-IJ- j fl- ; J ' - ... . .. I Watchman. barolma tie wLv.4-TaiRB 'SERIES SALISBURY. N. C, NOVEMBER 29, 1883. L wo r Tlie prolina Watchman, STAMJSH?D IN THE YEAR 18S2. For Dyspepsia, C o stive nets, t Sick. Headache, (''.ironic Iiar rltfsa, Jaandic Impurity uf the iwod, Fever and I Ague Malaria, and all Diseases caused i by De- BgeLeat of Liver, Uowela cad Kidneys. afplrOWS 0F A DISK A SED I.IYER. Rla'lireathili'ain in the SHe, sometimes the mi.ukli fur coSiMimption; the patient i j r-lr.esi and debility ; nervous, easilj fett coll or burin;, sometimes a prickiy . -k i m ih Shoulder-blade, mistaken wr rhumti.m general loss of appetite; Boweb -trallv ctiv. s mctimcs alternating with lax; KTheicI is troitUeJ with p.iinris dull and heavy 5k clnsiderae loss of memory, accompanied th a iinfnrseati -n of leaving undone something wL:.u .,hi i BavJ been done : a slielit. do' cough 1 iiibed fac is sometimes. an attendant, often s, easily startled; prickly sensation lu. it;n -'i4s- soirits are low and despondent. Tad aUhou'eh satisfied that exercise would be bene tWial' YCt one "ardly summon up fortitude to JrV iiinJact, lt)itrus'ts every remeUy. Several Sthe ajsove syrpto,f-s attend the disease, but cases have olcurred ihen but fe w of them existed, yet eiaminlttyri aftjtr de:th has shown the Liver to have btfen extensively deranged. It ihotldrbe itsed by all persons, old and youig. wlfcnevcr any of the above 1 sylnptoms appear. PersMss Titvellnj or Living In TJn bealthy 'Iic4iiths, by taking a dose occasion ally to keen theft -iver' injheallliy action, will avoid all Malaria, Hillim avMlMska, Dizziness, Kau tea, Dfjwsiuesl, -Repression of 'Spirits, etc. It will invLorate Ifkea glass of wine, but is no ln txic4ie bvcriig!. If tfu hafe eaten anything hard ot digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep less atiught, tke a dose and you will be relieved. fisoe luid Ioctos, Bill will he saved by uluay keeping the Regulator in the House! for, wiateve.ihe ailment may be, a thoroughly safe' pirfr:Uifi, alterative and tonic can jieverb dut ofjplace. The remedy is harmless ' and d4' uft Interfere with bubiness or pleasure. J if IS rllTRKLY VEGF.TAT1T.E, lad haL all lh power and efficacy of Calomel or Quinirug without any of the injurious after effects. 1 A Governor's Testimony. Sims&nS I.ivkr Regulator has b'-cn in use in my .family ts nit time, and I am satisfied it is a valuable addition to me medical science. , f. J fjtLt Shortek, Governor of Ala. Hon! Alexlaiitler II. Stephens, of Ga., says: Have dved some benefit from the use of Sunmork Livcf Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial, j "Th only Thing that never falls to Believ)." I'hnvt: used many remedit-s f.u- Dys pepsia, (Liver 'Affection and Debility, but never Lave t)nd anything to benefit me to the extent Simtnors Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min nesota A Georgia for it, and would send further for luch a mfeditjnf, and would advi.e all who are sim ilarly affected fo gjve it a trial asTt seems the only tiling that nevr fails to relieve. 4 . ftl. Janney, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T W. Mason says: From actual ex- penengn meiu.se ot Simmons Liver Regulator m Kj praolice 1 siave .been and am satisfied to use pid ptesribe it as a purgative medicine. i - raSelonly the Genuine, which ahvavs has on trie Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and SigiiatuHe of J. II. ZEIL1N & CO. SALE BY A LL PR UGGISTS. Au Humble Confession. Who is that little woman there, With laughing ejes ami dark brown hair And physiognomy so fair ? , My wife. Who's not as meek ns she aoDearsJ And don't beliere one half she hears. ! And toward me entertains no ft ais ? My cousort. - 1 f Who wakes me up on every morning, About the time the day is dawning, My protestations cul ink .scorning f My spouse. Who marks my clothes with India ink And darns my stocking quick as a wiuk, While I sit by and smoke and think ? My frau. Who asks me every day for money;, Witii countenance demure and fuuny, Aud calls me "pretty boy" and "hjouey?" My little woman. Who runs this house both night and day, And over all exerts her sway j j Who's boss o' this shanty, anyway t Mv better half. The Tarantula. Texas Farm and Ranch If Texas prairies excel in! grandeur and lexas flowers