"HT" u mm 1 Im - i j tl ' ' I! ; S 1 ! " !: Ii-;' ! 1 .i 1 . i " - 1 tei-aaieto L-THIEB SERIES 'A 8AUSBTJET. n. C, F EBUABY 5. 1885. mm Ii flEtt'r i-. r iniiiuvr 1 jarfc I irv-if:,: ; : - mt If II 1 v.---:- fT barlotte; N. C. .C..Xov.ai,-iowi. Hi V great benefit to myself VlIj'LmiPiHlit toothers. W r. i; Wauisg, ; Member N t Ugiiature. - . CnAntoTNE, N. C. , mVtn iihe value f jour .;! rprnmmend it to any one (4MCTJ n)epSia indrgestfion and a towels fpidcpnf Z D. A. JENKINS, C. Stale l-asurer. . if j H McAden and T 0 Smith & jccoSeed IflTTT Wgcst stock of SELECT VARI-i . -rt III -.r,., f VPW nnif rPKUlUUfiri aXDS, suited- to everjf type to choose fan. Qua"'' guaranteed, an. prices : iiii v 'T I A. .l-iHmi eer. rncc iism R ItAGLANIX Hyco, Va 1EADQUARTERS FOR liffT-- 1 qflie Four Seasous. McClare st Birmingham. 1 f Tle Four Seasons. Id the summer eck maid's fnrj Lightly; tarn a to thonghu of love, AndUe stadies o'er how can she Giro the ice cream trade a shove. ,; ; .... -War$ate Wtujt. In the nntumn each maid's fancy Lightly turns to thoughts of love, And she studies o'er how can she Be some fellow's "duck" or "dove.'. Gold Leaf. In, the ttibter each maidV fancy Turnsto thonghts of wealtli and lote, 1 Alid she stldies o'er how'can she , ,v l Marry rich and "step above." i -Paintrille Deui In the spring eaeh mnid's fancy Tm as to thoughts of Easter bonnet, And she studies o'er how can she Reconcile her pa upon ib : - TreteelV Wettdy. i , ; -y - - v V 'Gov.f"SeyTMOurf OpiniQjU. BIcClare st Birmingham. The JlaJitlUwarcct 6 Alabama. Birmlnshanv Ala., Jan. 29. Edi tor McCIore aad party arrived at midnight last nigbi. Today he tras escarted to the big furnaces and the wonderful coal and iron tbines, by Mayor Lane ami other prosafaient ci tizens. He said he did not ee how any protection from the government to the mineral regiou of Aiama could equal the prottction given it uy the Almighty, j He said our Eepre sentatives in Congress should earn estly endeavor to secure an appropria tion for opening the Warrior. river, and 4hea A lahania could run England out of the market. Hev said many insignificant creeks in theKorth and West often got appropriations large enough for the j opening of the War rior river to snlendid navi&ration. He What He Thinfo of Mr. Cleveland and -j "j His Course. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 27. Colonel t....i.J At A limn v. hns returned from a vUit to! ex-Governor Horatio Sey- spoke in O'Brien's opera house to- finrl in art interview tells a ve- fm?ht to a Iarire audience. Jie was ium s " a i ry interesting story of the oUrDemo- rouudly cheered for his .bright' prophe-. nraiio fi:ffr'a estimate of the President ! .irZ t:-.: i.., i cTrnF.lt KEIt and TEMSib I K (FARM WAGONS. ScjiiC WATEKTOWN & CXCINXATI ages & Spring Wagons. ; f ickkord iicffmn- ain and, Guano Drills. : as miY BAKES ITtAVESY's Ricfing and Walking CULTIVATORS. ij THOMAS' HAUKOWS, r&ph Straw uutters, i recy and Dixie l'LUvs, ;torOorxi' SlolJLor'S, Eneines and Boilers, Wf AND GRIST HILLS, is illatuttcadlBoi l r Flit l ngS n, iitols. Shells, Cartridges, AVajls .and. Caps. oliT and Sliqr, uynamite rjuse ami i n-ier-Axes. Shovels and Snak-s, Building liriware,PHins, Oils and Varnishes, HUM-RAISED GLOVER SEED. ind rrerrtttnFfelse usually kapt in rirsi ciass crat ic leader's estimate of the President elect; M - '"WjjiatiT Co. Dtinlap was asked, "is his general idea of the President elect." , ; "He looks upon Mr. Cleveland as a big brainy man, conservative ih his opinion's and likely to be found equal to an emergency. If care and dis cretion be exercised in the important point oselecting his cabinet, his ad ministration will be not only a suc cessful but a brilliant one, Mr. Sey- ) mour. nowever, iears mat iuu mucu sies reartung future. f