. ....... ...... , . . I - - f" I . " Bl I i - ' I . . ' j - i L r r .1 . w. Never wafer) raisins that are to he ised in sweet iliwln. It makes the ipaddrng heavy. To vrean them wie In a city tower. Lrttfe g6ld pigs are worn as oma-tiont--pr6lMiWy because they- are styrtehs " BRING YOUR TOBACCO PLANTATION Baring determined to go into o 'ier business f 0 t'er my valuable plantation ror ale, on liberal terms, containing 171 ACHES, at least 30 or whicl) Is good. Improved bottom land; attested oq South VaUidn Ulver, miles northwest of Hallshury, la a healtJi section, with lands well rter't by goJ springs ; school and church facili ties very guo-1. Tbe dwelling if a large two-itorV youse has an excellent orchard of 8 acres on the 1 remises all other buildings In good condition. For mrtbttf information address W. W. Mll.r.KK. KLUTTZ'S South IUver. N. C. WU WANT ONE OR TWO RELIABLE, INDUSTRI OUS MEN IN EVERY TOWN AND COUNTY TQ SELL OUR POPU LAR BOOKS. Offer liberal inducements. Applicants will please give age, experience (if any), and re lerenees as to character and habits. A Hplend id Chance for men who are not afraid to work and want to make money. Apply fa persdh or by letter to B. P. JOHNSON & CO., 47:3m 1 1013 Main St., Richmond, Va. EALTHCORSET Inrroases in popnUiitr. every day, as ladle and U the most (OMFor.TAni.fi AND PERFECT FITTIXO cor&r t evrr worn. Mer chants say it j-'ives the bp ' I aatiffactloa of any corset thy cv or n Id. Warrant d J. D. GASKILL only, Salisbury, N. C. I-. .ICHT s Indian Vegetable Pills FOB THK LIVER And all Bilious Complaints xte t take, being purely veye'able; no grip my. lYicH cU. All DrucgiSta. WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD. OFFICK OKX. PASSENGER AGENT, Salisbury, N, a, October 12th, 1882 SCHEDULE. snmrrsmrrisii i i i w i WAREHOUSE! BA.8T. XF3aT, "go-g STATIONS. Fag6Tl Arrive 5.45 r m ....Salisbury ' Leave 6.10a m " 4.t8 - ....Statesvtlle .... Arrive 7.88 3.09 ....Newton 8.49 " f Ue " ....Hickory j 9 r, " l-54 " ....Morganton j " 10. 4 M H ll.S AM ....Marlon I " 11 4 " " 10,08 Black Mountain., f " m r M ....AshevlHe 1 3 Ofl Leave 6 so ....Warm Springs " s 44 " 00 " -..Pigeon River.. 1 - s'.v JOHN SHEPPARD, (Lata of Pilot W.nEncsE, Winston, N.C.) Business Manager and AUCTIONEER. - SALES EVERY DAY. Good Prices Assured. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS FOR MAN AND BEAST. NO SALE, NO GHAR6E ! Insurance and Storage Free, Liberal Cash Advancements made on Tobacco held by us for future sale. KliTJTTZ, GASKlXLi & CO. 15:tf BRANDRETH'S PILLS. They are a vegetable tonic purgati ve, abso lutely harmless under all circumstances, They never injure the weakest female or the young est child. One box is a medicine chest suffic ing for a whole family. Suppose yon have diarrhoea ; nature is making a great effort to get rid of some irritating matter in the stom ach or boweU.. A dose of Brand reth's Pills removes the matter and the disease is cured. In costiveness one good dose of Brandrelh's Pills, followed by one pill every night for a week or two, make the human machinery run as regular us clock work. In bad colds, where the pores of the skin are closed and the insen sible perspiration thrownnpon the blood, pois oning the fountains of life and tilling the nose, the throat and the lungs with choking mucus ; seven Brandreth's Pills taken at night on an empty atom ich, will restore the perspiration, break up the cold and purge away all the wa tery secretions that should have passed off by the skin. Diphtheria, a family disease and a most dangerous one. is almost immediately cured by one or two doses of Brandrelh's Pilla, aided by a gargle of lime water. Khn mat ism, which eoroes from too much acidity or loo much alka.inity of tbe system, requires not h ing bat