1 r v i if rf : - I" 1 ' 1 INSJm - ' 1 ' " f I 1:1 - , Iffctf r- ' i 'jij V3 J if I '. -' i ! '! I f Carolina Watchman. THUKSHA Y, DECKMBEK, 27, ieH3. The next Democratic National Conven tion ill consist f 8t)2 delegate. The 'iuie for lioidiii" the convention will probably lie in Jnlj or August. WHiav'nt room for Dr. Bulla' "can i ion about the use of Fire Ainu, etc," in his pAper, hnt it is good leading for the holiday's and may lie found in (he IeXc itigton Dispatch, of Dee, 2TL ' . ' The 'Western Nail Akmh jaiiou" coni , rising representations from eYt-ry mil! in the Wear, met at Pittsburg, Dt?c. 19, and resolved to close down tor six weeks irom December 29th till Feb. 11th. The stoppage m for the purpose of restricting production and improving the trade i his will throw out or employment a large mini bar of the oKratives at a time f year dilm-iilt for them to bo idle. Mr. Geo. B. Eiinia. eldest s n of Mr. James II. Eunja, died very suddenly in Raleigh, Dec. 22, aged 32 years. He was well known here, where he- had ; larg piioiber of friends. On Monday night the Pleasure CI ml gave a German. BLACKMER & HENDERSON Attorneys, Counselor and Solicitors. Swlisbury, X. 0. Jan. 22d, '?9-tf. CHILURINE! CHILLIRIHI! CHILLAR1NE. the Great CHILL CURB oftheihty. Wakramtkd to CURE every time ur the moskt icefunded. - For sale ."fl - PWVKdi nu, Sam a sthmaTcurbD! . 1 . mm VT 1'TT f J. M. MCCORSLS. P" HcCOStKLE & KfilTTZ, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS SaI ISRL'I.'Y. N. C. Office 4u Council Street, opposite the will I entirely remove all oppression ,ithe Tv,t ,.n.t nn i ;in sleen with perfect ' . .,..f I I -2. . T I Uiun na.. ani rci'i Oil). rriCel. I Or SUlC HI 37;tf ENNISS' OnieStore. Magic Asthma Cur. Persons af flicted wfth this distressing complaint should trv this Medicine. A few hours use ,r-. mm i iiwrm t Eg RSSi fi & tWBs MS&k L m m m vm w ih s ga 14JH sljb vjh s5 TrTTTmmri 111 itx nnr e ur V 8 I I ,H41,I ' 81 L1 1 III I MII 1 111 -nneu, I U I X JF IL1 If 8 KJ IH IB II fvLUUA ajt nCliULDlilali Anil wlU completely change tho blood la the entire system In three months. Any ,nn who wlu take 1 FU1 each night from 1 to IS weeks, may be ssstore4 to sound wth If inch a thine be possible. For Female Complaints these Fills haw no equal. PnakTSe them for tho cure of LIVER and KIDWEY diseases. Sold CTerywhere, or sent by mail for 25c in stamps. Circulars free. I. S. JOHSSOS A CO , Boston. Mass, uai ma m bsmbhib Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Kenral Kia, ltheufuatism. JOHNSONS ANO DYNE I.INIMKNT (for Internal and External Use) wal itittaiitoiictrtishr relieve these ten-ibis disease, scd will positively core nine cose out of ten. Information thst will save nmny lives sent lriv l.y mail. Don't delay a niuuitui. Prevention is better than cure. The Pleasure Clud gives a Phanttmi pull to-night. W el mm mm mm ra IL, mBuv nrmra i.nnon niMtlnv sit the T.nncrs Hoarse- JQNNSQN'8 ANOOTfl KivlKM. Morbus, Kidney TOlte.ud g&yg&'gr aSa frec- ' '0IN80N Boston' . It i a well-known fact thnt most of t'te n -affio I'nvriler sold in this coun try is worthless ; that Sheridan s Cimditioa l'ow.S(r Is absoh.te'vpurc and vcryvainaoie. Nothing on ICr.rth will rnaie hens lav-life" Sheridan's Condition Pow- WnSweVfill W W I ir fi , Circulars irec i.B.wwaswv,i Deri , 16S3, 10:ly Riifip gatrufi 1 fiV RnitilL nend Ut 8 Miss Black mer, assisted by fJSc.a Ar- fjyle, Mntt, Steele atid Hoyden w ill ii'ccive their frietfls on New Year's day, from 3 to 6 p. i. ; o -. The colored people of this counry have jssued a uotice for a Grand celebration of the ami i versa