j mi m .iwiiiiiwinuii'im.i l up. I, ur-- H mimmmmmmmmm.tm' ii!Him.niwnwWHW .- - - . - L v .. . . Y 41 xoTEnin-iiTrc. HfliLROAUi X, OFFICE OEXy P AGJEXT, xMfaW II. fL MAY 11th, 1884 15ct 'Rouirll on Hats" clears out Rats. Mice. Rough pn Corns,7fox. Cornsr p ii i ii r Banioiis. CCHEOULE.! JtAST. f STATIONS. Train No. 1, WEST.. At. a. m. ( Ballsburr ; lit i-8UU-8Tille 1.1T " ; ' Newton ; ll.4Sp.mJ JHlckorr lt.M M riMoryanton tjl ,'Maripa - ! s.40 "jlOldKort T.5 ' uiKound KnOl - T4J " i I Block Wountajn . Anhertlle .S3 - i Alexander's , - tA4 " Manlull An iM t;.wrni gprlngr Tr&ln N6.S.Y Lv. ir5 a. m. i Ur. J w - ! I - t.t " . i " 4.X6 " M4 M ' M . T.5 ' 1 i " ' 8.5 7. STATIONS. i (Train No. WEST. 4.M p. m 'lA&hertlle' j I'Lt. t.W i Plfeon R1W 1 Ar. I1.1S M iiwajntrsvllle ;j TnOn 'TandmiidaUy. i TralA No. S connect at Salisbury wttn R. D. K. .roa an polata South. - m : Train Wo. I- Connect at JaUsbury with R. & D. R. R. from ' all polnUNOrtn and from Raleigh. Connects at tatWTlllewlth A. T. & O.Mv. it V. CA. R. k coonecu at Warm Springs with E. Tenn.. Va. " , B. B. for Morrlstown and pcinU Went, S. W 'T Train Ho. 2 Tliin nple.f ttWdls Ilcall h cpewer, restores liealtlr nd ViWi cUrcff dyspepsia, ;&c fl., .V.:.m- -'.'..' T:- p '(V!f,-!': j 4Bougl onTo hache," instant retitt 1 6c; ..Ladies who would retain; frehnc8 nl vivacity don't faih to try "Well' Ileal th fBuchu-paiba, great kidney and urinary core.4 " . -, r Flies, roaches, ants, 1xkMu?s. ratft.'micc, I clearetJ out ly MHinli on Rats." loC4 ' 4Roub oh Coughs," trtklie8flciiqaid Fcr children, slow in deve'opmentl wan?4 J and delicate, use ?i Wepa' If eaJth.Ren$wcjr.V "unuiMi ou jucnusi, looiu.x-owucf. ,rj 1 1 1 -f i !' Nervous WeakncssV Drspepsra, t Sexual Debility cured by "AVells lfeulth ReuH er.,' Mother Swan's Worm Syrup, for fererjsh ness, u orma, consti jat ion ; t ast eless j 25c. Stin"inr, irritation, all Kidriey.and Uri nary complaints cured by fJJuchUrpaiba, Jfight sweats, fever, chills, malarm. dy peps:at, cured by "Wells' iieanii iteneyen My husband (writes a lady) is thre times the man since using "Wells- Health He newer," fli, ; .... ; .,;:; 'Jr If you are failing, brokenr worn out and ' ' at Warm SDrtnzS with E, T.Va.AGa.RJt, V aiorrlatowa A the. West A svw. Coanects at j nervous, nse " M is eaisa wenewer." f i Prevalence of Kidney complaint iti,4.mcr- till with A. T. U O. Dir. of C C. A A. K. R. , at SaUsbuiT with H. A I. K R. for all points ' rtfc and East and for Raleigh. ; ' Through Tickets a sale at Salisbury, Statesvllle, Ashevllle and the W ' Springs to all principal cities. ;' ; j7. a. tuek, A.O. P. A. ica; .Buchu-paiba" is quick, ( complete, cure, $1. '.K''''"' .'"r 'i':' TIP i- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. XERU CUAIOE. L. II. CLEMENT. WftAiuct a ui-ciucii i Jlttorueys .t Ij.x7-f - Salisbuuv, N. C. rub.3raI88I, .IC;MoCORKLE. T.F. KLUTTZ. 'IHeCORKLE & ImXUTTZ, V ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS j't, ! Salisbury, S!iC. I Office on Council Street, opposite the, Court Iloase. , -37:tf ' - ': MM: f 25 j YEARS IN USEf Tlia Greatest Modisal Triamh of tte Ael SYMPTOMS OF A i torpid livek;: XiOsacf oppetlte, Dovrela costirc Pain la tbo head, with a dall eonsatln ia tlie baci pri rt, Pain onder tho shoalder blade Fallncos nftcr entire, with adic f ocHnntion to excrtloa of body ormlcd, Irritability of temper, Ixtt spirits, wltla afcclisaof having ncelcctod yoiao datr, Wccrlaocs, Dizziness, Flattering at tbo Xlsart, ro:a before tbo eyes, Headache over tbo rlsbt eye. RestlessRcss, firlth fitfal drcntns, Ilhrbly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION ; TUTT'3 arc especially adapted to each cases, one dso e'Jects tucli a change of feclinjr n to nstonisli the suflercr. TBcy inrreKSO t&rt n ppeute.naa caucs tu OTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County. Ij? the Scpe'rior Court, Jas'y 10. 