' f . C- MjBjBfcjgMBijg ;i j i. - -it - -I i i ! rt rr nr --p - - - -j !;MaMMaiiiMaMi, i l f 3 I I J-rJ I 1 4 if S SALE of LAND .On Monday ffce 28th day of May next, I -Will g"ll at the Court House doot in Sirlrs- . a. .. nury a ir.ni n Jtf ACRES OF LAND belonging to the estate trt Drtwitlt LttH said land adjoins the land1 of Mrs. M. A. Jne artd others. 7ht! Mddfrtg will be feinffened at the m of $ J 35. :;. Trm yi? SaIK. One third cash" (tow n ft xovm ;rs the sale is confirmed and a credit of s'ix griff twelve months .yilf he given ori Hie ttthvr two-third with interest from fhy f sale at 8 jx-r cent. . W. MAUNEY. 29:6t. Commissioner. ;f;7; your tobacco KLUTTZ'S Eff ODSE ! ff AR JOHN SHEPPARD, . . . it B - ' (Lsrfe of Pilot Warehouse, Whis.otirfN.C.) IT STANDS AT THE HEAD. , THE UGHT'RUNIHNG 'domestic; That it is the acfcnt'rtr.edycd leader in tUic Trade js a fact that cannot be disputed MANY IMITATE IT, NONE EQUAL IT!) The Largest Armed, The Lightest Running, The Most Beautiful Wood-work. AND IS WABBANTED To be made of the beat itfrfterial. To do any and all kinds 6r workv To be complete .r, every respect. FOT" sn fe hv BERNHARDT BROS,, Salisbury, N. C Agents wanted in uuoccuied territory. Address, Jhnncsth Setting Mavlnue Co. 42:ly ""Richmond, Va. PROMSSlOXAL CAtLVS. &LACKMER & HENDERSON Attorneys, Counselors SBlJsbtffy, Hi C. ' - Jan. 22d, '79-ff. i. M. Mc ORRLK. T. F iLUTTZ iflcCOKKLE fc KLVTTZ, ATTORNEYS axd COUNSELORS Samskuuy, X. C. Oft.ec dh Conucil Street, opposite the Court House 37tf Business Manager and AUCTIONEER. t . Q i r SALES EVERY DAY. ! . Good Prices Assured. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS TOR MAN AND BEAST. NO SALE, NO CHARGE ! ffe3 Insurance and Storage Free. Liberal Cash Advancements made on Tobacco held by us for future sale. KIJTTZ, GASKILL & CO. l&tf TUTT'S PSLLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths of the diseases of the human raec. These symptoms indicate their existence : tro ot Appetite, Bowels costive, Siek Head ache, f ullnexs a Iter eating, avers ion to e xertion of body or mind, Eructation Of food, Irritability of temper, . m. reeling or navt 2?g a laty, IMzxluess,Flnttciin A fr c line of harlnc nearlected . Flutter! neat the Heart, Dots before the eyea.bJsrnlyeef or-d Urine, COiVSTIPATiO.V, and do- o Of a remedy that tuts mandtne use of a rcraedythat ntts directly on the 1 .i ver. As aLi ver medicine TCTT'S PTL.L.8 have no equal. Tlicir action on the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing an imparities snrougn- incse inree " i engers of the system," producing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vigorous bod v. TCTT'S PILLS cause no nausea or griping nor interfere with daily work and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Sold everywhere, age. Offlp.41 Murray 8t.,N.Y TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair ok Whiskers changed in stantly to a Glosst Black by a single ap plication of this Dye. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of St. Office , 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTT'S MANUAL OF USEfUL RECEIPTS FREE. Wright s Indiah vegetable Pills k6r the la I VE R And 3 Moils Complaints tie t fake. '.h'Uxx partly ve.e'tr'He: rto rip in?;. I'liceijcU. All Druists. V a lite of Turnips us Fvcn. Turnips are good wholesome food fur stock, not ?ery nutritions or fat tening, but having an anpet t-ing ef fect and promoting digestion. The following tahle gives the relative food value of the several foodstuffs named at calculated from analyses, and will -tie tonnd a pretty safe guide in deter mining the practical foot value of the same. Assuming Indian corn to be forth sixtv-two cents per bushel of fifty-six pounds, or 1.11 per hun dred weight the relative value?, ac cording to the anal vis. are as fol lows j f 1.11 1.13 1.08 1 51 0.98 2.08 0.32 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.11 much wWbbbbbbbI HBpUSgkKS! nt3EimC 'mVlBl PBRalMlssrlHnllsBa UBSCRIBE FOil THE CRAC LINA WATCHMAN, ON T.T $1.50 PER YEAR. J. 1! H oni.s BROOKE, PKES.. W. C. CO ART, SEC. Total Assets, $710,745.12. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage. CTP.OND, Term Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums parable One half cash and bal ance in twelte months. j. ALLEN BROWN, Agt., 25:6m. Sallsburv, K. C. Corn Wheat m Rye Peas Oats Cotton sed meal Sweet potatoes Irish potatoes Artichokes Buttermilk Cabbages or col lards Rutabagas Rutabaga leaves Turnips The list might be extended further, bnt ire have given a number of the ordinary and well-known breadstuff's. It will be seen tliat tur nips occupy a low place in the stale. But when we consider the enormous yield which a succes-ful cirop will give, we find that turnips stand high in the list. -The difncultv lies in the fact that turnips are by no means a certain crop less so than most of those in the list. This i due to the fact that the crop must make or fail in a comparative short time, as their period of growth is very short ; and the season of the year at which they are planted is usually very hot and often too dry. Southern World. What Wc Have Noticed. BOOTS. SHOcS Sl CAITERS. made to rder: Ail Worfc First Class Seventeen years F.x- o perienee. All Material or thcest grade, and work done ln the latest styles Heady made woi 1 always on baud Repairing if he tried is ulwivs vtrv f-Li-nf'ni n,. satly and pi-omrrtlv done. Ord rs by mailpiomp I lu iwp ei CUielUi lio That the strongest horse is general ly placed between the shafts. That it is belter to be good and homely than to be pretty and bad. That people who wear the best clothes do not alvVavs look the lnt. That people who boast that thev always speak what they think have some very bad thoughts. lhat the man who barters health for riches is never satisfied with the bargain. That learning is a powerful auxil iary with the fool bent on displaying his folly. Ihat the man who could do a thing no ly tilled :ly. Wm. StusataT. N. C HOME ADVERTISEMENTS. ERR CUAKiK. fc. ft. CLfcJtKKT. CRA1GE & CLEMEWT, Attorneys jCSt SALISBfKV, N. C. Feb. 3rd, 1881. Z B. Vasce. W. H. BaiIkt. VANCE & BAILEY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, "CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice in Supreme Cotrrl of the United Slates, Supreme Court or 2Corlh Carolina, Federal Courts, and Cenfir of Meeklenburjr, Cabarrus, Union, Gsston, Kowan and David Son. ftAOfnce, two doors east of Indepen dence Square. 33:i f Mm nt nt mm COMING IN EVERY DAY AT HARDWARE. MP. WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undt-rsi'jned at NO. 2. Granite D. A. ATYELL. It nw. Arent for the "CardwellThresher." Salisbury, N. C, June 9th tf. MH ! Wanted ! ! Thu attention of Fanners and the Gener al public is called to the fact that - T. J, MORGAN Has opetUffa First Class FAMILY GUO CEUY STOUE. next door to Uhtekmer & Taylors Hardware, where he Will keep a full line ol lresh goods, such as Flour, Meal Bacon, Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Tea &v so a fresh and complete stock of C O F E t T I O X E ft I E & k and Fancy Groceries. Will pay the highest cash prices for But cr. Eggs, Chickens, and all saleable coun try products. January 18, 1883. U:'im. Malaria, Chills and FeveeTand Billions attacks K,at.lv'.K!,.rtHl witH Kl nor"8 standard" cre P. lis an lntaillble remedy : never falls to cure the most Otistinate, lony standing cases where Oulnlne and all other remedi- s bad failed. They are prenaml expressly for malarious sections, iu double boxes two kinds of Pills, containing a strong cathartic ami ft chill breaker sugar-coated; containing no oninlne Or Mercury, causing no griping or purging; they are mild and efficient, certain in their action and harm less In all cases ; they effectually cleanse the system aud give new life and tone to the body. As a bouse hold remedy they are unequaled. For Liver com plaint their equal is not known ; one box wm have wonderful effects. on the worse cas They are Used and prescribed by physicians, and soul by druggists everywhere, or sent by ui;il, 5 and so Cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, best Kasmad. only 15 cents. Standard cure Co. m ver sau Street, New Yorlc. 