ; 1 . 1 .-. .... . 1 1 v. . j i. 1 - pite, and that (he material issued or used ;ior if 11 lnidsi- is 1 111 111:1 r 1 1.1 : fi) ii. si - Her, paper, uickle or copper, legally en llowetl and made a measure ot value, will pei hum mat purpose and omre with -it necessaiy, whatever may by the law ol .111' -J a . M isnu ue maue a legal tender lor in- ijeoieauess. In view of the ten ible financial disaster Equal facility, from the tact that those f,om PMw4luhj to New York h de holdingobligalions are com pr I I'd to accept uioustrative trip. The crowd waited long, 0 which this country has been subjected 'Ihe July crops report of the Agiieul i BPinbcr of times, with most crushing Department, Washington, D. C.isfavor fftnd discouiaghig results upon the indas able, especially in the Southern States, tne of the pebple, the importance ot a . ' . w rapid and substantial development ot the n,lc,'e the sivers ge fr 90 immense resources of the country, the The area of tobacco appears to have been justice which demands a full power cur- diminished 7 per tent. The average con -rency for all classes of citizens alike, and ditii,n of ,i,c crop ttxceC(8 expectatation, mkUimlk n K- ft 1 - si IT vsj voiuc iiwiii line wi ll vim I and security 111 the goveruiueut and its siieuguianujusiice.il is ipne to demaiuL iliMlliA ......... ..t tl... -' - !.... .1 - uNim vii int.: imiir r. mill lllC CHI- jency issued by the gox'emment shall, s it boat discrimination on the line of ma- teiial, be uurestiicj. in its ability to servelthu cijrpprate authorities of towns and 1 -j. . . t. . r . . T ; It le purpose tor w hich It was created. A dollar put. forth by the government as a llulbir. In.; hi 1 i 11 i,ill uitvui- nriubiaJ piust be a dollar under all circumstances ' and for all purposes' The New York Mining Record, July 7th, 'I terms it a "conspiracy," or "plot" gotten up by a parcel of greedy Speculators ol that city. The llevord says : "The whoop and din -raised in Nev I lork city newspapers, from the whirligig J jlerald to the sapiential JouinaloCum Viercc, is not an accidental piece of news paper clap-trappery, by any means. Re hind all this noise, eugiiieeiing it, paying I lor it and plotting to profit largely by if I iu the end, is a greedy coterie or pool of ; predatory speculators, whose aim is so transuarent that it ought to tie seeu thtV as easily as through the web of a spidei i ti ti !.:.... ..r . iM j 1 . The Object of tbU barefaced plot fc, to! ; work a local panic among tbe small 01 retail dealers in regard to trade dollars that will lead to uch a depreciation i I them here in Xew York, as Khali enable 1 Kid eiiiiiiiiii v 1 1 A i 1 t 1 . it' Cl.i.l I. j ' muchase these dollars at lrbm ten to lit- I leen jper cent uiseounc ami subseijuentU : lo sell them to the employers large MUiesot working men anu working wo - IHMm at a ia j;o Mwtf Mivh is the present excess of peoplt 1 st ehing employ meiit over the (h inapd, ; j...at employers can successfully force I lheir empiyors lo accept a trade dollar t Jor one hundred celits, which had been I hought of a broker an hoiir or two preri I n.-h . at from 9(1 to 95 eekttaJ Not t ac- ? I cepl Mich dolh rs were to incur the penal if i v . f iniutcdi- te I ss d employ meat a t outingency w inch the gnat, r pur-tot the ilji .UUyed thutets c oiuot atloiu iti ii.k at S r lids time. II fN it iu ti i n, ihcKmnll traders- grufera, Y Liuithcis and iclai; a. o4 :ve, pi i s, geueial lywho supply the lhboring classes, will le forced to take this coin from their customers, becaue it will form so mate rial a part of the money they chance to have. These retail classe, to gayje tsUeui selves. in time trill add to tine Mice of their wares Ruftieicntlv to make up the !...! t Sir t 1 1 1.1. ...... , iom emnm-u iu iuhB w wh tors bark to the money ehangers from wllOM Imnd rliev ,mVe mc "recently. Thag C g.,rae jg jD piaVt.l. To this sordid, shameful scheme of speculation upon the necessities of the laboring class- es, the thiilv press has leen and is scan- da',OU8, lco1Vug itself for hire." It has been very truly remarked that public roads are not keeping up with the general improvement of the country, a fact which no ne, not even the road workers themselves, will deny. The time has come for steam carriages to run over our public roads, but the roads are not ready for them. The time has come when "time is money" to the farmer just as it is to other classes of business men, mrl tliar nnnnrkt. nflFiiwI to WfnriMit tpilHU l I I I 1111 ...'V ' W V... W..W , - .. 