p: v i 1 .uthirb series SALISBURY . N. C, OCTOBER 18. 1883. KO The Carolina a r J W atcnman. 1 ll MBeaOMM aVggMMH MBHBiMHHJSjaaMl The Carolina Watchman, : TAl.siIllHN THE YEAIU8S2. iCB.f, M 1N advance. I)AR3YS PliYLACTIC Article for Universal Ma For Srarlct and Typhoid W overs. Diphtheria, Sali T.ition, Ulcerated Sor Throat, Small Pox, Meaale, and jrloallea. n Ia.i "2 v3ow Frtrer r..s been curtd with it after JSik vonilt Had taken place. The wort out of LlMuheiSa yield to it. W.rered'i.ndW.kP.r.l SMALLPOX man lfrehi ami od Sad 8re prtjTt-nt- PITTING of SmaU T .Ti 1 m r.i m WWM aa m d by jawing Pox PREVENTED A member of my fam ily was taken with Small pox. I used the Fluid : the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house again in three weeks, ami no others had it. - J. V. Pakk ixson, Philadelphia. T m it II i Air made hkrial" i.d ptirilicd. for Sore iTUroat it i a suije cure. s CuiaiK'tfn oeyed- For tWted I Feet, Ohilhl'". flics, Cbulliik-'. St. jtheuiiifdsm lured. If Ue Complex ion lelured bjt ue. Ship Fefi-r prel-cnled. To purify the Iti eatll, Cleamir; the Tevth, it wn'tiie MirpisjeJ. Catarrh relieved and cured, !' 'I Erysipelas cufd. Burn relieved i4uutly. Hears prevented livuriiterv ciin-d. The physicians here use Darbys Fluid cry successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stollbmwbrck, Greensboro, Ala, Wound heale J;rapidly. knrer turcdf An AnUilotafoiAnimal or Vegetable 4ouons, Tetter dried up. I uied the rluta during ":'" ouroroefctnffliclion with Ulcer punned and t. . ! n. ..i.. '..A Scarlet fever frith de rided adrantne It is healed. In cases of Death it should be used about the corpse it will prevent any unplea' ant smell. The eminent Phy sician, J. MARION SIMS, M. !., New York, says : "I am convinced Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." indilpetuidjlc toihe sick room Wm. If. Sand- fod, tyneAif. Yandefbilt lniverslty, NashvlUe, Tenn, I testify to tr most excellent a,ualiues of Prof, Darbys Jroitiyiciic Fluid. A a d;sinfectant and detergen K is ttlitlicoretically and practically superior to auyjprep'aration with which l am ac quainted N. '. Liihton, Prof. Chemistry. Dar ys Fui:l is Recoinmenrled by Hon. llux4i-uk H. Stepuhns, of Georgia ; Rev. Chas. '. Deans, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Jos. CaCNT, Columbia, Prof .University, S.C. Xev. A J. BlTTLB, Prof., Mercer University; Rev.-vno. rlPiERCB, Bishop Si. E. Church: INDISPKNSanLK TO KVEBY HOME, Perfectly fpirmlcss. Used internally or exter.illy for Man or Beast. The fluid hjs been thoroughly tested, and we have auAndant ivtdcnre that it has done everything here olimcd. p' r ii.il -r information get of your Druggist a parojphlcl or send to the proprietors, , J. Ii. ZKILIN CO., Manufacturing tbemws, PH 1LADELPH1A. I?!) 9 "l A VI flTl 1 P. II A 1 A 111 IM --. a - ajwai . HAtlNtJ PURCHASED the STOCK O F Wm.SMITHDEAL, I ' 1 AS WELIi AS THE INTEREST OF BR Crawford, of the firm of RJR. 6RAWF0RD & CO. I 1 ..... 11 . V e aro ubw prepared to supply our . -I,' w-l castoiMers wfth all kiuds of AGS CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, In addition to the j Ueijt Selected Stock or H U W A R E in the i. 1 1 i STATE. I We also handle Hifle anki Blasting Powder FUSE anu a full line ot Mining Supplies. j. We will Duplicate. Any Prices ln the State. CAjix And see us. r SAS't TAYLOR Oct. 5,1182: 50:ly PR A TrYirnehoBl i fc'ainity L' J Diphtheria Prevented. I BLACKM I. ! XTATJTtJ I A BAT T-K-r ' 4.1 UU J. J. i AXlVljll jCx AT THE AMERICAN EXHIBITION. ; Tlte Attraction at the Fair What Nature has done for a single State Phenomenal liesources and Varied Industrie. Written for the Boston Commercial Btilletla. II. At the American Exhibtion in the vast building of the New England Manufac turers' and Mechanic' Institute there is more