4ly FOR SALE BYJ, H. ENNISS. ' NEW FURN1IURE STORE. Main Str. Next Door to J. F. Ross. COME TO THE IsTEW STORE Ail pt ewytiiinn want in tie Feruitire line At the LOWEST Prices. to trr. Xliat he who sees no good in hu niaii nature is much given to self-contemplation. Th:tt it is the same with thought as with money the lew one has of eith er, the more eager he is to make a display of it 'Ifiif llio nlinfiii.r.i i.l m. ...1.4 . . I -. . ...w iuik wt at j, i , cl; wiiu lull ifT 11 Y 11 1 T11 P mke a flattering picture is more suc Jji 11 -v 11 I I II I C 04ful tna he who makes a correct likeness. That tl ic man who is always able to suy the right thing in the right place is usually iu fhe right place to say it.. That when a man tells you of a chance to make money, he neglects to mention the hundred or more c'lances to lose it iu the same enterprise. a severance from animate existence until the next day, a plunge into sty gian ennui whence there is no escape except in sleep. To get into a bed bulging in the middle with some unknown mass and slopping at the sides at an angle rath er too acute tor slumber is hardly a refuge from this stale of things. am sure tlrat statistics of suicide or of homicide would show that most peo i i i . l pie in Jamaica k h tneroseives or their fellow-men at night ; for how could it be otherwise ? Southern World, Atlanta, Ga. A West IndifMi Cleopatra and Her Bill of Fare. ALL MY GOODS Were inspected in person at the Manufactories, and bought for cash nt the lowest prices, and warranted to be of the latest styles and best quality, and will be sold as j low as any House in the country. Come and" net A Nice Gottaie Clamber set for oily Fiee sets for - Fine Walint sets, Marble Tops, only Haaflsoie Parlor sets for - $25.00 $30, $35, and $40 ijij $40, $50 and $75 Cheap Beds at $3.50 Special ternia md. with country Bwrch.Bta wbo ant clicnp Boils in one dozen nml ' dozen lol. will also have on hand a full line if COFFINS CASKETS and I 11iIpv.iL-oiv' rr.xwlo all ., t t... I... a : a. w lonno wrua an at inv lonvsi prices ai Disagreeable Phases of IJfe in the West Indies. 52:lv. R. M. DAVIS' New Store. WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD. OFFICE OEN. PASSBNOER AGENT, Salisbury, N. CM October 12th, 1882 SCHEDULE. ST. GEO. A. EAGLE, W. A, MOKGAX IT, Pass. Train No. 8 Arrive Tu45 r m " 4.2S . " iUO " " IS 54 " U UM A M " 10.08 ' .a ; Leave 6.9 ; STATIONS. Salisbury..--.. . . . . Statesvtlle .... NewtOn . . . . Hickory , . ....Morganton . .. Marion. Black Mountain . ....Ashevllle ....Warm Springs Pigeon Kiver.. Pass. Train Xo. 1 I.caTC 6.10 A M Arrive 7.2S ' 8.49 " " .S5 " " 10.43 " " 11.49 " " 1.53 PM M 3.00 " " n.44 " " 5.4) " s r - Train No. 1 Connects at. Salisbury wlth.R. & D.Tt. R. from all points North and South and from Raleigh. Connects atstatesvllle with A. T. & o. Dlv. of C. C. A. R. R. Connects at Warm Springs with E. Tenn.. Va & Ga. R. R. for Morristown and points South-West. Train No. 8 connects at Warnr Springs with E. T. Va. Ga.R.R. from Morristown & the South-West. Connects at 8tat8vlUe Willi A. T. & O. Dlv. of C C. ft A. R. R. and at Salisbury with R. & n. R R. for all points North and East ana for Ratelgtt. Through Tickets on sale at Salisbury, Statesvtlle, AsheviUe and the Warm Springs to ail principal ciUes. J. E. Macinurdo, Audr. . F. & p. Agt. Eagle & Morgan BLACKSMITHING AND WagonMaking. Wc are prepared to do any kind of work at our Shops on Lec Street, (W. M. Barker's Old Stand.) SALISBURY, N. C. HORSE SHOEING and all kinds of Bl.