1 i i A 4 i s r; Can liia Watchman. THtiSDAY, OCTOHEK, 25, A writer in the State CftroHicipsays there will be an nmi-Mott weekly aper starfctl at BirloijBne3tf month, with John Spellnutu sttid (reorsre Latham an 1- - editors; audi lint Ike Young and Keogh AM,ifcNCK IX THE Party." Un- will have an interest in it. Spellmau is 4qr;tliis caption the Fayetteville Observer one of the inost convenient men to have (briefly reviews the differences between around when any body wants political the editoi s iu North Carolina on the editorial work done to be found in the rarioii8 subjects which are likely to enter State. into next canvass, and quotes a , a -speech w Dr. Ben j. Franklin on the adoption of the Federal Constitution by way of showing us the wisdom of prn koe It is a powerful appeal, aud as alfcMp1 and dispassionate as it is power ful. It is worthy lite atteutiou of every democratic editor in the State who desires to promote democratic success. Fer one we subscribe to Dr. Franklin's sentiments aud temper so far as applica ble to the present ease. A trouble sprung up in a base ball contest in Burke county, 6a., last week, which terminated a day or two after iu two or three deaths by the pistol. "Got 'em Bad.' lUury W. Grady, of Ga., like the late lamented Parish Funnan, has been devo ting his time and talents to efforts, for the institution of new aud better methods of farming in the South, Soma while back he wrote to same one iu every couuty in bis State, ask in r for the names of tlm Un most successful farmers in the couu ij. lie then addressed a letter tu each one those farmers, aud received iu all, JOQU answers. The questions lie pro pounded had reference to their business methods : and lie brought out this very rery remarkable fact, that all those 1U00 Aiiccessful farmers raised their owu meat and bread aud their own proveuder aud frain for stock, Not a cent of thsir cottou money went to buy supplies ; on the .contrary, many of .them had corn, wheat and bacon to sell, year in and year out. Jlcuce he concludes that successful fann ing in the South deped on each farmer raising hjs own suojicsj and that with out hh frvuicva are wasting their strength and their farms, and are doomed lo a tail u re hi the eud. The North Carolina editors who re cently visited Boston 'are enthusiastic over the handsome reception given them fin that city, and the gratifying exhibit the State makes in the great Exposition fJicjje, The report made by the States jrUla Landmark, the Fayette villa Observer the Greensboro Patriot, and the Asheville fuitizen, is very pleasant reading. We .Quote from the Observer Hie following : "And the third and last of the very njeyaWLe events of thiabestof all the days in Boston, was the opportunity .afforded the writer just before taking, the iQtfU train that night for New York of hearing GOVEKNOB BUTLER speak at Fanenit Hall. It is impos sible to describe the queer resultant pf the cross between his very re markably ugly visage and the air which pervades the whole man of the con sciousness of great power of brain and will aud what they call, for the waut of J?r ne, magnetism. Every shake of his head was the signal for rapturous applause, and the manner jn wfajeli he saiu -me republican party says Butler r J 6 5 out uie peopje say Butler shall etay was something indescribably fuuuy uvi iiiipiussive. uosiou is a city all by itself. It is manifestly a metropolis the metropolis .ougiHnu yec iu comparison with wow i one it is a trifle provincial. But i lias a cuarocter all its own. It is the niost interestng city iu America in itself as it stands to-Uv n.i ;.. :.. . j j in no li a- editions aud associations. Its very streets t" wwikouuess, u not benefactions, """"ners ; aud its heart warms to orui Caroljumn. Go to Boston, mod est reader, and you will know that your SlafA ia m if i . ir " . n,,u tnat you your .. rmmp important tliau you ever When the smile of approbation comes from oue of earth's angels, from oue of those stainless, beautiful, ministering . a i a i i . ww spirits sent uown rrotn tieaven on a giaud aud holy embassy for man's high- . . f . . .... 