Brandrelh's Pills and a few eood sweats to make a perfect cure. ft is marvelous how they Biirify the blood. After two doses, the effect is seen in brightness CM the eyes and clearness of the skin. All pim ples and eruptions vanish like magic under the influence of thin purifying purgative. We cannot stop the march of time with any medi cine: but Brandreth's Pills will remove the excessive lime from the system and peevent grey hair. They improve the sight and tone up the human body, so that the old man's eyes will be undimmed and his natural force una bated even after seventy years. Train No. 1 connects at Salisbury with R. 4 n. u. n from mi points Noyth and Sorh and frojo Rajefgh. Connects at 8tatesvWe vftft A, T. & O. Dlv, of C. C. & A. R. n. connects at warm Springs with E. Tenn., Vo, ua. k. k, wr Momstown and points South-West. Train No. 8 Connecfs at Warm Sprf wjth E. T.ya. & Oa,LR trpm Morristowjj tfce SppthrWest. Connects at Bteiesvme with A. f. t O. Dlv. of c c. a r. r. And at SaUsbury wltH ft . D. u R. for all points -unu ana sast ana rof Haiclgh. Througi, Tck,ets On sale at Salisbury, Statasytlle, Asbevjlle and the n oinaip uj ajf prjDcipai cities. J, B. Maemurdo, CEO. A. EAGLE, yy. MORGAN Eagle & Morgan BLAOKSMJTHINQ AND Wagon-Making, W are prepared tn d apy kind of work at our Shops on Lcp Street, (W. M Barker's Old Stand.) SALISBURY, N. C. iiMiWK-aiiUttliNU and all kinds of Ulacksmithjnir done nromntlv Riid u ith or. pedition. Repairing of Ciirriages, Bugjies Tvwmoa (pnne prompt I v and in first class style. Paintjng and finish ing of line " " uwiib nj yy. at. uarKer. All we ask is a trial. Jan. 10, 1883. 1 j3:tf PROFESSIONAL CARDS. BLACKMER fc HENDERSON Attorneys, C ounselor s a4 Solicitors. SalUbqry, N. 0. Jan. Md, '79-tf. . M. McCQRKLE. T. F. KLCTTZ. ATTORNEYS and COpNSELi)KS Salisbl-rt, JJ. C, Office on Council Strf, opunae the Cutt Hons'. ? 37:tf (EKK CHKICV, L. II. CLEMENT CRAIGE I CLEMENT, Anoruoya Jt Ta Salishury, N. Qt FU.3nl, 1 881. HARDWARE. J. RHODES BROWNE, PRES.. W. C. CO ART, SEC. Total Assets, $710,746.12. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage. PROMPT, p-sslzasls, LZS3ZVAL. Term Policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One-half cash andbal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt, 25:6m. Salisburv, N. C. TUTJiS PILLS DI8QRDS RED LIVER, and fslALARIA. rrorn theso sources ariso tiiree-rourths of the diseases of ho human raec. Theso symptoms indicato tneircxistence : tos ot Appetite, Bowels costive, Sick IIead e.c.xs, fiUlneta after eating overilon to exertion of body or mind, ErocUUon nraui imuuHiiy 01 tamper, Low of havf na: r;c elected. lexi, Fluttering at tho ptriu, a r.cllns Cl:l Mat d n w. TMn IXeart,Iota before tlo eyes, niei.lv col orea t.-i.ie, cojjsmPATlO?v, and de nianu ma oso ct a remotly that fu ts dlreotl on tho Liver. AsaLiverinetlioine tctt r K tdne; nnd Sliin is also prompt : reraovlna ireo ensers ot the system," producing- appe tite. Bound tl i res: Ion, regular stools, a clear skin anaa vigo rcoabodr. TUTT'K pills S?5.n.? n5"1 cr griping nor Interfere frith daily work and aro c perfect ANWPaTK TO MALARIA. SoMeTrrTVi rp.Sfte. Qffl. Mmrnv8t.,N.Y. Ton' mm eye. Gbat Hate ob VTniSEERs changed ln atanuy to a Utossr Black by a single ap. plication of this Dv. Sold by Drug-ifisu, or sent by cxpresa on receipt of 91. JITT8 MAMUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. SUBSCRIBE FOE THE CRAC UNA WATCHMAN, ONIY $1 50 PER YEAR. 0 Best in the World. Brandreth's Pills have stood the test of fort y five years of nse by the American people. They are entirely Vegetable. They are absolutely universal, for there is no disease they will not cure, if taken in time. They are safe for infants and adults. They aim to ac complish three things; first, to purify the blood; second, to cleanse and reirulale the stomach and bowels; third, to stimulate the kidneys and liver and purge away the ashes of the ay, tem and diseased matters of the bodv. Rv nor. ging wi.h these Pills constantly, a new' body fan h Littlt nn f-.m f.l. I 1. 