1 . M g8 tbrmfr mud and over rocks a thousand pounds which could be just .is easily transported at jole speed with half the power over i "'- iwni j common sense matters as other people; and they are obliged to see that there is uch neQt from good roads as there has come to demand them. March with jthc music of the times, should be every m;lu's watch-word. Messrs. Wallaco Bros, of Statesville, says the Jjandmcirfc, have completed an addition to their produce building for the convenient handling and storing of o dried fruits and bentes. The building fronts one street 140 feet, and another io(). This looks like doing business on a , From the same we learn 0 t,iat two yuS en, Reeves and Martin, from Wilkes county, neighbors am friends, on their way to Statesville with hvagous and teams, got into a romp. Wed I 0 uestlay morning last, before leaving camp, in the course of which Martin snapped (fired) a pistol at Reeves, be lieving it was empty. With a single ex rlani.it ion Reeves fell dead. The bal struck just above the left eye. Governor Jarvis has re-appointed the billowing named geutlemtn directors of the North Carolina Railroad, on the part t,f the State: Donald McRae, Now Han . . 1 1 ' ovtr ; W. F. Koruegav, Wayne; R. F. ,,,,,,, v 7, . IIuk' W ake ' Kerr tra,Sp' owal, Aim- istead Burwell, John L. Morehead, Meek- lenburg;R. W. Thomas, Davidson; C. i K,,Ki1M.: st,,. ,,n.vv llm.m fs., ron, of Durham, was appointed a direc tor, Vice W. S Roulliac. resigned. There is to be a stockholders meeting iu this place to-day. An ex convict iu Z.iiiiesvillc, Ohio, rubbed a store, hud while being imrsued, ran into the liver and was drowned. The owlc. of (te s(urd VM ol0 of the . .. . , , er8 a,wl ,,a Mwajarreoted ou a charge id murder, and is tojbe tried for not at tern p- ting to rescue the ! robber from drowning. 0 Vbv Ieader can niake his own comments Di:iicATto Seuvices. The Presby- a 11 rne r hid ns on ii'!:ivt m- k ley .Motor exceeds. A large crowd as sembled 011 Saturday last to see it start bat the motor was not readv to start, aud 1 ' 7 jjj ;jot being given at 9i Are boef, mutton, pigs and poultry .r 1 . Pfl 111 th tended y an act of the Legislature forbidding cites to lay on them a special tax, is the question. There was a meeting of railroad men at Fortress Monroe, Tuesday, to consult as to the reduction of Southern freight and passenger rates; and we are glad to learn that cheaper rates were determined on. The Statesville Landmark has been en larged to a IfcJ column paper, and is now one of the largest and handsomest sheets in the State;-and we may go further and say, one of the ablest and best. Arch Bishop Purcell, of the Roman Catholic church, is ilrmt. 1 fia fnnm-41 u-ns attended bv tlLi.A. nH wn (,l,. , , ... '."J ' . ' with all the peculiar ceremouics of I ,ut denomination. 1 , ustet 8 of Davidson College have " neiiiing, 01 wciumpKn, Ala., t fjll the chair of Greek and Gei- 1 man, declined liy Mr. Classen. Secrest, the wife aud child murderer, passed through yesterday in charge of the sherjffof McDowell. The value of poultry production in America fur 1882, was 5t0,000,(JOO, con siderably more than wheat, hay or cot ton . Storms have mined nearly all the lands in certain dUtiku iu Switzerland. Hard to Kill. Nfffro with ttco gullets in his head, Walks Three Miles, Eats a Hear ty Meal and Talks Uatiouallt). Chicago. July 9. Sam Cook the ne gro who iu a fit of jealous rage shot Em ma Shores, a colored girl, at Potasi, Mo., ast Thursday evening and then snot limself ami subsequently eluded pur suit, was captured yesterday and taken back to Potasi. In his attempt to Kill limself after shooting the uirl he hied two bullects into his head, one of which penetrated both hemispheres ot the brain, the other passed through one henuspnere and both bullets are now in his skull. Xothwitbstandiug these wounds, from both of which his brain oozed in consid erable quantity, tho negro roamed the woods fro u Thursday evening until Sun day morning when he ate a very hearty meal, talked rationally and walked