x. - 1 . i (1 - If Carolina Watchmao. IxsuitRKCTioJf. There van quite a big Cumberland Countt Fair. TImj Fay- excitement at Ooykiof, Vii., on the tfth, ! ctteville Observer, extra, of the 9th gro ing out I of a iuiuore'1 iuaarrcetiou NO LMIJKIL, 15, Its&J. iy movement on the part of the negroes. Tlte tMw8 bibkc out between 10 nnu 11 udoek at night. In a very few minutes all the white men were around aod arm ed tlteuiselvHjor the conflict. Mounted ftrmitM were sent out in ail directions for s Vatk k pusi rto. The Ealeigb Cfoouicle ivewrds the be guiling of a new and highly promising (iiulJWrnt on the part of bantu men of thai city to have a grand State JSxpusi rou at Ka high next year. The recent ilnre of the Sta Fair under the aas j icies of the State Agricultural Assia ruMi ha had the good "effect of arousing ..d classes of business iyeu at the capital, . t . m. t ..... ' , . 1 1 1 1 . 1 i . i it (.nt I 1 1 r iiiu I nef caiee iwgcuici i p" n.i..0 , aid luid thefouudutioii of a new audnore promising enterprise, so-. that we way ex pect the most soeeiil and gmtifying soeultAw in- atauMjives an interesting account of the Fail , of which, we can only present the following : This has lecn a day in the history of the Cumberland County Fair, of which the Sciefy and especially its Mauagers may be proud. The entries had increaa- this morning to 800. 1 lie secretary iounu Information and discovery, and all to no j it difficult to estimate the number of vis- ioes could be Ito,g present, urn u was greater wuwi 101 many yeai pai pose, except that no Jiegi found. - A similar abirni broke out in South ampton comity, which led to similar ac tion on the part of the whites, with pie- Am! the following as affbrdiug a glimpse of the good old market town of the State : Faykttkvili.k bt Gaslight. The shop windows of Fayetteville have pre- Bubolakies in Statksville. We ioarn from a citizen of Statesville, here mi Monday, that tliat town was visited last Saturday night by burglars who did Hp one street pretty effectually, having entered something less than a dozen houses. They confined their operations to private houses, making no attempt on stores. A gentleman was up at 5 o'clock iu the morning looking at his watch for Tic time, and ruse at 3 to find his watch gone. A negro woman nursing a babe saw a man enter the room and walk to i he dressing Ciise andTake away articles from it but supposed it was the man of the uvuae and said nothing. In another justanee the drawers af a bureau were carried out into tho back yard and rifled of valuables. f gtrange to say the scamps got no mon ey of consequence, a preacher of the town being the only man who kept his lucre" lying around loose. No exeite ;nent was created by the foray, but it did Dot break out until next day, when citi zens began to talk and compare notes. Now they are up and on guard ; and sus picious characters are promptly met and required to themselves. cisely similar results nothing of a flight- gy,,, u brilliant sight at night during ful nature discovered. this Fair week. The merchants of the low ii ex hi it as much tasto in the dis- . j . . play of cootls as m the selection ot iheiu tremenuous negro iusurr.cuu.i scu. throngs of passers on the pavements tne year JOvK or oo. ai umi niuo wo i nare stopped to enjoy tlie result ot then had neither railroads nor telegraphs. 1 he skill in this leganl. news was carried by mounted messen- Snvannah Xeirs; It would re interest-1 iug to compare the number of people in England who Uav been killed by dyna- mite explosions with tlie number who have suffered by explosions of gas in the coal pits. The latter outnumber the former ten to one. Yet the question of providing for their safety does not occupy the attention of the British govern insiit one minute, probably because there is no grounds tor making political capital out of it. TO RfcT. gers, who travelled far ahead of mail coaches and post boys. They spread the alarming news with wondeiful rapidity; and it rolled ou through North aud South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama aud Louis- Negro Rale Federal Taxation. In his editorial correspondence, Mr. R. K. Drvan writes to his paper, the Hirtnrv Pi-p.