to be seen that awakens interest and excites admiration than at either ef the two fairs which have been held there. The executive managers of the Institute began with lofty aims and am- oiuoh.. i ueir one enort was a success their second surpassed ti, and. $ieii pres- ent marks a new and splendid step in ad- ranee. It does not derogate in the least from the great merit and excellence of the thonsands of exhibits arranged iu the grand hall and brUad galleries to say that the first place soughLby the majority of adult visitors is tlie space occupied by the State of North Carolina, for the gen- tlemen who have that exhibit iu charge have sent their iuvitatious to all parte of New England asking her farmers and ar- tisans to pay them a visit, and the re- spouse is what might have been expect- ' M z . I ,u inese invueu gasus t ii kin Mm on r.raiiM fn r if lirimil arsirwiir - ... . . MiW p..u -. 7 T lT fit. nil m tiA rho C r I i i rr bAiiia rhnr .iidiL.n yonsupueiora iuem uverneau are w " .tun uiuc, icueAiiig uic MiiueiiieB oi me i1..im hi'.m ii iiT f Ik a linn ivniilmio Tit f i'kii r ;,ir' , " a ...... .o ..v. o...u.us .,ut in letters oi Host wore (tltey are made of mica) from a back ground of leaves aud moss, the top of the sign being liter ally covered with small national flags. A neat office is at the fore over which is an other sign intimating that information coucerning the State may be had there, aud on inquiry the guest finds that a small library ot publications is atjusser-! vice, all furnished by the agricultural do- partment of the State, w hose conimisiou- er, llou. Montford McGehee, is there with a welcome for every visitor. i T i . 1 Al S..L- J iiik toe omce aim pacing uowu one of the aisles the first thought of al- most every one is: Can it be possible ' tIiafc thi vaiiedcollecthMiofores aml winerala, of agricultural products jiuu yi uHucni n mi ootameo "iuiiii the bounds of a single State! "Yes," i .r i .ii . i ...j i .:.! ' . replies the courteous commissioner, "our state is divided into three sections each abounding iu great and varied wealth. Be pleased to look around you and see what nature has done for it, aud what its ' soil yields when experienced farmers cul tivate it." The visitor invariably "looks around" . (he Ciiunot help it), and the tnoiehestud-' ies the display the greater is his admira- ' v..... .w, w..w..u. utiiiiii rewuura of the old North State. The following ' f ion till' llii. ir Aliiliki.tii I ioitiiK.il iman nnn synopsis of what may be seeu there will be useful to tho Bulletin's readers, al though it will be rather in the line of sug gestive hints than of a descriptive cata logue. THE USEFUL MINERALS of the State iuclude mica, chromic iron, corundum, manganese, kaolin, fire clay, agulmatolite, whetstone, millstone, graph ite, limestone, marble, talc, serpentine, ban te, marls, asbestos, soapstoiie, pyrite and several kinds of building stones. Liberal specimens of all these are display ed iu the State's exhibit, in addition to t,,e baMr and oufi,, metal8 and minerals . mere are precious stones shown in case., a 1 a a a a I mciuuing agate, uervi, ttiamoud, emeraia, 00 T " " carnet. hiddeuite. (a auione stone) onal. ruby, sapphire and zircon. Among the ' building stones there are several peculiar i specimens, such as the leopardite, from its odd tracings and spots resembling a leopard's skin ; also granite with large and irregular green spots. These fanci ful work i ngs are probably due to segrega tion of manganese, and tlie stone when polished is very handsome. There is nothing like it North. The marbles aud sandstones shown are susceptible of a high polish. The marble industry iu the State is not yet developed, and the specU mens shown at the fair were detached from the surface veins. THE IRON ORES of North Carolina are