tnree miles from the place where he was cap tained to Potasi. The physicians say that he cannot live. The girl still lives. but is iartly dead from tho effect of the bullet which entered back of her head and passed under into her spinal column. A case similar to this, of life after two ballets had been shot Into the brain, oc curred iu this county some years ago. In a fight between a man named Cash- dollar and John Richards, at Gold Hill, about 30 years ago, ihe combatants were down, aud Richards was 011 top of Cash- dollar.beating him severely: but the latter, iu the meantime, with a small revolver put two shots into his adversary's head ; one, just tipping tho ear, and the other, half an inch higher up; both ranging towards the crown. Richards lived eight davs with the shots in his head. Oa the 8th day he was sitting up smoking, and turning his head down, one of the balls fell out. He soon after was takeu very ill, weut to bed aud died in a few hours. Prog toss of the Cholera. The disease is 'believed to have broken out among the British troops in Cairo and Alexaudiia and at the cabinet coun cil Saturday the question of transferring the whole army from Egypt to Malta 4r Cyprus "was seiionsly debated. Ou the recomniendalioiFof Lord Wolseley how ever it w as decided to retain them where they are for the present. So far tho dis ease seems chiefly confined to tour tow ns on the eastern branch of the Nile. In Damietta about 1,000 have perished, or about one in every thirty of the inhabi tants. At Shirbin a small village of mud huts thirty miles up the Nile, there have been nine cases within forty eights hours. In Mansurah, twenty. miles further up, the death rate has risen rapidly from six to sixty a day. The town contains about 10,000 inhabitants and is a local centre oftrade. From this, point it has spread to MenzaJeh, on the hike id" that name The next' outbreak was at Snmanond, s small village on the Nile about fifteen miles further ui. It is noticed that the disease, as in former instances, is steadi ly following the course of a great river. It is now ouly seventy miles from Cairo, and should it reach that city a heavy mortality may be anticipated in the Arab and Jew quarters, which consist of narrow streets, many of them ending in a c il-de-sae, without drainage or sanitary arrangements of any kind. It seems the disease was due in Egypt in 1877, it having put in an appearance regularly every twelve years since 1cfl, spreading always to the west ami taking two yeais to exhaust itself. In every previous instance the epidemic bus devel oped enerjry amiiiiK the" oiiental races and thence spread into Europe. The exodus from Egypt is likely to carry the infection to the adjacent towns of.Syiia, especially to Reyrout, whence it may spread to any point on the Mediterranean. The disease is undoubtedly Asiatic chol era of the most virulent type. Most of the cases occur among the lower classes, and a huge majority are fatal. From Wilmington Stat. A special correspondent of the Louis ville Courier Journal has been visiting Western North Carolina and w rites more than two columns of enthusiastic praise and description. He writes of the mag nificent scenery, without a rival this side of the Rocky mountains; of the cascades at Warm Springs ; of the beautiful fails of Catharine May ; of a visit to Toweriug Hlufl' mountains : of the boundless hospi tality und the cultivated resi cuts at the Springs. We make one brief extract : 'lt was at Warm Springs that the scene of Mrs. Francis Hodgson Burnett's uovel 'Louisiana,' wits laid, and it was here that she wrote 'Erfmeinlda,' that has cheered the hearts of so many lovers of the pure and beautiful in art. 