1 885. Samuel IJ. lIart, Adm'r of John M. Brown, St,, Petitioner, j v r i r 4 Againut . - Getirge A r Brown, John M. Brown, Jr., Jo-aeph-F. Brown, James L. Brown. Wm. L. Brown, and Margaret Kerrj wil'e.of Wuh S. Kerr, heirs at law Defendants. This is a special proceeding brought by the said administrator for art' order to sell the land ol his intestate for assets ; and the -above named 'm: L. Brown, Margaret Kerr and iet husbarjd Wm. S. Kerr, being proper patties defendant and uon-residents of this State and residents of Texas, said Wni. L. Btpwn, Margaret S. Kerr and Wm. &Kerr are hereby! notified and summoned to appear before this Court and answer or ;demur- to the petition on tile in this rase, on or Iwfore the 14th, day of March, 1885, or judgment will be. taken procdnfento as to . them? and tliis notice will be published in the "Carolina Watchman" r newspaper six successive weeks from this date. This Jan uary 10th. 1885. J. 31. IIORAII, C. S, C l&Ow .i - , of Rowan County. body t Take on VloHmtMH tlie system -aoarlshed.rrd bythoirTonto Action ou the uigeSiiveororanSfitea'aiarbfooii prodnceil. Price iBBc. 41 Bfnrray TOTT'S HAIR l Gsat Haib or Whiskers changed-to a lie a err hv n slnorlo aoDlication of this DTE. 1 1 imparts a utitaraf color, act flfrize send six ceats postaep. and i receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to t more money rlirht awar tham anyiuing eise ia mis wona. ah, oi euuer sex, suc-i eeed from ilrst hour.' The broad road to fortune! opens before the workers, and absolutely sure, Atora aaaress THCB & Co., Augusta, Maine, I ,i . r-lni?-. : f Fl SiOMABLl HILLffiERY ! URSrSATE MEDERN ACH, r I pleased to announce to the ladies ot SaliiJiury 'and surrounding country, that she )iaa optne4 a MILLINERY 8TORE in Crawford's new building lob Main Street. nujoiuing v ine room formerly occupied by BlaetmeT &'Tayloras a Hardware House. She prepared to til orders and respe.t fllyliiiv;tes ladies to call and inspect her atock'.A;Can "supply dn short notice any artitUe not in Store. Believes her work will -not only give satisfaction but pleasure. Wilffll orders , promptly and at charges as moderate as possible. Indelliblc stamp ing on 'any kind of material tor Braiditi" and embroidery, also free hand drawing for Mottos, Hat bands. Handkerchiefs, &e, any sire; plain to elaborate. 1 Mar.'27:tf. 4 '. r. : ' f '. y lnstantaneoasly! So!l by Drurjglata, or sent by express on receipt of CI, 1 Offico,44 Murray St., New York. qN . 8T05XACH tm pt To the needsefT the tourist, eommerelal traveler and new settler, Hostetter'a 8 torn ach I Bitters is peculiarly adapted, since it strengthens the digestive organs, and braces the physical energies to unheal th ful influences. "It removes and prevena malarial fever, constipation, dyspepsuQ healthfully stimulates the kidneys and bladder, and enriches as well as j purine! the - blood. When overcome by ) fatigue, whether mental or physical, the wear and debilitated find it a reliable source ot renewed strength and comfort. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. POTj"TZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS m w sTJ mir i- fCUT2 tape vonni Arterainent Gennan scientist has recent ly diaveid from a root extract, ari rW hite ItpeeiJUr for Tape WormJ -; It is pleasant to take and 1s not distress ingfto the patient, but is peculiarly sicken in. Wj- BuPcnS o the Tape Worm, ,which lu'-sens its hold of its victim and passivaway in a natural and' easy manner '"My vMct;with Head, and while till alive. I , -,,r : i- I s Ojie physician has used i this specific in over 400 cases, without a sinule. failure to void worm entire. Success guaranteed. No pay;requir;d until removed iwith head SencT8tam p for e.ircu lar and terms. J t CO., nrjir wood l ri i Park Plce, Xcw! York. I V 11 ; f, V U it A T.T 'V WE ASK interested Jo nides, iur Wocll, Roots, camera, , ccswtX;, Uuttef, Clieeie, Eg8, Dried Frujt, poultry, Hay and I Prodttee ffencallyend for our f Price Currents. Prompt retarns orr. Consignments: I V Trfal Shipments Solicited. . R. IWjLLIAils & CO. ; I Geskiul Coumimiok MraurtAvrs, : - Office 16, William St., Xew York. .sr 'J 1 IP" si' is.. - .: 1 VI?ST( ENEMY to children is worms. -Shriner'a Indian Verm save them from-ruin if used accbrdinff to the dtrcction'f Z :yr v : ' M ; I ; 6 14;' fuge will JiP w" TU1 dl? Coue.TfoT or! Lcso Fa R. ir rontj!' l'owden nre ned in time.! Fontx'K PnwdorR willrnre and prevent IloftCiioutKA. v2!!f owJl0T" wm prevent GArwraK Fowls. 