. ut-! - v-v h . 1 r!(!uH';)'' sAiilmrJ ' . l ?; i i AX ? . -.wr V l l: v 1 1 ? 1 1 . 1111 P :i 'Ji n 1 ' ru'"f KlT - r" t " ' " -- -yj toy -; ;X4 1 ,-f1!: t 1U! '! roll j' i. ail Iailiistion." ;i II tt NVC v..- on ipa! ' idmhfa N- C- Legislature. ('If A 1H.OTTE, N. (X y-tfi Gregory-a " -'7 P?L,,fv. j'iaveuel it will treat ielwn nd a I) A. JhKl K. (J. Suite Treasurer. JI McAden and T C Smith & iSjartiitock of SELECT VARI- kyitN1 tovcry tyi)c to choose is: 1 iml prices tfaaev(ir,trriccTKKE. 1 it i i TVArtf XH JFvro. Wir !;,. i. t A eIdquartebs fan tm WAG OK Si 11 cs'atkutown & Cincinnati v Spring Wagons, tiioK?i & Huffman fx ain and Guano Drills. : WMti AY RAKES,: ' IteRy's liji'iin- and Walking ' ULTIVA.TORS. i THOMAS JIAKHOWS, : Telegraph Straw Cutters, Y jvAvcryiaf'l Djxic PLOWS,.' . )itcr 0orn Slaolloxrs, EBgines and Boilers, . m m GRIST LULLS, iof, Engine $M lioilvr Fittms Guns,. SUtUs!, artritlgcs, Wads sihtl Caps, viliir and Slit; Dynamite Fuse and I'ri rAits, shvtls";md Spades, building i'itirp, Fainls. Oils ami Vnrnishvs, MHAISEO CLOVER SEED. fc tvrtmtiieisi' asTnlly kSpt In yiinse. .Class riiresoiinplcrai;iu Mores. i nave on nana Lll-Mflcktf.tjw-it)ov,i & offer tht-m for ihe next rtyiU4,ror:ers4ney Hiau tbey have ever LasbarOct, V. SMITH DEAL. 1LIU -Lit UT bill ifcUllclas;e$of purchasers, we hajre made 'ataU to Ml these cp'brjtcd Wagons elth- -rcall and lee' us soon. JJsiN A. BOY DEN, Agent, C J.0. WIIITE- uccMKra0l!lv Nont. ti,u. 'mmstree. '-tt 'u ? U0K -' ''ortlaudj Maine. PS sBist salTM m 0DHTY;-! f I'H. WV, M. and J R s rw r'- i ... . . - - -it laGGO Seed. HIT m - MM m Ham... - i . ... ' - W Sen:! six cents for postage.; and ' I. V - T ri". I I IS li.. - . warned for Tne Lives Ot in tub Presidents 01 the U. Tbelanr-. 1 V'T'U lir i. . w est' "uasoniest, best f Aiiin.A.V1 Aiuerie.i. i Immense urolltH J u-irbiKiKCo. -mitldnd, Maine."' .n STILL BOOMING r - - VlSs tt" n" Ueid 1 will ciniin ikiD.f u;: W stand on Main street.' r'liatlnVK,ntU mx t,ic public tor ?krVt0na8e ''eretofoiveb,! WriSL t0" -ure tl,fcir continued fa- tockf P V , .ra,lc a plce CONFECTIOSS. At ,TS and Tobacco: U fl UK m . . - mm KARL BERGEf; PU.PIL. . I BT G. A. COrKLASD. Karl Berger rent to Milan at fust ; jtlie right time. It had - become cfuite vrVM VNEVr CUKeW, jl'1 .t raA down the Italian Wthod of instrumental instruction; jaruUtrji' extol rthe " raetlfod 6f "tleir Nr?rthern compeers. vXarl Berger came, j His name sounded like a Ger man's, and he played music -like a jmastcr, and that was all' that was Seeded Pupils flock'ed to. him, and hect his own prices: Jbven tne 'city r faumi -ihI " Mothers, ,to pbethree pupils with him annu fw;f lv H Waking, J ally,! at ifesown expense, .as Jong as he should remain -there". This .was tri umpli enough -to much older man umph enough Ho Uim -the fiekdo a ian,vamt Karr himself 'was only three and "twenty yeardTold He sat in ius. rmmVone i ml ! t AlkxtlVf udiHaanjnneM two weoJis.aiier ins arrival, snMHiiog his hig pipe with china howl, and con-gi'sTful.-vred himself Here was success indeed ! He wondered what Its old teacher. i'M'P'Herr KapeUmeis'er, would say to I'-,'.- I r ! r. l" ' ,'1 j Salis-j his success. He looked around,the p-oom, furnish eh as cotnfortably as most any in the city, and felta grim satisfaction in knowing that th pie- in trie very cnamoer wnere . Ltesar Brria hatl once slent. His was a no bility as high as his ancicvt predeces- j sor, he said to himself, and he laugh ed grimly, for the young Swede had i but little respect for nobility, ami he on en spoke of his ancestors, the Ber ger Jarls and Vikings, as thieves and cutthroats. While he sat musing, lazily watch ing tlre smoke curling "up toward the bloichetl and crumbled; almost oblit erated frescoes of the vaulted ceiling above, a. servant brought in a note to "Ill Maestro Berger." The City of , j rj - Milan informed his excellency, the cellencv. the