'Chris tian Re-id,1 Miss Fisher, North Carolina's noted novelist, wrote her delightful book 'The Land of the Sky,' descriptive of life in these, grand mountains that have thrown a magic spell about us and held ns while our hearts and eyes turned loud ly toward the old Keutuckv homo, AH Europe is much alarmed over that awful scourge, Asiatic cholera, Jt is al ready at the port of Marseilles. Its chaneejor rushing over Europe is good, and it may cross the Atlantic to our shores, The New Orleans J tines Leio craf says of Ha course : "It infects the water, it infects the ships, it is borne on the very breezes. Europe has fought it for years, hut it can not boast that it has ever kept buck this disease, which comes with certain but irregular tread. There is one favorable feature ahout the propagation of his dis ease the slowness with which jt moves. While much U vague aud uncertain about this disease, its origin and course of travel never varies. The .cholera is al ways born in India, ou the banks of the Gunges. Its route to Europe is always the same, westward to Egypt anil Persia, aud tlieuce into Russia. It nearly al ways lingers iu that Empire a year or more, and suddenly makes its appearance in the north of England. From England it travels to Prance, from which it springs suddenly to Canada and New York, to make its way rapidly through the United States into Mexico aud South Ameiica. Wo hope to have the pleasure of stating throngh these columns before many months shall have elapsed that the num ber of establishments for converting the sul phn rets into sulphuric aeid has been increased by the addition of one, and that one in Davidson County. The snl phurets exist iu abundance, and can be converted at small expense in connection with the work of reducing ores. The only question is how to utilize the acid where it is made, and this seems to lie solved by the discovery of immense beds of phosphate rock on the Cape Fear. When the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad is com pleted to Greensboro, the phosphate can be transported at a slight expense to the place w here the aeid is made, aud manu factured into fertilieers. We are informed that one of the largest reducers of ore in Swansea, Wales, reaps his largest profit from the manufacture of commercial manures. He not only utilizes all the acids he -saves from his ores, but he purchases all that is made at the other reduction works at the same place. He has a large fleet of vessels carrying phosphate from Charleston, S U.. lor the fertilizer business. It seems reasonable, therefore, to suppose that if the business is profitable where the ma terials have to be transported so far, it would be very remunerative where the principal ingredients are found so near together. The attention of capitalists is being called to this fact and it is not im probable that something w ill grow out of it soon. A few weeks ago we said that there is good prospect that reduction works will be erected and put iu operation at Thoinasville before long. We have receiv ed information to the effect that the pro ject is taking shape. When the reduction plant is erected, it w ill cost but little more to save the sulphuric aeid, and util ize it iu the way we have already shown. The profit 8 will be immense, and there will be no difficulty iu selling all the fer tilizers that can be made. We have thus briefly outlined an ini poitaut industry that may confidently be expected to be in operation in this sec tion at no verv distant dy, though for the present it may be delayed throngh the shortsightedness of capitalists; but it is sure to come some time or other. The opportunity exists. Somebody w ill embrace it and reap a fortune; but who shall it be ? Jhtri.lsori Jji-jtafch. A Very Flue Surgical Operation. Dr. A. C. Pot, of New York City, ns siftted by Dr. J. Parks McCoiutm, f this city, last Monday evening perfm un d :i remarkable opci.-itiou ou the leg of Mr. J. M. Roark, who whs injured tit the St. Catharine mine, in June, 1682. The ex - plosion occurred on the llth day of that month, and Mr. Koaik hud an arm und a leg broken. The fractured limbs were set and the arm healed all rijiht, but the bones in the leg failed to knit, ami Mr. Roark had since, been unable to walk, save by the aid of erutehe.s. Dr. Cost arrived in the city Sumbiy, and Monday evening he went to work ou tho leg. The patient was put under the infhun -eof ether, aud remained so for the space of two hours, the time occupied iu perform ing the operation. The d.'