mi ill" t'k! Carolina Watchman..' THURSDAY. MAUCHJ2, lc5. if! i itf 1 ai.iiPiNKix.EsQ. nileJlUlll tt well eiKiketl ol . i x '...1.1,. s--inilil.ltC fol' this county as a "l",v v . .:. - i.t..-T tlii litiict. aud si 1iflRlMW JUBW.'" " . umlr the Salisbury vb..rf (lcth:ips .11 of them,) have, joined recommend- J t..- 1.1m. t. the Governor. " WfceiiUtiou iir iii(s that his appointment .ll fiivo satisfaction io i ,.n ,nm, v of wboiu have pel sonalae- With Mr-P iuHix anu ;Ti.iur business' -.i itd centlcuieu. W .- v - . " - 7 F- t kim Wfihlj a- lawyer. nan : 'Dogs. ; " ' . 'i ax. , i Tli" Lesislatnre "avijig iaueu i pass . . . '...li..iirlll( A Hw for tlicr proteciion oi 'farmers by a tax on dos, wpnbllsh ffc folloAving suggestions because exactly ia of views repeatedly expressed u "Ie$l:Must bo Ueffistcred; the neonle f its cumiuir col!aDse.1i Hol- A'AMi to he entitled, an Ad -W Ikveal laud demonetized cold in 1847,Belsiun itf k i . imil. it.: l;. I uccircu an!ciiioiv i awi in vyiu- n-om receiving IT ' . . ISwedeii, Nory. Frai.ce nud the United ijr o "rririM- 4 M&ma 1 iThat Sectioa 1245 of the ' Staf WI!rri nXi tllpn Ri,v.r and ve It the nmner vf each tUM ?jr . windows, and nunareastmporwyiu , . w. into nil acreemeiit that they kaeu oulv k tuany uojj w :is Hre absolBt?ly iiecek;try 1 . ... ..iI-''I,i,iii tit aHi th5r ewneiship may bknowii, au fur- tatoiS. lace. ffivJSS eido,-bargauior br lesso-but I"0"' r 3lirthe conl. Mm ti "fegistratTon- thereof with W W H ver l.-y.L "Sg ineAre the land jietht. . advance in oW. In i-o in ear- that when fact it was depreciatiiii;, and it ill bewelltio innuiie if much- the r i uot "really an illt"Kidni lWasre ir wy fiiitHer I Wayi. niiacctfiMHiet !r . I . .. t . T .4...I t.u il.M'd lilt lint-Ill f M . m. -t- , io of tluiKM fill Kill I - f niat wr. r.n. v..r- - r- L,;.! worthU-M, i.wmiiitf curs may ue I democrats trlio has unifM inly c.efehUed fjot enfiTjl Mtirpated. fact, I believe that Jf df fiJ; -JhZ 'ErQt'Mi towerer -That the provi- . wuch f the auiversttl depreiskii in pncea sions of ihi act shall fiot apply to con- world over is owing to the iucteased tracts leased jot deeds already executed, demand and relative decrease iu the amount of gold as a measure of value. ase "Silver luta Uu tli tuiucioal liioYiev The Transfer of the Treasury le- partmeiit. : i:.;v,:UL.--.; . ; V ' ; r"Trashingtoaraitrh 7. The formal transfer of the treasury department from ex'secretaryIcCuJlocli to secretary Man ning took place ajbout IQ:) oVlock this morning. The uev swerctary was escpr. ed to the deirartmeiit by the retiring iiu Koou alter iijieir aanyni .ur. jjcvuj- bcli presented assistant secretaries French and Coon to the secretary. Mr. Manning, -who had not yet ftaken the oath; said he would- niobaUly do so during the day, but as he did not propose to enter active - . - J m . a m . 2 1 tir into tlws business oi i-ue omce unin tie measures auu in without the exectjtiou or vafd. AVe have many such wTthy of all honor rep reseu tall t -nu in Honoring tojuu lJ' to the tople wlw vrge the carry every iog lonmi pr. h5 .r " -V rwem ana iuiv-eicvu ruuc '" -hTJl tTu Ifetfdav of January. 1880: ra That no parch 101 when less- against- of the world for thousands of rears. It has held its own during all trhau gee and has oflsmootniT. mrf vwireiana.uici i - sl, a , Afl wior rn ' 7 . . " . r f .7 7 7 . . iiiowlioii widlM address a clear, stemff.yoice, ld J T.r"1. t qq vieisuaiies.aua it is necuy ausuin io f ii Liiloil' tn lodVA. It 1 in the State sprinkle the remaius iineranj Yi 1 'WltUOJtt ptDiiouiawontuiui V.VriaAh nrrsmi Virddin or claim- mw 7 J . i . u,uMim .w .r iofr tliat iseaerallyl; w if?, rta ivi., Wt person . or persons; holding or .ciaim s, , . lsfe.foP 4ieuioiieiixiiic it mi i iiniuiD r riifir vinitii. iv in imuiis oiv- ... n , ..