1 - , . u, iiuui 11 cpii, uvunny loou in a few months. In this way, gout and rheuma tism, ulcers and fever sores can be eradicated in a few weeks. The worst cases of dyswiwia and costiveness can be cured by taking one or two pills eyery nixht for a month. ln casesof twenty years' standing, gentlemen have ' been cored by taking one pill a night for a year. Brandreth's Pills give to tbe human body, no matter how worn or decayed, the recuperative powers of youth. In their action, they imitate the rapid changes of the youthful bodv. We all wuh to die of ofci age. A hundred years is the natural limit of life, which can only be readied by purging and purification. In general debility, nervous tremor, and menial depression Brandrelh's Pilla have a marvelous effect. They have won the confi dence of millions in all parts of the civilized world. Constitutions shaken by long residence in unwholesome climates,. r by sedentary hab its, are wonderfully renovated by a course of this extraordinary medicine, which, powerful as is its action on the whole system, is perfect- ""'""w w "e leiuierettlrame. The Pills are composed of rare balsams withi.ni ii.. ...1 mixture of a grain of any mineral whatever, or ol any oilier neieieiious substance. Fhev oirate directly, powerfully, and beneficially "upon the wnoie maai 01 0100a ; nor can we qnesiion the wnen we see uiaigesiion cured, liver com plaints arrested, the oppressed lungs brought into healthful play, and every phy.-ical func- 1100 renewed anu strength en td by their agency Black Walu lit. Black walnut can be grown from the nut, producing a butt fourteen inches in ilia meter in as many vears from the seed, as far north as Massa chusetts. No tree valuable for ita timber "in cabinet uses, unless the black birch be so consitleretl, can at tain to that useful gn.wth in that period of time in our northern cljmate. Maples require twenty years before they become good timber trees; lieeches and birches, fifteen years to attain to a diameter large enough to yield nine-inch boards; hickory should have a growth of thirty years ; and cherry at least as much. The cultivation of the black wal nut might be made a sourc of profit. If only as au auxiliary to the ordin ary farm products. It requites no particular care, makes an elegant tree eveu in its youth, and later, offwrs su agn eable shade. The Seicing Ma chine Journal says : One hundred aeres of land, seeded to walnut tree, if they even reach maturity m fifteen years, would be more remunerative than nianv of the crops produced by fifteen of incessant toil. .Besides, these trees might be planted and would thrive on spots which arc really valueless for agri cultural purposes, and while in the course of growth would serve as val uable aids to agriculture as wind breaks and in other respects." Tbe German Carp and its Intro duet ion into the United States. IBi YOU WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES (Call on the undersigned at NO. 2. Graniti How. D. A. ATWELL. JLgint for ths JirdellT aresaer.' A .b irv, - J., .lilac 8th lff tSSJSfim WAITERS, made to i.H nil Hlnii.l kk-y-VB 1 .1 . r "," ' ivajB on nana- Renaiiintf neatly and nromm v inn 1 .-h 1.., palrlae lyniled. wrw TT"JB mnmvmp 51:ly. SAUaaiZr. N.C N O TI C E ! JOHN F. EAGLE, --FASWTnv A -DT -n IVUXVM " r 1 1 Ft BOOT AND SHOE 3IAKER. Invites your UUrnlfa to his shop, opposii. Major's 04 repairing nes.lv and uro.u . Letter frejH. a Gentlemen Ninety Years uja. ijonef L,ue ;rom yse of Brand reth's Pillf , Pra ikie ocChiex, Wis., Feb. 11, 1882. I am in the ninetieth vp.