i ft! LjOCAL. f&DAY, DECEMBER, 27, 1883. TtfUJ Subscription Rates : Bill ription rates of the Carolina ine as follows : 0 pnid in advance, $1.50 jL-M.'t delayed 3 iiio'2.U0- port del'ed 12 wo' 2.50 1 ymrl pay of the geiitlcmeu exect to call u sw ye Jay -o- ir an ceiit of the Department of t.itil-ruie, tlie Mining Editor received ait numitevB f last Rulletin, which nlistribte with this issue to tho home reader, t -o Tl flavor suspended the ordinance nrohihitliijtlie explosion of craekeri and il . . . . .!.! Tl. ' fire-works during the holiday. The lit' " S- J w Young Auii'i ieaii heart rejoieelh and the noi-e of hi rejoicing is heardhe niutn uut his j I : rof. IV. H. Neave has gone to Lyucli tofgrVl'.i1 attend the" Musical Conven tion, before which body he hasbeeu invi ted to dili rer a lecture. : o Ou last Thursday evening the Snlis- L v I .1 L .. .... t M..I. Mrji -i iluliMi til tllA hill V 1 1HMLIC ' " " BV . cuiiTjrei of the tuwa. It la spoken T ait ft i.ivoiis oficasion inr i lie iiuie ioiks. :1 ' Tllie hldifs Aid Society '.gave a stippir r i . - . . in tllie Cr; wford buttdiug on last Friday evbi"g for pifrcla he proceeds U, go t tike fund iu a parsonage lor the Medio iist ehtircfi The proceeds' were tairl ' reiiiuiaTgitfvi' -o- TheSdlieay school of die First Presby. tcrian Church enjoyed a very pleasant Christinas feye.' A handsome tree, hung with preiells was the absorbing thing of jttcest lt tlie little, ones. Mr. E. B, .Sae rj'idered several cornet solos in his usuallbl-illiaut style. The Siiday school children of the Episcopal i hurcli enjoyed like pleasures. A Very 41 given tlieii gregatioui tractive Christinas tree was by the members of that cou- -o- We have no horrors to report this week j ' a. j d. result i from the use of Christinas liiptoiM. jtiir .community, .we trust, will go thronglijthe holidays without t thing t niar the liappiuess. -o Tnoiroif iiBKfcu Jehseys. Mf. J. M. IlaidfouJi f MilllJridge, Rowan county, bus received live thoroirglibred Jersey UNjis and li filers within tire last month. HfiroMisc 4 to raise no other kind. - I Jlr. M. flatlnii, member of the New Yark StoiK Exchange, and Mr. Charles L. (Jately f New Yark, are spending their holiil; ys as the guests of Mr. J. D. htuwart, l Dunn's Moantatn miue. They eawe diwi fully cquipted for hunting, so fat! Iiave been very successful in hMniiu: ifisiderable game. They ex press.theiMelves as'beiug nuite pleased with tiiiskijut of the country. WE WANT Him OR WO RELIABLE, INDUSTRI- tlS U;S IN EVERY TOWN AND -coin; Y TO SELL OLTS POPU LAR BOOKS. tr riberajinduecments. Applicants will se i'ivdliLroiexDerienee df anvY and re- please giva terencea a 1 0 ' . 1 . to character and habits. A Splendid Chance for men who are not afraid to work iimt want to make money. Apply in nelson ort Iv letter to B. F. J0HNS0IT& CO., 1013 Main Str, Kiehmond, Va. REPORT OF THE BOARD "f 'OF County Coiimi8sioner8 of Rowan Co., Showing l!ceipts and Expenditures of the Board fol the Fiscal Year, Ending De cember Islj r j itECKirrs: To Ain't trtxes collected as per tax list To Ain't frfm merchants, tra- lo Ain't tVoin Shows, Cou- cer ts eke, lu-Anit tiftu H. N. VVoodsou 'or inutriage licenses, $9,(8.14 645.27 256.01 171.00 Total $10,710.42 Pi. ouoject t fedit for llVuti.l l. ' . "vuiuges iiimi - snentt s q,H.Cs "mf at oper , Hill., V . 