in beauty, the 1 ex as tarantula is certainly the! type aud em bod inn ht of satanic .ugliness and viciousuess. At least, so thought the writer at his first view of one in a state of nature. This was an uncom monly large specimen, standiug full four inches high as he marched thro' the grass by the roadside, with all the lordly indepudence of a cowboy at a country dance. He paid no attention to man or horse, as I rode and walk ed all around him, inspecting him minutely oirall sides. At length, a tap of a switch on the grass near him roused his ire. Springing upon a tus sock of grass, he rose savagely upon his hind legs like a bear ready for a fight. At this point, I thought it safest lo put him "out of harm's way," which was accomplished by a single sharp stroke on the neck (or waist. I if you prefer the term), cutting him fairly in two. Ihe blow also severed vein, thus poisoning the stream of blood on its way to the heart. The unfortunate woman died in a few minutes. The ordinary result is to kill the flesh for some distance around the bite; this then sloughs out, leaving a sore which takes months to heal. The above description refers to the large black tarantula, which lives al most exclusively in the "black lands." The writer has heard a great deal about the smaller and less venomous grey or sand tarantula, but as he has never seen one, in a residence of five years in a part of the State where they were said to abound, he has con cluded that the name was applied to the large gray prairiej spider a very respectable, well-behaved gentleman, with about as much! resemblance to the black tarantula, sisasheppurd dog has to a wolf. There is a Texas spider, however that, in proportion to size, is far more venomous than the, tarantula. Its poison seems to per vaide every portion of its body, and if crushed on the hu Pension Swindlers. A dumber of Agents lo be Indicted for Prof. WootVs Lecture-CoHrtship of the '""-""o- Ktmucr ijnaracieriauc at the ai.i p nu,i - .-w --ww vvvw - wW W Spider Life Wonders. In rcnlv to n innnirv Sfi In I, i nniii La I- " - " ' 1 v "! ''IMWW ofMahoae's nddreits GcU. Jubal Early Female. intractable form of erysipelas, audi hi possible the head part might have run ; oil, as they are said to do sometimes. 1 he tarantula is our largest and A private letter, dated Danville, Va., Nov. 21st, gives a citizen's account of the tour hinder legs, upon which he the state of public feeling in that place j was standing, and which are its chief before aud since the late riot there, as means of locomotion ; otherwise it is : sometimes sloughingj of the part to follows : ; "Well, congratulate us. Our noble old State is once more free I 'Bunko Billy' no longer rules. But I tell you j it was scarry times with us for a week; or so. For two weeks before the riot the begroes went armed all the time and tried iu every way they could to provoke the white people They ciowded in the Washington, Nov, 22.The com missioner ot pensions has sent the Boston Advertiser. DrLAH"6 ?ennl f-T ?ge0tS t0 I TUe evening in the Low- Ll lnTl Clk fr T eH by Professor Wood, T 8r?,,d lvy tOV lUt' 1 dealt With ,he l''enomea of spider life XiJii? t ",ildTZ- l I?1" He began with a humorous account of the ttTthZ H,U8antl.thU,g courtship of the spiders. The female is &tm- 3JZ$"T fiercer and much larger than the male. vt iuciii mat UllUUIUIB Have been sent to create the ... t . uie Buiuiers can o main iipinhihs in . ... some case,. It is believed that agents Cflf',f ,i. T? of the firms have visited some sec- 1 !nr!u i f f ' rT1 11' tlonsof the South to procure "eh 1 JTUh "T applications. The whole affair is a r i f ' J? M fraud, as no such application. 