-a :ih follows : A (ieiilora ile state of affairs exists in ! il 1- I lana, arousing ine peopie io arms wiieio- Mecklei burg countv, V irgiuia, if we may ever it penetrated. It reached Salisbury credit the correspondent of the New about 8 oVloek at oiffht. bv a messensrer York Sun at Kichinond. I he negro ele from Davidson comity. He halted lis pent largely preuom nates in SiecH.en I 111 II' n 111 I IIH llll Illlll INI I III IIIII 111 I X IJ"! foaming steed at erery corner of our ig M1Mlilitted to ueuro uiaeistrates. "Ne- Main street land shouted at the top of his! gro mobs have forcibly taken i colored voice, "To arms ! to arms J J to arms ! ! J prisoners charged with crime from officers 1 iti m ::...,. ui ine law. nue men oiuceisoi ine mn , , . , . , . . . ' aud conservators of tlie peace have beeu ..nu just iumicu mi" wvii 0 v.j troiitcd with conteniut aud stricken dowu was worse than a hie alarm. Capt. Hen- bv these mobs for no other offense than Albany, Nov. 8. The Evening Jour nal says Gen. Can's majority is. over 19,000, and there is little doubt that the Democratic candidates for the remaining offices are elected by majorities rauging between 10,000 and 14.000. The changes in the Assembly make the composition 73 Republicans and 55 Democrats. Liverpool, Nov. 8. The Mercury says that the dividend to the creditors of Morris liauger, cotton broker will be very small. Thirty of tlie largest cotton firms in the city have given their assent to the scheme of fortnightly settlements. The payments of October contracts are pro ceeding rapidly. rv Giles, Wtu. Hughes, Hop, Craige, Ham. C. Jones, officers and mem hers of the Salisbury Blues," Dr. Ashe bel Smith, Dr,Alex.Long, Dan Cress, 01d' Frank Piukstou, and many others now filthv "WUe' were fuspcnwtt8 actors m prepar ing to resist the colored host, which was represented as marching on us 700 strong by these Burton that of endeavoring to arrest their riotous proceedings aud to assert in a proper manner the supremacy of the law." This is what the white people of lrginia have been brought to bv Mahoueism. Wherever Justices of the Peace are elec ted bj- the voters you will hear of similar scenes enacted iu Halifax, Edgecombe, Bertie and many other eastern counties of our State. We once had negro justices eive a straight account of ; Straxgk Find. A chap who had a fancy for brandy and had heard a tradi tion to the effect that when General Tay lor evacuated Laredo, Mexico, during the Mexican war, Htfie was a quautity of brandy buried iu the? 'vicinity of their en campment, went"out recently to search for it; and strange to say., actually found ten two gallou jugs filled with 37 year old brandy. Of course he and his coui rads got gloriously druuk they did u the free liquor." with wonderful celerity. The messenger in this county (Pender). Theu stealing represented that they had struck Lexiug- was the principal occupation of many ton in the afternoon, were probably at vot1e' Hogs catlle chickens, turkeys, 1 J and the products ol tlie iai in were stolen, that very moment making their passage aild it was aJino8t impossible to punish The 75th meridian of time is likely to become the standard for all the railroads n tho northern and eastern States. A delegation of Railroad men waited on the Mayor of Baltimore a few days ago, re questing that the city would adopt that standard as a iweaus of simplifying time reckonings, tus present Greenwick stan dard being more complicated. The ques tion will probably come before the city Couucil. The change wilj make Balti more time G minutes 28 seconds faster than at present, which will hp iu exact agreement with 11. Ii. time. Afraid of a Uksclk. A telegram dated at Washington, Nov. 0th, says, Gen. Longstreet, I nited States Marshal, . lias made a requisition ou the depart of Justice for authority to appoint an addi ; lional force of guards to accompany tho recntly convicted K uklux risoiers from Atlanta, Ga., to the Albany, N. Y. Peni tcntiaryj where they are to to con lined. ie does this because of fears of a rescue of the prisoners. Fire: There was a distressing loss of property at Shenandoah, Pa., ou the 13th, and the loss of life and personal injuries, though not numerous, were the cause of great sorrow. Two or three deaths re sulted from fright and injuries. Two bundled houecs were destroyed and five huudred families rendered homeless, Loss estimated at $050,000 with only about .$11)0,000 covered by insurance. acioss the yaUkjn river. 