Birmingham s great A Dlsf listed Solon. Stock Dying by Ike Thousand, and Many rertoni frozen w caw. Portland, Oregon, Jan. 19. Da- riny the bast six weekt Heavy anow storms have prevailed Ihrought aast ern Ajregon mm n , and the loss of live stock -is ; reported as very heavy. Cattle ad horses Ierishetl by the thousanas irom expo- Tz&bible news comes over the Wires ol a society in New York city called the Knights of Hassan-Ben-Sabbah-Ele Howalri.. The society gets its name from a. sanguinary Mahometan sect which flourished in Syria in the ninth century. An "Old Man of the Moun tain," commands the order. It has a death's head and cross bones for its sign, and a quotation in. sanguinary French, en re and want of. food. The loss of I from Charlotte Cordav. for it mnffn sheep and hogs, however, is reported Ite objects are death, dynamite ven- mncu greater. "7A geance, and O'Donovan Rossa and his f?lKr ? t." luax cofleaguea e aimPly; bUtherslritea ata. o..i i,.co la nrkmrviriitivelv'liirht. I tioned on the outside to make a noise MIC . j - . i -n The total money value "to the stock and draw attention from the real per raisers is difficult to' estimate. The formers. latest reports from the settled regions 1 Shades of the K. K. K., have ye ma- east of Uascages are tpai argo nura- ferial in Manhattan? bers of . persons were j trozeo to ueain duruirthe.-Jateiuk.prv TiME.-WniIe a protract ,TSr of persons, during the meeUnasinghelHin Ga continuance of the storm, are kuown a number of ministers stopped with to have wandered off. and perished. Mrs. J. W. Davis, and she was sorely Most of the bodies of such persons perplexed as to the means of getting have been recovered since the snow something good for them to eat She disappeared. Very recent inquiries had tried in vain to get a ham in the anion": relatives and friends disclose the fact that gtjjj JliCfcCC till AlAYlllg UCCii CUUOUU1CU Uj "thefr vhe?eaboauts8are the large crowd in attendance and but missing, and small chicken could be found. inknnwn. There can be no doubt as to the fate of the missing persons. While she was busy in the kitchen pre- The precise number of persons perish- paring the chicken, and wondering how ing will probably never be known, she could provide for her guests, a covey but it is large. of partridges flew into the dining room. The doors were closed, a number of the birds caught, and the ministers fared An Alabama Stay ttixw. T. C. Green, Republican member- elect from Mitchell county to the Ca(a T nratolafnra tvsnt'ln T?-l lolir'l at the openiU of the General Assembly, N1 iIah rA.ff sumptuously , 4 tin1in IhA: m OIlfOfiAn TOT llTftQ HI I I v M m m m. ,M.; B. .w--.... - fl;fin;ilf.iv from Montomerv. Ala.. London, Jan. Z7.-The i tmes con- Democratic faith and principles to 0f jau 28, says:! ''In the Legislature tinues its onslaught on Parnell, with a be overwhelmingly m the ascendancy, wljlv a cironir bill was presented, stincinc artilce. in which it savs: "Par- will be! expected of the President at thought there was not much chance entitled For the! reljef of the people nelFs studied silence regarding the dyna the outset af his oftic'al term, aud riir i.- tn riin tne machine " so he nf Alabama.' It sets forth that by mua nn lla f m;nA nffomf some disapointmeiit .may be express- ; ,ig jo reason of the hard crops, the greacfi- to ignore Mr. Forster's indictment of the ed from the impossibility of making . . - ts. nancial pressure m the State, etc., rru. radicalrchanges immediately.' It will varnvn.g..; .wu- leaving the poor debbr to the tender V"ro" take time to assimilate the entire ex- stituency that he could not do any- merces of his more fortunate credi- the Insn agitators that thir pres- ecutive force of the country! to the thing with but thirteen negroes, six