1 rowdorn win lnrce the qnnntitr of millc ni rtteum twenty per cent, and nialce the butter firm ni sweet. s - 1 Font Powderawni enre r! prevent Almost ktxst Dlp,i!.towhlc,, Hornet and tittle Are subject. Sold everywhere. . ;i i v DAVID r. TOTTTS. Proprietor. X- 8AX,TIK?QSi:.XD. LArejrou failinsr. try Weixs' Fkalto $m- Lung AuvucquaJcainrjaorsnt. CnresT Headacbo, FeTer, Asuo, Chills. l BEBIUTY& WEAKNESS. jL,1. " 1 r - i' . m?rit,tmewua!ed for TORPID LIVER and Wight Sweats, Nervous Weakness, Malaria, Leanness, Sexual Decline! W II '.pi I, II II. fill 11 Ii sa niT J ii 11 14 l A CI ichii-Paihav EIk,ai,le Cnres o'Catarrof N71.intion'LT-itatioacf Kid- .of tie Prostate Gland, PropsieS on?, Jem?' Ineontin-fUrln-i, aH Diseases oltbe Geaito i:"?7 TSa latither nex For Un "3ew,? each $1. vJtTbi us- f r contracted or rAIi S1 awl Cispia'a Fy-f-flfric RSa 100; tctfcha- R nluUtte feiiiv. tliML bottlew t-yntn. i of ra?, 1 Bal re, bT rroreaa on m mi " w, v. Extracts from Mr. AYinthron Or- -Bat fe'tiotr-I toirhf all oirintts not the acknowledged preeminence; ,01 tne f atner oi nis country nrst witnoin a pcoa?t,mortJj fljacjl jwequately.xe presented by. that soaring shaft,; rising high above trees and pires and domes, and all the s&oke'and stir of earth he ever roe abbre seeti6rialTbreiu3ic'es, and party poiitics, and personaCinte- mg out as everjTista as tar m .nuraan, sight can reach, arresting and nyeting the eye at every turn? -while it shoots tri- nmphantly- to the sHea f ?Does nbt does notf;1 1 repekt, 'ttiaVlpdlossal lTJnii remind all who gaze'at iL more forcibly man any arcn or statue couia ao, tnai there iswpner name in r American history abbye aUothier names, one character more exalted than all other characters one example to be studied and reverenc ed beyond all 'other examples; one bright particular star in the clear upper sky of burfirniament; whose guiding light aid peerless fustre are for all men ana ior au ages, nexer to De lost i signi of, never to be unheeded? Of tha name, of that Jcharacter, of that exam ple, that glorious guiding light, our Obelisk, standing oil the very spot se lected by Washington himself for, a monument to the American Revolution, and on the site, which marks our Na-1 tional meridian, will be a unique me-i morial and symbol forever. The character of Washington ! Who can delineate it worthily? Who can des describe that priceless gift of America to the world, m terms which may do it any sort of justice, or afford any-degree of satisfaction to his hearers or to him self v Modest, disinterested, generous, just, A of clean hands and a pure heart, self-denying and self sacrificing, seek ing nothing for himself, declining all remuneration beyond the reimburse ment ot his ohtlays, scrupulous to a farthing in keeping his accounts, of spotles3 integrity, scorning gifts, chari table to the needy, forgiving injuries and injustices brave, fearless, heroic, with a prudence ever governing his im pulses and a wisdom ever guiding i:s valor, true to his friends, true to (lis whole country, true to himself, fear ing God, believing in Christy no stranger to private devotion or public "worship, or to the holiest oflfices of the hurch to which he belonged, but ever grate fully recognizing a Divine aid and di rection in all that he attempted and in all that he accomplished, what epithet, what attribute, could be added to that consummate character to commend it as an example above all other I charac ters in merely human history ! - From first to last, he never solicited, or sought, an office, ; military or civil. JEvery office stood candidate for him, and was ennobled by his acceptance of it. Honors clustered around him as if by the force of "first intention." Re sponsibilities heaped themselves on his shoulders as if by the law of gravitation. They could rest safely nowhere else, and they found him ever ready to bear them all. To what is called personal magne tism he could have had but little pre tension. A vein of dignified i reserve, which Houdon and, Stuart have rightly made his peculiar characteristic in mar ble land on canvas, repressed all famil iarities with him. His magnetism was tnat ot merit superior, surpassing merit the