1 he drum was soon ringing a call ou tho Court House hill ; the women were crying, aud with their children, flying to the Court House where beds were brought aud the little ones stowed away. The men were hurry ing with guns, swords and light horse pistols, to form iu ranks. It was coufus ion of the wildest sort for a while. But in the course of half an hour mounted armed scouts were sent toall points on the Yadkin where it was possible for the ene my, to cross rand as they came iu from time to time ami reported "all quiet along the Yadkin" "narry negro to be seen," the night wore away without the fire of a guu with one exception : Mich ael Brown's carriage driver broke the rule "don t show yourselves on the streets" poked his head out at a back gate to see What was going on aud some one fired at him. At the return of broad day light it was ascertained that the danger was uot near so imminent as was supposed. Scouts went beyond the river into Duvjdsoi) county, aud in the course the thieves. Whenever a warrant was issued to search for stolen goods the thieves having the property were noti fied of tlie impending search aud had time to remove the stolen goods. I trust we shall never have a return of such a mockery of justice. Butler Satisfied. Washington, Nov. 12. J. F. Allen, deputy collector of Internal revenue, re ports to the commissioner that he has just returned to Greensboro, N. C, from a raid through the counties of Randolph, Montgomery, Moore and Chatham where he captured 0 blockade distilleries aud destroyed 7,000 gallqus of beer. m-.io i an Wholesale Emmigrati-.N. A large party of people from jttewan county passed through the city night before last, etl route to Dallas, Texas,! where they go to locate. They passed through in a special car that was attached to tlie train as it arrived at China Grove. There were forty-five souls in the party, which consisted of nine families and quite a uuuibev of young men, all of whom were recognized as thrifty, well -to-do citizens of Bow an. This is emigration on a wholesale plan, though nothing more can be expected but that they will be feund coining back in the course of a eouplo of years, or as soon as they can make money enough to come back on. That's tho rule with all who emigrate from North Carolina. Charlotte Observer. A Characteristic Letter From the Tetrks- bttry Statesmen. The subscriber offers for rent a Storehouse and Warehouse, at Third Creek Statior. The property is new and in good condition and well situated for business. Apply to JOHN CAKSON. Third Creek, Nov. 10th, 1883. 4:4t.pd. SALE OF LAND! On Monday the 3d of December, 1883, I will sell to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in the tOwn of Salis bury, at the hour of 12 M., a tract of land known as the Polly Hartman land, it being the same devised ty the said Poily Hart man to Solomon Ketchey and others, near the lands of Jacob Yost, Win. Safrit and others, containing 140 acres, more or less, being and situated in the township of Li- faker. This is a valuable tract of land, well located, and within a few miles of Salis burv. TERMS of sale : One half cash ; the oth er within six months from date of sale. The deferred payment to be secured by bond and good security. By order of the Superior Court of Rowan. A. W. KLUTTZ, Com'r. Nov. 3d, 1883. lm VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY -A.t A-nqtion. I will sell to the highest bidder (if not privately sold before) on the 26th Novem ber next, at the door of the Court-House, all my real estate in Salisbury, to wit: My fine new brick storehouse, my brick Dwell ing House and lot, comprising every nccts- sary convenience lor a lamny: ami one vacant building lot 80x400 feet, and three other building lots 100x400 feet each. Terms made to suit the purchasers. R. RJ CRAWFORD. Oct. 24th '83. 3:1m. W1TTK0WSKY & BARUd CHARLOTTE, N.G. Pittsburg, Nov. 8. The Commercial Gazette this evening telegraphed General 1. if. liutler tor his views on the result in Massachusetts aud asking for his pro gramme lor the future. I he following characteristic reply was received : 1 o the editors of the Pittsburg Commer cial Gazette: An answer to vour questions is easy as to the cause of tlie result in Massachusetts. Last year I had one hun dred and thirty-four thousand votes. The largest vote ever polled was in the Gar- held election of 1880. Garfield received 105,000; Hancock, 112,000; 227,000. This year the vote is 3jltS,UUO, ot which 1 have 152,000. This enormous increase increase beeu caused bv