widely distiibuted over the State, and include all tlie princi pal kinds magnetite, hematite, liuiouite ami smeiite, anu most ot tueir varieties aud modifications. As iu all other branches of industry, this branch is im perfectly conducted aud only a few mines are in first class rnuuing order. Some sixty lots are shown in the exhibit. One of the most remarkable and persistent rauges of iron ore iu the State crosses the county of Guilford, some ten miles north west of Greensboro. The ore is granular magnetic, and is everywhere titan if erous. The length of the outcrop, air line, is l en ty -eight miles. Another ore belt, running parallel with it at a distance of three miles from it, known as the Shaw outcrop. There are apparently ','00,000 tons of ore above water level, in this par ticular section, iu the ore six loot bed. The ore locally called "powder ore" is unique, being a very pulveriileut mass carrying a notable per cent, of oxide of manganese, and assays 98.92 per cent, pure iron, and is exhibited in considera- ble quantities. The mine is located ouc- half mile went of Wooteu's Station, on t,ie Air-Line Railroad. THE GOLD EXHIBITS. The gold of North Carolina belongs to j four different geological positions, and is generally more or less alloyed with sil . ver varying from pure gold on one side to pure silver on the other. According to the specimens shown in the exhibit, the auriferous ore of the State in a gener al way embraces nearly one-half of the State, bat the productive area contains about 13,000 square miles. Nearly every mod of occurrence of gold known to the geeiegjai and mining engineer finds here aD illustrative example, and the same is aioWu in the apedmens in the State's X- Liuit Tie exillit of mitiva goid aD(i goW. bearing minerals attracts much attention that from Stanly, Montgomery, Ruther- ford and Caldwell counties being free milling, and that from the other counties obtained in the form of sulphurate. In golue of the counties of the State from half a dozen to thirty-three mines are worked more or less. The average assay of gold iu the State is about $10 value per ton. In some instances as much as $00 a ton has been assayed. Rowan county is especially prolific iu gold miH- l .1 - m,w '"" uu 8UOWB y eu. at the fair. A group of mines - ll . I t .rQ.i- i I wuHHwit o. oa.isuury me now oeing woraeaoy an rugiisa syndicate, and the assays have run from $4 50 to ... . , i mm a a ,zoou. ine nirgestgoiu in nuggets on exhibition weigh 110, 90 and 56 penny- weignis respectively, nunougn nuggets considerably larger are sometimes secur- aw . . I eu ln connection witn tlie display ot golu uuggets, quite a number ot precious ahmM r. slmn-n finwimuni. f onnne bwww. i" i. i'v.vi iiivii" wi vii.i'i'v'i II I ores are also shown. Almost all the North Carolina copper mines in the central counties have beeu hrst worked tor gold, Ingot copper is produced in Ashe county, useful minerals axd stones. The scope of the exhibit of specimens of useful minerals and building sUues is a surprise to many good people unac- qaainted with the resources of North Car- 0jlia por j8tance, mica mining has been carried on here for years, aud one wine in Mitchel county yields a tou of .... marketable mica a month ', and this re- RMU furnishes the bulk of this mineral to the world's markets. A crvstal of 312 pounds from a piece of North Carol iua corundum is now iu the cabinet of Am- t.