511.52 $991.52 $9,718.90 IKr.r i.w... Thd folluwiiii' an.n... ...,;.i . 10 u J Haltoni. hiiil.ro " .1 V U li- o iierctiui , ..Ml J I Unljitiso,, - a 111 oe Geo "I , do- m Udhertson, 4 00 1000 300 20 25 425 22 00 3 00 10 00 10 00 4 00 14 00 1 00 69 92 9 00 2 00 1 30 3 50 iroo 25 00 42 00 241 75 200 00 55 (XI 30 00 18 00 3 47 6 19 200 31 12 1 89 2 86 5 50 R A CL .iT"'' W 1 i ti 11 i M . . ti li U it S Bostl, i ,(.1) 2rsion, J S r tf?T " ige WW 1 1 li; m H S br idge lumber vT n in " ,kVi ti Me 53 .fc. J J A Keid " Klu Us it Re mile man, rep's on New Mucksville road W H Host , causwa v for pub. road DaVid Riovrn, repairing do. J L Rusher, canswny do. 0 W Atw U, 1 epaii ing do. S A Earnhart, icmov ing tree out of ereek V W & J C Turner, iioles put in ptilic road J L Rusher, do. do. VV H Trexler, rep'rs 00 jaS M J WeaNt, u " feiie J A Hudson, lumber for 44 C F Baker, fence posts 5 50 34 65 2 50 3 00 3 00 250 600 3 00 1 20 125 1355 26 00 5 80 25 400 6 75 1 00 1 25 48 61 18 55 1 60 700 14 93 70 35 22 55 43 43 83 20 1 00 80 10 65 Ed (10 well, rep 'is oil jail Ed Uauble, " Court C F Baker & Co. do. &c. Eil Cauble, do. Bingham it, Co. stationary J D McNeely, coal for Jail C C Krider, expeuse account D A At well, hardware Meruoey Si Bra. 1 ep'rs on Clerk's office Klutt & Rend letnan, jail supl's W G McNeely, boarding jy G J Long, conveying lunatic colored asylum T F Kluttz & Co. stationary to Edwards, B. & Co. blank Theo Hue 1 ban in, stationary G W Wriglrt, ice for covrt room D A At well, hardware C C Krider, ex. couvey ing Harry Smith to asylum 27 John Eacle do. do. M Eagle 17 Jacob Bostiau, coffin for pauper 2 75 R A Shimpoeh, burial ex. puiper 9 60 Dr. M L A 1 eh v , post m ort. exam'n 10 00 " JV Shaver, servic ua ique& 2 54 I) R Julian, juror on inquest 1 3 1 50 0U 50 50 50 50 W H Julian it Win Howard J J Bell Peter Fulls G J Long W C Rose Jas M Boslian R S VV Sechler G K Oveicash G V Iseuhoiir J A Plaster Jidin Beard P J Swink J 1 Trexler M L Mclutyre G J Long J A Cook Lewis King R S VV Sechler R A Corriher 1 F Patterson H R Plaster T M Kerns M Eller Peter Long J A Lndwick T C Linn 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 PDLiun L S Overman, att'y. State vs John Brown j J W Muuney do do T Bailey, feeding Potter's wolf 500 5 00 50 G W Smith, jail fees for one year 483 94 J r Gowau, Kegistrar of voters 10 31 W R Fralev tt 285 V A Thomason Jesse Fowl ass J K Graham VV F Watson Joseph McLean John A Lipe P A Sloop A VV KlutU F H Mauuey J W Miller B C Arey 3 81 4 11 5 46 4 77 360 2 70 360 306 3 51 333 5 16 J A Re mil email, Judge election T C Bernhardt " 350 s 00 A S Riehurdsuu F D Irvln H C Bost A L Hall J B Foard John Y Riee Mitch el Carson Cathew Rice Levi PoWlass James Hellard J K Culbertson W G Watson J H A Li p pa i d VV A Lackey Thos Nibiock J M Harrison J K Goodman SAD Hart J M Goodman M A Bost T J Sumner John L ingle J P Wiseman John E Jamison J R Weddington J L Erwia J M Coleman VV T H Plaster C A Rose H J Overcash J A Isenhour M A J Roseman J L Rendleman ESP Lippard J P Rymer Dau'l Prick Hen i v Kluttz