-ir nt mv ..1.1,1 . ... "limy PiikrimaKe. and be to re du nrr In ynoikus n,,,l I trust, a better world, 1 wish to benr ustimo ny to the great virtues of Brandreth's Pills as a nogsenoiu remedy, l hey are the best blood purifiers and cleansers ol the stomach ami lw.w. e)s in the world. I have rained a familv of 10 uuiiureu, ueeii uieasea won three wives.and my f:tmilv PTMnriflnnn . j ..rv..v..v um over .pvemy years. For over forty-five years I have known and oeueveu m oranoreth's fills. Jhey have cured me of indigestion, costiveness, dyspepsia and tbe females of my family have found them uivaiuauic at an nines, i also wih to say that I have found Allcock's Porous Plas tebs very useful in breast pains, backache ana weaa muscles. Alfred BBcirsOH.'A.M., D.D CURE OF NEURALGIA. Taken as a "Forlorn Hope,"Brandr eth's rms Effect .a tacl Cnre. Smal- &4eac Ave., Easl New York, April 12, 1880. I most cordially give my testimony as to the great value of Brandreth's Pills, verified by eighteen years' experience in my mother's tihe late Mrs, Dr. Geo M Browne) tamily and my own. They were at first taken as a "for lorn hope,' for the cure of a very sevtre case of Neuralgia of several years' standing, the patient being completely prostrated by disease and the excessive use of opium, taken't dead en the pain ( bv advice of her nhvB;i.n in.. efiects were almost magical; in one month she was able to be up and walk around freely, and 1 ue uincaac has 11 ever returned. JUr mother was also cured of an attack of Itiflamatoj v Ubumatism bv the . auuui l A year- ago I was taken with what appeared to be a bad cold, but m a short time, symtoms ol confluent Small Pox were developed, causing 1 ,, fi - ueierpMnea to try Brand, reth s Pills as a remedy, and theireffi carv mm soon apparent I was well uiuch sooner than was expected, and without receiving single mfkt50?b,,0fn?r kind M 7 firm f u iar,Bg from tn eerity of the case, uhh uu Vonc inrongu tn regular routine prescribed by physicians, I should have died. I know of manv nihir Inoi.n,.... nr .1 1... of Brandreth's Pills n disease and sickness, which I will be happy to gto any one who Mas. E. Sr; oniT. THTJLTY YEAE8. COULD NOT GET ALONG WITHOUT BRAXp- RETH'S PILLS IN THE BOUSE. 84 Morton Street, New For Of,. Afar. 1, 1880. I have used Brandreth sPiUs fur over thin years. I am a crest sufferer from RI.A. tunn. henever I feel it I take one or two doses, which give me immediate relief. I also take them for coMhiveutaur iSik UtLt. i also troubled, and they always give me relief. 1 cou-o not get along without vonr pills in mv house. Ciias. P llLU 3 In a paper read before the Ameri can Association, Mr. C. W. Smiley, of Washington, D. C, said he had some years ago imported from Ger many thirty or forty pairs of this fih. Tliey were placed in breeding 1 ir . . . O pontis in wasinntrton. and hav in creased manyfold, the numlier spawn eu tins year being 400,000. The carp is naturally a warm water 6sh. anu in tlie waters of the Sutnhorn States grows with astonishincr ranidi- .-i j . . .... o ly, ana io great size. J hey will also uo well in the etild water of the Worth, even in Minnesota. Nearly .j ... . , . - j every otate and county m the United States has a fish commission, and I mm tliey are all propaga ting. carp. It has uiwi ueen lauen up as a private specuiaiion, and carp are sold for breeding purposes us high as $5 per pair. I he carp roots about in the mud for aliment, and much resembles poultry in its manner of getting food. Carp aged three years are often found A - I I .... io weign twelve to h teen nound and a gain in weight of four pounds nas ueen observed in a earn in one year. The carp is sluggish ; while irout, nass, and