v J of the Kmaiicipation j'loclamai ion, January 1st, ISzi. Christmas was observetKhere by a gen rral s'usiMr'iisitMi of business and religious services at St. Luke's and the Methodist JsehurcheF, It was a veiy quiet day ou thestreets. ; , o . Prof. W. 0. Browne, at iresent at Thomasville, will return to this place Monday 31st, ami ivjll reiuain while he (an be serviceable in fitting glasses to those who need them. f JONES, McCUBBINS & Co. Without any Exception Have the best stock of . Fall and Winter M IN SALISBURY. Their DRESS GOODS ani TRIMMGS ARE THE Have Now Received From New York Citv Ois of tie Best Fall and Winter STOCKS OF GOODS " EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, WHICH WAS SELECTED J in person, with Great Crsj sj to prices, Quality, Beauty and to suit the tastes of our Customers, and which we will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Our Department of Dry Goods, -Notions, Clothing, Furnisning foods, Hats, Boots and Shoes have been largely increased. We Bave a complete Stock of Groceries, and we mean to feed fou with the Best Flour, Meats, Sugars, Molasses, Potatoes, Meal. Buckwheat Flour, roni, Cheese, Canned Fruits, &c., to be had in any market. : r a L r . U ' t 1' ? mJi wi . ' ; . A full assortment of Family Medicines. New Stock of Table and Tin Ware Large lot df Bagging and Ties. Agents for Coats' Spool Cotton. We buy and sell all kinds of Country Produce, Be sure and see us before you buy or sell, as we will sell you good Goods and save you money. 4 - , J, W. W. Tavxor, ) O; ls 1883. -v D. J. Bostian Salesmen. yy; ' K J.A. Nkelv, ) The fivild r ferriage, as yon like, of streets, since the recent rams is a matter of some difficulty for pedestrians wl:o tnxs any regard for the cieaidinesa of their extremities. A force to clear thieroi- lngs and in some places, plank pinued to he (1,1 " in cm would ,rlford relief. o A uumher i f ladies are visaing in ftalislMirv at present, anions th in : Miss Wheehsr of Wiuston, .Miss Kerr of Con cord, Miss Rawley ami Miss Gilmer ol Mtv Alrey, the Misses Meares of Linwooil ild IHsa WwmI of Statesvillo. o Ti. Ler,vitt's Giganteah Minstrels I frill give an entertainment at Meroney's pfeni Hall, next Monday night. The Al- pany, fX. Y. JSreuing Journal says of them: "The performance given at the Ppera House by Leavitt'sGigantean Miu- XHEIR STOCK OF MOTIONS -THE MOST Gents and Ladiea FURNISHING GOODS Cannot be Surpassed. THEY CAN SUPPLY YOU WITn ALMOST ANYTHING WANTED. GIVE QIHE - CJ1LL. Nov. 22, 1883. SSSWSSWSSSSWSMWMWMiMMMMSSSSSSSSi ...... .... LUMBER ! LUMBER !! I have on hands, securely parked near the line of the Western N,. (J. Railroad, hc tween Mordant on and Icard Station, alout 150,000 Feet of Good ilir dried Plank. I am also prepared to furnish all Kinds of )i rammg Lumler op short notice. and grooved at reasonahle prices. Address, 13. A. BERRY. Morgan ton, N. C. Dee. 11, 1883. 4 w strata, was one of the best of its kind ev- Can fwfah thu ,,ank dres3cd and tongued pr witnesseu in inrs city, every piece panie iu for n penre, and the laugiittr pud applause were unbounded." MINING- ENGINEER WiU -examine, report on, or take charge pf mineral or ptining lands, develop or. work the same. Experienced m gold, cop per, silver and iron in tlie United States, South aud Central! America.. Late Super intendent of kr,'e c pper mine in North Carolina. Assays made. Best of references. Address, Clarkxck M. Bum,, M. E., 53 Wall St., New York. Has Dissolution Notice! ThTTfirm of Smithdcal & Bernhardt is this day dissolved by mutual consent. P. M. Bernhardt having sold out to W. Smithdcal. All persons indebted to said tirm arc re spectfully requested to call and settle at ence with W. Smuhdral, who will continue the business at his old stand. W. SMITH DEAL, 11:1m P. M. BERNHARDT. J M GRAY, 1884 T B BEALL. 