Maestro, that the kst of the three pu pils had been chosen, and the pupil, the Contessa Lucia Vinilla, would at- tend him whenever the Maestro would .... . ..!.. be pleased to receive lvcr; 8i?nor Ber-I ger scowled and shrugged his shoul- j ders. He had already, in the short S timejie !ad been in Milan, heard sev- j eral "eontcssas" play, and he had not been favorably impressed bv theirge- nius, and, indeed, it niust be admitted i that the ladies in question had a great er desire to see the handsome foreigner j. than. -tot make any progress in music He hadrforgotten that the three pupils-were too poor to pay for their tu ition and were therefore given their musical education by the charity of the city. However, he sent 'back an answer that he would give the contes sa her first lesson at 3 o'clock the next afternoon, and then he took up his violin; and the contessa and Milan ! it .. 1 1 and Success and the Kapellmeister passed from his mind, while the music soared in tremulous vibrations through the room. - . The next day everything went wrong. He had yet to learn the pa tience neeesary for a teacher, and the countless mistakes of his pupils, and thejurr'mg discords and the seeming stupidity rendered him nearly furious. three o'clock the charity pupil, Contessa Lucia, was ushered into his presence, followed by an old woman, herescort, 'l he contessa did not look very aristocratic in her dress. Every thing she had on was cheap. In tact, awour,.. so an wno need wagons except that her dreSS was neater and more tastefully arrange, it was about the same as the servant s. 1 he Maca Iro was walking up and down the room with an ominous . frown on his face.. He wheel led around and look- '.' Well, Signora, what do you -wish?" he said, crossly. -"I have come fbr my lesson, Sig- nor,"he replied, timidly. He looked at his tablcts. "You are either too early or too late. There is a Contessa Viuella who' wiiMitnr , , comes now. But it sfie does not come wierf ?M 'i clocks; iic.;andat 1 am the contessa, 6ignor, and she ri'FWtoKe. siibibfv: hniii; nV proceeueu iq unwrap ner vtounueom K,Si5tM?I1!il i k. l. BitoyvN. i its green covering, while the s servant hobbled to the nearest chair. 'You came to amuse yourself in a E''p clilettante way on the yjolin Maestro ; Km Ss'tretiH workers, areola e- to be able to teach i music some day. Who knows?' and she latthed a lit- tie nervously.; ,'Contessas don't teach music,' he said, scornfully 'It is only oor ple beians who do that. Let me hear you play.' She nestled the violin on her shoulder caressingly and obediently commenced. The air was simple, a pleasant lullaby, in a minor key, soft and sad, which had been sung by ma ny, lioman mothers to their children. One of those'airs which, like the Ger man Lieder, one fiiids among the peo ple, its author and origin lost in an tiquity, yet everlaslitfg from its pathos and tenderness. The v viol in was fit to beits interpreter, aholcl Cremona almost black with age. fhemusic floated out from the, five quivering strings: The girl, her eyes almost, closed and -her head bent forward: stood erect, playing. The old servant sat listlessly, caught by the music, i swaying to and fro, as if rockingome child, dead fifty yea ryigo. Karl Ber- ger.stod iriWning in' thft' shadbW'of a curtain. - What right' had a'cohtes sa, a young jgirl to plajr; like' that? What right had she to a Violin avhich wa so' m achi better than liis ? The gpft repeated strains ;came to an endr and the girl turned ' prbtidl toward hini. r! rii:y ;. ' 4 'It is a wretched piece, wrechedly played,' he Said, crossly.1 You will never, make an artiste of yourself. "It lacks soul, it lacks rhythm, it lacks everything ? ': ,:' : aThese Htu)ant kyords ivords which the honest Earl Berger- was ashamed, of even while he uttered tliera struck I the young girl like a blow. Her face, proud ami happy at her successful rendering