!i was cut away from the bone at the place where the fracture was made, when it was found that the bones instead d' uniting, had been turned down at the edges and gristle taken out, when the bones were care fully sponged and dried and then drawn together. Dr. Cost then adjusted the bones by means of iron wire, arranged to hold I lie end firmly together. Tho wound is left open so that when tho bones be comes adheteu, wirch will le 111 the course of two week, the wiie can be taken out and t hi; ties! 1 sewed up. It was on the Whole, a rare and delicate opera tion, and was most successfully peilorm ed. Mr. Roark haa suffered long and in tensely with his leg, but his friends hope that the trouble is nmv ended, and that he will soon be able t go about ou good, sound lc"s. Journal Observer. A Child Woman. Wheeling (Va.) Special. There is in Hampshire county, in this State, a human monstrosity which excels anything Baruum ever exhibited, It is a young woiuan,r child, born in Penn sylvania in 18(i5, and therefore eighteen years old, who is iu everything but age an infant. She is the daughter of Mr. John E. Miller, of Shanesville. A gentle man who recently saw her and learn ed her age from reliable authority, found her lying in a cradle. She is twenty-eight inches in height and weighs but twenty-live pounds. She cannot walk or talk, and eats nothing but milk, which is ied from a bottle. She has, however, a ipuck perception and remark able mem ory, and a brief poem or seutenee repeat ed to her once and weeks alter again re peated to her with hut one word varying arouses her anger and she frowns at the changed word. An article laid down iu the room and in Iter sight may be allow ed to remain for days, yet an inquiry for it will be answered by the child pointing in its direction. She is quite an attrac tive baby, aud no reason for her stunted growth has ever been assigned. The facts narrated above seem to be well attested, and many physicians have, visited the child without b-. ing able to even conjec ture the cause of condition. Referring to the proposed Muhoueizing of North Carolina the CctersUirg Mail expresses its opinion of the difficulty of the job and the trust worthiness ot the whites of our State. It says ; "As for North Carolina, having spent the most of our life iu that good old State we Can safely say that Mr. James Madi son Leach is reckoning without his host when lie offers to sell out the State to the Republicans. The good people of that. State have not yet forgotten the days of carpet bag rule, when the best men of the State were actually disfranchised, and when the State's treasury was well nigh bankrupted by Swepson, Litjletield & Co., supported by their ignorant negro allies.1' Savannah yews : Tlie internal revenue system is odious, because it authorizes government inquiry in the business of private citizens and interference thero witllj aud it maintains at publi expense an immense army of politicians. The internal revenue system should be abol ished. Wipe it out. The Rev. S. N. Tyng left New York ! sometime ago and went to Paris to take the agency of the Equitable Insurance Company, but after trying him for a while they were so glad to get rid of him that they paid him $20,000 to step down and out. TEACHER WANTED To take charge of Franklin Academy, four miles north of Salisbury, middle aged man with reference preferred. Apply soon to Jko. C. & H. G. MiLler, Trustees. Salisbury, N. C, July Tth, 83. 39:1m. To Rent Two Dwelling Hoitv ea, new, 4 rooms each, on Cemetery, between Fulton and Ellis streets, near the Graded School. Apply to 29:f D. A. AT WELL. UNITY HIGH SCHOOL! The next session of this School will begin on the Firft Monday of September. All the branches usually taught in a first-grade Class ical Academy will be pursued, and young men prepared to enter the Sop!. more class at college. If desired, Special Instrnction in Normal Methods will be given to those proposing to become Teachers. Board at from $8 to SlH per month. Tuition, from Si to S3 oer month. For . v w - t m particulars address, geo. r. McNeill, July 10, 18S3. tf Woodleaf, N. C. 5-TON Fold oa trial. Warrants 6 yaats. AU tlasa as low. For free Loo , ddraaa JONES OF BINGHAMTON, NSCUUHXOV, R. T Tho Old "Commodore" IN THE FIELD ! UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF plimhee. & .Moiua.. Wm. J. PLUtfMBit. Ioii2 known as the best Harness and Saddle Maker who ever did busi ness in Salisbury, presents liid compliments to old friends und patrons with an invitation to call and see Ids present stock of new Harness, Saddles, Collars, &e. He warrants satisfaction lo every purchaser