4. . . z . . . ..... ; . cm vimuiuii, wituiuttiun couica iu lirj prettiest garb and we feel that language cauuot describe that spell of contentment which broods o'er the heart as soothing and as lulling as the kiss of Alcyone ou . li V WW mm tne oiue a-vgeau wares, lu tins case the smile of approval is from one of the loveliest maidens in eastern Curoliua, from whose raven tresses are a fitting throne for blackest midnight to sit and hold her silent reign, from one whose ayes are flooded with those luscious waves of witchery, in each of which a thousand cupids float aud all ou splendid mischief bent. Wilsou Mirror. The friends of this chap should "set " iillt rt ninKta niiu Hiut vi uigiiiS! Tub Downfall of a CrkupPart The Republican party has passed into a miuori.tjH4akimJhe State governments anu. congress together iecause ot its per sistence in facing backward and attempt ing to live upon its record instead of securing new titles to respect and conti dence by its policy -and deeds in the pros ent. Its mole-eyed leaders went oa "stand ing by the old nag' long after the starry banner noated tree over all the land and needed no defenders. Boston Herald, Ltd. TW qfrtoeviBe Landmark gives a full r""" m "e trouble in that towu on Circus da, and confirms most of the &B pJ otrr last the killing of wmanpyA nogra vp jailipg of the ?aln.i.and W&mtj. iu the dead hour, of night, the fyoib tranoe of pnsoo oy a mob and the hauling of .the negro. This last net was the occas ion of high excitement iujlie town for a day or two, and it' Was feared the negroes would precipitate open strife between t4ie,Fbteead,bJh.ks. ' better pnu. alt prevailed and the negroes held a ooblic meeting, attended by- the Mayor and many whits citizens, to talk over the .object. The resolutions of the colored .peopla denounced the hanging aa a jnur rder, and called on the officerae le iaw and .the good people of ,the county to ferret out the offeuders and bring them jto justice. jSjtn says that the pros iect of Democrntjc success )s qr so bright the pary Wfty be Wdmed tor Reeling a little coiifideut ItVpar rdoned, perhaps, for eupposiug, as scpe of fits members seem iueliued to suppose, that it cau elect as President next year auy reputable candidate whom it shall name. Now unmistake evidences of jits strength justify it to aojaie extant iu looking forward wjth well grounded hope .to the National election. ' SUnly Gleaner : The water supply of .the citizens of Albemarle, Stanly couuty, .is in danger of .failing.; twenty families ing dependent on tle only public well t yielding water! ' ' ' ' A gentleman who has p.roed it by nct jal test says to rfd arouse of rats catch 0r two ' a trapinjl ajuear them with lar aud turn them lpge ih infested uildiug. They will all liayp a n, etty Abort while. ' ' Mr. Thos. G. Skinner, demqerjt, is Tmakng a vigorous canvass for the vacant at to Congress from the 1st North Caro-I )iira District. His oppuieut it is thonght t ill bo Judge Pool. The Hepublicau ji8trict Con v tut ion meets at Edeutou jlo-day. if. "... - Vance at the Greenville, S. C. Fair "Let the Fanners Organize." From the Charleston News and Courier. Senator Z. B. Vance, of North Carolina, was introduced to the vast audience from the second floor veranda of the main fair building. His address was a master piece of thoughtful suggestions to farm ers, touching in the main the legislation aud waut of legislation of the day so (Its true t i ve of the agricultural prosperity oi ine country. His criticisms nnmi monopolies, such as fostered manufactur ing corporations, national banks, holders of United States bonds and monopolizers of capital aud lauds were interesting aud severe, but tempered with conservative remarks, i lie leading idea of his speech was that farmers should have an or-:ini- zatjon for mutual self protection. With eat emphasis, he said to the farmm-a "Your information is too circumscribed. Do yon hear that V The remark ho ap plied to the funnels of the whole Fa liners should have all the information the merchants aud snecubitorH hav mm. cerning the cotton or other m od una rhv Sell. As a class thev are re mi ha in mum- thiugs. aud pnrticularlv iu allow! nir other classes of people to take every