'Zt?? ftm' ta , tlof? be entertained. and the " AccoraingIy, saia the lecturer, there is never any occasion among them to hold a woman's rights evident th. 0- ,..,, l "T auu ,,mt" iar8er ",, t,,e mal-1 rear l'01 ,ias intimated that iu the thrnni :! ! i T,lert is to th - W 'is e8t dw V there is a lower deep still. Lhert vemeorldieyisnot a au uo longer be said to bo true. Mi mn' nKfi i!l2a.r Phmse of poetry or seut'ment with the has sounded the dehs of infamy can entertained, and the sole purpose of the agents is to prevail upon those they dupe to pay a f V. W I r 1 1 a fee. Witnesses have been summoned in these cases. If ex-confederate sol- . . . Idiers or their friends in the South man skin, it causes a most violent and j will send any circulars they manv which the poison juices are directly applied. Of this, the writer has had two cases in his owd practice, and a most formidable representative of the ' third has lately occurred iu the per- Arachnida, or spider family. A well- j son of a prominent physician fuCen- grown specimen will measure nearly or quite four inches from head to tail, while the thickest part oft as large as a broom stick. tral Texas. In both my own cases, the spider was crushed so that itsspe- streets and the ladies would baveitowalk ssts (as in other spideri) of two off the side walks, for they never gave j gants or divisions (insects have Wo i.u.i tn tnt in.Ls1a.iiM. i.fvprr three), which we call "for sljort. head ki,ul. Rm twifl i nnit a MWrno aud taiI though these terms are not now. Wehav.anew council al.d now scientifically correct. The head, which le body is ! cial character could not be made out; but it is a small black house-spider. The bodv FOR IN It PURCHASED r Entire Stock of ODS GO FORMERLY BELONGING T O- BLACKKEE & TAYLOR. ' .... i 77 y I carry on the HARDWARE BUSINESS rl 11' ' in all its branches, including Wagons, police, although the old police are serv ing their time out. The night of: the riot is covered with a very touch shell. ends in front in a pair of liuge jaws, Fire at Jackson Hill. ItlC lllVJt UIIJV VMM. 1 IIU illlll oi utv i mi . . - . , . - t . i i i t i i t i placed side bv side, the opekiincr ol the a delegation of citizens waited on R. the 1 . , , . ... 1 1 , : . mouiu oeing vertical insieuu oi Hori zontal, as in the higher anjmals. At Bjtiggies, All kinds of Agricultural lements AMaclJinery, RIFLE. Jnd BLA5TIXG POWDER, niimjte dhd all kinls of Minina HnnJt m I prcsideut of the Council, aud effected au arrangement by which personal sale tvaud the public quiet was ub doubt secured. I never knew such an excite ment before, but it has all blown over, and everything is quiet along thef Dan at this time. Walter Holland is improving but slowly. Four negroes in all have died. Three were killed out right that evening. One has died since." Tropical North Carolina. Farmer anil Mechanic. Owing to the near approach of the'Gulf Stream to the coast oi North Carolina, there are one or two counties of the State whose climate is as warm as that of Flori da. A Maj. W. h. Young, who has given the climate close study for ten years, claims that we have a scini-tropical area of con siderable extent, the mean temperature of Smith ville, be inn 66 the same as Mo bile, Ala. '1 his gentleman has drawn a (map de fining a section of about 1.44K) square utiles which he tenusas the sugar belt of North Carolina. Smith's Island, the extreme cape of the coast line that forms the two angles of a square, is located at tho focus of the warm area. It has 10.000 acres of fertile laud free of frost all the year. The Louisiana sugar eaue has been grown hji several couuties for oyer twen ty years, and is becoming quite an indus try. I live about 75 miles from the focus of the warm area Smith's Island) aud twen ty miles from outer liue of the sugar belt area. By improving upland I made last year 2,250 pounds of sugar aud 120 gal lons of molasses to the acre, and Maj. Young thinks that as the wild olive and sable palmetto and other tropical plants grow upon Smith's and Oak Islands, without dubt orange tiees could also be successfully and profitably grown upon these islands, if not upon the adjacent islands also, E. M. MiDpUETON. Warsaw, N. C. Last Friday morning about nine o'clock, tire broke out iu Benjamin Carroll's house and soon spie d to two other dwelling houses and a store house belonging to Mr. Carroll and his son, Eli. In a short time all were 1 1 1 .l.i a the lower extremity of eadh jaw is a reduced to ashes, together with corn Irm.r IwwdoH t.w.ii. i:.r! in,.t ti.o'cribs, cotton tsiu, i liree hundred bush- size and shape of the claws of a cat. When not in use, these iare folded close under the head, pointing back ward ; but when excited, the animal can throw them forward, at least to a right angle with the bodyj In addi tion to those fangs, it has two Jointed stings, almost an inch long, near the end of the tail. , On each side of the part ve have called the head, are five logs, one of which is usually curie' up beside the head, another directed forward, while the others are used iu walking. Eich leg may be from fonr to! six iuches long, and nearly as large as a goose quill. Each consists of six joints, not counting tbe foot, which is shaped much like that of a dog, but narrow er. At the end arc two hooked claws, .