other lively fish frisk about, and do not fatten so fast as the carp. Experiments have shown that female carp spawn at the age of one year in southern waters, at two years in colder waters, and in the ex treme n orthern waters of the United Slates at three years. Other fish, turtles, musk ruts, snakes, and even birds, eat young carp. A bird shot in Washington recently had in its sto mach the heads of seventy-nine young carp. The United States Fish Com missioner recently sent out requests for information about carp experi mented with iu this country ; most of the replies placinp; the earn on nn equality with trout, bass, and shad as a food hsh, while a few classed .if . tiiem with pike, and a very few said they had a muddy taste.' The carp is 1 1. i. . i i. . . i me oest point nsn yet known, and in a very small pond will thrive well so that families mav easilv have ihpir .... o i . . y own nan gar .en it they have enough water to make a permanent pond. The carp is a very hardy Hsh foi siiipmenr, requiring little water to keep alive in. The United State J?ish Commissioner is cd vino ftW!iv ,. . o e "j carp, sending them hy express to any po nt, the receiver navinir ex express charges. The dsn will thrive on table refuse and almost anything edible. Carp can he kenr. in i a lj ww a..a in a tub in the cellar, the water ro. quiring to be kept fresh. Care should be takeu to keep poisonous suhstanre out of carp oonds. and tfw, m..ni. 1 1 HI 1H II food should not be thrown in. Tn cooking carp, thorough cleansing is ueeueu ; ana trying should be done in hot pans and hot grease. As to the economics of this ai h. ject, Mr. Smiley, said that fish culr lure was more and mnre lnm;,.,, art of the farmer's occupation, and iiougui mat, not very lone in the uture, most of the farmers of the country would have little fi,h ponds in their door yards, both as a method of obtaining to,,, I M rill OU II II Mmmmmmm, 0 v u o fiat if! IIU" ment to the homestead. SnimtM American. A Bit of Secret History. Father Hamilton's Strange Story of r a ii.- ... .. .. v -' KujJi. trirz ifias Bucrtjiced by Stanton. The Rev. William John Ramiltn.. rector of the Cathedral of Mobile Ala J.S mm 1 wno was one of the lopr priests ad- milieu to. the stockade Anderson ville prison to minister to dying sol diers, is in Louisville visiting Bishoi McCloskey. Father Harm i I ton wa one of VVira's witnesses during the trial iu November, 1865, and he rela ted a few days ago what he claims i some of tiie beeiel history of the tria! that has never before been heard. Father Hamilton was loiifiamly a' Audcrsoiiville'affer the carnival i. death commeuced, aud he di fends Viiz, why he says was the most hu mane keeper of a prison he ever met, and was c n-tantly assieti.ig in acts of charity. "It is true," said Father Hamilton, "that the sufferings among prisoners was terrible, but Wirz, poor fellow, was no more responsible than I, and so when he was arraigned in August, 1865, I went on to Washington to do what 1 could in his behalf. During the trial Capt. Wirz wa suffering from various diseases and wounds, and he was carried to and from the court room by four marines. A roed ical commission had been appointed to examine Wirz, and this examina tion resulted in the conclusion that In could not possibly live longer than 2 mom ns at the turtherest. This in formation I obtained through a friend and I felt it my duty to impart it to uirz, so that he might prepare him self for the next world. This wa about two weeks before the end of his trial. He received the information calmly, and then made a request of 11 T a , me which 1 shall never forget. He said he realized that his conviction and condemnation to death was a fore gone conclusion, and that he had no reason to think otherwise. I agreed wiin nun that on account of the feel ing existing in the North he would certainly lie condemned to death. He then requested me to call uon Sec retary Stanton aud say that he was wining to plead guilty to the charges, provided that iu fixing the punish ment tne commission would set a day for the hanging far enough in the fu ture to a fluid him an opportunity of preparing m nisei t tor death ml of a saa ins probably dying a natural death before the day fixed. 