1884 The Boss Warehouse For "the Sale of LEAF TOBACCO. vHuanwni) lis w The Brick Cor. Fisher & Church Sts. GRAY & BEALL, Prep. THOMAS S, GRAHAM, (OP WINSTON), a gifted and successful professional tobaccc salesman, carefully trained to the business jit Brown's Warehouse, Winston, by Major Mosei.y, the prince of tobacco auctioneers. Mr Graham has the reputation of beimz one pt the very best auctioneers, in North Caro - l:oa. For these reasons he has been engag f I as chief auctioneer 1'pr " THE BOSSiWAREHOUSE. IL'apt T B BEALL, charge of floor & books. J M GRAY, Business Manager. DAVIS & WILEY, Treasurer & Cashier. This Kpular Banking House will promptly f-ash all cheeks jriven to Farmers for tobac co at The Boss W a i: kiioi.sk. Fanners! Tobacco Manufacturers and Leaf Dealers are at Salisbury waiting for pnd wanting to buy your tobacco. Daily Sales Big Breaks Bust Prices Mild Boss Auctioneer at TBE BOS8 WAUEHOCSE. GUAY & BEALL, Proprs. p.c 20, 9SB; tf No party in politics, nor any sect in religion. The Greatest and the Best, The large Douhle Weekly, Religious and ecirlar. IW YORK OBSERVER, Ktiblhed 1823.) No paper in the country has a more experienced and ablerevrwqted tar. Dr. S. lrcna:u.s Prime stauds at the heao. ot the editorial traternity and his letters and editorials still enrich the Obsekyeh Others among its editors have had the trainlrg of a qu ir ter ol a century tor their work. The Correxpondence 01 the OBSEKVER Is from all lands Land the news carefully prepared troni lettei-s ana telegrams, rurnishes a complete view of the condition of the w;)rld each week. The Departments ; Agriculture, Bwrinem, Sun-day-tchool, Teaching and Religion lf rk are conduct ed by experts, who write clearly and to the point. The Observer does not fill its columns with long essays and old sermons but aims to be A Live Newspaper, giving every wesk a Religious Sheet full c f Instruc tion, eneouiagt iacnt and truthc: and a Secular Sheel, contalnliHT nil the ne..s. vIodiis Comment ; upon current eveats, awJ a gi p.n variety of chulee reamng. The priee l-v$liri a year. For bfa fide fyb--criberx we give 'ii- IKiilareonuid sl'on.or si eonv of he"Iren!eas l.etiers," n eleg nitiy Uiu id volume : of 4fl0 page, ooamiuing a ir; i:ilt nt the author. sample copies 01 tne obskrvkk win be sent to any address free. A.idrcss. y NEW VOUK. ousekVkH, si and 32 Hark How. 8:1w VVITTKOWSKY & BARUCB. CHARLOTTE, N.. -1TJ. V ' - v ' ' - isisW:-- itlire Dealer Upholsterer, AND UNDERTAKER. Ml I kim S0IT3, - $50 Cottage Suits, 20, 25 and $30 Woven Wirellattresses, $7.50, SUITS, 35 to $100 $2.50. FINE UNI OF CARPETS. CHEAP BED3, SeAsiasc Hacliines'Weed and Hartford. W Real Proof of Wonderful Cu es: CANNED FRUIT! BY J. D. STBWART. Home canned, verj? select and very supe rior, for family use at J. D. MeXEY'S. 9:1m ; OFFER EXTRAORDINARY INDUCE MENTS TQ. PEOPLE WHO ARE DOING THEIR TRADING EY MAIL. Vara OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT IS SO ARRANGED THAT "SHOPPING1 BY MAIL IS RENDERED EASIER AND IS QFTEN MORE SATISFACTORILY DONE THAN IN PERSON. state le Real E FOB SALE. THE subscriber having determined to, change his Imsiness will sell on easy terms some of the most valuable property in and a 'joining the town of Salisbury, viz: The Hou3e and Improvements where I now reside house of Iirirk with 10 rooms IS feet square, well finished : two brick out-houses