-t" t--- J ---i 4 ill iitc wiu "" i . . . . i : , ,.,w, .;. . , i inti ot tne anrjreme uouto anu swvre . - i? .. euounn to uu rouuu. me resuus 10 uie- u. tome mg hke tin. coarse 1tW J a'l w , r1tl. a ' w.l.i - ' fvfiiuirrr. after -a wliiJe- mere niu uls'S3!X3re' . rvvjn J wi.Ki v-liAir: toTttnlLi.fit the time J " iv-y r. The Socialists of XPittburg, Pa., u ho fover tlogs aiul more sheep, VT drophobia, and the gKKi. wen , The bible usM wns one tnainaa uesxLi. n. hhp Qnnailiua trade ia thi eo.u.t at me nt.. h.ini nuiMi incur- offu .vuow'w inantivL Mr- i;iPVPiTiri hwi-nmoin-i :r. .vrr.r----' x. , . v . s i . t . 7 .1... .,..ife bv " 7,777.- priTO'v'ir- :j jTyv m fatrng suh' secona aeea, naa '"v .? ip w auy wnimie ave recennj . uogswoui, er After-Jresident vieveiana naa re- "7. 7 L i.t 7,v,.;- WM Ueir savage uttenuces in puonc ineei- logs, have been made the subject of iu- restigatiou by a selected ioice oi ueicc- nnil now we have the aiiBonnce- Hie eoou, wen ui-iihcu, i hg DlDie usea WflS one uiu,i uuu uccii . ,, s ' i--.,,- Liin tliM r mi iieiown f usU, We feteffl - - : ?7 thetime of taking or purchasing un- pren th .thetawrn-m !;FvJ der suchdeed acttial or constructive no- -It is the duty of,- .everyone tg-aid in orthe 8toppingthi4.se.elesaclamoragaiuai:- - , iiy&imvsw?uKi.wfw .v u.. ...... ... ...... i.,r .r. Aft - Miireh fi At'au en-VrWiftt- Arfrinr ttTKlia mimhOTif. "Vv , , - "r?" v -rr . -y- Xeal Dow Parts Company w 0.0. F. ' sons holdine any unrearisterea aeea or nppienenueiioy wniuugexcepcinac wnicn f felaimirig tiile.thereundQr, executed pn- may grow out of the mn-eaoniig piejn- a -w . A-.r s m nil a i wava kui a aau iijiii aa a. a iti a Ulciy I UIVV vi j'tiiiiy v uov u jsi v MUnt that out of 1,500 members Muw HiiumkIw meetinir attheaty hall, thecal, of distmguishea personages eountry, not over a dclen of actua!;! i.publiin laxity with reference to procj tinifprmed civic ;j : citizens.- properly tnowa jis woi-kiui 1e )r,g,imt0ry hiw was vigoiousiy ne-iana mniKuyr owiaaiioiis. ,xu.. , men, are punea 10 me oism". - pouncwl. uen. r ..eai..iww. iimuo mic ""Jrr f o.v" rtr to the 1st day of danuary are nearly all foreigners wiio nave corn h of thc evening, lie said s . , m.iue ciy.-h- fcVe the same xecorded withoht proof Yir been driven, front their native lauds NVt5 ave o.ne : to .the;- pass in Maine bestijehaiedind mos lteble k- o j execution thereof; Provided, to prey on the honest industry of our wj,ell We must' determine what wehall ingerer seen here, lhe le ;Tt sucn Person or-persons shall make lnle ' aiid with no purpose of honest do. We have, prohibition, but it won't finest ever.oucWed to paantry, ibe fore. the officer having people, ftw,u l t. , : ellfort.c itself. Ur authorities wilUnot oPresident Gleveland entered -upon an Industry tnemsenes. . ouforcc the law. They swear to do so 0 work under the bost "cheer- Ym TWW plainly made out it is evident tluit we .uul thel, ,lo not. nw is it that when- fns" iL" deeds, that the grantor, bargainor, or c1t ueed.a few overt acts on their part eVer the Republican parry has control itv wjSI. MOri 5dptit nntiMl maker bf Such deed; and the witness U wurmntthe iin.rlicatioii T of a-feafTuj itlie Slate the iaw. brnof enforeeil except t. 51 be found, ! rem itly agaiust such distil; hers. . , Section. 27 .That -any person .or per-1 these questions, and no reaLdaiiger to be RHEUrATlsfir Although a practitionf,r nf -! years, my mother lnttuenceii tj KB D. for her, Shh-,.i 1 ,. "e ,,f P'"cni her bed several months itl t,?"ntine'l t., which had 8t.ib1mrnlv lesistn" l remedies. Within twenty..,. . snl b. 1 a,:: :":,Mie relief. 