-st (,'ollt'ge, Mius. One of the largest fofa 0f kaolin is found near Greensboro; .... ... I and fire brick is abuudaut in Gastou "county: The colored marbles cnnableof a hich ualish. and areatlv valued in arch- itecture as well as iu other onamenial 1 arta are found iu Macon and Cherokee I counties and on Nautehaleh and Valley Scventy specimens of building rivers. .toueg are fmid in the State ; these ein- bree irrauite of ever v nietr frniaa soapstoue, talc, limestone, marble, lire- . i a .. stone, iiiuerocK, sauustone ot various shades aud texture, syenite and porpho- ry. Builders aud others who linger around the North Carojina exhibit find much that is interesting and suggestive iu specimens of building stones. MANUFACTURING FACILITIES. "IVT a. I. r i j a jxorui Carolina is no less iameu in man ufacturing facilities than in natural re sources. The acirreimte water nower ot the State i.s nliont .ViSOOfMlfi l,nr-nnW , , t , , and this forte is distributed over the eu tire area of the State. This power js ad- equate to turn 140.000.000 cottou snindles 'and would manufacture three times the I entire crop of the country, whereas all ' ., ... . 4. Al . T.li mi k in nnorstinn nn ilta nnnlinai. i 1 ou 8mo one qual ter of iL Thero are specimens of cottou, raw and mauufac- tured; woods in the rough and polished: . . , e , - t . , . flour, &c, in sight. The collection of nam woous on exinoition suggests a . . source of immense wealth. These woods have laid the foundation for extensive manufactures, such as wagons aud car- nages, shuttles aud bobbins, plates and dishes of gum wood, while the most val- uable cabinet woods are shipped abroad The high finish or polish which many of the woods are susceptible of attracts the attention of manufacturers of wood. Mauy of these woods are unknown iu New England. Much of the cottou goods mauufac tured are for local or home con sumption, The kiuds on exhibition equal the best made anywhere, so far as texture and finish are concerned. The cottou mills in the State now number 64, aud operate 2,858 looms aud 156,030 spindles. The fisheries of the State are the most, important along the Southern Atlantic coast, employing over $500,000 capital, and yielding a total value of products to the fisherman of 50,000 annually. Spe cimens of North Carolina food fish are now being arranged iu the exhibit. Agricultuagkd its kindred pursuits, I jn tuve disintegrated. In this condi as illustratecTby this fine supply, will be j ,ion h js be oxjdized hydro treated of iu the next issue of the Bute 1 geuium. This metal is present in the tin, foi notwithstanding her vast mineral 8UU and all the planets in enormous and forest wealth, agriculture is the quantities. Chemistry has revealed State's principal iudustry, aud an euor- to us niaiiy maf vel8j but none greater mous percentage of her citizens obtain than the composition of common wa froni it their livelihood, ter. Thou Under land est My Thought Afar Off. Mary was kneeling down by the side of her bed, her eyes closed and her hands clasped. If her mother had seen her she would have thought she was praying, and she would have been pleased that she knelt so long. But she was only "saying her pray ers." not pray i He. Her mind was full of the young people down in the parlor, whose shouts of merriment came sounding up the Stairs every few minute", and of the happy eve ning she had had. They were all older than herself, and though her mother had allowed her to sit up an hour later than usual, the time had come when Mary knew it would not do to beg for a'li ttle more time." But the longer she knelt the more her thoughts wandered away from what she was tryii g to do. The words, some of them, passed through her mind, but that was ail. At last she jumped up. ''It's no use," shy said, hurrying into bed. "J ve tried my best. Well, nobody will know I couldn't get through the Lord's pr lyer even. However it s the first time in a good many years that I went to sleep without saying it." But Mary felt uncomfortable the few minutes she lav awake. She had been brought up to feel that she must or prav at ,east twice a day. just as much jgg gje mutt eat her meals. She didn't fj qU',te right, especially when