with two rooms each, used Cook room nl smoke-house and dwelling; also, hue oru-K dairy.: good Iwras and other buildings; good ganlen anl an orchard off nice fruits containing from 8 to 10 acres of land al in good condition. Also, two houses and lots in Salisbury, and about thirty good, building lots of one aere each, or any size to suit the purchaser. LETTERS OF INQUIRY ARE PROMPTLY" RESPONDED TO. SAM PLES SENT, AND ESTIMATES GIVEN. WE GUARANTEE SATIS FACTION DELIVER PACKAGES fOR OVER TEN DOLLARS IN AMOUNT. FREE OF EXPRESS pR MAIL CHARGES. Charleston, S. C, July 22, 1SS3. Da. 4. B. Kendall & C0 Dear Sirs : I purchased at Louisville, Ky., a very tine bred colt, and in ship ping he got his hock badly hurt on theoutsldOf the joint .which caused It to swell three r four tUpes the n.it inn l size, which nide him very lame. 1 tried a sreat many llnlmeuts which tuktal to benefit the injured nart. At last when disgusted, and ready to felve up the colt as ruined, 1 happened to see rourl vprtlsement rtf ''Kendall's Blister and Snavln Cure," and thought I would give it a trial. I llrst applied J the "Buster" to uie bock wnicu uy uus uiue nau calloused, and to ray surprise found It worked like a charm. In twMty-four hours the part that was hard became soft and the lameness began to leave. I then got some Of "Kendall's Spavin Cure" and ap plted It acconiuig to directions, which has made a perfect cure, an the colt is now as sound as any horse alive. I merely write this letter to you, as 1 think It a duty I owe to you, and also for the good of the paOHc at UPK . ' . Th" foregoing statement I will affidavit to. and can also have the same verified by the best horse men in our city who saw the colt before and after t reatment. Very RespucUully, j Chapel St. ; John R, .knold. if- Belmont N. H., July 25, 1883. Dr. B. J. Kendall fc Co.. tents: It Is with theJ greatest pleasure that I wish to say to you that I have sed your "Kendall's Spavin Cure" with the very bess results, having entirely cured a horse af ihVted with spllntdaso another that had a spavin. The cure found to be pernrant nt. I have used It Id manv other cases and find that it does all claim for It either for man.or beast. Pi.of. J. P. Cilley. Galveston, Te: as, July 16, 1&S3. D . n. J. JiV(ddft a.- Cjj 1 hen by certify to hav ing used "Kendall's Spavm cure" on a valuable horse (ur a curb wttb entire suet ess and take pleas ure in recoinmdfidiag it In an ctnn lence. 11. liOSENBEKO. KEnDAU'S spavin cure. Modesto, Cal , Aug 9th, 1S82. B. J. Kendall & Co., GenU; Before coming to this cdhst, and while at home, la Longmeadow, Mass., I trad occasion toobservexhe benedts resulting from the use of your Kendall's Spavin Cure. M y bit jther haul a young horse which developed a bone spavin which he cured and at the same time removed the enlargement. A Mr. A. K. Mathews also cured a valuable stallion of a spavin, as well as another ac quaintance by the name of B. Combs, both of which came under my personal observation, being In my own town, and a gentleman wilh whom 1 was well acquainted, and In the Interest of the horsemen in this vicinity l onerinismy experience. Kespectfully yours, James quiN$. KENDALL'SSPAVIN CURE Colton, Cal., Oct. 3rd, 1S82. B. J. Kendall tfr Co. ; WhllQtn the employ of C. C. tlastluss. the well known horseman, ot San Fran cisco, in the year ending 1880, we had a young horse two yeart old that contracted a bone spavin and seeing your liniment known as Kendall's Spavin Cure advertised, upun my ow responsibility I com menced using It and within Chlrty days from that time and aer having used only tare bottlps the spavin was removed entirely, and therefore I natur ally have the utmost conildeace in Us merits. 