C A Miller M J Burger J A Coleman W T R Jenkins J A Gill R A Shimpoeh Wiley Bean J E Wyatt J E Shaver Atlas Kirk Alex Lyerly George Lyerly Lewis Agner Jos A Pool D A Pool John Sloop J L Goodnight Charles Cbrrell G A J Sechler 11 K U II II tt tt it tt II it tt tt tt tt ii tt tt (( u tt If II l( tt tt li u l ft it ii tt ft it it it II ii if if t i tt ft ft if it II ft if ft if f( 3 50 3 50 2 74 300 400 300 3 00 300 300 300 4 50 4 50 3 00 3 00 300 4 50 300 3 00 I 50 3 00 300 4 50 3 00 300 300 300 4 50 300 450 300 300 300 3 00 4 50 1 1 1 50 50 50 50 00 1 3 3 00 300 300 4 50 3 00 300 1 50 3 00 300 3 00 300 1 50 1 50 300 3 00 4 50 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 26 00 28 00 28 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 6 00 600 600 800 800 8 00 10 00 10 00 1000 9 00 7 00 700 10 00 12 00 10 00 11 00 11 00 11 00 12 00 800 8 00 G A Kluttz, clerk of election J M Brown " J C McCubbins " S B Hart " Rosena Rostian , use of house for election J L Boslian, for ballot boxes P N Heilig, assessor J P Gowau J A Hediick J C Miller Wilson Trott H C Bost M S Fraley G R McNeill Rich'd Cnlbertsou " Jesse Pow lass VV G Watson VV L Steele J K Graham Jesse W Miller J K Goodmau VV L Keistler Caleb 'Barge r J M Harrison S M Furr J F McLean J L Sloan C H McRenzie Pleasant Wise R F Graham ohn Sloop J L Sifford E R Blaekwelder 1 1 tt tt tt tt tt t . tt tt . tt ti tt tt ft tt tt tt J F Smith J H Heilig J D Rendleman A W Kluttz M A l'espei nnn G M Reriihaidt J VV Miller P C Shaver J i Newman S A Earnhart Cornelius Kesler Lewis Agner tt 1 u u 18 00 18 001 a 1U1 f JO W 16 00 16 0(1 16 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 13 00 11 00 11 00 245 50 71 20 00 12 00 14 00 16 00 11 00 20 00 16 21 1800 16 00 14 00 J4 00 20 00 20 00 50 00 71 68 05 28 00 26 00 44 00 398 21 6 40 20 67 1 10 80 30 600 tt tt tt o it it M L Holmes, Mayor W L Kluttz, tax lister Wll.nn Tmtt U G K McNeill Jesse Powlass Jesse VV Miller W L Keistler J F McLean C H McKeuzie John Sloop J F Smith A VV Kluttz J W Miller S A Earnhart tt 11 . Blackaier and Henderson, Att'y Black mer,Hende: son & Price " C F Waggoner, sheriff CC Krider Jos Dobftott, solicitor R B Glenn " J W Mauney " J If Horah, clerk of court Phi Alexauder, i, P. Andrew Murphy t t. tt ft tt ft D Barringer W R Fraley J W Miller VV A Thomason T G Haughtou 1 30 J A Lipe J F Sim th 1 70 1 30 i C A Guffy 60 C H McKenzie " 4 70 J K Graham " 70 , J F McLean " 1 00 D L Bi ingle 2 00 J F Cowan, deputy sheriff 8 85 Calviu Klutta " 1 20 G A Klutta " 14 57 R H Kluttz 14 97 H M Leaser " 8 3L E Miller " 5 40 S D Morrison 44 15 J H MeKenzie " 11 55 J M Monroe " 24 15 D Pen ninger " 5 25 R P KoHemau " 13 13 M A Smith " 38 02 B C Sechler 90 Thos McConnell " 3 60 E T Goodman " 82 Jos Barler " 4 06 C E Mills " 1 50 G A Barger 6A Wm. Campbell 44 7 0 Ben Cauble 44 65 W R Krider 44 15 W F Lackey " 15 W Lyerly 44 1 10 J F Pace 44 1 23 J G Long " 1 00 D C Bradshaw 44 75 H B Bailey 44 4 00 H Barriuger 44 15 M A Bost i an 44 30 G VV Isenhour 44 1 25 J C McCanless 44 15 David Pool 44 15 P L Torrence 44 1 2(i T H Vanderford 44 1 15 LAC Kepley " 2 00 M P Cline " 7 00 Moses Frick 44 80 W F Griffith " 15 J A Geurley 2 00 F H Mauney 44 15 S M Sloop 44 5 05 John A Watson " 15 R F Kerr ' 50 J VJ Meni u s 1 75 John Y Rice M 80 J F Robinson ' 44 45 Witness fees in State cases 452 07 H N Woodson, clerk 877 50 Expenses of tlie poor 1,546 98 Expenses of Board as per former statement 247 40 Total $6,519.31 HORATIO N. WOODSON, Clerk. Salisbury, Dec. 8th, 1883. 