advan tage of themselves. The disposition of their products was of more moment tn farmers than the production of them. With foiwiblo and descrintive lan the eloquent speaker nortraveri the inauipulatious of chartered corporations and railroad and other monopolies, all of whose operations were to the fatriniint of the agricultural prosperity of the country. In all the legislation he had seen iu his experience of manv n-um lm had uotseeu a representative of tli farm ers or the WOl'kinir classes in tln lnUltp ..f either house of the natioi al legislature. Other clasees were there always, aud, with every ingenuity wUiiug and diniug pud buttonholing, were asking the priv ilege of putting the people's money juto their own private pockets. The speech of Senator Vance, who is noted for his wit, was interspersed throughout with a rich vein of humor aud sidesplitting anecdotes, which were iuinieusely enjoy ed. Ho closed with appropriate allusions to the importance of agricultural devel opment, saying: that all hope of the politi cal purity of the country uds its resting place around tbp peaceful tiresides of the countrv home. Senator just one hour to u delighted audience. Fillmore, N.Y., 0ctober2l. A young man named I hos. Uavcratt, while walk ing on the railroad near this village last iiigiit, was met by two men. They threw blankets over his head, aud while in this helpless condition mutilated him. Kay craft made his way to the house of some friends where he now lies iu a crit ical condition. It is said ltaycraft, un der a prpmise of marriage, wronged a young girl in the village of Castile, and that her friends took this method of aven ging the wrong. Although Ravcraft Knows wlio assaulted him he refused to tell. New York, Oct. 22. The first annual exhibition of the National Horse Show Association of America opened this morn ing in the Madison Square Garden. Near ly all the entries were complete, aud numbered in all, including those horses entered for special premiums, 400 animals. Of these 375 are entered for regular prizes, the latter class including a nam ber of fancy carriage and coach horses,, as well as horses of the Fire and Police De- As we recede from the era of recon struction, the instruments used for its accomplishment pass away. The freed man's bureau has long since gone to its grave, xue military posts that ouce dotted the South have Hlfoario abandoned. The President, in his nnniml message to Congress, no longer dwells Upon the South as if it needed M. tllAlitinit separate and abart fnaip the other sec- fiAnii f (I.,. ..i. i ml' iU-9 jr. . .. ... v.... mo uiimu. auq now tne military department of the South is tn lw. nKliai.. ed. Qeu. Sickles it was U m href n. u c . -tt; -wf ""OU "HO tne military Hi-hitm- .f c... ....... u: . ... 7 t. rffT' vi npio ntin . xi ia Will, pi' the Will of his assistjmt. niHnhint general, used fprnipriy to tako prece dence over acts of leiiislatures and Stt .conatitutious. Courts of Justice executed his orders as if ho had tw.n thm of all the Kussias. His Lerks and subor dinates at Charleston 7 -mwwrwwm. VlfV- tions, installed officers. nvAtt.hrw m. emmeuts and erected States. Later the military government of the South win raov;e2 J AtlaiiJta and t.lcn to LojS-J ' UL U iUr.U ' 'Ollll;' V ! :'.-( Ill tn IA useU to upset legislatures, 10 wrest power from the oroide and I I'.vh k i-H 111 11 in i Mi's u to their places of public id under and t seats ol coirnntiun th Iu-iukuuhmh were again bnmMit Si quote The ' Coristtiii tiun : ' AU IIIU lie III III I 111- '(111 II I ! n ,r Stilt 81t i i-l. r 1 Vil Bm.w, VIOlliL lb -I . . . . . . O iiiein OUCK to Atlanta. Mini it. n t.at until 1876 that the administration irave ni tho iiotion tliat it could use miHiarv power tb advantage at the ballot boxes." But all thin 7.h.r'a ah til ti.i inditary departmelit of the South will, IU ilOVl'lUUHl'. i- itntiknir tli.. tl.i 1 1... . T I II. II were. 2cks & Observer. " partmeuts. ; Ldspox, October 22. -The earthquake shocks' reported yesteidav in ceutral Eu rope continue, but have done no serious duiiiare. There has been a recurrence of the convulsions in Anatolia and at Smyr- nia, but ot a more violent