1 called upon Secretary Stanton ana laid Hiizs proposition before him, and made a personal reouest mv- self that it be accepted. Mr. Stanton thought favorably of it, and said be thought the rest of the cabinet would have no hesitency in accepting it. He said there was to be a cabinet coun cil that day at 1 o'clock, and then he would lay the matter before the cabi net, and would inform me later in the day what action had beeu taken iu the A premises. Alter the meeting I called upon him, when he informed me that the other members had refused to lis ten to any such proposition as that made by Wirz. I asked him wlmi reasons they gave, and he made the w ' reply I will never forget it: 'The people ot the Iorth demand the blood i some one tor the cruelties practiced a l . i . . t. . at Anderson vi I p. u,r, .,i.. ---"- ' (4o wassy two months to live. Let's take this man aud shed his blood, and bv doino- . J D !o we spare the lite ot a better man and then he luentioned the names of three men Lee. Davis, and Sri,h , - 1 ol ueorgia. it i . a saw mere was not hmo- mpp in be done, and I communicated this fact to lrz, who began preparing himself to meet his Maker. In less th an two VI.' c. I - a I v , U . 1 1 i "c ouu ueen convioteo. w.-m sentenced November 9th, and handed me next day. 1 felt that Wirz had simply suffered for others, and 1 knew it, but he died without a murmur save at the ignominy of the means. impressed with this belief, when I met President Johnson, a short, limp afterward, I alluded to Wirz's propo sitioti to Stanton, and asked him, for my own satisfaction, why the cabinet had not favored it as did Set ?retarv Stanton. Mr. Johnson's reolv startling and surprising to me. 'What,' said he, 'Stanton in favor of the pro position V and he seemed greatly as tonished. 'Why, Stanton was the on ly member of the cabinet opposed to it. The rest of the cabinet favored it and were bound to accept it, when Staunton threatened to resign if the proposition was entertained lor a mo ment. Mr. Stanton's services could not well lie dispensed with, and rath er than have him resign we allowed the matter to drop,' " "Did your interest in W irz's raise end here ?" was asked of Father Ham litem "Not mv interest, but mv innnir!fe2 j:j m. ' . ' "J . w uui. x ne times were troublous, and the terrors of Andersonville were i odious at the North to render nmdnf . . . . r- or possiuie any righting of the wrong, i , mm mtm " I 1 never said anything of this, except confidentially to one or two frieuds, but I will say now that Wira was sacnncetl. and that he died t save one of the leaders of the Confed eracy." 1 he Hon. Jas. ftneed. A t for ifv n.n eral at the time of Wirz's trial, savs i. i ... i j ne never neartj or tne proposition de- iicu uy 14a in i iion. ne says, how eveK there were several cabin -t meet ings at this period at which he was A. . f 1 ... not present, e does not believe the siory. It is reported from London th M iry Anderson did aciiiai.v refue to receive the Prince of Wales, on account of his immorality and his general low estimate of stage favorites. The assessed value of new buildings and improvements in the city of Kich - mond, Yn., in 1881 aggregated 9440,-'JG. ; in 1883, $635,535, ami it is estimated that to Sep tem her 15, J883, the increase is at least 