10:4w SALISBURY MARKET. Corrected weekly by J. M. Knox a Co. Salisbury, Dec, 13, 1883. -Bacon 8 to 10 Butter 25 Chickens 15 to 20 Eggs 20 Cotton 9 to 9i Corn 70 to 75 Floor 2.25 Faathers 50 Fodder 75 Hay 30 Meal 75 Oats 40 Wheat 90 to 1.00 Wool 30 to 35 BUSINESS LOCALS. A Medium MILCH COW and Cslf for sale. Apply at this office for. further in formation. 4:tf LAND SALE!! By virtue of (be power contained In a certain mort- fag e deed, executed to ine by Paul B. Taylor and arah R. Taylor, tbe said mortgage being registered In book No. 60, page 255, Ac, In the Register's Office, for Rowan county, and being also made and execu ted to me to secure the payment of a certain note, decribed in said mortgage deed, the principal of said note being tbe sum of $20o, bearing date Dec. 14th. 1881, and default in payment of the same hav ing been made, I will proceed to sell at the Couft House door in Salisbury, an the . 4th Dsvjr of February, 1884, (being tbe 1st Monday of the month,) at 12 o'clock, if. the tract of land described In the deed, It being known as a part of the lands of Caleb Shaver, dee'd, and being the land of Sarah R. Taylor, containing 53 acres, being in Morgan Township, of said county, adjoining the lands of Jesse A. Parks and others, a particular description of which will be found set out In said mortgage need. Also, at the same time and place, the Interest of Paul B. Taylor In a certain Oyster Threshing Ma chine, and horse power, it being part, now In the possession of David Shaver. Term of sale cash. JOHN P. WYATT, Trustee. Dec. 10th, 1883. :w-pd. Tax Notice. My tax books will he at the following places at the time specified. Those wishing to save cost will do well to meet the collec tor promptly : PrankUn, Franklin Academy,; ) Friday Unity. Rice e uauey 's store, Scotch Irish, . . . Mt. Vernon, Steele Davis Store, At well Coleman's do. I.l taker... Bost tan's Koads.N T, A Jl Gold Hill Gold Hilll tfllt. 11. Morgan's, . . . E. Miller's storeA 7 Providence, Hatter Shop, 1 1 OO A Salisbury ;?jwjr. I 1 0 O 4: . lUC f, U1UOU11 O O U f Scotch Irish, Third Creek station, l Saturday, Mt. Clla. ..near Dr. Houston's old nlace. Atwell....... ...Knochvllle. 1 T0 cft. China Grove, China Grove. ljT'Tlie law compels me to collect the taxes before I can make my settlement with the Commissioners. This is absolutely the last call. C. C. KRIDER, Sheriff. Dec. 19, 1833. 3t T TBO. BUERBAUM, iisiiii mis CHRISTMAS Lowest Prices! Finest Goods ! AND THE MOSTsTHEM. 3,000 lbs CANDY, 2,000 fos. NUTS, 20 Boxes RAISINS. 200 lbs CURRANTS 5 Boxes... CITRON. 10 Barrels MALAGA GRAPES. 25 Bunches BANANAS. 