1 do not hesltats w recommend it to au wno nave occa sion to use" trie medicine and should any one desire to coaler with me I shall he glad to answer any comr muulcatlon relating to the case In quesiton. Respectrully yours, john koadvan. Price i ner bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Drug gists have it or can get It for you, or It will be sent to any address on receipt or price u uie Bnmnwn UR. K. 4. Kkn;i il l. iu, nuusuuryu runs, u ZSOLD BY ALE DRUGGISTS. 33: ly NOTICE!! All prcsons indebted to me, cither on account or note and mortgage (for Guano), are hereby duly reminded of such indebt nesj, and are earnestly requested to make settlement mjomptly, otherwise the ac counts will be subject, without further no tice, to collection by legal process. Respectfully, Dec. 6, 1883. J. D. McNEELY. Administrator's Notice ! Having qualified as administrator of the estate ot Joseph A. Pool, dec a, I hereby giye notice to all persons having claims against ins estate to present them to mcon or before the Gth day of December 1884. iind all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. P.AYip L. Poo, Adm'r of Jos. A. Pool, liec'd. J Dec. 4, 188$.-8;lfci. Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims against the estate of Edward Pool, dee'd, are hereby notinecl to cxlumt the same to the under signed on or before the 10th day of Decem ber, 1884, or this notice will be" pleaded in bar of their recovery.- This December the 8th, 18S3. JOHN C. POOL, Adm'r. of Edward Pool, dee'd. 10:4w WE KEEP EVERYTHING THAT IS NEBDBD TO CLOTHE, MEN, YOUTHS AW ROYS, LADHSS, MISS ES AND CHILDRBN. INCLUDING A COMPLETE LINE OF LADD3S' AND MISSES' UNDERWEAR, AND HAVE These lots are as well located as any in the j THE BEST DRESS-MAKING ESTAE- iun II. I will also gjll two or three small farms of from 25 to 100 acres within 1$ miles of the Courthouse. Also, one farm of 182 acres, about 3j miles from Salisbury, oq the W N C R R, which has in cultivation about 50 acres of as Ood bottom land as can be found ill the county. Also, several valuable GOLD MIKING PROPERTIES. 1 j For information in regard to the property or myself, I refer to Messrs. Luke Blackmer, M. L. Holmes, S. H. Wiley and J 8 McCub Uins, senior. 8. R. HARRtSON. November 1, 1883. 2in . LISIIMENT IN THE SOUTH. SEND US A TRIAL ORDER. f ITTKQWSKY & BARUCH. TO BENT. The sulcriber olYers for rent a Storehouse and Warehouse, at Third Creek Station. Trie property is new arid in yood condition and well situated for bit tineas. Apply to JOHN CAitSQN. Third Creek, Nov. 10th, 1883. 4:4t.pd. MORGAN'S CIGAR STAND ! Bo yon Smoke ? Chew? Cr Use Snuff? s no it r ax State of North Carolina, Rowan County. IN XPE SUPERIOR COURT. J. li. Lakieu Afaimt Radford C. Bailey It appearinc to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Radford C. Bai ley, is a non-resident of this State: It is ordered that publication be made in the "Carolina watchman," fqr six successive weeks notifying the said Radford C. Bailey to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court, at a court to be held at the Court House in Salisbury on the 9th Mon day after the 4th in March, 1884, and answer . I . . . l-li L " l ' Ml 1 1 . . . uie eouipiiimi which vyiii ic ueposuea in the office the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, within the first three deye ol said term. And the said Rudford U. Bailey is farther notified that a warrant of attachment, in said action has been issued against his property ibr the