moth A C ' mi er came in and aked (iod to take eat of her little girl and make hei cjjd. Mary's first dream was a strange one. Slie thought she was sitting in ier little bed-room reading. But in ... i ..e .i .... . n wi m, m m m v m-' v r g 1 ' V i i l lit- i ii mi i v aaf i i i i v i ed with rosebuds and delicate ferns she found, on glancing up from her book, that the walls were white. As she looked she saw a fair looking be- nig, an angel, she supposed, begin nine: to write on them : What was he trying to write ? Our Father which art in Heaven' the Lord's Prayer, But what were tho.-e many words and lines that came alter ? 1 wonder what playjhey're at now ? How tiiey laugh! 1 thiuk mother might have let me sit I T up longer, l came so near winning that last game, and 'Hallowed be' Anna Ross said that she would teach me that new crochet stitdi to-morrow. Oh, dear! I forgot. Where did I leave on i xuy name. Any Jiea Johnson said she didn't have to go to i .. ini 'im.-. ri. leU 1,11 ten Re V e don t like to tell all the foolish thoughts of" our little girl, with which 8Ue were soon filling the pure white wa'l8' It seems too dreadtul to put such words side bv side with our Saviour's beautiful prayer. Mary felt so asham ed and grieved as she read on that she would gladly have covered bel veP but tl,ey beld open aud made to look. 'Blot it out ! blot it out !' she cried at last ; 1 can t bear it. 1 never . , i t . r thought those things would look so ii' i i . . . urcnuiui wnen mey were written. mf Can't something be done? Must I al ways have it there? I will rub it out myself. But it was no use, she soon found. The letters seemed to stand out more distinctly ttian ever, ana on, on me l il . a,,gel XVrote Soon filling the walls with what passed through her mind in so short a space of time. 'Nothing you can do can blot it out ' said the angel at last ; 'one thing I oaaljr can.' !(.. I 1 .... 1 .... . I. ...I,., I.n . TT 7 . . I l..wl 4a ini ni,WA Kill- I. ah intr w u c QA mwiv, uuv un jo; "o I . .. ' , ... . s i great ttiat sue awoke witn a start, uii: what a relief to see, by the light of the moon ttiat nilefl ner room, mat; luc Pre" roseouus " Iei,,s w.c,c still there, and no angel was writing . .... 1. .. j 1 r M down those foolish thoughts of hers. Mv little friends. 1 don't need to 1 . ' I ask yoU wiat ol,iv caQ blot out all these wrono thoughts aud words and deeds of ours? But I should like you to send me some texts about it, won't you ? Of course, it is unnecessary for I me to ask any of you if you know about the angel who wrote on the wall of Belshazzar's palace. But isn't there a book where all these things are written down, and remain writ ten, uuless blotted out by that oue thing of which the angel spoke? Ihere are other allusions to this book or these books. Who writes in them, and when will they bo published? And how many things are spoken of as written in them? I can think of at least five things. How mauj can you find? Hydrogenium. A curious fact about water is that the rust of the metal known as hvdroerenium. When oxygen combines with iron it forms la i-li.li rluof anrl t ho mptill hpfiOfllPS From the N. C. Presbyterian. Notes From Florida. Emporia, Fla., Oct. 1st, 1883. Mr. Editor: At this season when chilly nights begin to warn of winter's approach the minds of many are turn ed towards Sunny Florida. Heuee a word written from Emporia, in Vol usia county, may be of interest to some. Your correspondent is enjoy ing the hospitality of a North Caroli- l.wl.. I f u.i uv i uiiHiiiiwii rti mn v ni vnn t - w. V,,.r ' reaoers, mrs. j. r. iison as her Uaro ina and t he son of Prof S H O i , . a a w W-i f .. ' ! l son. tor sump lima a nmliuem. tl rv...:,t .I; ,: Z 7 r ,: -Vroll in theUolden City. Thev want av.uat,,. joouegeaiuiuescenaeu irom ! i: r D i ... " x tZTTm " HJ?" J Trn rr," --- ' '' U1 ' t that is not the way to salvation. inia. Mrs. Wilson -1 eaTXowot da some two years ago from Leno.r, all lUweek. Not a h &m rf N.C with her two sons agetl at logne and rose-water, but one of fire present 15 and 19 years. Her home js ,,eeded is on Lake Hester on the east side of ' which the young and growing town of Emporia is located. Wintering Bees. All the best Emporia is four miles north-east of apicultural authorities of the present Volusia on the St John's river, and uav a8 we" a8 those who have gone far enough away to escape the river- before, give the following as absolute bottom malaria. It is situated ou a 1 requisite for safe wintering: 1. An nice ridge of rolling piue lands iuter- eve11 temperature ranging from 42 spersed with beautiful clear water eg-tw 45 deg. 2. Complete expul lakes.whieh extend northward toCres- j 8' or absorption of moisture irom cut City. It is so located as to be very tne body of the hive. 3. Perfect tree near the lines of projected railroads dom from outward disturbance. 4. in the near future and now only four Protection of store from con:aci wi.li miles from water transportation with frost. 5. Protected isolation I'romat a good hard road. Many orange mosnheric chat ges iu spring. 6. Ex groves are starting besides a number elusion of light. 7. Sufficient stoics of dec ones in full bearing. Saturday j for winter consumption. It is geuer iu ridimr around the country I saw a'Lv admitted that with these seven trtvi nrl l m t at- lie Knm'l tt U7 . I.. C an enclosure iu which were nearly 100 acres of thrifty groves owned aud ten-! tied by Mr. Drudy and just south west ot lus place is Mr. Beers, who has charge of a number of groves for various parties. Several stores, a saw mill, and a blacksmith shop are al ready here, and lots are being sold indicating rapid growth. We are surprised to see so many new homes going up in every direction through tne surrounding Country. 1 his, too, before the i unparalleled boom expect- , eu tins iau ua coiuiueuceu. But we began for the purpose of, . 6 , . r. line iinax. xso y ...v. , . y . . k Uordon, Evangelist otbt. John s rres- bytery heard of a few Presbyterians aiiu visiteu tueui anu preucueu. At that lime there was no church building here. Soon afterwards the Southern Methodist began a church 40x60 feet, weatherboarded, floored aud covered it aud found themselves unable to complete it. And as the land and a large part of the lumber was given on condition that they fin ish it ready for worship, they could secure no title. It was offered to the Baptist w ho declined and afterwards to the Presbyterians. In the mean time a Presbyterian church was or ganized by Mr. Gordon, and this sum mer liev. A. Enloe, another Evangel ist of St. John's Presbytery in Orange county, began regular monthly preacli- ing. Mr. Gordon advanced some $00 which was necessary to secure the house and a proper deed. Our church extension committee has voted $125 to assist iu finishing the building which was last week received, ihusallare encouraged and the way is clear to finish and dedicate within three or four weeks. Many citizens who could give nothing when uncertain as to its being finished now come forward and twill soon be nicely finished aud ready for use. Nothing succeeds like suscess. This is a good large and handsome build ing beautifully located, and the com munity feel proud 01 it. The Presbyterians are specially en couraged, and the community, which ' a m a ava I. a year ago knew little ot rresDyteri- anism, are in hearty sympatny witn their efforts. A. T. Pathetic Incidents at I seisin. In describing some of the scenes and incidents attending the excava tion of the dead and living at Ischia, a correspondent says: A boy of twelve had just been found, not hurt, but