the freest use of money, fraud and corruption of of the morning broach t news that the "'y opponents. More votes have been enemvhadnot vet reached Lexington . cast tml" wiH hv 1 ilJ tI,e "t'Xt presidential ; - j tw - T o year. 1 He ,UUO or y.OUO plurality of my opponent was more than lost iu the city of Boston. Massachusetts is, therefore, surely Democratic if I make another State canvass without further gain. When a man has increased the Democratic vote from 112.000 to 152.000 in threo venrs. is bloody minded negro in Southampton there any need of an answer to what mv county, named Nat. Turner, had killed programme will bet lam pleased with somobodv, and with several confederates ,,,e1 ,e8nltf 'ia1 tM have my Vote than - ' I . . . !. ... 1 1... 1 I .kiwi ( . & I . - n- mj circicti i3 i,wvt jn (lint ease 11 would then be said that Massachusetts is and by audjby the mail coach came with still more gratifying news. In the course of a week or ten days it was satisfactori ly settled that the whole thing was little more than a big scare. An unruly and had left their homes and started out swearing terrible vengeance against the white folks iu general. A similar scene was, we think, enacted iu Concord, Charlotte, aud perhaps at many other points south, as the news reached them all in advance of the mails. 4 ' i - H " Afteh 24 Years. The Morgantou Mountaineer relates the circiimstauccs of the murder of John McCall, in Burke county, by a man named John Twiggs, in 1859. Twiggs was couyicted and sen tenced to be hanged. But while awaiting - ll. - iS 1 . .... .V ine uuui issue, escaped jail, tie was re cently arrested in Carter county, Teuu., : where he has a large family,and is now in Rutherford jail awaiting proceedings in t hie case. What will thev be. There are: ouly two married couples in the United States that have lived to gether 75 years, One of these is Joseph Poster, of Westerlo, Albany county, N. Y., who is ninety years and seven mouths old. His wife, of tlie same place, still livihg, is 95 years old, but is insane. a Republican State. She has a large re serve vote which in a Presidential elec tion Wll come out. Now, we have had tin m all out and measured them, and in4 the next Presidential elections, with judi cious platforms aud a popular nomination, at least we should keep all the Republi can men and money in Mnachusett to take care of Butior instead of sending both into Ohio and Indiana to corrupt those States. Bexj. F. Bltlku. The Danville Riot. ; There was a terrible gale about Toron to, iu Canada, on the night of the 11th jnstant. Uiurch spires and chimneys were blown down, mills and houses un roofed, fences prostrated, trees torn up, fcc, &c. It was ; cconipanied by light ning, thunder aud a feat ful fall of Jm)l V e8seljs ere wrecked on lake Erie. r i ft'. 1 1 Dri Zukertort, the German champion chess player, played simnltaueomdy 12 games, blindfold, Saturday evening at . the rooms of the Manhatjen Chess Club, N. Y. By the simple power of bis won orful memory he kept an accurate ac . . oiintof erery move on the 12 boards, f u '' .od eottld at any stage of the game jell P jhe exact position of the pieces. r .6 Geitner's Steam Tannery, in Hickory, v :f. , as we learn from the Piedmont Frets, ., ;i very considerable establishment, occu -'" s j "yihg a building neatly 100 feet long and f ' jf wo stories high- They have 80 vats ! jthe number and buildings to be increased flutif fully eqnaj U He lequiremeuts of a ft - arge business. pt flcv. J. NVH. SummenJI and Rev. A. I .' J,,-Crawford were iec ived from Concord i'resbyUMy sm niiwbei o Ov.ut'ge Pres I ytejy, 'o.v. 8th, Two prisoners in jail at Comanche, Texas, were forcibly dragged out by a mob of disguised men on the 11th, and hung. The crime charged against them is not stated. Three men were blown to atoms at New Orleans on Tuerday by the explo sion of a steam boiler. A iavilur named Jas. Truxhill, was hung iu Rein tuck, j by a mob, after he had been identified by his victim. Mrs. Anna M. Giceuc, celebrated her one hundrel)i birth day at Newport, R. I. Thursday. Rev. T. 0 Thurston was insfalled pai. tor of Hie Presbyterian dhurch in Hicko ry, Nov. 5th, Eliiabeth City Paleoo, (Deni ) This protective tarriff which is so dear to Judge Pool cost the people of this coun try last year at least $1,250,000, or say $X:o tor each mau, woman and child in the United States. Calculating upon this