15 Boxes , ORANGES. $300 Worth Christmas Cards, 2rom let to $7.50 iclloss Variety. Christmas presents: SANTA CLAUS Can find anything and everything p Buerbaum's. Toys, Drums, Wagons, Carriages, Dolls, Horns, of alj sizes. Toilet Cases from $1 to $20. Jewel Caskets from $1 to $12.50. Workboxes from 75 cts. to $15. Plush Mirrors from $1 to $5.50. Toilet Sets from 75 cts. to 10. Vases from 25 cts. to $8 per pair. Chamber Sets from $5 to $14. Tea Sets from $5 to $25. Decorated Plates from 25 cts. to $1.25 each. China Panels and Plaques from $1 to $10. SIL VER W&BBt I have the finest display in town. Juveniles from $1 to $2.50. Bibles from 25 cts. to $10. Autogrph Albums from $5 to $6. Photograph Albums, 25 cts. to $10. Ladies' Shopping Bags, 75Bts. to $8. o I am ready to furnish for "Christmas Trees" everything necessary at the very LOwcst nates. 8SirI have the largest stock in town and it must be sold. Come all, and a vail yourself of the fullest stock at the LOWEST PRICES. THEO. BUERBAUM. It Spain is catching something of the spfr oftheaae. Her Kin in hi. it to the Cortez aiumnm- tli .., : r vAirn iff 1 the nfmure to sill im r n 1 -...1 .:. W - cut 1 I ; I I 11 I IT and wiio pay taxea ami reeomiiienU odi- er rviorms or tlie const Kntlou. Concord BCarlcet CORRECTED WEEKLY BT CANNONS EETZBR. COKCOKD. rw. 12, 1883. 10 20 12J to 20 ,20 to 25 H to H 75 to 80 2.40 to 2 45 40 to 50 Bacon, Hog round, Butter Chicken?, Eggs, Cotton, Corn, Flour, Feathers, (in demand) Fodder, per lOOlbs., Hay, Meal, 80 to 90 40 to 50 1.00 to 1.10 25 to 40 Oats, Wheat, Wool, Salisbury Tobacco Market 2CORRECTED WEEKLY BT JNO. SHEFPARD. Lugs, common to med. 4.50 to 6.00 6.00 to 8.50 8.50 to 11.00 11.00 to 18.00 5.00 to 6.25 6.25 to ;8.50 8.50 to 15.00 15 00 to 16.50 16.50 to 25.00 25.00 to 40.00 Lugs, med. to good, Luus, "rood to fine. Lugs, fine to fancy, Leaf, common to med. Leaf. med. to srood. Leaf, good to fine, Wrappers, com. to med. WrsDoers. med. to rood Wrappers, eood to fine, WraDoers. fine. 40.00 to 55.00 Wrappers, fancy. none offered. new rooacco breaks tor the past week have been lisrht. Prices stiff for all Good, rich, waxy fillers, smooth cotters and lug smokers are in great demand and prices a shade sliffer than the quotation. Wrap pers of all classes are hit?h and -n'erl v sought after. Planters would do well by putting some of their good tobaccos on the market at this time. The VERY LATEST NEWSI J. S. McCUBBINS & CO., Are now in receipt of their FALL AND WINTER 'STOCK OF NEW GOODS, which will be found Larse and Complete. Consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Boots and Shoes, -: CLOTHING, DRUGS, Queesware, &c. DONT FAIL TO GIVE THEM A CALL. REMEMBER THEY WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. FERTILIZERS : JUST RECEIVED: BAKER'S Standard for Wheat. NEW JERSEY Acid PHOSSHATE " Merryman's A. D. Phos. for wheat. They also keep on hand BACON FLOUR, MEAL,! &C. TIIKT ARK AGENTS FOR Wheat Drills, The very BEST MAKE and very Cheap ALSO BOLTING CLOTHS, AND FRENCH BURR MILL STONES. NO. 1, GRANITE ROW, Sept. 26, '83.) Rai.isbcrt, M . To Mine Ownersjnd Minim Co': The undersigned are prepared to purchase rei of Gold, Silver. Lead, Copper, and Sulphur, in un ttmlted quantities, to be deUvered a; nearest rail way station, according to market pines. Caurt payments. Contracts entered into for one to fir ten years. Richards Pown & Company. London and Swansea. England. All letters should be addressed