description tliau those heretofore reported. A lartre number of byiblimra vhioh l;ul been weakened by previous shocks, fell iu. Y. A .1 1 . i . . ronunaier-, out lew lives were lost, as the inhabitants, who were panic stickeu from the effects of the last shock, bud abandoned their homes and were aleeniiiff in the streets and other open places. QCEttKC. Oct. 23. The Maninis of Lausdowue has just beeu sworu iu with considerable pomp. The ceremonv miss ed oyer without casualty of any kind. The enthusiasm of the people was very great. The Governor General lauded about ten o'clock aud drove direct to the department buildings, escorted by his military staff. The nroiiratunie arraniril was strictly adhered to. Chattaxooga, Teuu., Oct. 22, The Spiritualists of the South, in session here, have adopted a resolution to organize an encampment for their annual meeting, and tor that purpose have subscrioed a cash capital ot $oO,000. The city is alive with Spiritualists from all the States and subscriptions in cash for the amount of f b,000 were secured iu twenty minutes. Toledo, 0., October 22. The funeral of Geo. Ja. B. Steedmau took place at C 1 W V II tiki . t o ciock tins atternoou at tlie Council Chamber. The remains were visited yes terday by probably 12.0UO 1 It't Hill TllM w wr w. WMt - j r - i - - - - i V, chaplain ot the Grand Army of the Ke- public, assisted by Rev. General P. S. Sloven; performed the burial rites; a . r ' -" ''ite' .... annai'oi.is, jid., uet. aa.-r'riie resi dence of Mrs. Mocotnlie, at Keadvifle. I ir. i . . . ' wits eineieo uuriug me Illgllt tliroU"ll a window, and the robbers succeeded in making a good haul. One hundred dol lars in cash, bank books representing iour inoosaiiu uoiiars, ana two thousand dollars in bonds were token. Denver, Col., Oct. 22. News from Telluride says ii three days' snow storm has prevailed there, and there is now four Ml. A f . icec oi snow ou the mountains. The Ou ray trail is closed, and packers are shov eling out their animals. Tho Cinimarrou is the only mmo shipping ore. Lonjon, Oct. 22. There is much surprise uere owiug to uie Uispatch liom America stating that Cauadiau detectives have discovered a plot to murder Lord Lauds dowue, the Governor General of Canada at Quebec. . Berlin. Oct. 22. Thnfl.at m v f i r in i ti m of the Luther play, representing scenes of i no ji&eroriuers lite, took n uee nr. .In baxe Weimar, Saturdavaud was a great success, i ue house was crowded. Sev eral German Princes and Abbe Liszt were present. London, Oct. 22. By an explosiou in Lady Pit Colliery, uear Stoke-upou-Trent, yesterday, while the miners were trying to extinguish the fire, six were killed and three woauded. Mobile, Oct. 20. The arrest of a gang of counterfeiters which was made iu this city yesterday is considered one of the most important ever made iu the State. Paris, Oct. 22. Tho GaulohT to-day says : Prince Jerome Na :oleau will pub lish a manifesto. Interring- the Confederate Dead. AtousTA, October 20. A call has been Gov. Jartis Defending the Soldiers Died Fighting for the Lost Cause. who Raleigh. N. C. Oct 17. The bodies of the North Carolinians recently exhum ed at Arlington, were interred here to day under the auspices of the Ladies' Memorial Association. The remains. which were in four caskets, were borne irom the capital on a handsome funeral car to the Confederate Cemetery. Thirty two ex-Confederates acted as pall-bearers governor Jar vis delivered an eloquent . . .J . 1 . . . A. xl , ax ... ouuresa air me cemetery. He said that the North Carolinians who went to battle in the bite wr wan. n,.t., ated by the same spirit which prompted me soiuiers or tne Kevoi ution, and, like the latter, twte-n m nluuii,...... .i. . v - --r -.i.uM, iv uic twill- mand of the constituted legal authorities. uoTornnr uarvis sooim tit tn a o.. " , M wrmm-- o U W mfU growine over the flrrmVes nf Hm itmmm www a Wtmr T , WW ' w,mmw ww VI VI O ot the gray and the wearers of the blue, me twine suu sinning on and the same winds blowmir orei- tliA Anut .f 1....1. ir. t v ar VTT v "win. lie honed those who survival w nn i.i iiv tn. gether forever in peace, as the dead en joy. The obsequies were witnessed bv 7,000 persons. The ex-Confederates were under command of Congressman W. It. Cox. Sena tor Va n ce and man y other dis tinguished cifiebs of the State were present. .issued for a. convention of colored people ax a a . j m av .a lo meet at Atlanta. I Jrec miter l"'t i. to conaider the condition of the colored peo ple ot Georgia, which the call declares is growiug worse daily. uT. u. The Fayettvillk &, w IVUTflV R W The construction of this road is fast advancing The grading is already be yond Trinity, mitt in a few mnntln Hi ai officers expect U-aiiisV be running to the flalin.liinn' .'