recovery of five hundred dollars and interest, and has been levied by the Sheriff of Davie County flpon the said defendant's "individual interest in two hundred acres of land formerly the property of Sanford and Emily Bailey and adjoining the lants of Samuel and Coleman Foster, Nathan Hainllne and others, situat ed in Davie county, qn the waters of Dutch man Creek," ant that said warrant of at tachment is returnable on the 9th Monday after the 4th Monday of September, 1883, at the Court House in .Salisbury. J. M.HORAH, :ow Clerk 8. C. Rowan Co. DBS. J. J. & E. M. SUMMERELL, OFFICE t CORNER MAIN AND BANK STREETS. Far DysjH- ps i a; Cosliveuen, sick IleaUuche, Chronic Diar- rlwra, Jaundice, Imparity cf tb i . U-.vaI, I'( vit and ifsae. Malaria, and all Diseases caased by De- e of live, Bowels and Kidneys. SYMPTOMS OF A DISF.ASFD I.1TFR, Bad Breath; Palm h the Side, fometiaies the n is felt under the baoaiaer-wau, . . lilu U tK,.,lm-im nml lufcs of appeute ; Bowels KcasiraJiy costive, sometimes aiteroattaf wi lax; the head is oouhied eith i-in, is dull sad heavy. wUt. il.l.-r 1.1 loss c f mcmorv. accoatramed with a iiainfulsensati not li-avin,; n:'?'toeSinn;tljiiig which ought to hac U-.nc:.ie; a iht. lry cough auemlant. often mistaken for consumption ; th,e -patient complains of wet sines s aaa oeoilitv; nervous, erisny wtu; its : feet cold i r trim ne, sometimes a prtckly sensation of the skin exists; spirits are low and respondent, aad, although satisfied that exercise would be bene ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to try it in tact, distrusts every remeSy. Several ot the above sywpto. attend the d.-ase. bia cases have occurred when but few of theai existed, yet examination after death has shown the Uitr w have been extensively deranged. It should be ased by all person s. old and: young, whenever any of the above symptoms appear. Persons Travellns; or Living In ITa healthy Localities, by taking a dose occasion ally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid all Malaria, Billons attacks. Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but If uo in toxicating beverage. If You bave eaten any thins; hard of digestion, or fed heavy after meals, or sleep less at sight, take a dose and you will be relieved. Time and Doctors' Bills will be saved by always keeplag the Regulator la the House! Ibr, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly Safe purgative, alterative and tunic can never be out f place. The remedy is harmless and b not loU-rfrre W. - pleasure IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE. And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A Governor Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator lias been in use in my family for some time, and I am satisfied it is a valuable addition to tne medical science.. J. Gill Shortkk, Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander U Stephens, of Ga., says: Have derived- some bent lit Intra the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial. . ' - The only Thing that never fails to Reliern."- I have used many remedies for Dys pepsia, Liver AiTei tion and Debility, but never have found anything to LctH-ut me to ihcrxrent Simmons Liver Regulator h.'.- I senl from Min nesota to Georgia f it. and would nd further for such a medicine, an' would advise ail ho are sim ilarly affected to give it a trial as it seetnj the only tiling that never fails to relieve. P. M. Jan.net, Miniienp. lis, Minn. Pr. T. W. Mason says : From aciaal ex perience hi the use of Simmons Liver R-gtifator in aiy practice I have been and am satisfied to. use and prescribe it as a purgative medicuie. JSjTTake only the Genaine, which always has- on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and Signature of J. U. Z LI 5.1 IV & CO. )R SALE BY ALL DfeUGGlSTS. A -r -v POROUS Puol nra and rtiiiiu i XI IKE i-OMotr,, 3 One of the most INSIST ON QBN Al.LCnir'c nSfi O I 111. Jl Ihn .