tors, without hope of relief without ent policy of murder and silence will views hnil designs of the new regime. reveue officers and ten Republicans legislative aid, and . not pay. They will never succeed in This, however, will be facilitated by alwt ninety-firie of the best look- Whereas, this deplorable condition coercing the House of commons into the investigations which must be - . renders it impossible for a large part tt0wntW a naked resolution bv means made into- the do llffS of KePubllCail 'g UIUSl- "ne'i'geui, cm.u. - . - , . . o - . Re it enacted. That it shall not be he did not tarry there even long iflwf.,l for anv iudeeof any State court 0 officials' who? have held power so long. "Irregularities of every nature may be expected to be found in every branch dfthe public service, and no torious, corruption When1 the books they must be, sncl may be found will be punished by the removal of the wrong doers. The pub lic", remarked Mr. Seymour, must be made to realize that we nave a clean goveriinieut. Jn harmony with this purpose too, enmicrh to nrove his attendance, but to render any judgment or decree in La60 ;n varions forms i guperindnced by - O 1 t I . i a I. . A 1 a r :.. ..i .. .I III ciiimrcii HIIU Vermifuee will us removing the 1 iniir. ty flmnrpltor or slieritl violatimr the first section, said penalty to the person STANDS AT THE HEAD! i .1.4 . M.i nnv civil cases ior less mail iwcuiv cue exisience oi worms i inn iu i to iinssimv m:iv rni iirii uihiiil l "vj . - - . has run rampant. . 1 . v J V . . Liliniiaand dollars in two vears. adults. Shnne's muian are o verba uldas the last ot 1? ebruary to sec Uow things . 2 d 3 fi tweuty thou- tle8tro Rnd "J ,them' Ul . r... ,i:-'- k ihjl ' . i. J. canse. savins, both life an i .wiuiiK uuiiie us are guinK.--uitMH km. snmi dollar ueiiaitv'lor any luuse. i ' -. . Increase of Crime. The increase in crimes of violence suing. th oivil laws must be duf,nS t,,e vear Jt closed is. very marked. Uairly complete returns 'ii.itiiMiui fmnicnint. HrnrH.--l have on liana hwittiUAlof less money man taey Have ever TCSPectea. It IS JUr. oeymour S opill Ul CMITUnTAI . ho" tnat an opportunity is now open nave ueen compuea snowing o,o , Mid In tbls country iiwwy.Oct. 43.4 The Fool Killer in China. " The famous Chinese sovereign Je Pot constructed a bridge in the envi- IfflT ance ar&GrOKS 1 Qr FOR CASH or OH TIME. jkt all classes of purchasers, we have made to the Democratic party to identify murBers in the United States in 1884, rons of Pekin, and ordained that it itself closely with the future ot this nyn:nei, i 401 : iqqo Of nuiridrs should be reserved for the exclusive country4todirecntsdestinies,aiidto t- 1884, Compared f 'Pengers who, b -way ;of toll carry on the government in accord- J, , "y should cast a uumber ot teals luto the with the traditions ot its great l"e i-rcMuutar. x .c - stream beneath. bcr of execut ions have been 111 I was 110 letter or, more convenient anainst 105 in 1883. a very small in- than any one of the other hundred crease when the number of capital and odd bridges of Pekin, but many 1 1 1 t .1 rich mandarins, from sheer love of crimes have been so large. But this nu !.. ,-.'. . .-i .wi is accounted for in some degree when leaders, Thomas Jefferson and, An drew Jackson." 1 War Tax. Washington, January 29. The House Committee on claims decided to-day by a vote of 9 to 4 to report a . 1 A 1 . . 