basis the 17,000 people of the Fi'rkt Con gressional District last year paid out the magnificent sifm f $ 4,25O(0bHj on account of this protective tariff. Of this amount the Government received about $850,000, and where did the balance of $3,150,000 got Into the packets of the '"protected" manufacturing corporations! Is this right J Is it just f Is it fajr thai Hid people of this district should contribute $3,U0O,00 an nually for the sole purpose of euricliiug coi porate monopolies f In the neiteneraj Congressionol elec tion in North Carolina aud iu the Na tional erection next year, the State Chro nicle thinks tlie Democracy can do do better than to take this as a model. It is the right line to fight ou. As a purifier, Ayer's Sarsaparllla acts directly and promptly. A logle bottle uiu pryve tSFdmUr Many UwonumIs of people are yearly saved troui duueious levtis o luc ext-rcfee oi a UtUe tLiie y care iu ,ropt:v cieansiinf Ue sjstem by the Suae ot Danville, Va., Nov. 10. At a large meeting of citizens held this morning res olutions were offered and adopted setting forth that lu view ot tlie. gross mis-state ments concerning the not of the 3rd iust. which are being circulated through por tions of the press, it is deemed advisable to appoint a committee of forty w ho shall inquire into all the facts and prepare for publication a true and full statement of the causes aud circumstances leading to the disturbance, and also a statement of the conduct of the white people from the occurrence of the riot to the closing of polls ou the 6th iust. The resolutions also give thanks to the people iu the cities and towns of Virgin ia, North Carolina and Maryland who, iu public meetings, have expressed sympa thy for the white people of Danville uu der the circumstances referre'i to. First' Presbyterian Church Steeple. The architect eiii ployed by the building committee of the First Presbyterian church, has completed his drawings tor the new steeple and the design has been accepted. Beyond all doubt, it will be the handsomest steeple iu the South. The old steeple was IGJ feet high, but the new one is to be 15 feet, twenty five feet higher than the old one. It is to have windows all the way to the top and is to be covered with slate, which will lie Ciippedjvith galvanized iron ornaments. The architect's plans call for tapered timbers 40 feet long, and these will have to be procured at Wilmington, as there are no saw mills in his section of the State capable of furnishing such tim ber. The work of building tlie steeple will not be commenced until next spring, Charlotte Observer. The other day a grocer sold an old far mer a gallon of tar through mistake for molasses. After discovering the mistake he waited to hear some complaint, but hearing none, wrote to the old fellow, who replies as fallows: "Much obliged for the c'reckshun, but it come too late, as all of the stuff is done sopped up. Wife she 'lowed that tllar was sutliin outen tix with the 'lasses j but I 'lowed she must be pregedist." The first Shockly apple ever grown was produced near Pendejigrass, Ga. The first free came from a seedling and was planted over seventy years ago. The old parent tree still stands, and there are thousands and thousands of young trees all over tho South, annually producing millions of bushels of the best apples grown. The seed from which ting tree grew was planted by Mr. C. M. Shockly, seventy years ago. The old man is still living, and this year raised seven water melons from one seed, weighing from fif teen to forty pounds each. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY INDUCE MENTS TO PEOPLE WHO ARE DOING THEIR TRADING BY MAIL. OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT IS SO ARRANGED THAT "SHOPPING" BY MAIL IS RENDERED EASIER AND IS OFTEN MORE SATISFACTORILY DONE THAN IN PERSON. LETTERS OF INQUIRY ARE PROMPTLY RESPONDED TO. SAM PLES SENT, AND ESTIMATES GIVEN. WE GUARANTEE SATIS FACTION DELIVER PACKAGES FOR OVER TEN DOLLARS IN AMOUNT, FREE OF EXPRESS OR MAIL CHARGES, The Last of the Late Midland. We see it stated that an injunction was granted in New York, by Judge Barrett iu the Supreme Court at chambers, in the suit brought by W. E. Denny, as treasur er of the Midland North Carolina Rail road Company, against Wuj. J- Best, its president, restraining the sheriff from parting with the possession of certain hooks of the company which it is alleged