25 per cent, over the like neriod of 1882. AYEB'S Sarsaparilla of blood-purifying Is a highly Mar mrtlli roots, combined with Iodide of alum and Iron, and Is the safest, most reli able, and most economical blood-purifier that can be used. It invariably expels all blood poisons from the system, enriches and renews the blood, and restores its vitalizing power. It is the best known remedy for Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin , as also for all disorders caused by a thin and impoverished, or corrupted, condition of the blood, such as Rheumatism, Gout, General InflaniMtoni RteuMtisin Cured. "ATKB'g Sarsaparilla has cored me of the Inflammatory Rheumatism, with which I have suffered for many years. W. H. Moore." Durham, la., March 2, 1882. PREPARED BY I Dr. J. C. Ay e r & Co., Lowell, Matt. Sold by all Druggists ; fl, six bottles for 85. m mi -:t: School Books Full Stock, lowest prices. Wrltlna Paper, Pens and Pencils. Envelops, Visiting Cards. Seaside Novels and Monroe's Library. Blank Books, Gold Pens. Autograph and Photograph Albums. Wall Paper, Toilet Articles, Perfumery. Fine Toilet Soap, Combs and Brushes. Bathing Gloves and Towels. Ware MT. VERtyj Li?ery Stable ! Preaent his cotnpliinents to n and I resentfully Soicit 1 V m tamisment. It is elllp,ete qunements of first class bul" 1 Horses, Btaggdes, Carr w Phastons, Wagons, W fcET HE IS CONFIDENT or GIVTS Special provision and tvLJ Honr.ling and keeping hors ""vers will linrt ,r.,i o. ,. t this place. " talls m Special accommofla;. , il ol Commercial Travelers ,l,eb( Turnip Seelli iwciveu a fresh lot of TURip seeii Of aU the different kinds, CHEAPER ever at EWii- - M w lilG;Totr. WIZARD OIL. The Grct BHECMAT1C CriteinJ also for T.AMV ntop . -". i- .-v v rv , a i BNNI8S-DraL SIMMON'S LITER BED AT REDUCED PRICES, AT IC1 FINE CIGARS, FRENCH CAN DIES A SPECIALTY, TROPICAL FRUITS IN SEA SON, PICTURES 4L PICTURE FRAMES, TOYS, DOLLS, VASES AND T O IL ET SETS. AND BANJOS, VIOLINS. GUITARS AND BANJO STRIXG8 TIIEO.RUERB It'iH, BAMSBCRY, N. C. 1 y FRUIT JARS, AND RUBBERS FOR JahJ At ENNISS'. SAVE YOTTR FBIHT1 Scarr's Fruit Preservative! Without the use of Sealed. Cans, ft CHEAPEST and ONLY SURE tW KNOWN. Peiiiectly' Harmless, m and try it. ; r; At ENNISS' DbioStou.- l:tf. North Carolina Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS (JOIAU EAST. 4t THAIS, M COP! ! Our Stock ConsMly Replenislei TODER THE FIRM NAME OF PLUMHEK cV IHORAi. Wit, J. PlB VMRII Ir.ntT l-., .! I . a mens and Saddle M nkmm l. ....... jsj l . . . , " " will UURIH n in Salisbury, presents hifl compliment, o old friends and patrons wiih an invitations IO Call and RM hia nrom .1 l . r fn,-T,tt. neurit l nt?W Harnea. Saddles. ColUr. , n . . s 1 c warraniH satisfaetion to every purchaser of New Stock and also hi renair anrl p....... ... . , .r. . r " " a.f jow as a good article will admit of. t;all and fee PLUMMER & MORGAN. Dale, Apr. 3u, I38-' Leave Charlotte " Salishury ...... " High Point.. A rr. GreeiiMhoro .... Leave (i reensboro . Arr. Hill.shoro " Durham " Raleigh Lv. Arr. Goldshoro o. ol. 4;iily. 4.10 a.inT G.05 " 9.30 11.47 1 2o " 1.40 p.m. 4.0o " 0.30 " 11 1. 1 9!io -Hat" 1208 k J 24i AK 30 A M 350 " No. 15 Daily except Salunlaj, Leave .lreeuboio 0 30 p. m. Arrive at Raleigh 2.45 p. m. j Arrive at Uoldl)oro S.OO " News and Observer : From Washington uiry there conies a dispatch to the effect that the Republicans there are disposed to accept the result of the Ohio election as "a timely warning." Under the cir cumstances they can do no better, and w are delighted to hear that they are oe- liaviug in a philosophical manner. But it is sheer euphemism to apeak of the result in Ohio as a "warning." The par ty has been actually kicked off the fmnt steps. When the grand old Republican