. f V II i. ' uiuiioihuj; lunii wi uiiuuiemau ou ueep River. This important enterprise will increase the' market facilities of the fac tories of Randolph, traversing at t lie same time a country' of large and varied re sources, from which Fnyettevilie formerly drew a very profitable trade. FaucttcviUe Sun. ' Concord Times: When our churches shall have been completed. Concord will be favored with as elegant aud comforta ble houses at' wbfwini as auy towu of its Bize iu the State br South. ' --All who were present in' Concord should feel delighted at the good order "'""' wtmm iiicscitou un inai occasion. there were 6,000 people iu town. l he assessment returns in this State tor lBtJd show an increase of taxable prop erty to the amount of i26S4G,347.- The vUi vaiuautlll Dtillj." all!' ;V jj'' . W T - -wawwwa w no against do.847;,424 last year. -C'tor. Ob. WITTKOWSKY& BARUCH. CHARLOTTE, N.C. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY INDUCE MENTS TO PEOPLE WHO ARE DOING THEIR TRADING BY MAIL. OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT IS SO ARRANGED THAT "SHOPPING" BY MAIL IS RENDERED EASIER AND IS OFTEN MORE SATISFACTORILY DONE THAN IN PERSON. LETTERS OF INQUIRY ARE PROMPTLY RESPONDED TO. SAM PLES SENT, AND ESTIMATES GIVEN. WE GUARANTEE SATIS FACTIONDELIVER PACKAGES FOR OVER TEN DOLLARS IN AMOUNT, r FREE OF EXPRESS OR MAIL CHARGES. WALL AND WINTER J v.. OF 1883. NEW GOODS ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY, -AND- lm Bostian, Thos. B. Marsh, Frank You David Gaskill, or any of us uriLI take great pleasure in shewing you THE LARGEST, Lovliest, Most Stylish and Gompletest Stock of good GOODS to be fdimd in Salisbury. Truly, J. D. GASKILL 1 m D - Furniture Dealer, Uphoi sterer, K. M. not i mm- : n I iu the height' of Hi colliding oul K"Keas.f 1377, General Uugei JmJ liis lietuQuji,i teis iu the saddle. He' set them uiuftCuluiiibia, auI theii lie brought Political Excitemkst in Danvilk. I- luril lULsstMln'i-rs' u lm univ.,1 1.. tl. city ou the Richmond and Dauville train yesterday we lsaru that the state of altairs iu Danville over the political situation is exciting, and that thev art JiaVI!l hot tiniM Tl. I i -m iutlders in the cirv mmlA upon the govern luent for trootM to pro tect them from i..!.n..a . ..... ot soldiers nnt Yiu.t.i ....: ?. flOlUtlMS Utomi:it i.nt waa :..r .. .i "uiu unci that they nie having lively times iu the city qo the Ban.-Cluir. Observer. ' Bostoif Herald.- B1lifrnlii. u..M...i hannened in JrrlWaiii v r ...i.. young lady ourjyiug was passed toy a UIU wy ig uw depot. The dri 3WT aoculrnlly threw the lash of his whit, so that it cangl.t in her hair and earriuaa. m uj I I IIH II 111 iri'iillliil , .... I A Boston pappr says, a number of New England gentfemeu met Wednesday at the Amsriiuo. Exposition to Olinnilll' thm exedieuoj of un&qg ju a colony for tha purpose of beginuing a settlement in Western North Carolina. After a state n. cut by the chairman, and expressions of hearty approval of the scheme by several gentlemen, it was decided to engage in the enterprise under the name of tlje At kinson Colonial WQCiatjon fa purchase a Targe tract of land on the Una of on e of the railroads now under construction to mo luuuuuuu region oi .ortti (Jarolina aud to make it the centre of New Englan iiuuiigiuviuitv tf (itsiuii rtciutuil. An elastic step, buoyant spirits, and clear com plexion are amon? the many desirable results of pure blood. Tne possessor ot healthy blood has his .a wuiumuu, aim enjciys a clear ana quick perception, which Is impossible when the blood is