Best illegally obtained and retained posf session of until they passed into the cus tody of the sheriff. It is claimed by the plaintiff that about $17,000 has beeu misappropriated by s uiie pursuit and that the books iu question may reveal who that person is. Ex. The Democratic people without regard to class or condition should turn out to their township conventions next year and have a say from tho humbliest to the highest, as to who shall represent them and all agree to abide by the choice of the majority fairly and freely polled. So begin to stir them up. The people must turn out. They are the masters. But if they stick at home aud let only a few men do their thinkiug then the wily politicians are the niasteis. Milton Chroniele. Mr. Tilden is accused now of bringing about the defeat of Butler in Massachu setts for the simple reason that he was anxious to remove him from tho field of Presidential- candidates. It is singula! that nobody has discovered the hand of Mr. Tilden in the trouble between France and China, and yet it is said that he i rr , Keeps two agem iii louquiu ami is in regular correspondence with the Colonel who commands, the Black Flags. WE KEEP EVERYTHING THAT IS NEEDED TO CLOTHE MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS, LADIES, MISS ES AND CHILDREN, INCLUDIMG A COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND MISSES" UNDERWEAR, AND HAVE THE BEST DRESS-MAKING ESTAB LISHMENT IN THE SOUTH. SEND US A TRIAL ORDER. WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. FALL AND WINTER OF 1883. NEW-GOODS ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY, -AND- GIL John Bostian, Thos. B. Marsh, Frank Youno; David G-askill, or any of us Ml A 1 A. win raKe greai pleasure yQU THE LARGEST, Lovliest, Most Stylish and Completest Stock of good GOODS to be found in Salisbury. Truly, J. D. GASJvILI, 1 HE I'm H ilH - 18. 7 Fnrnitnfl! Tlfialp.r Upholsterer AND UNDERTAKER" Ml WALNUT SPITS, i Cottage Suits,2Q,25ani$3fl PARLOR SUITS, 35 to $100 CHEAP BEDS, $2.50. FIHE LINE OF CARPETS. Sewinsr MachinesWeed and Hartford. !.it vaaabe leal Estate Washington, Nov. 12. The wcaiher turned intensely cobl lat night, anil a fieice gale prevailed all over tlie North ern States and Canada, cold and wiud being particularly severe on tbe lakes. Snow two inches deep (ell at some points in Canada, and to a less depth in the State of $ew York and on the south shores of the Jakes. A number of vessels were wrecked on Jake Erie, one near Rochester is ashore aud the enli.e crew is missing. Several others are anchored near the same place showing siguaU of distress, but no one can get. to them. At Troy, N. Y.. snw fell and several hnild i'iti were unrooted aud otherwise daiuaf- ed. State of North Carolina, Rowan County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. J. B. Lameh Against Ritdtord C. Bailey. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Criart that the defendant, Radford C. Bai ley, is a non-resident of this State: It is ordered that publication be made in the "Carolina Watchman,'? for six successive weeks notifying the said Radford C. Bailey to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court, at a com t to be held at the Court House in Salisbury on the nth Mon day after the 4th in March, 1834, and answer the complaint which will be deposited in the oflice the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, w ithin t !:e first three d-ys ot said term. And the said Radford C. Bailey is farther notified that a warrant of attachment, in said action has been issued against his property for the recovery of five hundred dollars and interest, and has been levied by the Sheriff of Davie County upon the said defcudsirtrs "individual interest in A. J 1.'J ,1 I 1 . l C 1 . two nunareu acre i mnn lormeny tne j acre about 3 mi,es from Salisbury, on the property of Santord and Emi y Bailey and j w N C R R, which has in cultivation about adjoining ine lanos .,, oamuei and L-oleman I 50 acre3 ot ag ood bottom land as can be f OR SALE. milfc. stioscriocr Having determined to change his business will sell on easv terms some of the most valuable property in and adjoining the town of Salisbury, viz: The House and Improvements where I now reside house of bric k with 10 rooms 18 feet square, well finished : two brick out-houses with two rooms each, used C ok room and smoke-house and dwelling; also, fine brick dairy