of New Stock, and also Ids repair work. Kates as low as a good article will admit if. ' tall and see. PLTJMMBR & MORGAN. Administrator's Notice! Having qualified as administrator, with the will annexed, uf Henry Kluttz, dee'd, I hereby n stify all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased to come forward and make payment ; and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same to me for payment on or before the 5th day of July, 1884, or this notice will he plead in bar of their re covery. Si m eon -Kluttz, AMm'r 4S:lui-pd With Will Anuexed. SALS .OF Heal Estate ! IX pursuance of an order or decree of the Superior Court of Rjowan County, the undersigned c!mmissiont;r, appointed by tiic Court, will sell at public sale, at the Court House in Salisbury, on Monday the 2nd day of .I'd)', 1881. the following de scribed real estate to wit : '.V tr.ut of t .vent v live acres of land in Providence Townshjp adjoining the lands of Mnsu Brown, Jane IJrown, and the Lot belonging to Brown's School House," being a part of the Mose Brown tract, on which there is supposed to be a valuable Gold Mine - Bids will open at $113.30. TERMS, one third cash, and the re mainder o:i a credit of six months with interest from date of sale, at 8 per eent. JOHN M. IIORAH, :;7:0w. Commissioner. The most successful flemedy ever discov- ered as it Is certain iu its cff.jcts ami uoes not blister. Head Proof Below, 3AVD HIH 1,300 DOLLARS. Adams, X. Y., .Ian. W, lsS2. Dr. I). .. K: lid nil, & Co., treat's : Having used a good deal tit your Kendall's Ppavla Cure wita great su?ce.-i.s, 1 thought I would lei you know what it has done tor me. Two years agr I had as speedy a colt as was over raised iu .lorfcrsgn County. When I was breaking aim, he kicked over the cross bar and got fast and lore one oi tils hind legs all lo pieces. I employed t'-Je best farriers, but they all said he wan s wiled, lie h.ul a very large t horougii-pln, and I used two bottles ot your Kendall's Spavin Cure, uid it took the bunch entirely off. and he sold atlcr- .vln.l icall-s, and It has always cured completely audj tiusror si.sn". i nave u n. lor uoue spavins :tnu li.fl tiic IfiJ siaoth. It l.- x siilenilM medicine for rheumatism. I have recommended It t a srood many, an i tney all say it Uoes the worse. 1 was in Wltherlnton & Knee land's drug store, in Adams, the feluer any, and saw a ve ry riae plorure yon sent thein. I trleU to buy It. hut could not ; they sjald It I wjeiUl write to you that you would sen A hie ona. C wisli yoa would, and 1 will do you all the good I can. Very respcotrtlly, E. s. Lvman. Kendairs Spavin Cure. Cincinnati, Ohio, June 3, 1832. B. J. Kendall a.- Co., Gents : Being a sufferer train rheumatism. 1 have tried a (Treat many remedies for that complaint, using everything that I heard of or that my irtenes knew o', and being treated by Uio best pnyselans in tills city without eflect. I had become discouraged and had concluded tliere was no help for this disease, vhen 1 fortunately met your agent, Mr. John Fis, who told me It was un necessary to suffer any mere, as Kend id's Spavin Cure would do the bullae, and as I w us ot the same profession lie presented me with a bottle, which I used, and 1 must s iy without uay faith, in one week I am able to walfc without a cane or any other artiih ial help. I don't know that the Spavin Cure did it. but this I do know, I w ill never be with out Kendall's spavin -'ute again, us I thoroughly believe it deserves its popularity, and has uuquali tled merit. 1 write tuts entirely unsolicited. Yours truly, 11. ii. Snow. C, T. Kendall's Spavin Cure ON HUMAN FLESH. Vevay, Ind., Aug. 12. 