wandering among the ruins, looking for the spot where his home had been. I asked him whom he had lost. "They're all gone," lie said, "father and mother and everybody." Two young girls who had been buried for three days, said when they were dug out: "Ah, you do not know what it is to be buried in the dark for ten hours." They had no idea of the real time which had elapsed. One of the most touching incidents which came under my knowledge was that of a father distractedly urg ing on the work of the excavators on the spot where he had lost his little son. He as calling the child's name iu hoarse and trembling tones, when suddenly a little voice was heard from amid the broken masonry: "I am here, papa. Don't be afraid ; take courage." To Heaven in a Pullman Car. f,And his Eleazer's sword clave to his hand," was the Rev. Mr. Tal raage's text at the Brooklyn Taber nacle last Sunday. He contrasted i the Hebrew general's energy in fight ing tlie rhilis-tuies with easy-going ways of these modern Christians who want a "rose- water and kid glove' campaign. "They want to ride to Heaven in a Pullman sleeping car," said he. "with their feet mi nlnah .cusnious. , They want the bed made 11 i T . mill I I , 1 111' i 1 . IU .i i ill' n . . . WaY. tllUI MM VP t HP -wL- m.idnr mf 9 - - vtvi . .. IVI i v i . .ueatn, only wake the n up in time to . . . . . r'" KKJ eatn, only wake the n up in 1 )ll in the Golden City. The t W C j-vs n M n . . . . . Rnfl rmnna :,, m,' ' ... pwi.wuivUB.in iuoricco covei down before them on velvet enal ion. a m ' contingencies provided for, there will be no hazzard in wintering, and it is further admitted that n? plan so fur practiced combines all these essentials. American Agricultund. A curious Georgia industry is the making of wrapping-paper out of rice straw and palm leaves. A factory lo cated at Savannah is now turning out folli. tons a day of excellent paper. It 87, cent rk,e 8,raw Bm, u gent ,m ,eavcs Jt ia of slluerior .,i: ....i , I... L. 90 ..,. ,.., Uliailtlf HUM Villi lilUUV V'lill, cheaper than paper made of jute-butts and rags, l tie cice straw antl palm eave iave llel etolol e been WSSlS. Tp .,, , factorv jj40q a jav keep money at homCf and give employment to idle hands. Senator Pugh, of Alabama, regards . Mr.Tilden out of the question far a the next Presidency is concerned, and is convinced that the nomination o the Hon. Abram S. Hewitt would in sure the next President to the Demo cracy. Mr. Pugh savs he has n any letters from leading Southern Demo crats favoring the nomination of Mr. Hewitt, and submits one from fjon gressmun Buck ner, of Missouri, who declares that if the East is to furnish tire candidate no better man than Mr, Hewitt can be found, Aged Alfalfa. Alfalfa, or more correctly lucerne, has a history envel oped in the mist of antiquity. It w as known as a valuable fodder plant in ancient Media, 500 years before the Christian era. From Media it found its way to Greece, thence to the Ro . n if n 1 . . .1 1 . .. niMii Km in ro. rrol. JUCtHKie lens us that lucerne was among the cultivat ed . 'If leguminous plants 111 tlie days ot ;o, Virgil and Varro. Cat A Dutchman had two pigs, a large one and a small one. The smaller one being the elder, he was trying to explain' to a customer, and ne uiu 11 iu this wise: " 1 lie little pig is me - 1 ... 1 .1 nWest." Upon which his wife, as sumed 10 correct mm, wnu, will excuse him, he no speak as good English as me : he no mean that the little pie was the piggest, but the youngest pig IS tlie Oiuesi. . 