-u ksinithiug done promptly and with ex pedition. Repairing of Carriages, Ruggies and Wagons done promptly and in rirst class style. Painting and .hushing of fine work will be done by W. M. Barker. All ue ask is a trial. Jan. 10, 1883. ig:1f NOTICE! JOHN F. EAGLE, -FASHIONABLE- BOOT AND SHOE 3 A. Ii Kli, Invites yonr attention to his shop, onnosiie aisyorsymre. Repairing neatly and prompt ly done. All grades of goods made to order' Oct. 1st, 'Slaf. The mosquitoes were very nunier otw und hungry ; ants in myraids work eagerly over everything I had the pleasure of wakino- up iu a bed ful of them ; lizzards und flics are in their paradise, and ihe air is flecked l. . u i i ii . wiin me uiiz,aru. ju tnese crea ture! scour the earth and air in search of their varied prey; the buzzards dart into the water after the de funct sting-rays ; the little shivering cnameieous play all over the dead- wood fences like streaks of light. Hashing in and out with their paint ed throats as it endowed with human intelligence; and at night Oilier strange things cotne with the humidity of the dew, lamp worms, tropical moths .4AmxA 1 a mm 4 1 . ! tl A I 1 auuiigc iiuuiuig. tilings tnai snudder iu the tree tops aud thrill you with their uneasy cries. The stars seem unnaturally numerous luminous and low ; the far night is full of strange sounus; me iiguining trembles, all around the edge of the sphere circle, in a son or puospiiorescent hustena : and there is heavy scent and exhala tion from the sleeping gardens. The dew will soon wet your shoulders if you sit out in the open air; you can almost put out your tongue and drink it as it gathers on the velvetv air and you are emphatically warned uot to sit where it can saturate von. It is surcharged with injurious influen ces. If the day, with what one might call its articulate, its thundering sun shine, is silent if all the bright and concentrated color, the inter-melting forms of mountain and plantation, the reverberant sea-beach with its blue roll of endless water are silent if the very noise of the odd city of Kingston is a silence, what should be said of the night ? My heart always sank after we rose from our seven o'clock dinner, or ev en as we approached it; for what was there after tne meal save an eternal stillness aud darkness? Kings ton has uo amusements ; hardly auv thing that can be called a club or ea- siua, for all its 40,000 folk. When 1 night falls, it is a sort of annihilation. The sole voice and that was half inarticulate of out hotel was the voice of our hostess superintending her domestics, alternately making it- sell heard in nattering or thundering accents according to the efficiency or iiiriuuicircy n toe nonuescript ad dressed. The negro butler was 'Mr.' fompey j 'Mrs and 'madam flew about among the black servants- in grotesque confusion ; aud the singu lar inflections of West Indian Eng lish, barbarized by long disassocia tion from the motherland, made the management of the housekeeping as it noated up to my room iu rather too distinct accents, a real comedy. The portly Miss B. in her ethereal robes of white had a peculiar habit of misplacing her h's, which made the difficulty of a psychological aual- ysis of her still greater ; for, though, on the one hand, she had the greater grinning cheeks, the monstrous mo lars, the broad India-rubber lips, the brown hue, the facial breadth aud rotundity of a certain class of tvoical Ethiopians, yet, oil the other, there was the Cocknev accent, the A-misery the upper inflection, the broad vocal ization of the deuizeus of Bow Bells. And the air of majesty with which she swept round, conscious of her im perial power in that house at least, the aspect of massive virginity which her solid frame indicated, the rolliiiir of her great black eye as she scanned the dinner-table critically to see that here were a lew thou-and fly-specks e to-day on the glass and china han there were yesterday, made one think of a West Indian Cleopatra surveying her realm with conscious satisfaction! She had the good taste not to sit it the table with her guests, but rest ed lid Voluminous dimension in .. arge chair at a distance where she could inspect the table and see that all was going right. Every day the table presented some eccentric freak or flight of gastronom ic art ; every dqy the bewildered guests plunged their exploring fork into Ihe new compounds that appear ed and withdrewMiem with new to kens of bewilderment. There were yarns white as t ream and flavorless t m as unboiled arrowroot ; gre t goblets of cocoaiiut water, slices of fish oz ing with strange dressing, mutton combed in strings instead of being