merit of spotless integrity, of recognized ability, and of unwearied willingness to spend and be spent in si a i i mi a tue service oi nis country, mat was sufficient to attract irresistibly to his support not only the great mass of the people, but the wisest and best of his contemporaries in all quarters of the Union, and from them he selected, with signal discrimination, such advisers and counsellors, in War and in Peace, as have never surrounded any other Amer ican leader. No jealousy of their abili ties and accomplishments ever ruffled his breast, antt.with them he achieved our Independence, organized pur Con stitutional Government, and'stamped his name-indelibly on the agein which he lived as the age of Washington ! Is Well did Chief Justice Marshall, in that admirable preface to the biography of bis reverend and illustrious friencS sum mp with judicial prepision the ser vices he was about to describe in detail: Well and truly did he say; " As if the. cho sen instrument of heaven, selected for the purpose of effecting the great designs of Providence respecting this, our Wes tern Hemisphere it. was , the , peculiar lot of this j every epoch , when, the destinies of this count ry seemed dependent" oh the ! measures aaopteu, to dc caiiea py tne united voice othiab&Uaimtm approached till our. 1 New,. World shall require a fresh, discovery; and the glory of ; Washington will remain unique and peerless1 until - American' Independence snail require to be again acnievea, or tne ipunaations OI WJmuwuuuai aauer- tKto be laid Vnew. 4 fl Thmpit elaborate and durable monuments may perish.; But neither, the . forces ot-na tureViior any fiendish enme -of man cah'eter mar or matilate agreat exam ple of public or private virtue: iOur matchless Obelisk stands proud ly before us to-day, and we hail it with the exultations of a united and glonous aton ,ilt may, or may not be i proof against the cavils of critics, but noth ing of; human construction is f "proof the casualties of f tima; The stornis of winter must blow and beat u)dn- it. The action of the elements of Heaven may scar and blacken it Aji earthquake may shake its foundations. Spme mighty , tornado, or resistless cyc Une,tnay rend its massive blocks asunder and hurl huge fragments to the ground. But the character which it commem orates and illustrates is secure. It will remain unchanged and unchange able! in all its consummate purity and is the reason why one niarr5 is pcrmjt tetlto get rich, while another, strug gle-fas he will,' remains pparGd directs and overrules alitor fjood, in uuiviutiais as well as well as nauous. All is uiuler His eye, and not a spar row falls without His observatiou."-4' 1 Better Thau Gains: to hnxr.' splendor, and will mandthe homage OtJRS FOREVER. more and more com- of succeeding ages in all regions of the earthi God be praised, that character is ALL FOlt THE BE ST. it BY T. S. ARTHUR. s Si lover: All Js for the best." said ne to a merchant who had met with heavy losses. 4J.t is not for the best that I should lose my property," indignantly replied le merchant. "The Lord's providence deals inti mately with the affairs of men," said the other, "and all these dealings are for good." ; But the merchant spurned the sen timent. His heart was placed on riches, lie looked upon money us the greatest good. Lo.s of wealth was, therefore, in his mind, the great est evil that could befall him. j "It is not for the best," he said in his hear,! ; and with something of the spirit in which the fool said u2so i The disaster proved fatal. The St merchant, yet quite a young man, be- came oanKrupi. ixor was tins an. A marriage contract in a wealthy family was broken off, thus visiting him with a double calamity. I f All for the best !" he raid to him self, bitterly, recurring to the senti ment which had been uttered in his ears. "No ! It is not for the best. Why have I been dealt with so harshly ? Of what crime have 1 been guilty? Whose ox, or whose ass, have I taken uni stly? I have beeu frown ed upon without a cause." j In this slate he remained for mouths and then made another effort. ' On a few hundred dollars he commenced business once more, and will hard labor and slow