1831. Dr. IJ. J. Kr.n t.tll .0 Co., Gents : Sample of circu lars received to-day. Please send me some with my Imprint, printed on one side only. The Kendall's Spavin cure Ls In excellent demand with us, not on ly frr animals, but for human ailments also. Mr. Jos. Voris, ona ot the leading farmers In our county, sprained an ankle badly, and knowing tin value of the remedy for horses, tried it on himself, and It did far better than he had expected. Cured the sprain la very HiOitordea r YourS respectfully, 0O. Thiebanp. Pri i pr bottle, or 6 bottles fort1".. Alldruejrlst hive it or can gel It for yua. or it will b seat to aay address ou receipt of price by Ue proprietors. Dr. B. J. Kespvu. V to.. Kuoslurrfh Falls, Vt. Send for Illustrated circular. Sold by all Druggists. -SkftfrWBSL.. '-mm-Sf 3 (1NUR IT IS CERTAINLY SO! "" JONES. their New Spring Have DEPARTMENTS! DRESS GOODS, In all tbe lew iih aai Materials. -:DE7 GOODS, WHITE Pronounced by all who have inspected Gents' Furnishing TO SUIT ATX, AND CAN NOT BE Give us NOTICE TO tREDITOKS! All persons having claims against the es tate of Levi Deal, dee'd, arc hereby notified to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of May, 1884, or this notice, will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery ; and all persons owing said estate are required to make immediate payment. This April 30th, 1883. I. L. SHINN, Ex'r 29:6w of Levi Deal, dee'd. AT PUBLIC SALE FOIt CASH ! A No 1 Wcstinghousc Who t Thresher and Horse Power will le sold on the Pub lic Square in Salisbury, Saturday, June 30th. Until then they may ho seen at B. Marsh's machine shop. Terms of sale, cash. J. G. McCoxnaugiiky. June 7, 1883. 4v A Great I ater-Pow er FOR SALE ! Thc most extraordinary unimproved Water Power on the Yadkin River is for sale at low iigurcs. It is situate at the head of the Narrows in Stanly county, 8 miles from Albemarle, the county scat; 13 miles from Go'.d Hill, and about 28 miles from Salisbury. It is one mile from the public highway leading to Salisbury, from which road it is easily accessible down to the water's edge. The peculiar feature of this property is that it is a natural stone dam which makes about a six foot head of available water. The dam runs atran angle of about 20 or 2 (leg. up the river nearly all the way across, gradually diminishing in height as h approaches the opposite shore. A race of 400 feet in length will add from 12 to 14 additional feet of head, mak ing the grand power of 18 or 20. There is any Quantity of building stone and slate of excellent quality, on the premises, easily transported by water. This excellent power may be used for GRIST AND FLOURING MILLS, COTTON & WOOLEN FACTORIES, REDUC riON MILL FOR SULPHU RETED OiES. It is conveniently near the mines of Moiitaromery, Stanly, parts of Cabarrus, Rowan and Davidson Counties to make it a custom mill, lor the reduction of ores, with the preat advantage of being in the centre of the mining districts named above. The ores within easy reach could not be worked out in a century. This water power with 10 acres attached is ofierred at 2,500, with the option of 100 acres at $3,500. The iands are valua ble for fanning purposes; the situation healthy, the society good, and church ami school advantages very good. Persons wishing further information may nddnss "Watchman,"' Salisbury, or Mr. J. R. Lit tleton, Albemarle, N. V. Map of place furnished on application. 33: tf. VALUABLE ti in D FOR SALE! On Saturday the first day of September, 1 SR:5. Ht the ( nrt-IImi-f ilnrvr in tlir T-n , v..,,; .i... r ...n i.: i . iu 1 -'1,"' . wm m me iiinesi uiu- Uer, the tollowing Kcal instate, to wit : The lot on Council street, consisting of one acre of land, known as the Tobacco Factory Lot, within lot) yarrja of tbe Court-House, now occupied by Messrs. Payne, Lunn & Co., manufacturers of Tobacco. The Fac toty Building situate on said lot, is of mod ern build, very large, new, with brick walls on the inside, capable of being heated in winter", and cool in summer. The building was Srtferietcd for the purpose for which it is now being used :g8 within five min utes walk of the Railroad Depot, and very near the Tobacco Warehouses now in oper ation. This is a TWO STORY FRAME BUILDING, having all tho modern conveniences of a hist class Factory bui lain v. On the side is a wing recently erected for a store room I of manufactured tobacco, built expressly j ior inai put pose. There are other buildings on the lot. used for purposes incident to the carrying on the business. This lot is of the most ill Uiiuii; Kill IMUII" IU llie lOWn OI oUHS - luirv Tt ij Iltn iiiMiu.ptr ..e n T..; Ci.i. ... . iJ ll". l U .IIMUI 13lUl,A . ''Ill U'lll . illlll IH II V I Mr f.T fill Stockholders. TERMS OF SALE: One-half cash, the other" half within six months from date of sale, with interest on deferred payment at the rate of 8 per cent. Title reserved until all the