1 ' Ii Ot bill proviaiiig ior me reiunuing 01 the tax imposed by the government on Stales and Territories as a war tax, it is known that 219 culprits have met mob violence during this year, against 91 Jn 1883. Hanging was the eeneral form assumed by three s5ments to sen thew celebrated wagons cith- aud releasing those States- which yet volent act?, only 25 of this $ tpit uhnso aiu wao need Wagons ' owe ' t lie tax. The following tiible being shot. 157 of the victi ostentation, did not fail to use it and pay toll to the river. Their names were carefully noted liv an nltspnuious attendant, and at J - j the end of a month their estates were confiscated id accordance with the "He who makes THE LIGUT-KrNXIXO Merallftnd scWs soon. ' ' "Jons A. KOYDEN, Agent, Or, I . I ml.itnB III a ill I gna -I tl ta I1DCA the amounts due the Uuited States n,mw' v while two women were nung I unuunl rf'fmftirMHS tins numuer r..f- 1. r i.: r....A ;a nnf wnr. I U 1UUII91I U9C. ui M9 - . w. thy to possess it." Paris Fxrago. DOMESTIC." ras were J. O. WHITE; HE BEST SMITH IN THE COUNTY ! m erstgned is preparett to do all kinds of re am d released under this bill : Impos- & 1 A pnn n 1 n .1 A er cr oOO. ed, Aiauama,5!ozy,oio, uue ou,o; Florida, 37,523, due $33,993 ; Geor gia, $584,367, due 8512,960; Missis sippi; S413.085, due $388,342: North Carolina, 576,1 94, due S19U,UUU; Tennessee, $669,498, due $28,176; poles out in Colorado. to He Stuck to His Tent. On a certain street in Denver is a stone mansion of surpassing elegance, which with its ground, cost nearly one mil lion. Directly opposite, on a vacant Virginia, $729,071 : South Caroliua, J5 Muds ot wau-ift.8, clocks, e., and at $363,571. J!tTiyl radlrfiii Theleommittee was, yeas, Dockery, pt, is a tent, boarded up inside as far Price, an Ay Istine, Iman, llrown, as the angIe of the roof . The back oi rennsyivania iwiyiiewiiaui, vuu iltre, fSnyder ant El wood. Nays, Warner, Love, Dowd and McMillan. Wlanttucouuty. ilt. L. B..OWN. A Temperftiico View of It. If the working people of this coun try want to know why they have hard times every few years we can tell them. It is not overproduction nor undercon sumption, as those phrases are com monly employed. If they had kept the $900,000,000 they spend every year for strong drink in their poclcets for the past five years of good times, the pres- MILLINERY! t-o-t- . ,UT tletcniliniHl trvPHnHnnivtho "Mil- at niv nll ctunrl T w - Ir mv Ir.o- I. .1 "V 'M. v. '"j f..:"" an, customers to bold thei orders mc' fsl luve orilered tho. Pn tti-t lot ot Ll ?IB?0NS. FE ATHEES, SILKS, . . .. uyvx.iia, OiU, -mcF had ia store. EvERTTinxai will P5TItLV ;X.W AND PASIUOXAULE. . LM;AP MaSK.W.-R. BARKER. . APRIZF Send six eentslfor nostaffe. and receive tree, acostly box ot goods ttw.vii lcJl wiu heipyoutorooieinon 'flu? "n iin'iiUng else la this world. All ,!llU)f.rtr,',Uc;et',:in, flrsi Lour. The broad Ai LfJLopfPs orr the workers, abaolute i iSorVrW6. Mresil,-i-tg Co., AuKUstai Maine. Raleigh, N. C, January 29. A 'number of railway projects are being put on foot. One is for a road from Goldsboro to Fayetteville, connecting aPthe latter place with flie Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad. The pressure for this road is strong. The project for building a road from Raleigh to Rocky Mount is again be ing agitated. A survey of tlie propos ed line from GatfneyCity, S. C, via and Bakers- end of it is pierced with a stove pipe, ent temporary jull in manufacturing and in the front end is a door and business activity would find many window. - In the window hangs a cur- Qf tbem able t? bear it without being tain of costly lace and in the. tent is a pinehed for the necessaries of life. It piano of exquisite tone, lhe tent it- j jg the overconsumption of whiskey tnat That it is the acknowledged Leader 18 a fact that cannot be disputed, jt- MANY IMITATE IT. NONE EQUAL IT. The Largest Armed. The Lightest Running. The Most Beautiful Wood Work. AND IS WARRANTED To be made of the best material. To do auy and all kinds of work. To be complete in every respect. Agents wanted in uuoccupied territory. Address, DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO.. Richmond, Va. For