-I Ik iiiiiin I In il .in . . l ...... I . viiiiuii uic usually uiunu uueft uuu i t r r it vr . . . . , piece made by Mr. W. H. Aewbeury concealed in their sheaths, but ean be v. 1 ru. iJ . i :.i .1 els of wheat, two threshing machines, a mower, buggy, sulky and other val uable property. There was only a small stock of goods in the store. All the books and papers were hist; but what money there was in the store was saved. Very little of the contents of the houses was. rescued from the flames. The fire is supposed to have caught from a spark from the chim ney. The loss is about five thousand dollars. JNonc of the property was insured. iSew buildings will shortly be erected in the place of those burn ed. Davidson Dispatch. mve received, or any information within their knowledge showiug the pay ment of fees in such cases, to Dis trict Attorney Corkhill, steps will be convention. The spider's thread is innu merable small threads or fibers. One of these small threads has been estimated to be one 2,000,000th of the thickness of a hair. The spider spins three kinds of thread. One kind is of great strength, and of this the radiating or spoke-lines of the web are made. The cross lines or taken to punish these agents who w,,at a 8ailor '"'ght call the rattlins, are have defrauded them. Ancient Ruins. Ancient ruins, which surpass any thing of the kind yet discovered on the fiuejr, and are tenacious ; that is, they ha c upon them little specks or globules of a very sticky gum. These specks are put ou with even iuuer spaces. They are set quite thickly along the line, and are what, in the first instance catch and hold ; the legs or wings of the fly. Once caught guvs ins opinion tun: l "In reply to year iyejuiry a to my opinion of Ms hone's remit n., I t-au ouly say tln;i the English hinguugti is not sufficiently strong to m p ly character ize the ittfemcfis iu:tuie of the prodnctiou aud the infinite baseness of its falsehood. I most say, however, that it is eminently worthy of Ms hone and the minions who have assisted him in its composition. A great ioet has intimated that in the low- That Muhone depths of infamy and rendu d a solid bottom below which it is impossible even Un him to penetrate." PATENTS P0-o$.J!e Scmrrmc Ajrawuir, wuur wjq, mm ymawin ior i-aionia, UT : 1 1 .v.... 1 llB UWU 11 Una li . nn t .. n,..., u !... found 11. bouora about four leagues threads flung over it omewht in the southeast of Magdalena Mexico. ( niaillier oftl)e lnsso. The third kind of Ihere is one pyramid which has a silk i. that which the spider throws out ? V r I u x t U I,e,g,!t iu a M wWlv Of 7o0 feet It has a winding road- envelopes any prey of which it is sou,;. v:iv ll'nm flip ml fnm om in., hu n. I . . ... J j wuat atranl, as, for example, a wasp. A scientific experimenter once drew out from the body of a single spider 3,580 yards of thread or spider silk a length a little short of three miles. Silk may le woven of spider's thread, and it is more glossy and brilliant than that of the silk- easy grade to the top, wide enough for carnages to pass over, which is many miles in length. On the sides of this mountain a people of an un known age have cut hundreds upon hundreds of rooms from five by ten to -Sixteen or eigtneen leet square. , . c , rP1 & . t r ,., i worm, being of a golden color. An en , . , i thusiastic etymologist secured enough of stone, and so even and true are the r . , , , 11 a ... , , it ior uie .-cavni'i 01 a suit o: ctoiues loi walls, noorand ceiling, so plumb and r . VIV it t . i n ... iii LjOUIS IV. ivvi, io iw iisiy vai iciiuii, a. uci c , no windows to the rooms, and but Superior Workmanship. A few days ago while passing the office of Mr. JE&. Pembcrton we were called in to look at the new style mantel- Tt 1 Jill . 1 , r T 11 !!" '.. 