of the simple pleasant air, fell suddenly; at this harsh verdict, anl,gi I.ike she- btisrt into sobs and leftitliQ roomU wlii le the servaut star ed stolidly at the fieroft' fofeignerinftJ then rose4ind hobbled after the. girl. Karl Berger felt ashamed of him self and his suddenvHt of angcrl He took up hisj violin, but it sounded harsh. He was cold and courteous to the pupils who came that j afternoon, but lie was glad when the day was oyer. Thoyj were lighting the lamps in the courtyard below when he look ed out. He j watched the servants ai they put thej lamps r in their places, ami after they haci left he stood at the window looking absently down on the empty courtyard beneath, when ho saw a figure coming slowly across the yard, tie stepped out on the balco ny and called to her, for he recogniz ed tiie escort jof the Contessa Lucia. When the woman had come up he asked her : j Where dpes the Contessa Viuella live?'" j . 'In this house, signor, with a rela tive. The contessa has no other friends .ai, sf,e lives here, but not in idleness, .... e S,gnor 1 i!e ,s loo prouU tor that I olie tak es care of the house, and works like a servant. She has no friends but meiI was her nurse. Slxe is too proud w bu W,UI oiuers in ine nouser jven . ;i; . i i rs ncr relatives do not patronize Iter, and lhe servants are always very polite to 1,er amI always obey her, but behind hcr bac,c they j laugh at her here, and C:l11 her the 'cdntessa-of-all-work and thecoiitessa-dook.' Her grandfather, V,e y"""."' v V,elly taught her music, and she Worked so hard at it that she might earn her own living 1 1 ult wiry -Last week she won the prize at the cOnservatoire,and the city was to pay hei tuition with you. You should not have spoken so harshly to her, signor? I found her in her little room crying as if her heart would break 1 Karl Berger ran his hands through f his hair. 'I was wrong very wrong. Will you lcil her Ii said so? Ask her to come "gain, and I will promise to be lairer. The next afternoon the girl came in. 'It was very silly of me. Maestro, to run away like that,' she said ; 'but I want so much to be a good artiste, and when you told me I could not ' 'Don't talk about it, please,' inter rupted Karl ; 'I was cross and tired, and, if you must know it, jealous,' and he s toiled grimly. 'Yis, jealous, that you could play I better' than I.' Lucia flushed with delight. 'If you mean; that but no! You are laughing at me!' ' ' 'I me;in What I said,' replied Karl, determinedly; I can teach you tech nique, perhaps ;! after that you have nothing to leani.' So k was settled. One day, during the lessons, Karl saiil abruptly : i 'Would you like also to study at night? My evenings arc al Liny own.' The girl laughed with pleasure and cried : 'Oh, Maestro, you are so kind.' So, after the work was done, Lucia would come in jwith Marcia, her old nurse, and afVerthe lesson Karl would jpjekrup hif-pvvii violin and play. One night he strapped suddenly and said to;her: ' " i " - 'I wish you would not call me Ma estro. I am nojca master in music. I am only a sham, and somedayabey will find it out. j I am not muehSld er than yon and don't play any betteV. I want you to think of me as a fellow student, not as a; teacher;' y- What shall 1 call you then?' Lu cia ask til shylv. ''Karl.'- -t-. " - That is a pretty naine,' said Lucia. 