party rises wearily and casts it watery eye over the vaat field of American polities it sees but oue green oaajs, and that is Iowa, which flies a badly used np flag inscribed "12.000 mnioritv Tho r- -( M. IS V J VUIIK doctor who went West and hnng out his shingle Sit h practitioner wrote to his old preceptor in describing hie first case of obstetrics : " The child is dead, the mother is dead, but with heaven's help I will save the old mail." With a little divine assistance the "Grand Old Party" will probably be able to preserve Iowa. A Great Water- Power FOR SALE! No. 51 Connects at Salisbury Wj.N.C.l rV.. lur Ashcvi h ami U.'irin Sr.rmtft Greensboro with K & !) R K fur til mIi North, East and West, via! Danf ille." M uoiusboro with W. & W.li. K. for Will Inn. 1 latin rv C, It, R. for all points in Western X.jt'irolia;! daily at Greensboro with .& I). points lorth, itst and West. TRAINS GOING W EST. Date, Feb. 19, 1882. No. 50. Dailv. PIAhIt. Tl.. , ,t ' -i - xmr I " traranary unimproved Ti.er rower on tne Vm k n u:.. : r .. -a m V. . . " in or ,r 'XT nSare8- " 18 tuate at the head or the Narrows in Stnip nnn o . . -, m ... . "7 j v"u" , o mnes 1f,COU.nty 8et; 13 miles " w ' aoout 28 miles from Salisbury. It is one mil,. rrm . .' . . . " 'v "wiu MIC nuunc highway leading to Salisbury, from which road it is easily accessible d,rn water's edge. The peculiar feature of this Li kEk i, " natural stone dam which makes ahnnt e . L ' mf mm A A. Midi ll no I 9 Sfi VfTL-mJ ns at an Wle .11 ik Z 0eg- UP th riyer nesriy all the way across, irraduallv lltni.i.:-l in weight as it approaches the opposite snore. A re nf inn v s .. rlfwvr io . ZTa j . . " icngtn wi II add from 12 to 14 addninnai f , . au ' .." '7'' eaa, maK- ."S iii anu power or 18 or 80. There is 7.7 iT ; 3 v'wnat "tone and slate of excellent quality, on the premises, easilv transnorted hv r ' vmmlJ I - j ' ( i v. t . This excellent power may be used for GRIST AND FLOURING MILLS, COTTON & WOOLEN FACTORIES, REDUCTION MILL FOR SULPHL RETED ORES. It i CnnvMitaHfl. . . anln.. . m,nes of Rowan and DuridsoaConatiea tom b ?' iue ores w i. .nn .- i- . i i . -.u woraea ouk i a e. o v. could not be ble for farming r . . valfta- healthv. the Air. 'T L school advantage.' veTy ' 7 iT ml Wishing furth. ?immmJ?L PK11S "Watchman," Salisburyor MrJ tleton, Albemarle, N. Q. J" R Llt" Lofpfuruiahedon appli.j LeaveGoldsboro Arrive Raleigh Leave " Arrive Durham .., HilUboi .... ' Greens! i ro. Leave " Arrive Hijjh Piont Salisbury.... Charlotte.... ...'10.00 a. m. i 12.15 p m ...! 4.15 44 5.32 " C.ll " 8.80 " 9.15 " j 9.50 " j 11.12 1.10a.m. 2.10 10. J6S0 i: IT 15 No. 16, Daily ex. Sunday-Lv. Ooldiyoi1 A r Ka Pien 0.w- Ar.Greensboroa.jf . w. w uuiit?i:i.s a I i. ii untitle w mm Air Line for all ooints in the South aiftdl . V.. net r, . , :,k T l i axv. vt. vonnecis ai i.nanoue -A A.R.R. with allpotnts South andSoulM n. w. n. c. railroad; Goino West. No 50 Dajl Lv. Greensboro 9 25 p m Ar. Kernersville 10 41 '' Salem 114J0 " No.5lT Going West. Daily. ex. Sun. fiaiiT. lo2a" 1135 " ' )IW D 1 M V. r Ar. Kerne rsville Greensboro 6 20 a m 6 46 " 7 45 " tiiup- 00 STATE UMIVERSIfY RAILRgAM Goig .North' DailHMjJ Leave Chapel Hill .... A : IT - i. nwviwm university Goino South. Leave University. Arrive Chapel HU1 I 7.30 s No. 2. ! 5.40 p j 6.42 p Pullnian Sleeping Cars wMoytSJJ On Train No. 50, New York and Adntt . -niniiiuii . isanvioe, Tkaw'l On Train No. S2. Iliehmohd ml.;n. Washington andAiigusta, Ga., vi PJ art ironci i T rbu mi a eniorrv" , Rsleieh. Goldshoro. Salisbury and Wg and at all principal points South, -i West, North and East. For Euiigwjf'ja Msiana, Texas, ArkansaPflim inr addre A. POPE . . rr. - i Gen. rr. m.tm K'dimond, " j

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