carved, problematic salads having a greenness of vitriol aud the texture of a Georgia col lard, and now anil then a huge prawn with goggle-eyes boiled to hue of a lobster and look ing strangely alive in its big dish. The only thing on the table that was palatable was the fruit golden bananas, luscious pineapples in their crinkled and moulded skins, niles of , . mangoes and star-apples, the great cucumber like alligator-pear eaten as a salad, and oranges that lighted up the dark moms like lamps. Southern World, Atlanta, Ga. BRANDRETH S PIUS. MT. VERNS . They are a vegetable tonic pntgative, ahw J 1 Lroy state! W Iutely htfni(tMa&dti'Umttt. They never injure the tfekest terrfafe or HV young est child. One box is a medicine chest soc in for a whole family. Sappose yod ktf?e diarrhoea nature is making a great effort to get rid of some irritating matter in the stom ach or bowels, A dose of Brand reth's Fiifcr removes the matter and the disease is cured. In coslivenes one good dome of Brandreth's Pills, M lowed by one pill every night for a week or two, make the human machinery run as regular u dock work . In bad colds, where the pores of the skin are closed and the insen sible perspiration thrownnpon the blood, pow oning the fountains of life and fHmj? the nose the throat and the lungs with choking mncus seven Brandreth's Pills taken at night on a empty stomach, will restore ihe perapiralkm break up the cold and purge away all the wa- 1 tery secretions lhat should have passed off by the skin. Diphtheria, a family disease and a most dangerous one. is alinoet ira-mediately cored by one or two doses of Brandreth's Pills, aided by a gargle of lime water. Bhumatism, which comes from too much aciditv or loo much alka.inity of the system, requires noth ing bet Brandreth's Pills and a few good sweats to make a perfect cure. It is marvelous bow they purify the blood. After two doses, the effect is-see in brightness ol the eyes and clearness of theskm. A I ? pin pies and eruptions vanish like magic under the influence of this purifying purgative. We cannot stop the march of time with any medi cine: but Brandreth' Pills will remove the excessive lime from the system and prevent grey hair. They improve the sight and tone up the human body, so that the old Watt's eyes will be undimmed and his natural force una bated even after seventy v tar. Best in the World. Brandreth's Pills have stood the test of forty five years of use by the American people They are entirely Vegetable. They are absolutely universal, for there is no disease they will not cure, if taken in time. They are safe for infants and adults. They aim to ac complish three things .-first, to purify the blood; second, to cleanse and regulate the stomach and.bowels; third, to stimulate the kidneys and liver and purge away the ashes of ihe sys tem and diseased matters of the body. By pur ging wi.h these Pills constantly, a new body can be built up from fresh, healthy food iu a ew months. In this way, gout anil rheuma tism, ulcers and fever sores cn be eradicated in a few weeks. The worst cases of dyspepsia and costiveness can be cured by taking one or two pills every niht for a month. In cases of twenty years' standing, gentlemen have been cured by taking one pill a night for a year. Brandreth's Pills give to the human body, no matter how worn or decayed, the recuperative powers of yoifth. In their act ion, they imitate the rapid changes of the youthful body. We all wish to die of old age. A hundred years is the natural limit of life, which can only be reached by purging and purification. In general debility, nervous tremor, and mental depression Brandreth's Pills have a marvelous effect. They have won the confi dence of millions in all parts of the civilized world. C'onslitutionsshakeri by long residence in unwholesome climates,ur by sedentary hab. its, are wonderfully renovated by a course of this extraordinary medicine, which, powerful as is its action on the whole system, is perfect ly harmless to the tenderest frame. The Pills are compased of rare balsams, without ihe ad. mixture of a grain of any mineral whatever, or ol any oilier deleteiious substance, They operate uirecnv, powerfully, and beneficially upon the whole mass of blood ; nor Can we question the iaui wnen we see inuigesuon cured, liver com plaints arrested, the oppressed lungs brough into liealthlid play, and every physical func tion renewed and strengthened by their agency Present his compliments to tK and 1 jrespeetfully sottcit a trial tahlsuncnt. It is complete .. I'M ouiieinents of first class badness T Horses, Buggies, CarriaJ, ,vUUi), wagons; &Ct MK. IS minnnw. . . . i i . i ,. in.. . . 