'It was my father's,' atid he went on to speak of MiisNorthem home, of the snow storm when all the family died but himself, -and r how he was 1 hen she told hiin of her and her past history. Each night af ter they laid their, music aside they, would sit and talk, and Marcia would sit aud slumber quietly in her chair. . Soon the opera Reason commenced and often the three - would sit back io some ittle box wliich had been plac ed at Karlii disposal, and listen to tne. granu. crrauons ot masters. A I Jiappy time fr both. Karl was alii jjeuucuuaa iu tuy ji nue, contessa and tound famished 'arid senseless, yv it Ji h is violin h tigged tohis breastl A ud Lu cia sat still and drank'iti cVery-'word. thcgd'n yx)ung Korseman began io&nWtirer. Bad himself making Jokes to amuse her. - He to make ios who : had hitherto gone throtigh life In his soberi j solemn wayp-toHma Jt ! t jfa suri)rising indee j They 'xajled each other Karl and Lncia. anti sometimes brother and sister!; j$o ihTng went on till suddenly rcia feJl sijL Lu cia stayed by her bedside ffs much as her wort would al Ipwi -Tlie ) lessons must cease till Matcia grew better,, iorsne iiait no other cnaparone, and of course it was ini possible foi? he wto go withbui.oue. The day? seemed to' drag slowly along and the "night watch ing4egau to tell on her. She grew paler and went about sad and musiug.., r ., : I I - , -K--t As for Karl, the first tinie that Lu cia missed her lesson heHjecame rath er angry. 1; ii " : 'She think she liasjj learned cvery- me, he muiteretl. j 1 He tried to feel injnred and banisb Her from his mind, and t for awhile he thought he had succeeded. When the long evening came and he found him self alone, he becaine restless and un easy, and imagined himself only anxious that nothing might have happened to Lucia. He took up his violin, but soon put it aside, and then ! he went out to the opera-house. The prima donna was out of voice and 'tlhe I orchestra vile. Coming home he met one of the ser vants. , 'Where is Marcia j! he asked. 'Very sick, signor.!' j So that was it. "Hq went gloomily up stairs and went straight to the mirror and began to apostrophize his image. 'Maestro Berger, you are an ass,' he said quietly. 'However poor she may be, she is still contessa and you are on lyKarl Berger,' and he took up his violin and commenced to play. But with all his self-restraint he found the days very long and tiresome. One night Lucia sat alone in the room when she heard Karl's violin. He was tellinhis story of l6ve unconsciously to the one from whom he intended to hide it. As the girl sat there in the darkness, holding Marcias hand, she felt strangely happy and quiet. Sudden ly Marcia opened her eyes. . 'Lucia,' she said. 'I am ever so .much better.' -'j I. .. The proud contessa bent over and kissed the wrinkled face of the servant; and said, gravely: j ' I . 'That is well; but you must sleep, Marcia, and not talk.' ' 'Play for me, Cara,' said the old wo man,, drowsily. And Karl Berger beard suddenly from Marcia's room the answer to his violin's confession. Sweetly arid softly it came to him at first, but soon it swelled out into full volume. It! told all to him that was necessary. And jwrhen the girl ceas ed playing and sank' back in her chair, blushing rosily red, there were twro peo ple in the house who were perfectly happy. When Lucia awoke the next morning and found Marcia better and the heav ens and the birds injhimnony with her happy mood, theirst thing she did was to kiss her violin, and; when she had dressed and was coming down the stairs, sjnging like a lark, she saw at tlie f oot Karl Berger, his face flushed and look ing very happy, indeed.!' 'Tell me, little Lucia,' he said, eager ly, 'didn't the violin jspeak truly ?' , I don't know what she said, for I didn't hear it; but 1 do know that Milan was surprised to hear that very winter that one of its contessas had married a music teacher. Washington Hatchet. An Old Man Attacked by a Hog. Mr. Britton 'Pdrker, of Buford township, is 80 years of age. Mr. Parker owns a Bersljire boar, three years old, .which . for a year o more has been very vicious, andx he has been compelled to carry a large stick to defend himself from its savage attacks. On last Saturday evening Mr.'Parkcrimet-the: hog in the Jane, without his stick, and, was attacked by it. The. hog thrpy iim down and cut three terrible gashes, each about four inches long, iti his right side, and .pne of