1 1, n f ic t f 1 1 lit thrust out at pleasure, like those of . , . L ', . t . . i unu 1 f t w t in 1 1 f'nr 1 ' ir iiiii the cat. Nearly the whole animal is . , ',' . uj? t 1 P '. is uaiioaouieiv pucs. 1h shflrt, every thing ordinarily found to a First (lass Hardware Establisment. MOVE TO THE eely Corner Vhere I vfJbe nleiased to see all nersona iWwish I purchase Hardware jjfcOR CASH, E NO BOOKS or Accounts. I WILL ia 6TAUlo ties indebted to Blackmer Tayl fctUement requested to make immediate Their accounts will be in he hind "ettlement. Qeteher 11 or aid IB il i 1 ill W, ls: The Chicago Times, a non-partisan pa per, takes tho following practical view of the negro problem : "He is here, as he is there (in the South) 'at the mejrcy of the men wlio care for him only as he can be used for their advantage.' He cannot compete with persons of the white race here any better than he can there. Though he possesses and enjoys here, without the least hindrance, all the civil rights of white citizens, au equal social status he" does not possess, nnd cannot have the least hope of ever attaining. Though he should five among us forever, j his situ1 tiott would remain the same, unless hu man nature should undergo a change which there has hot yet appeared any reason to expect." 9 "I MiS. .1(XVI .who will make Xkw Orleans, Nov.. 83.- Capitalists and bankers from Alabama and this city have agreed to establish a bank at Bir mingham, Ala., with a paid up capital of $200,000, and an authorized capital of 300.000. Thev will begin business as soon as the building uow being construct ed is coiunleted. which will he about March 1st.- II''. iblWWl 1 1 la llO I'O covered with black, shaggy hair. It i 1 ii -.ir . . . to.-7 . . , never seen anything like it before, makes its nest in a deep hole in the MM , . r- :, i i ... i . . - i ii i 1 he design is very attractive ; it looks ground, from which it seldbni emerges, ,-. 4i L c i b . . i i r ' something like tlie topot a verv hand- except at night and m tlamp weather. i i " i i r .? , . , ,. . ' . .. . some organ, and wc imagine would Its food is tielieved to consist of spi- , , . i , ii i i r ... 1 jadd very much to the ;o iks of a room ders and ms-cts We Ullicr8laiul t!lht Ml. Newbeurv VVheii enraged the tar-uitala stands inlomU maUi j eiah of erect on the four hinder legs, bra. niish- k jm of wwrk Th mail(ei.llit.ce was ng the tore logs, darting its t'p ; n,aJe at Mr. PembciWs mill, but in and out and snapping its jaws like, mogtoniework h lone wil a an angry dog. It is said to possess 1 ,nr ,. extraordinary leaping powers; that it . Mf deserves much credit dan jump tiiree ieet nigii anil six ieet, on a level ; but this we will not vouch for. A lady told the writer that as she was sweeping her house, she was startletTtj see a large tarantula in the act of entering the door. With a stroke of the broom she knocked the intru der several feet iuto the vard. The en raged creature turned and made one leap Irom the ground, up five or six steps to the door sill. She at once clapped her broom upon him, and suc ceeded, with no little ilifficultj iu holding him down till help came, aud the "bug" was .dispatched. I was also told by a credible witness of one leap ing from the ground to the shoulder of a mule, and indicting a bite from which the animal never rocovered. A friend of the w riter engaged ain emigrant, fresh from the Emerald Isle, to dig a well for him. Going out to see how the work progressed, he was somewhat surprised when the son of Erin suddenly swung a large taran tula within a few inches ot his em ployer's face, with the query : "Mis thcr Bradley, is this a young bar?" Mr. B. says he made a most astonish ing backward leap, rivalling those credited to the tarantula itself. The creature must have been stunned or benumbed with cold, for he made uo hostile demonstrations. Much as this creature is dreaded, the writer has been able to learu of but very Jew authentic cases of its bit ing a human being, and of only one iu which the bite was fatal. That one was a Mexican woman, who was bit ten in Waller county many years ago while sleepii g on the ground. It is supposed tho tarantula crawled into her open hand, which she instinctive ly closed upon feeling tiie hairy crea ture, whereupon the latter instantly one entrance which is always from the top. The rooms are eight feet high from floor to ceiling. On the walls are numerous hieroglyphics and representations of human forms, with feet and hands