good barns and other buildings: good garden and an orchard of nice fruits containing froui 8 to 10 acres ot land all in good condition. Also, two houses and lots iq Salisbury and about thirty good building bits of one aere each, or any size to suit the purchaser These lots are as well located as any in the town. I will also sell two or three small farms of from 25to 100 acres within 1$ miles ot Read Proof ofwoitel Cures Charleston. S. C, July 22, 1SS3. Dk. J. B. Kendall & Co., Dear Sirs: I purchased at Louisville, Ky., a very line Died colt, and la ship ping lie got his nock badly hurtou the outside ot the joint which caused It to swell three or tour times the natural size, which niaue una very lame. 1 men a great many lltdmeuts which tilled to benefit the lnlured part. At last when disgusted, and le.uly to give up the eoltasrulnM. I happened to see your ad vertisement 01 "hen.iau s waster ana spavin c ure, and thought I would give it a trial, I lirst applied the "Blister" to the Iwk widen by this time hau calloused, and to my surprise found It worked like a charm. In twenty-four hours the part t: it w.is hard became soft and tho lameness began to leave. I then got some of "Kendall's Spavin Cure" and ap plied it according 10 directions, which Ins made a perfect cure, anil the colt is now -is sound as any horse alive. I merely write this letter 10 you. as 1 think it a duty I owe 10 you, and also for the good of the public at large. m foregoing statement l will nnuhivu, to, and can also have i ae s inn- verified by the b"st horse men in our city who saw the colt before and alter treatment. Very Bespectfuliy, 12 Chapel St. John Ii, AUNOLD. Belmont N". II., July 2- 1SS3. Dr. n.J. Krlall .1- Co., Geuts: It is with the greatest pleasure that I wish to say to you that I have useu your "Keiui iit s spavin cure- wun ine very best results, having entirely cured a horse af flicted with splint, also another that had a spavin. The cure found to be permanent. I have used it In many other cases ana nnl tuat it does all claim tor it either for man or beast. Pkok. J. 1. Cilley. Galveston, Texas. July 18, 1SS3. Dr. n. J. Ke.id ill .t- Co. : I hereby certify to hav ing used "Kendall's Spavin Cure" on a valuable horse for a curb with entire success and take pleas ure in recommending it in all confidence. 11. KOSENBEKG. f - : ZS I x KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Modesto, Cat , Aug. 9th, 1S82. Ii. J. Ki whin & Co., Gent .' Before coining to this coast, and while at. home. In Lougmeadow, Mass., I had occasion to observe the benefits resulting from the use of your Kendall's spavin Cure. My brother had a young horse which developed a bone spavin which he cured and at the same time removed the enlargement. A Mr. A. K. Mathews also cured a valuable stallion of a spavin, as well as another ac quaintance by the name of B. Combs, both of which came under my personal observation, being In my own town, and a gentleman wlih whom 1 was well acquainted, and in tne interest or the horsemen in this vicinity I offer this rny experience. r Hespectfully yoqrs, Jaxes Qcinn. North Carolina, RoiaiCiilj. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, October ;!!, 1883 ' HANNAH DOUGHERTY, Plaintiff, AGAINST 4 n 1 i 1 1 , ... aou vji niisiev nnu nusiiami. m. Qrinudey ; Elizabeth llii ks-and husband; Win. Hicks; Andrew By ard, Mary Millsaps. Caroline Har met and husband, Sain'l Unmet ; & Eliza Byard, heirs-at-law of Eliza licth MeBryde,dee'd.; Tims Benton McBryde and Elizabeth TJ. Mc- Bryde, heirs-at-law of James Me- V jiryne, ttec eased ; the heirs-at-hrw (names unknown) of John Mc Bryde, dee'd:; the Heirs at law of Wm. MeBrjdedec'd., viz: Rachel McBryde, Susan HeBr de it others (names unknown ;) and the hiirs at law (names unknown) of Thos. McBryde, deceased. DeleDdants. J It appearing tothe satisfaction of tit Court that Andrew Byard, Mary Mills. Caroline Harriet and husband, Sam'llu et; Eliza Byard, Thos. B. MrBrjde, ni Elizabeth H. McBryde ; the heirs at-lar (names unknown) of John-McBryde, deed; the heirs at-law of Win. McBryde. dfc'i viz: Rachel McBryde and Susan McBni and others, names unknown : and thehei at-law (names unknown) of Thos. McBryfc dcc'tL,-are non-residents of this State: S is hereby ordered that publication 1ciin4 in the Carolina Watchman, a weekly nr paper published in the town of Salisbon. tor six successive w eeks, -notifying tfceako" named non resident defendants to bend uppearoit the office of the Clerk nf the Si peri or Court of Rowan county at the CR House in Salisbury, on Monday the 3dd of December, 183, and answer or denuf to the petition which has been filed mm above entitled action ; and it tlicy fait I to a.iswcr or demur, the Plaintiff will app to the Court for the relief demanded it said petition. Jons M. Hop!! 51:Ct Clerkk S. C. BMP! KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Colton, Cal., Oct. 3rd, 1882. B. J. Kendall J: Co. .