1 T .1 I A rrnnflmm from YanceV COlintV . - j v . O - a 1 Mi I ih no tnub mviv av w o Lif thorn ncAfl in Iip large hollow poplar Ires iu that coun ty in one of the racmutain coves in which a squatter named Brown, his wife and six children spent two years and endured all the rigors of the severe mountain winters, subsisting on roots acorns and game that he could kill with his rifle. A valley and a- creek still bear the name of "Hollow Poplar" from this famous tree. Mountaineer. A little girl came home telling liov she had seen a drunken man fvuis ir. the gutter. "My dear." bald the f ther gravely, "if it had not I een far me your father, too, would have been a drunkard." "Why, what did you do?" she asked in amazement. "It was not w hat I did,' responded the father, "but what I did not. I did not drink." t AVER'S Ague Onre contain an ant Kioto for all malarial dis order which, to far as known, is asod in no other remedy. Jt contains no Qainiac, nor any mineral nor deleterious mubstaaoe uaV ever, and consequently produces no injurious effect upon the constitution, Lut li-aves th system as healthy as It was "before tne attack, f WE WARRANT AYEE'S AGUE OTTSE to cure every case of FeTer and Ague, l:-tor-iiiitteut or Chill Fever, Kemitteni I t rcr, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Cota plalnt caused by inalatta. Jn case of fallur--, after due trial, dealer are authoi iz ! . by our circular dated July 1st, l&l, to refund tlie -money. Dr.J.C.AyeriStCo.,Lovcl!,Mass. Sold by all Druggists. m chronic dyspepsia ana liver complaint, and in chronic constipation- aud other' ob stinate diseases, Ifostetter's Stonuu-h Bit ten is beyond all comparison the best remedy thai can be taken. As a means of restoring the strength and vital euergy of persons who are sinking under the debili tating effects of painful disorders, this standard vegetable invhjoraut is confts dhr unequaled. -For sale by all Druggists and Dealers gene ruiy. CHILLAEINE! CHILLARIMI CHILLARINE, the (iw-xt CHILL CVW of the day. Warranted to CUKE ever, time or the money rkkundkd. For su e oidv at FNNISS' Drug .'Store. ASTHMA CURED! ZMEagic Asthma Cure. -Persons af flicted with this distressing complaint should try this Medicine. A fJvv hours us.: will entirely remove nil nppre ;!, and ti..: patient can breath and sleep with pericct ease and freedom. Price $1. For sale m ENNISS1 Druw Store. DRS. J.J.&E.M. SUMERELL. OFFIt'K: CORNER MAIN AN I) DANK STREET. office-11 or us : 8 to 10 v. M. and to o P. M. Cm BAGQIKGJ TIES! GlNNERS will note that I now have on hand and will continue t receive tluon-j!' the season, in order to furnHi ALL, liu:: me 6eiMu, in ii M.-i im - ....... gin? anfj three different kind of Ties, t I .will sell at very close prices. Orders mail filled promptly. Truly, J. D. GASKILL. 50:1m State of North Carotin; lO.. ROWAN COUNTY. In Superior Cot t.i J. C. McCanless, Adm'r of Samuel Steidifor A 'I hi. if Petition : sell real . . for 1. -sets. Elizalieth MeCanless John T. Steidifor It appearim: to the salislactmn ot t I . - a . . . . r. . 1 . 1. Court, t Hat ..Jo mi 1. iemiior. one .01 u.e defendants in the above entitled ca.e, is a nnn resident of this State, it is order t! r nil ictuion ue in;iu I .1 , . in the "Carolina 1 r - Watchman." a newspajier published in Rowan County, notifying the said John T. Steidifor to appear at the office of tlie Clerk of the Superior C0e.1t of Rowan coun ty, on or before Monday the 5th day of November 188'J, and answer the pititio' a copy of which will lw deposited in tho office of said Clerk, within ten days from tlris date. And tlie said John T. Steidil . is notified that if he fail to answer the pcti tion within that time the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for tlie relief demanded in the petition. This the l"i;h September 1883 .T If. HORAII. CPk Sup. Court of Ron an Count . J. Tt. KiCElM, Salisbury, N. G. Ajeal for PHGHX IRON WOM. Enilnes, Boilers, Saw Mills, ANU TURBINE WHEELS Also Contractor and Builder. Ja 23.'S3.-ly . - It 1.1 m ! I; "4 i 1 - - f.

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