of human beings cut in the stone on different places. Lick Observatory. A little Xorwalk boy got a sliver iu his foot, and a motion to poultice the wound made by his mother aud seconded by his grandmother, was carried iu spite of hi objections. He kicked and screamed and protested that he would not submit to any such indignity, but the majoiity agaiust him was two to one, and the poultice was made ready. It was arrang ed that the grandmother should apply the poultice while the patient's mother stood over him with a stick, with author ity and instructions to apply that also if he made the least show of resistance "When all was ready the youngster was placed ou the bed and operations began. As the hot p tiltiee touched the boy's Marks. CqpyrUfhU, for tbe Uattd State. Krurlaad, France, Germany, etc Hand Book -Bienia aem rree. "i iiiny-WTen roars' expi . Patents ohtalnoil tlir, uirhMCNN A CO. are In the SCiENTi pic A at khican, the Lament. b naoat widely circulated scientific, paper. S3.3U a year. Weekly. Splendid enirraTtnirs and Intereaun law formation. Snecimpn copy of the Scientific A mer. lean sent free. A ddireaa MUNN & CO., SriKxnno America- Oflloe. 251 Broadway, New York. 1 Bernhardt Bros. AEFKOW IiECEl VIAri A FLL AND COMPLETE LtSE OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES AND GROCERIES, And desire to call attention to their NEW DEPARTURE. Iu tnis they offer to the Farmers a good . selection of X. FARMING IMPLEMENTS, , SUCH AS Wagons, Plows of all Descrip tionsCast, Chill and Steel; PLOW-STOCKS, CULTIVATORS, SULKY" PLOWS, AC, &C. They also have the Best Sewing Machines. Thev arc A-enU for the PIow- Branii Gnano FOR WHEAT As good as can be bought in the market. "Call and be convinced that their house is the place for Farmers tt get what they necdT Respectfully, BERNHARDT BROS. 51:lyj f'r the workmanship. Fayetteville Observer. Mineral Property. Not far from the Mecklenburg line, in the county of Charlotte, on the farm of James A. Barnes; situated amid rug ged and rocky cliffs, near Staunton river, can be seen an old mine which tradition says was worked over a hun dred years ago fbrigolik Excavations to the depth of eighty feet have been made, and minerals of some kind, cither gold, silver or copper, aic plainly visible. Recently a miner from North Carolina visited the place and offered Mr. Barnes $3,500 for 100 acres surrounding the mine. Th offer was declined. Without ths mine the land is! almost valueless. Who knows but In some future time these old hjills willjpan out a fortune for Mr. Barnes and his children ? ClarkesviUe Virginian. During the past year the construc tion of the Lick Observatory on Mt. Hamilton, Santa Clara county, Cal., has advanced rapidly, ami it is now possible to gain an idea of the mag nitude of the undertaking. Of the 700,000 beque ithed for the purpose, ft ,lA Mlu.11(1(1 .: ,1,Ii1 t mv k..w. froin$3o0,000 to $400,000 will be ex- thing but hU lnotliel. wi, theislk.k avvrd peiidcd upon buildings and apparatus ,-u to ,Iece Aj,aiu tllc hov Mlve ttl and the rest will be invested for the iunke himsieu-inaul and again the up support of the observatory. Captain v;iiHed stick warned him to keep quiet. h razicr, who is in charge of the work, lu a miuufe tm, 1jce WJ8 hrml has introduced several important dc- iy tiace, and the bor a tucked up iu vices in Ins plans, the most mipor-; (o the mcUciue lain o, wuicn concerns u.e ievo.v.g a1 ot the dome, for which the drawings have beeu made and approved by em inent architects. The observer sitting Lin his chair is to direct the movement of the dome (the chair revolving with it) by means of a lever connect ed with the pneumatic apparatus which fur u is lies the power. . I. I . il t !. . s worn. .i me tiicuiii ior- j mentors moved away a siuiil small voice came from under the bed clothes: "You 've dot it on the wrong foot !" Wise Words. Death of a Respected Colored Citizen. On the 12th inst., Thomas Drake, well-known as "Old Tom, the Lui , inspiration Fik)1s will often make success where prudent people fail. We cannot, become liberal unless we avoid petty motives. The bane of distrust will tend " to ex tin - d Our boy saw iu a Western Igrieultarftl I fl.a -itl iTh Fnl-.nrn nf" Shpftii BLACKMER mA11 about lambs, I suppose' said MVHu'ried Us fangs in the palm of hea . . . ' L.i