progress, he ot whom he had been engaged in mar- was u in tea to a more wealthy and he sought a union with One whose external circunitaaces cor responded with his own. He wed ded happily. The partner of his bosom was a true woman, and their hearts were joined in the tenderest af fection. Years came and went, and many precious children blessed their union. Prosperity crowned the merchant's efforts. He gathered in wealth, but prized it less for its possession than its use. ! i'fWhat now ?" said the one who had previously referred to the dark dispensation of Providence. "Is all for the best? or does your heart still doubt ? ' J "I see it clearer, yet. sometimes I doubt; said the merchant. f "But for your loss of property," said the other, "you would have mar ried the daughter of Mrs. Humphrey?" "Yes." "And she would have been the mother of your children ?" I "Yes." j Have you heard of her conduct?" MAo. y hat has she done?" 'Yesterttiiy she deserted her hus band, leaving a babe three months old, and has gone off with an opera singer." ' If 'fit cannot be !" "Alas 1 It is too true." ? Wretched creature! Oi! who could have belie veil her heart so corrupt!" H "Was not the loss of your wealth a blessing, seeing that it has saved you and your children from disgrace and Wretchedness ?" I "A blessing ? Thrice a blessing ! Yes, yes. It is for the best. I see, I feel, 1 acknowledge it." j IfHeaveu knows what is best for us, and ' orders all for good, if we only lierform bur duty. Not, however, our mere natural good, but our spiritual. veu-ueing. uoa is spirunai s " - ! ' a ! Last Saturday a drummer was put off a train on the Carolina 'Central Ro'ad by a conductor,: and walked the track for a distance of four miles to' the next station, which was Wadesboro.1 The drummer was on the train with a friend, and they had a thousand mile ticket be tween them, both their names being written on the ticket. ! It was against a rule of the company for both of them to ride on the train at the same time on a ticket of this character, and the conductor told them that one of the other would either have to pay fare, or get off. The drummer refused to pay and was ditched. Ai wl hear it, the Order in regard to the restrictions, upjjn traveling on the class of ticket iiamed had been countermanded by the railroad authorities, but the conductor had not been notified, and therefore, in' ejecting the drummejr-ffom the train, acted un der the order by which he had always beenguided. The drummer came to Charlotte Monday and began arrang ing for a suit for damages against the company for his ejectment from the train, but a conference was arranged with the railroad officials. The confer ence lasted about two days and ended last night in a compromise, by which the drummer secured, so we are inform ed, about $600. Charlotte Observer. A Deer Park In MI cbell County. Two brothers named Baily, living near B-ikersvule, in Mitchell county, at the foot of a mountain, have a deer park in which they keep tweutyfive or thirty deer. It covers forty or fif ty acres, and they capture the deer and confine them there. When they want some venison or desire to sell some they have only to go in and take one. The wild deer come to the park:, being attracted by those that are in it, and jump over the fence, which is so constructed that they can easily enter the enclosure; once in, however, they are fast, as they cannot bound out as they jumped in. Mitchell county has plenty of wild turkeys, foxes and cpons with an occasional wolf or bear, and the sportsman can enjoy himself there. The wolves are in fact quite numer ous, and so destructive to sheep that the rewards for their "scalps" has been increased froni $5 to 10. Waynes ville News. i ThiT Times' -f ojt our Qui Bonds." Our Raleigh dispatch gives encourag ing informatirin-as to a' movement ior settling Lthe ; debt of North aroima heretofore repudiated. -.':There'itre some $10,000,000 of these bonds, mostly issu ed in aid of railroads It wacnarjreu that many of them were tainted iron fraud, and it is ketty well, established that some ot them were so. - ajui. State has had Wid advantage.