-.h.. ... . 1 r. Its I i .. ...... i icl -tutlv, and onlv tlr: tmn T..a.: . l"iir TJri.aTT J". '"oniai8 are receit- i 1 Back. Rhem:1t;.... , 8.of sprain. hosts of ot her diseases o J'j i sales ana great success of a ' uurs Plasters have nu.,,..., "Xs to be bromrht uefor; .1."'" lag called tx.rous, W() Z ""c.w, understand that iw, - wb '"- genuine. Iv bn rums tini'ilv a enm .in.ii,,. ., , b.nd rubber nnH ; " " IC?VB i.u iia. anu unt the genuine. We"wu J'mlb caution the pub.S.eN 2 They citain S' tl,at are used i.iLi.cLI fln,1 o-called poroasfW rue statomf-L 1" use auv of thi P n . ?m ml - ""--"W Ff err. HAM PDRGHASED Entiie Stock of GOODS FORMERLY BEIiOlSTGINQ -TO BLACKMER & TAYLOR. - I will carry on th HARDWARE BUSINESS in. all its branches, including Wagoi sf Buggies, All kinds " - - i i of Agri- ." cultujl Implements & Machinery, RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER, Dynamite and all kinds of Mining Bup-. plies. In short, everything ordinarily fpnnd in a First Class Hardware EstbJisnicnt. Allcock's Porous PlasW EeUeve Debility and Nervo4e A t T mmj'o Ti. . .....i.v i o x I. AM Kits ot the Sidneys warms tl "B "PT worn on tbe parting new vitality and power toit Tt..s.l -.ill - - . -v.,u, i "uo v wii resiore lo jh j-. ... w . i nwitiaii, till! nn ii i 1 r ability wliich lnu l...,.i i... . - W ! 1 ' "vv u IVJSI v , ry or ovciwnrk. Thev y and nwvl i memory ami tllSt-sU. ll'sturM L:.J . 1. . PHI nnuie iiieie nas necp ilt'Iiilni ness, ape trevenu loss .n..,.o. uJ01uni. iiiu-inv 1 xconinicod tl mm iwi vuus ueuiin v. win-Uier arising dissipation or ovewurk. Thev Jl Known co oe uie great re-eneratori hf nervous system and are nnaluanlej M cases 01 nysieria. Weak. Kiclncyj Contoocook; X. 1 March 3: lsi I have been greatly troubled wuW mat ism and Weak kidneys. 1 wa; co cry ai.lcock s foiioi s Plaktfks uaeu two other I.inds o so call.d :. ... 1 "1 riastcrs w nn n gave me 110 reli. t'.l bil t ....,. I... .1 1 i-i , . 1 me comjueie reiiei. am. 1 ave noi troubled with Klui'matiMii and Jfj r. .....,..;.. . ...... . . 1 uuiuu.piii. rui; usin;; llieill. and I colli Btv&ett cured. ' iDff.uib D. Bi nu Broncliial Troubh 12 C Sr., Washington, D. . Januarv 7, 1881 i iHKe greai pleasure in ecoinuieB ALIXOCK S PoKOt'S Pl.ASTKKS. 1 Wall (ItiocdLtn try them by Mrs. Samuel 3. dall, and I .bund tliem everything c.d utmd four other m mllid j'uroiu befitrq procuring Ai.Lcocks : they wew teetly useless. Ijik iiuiiieiiiateiy uikii plving two oi Allcock's to in v ciicl cold and lad cough w ere at mice rei I want o-i to send ire o e doze(i w;.h. JOILN ' ..IXURi "r-pin.il Disease Onri IIAMKVV ilOTKL, HoCHAWAI liEACH, JS. 1 .. Mav 1SK 82 Al.rXTiCKV Pl.AXCtB fliai'U ImHjH grvat service to n iiol mine iliat I It a duty Jo state tlie laets, as .nitfly as oic lo induce oiiiers io ue win. zt tor man v years was c-ontmed to her suffering from spinal disease. Alter: ing a. thousand dollars i'i vain effort U cured she applied three Ali.cock P TKns-to t;h.e spinal cf.'unin, one above other. In a lew davs all pain lett She applied fresh plasters every to wj and in the eourse oi two months $ne nb-tclv recov ered he health. Av-tt eou'd hardlv walk across the room: day s. e walked a little further, ptod she is abe -o wa'k hve miles WW titrne. Si e still orasinallv a.irtlit plasters to her -ek, lut s.