sale by KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN '43C:ly. Salisbury, N. C. llfilll tor working people. t E 1 : M S i: IK.. , !' ! NOTICE, 1 Wmhiv n1 lvbe J?ade to the present C.ene fi(WwJ?? i?1 North Carolina to ami-nd thfi or Salisbury, N. C.Jty direc (.mmiH.sioners. ' ? JOUX RAMSAY. Mayor. .. fit lEMTS: Rutherfordton, Marion ville. N. C, to Johnson City, Tenn., lias been completed as far as Ruther- Castle. Jcnrer Aewa. ton, and is progressing towards Ma rion Send 10 cents nost- tige. and we will mall you rc, a royal, valuable samDle box of goods that will nut vmvin thf war of maklnir more mon- ArAVi'ivat.tinnroufveri,nouznLD08iuDiea self did not cost over $20. The piano, Ukes the underconsumption of food Uyajo upholstery and furniture inside are and clothing in this land of liberty and f'vaSSMW& said to have cost over $3,000. The liquor. The annual bill for bread, meat, want work may Mjinjwe make ugs oa- owuer planted his tent over 25 years cotton and woolen gooas ot t"is wewiina n n a tnf.nl of ft- I nv Absolutely sure tor all who start at once. Dont airu ami is une ui uiuucraieiy success- I aiucuwui r - i 5-r - .ASioS. sm vmm a Co.. P miners, being worth bout $1,250,000,000. But its annual He prefers his tent bill for whisky, beer and the taxes in otner ' it 4M aKenl- Terms free. Suffocated by Coal Gas. A telegram dated Linchburg, Va;, Jan. 26, say, "at. Wytheville yesterday, two young men named Vernon and Walter werefounr dead in a house. It is supposed tliey were suffocated by coal gas. One of them was in the hallway and the other in the centre of the'room. They had probably dis covered their danger during the night jful "Colorado about 850.000 ito- anv dwcl liner-house, and savs he thereon is $1,400,000,000. 3 ' J I . .. J ! 1 CA AAA would not exchange, it for Windsors words it unnecessarily oxinss aov,vaa,, 000 worth more tnan ii necessarily eai and wears. f And the people who commit f his fnllv everv vear are amazed that j - & v deiay. Address Stiksoj & Co., Portland, Maine. Nor. tl, Si.-lX HARDWARE. A novel craft in these waters, says the Norfolk Fiiyintan, is a floating saw mill. It, comes from Annapolis. once in a few years they are hard up, d snme of them want to hoist the; and is designed for Eastern Carolina. I communistic red flag and destroy every- The owner projioses to go into thel'body else's property because they have rivers, cut timber along the banks wasted their own share of the national and saw it into uoartis on the deck ot his barge. It is believed the prise will pay. onWrmrp in rve inice and other riotous enter-l., m ,n 'u nuias. noswH jl mime . wanted for The Urris v, - ejb i -inuct.a. rne lartr- 2l tWLd for i0".v.T!ir.e8t' haudnueHt, best irWiini,"1" iwe our Drt.-eiThfl -v ym-'-i 0 ... .. j i " I ' T i . . : . Y r TWbiTXXZ America immenm nn nnnrrparii Mtrt in 10T me erecuoa auu mainienance oi me pft t a to nature wnat naint is to Row.- HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES V.fnraTnt'oc truth so well that it i ... ... I A. kUI V V" " I Since lofcUthe total appropnations hafdj ever ymit3 of flonrishingJ oall on the undersigned at NO. 2, Granite reach fresji air. the 'house. They were alone in White House to date amount to S1,7(X),I beauty ; it. is Inot only needless, but gtu. impairs wiiai v wum-iuiiviv. D. A. ATWELIa Agent for the Ga4rdwUTIirlr. Salisbury, N. C, June stn ti. , rf 1$ 'l&Wlj'TGP-''. V:a V L A I , K Al i. si 1 1-' -' : .i '.ijji n : i 1 ft 'Pi BEST SOLD IM THE STAT ii;', ALSO - 'ii It -11: . i-i r I Jn- 1 & ! : Ij. , 5 ALL FOR ii- si PI -i.l -!j it L Til In small size sacks -I S t :-4 FOR PLANT BEDS. -i Truly, - ; i' A 0 J m liiaa IT " 'I1 TOBACCO 1: J ! I - , ft- y - ' 1

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