nAdVi- rinH O 1 I w.tI a 1 . ...11. t . . ' . u '"Jp'inues. a .vers sarsa- h " ao me wm, uiuuu punnerana vitanzer known. WE KEEP EVERYTHING THAT IS NEEDED TO CLOTHE MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS, LADIES, MISS ES AND CHILDREN, INCLUDIMG AUD UNDERTAKER TIT IT TI TTT i T lTTTm AV im imw suits, m Cottage Suits, 20, 25 and $30 woTfiD Wire Mattresses, $71 PARLOR SUITS, 35 to $M uujsAf ujsus, $2.50. FINE LINE OF CARPETS. sewing- machines Weed and Hartford. loir HAYING PURCHASED COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND MISSES' UNDERWEAR, AND HAVE THE BEST DRESS-MAKING ESTAB- Entirfi Rf.rolr -P lishment in the south. GOODS PO&MEBIjY BBtiONGINQ -TO SEND US A TRIAL ORDER. BL ACKMEE $ TAYI I wift carry oa the HARDWARE BUSINESS ia all its branches, including Wagons. Buggies, ' All kinds of Agri- cultural ents WITTKOWSKY & BABUCH. SALE NOTICE ! I will sell at niv 'rcsideno-A oirrht miii east of Salisbury, on Friday the 2d day of rNovenioer, the tol lowing property, viz: lOO BUSHELS OF CORN", 25 Bushels Host-Proof Wheat. One set Blacksmith Tools, one Hack, Straw- cutter, uorn-Slieller, large Kettle, and Fan Mill : one Bureau, one Bed and V 11 rnif lira I am. HBUA m- . I . a w , me m unu many otner articles not necessary to mention. KgTTerms Cash. P. S. Will sell Drivatelv r fit.rti and young calf, H. BARRINGER. J:2w 1 all kinds of Mining Sup- RIFLE and ROASTING POWDER, Dynamite and pliea. In short, everything ordinarily fonnd In a First Clara Hardware Establismsnt. Mill Property Sale! U Don the netition ftf C A O vnritQoh ll.n A - " . .1 , lllt louowmg property was ordered by the Su- VkAWM O . . i A 1 . . - - i"-1"" iuuri, oi nowm countv tn lw an lei at n a ' tt i i ' . - inc vuun ri o ii si i anr in sn lahnn Monday the 26th day of November, 1883, viz: What is known as th Ovamaak jsJ Iewzer Mill Property, situated at Bostian's m Roads, in Atwell Township containing about Two Acres, and upon which is located a Grist Mill, Saw Mill and Planins Mill. The above aetfnrth erty will be sold by me on the day and at tue place fcerein mentaoued to the highest bidder. Urn JAS. W. RUMPLE, Com'x. Bernhardt Bros. 4.RF NOW RECEIVING A FLL AND COMPLETE LINE OF n P V r nnnc Where I wI se4 tn e al, persons NQTI0NS, SHOES AND BEHOVE . Read Proof ofWciflerfii Cores: Charleston. 8. C, July 22, 1883. Ps. J. B. Kkndali. & co Dear 81rs : I purcbased at Iulsvllle, Ky., a very line bred colt, and In ship ping he got his hock badly hurt on the outside of the Joint wlilc-U caused It to swell three or four times the natural si.e, which made him very lame. Itrled a great many liniments which tailed to benefit the injured part. At last when disgusted, and ready to give up the colt as ruined, I happened to see yourad vertlsement of "Kendall's Blister and Spavin Cure," and thought I would give it a trial, I llrst applied the "Blister" to the hock which by this time had itallOUScd. and to inv Kiirm-iat r.iiin.1 ir Mi-.l L ..ri in-., a . J - l - -' . .v numu uivv. n vm. ah vni-iuj-iuui' uuura tne p:uT uiai was hard tier.lirit snfi:inrl tho Imimnnec i....r.,., i.... - .... - ...-....., uKdll VII ' ' . 1 1 ' . I then got some ot "Kendall's Spavin Cure" and an- h"".ivui,uiiuii ii unni uons, vvnicn nas made a jMJrtect cure, ami the colt is now as sound as any h01"SO alive. I mernlv ivrito tliiu i..n...- .7i think It a duty I owe to you, and also for the good w wiiv vuvir. til. Z . The foregoing statement 1 will affidavit to. and can also hare Llm hum varitiuH i,.- niU i..., 1... .. , 7- . ... v,u WJ WUV WfOt. men in our city who saw the colt before and after 1 1 riimn in . v rry Jicspecil Uliy, 12 Chapel St. John r. AaisoLn. Belmont N. H., July 25, 1S83. ir. is. j. K iaii d- Co., tentn: It is with the greaoedi pleasure tnat l wish to say to you that I have used yoyr "Kendall's Spavin Cure" with the 7 J, uaving entirely cured a horse af flicted with splint, also another that had a spavin. 1 he cure found to he n.nnii-.r.r I l..., i. ... - v.. i, j na. i. uiicu it. Ill othr cases and And that it does all claim for v wiuci iui iuuh ui ueasu 1'KOK. J. i. ClLLEY Galveston. Texas. Julv iss Dr. B. J. KHdU 4 C. : I hereby certify to hav lnsf used "Kendall's siuvin pn" ai ,-,i ,v.i., horse for a curb with entire success and take pleas- lira in iwwtm -n...4 . . ... . . , . ' " aaa ivwvuunmuij It JU ait uunnoencc. II. RO9KNBSB0. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Modesto, Cal , Aug. 9th, 1882. aim "inn: ai nonie, in Lontrmeadow Masts had occasion to observe the benefits resulting from uu use oi your Kendall's Spavin Cure. My brother Viw v s uuiao wiucn aeveiopea a none spavin wnicn he cured jinri at ih. oma n.... ..i ., Pn 14 liTUmnn t II .. . . . . . . ,,"i..'t.V "... r- a- - aiauiews also cured a ,0a BMwiion oi a spavin, as well as another ac quaintance by the name of B. Combs, both of which Came under niv nersnnnl nhwrvaiiAn i lZ and.a. Ken.1 tern an with whom I was well .'Y.'?K, ? ine horsemen in aasaaaa,j a uuw 1 1 u, ui experience. rapocuuiiy yours, Jakes Qcinn. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Chiton, Cal., Oct. srd, lss.' I -g njT E N McNesly Corner Joe Allman, while houting on Mrs. McRee's iarm' about three miles from town, run a rabbit into a decayed stump, aud while digging for it, unearthed $ guttii percha, aud one solid silver ring, also a sil ver w'a-h aud chain. This brqgs to mind a robbery, that was committed iu towu ovef 25 years ago. A certain house in town was entered at night and these ideutijul articles together w;ti a large sum of nibney was stoien. The thieres were never dectected and now after a lapse of 25 years a portion of the stolen goods are found hidden away in a corn field. Carolina Mountaineer. Dowsr W7TH the Revexle. A single item but by no means a small one iu the cast pf collecting the internal rereuue in North jCaroliu, is that of salaries, prom Copp' Salary List, we learn that the aim mil pay roll in the State amounts to $407,745. i?ur hundred aud thirteen collectors, deputies, clerks, storekeepers and gangers, Sec, are employed, aud draw $7UU to $4,365 each, all but seven receivtug over $iJU each. Thhi is a large number of officers aud a large salary ex pense certainly tor collecting the govern . 7 1 fcimuu uiiu urag- : prow i uuiwj iui uuuecuiig rne govern - gl quite a distance before the coach was! "leuta's taxes, considering how few direct btOlllM'U Ulld slllt la'-m .). .i.wl Iut imvara lii..rn una i.. It: a' a - ; . w i.tv , v.. . 1'. v w my V. III I lid's i i A-SlfjfU IVf I . rho wish to puruhasc Hardware FOR C IS II, " T I WILL KttP' KO BOOKS or Accounts. All parties indebted to Blackmcr & T$1T reqnestcd to make immediate tttlement. Their accounts will be in the hands of W. 9. Blackmer who will make ettletnei. LUKE BLACKMEB. October 23d, 1883. COTTON SEED! GDTNERS AND FARMERS WILL Be pleased to know that I have made full arrangements to hnv all the Cm ton that can be delivered at Salisbury. China Grove and Third Creek Stations. Will oav full market prices through the season. Call and sec me. or write at onei for full particulars.' Truly, ' 59; Jm w ' j GROCERIES, And desire to call attention to thftir NEW DEPARTURE. In this they offer to the Farmers a eood selection of FARMING IMPLEMENTS, SUCH AS Wagons, Plows of all Descrip tionsCast, Chill and Steel ; PLOW-STOCKS, CULTIVATORS. SULKY PLOWS, AC. AC, They also have the Best Sewing Machines. They are Agents for the Plow-Braii Guano FOR WHEAT-f-jU good as can be bought in the market. Hf Call and be convinced that their house is the place for Farmers to get what ,thcy need. Respectfully, BERNHARDT BROS. 51:1 VJ c. While In the employ of c. I ! Hastings. tta wii k. hni!. .PH Jri r clsoo, in the year ending 1880, we had a young home two years old that contracted a bone spavin land ?tilrLl?iment 1UiOWI Kendall's Spavin Cure advert sfi iinnn mv .wn nok ' MMri. t. ony tnree Dottles the r , . "rrL w wureu . ana mereiore l natur- i . m i vh i n. i mnar nn.i.... . . .... . . not hesitate to recommend it to all who have occa sion to use the medicine and should any one desire to confer with m i ahaii k. .i" J"".aesire mnnlcatlon reiaThi to T he cS7i,u,J' com- Bpectrufly yours, John Hoadman. Price SI iur hnmo nrnWWMui . ... fttf taveTt or can get li tor ySTJ; will be Bent auo, i mS0LB BY ALL 35:ly DBUG GISTS. Sale of Valuable