-from them! and its refusal to come to any terms with innocent holders who redd value for thlem'and had no notice of any traua irom tne otate, nas oeeii ... t - " i XT i.t serious blot uppm ira reputation, narolina is nowisteadiiy advancing m nrosneritv. and la stronsr feeling has i ii '-ai .iiCli ' . r rrrown no in tne orate mat, eveu uum the noiht of view of immediate pecuni- ary interest, it wouia ue ueiwr the reoutation oi xne dhiuj uv uiuc honorable; adjustnent with the holders! of the bonds.. xi wies. A bill has been! introduced in the New Jersey ..Jjejpslatufe which specifies that hereatjter.any male person wnp snau beat, bruise-or wjiip his wife, some one else's wife or an female person, shall be corporally puiished by the infliction of a number of fashes, not exceeding thirtrfto.be laid tupon his bare back by the sheriff of a conty or one of his depu ties, armed with ik whip of suitable pro portions, the whipping to be done only in the presence of the officers of the Court or jail.1 I Mrs. Wm. Mdorc, of Southampton Lono- Island, swallowetl a large stee needle last Angdst, which she put iu- to her mouth while she was sewing It lodged crosswise in her thrat, be coming firmly imbedded. Since then she has been a gi-eat suficrer. Friday while she was attending to her house hold duties, she tainted and fell against a table. Blood spouted from her mouth and ears,' and with it, through the right-ear, came the needle. The Public IJoads. Mr. Jones, of uaiivoinbf, lias introduced a bill to is tublih n Public poad Commission, aud the House commit U-o has considered aud recoiiiiueuded its oassae. . There have i been beeu otne lueasuies of vei v great cousetiiieiit'e acted upon by the present Assembly, but the Ues"ister knows of none already disposed of or ye lo We considered of moro value to the people than llii.s. If Mr. Jo lies sec are s ii a passage, his iaiue is likely to live history as that ofj a public benefactor. Kill Keister. PPBBBiBifiaft CONDENSED i i i a Hi. 11.U Leave Charlotte.'.. '."Salwburj .... "Mlifh Point.. Arr.Qreensborol.. Leave G reenHboro . Arr. Hillslro...... " Durham M IUIeigh ... Lv. " ....... ArrGoldiboro.... No.jl8-Dail, MeelattKr Iveave dreensboro 4(C1 " Arrive ni ttaleigl, 11.54g T Arrive at Uoldsboro 5.0(T it,' : i 'n; No.5 Conned at GreenRhnUI7,, R R for all point Noril,, EaXl Danvillf. At Slisbury Viih VWrV! all points in Wtstern JTC lAftk with W& W R R j4J l connect at Greenboro with iaV i.: fe for all piointa on the Saltm Brsnrli TRAINS GOIXO WEST.' Jun.6lh, 1S84. o. 5XH 1 DailyL ' i Li T rL, J..1 i Utr jjeaYeiuiuiiHjru ... ti.oo a. m r . l A' I . . . . ,U1 Arrive twieisii . .i "-'.1.3pm 6.27 4..... Arrive Durham HilUUoi ' Oreensti ro... Iave " I Arrive HigbPiont f Saliburyi..,.. , Charlolte...... 11 .7.08 41 9.25 ' 9.55 " 10.37 12.05 " 1.58 a No.l6,pailyei;.'Sunday-Lv.CordAL'Ji! It! 'Ar.Grenit No. 50 Connects at Salisbury tlrt points on W N 0 11 Rnd at CJiarloti No. 52 Connects al4.Miaxlotewiifc"t J & A.R.U. with allpointsSoutii aridRnw and with A & C Air-Liire for all puloug N.W.N. C. RAILROAD. Going South. NoHiO Daily ex. Sun.- 3a. $' Lv. Greensboro ; Ar. Krrnersville " Salem i 1 1 30 p u 12 3G " 1 16 " Goikg North. Mo. 51. Daily, ex. Ni'in. lVOttu 11 oi . 1 VI -- Leave Salem j Ar. Kerner!ville. " Greensboro Diilri 1 2o ni 8 05 " : 915 ' 53uu 60S 7111 STATED UN IYER SI fY RAI1BB11 D:iilytx.ia, Going North eternal, and His providences 111 re- jgaru to is creatures ioo,k 10 spirit ftial and eternal ends. Thus, while faonsipnnmchuthe: success of those meUresrmcirWr UU : tret. ' f f f'-'M , . . There are sdnieicircaiiiislarices-w canixot ioccur.iwicei, i some occasions of which there eanbe1 no repetitibhsome iwWIivalways' assert their in dividual preeminence, and admit of no rivalry or. comnarisoii. t The . clorv of Colnmbu can nerer be. eclipsed. rever and Coat Tails Cut Off. A Practical Joker Who' Was Caught in llis Own Trap. Gay Tippleton is a great practical joker, eays the Liverpool Caller. At a country house not long ago, when the ladies had retired for the cveuing, the gentlemen congregated in the smoking room. "I say, Ewait," said Tippleton, "I think it 8 very bad lorni 01 you coming iu here without taking the trouble to go up stairs aud change your coat. If you do it again I certainly shall have those claw hammer tails cut off." Next evening scene repeated young Ewait stroll 8 into tbeisinokius room with his dress coat on. Without more ado Gay aud a few congenial spirits had young ESvart down on a couch and cut the tails off his coat. Ew art took it very coolly. He strolled up. to the fire, aud stood in the attitude the ladies allege to be the favorite one of the male sex. "You take it very philosophically," said oneot Gay Tippletou's frieuds. 