8.-MSKAOTInx M pecFI proTe,ii ami rv i Boafding and kevpfi? hor fU Drafters will Sml ,', atlhfe ph.ee. T n" u W bpecial accomodations for iKb1 ol Commercial Travelers. e f or I8tret.S.isbnrv,X ust Received A FRESH LOT OF-ASSORTFj) GARDEN SEEn At EX.MSS- !,, A Good SLATE Given away: Any person purchasing '!(,. -L ij ot aCUlCllK'S, vv-. at F' lh-iv Store will be prcscmi,! with slate. LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES, At J5JSMSS' DrngSU, Januarv l.s mm. WANTED. --Oni Sets, at j- ENNISS' Ml I0D SCHOOL BOOKS al COST, at ENNISS' frtf. Bnr M i North Carolina Railroad, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS (iOINXi EAST. Dale, Apr. oO, lsS2 New Oi lcans has now a deeper har bor than New York. The White Star and Gttion lines dare not load their vessels above twenty-six feet, while the French line stops at twenty-four feet. At New Orleans vessels drawing twenty-six feet of water have no difficulty or delay in getting to sea. Priming ToBACCo.-Remove the lower leaves of the plant to the height of five or six iujehes from the ground; these are removed for two reasons: First, if allowed to remain, they" will be made worthless by coming in con tact with the soil. Second, to improve the quality of the remaining leaves, as in topping. Do not commence pri ming until the principal part of your topping is done;, then continue it reg ularly, and save every leaf with as much care as if it were gold. Though light in weight, you will get some as fine tobacco from these primings as any in your crop, and it is simply fol ly to throw them) away. Ex. Insects on Fruit Trees. Take especial pains to destroy all eggs found upon branches and trunks of fruit trees. Examine the ends of tin- smaller twigs for eggs of the ientat- l . I . 1 1 I a 1 l l M tiHM mm .1 f 1 I ui,n"" uiiiy reauiiv oe seen before the leaves appear, in the forn. of broad rings glued upon the branches Sc. ape off all dead bark from the trunu ana large limbs and wash with i strong solution of soft soap. Bark scale is a most destructive insect in many sections oP the country, and if only a few young trees are effected, it III t tl a . . wm oe oesi 10 dig tnem out root and branch, burn them, aud set others in their place. Letter from a Gentlemen Ninety Years Old. Long Life from Use of Brand reth's Pills. Prairie duCuiex, Wis., Feb. 11, 1882. 1 am in Ihe ninetieth year of my eatrhiy pilgrimage, and before passing to another, and l irusi, a oeiier worlU, 1 wish to bear leslimo mm. mm 4 t ! . . . mm Z A lfll .1 1 , , , ii iu incgic.iv vinuesoi Draiwireiu nils as a household remedy. They are the best blood puritiers and cleansers ol the stomach and bow els in the world. 1 have raised a family of 10 cniiuren, ueen oiesseU with three wives.and mv lamily experience reaches over seventy years. t or over lorty-hve years I have known and oeneveu in uranUretirs Fills. They have cured me of indigestion, costiveness, dyspeima- I .!. e. I . f r i ', J K ' iiiu me iciuuicsui my lamiiy nave lounu them invaluable at all times. I also wish to sav that I have found Allcock's Porous Plas ters very useful in breast pains, backache and weak muscles. Alfred BauxsoM, A.M., D.D. FOR SALE OR RENT! Three plantations for Sale or Rph a ply to John C. Miller, four miles north west of Salisbury, N. C. Terms mad t suit purchasers. CURE OF NEU&ALOIA. Taken as a "Forlorn Hope'Brandr eth's rills fiectia .Magical Cure. Small Pox Cured. Schenck Ave., East New York, April 12, 1880. I most cordially give mv testimony na i rmt . r. .". .. me