to M. Parry Gosset, Thomasvllle, Davidson Co.,'. C, sol Agent for the United States. Stilypl GOLD MINING PROPERTY! Any person wishing to buy or lnd Gold Mining property, will consult their interest by calling on the undersigned, 9 miles South of Salisbury, and 4 miles cast oi China Grove depot. Title guaranteed be yond a doubt. MILO A. J. ROSEMAN. LtoJanl The Valley Mutual Life Association of Virginia stands endorsed by such men as Judge A. C. Arery, Rer. C. T. Bailey, R. T. Gray, and other prom i net men of thin State. Judge Avery bjijs of it ; "I have held a policy in 'The Valley Mutual Life Association' since the fall of 1880, and consider myself fortunate in having relied upon its solvency. The cst will never amount to more than forty psr cent, of the premiums charge by regular companies ou the same risks." BARGAINS!! o: AT and BELOW COST ! GOODS GOING at a SACR F1CE! Bernhardt Bros. Wc are determined to close ont onr pi es ent Stock, consisting of a great variety of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, &c, and are now offering tlie greatest induce - limits in the way of LOW PRICES!, V-.--Y-.. T .. ir f .1 . r. . . x.iei ueiurt Known in this uity. Call and sec us ami bo convinced that we mean what we sav. BERNHARDT BRO'S. Dec. 12th, 1883. MT. VERNON LiTBry Mil M. L. AREY Present his comnliments to tlie nnhlie and resneetfuHv solicit a trial i.l his F.s- tahlisment. It is complete in the re- quiremenrs or nrst class business. Horses, Eu-gie?, Carriages, PheBtons, Wegcns, cc. EHE IS CONKIDEKT OK GIYIN(J JY SATISFACTION. Special provision and favorable mtns for Boarding and keeping horses. Drovers will find good Stalls and Sheds at this place. special accommodations for the benefit oi Commercial Travelers. Lee Street.Salisburv, N. C. 3CUf Fresh Turnip Seed, Trap Seei Just received a Fresh lot of TURNIP SEED of all the different kinds. CHEAPER than ever at ENNISS' J-m o Store. WIZARD OIL, The Great RHEUMATIC CURE of the day also for LAME BAChT, at ENNISS' Ditua Saokk. SIMMON'S LITER MEDICINES AT REDUCED PRICES, AT ENNISS1. FRUIT JARS, AND rubbers ran jars, At ENNISS'. SAVE Y0UE FRUIT ! Scarr's Fruit Preservative ! Without the use of Scaled Cans. The CHEAPEST a.d ONLY SURE KIND KNOWN. Perfectly Harmless. Call and, try it. At ENNISS' Drug Store. l:tf. GIO. A. EAGLE, W. A. MORGAN. Eagle & Morgan BLACKSMITHING AND Wagon-Making. We are prepared to do any kind of work at our Shops on Leo Street, (W. M. Barker's Old Stand.) SALISBURY, N. C. HORSE-SHOEING and'; all kinds oi Blacksmithing done promptly and with ex pedition. Repairing of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons done promptly and in first class style. Painting and finishing of fine werk will be done by W. M. Barker. All we ask is a trial. Jan. 10, 1883. l:tf N O TI C E ! JOHN F. EACL FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE 3 K I , Invite your attention to hi- shop, opposite Mayor's Office. Repairing ne;iii and uroiujt ly done. All grades of gcoils made lo order Oct. 1st. '81:tf. The Valley Mitml Life Association OF VIRCINIA. HOME OFFICE, S TAUNT. N, VA. The Cheapest. Sifest, and M.i.t Hell ible Lift- In surance a )w aS t tae public is t iuJ in tlie Val- ! ley Mutual, vrblch enables you i e u rv i ri.iKMj in ...... . -v..