m I Mini iimltiiiili- uniiiulcti a lar?r Smart liov. lie. r- j- - e Blltcllcr,,, was buried by the Imlepen- dent Company. He was the drum mer for this company for many years, and loved it with a sincere devotion. He was well and favorably known, al ways conducting himself in an order ly manner. We are pleased to print in this issue resolutions of respect to him, as he is deserving of then. The death of "Old Tom" reminds us of another, Isaac Hammonds, the old li fer, buried just across the creek from Cool Springs. Foyetteville Observer. It is said that glass is gradually be giuuig to take the place of wood and iron in the const ruction of bridges in England. The inventor makes blocks of glass which he hardens by a special process. In solidity it is suit! to leave nothing to be desired. The experi ments already made have given sur prising results, and the cost is below that of bridges of wood or iron. Moreover, the glass cannot lw? injured by insects like wood, nor rusted like iron. The Scientific Aiarrican s:iys that the deepest sea-sounding ever made was made in the Pacific- Ooean, near the entrance to Bekrig'sScu. ii it torn was struck at 4.655 fathoms. The The Largest Man in the State Dead. TheNewbcrn Journal's Snow Hill correspondent says : Capt. Jas. F. Jones, one of jour largest cotton planters, died at ilie home uf Dr. J. G. Britt, this eounty, a few days ago. During life he reached the enormous weight of 495 pounds; in all probabil ity the largest mad know in the State." ATfew years siuce Mr. Jones was said to be twelve feet in girth, and his weiglvt was estimated at 700 pounds He had a buggy made specially for iiis use, and thedporways in Uis house were all of a double size. He would novar nprmh himself to be weighed. being very sensitive on that subject . ' cast wns made from the United SutesJ He was a man of means, and very schoolshiji Tuscarora. The shall. w- clever though extremely singular Ml est water in the middle oi tne Atian some 'respects. He married a very 1 tic, 731 fat hem, shows the 8iilwiUnce cngag ng little lady of hiscounlv of mountains 10,5M feet,. josiEDto I jBSw8SPTMaW0HF!y " 'iAaaaaaaaWlaffM ':3fyftiHBJBBHaMMBalaaaaafaay Honesty of purpose must uot be held as evidence of ability. Next to lore sympathy is tho diviuest passion of the human heart. It is no vanity for a man to pride him self ou what he has honestly got and pru dently uses. Ideas generate ideas : like a potato, which, cut in pieces, reproduces itself in a multiplied form. To endeavor to work upon the vulgar With line sense is like attempting to hew a block of maible with a razor. There is au unfortunate disposition in a mau to attend much more to the faults of his companions which offend him, than to their perfections which please him. "Do you want to kill the child !" ex claimed a gentleman, as he saw a boy tip the baby out of its carriage ou the walk. Xo-Ut quite," replied tbe boy, 4but if j I cau get him to bawl loud enough, moth er will take care ot him while I go and wade iu the ditch with Johuny Bracer." ffcfe . STOMACH lTTfS T'.iou jli sliakt-i) !ii -M i v j ii:l ami HltfT WMk lt i . ..ml o.' Ii!. Mt n ini. Ii lit. lb f -I Ill 1I1TT) It! lL'!.ll 1 1 . -tl : ill' lll.illg is . ; t v i t-; i - .!: lluntt'lU'i S.i miirli Un 'i r.w l'niicct liu- ay.-itnn l&iul il Vila) ll.i- In :.c.;cpt;t iui!i-i?i:;niilir, whicli If' f.i.hrnu.ire a aiiHTHtf irfcf for llvar i oi-.ipl.ijis: , i-":itii;ii.n, (lysH-sin, drMU itv. rtumiiiatijiJUy-.kidm-y troubltr Ua4 oih r iutinviiU. For syte by all Ditis;irists and Dealers gtm-rally. CHILLARINE ! CEILLAHINI CHILLI KINK, the Great CHILL CUil of the day. Wakii.:.ted t CUHK er tiine or the mh.j.v UEKCXD"-. For sme only at . F X NISS' Drug Store.. ASTHMA CURED! XiSagic Asthma Cre. PerM flicted with this distressing coskpladnt should try this Medicine. A few hours um will entirely remove all oppression, and the patient can breath and sleep with perfect ease and freedom. Price $1. For sale at LXXISS' Drug Store. DRS. J. J. & E. M. SUMMEBELL OFFICE : COIIXER MAIN AXD BANK STREET OFFICB HOURS : 8 to 10 a. . and 3 to 5 p. M. 37 J. Tt. KEEN. Salisbury, H. C. Agent for PHIEN1X IBP fflHl Eaatnes, Boilers, Saw Mills, - AND TURBINE WHEELS Also. Contractor and Builder. Ja x-,'ivl. -I

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