his ribs was torn loose fronthe breast bo tie; a terrible gash three inches. Jong, was also cut in the left thigh. The hogthen desisted and walked off a few feetiwhen Mr. P. managed to crawl to the gate, which vasvbut a few feet j distant, and just managed to get inside and shut it when J he hog againj niade a rush for hirnT. " was" afnded by Dr. T.jU;fPosjcjy who thought on Sun- iiay; inai uis wounds wouiu prove fatal.r OniTticsday morning he was alittte better, and'the doctor then thought he might recovcr.Jbnroe; " - - ! M J A Good 'One. The following "burlesque on the rtQpmifoolery now" bejnc nronosed at Austin', is from the. Honey ,Grove to Iidependejit,lti? ,.too. good , to.be lost: ' W liile the present LegiiTature Fs in session we want them' to make it a felony: : - - ; ' ,J; ' '. For boys to tie a can to a dog. 'J Por a girl to ask'- for more than three saucers of . ice cream, or ' three dozen-fried oysters. hn f or tiny man tomorrow a newifa'-1 per who is able to pay 'for one. " ! For writing a spring poem. Tot writing anyother poem. For( writing anything except as the Legislature dictates. f i '' For a married man to stay out af ter 10 o'clock at night.; -T'nw For a married man to go home be fore 10 o'clock at night. For him togo home at any time. For saying "By Jingo," when he might swear like George Washington or an English nobleman and say "Kgad." ; For speaking of the weather. jbor public speakers to lay all the blame on the printer. For it to rain. For the sun to shine. For having any kind of weather. For throwing cluds at a neighbor's chickens. For shooting at a thief. For shooting at a mark. For shooting at all. For having anything to shoot with. AVe call earnestly upon the present Legislature for speedy action upon these vital objects, for 'tis with soul wringing anguish that we note that the unusual and increasing prevalence of these crimes is leading the fairest youth of our land into darkest hued paths ever devised by Satan for the doynIall of man; they are, by being yet! permitted, bringing the gray hair ed sire and the loving mother with totjferiiig footsteps to ignoble and for gotten graves; wrecking the sweetest bomes into bitter ashes over biwhted hopes, and spreading an Egyptian plague of ruin, misery, death and moral chaos in wide spread, con fusion over what should be the fairest land tin the clobe. I A i And all for want of a little high- pressure legislation, and a few felony Liws. ''My son," said a father to his little boy, at the breakfast table, "if you had the choice to be burnt at the stake, like John Rogers, or to have your head chopped off, i ike King Charles the First, which would you choose?" "John ltogers," said the boy. "And why ?" "Because I should prefer a hot stake to a cold chop." STANDS AT THE HEAD! the Liorrr-BrNxixo DOMESTIC. That it is the acknowledged Lender I lat-t that cannot be disputed. MANY IMITATE IT. NONE EQUAL IT. Th6 Largest Armed. The Lightest Knnning. The Most Beautiful Wood Work. AD IS WARRAiVTED To be made of the best material. To do auy and all kinds of work. To be complete in every respect. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. i Address, , DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE 'CO.. I Richmond,: Va. For sale by KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN . '84 36:1 y. Salisbury, N. C. WHEN YOtT WANT HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call Ion the undersigned at NO. 2, Granite Row) D. A. AT WELL. A?3at for tha "CralwellThresher.' it ' 1 ' "lt? hjSsrir -biA - -. ?' ' - - Tun. j. HARDWARE Sa isbnry. N. C, June 8th tf. 19 iiEIQ HOSPHATlr I ' " m THE BESTiSOLD I THE STATE. "ISp i it m - , m::y-z ll TOBACCO GMlp: J iffjw IN SMALL SIZE SACKS i.:::v s": im ..I imm;i M FOR PLANT BEDS M ' 1: iter ' i" - iW : r;i - Wm. j. b. gaskill. . . - - . . . . ' ' ' . . ''''' " 1 - i I - - - ' " ? : : ;; i ji ' - ' ' ! . ii't- '