-. ..... i 3 .... .1 '.-y- p. .i.ii.'tlli. For further Information, . all on or Jdtiress J. W Mi KKNZIE, Aent, May 20, ibS3 SALigBrav, N. c. Jks Mt Mfcn - mt m I BOOTC, SHOcS A CAITERS, made to oruen ai. otk iiim las veuueii Veaih hx-pertenee.- All .V uteilal or the twst graUe, and wort done lu t!i- lutes'. st U s lie.idy -nail' vo i always oa nand Impairing ne;;tlv i.nd proir- th jciipr onl rs bv mallnronipr lj railed. XTVxia.. Eajtle. cu!tobTr.;,.c Groat Water-Power FOR SALE! Ai The most extraordinary unimproved Water Power on the Yadkin River is for sale at low figures. It is situate at the head of the Narrows in Stanly county, 8 miles from Albemarle, Use county seat; 13 miles from Gold Hill, and about 28 miles from Salisbury. It is one mile Iroiu the public highway leading to Salisbury, from which road it is easily accessible" down to the water's edge. The peculiar feature of this property is that it is a natural stone dam which makes ahout a six foot head of available water. The dam runs at an angle of about 20 or 2" deg. up the river nearly all the way across, gradually diminishing in height as it approaches the opposite shore. A race of 400 feet in length will add troni 12 to 14 additional feet of head, mak ing the grand power of 18 or 20. There is any quantity of building stone and slate of excellent quality, on the premises, easily transported by water. - This excellent power may be used for GRIST AND FLOURING MILLS, COTTON & WOOLEN FACTORIES, REDUCTION MILL FORSULP1IU RETED ORES. It is conveniently near the mines of Montgomery, Slaiily, ji trts of Cabarrus, Rowan and Davidson Counties to make it a custom mill, for the reduction of ores, with the great advantage of being in the centre of the mining districts named abo7. The ores within easy reach could not be worked out in a century. This water power with 10 acres attached is offerred at $2,500, with the -option ot 100 acres at $3,r00. Tin- lands arc valua ble for farming purposes; the situation healthy, the society gt'od, and church and school advantages very good. Persons wishing further information may address "Watchman," Salisbury, or Mr. J. R. Lit tleton, AH'cmarle, N. O. - 1 M'M of place furuiiiMnl-on application .) 33: it. -i ! HE -:t:- School Books Full Stock, lowest prices. Writing Paper, Pens and Pencils. Envelops, Visiting Cards. Seaside Novels and Monroe's Libiaiy. Blank Books, Gold Pens. Autograph and Photograph Albums. Wall Paper, Toilet Articles, Perfumery. Fine Toilet Soap, Combs and Brushes. Bathing Gloves and Towels. Plated Ware FINE CIGARS, FRENCH CAN DIES A SPECIALTY, TROPICAL FRUITS IN SEA SON, picsuass & PICTURE FR AMES, TOYS, DOLLS, VASES AND T O IL ET SETS, AND BANJOS. VIOLINS. GUITARS AND BANJO STRINGS. TBI CO. II I K II B A L Ml, salisul'rt, s. c. ly 44 v- -nj--..w.V J. RHODES BIIOWSE, PRES.. W. C. CO ART, SEC. Total Assets, $710,745.12. A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage. Term Policies written on Dwellinjji. Premiums payal.le Out htW c asli atul bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BBOWN, Agt, 2:Gm.. Salisbury, H. '.tBH Kirvfc -v-7r-vmt i Mr m :