Land! On Saturdav. the 13th . Z . wa WfeUUCf next, l will sell, on the -land belonrin? to mv vnni ni.i.. n Karnker, being a part of the David Fouts plantation iu At wall Township, adjoining the lands ot Jacob Sloop, George Karriker, D. Cooper and others. Thia ti bixteen Acres and was allotted to Charles Jv.arriker in severalty by orde of Court Terms of sale : Cash as soon j. ha saie is confirmed. By order of Court. ' . Jacob Bost, Guard'n Of Chas. E. Karriker 8t?pt. 6th, 1888, 48:5t rriKer. North Carolina, Rowan Craii. IN THE SUPERIOR COURf Octolwr 3d, 18: HANNAH DOUGHEltrr, Plaintiff AOAI.NST a - - a Aim unnisiey and husband. Wm. Grinisley ; Elizabeth Ilicks aud husband, Wm. Hicks; Andrew Bv anl, Mary Millsaps, Caroline Ha'r met and husband, Sam'l Hamet ; Jc Eliza Byard, heirs-at-law of Eliza beth McBryde, de.;'d.; Thos Benton McBryde and Elizabeth II. Mc Bryde, heirs-at-law of James Mc Bryde, deceased; the heirs-ntlaw (names unknown) of John Mc Bryde, dee'd.; the heirs-at-law of Wm. McBryde. dee'd., viz: Rachel McBryde, Susan McBryde & others (names unknown;) and the heirs-at-law (names unknown) of Thos. Aicfsryde, deceased. Defendants. J It appearing to the satisfaction tli Court that Andrew Byard, .Alary Millajs, Caroline Unmet and husband, Sara'l Hum et; Eliza Byard, Thos. B. McBryde, and Elizabeth H. McBryde; the lieirsSit-tar (names unknown) of John McHrvde. dec'd; the heirs-at-law of Wm. McBrvdc, deed, viz : Rachel McBryde and Sus;,"n McBrji and others, names unknown ; and the heirs-at-law (names unknown) of Thos. McBrjdt dee'dr, are non-residents of this .States Jt is hereby ordered that publication heiiiada in the Carolina Watchman, a weekly news paper published in the town of Salisbury for six successive weeks, notifying thesbow named non-resident defendants to bcand, appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Rowan couuty at the Coert House in Salisbury, on Monday the 3d dij of December, 1888, and answer or demur to the petition whieh has been filed intb above entitled action ; and it they fail so to answer or ttamiir tl Plaintiff will aud' j ... v - ii to the Court for the relief demanded in the said petition. John M, Borah,, - 51:6t Clerk k S. C. Rowan SHERFF'S TAX NOTICE. I will meet the Tax Pavers of nVtwW countv. at the following times and nlaca r ! for the purpose of collecting the State an vouniy lax ior tne year issa. The law is riirid and Tax Pavers are earnestly requested to meet in the township and settle their taxes. I will make bat on round, as the law requires no more. Monday Oct tt Tuesday Uunlty, atRlce&Bally'sstore, oww?u msn, - ma. vernon, Steel. Davis' store. WednesdaJl li It 11 d ii 2 u 'A t 4 i 31 Mt Ulla uugins'iiousenear " 1 Dr Hiinxtnn nlil Pino Thlirsdar Atwell, at Coleman's, ' Friday do. Rnrwhv1llo S:itimhtV China Grove, China ;nve, Monday Lltaker, Bostian's x Koads. Tuesday Gold HIU, " Gold Hill, Wednrsday aonran's " Monran'sold nlax-e. Thursday do. Tit Rob't Miller's, Tnursday evening1 to fn n i'livl.- PrOVldenee Hi llnttj'r Hhnmi VriAav. li M. aausbury, " Court House,' Saturday '' rranKHn, " Franklin Academy. Monday Locke. Gibson's. i uesday " Scoten Irish, " Kowan Mills, W'ednesdafi C. C. KBlDKB,'aWn ol How an CaafltV. 50:4w NOTICE! The rejrular annual Meetin" of the Stock lioldcrs of the Western North Carplm Rail Road Com nan v will take place Salisburv, N. C, on the fourth Wednesday in November. 1883. it beibr the 28th dkl the month. G. P. Ekwin, SecV & 'I res Salisbury, N. C, Oct. 10, 1883-Ct Tie Valley Mutual Lift AssociatiOE ' OF VIRCIWIA. -HOME OFFICE, STAUNTON, VA, The Cheapest. Safest, and Most ReUabto Ure in surance now offered the public Is found In the Vai ley Mutual, whlctumables you to cam (10Ue nil poucy at an actual average cost of $.5o per annum For further Information, caJ oa or addreM i. W. HoREXZIE, Ajent May o, 18S3, Sausbckt, n.. c. MORGAN'S CIGAR STAND! Cr Use Snt? Po 70s Smoke? Chew? MORCrAtf trOAn a ValA.f atn..l. n. nil h.wn lArt'.i t. VtTf and nod. lieoonuDimnnAnf the Bis Fri,nl ..: t all and j do ws of Davis' Furniture Store can suit you to a t. tit ww 16. AUaluaaalaw. ) IB J . S gS Wrral raa.a. JONES OF BIN8MAMT0N, suiuauiios, a. x.