-e -las been toetlv wed lor toward -o a year. LEW'o L. HAilMl REMOVE TO THE McNeely Corner Where I will be pleased to see all persons who wis.h to purchase Hardware FOR CASH, I WILL KEEP NO BOOKS or Accounts. Keeps a Select stock of all these artleles very nice : and good. He occupies one ot the Bl? Front Win: J clows of Davis' Furniture store. Call and see. He can suit you to a X- Ang.4.5, "83 ly OFFICE nouBs : 8 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 5 p. m. 37 6m MX PAYS TJIfi S- uHu: , . Bold oa trial. W."MUiHii. Altkuai i PATENTS HtncX it CO., of the Scrnrrrrte America n, con tin ut to act as Solicit, irs f r Fateata, Caveat. Trade Marks, Coprrathta, for the United States, Canada, England. France, Germs n y. etc. Hand Book about Patents sent free. Thirt v-scven years' experience. Patent obtained th r .n.-h Ml'XSi GO. arenoUced taUMBcnomnc Amoucan. the Ursest, best, and most widely circulated scientific paper. 13.30 a year. Weekly. EMcndid en murines and Interesting in formation. 8;Kcimen copy of the Scientific Amer ican sent free. Address MUNN A CO., Sciajrrinc AM ehica:, oaoc. 2 :i Broadway, Mew York. KFAll -parties indebted to Blackmer & Taylor are requested to make immediate settlement. Their accounts wjll be m the hands ftfW". S. Blackmeu whqwiU inake settlement. LUKE BLACKMER, Octoler223dt 1883. HARDWARE. CU JHLB OI SP 554 Main St., Hartkord, Gpss A mil 20 18.V Will von nlease send me hd XlV Porous" Raster, 20 inches long imdipa wide to iise OH lll hack for ness of kidneys. I have worn them the best curative effect, foi a weak near the htart, many-years for injury ed bv strain and liltim in f,e um .Mllld IKlt ill. Wl. hout them: I lueonea nian nw.nlli T .l.lVI! OP lle'lau j V Ww ui v i i i i i . " - - ' Ponors i'LASTEiis. B. WELLbbft it 14 A Blessing in Disguise. AfU Ar.Ki.PHI ST., lIllOOKLTS March 29, 18M. No fatnilv should be withoUv All-C Pouous Pi asters; theii healifig h wonderful and their e Hracy .affW and lasting. For years a. I lve and known them to cure and relieve most obstinate and distressing east rheumatism, kidney complaint, wonci neuralgia, lumbago, inflaniatio ok .i.r....t uaralVsis, atoa, l IMI..-i 1 I weakness, and eouglis aim tl.ev m Hhti led me J ............. . ii.'ii f UIUI 1HJI IIIUHCIIt ..- . mkAt them an invaluabl. and speed. rtjild) all kinds Of ael.es and .ai- , ; .r....ui- ami no wile '"" ijicssiii in u.- i v'i UCi should e without ihc'iii ii j V .in, i peace and comfort an. irm , iini avhillK II n ItlHl , , . I., . . V .. I n . 1 ..MMn.it.ninir iitiister. a SllClllliriiiiip I ' ti.ev have no i' nevervetlbundaplar- stimulating, or co y.veo Tii isfaction, Lse-I m e " ,, j;fe TiTttTii's universal ing Pn.i-8, no in.4 A. . WHEN YOU WANT HARDWARE AT low figures Call on the undersigned at XO. 3. Granite Row. D. A. ATWJSL3L Agent for th i s Card wellThresher. Salisbury, N. C, June 8th-r-tf. eolcls., dniost Mv friends con 1- rU. I. i'k . 0 I Oi' : uaL I i'.f.. mil Ill'- J I ti- -iivui" i" 1 .h-sn.-iir i a j restoration to goou T()ivKi:M A SURE CURE l!SSSs ' BRUISES AND LAM W West Dkcket, Mas: .nllC C. BEBKSHISifl .fan- ......... 1 1 Ur weceuionm"t ,iave upea effective fi Burn,! Bruises and all kind of Lnm " Relief f?T ICO Hasting9 Mus . . . ...l..ia in die I', I am troubled witn , find by 4 mv head, neck and fpI,irx. .rwiortsi ing one of your Foao.M- u ofg mv neclc and onrac " Kn.-k I have almost W ,in t I take pleasi.rej.. ng . mfM trre itaicM forlhey 1' 'KKllKK. n....ICl.-I.H' iter Mir Ol WiULiiUV.i, h. Y.

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