4Ob?" replied Ewarr, 'it doesen't mat ter to mc. It's not' my coat; it's Tipple tou's garment. I kuew he'd j keep his word, so I just dropped iuto his room in passing aud put his coat on." . There was a roar of laughter, and, to do Gay Tippleton justice, no one joined iu more heartily than he. Keep your fteart full of generous emotions and your head full of good thoughts; thusfin .heart and head there will be found io room for evil. The heart and head thus occupied, the words and acts will always be genjerous and beneficent. I Clear shmihg comes after rain and the darkest, gloomiest days are often followed by aj bright and beautiful to morrow. . Arthur is putting up his forty nine fancy cravats, sixteen plug hats and nineteen pairs of fancy pants, prepara tory to vamo$ing the ranche, or, in plain vv -1 ini i 1 1 "t. iJnitea states, "mttini? un and mttin 0 0 j. o Morning tar. f airs, ueiva Ijickwoou carriel as many States as Butler or St. John, anyltow, aim that is doing pretty well for a woruau's first run against old experienced politicians of thc jiunta loon geudejr. Norristown Ileral(. i Politeness is like an air cushion; there may be nothing in it, but it eases our Jolts wonderfully. the bavins of you and your children Iron this calamity, may conduce to ybur i higher good, its permission to fall upon 'another man and his chil flren mav be the means of their ispir ltukr "elevation. All that occurs in each one's life is. designed to react jipori his ieculiar character ; and this Is the reason why one mau is visited bvl calamity, and another spared; and A letter from Savannah, Ga., says : "Not far from here there lives a mau named Howard, who calls himself Lord Baltimore uud declares that he intends to prosecute a claim to the throue of Greait Dritiuii. Uutil recently he kept astute but upon the strength of his representa tions and of some old documents which he freely exhibits. Several Georgians who ought to kuow better have advanced him money aud are encouraging hiia to carry his case before the English courts." It is reported by an English journal that five Americans who have accepted service as officers iu the Chinese armies,' have arrived in that country. They are all meu of military experience aud they have gone to England as experts to settle certain coutracts for the supply of war like store. After a brief stay there they will go on to China by way of the Suez caoal, aud will ultimately ijoiu t,iu Chinese forces ou the Tonqutu frou- tier. '. -. A A Chattanooga, Tenn-, dispatch states, that seventy-five Moiuiou converts left that city Thursday for Salt Lake City. They were from East Tennessee, North Georgia and North Carolina. The Mor mon Church has been making such rapid headway in the south; the elders have decided to have a spring and fall h'egira. Heretofore the con verts have emigrated only i the falll' - BJLOOB 1 And its a parallelled abuses, are fully anc freely discussed in a neat 3 page book mailed freq to any address, by Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. irop a. postal lor it, as every man and woman needs it and will be delighted with its vaiudbje and entirely new revelations. SMALL VOICES Sometimes shake a Nation of people and arouse mem 10 action. r.xpressions simi lar to the! following, from a well known Druggist of Atlanta, pour in from sections where li. p. 15. has been used. 1 Atlanta, June 12, 1884. Jt is ouf firm belief that B. B. B. is the pest Blood Purifier on the market. We a re selling four or Jite liottles of it to ONE of any other preparation ot the kind. It has failed in no instance to give entire sat isfaction.! Merit is the secret. . . W. P.