purchase money is paid. The property is insured, the purchaser to be entitled to the benefit of insurance, and possession of the property to be given the purchaser on tbe 1st tlav of January, 1884 rw . , - - ' I he title to the nronert v to bn wurrrnitwl Hour ot sale l M. R J. HOLMES. I .. . - --- President of the 8Wjhnry Building Aocia tion. Salisbury, N. C, May 24, 88. :;14t. TOBACCO FACTORY McMBIi & CO. Complete in d :o: GOODS AND NOTIONS :- them as the Prettiest in the Market! Goods EXCELLED BY ANY. a call jou will be pleased. BIBXEiS TESTAMENTS:- At all prices, At ENNISS' Drugstore. DIAMOND DYES. The best Dyes ever made FOR SILK. WOOL OR COTTON. DUES8ES, COATS, SCARFS. 11001)8, YARN, STOCKIMiK. CARPET' RAGS BIB BON 8, FEATHERS, " ' or any fabric or fancy article easily and perfectly colored to any $laile Hlack. liruwu. ttrctn, Kim Scarlet. C ardinal ReoTXavy Blue, seal l'.ren,oia Green, Terra Cotta and 20-other best eoioi War ranted Fast and Durable. Each nacke wlDriflnr one to four lbs. of yoods. If yon have never used Dyes try these once. You will be 1 lighter. For sale by J. H. ETsXiss, Salisbury. House to Build ! 4 The undersigned invites proposals - ii t ween; this date and 1st July, for btiililinjri Session and School House -at Thvatim Church, Rowan county. Specifications wit be obtained by applying to W. A. Lixgi.k, Chni'n B. Com. Mill Bridge, June 9th, 1883. . . j . i in.. Administrator s JNotice. Having qu dificd as administrator upon the estate of Charles F. Khuts deceased, I hereby g've notice lo all persons iinielMJ to said estate to come forward and m$ke payment, and all persons having claims ugainpt said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned for payment on or bj;fore the 7th day of June,' 1884, ;or this notice will be plead ir. bar of their recovery. II. C AGNER, Adm'r. June 7, 1S83. Gw.pd Notice to CREDITORS. ALL persons bavin?: claims agamsl tlie estate of Davvalt Lentz, dee'd, arc hereby notitii d to exhibit the same to the tinder signed on or before the 8th day ot June. Is84, or this notice will be plead in kir of their recovery. J. W. MAUNEY, June 1st. 18S:l. Adm'r 4c. U4:4t-pd, State of North Carolina,- Ix the St i:moK ROWAN COUNTY, Court. May 21ht, 1881 Charles Price. Adm'r of John X. B. Jolm- son, PfaimtiJF, - Against : Sam.j Johnson. James Johnson Victoria Johnson and Adolpbus John.son. Dffft' S)ccial Proceedings to make Real K- tatc Assets. Tojthe- defendants above named : Takcno tice,lliat a summons has been issued apainrt you fjn the above entitled action, and you !iri I'liiiiiri-il tt niiiu,., p l.f.rr tni ll II) V Or lice ih the town of Salisbury on Mmidaj tbe Dth day of July, 1883, and answer or dc mur.jto tbe complnint. J. M. IIORAU.C.S.C. 330w State of North Carolina, ) In tub Si i-kkiob ROWAN COUNTY, Cot in. May 51st, 18S1 j SpcciarProccedingsfoy Partition of Land. Johl W. Powlas and wife, Margaret V. Powlas, Plaintiffs. Againsi ; Chnitlcs B. Miller, Marv Miller, fleimbia MH- ler, Florence Miller". Lundn Miller. Mil Goodman and wife, Laura Ooodnnina Henry Miller. Defendants. To Henry Miller, non-resident : Take no tice that a summons has been issued again' you In the above entitled action. ani you arc hereby required to appear liefore rneM my office, in the town of Salisbury, on Mon day the 2d day of July, 18:1, "d ai or demur lo the complaint. J. M. IIORAH, V. S.C 3"3:Gw The Valley Matnal Life AssociaQes OF VIRGINIA. DOME OFFICE, STAUNTON, VA.-i- -Tlie, Cheapest, Safest, and Most Reliable il ?D: j surance now offered the public Is fouwl 1,1 ley Jjlutual, which enables you to carry a fi.f i i uu actual an-ragr i mi ui I tw fllrtiierlnfnriTiiidcin ..'all on 01" ;ntdres r " ' alti - - ' MSy 20, 1383. SAIISBIKV, Special Notice! fin tlie matter of the estate of Hor;i Mot- ieyJdeeeased): , ,.f H0r- liaving qualified a administraior r. Motley, dee'd, notice is herd y B,?3K I perfons iiiiieiiieu m inetMaie u nult settlement of the same. And all V l. U&k i..;.... -i,o .n.ie iirel'. i. I . . . . I ..... . . f I fif IICV of 1 '.IIM! it" n 1 11 K no. ' . Tj.T , . i ... ,p w . ruMi.rtts to iirt-ni irie 'f'lirr i" months from this dale or this notice rib a !i ii in burnt' I lu-ir recover v J. A. CKt.M 1'- May 21, 1SS3.- ImifMt.

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