greai vaiue oi oranureth's Fills, verified by eighteen years' experience in my mother's (the late Mrs, Dr. Geo M Browne) family and my own. They were al first taken as a "for lorn hope," for the cure of a verv u.. aNeuralma of several v ears' at.n.i;.. .in patient being completely prostrated by disease and the excessive use of opium, taken to dead en the pain (by advice of her physician ) The eflects were almost magical; in one month she was able to be up and walk around free I v, and the disease has never returned. My mother was also cured of an attack of Inflamatoiy Khumatism by the same means. About six years ago I was taken with what appeared to be a bad cold, but in a short time, symtoms of confluent hruall Pox were developed, causing us much alarm. I determined to try Brand reth's Pills as a remedy, and their efficacy was soon apparent. I was well inueh sooner than was expected, and without receiving a single mark or trouble of any kind. Itis"roy &m belief, judging from the severity of the case, that had I gone through the regular routine prescribed by physicians, I should have died I know of many other instances of the value of Brandreth's Pills in disease and sickness which I will be happy lo give to any one who' will apply to me. Mrs. E. St. Johx. USED THIRTY YEARS. COULD NOT GET ALONG WITHOUT BRAND RETH'S PILLS IN THE HOU8E. 84 Morton Street, New York City, Mar. 1, 1880. I have used Brandreth s Pills for over thh tv rs. 1 am a gat aufrVror r... ul. IvUHJa. Leave Charlotte T Salisbury f High Point.. A f f . ( i reengboro .... Leave (J reensboror- Arr. Hillsboro. Durham f iUleigh Lv. " Arr. Groldslioro No. oL I. .Nti. !. Daily. Iw1t. 4.10 a.m. 4oo p. a 0.05 " 6.3S " " 7.20 " 1M) 8.10 " S.oji " 9.30 " 9 10 " 11.47 " 11 i' 120 " 1'IWU 1.40 p.m. 4.0o ' 130 A U 6.30 30 " Ko. 15 Daily except Saturday, Leave Greeusboro 6 30 p. in". Arrive at Haleigh 2.43 p. m. Arrive at Uoldsboro 8.00 " No. 51 Gonneels at Salisbury W. fXl n.. lor Asiievjile and Warm lpp Greensboro with R.& D. IJ. U. for al Aorth, Ivast and West, via. Dimwit. H Goldsboro with ?. & W.K. K. for Vfilsiitl ton. So. 53 Connects at Salisbury witb W.f C, K. K. for all pointsin Western X.tirolw; daily at Greensboro with R. & 1). K. B. fof points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. Dale, Feb. 19,-1882. No. 50. Dailv. Leave Goldsboro . .Arrive Raleigh .. Leave " Arrive Durham ... liillsbei .... Greens! i ro.. Leave " Arrive High Piont Salisbury Charlntle c. ii I 10.00 a. in 12.15 p m 4.15 " 5.32 " 6.11 " 8 30 " 9.15 u 9.50 " 11.12 " 1.10 a. m. N(i.5i IbilT. 10.11 1. 10.5 " 12.14 " 2.10 " No. 1G, Daily ex! Sunday-Lr.f iohU'diW-M Ar KalrlL'll. 1 Lv. Ar.(.reenslKrij-r.4Jll No. 50 Connects at Cliarlolle Aif LiTie for all points in lite ISoii l i a4d iswaj west No. 52 Conuerts al t'lmrlorte will' & A.R.R. with allpoints Sou t!i ami N. W.N. C RAILROAD. Goiso WesV. No 50 Daily. Lv. Greensboro- 9 25 pm Ar. Kernersville 1041" " Salem r 11 10 " j No. 51. Going West. Daily. ; ex. Sun. Leave Salem 620 a m Ar. KernersvilTe 6 40 " " Greensboro 7 45 " No-52 Uaiily. li)25 113l " N.53. iI0p STATE UWIVERSlfY RAILJO1-' Going North Lesiye Chapel Hill .... Arrive Liiu versi ty Going South. Leave University....... Arrive Chapel Hill .... n..;i.-..T M"1- 7.30 a ija 8.32 a p No. 2.! 1llM' 1 5.40 EJ!1- 6.4-' p Pnllmfkn ftloonincr Pare without P m .i niu uu wavvMXU vnid ,f , . On Train No. ou, New York and AUH- ashington & Danville, , un On Train No ii3 Rielimond anti v-v fr yen t .am WlianafeA. T mKrnmM f . j V. , . . 11 1 iaie one or two uusei., wine.! give me immediate relief. I also . 1 1. .vasningion ana Augusta, ua., -'- k Through Tickets on saleatGngjg iabary and qh 2 k . . .... ...i-Sdui ... -.a..,:,,, wun winch I mmwmi est.Hrtli nnI Ki also troublel, and they always give me rell I could uot get along wiihoul vonr pills in n house. CHAS. F 1 1 Kit N JiKKCi. if. my I . t - 1 m m. m. nareigh, UoUlsboro, Salisbury iU,u j.f I t . t i ...... .i in t trie . Ou i o ii n la. r l ;m - i m n is i n - .ia.fl .s. TWtimW a For Emigranw'i addiess A POPE 38;3m-2i Jous C. Miu.er. 18: ly Gen. 1 2J:Iy