-SMITJ1 & CO., Druggist. This, isjt he only blood medicine known hat combines quick action, certain effect, cheap price aud unbounded satisfaction. WE PROVE That one single bottle of B. B. B. will do as moch j work in curing Blood Poisons, Skin Affections, Scrofula Kidney Troubles, Catarrh nd Rhumatism as six bottles of any oithef preparation on earth. One fifty-year-old chronic nicer cured ; Scrofulafof children cured with ono bottle. It never fails. We hold lioine ioroof in lionk form, tjend for iU: Lai'ge.bottle $1.00. six for $100. Expressed on receipt of price, if vour Druggist can't, supply you. address KLVUD 15 ALII CO., Atlanta, Ga. . i 'I Hi, NOTICE ! The fii-ra of Sheppar'd, Swink' & Monroe, proprietors of Kluttz's WarhniP been this day dissolved by mutual consent. f " JXO. SjBKPPARD," j , . , IX ASwisk, -f Jas. M. MnxnnE Salisbury, N. C., Jan. 14th, 1883. io:iui. f ASKimOUR DRUGGIST, for Shriner'a Indian Vermifuge and If he fails to supply you, auaress tue proprietor, David R Pbata, liainmore, . - : i Leave; Chapel Hill'. Arrive University 10,20 am 11.20ia Goijro SotrTH. Leave University.... Arrive Chapel Hill. I No. 2. j Darly H.fta I 12.05 pn I 2.25 p. mi Costlrim Sick Unitck ChrpAltBto. rfoflea, Ansa C.:MMi,rrirsl Ifi:i Ml If aul aU Mm rang:emeatf Urer, liowelj-BJEW STSrPTOMS OF A HISKaSEO UTft Bad Breathi Painiit the SSde. pain is ft.lt iinder the Shiultler4lie, aitttakr Khcumatisni ; general loss of ppW; jk generally costiye. ontimc a!ternigk the head is troubled with pain, H dujl d Mj with considerable lots of mcrtiory, ti.jfm with a Dainful stnsatiinofleaviiiii'aiiAatK" which ought to bare bctn done; li(fctJJ ' and flushed face is sometimes of weariness and debility ; neivow, bitty" feet cold or burning, sometimes a priclJTWB' of the skin exists; spirits a low: iti "P ficial. vet one can hardlv summuia UP r It in 4act,; distrusts every rcnwiy theabore svmptoi.-.s attend iheidice,W.' Kavi. nr-rurrn. -hrn bill (fw of thein CsW.r examination after death has sho tb l1 nave ocen extensively deuneca. iir1 1V all ncrslat.aUM' yomng, w henever ny tiw symptom appeai. PcrmM Trivelln " Mf healthy Localltiea. by takinpjaWw'? 1 neaUny cyo", "TI .n 1 .v I : k I.K WIT IU KCCif IU. UVCI 111 liv.nt.y f . &11 Malaria, lUllnoa atlncks fttma,mi Sea, Drowsiness. Denressi m "f jKinf L "it wilt invigorate like a glass of win). f',i toxlcatius beverare. If You have rnlt-n anythtpr lliseatlon, or feel hea vy after "My. 9r leaa at night, take dose and yo wiBkw Time and Doctors' TOlls B1 by always keeping the ww t '- -1 1 : For, whatever the ailment may be, never be out of iplace. 1 he rciaefly "T, ana aoes not lutenere w.p 7 pleasure. I 1 t IT IS PURELY YEOETAWj, And has all the power and efficacyt ...w. .j - y- j j 1. liOTernora ,.-? u stmmons uver negiiiator ik. ' tj k it medical s J. Gill S milv ft Tai liable addition to tne medical MoaTsaiC." -H. StejWfJ Hon. Alexander . F . J 1 - says: nave ocnng wure ui yc j Simmons liver Reeulator. and w 7 airther trial.' : SU xne only Thine mac p. 1 Believe.- f nave used many ""Jff eosia. Liver Affection and DefcHty, - f found anything to benefit fff binunons Live' IKeBuiator has. f ri-A esota to Georgia tor it, and vuaut TTtaJi,i tm such a inedicine,;and would advieif"5 ilariy affected to eive it a trial a rT thine that oever fails to relieve, j t Dr. T. f. llaaoti ayJ perience in the ke of Simrin-ns ua 2im0 my practice I have been and mf'T7 j and prescribe it as a purgative mttJKf"! . 1 tTTalce only the 6nnln.jJ3 has on the Wrapper the red Z !T.f and Signature of JJf- Z m U rrD ai fc pv AI L HRL'GGIS3 i HtITiL a m Tfcfe VallBT Mnfnsl Irffl m AAV f UUUJ AJUS1 , , vioriHia. i i. HOME OKU3V-., iellabl'tS The encapest. Safest, and Mt nf sura nee now offered the public is ley MtituaL wltlcU eaatoles ou crJ l. p Ucy at an actual average com 01 j For further Infonnatlon, call on 3iayso, 1SS3.1 , 4t AASKS PEW all U U.f m hih nprsoDS of or oldTcan make Kn ai W" with n rwlitf Mrtalnt. writ-IO' ruiut Ju w 1 1 t t i MV A I U. I I M.X . IK JnlJ-a . 13:ly VBIGflrSlH0IAMECnrWr: MB THS ' 1 1 -3 1 AndalliliousCornP Kale to take-beins paHj Jp. ins. trice cts. AU - .1 "... .'.--'r 1-' I, -

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