-While In the employ of C. C. Uastlngs, the well known horseman, of San rran--clsco. In the year ending isso, we had a young horse two years old that contracted a bone spavin and seeing your liniment known as Kendall's Spavih Cure advertised, upon my own responsibility I com meneed using it and within thirty days from that time and after having used only 1 hree bottles the spavin was removed entirely, and there fore I natur ally h ive the utmost confluence In Its merits. I do not hesitate to recommend it to all who havoeca- Ision to use the medicine and should any one desire to comer with me 1 shalljie glad to answer any com munlcatlon relailng to the case in question. Itespectfully yours, John Koadman. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Drug gists have it or can get t for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of pnVebvlhenroprtetors. Dk. B. J. Krndall & Co., Euosbargh Falls, Vt. SHERFF'S TAX NOTICE. I will meet the Tax Payers of county, at the following times "and pl for the Diirnose ofcollectih the State Conntv tax for the vear 1883. The law is rigid ami- JJ ax 1'aven ' earnestly reouested to meet in the towwhifj and settle their taxes. I will make hM1! round, as the law requires no more. UttBlty, at Rice A Bally's store, MoDdartjj SOLD B Y A LL DIl UG GIS TS. 35:ly BA00IN0 & TIES ! GiNNEits will note that I now have on hand and will continue to receive through the season, in order to furnish ALL, Bair Jlinjr and three different kind of Ties, that I will sell at very close prices. Orders by mail filled promptly. Truly, 50:1 J. D. GASKILL. in Scotch Irish, Steel, Mt. Ula, Mt. Vernon, Davis store. Tuesday wedaewr - near Dr. Houston old Place. ThWWHL , At well. fit ( 'i)lem:in rrKiaj . do. Enochville. Saturday China (Jrove, I ltaker. Koocnviiie, cmmmm ,i China (Jrove, Mow ,,1 Bostlan's x Itoads, Tuadaf y t4i 11111 - 1. 'I nni u lfiPSOlij wa lllil, i-rni - , k do. at Kob t Miller s. Tnursday eveplnf ( ( to ten o.doek ii 81 Providence, at Hatter Shops, Friday, itp- t Salisbury, court House, Saturday ;,j Kranklln, " FratiKlin AcaUemy, vg . Locke. " OibsonX - Tueattaj Scotch Irish, ' Uowah Mlils WeilnewW - c. c. KR1OE5.3J of Howan County 50: 4 w NOTICE! T!.. ..1 I C,.,-nr nf thtStfl! 1 nc icmai uiuiuui r ,1 holders of the Western North Cam1 I Hail Road Comnanv will take pw. ci;.!.,. v r, f,irth Wedn in November, 1883, it bcinj,' the 28th o. the ii: 1 ni tli a i Fuu iv Sec'v A-Trf1 Salisbury, N. 0., Oct. 10, 183.-61 TO FiRHi;R I The subscription price of the Watchman is only 81.50. with Kendall's hfolf A the Courthouse. Also, one farm of 182 Tietise on the Horse," free to every sub- . .k..t Ol mlloti fWm I :1 . 1. . ell I lT Foster, Nathan Hain'inc and others, situat ed in Davie county, on the waters of Dutch man Creek.' and that said wnirant of at titehment is returnable on the l)th Monday after the 4tli Monday of j Brpttiuber, 1883. at the Curt IIoije in Sa'.i-lmry, JJ M. tliRAH, i:w Clerk ij V. Uowaa Co. found in the county. Also several valuable GOLD MINING PROPERTIES. For information in regard to the property or invself, I refer to Messrs. Luke Black mer. M. L Holmes, S. H. Witey J J S McCub bins, senior. S. R. HARRISON. November l 1S83. 2m Administrator's Notice ! Those persons bavins claims against the estate of T. W. LowEjty. dee'd, are hereby notified to present the same to me fofipay ment on or before tho ftth day of October, 1884, or this notice will le piead in bar of recovery. 8. H. WILEY, Adin'r. O.-t. 4th, 1883. lm MORGAN'S CIGAR STAND Dp yen Smoke? Chew? CrUi . ...... rt fries Tfff1 t ' i . t eeci stoc k 01 au iuc.-k , ant it tla rwwimliKi nnp nf the Bhf r ... g'mu. . . UAUllt1 wu fm dows of Davjs' Furniture store. Call and . . 1110 id, n can smt vou rr a. t. t It W r- Ir. ?t-rtr." ' ' JlWtli, l r,:H II' ' mi4 am t. tL' -.- sm. i Y JC free look, iumi jrUZ OF Ik.'UiA'tiiTb,