'She lins just co enccd , Ularkt. bottle and is nearly as activo a rtl'rd has been in iue iront var.l1 v, M .land, cleaning tin. lier in,,... '. rakeU tiuly voniterful and imnK-nn-l v JllS? Jackfnvillt,AI:,.jUllL7fiMijg- l! 1 ' f Mondnv. be remiesteu tiiat assistant , :v , . ......... . . - . , 1.:... secretaiy- Uoou wgu uie man ior mm today as act ig secretary . M r. Man 11 1 11 g and Mr7McCulloehtheu retit to tlie sfitArV's in ivale office, and remained closeted together jforaeyeral hours, talk ing over ; the . b,uiiies8 aud j0'1!'1 0 the department, f A large number of per funis -:ilUd to i:tv their ieauects to the .jp new secretary Uut were denied ad in is sun. '. . i Secretary Mc,Callch said yesterday Jn aMieakiur.of the Icliance in the adminis tration- that be tok it for 'grantetl tha Mr. Maiming ;Shred , the view of Presi dent. Cleveland 00 the question of tinan eee, as the President's views on that snbieet is in accord with his .own:,, He did not, aiitieiynlto any change in tho Piesent fiuauciai policy of the govern- meut. 5 11 Hi n Arm I lul l 1! il P.r nvnr a? t-o 3 T I , sufferer fromla troublesome Un. t plaint, for the relief of win, I. t : J 1 over $250 without benefit : the nJ -rl so-called remedies .nrovin i-.,;i.7- use of one single bottle of II. u r ,ue i marvelous, giving more relief tin .ii8' I IS a flllirL- i. J. ' . 'while othersTif tliev cure .nt -.n ... .-r.; distant tuture. 1 1 The Cabinet. Ta&iw 4 Oath of -Office . in the De partnmtts'. Washington, March 7. Promptly at 12 o'clock four of President Cleve land's Cabihet, Bayard, Whitney, Endi- lier; passage to tho United States. I 'IIMJ OlillC lilt; liiw ii biiumvj-ii . '-v.r i-n 't TAVTt i bv' individuals. . These Republicans sjiy : he appeared in ihe carriage on his way ! Veaie for prohibit fori:" and then take to ihe Capitol. : I waJS impressed bf iiis lUlf tn ineir nais nirnnwiiem. nww inuiuuci naaior. ins expression,. ml wcai mew, mm 1 . ... . . . . . . - 1 x . .-. - - - . . rtiyinrir .mm no wn . 1 He looks olaer.his TTil ,lT1ll. u toother War, accompanied the party, as did also KSW' be entitled to reSstra- Justice Field, of the U. S.j Supreme T -T" ' -iTtiw tipE in!the same mauner with the same court, immediately alter entenngMr. densely packed hall hetween 'raUrovenin the manner pre- Bayard iojk the oath of office, which letonof mioVtxndVMr: ir wai administered by Justice Field. Sec- j rooa UiUL. 1 ne imp icii u w a t.me to bojj. 1 aid my oest to give iiie ljiarrafiexft. ' ifu hearted derlhao girl whose bttioth UepublicaiHai ty 'victory anil ii'ow they J Du'0td2raphs 1 . i-- At.'tl i-. 1.,... .w...n k:iv. "Go awav. vo l old temnerance fa-l" d f i'n catno 10 mis cuuiiui.uuu. eiui mi - -. ; - . ., : . I mauoTirai v . . .. Inatics; we won't allow you to put dwii1?xo'r urns of money at divers tunes to , , :wl, tllH rtu " A.,,1 thev ar6und the . ii - lie Immediately after entering Mr. rll sick about the time he made tlie last anyway. We must have tlie.aupmirtlrrickrof 7th -City. . lte scene, the haL all j', contracts or retary Frelinghuysen and Ex-Assistant ijant of his deaths crossed the ocean and bunted xup -the pliice. to which she was directed to come:' He was not there. The ind people dehded to tell her of 'his Ideath, the ' depth of . feeling maM'ifesp j ted was so great Tlie case is sad enough to mt It a heart of stone. say, "lou temperance weu wiu voie luncicwi icuvuciyii. wj ppori this. I have voted that way long entiugh. I Wdi did nnfc w-iifc fnr.an intro- L :..... ...! 5fcH Hm 4nv ttii. iinifc- of the srros!ioi .." 1 nropose to stop tins. AnfhnstaRm of th crowd, the ereetinsrs J . Y' -Jt""" . . - . . ' A ,1 knwm Unv;a .!, ituimHiiiv e,---j -o-; .. . - - , . ... - , 1 1 . tt - :. - - hof,vA rpnrrMr.ion. pxceDt tnose 1 wvwu j ..ut .uu, ,UOv ) did not wait lor.apQr KT3V7 bf hall he ator Payne, of Ohio, and ExUttorney I duction, .was evidently. new the.pres-1 Bierrepont. The party then nrst a Tlpaspd. and difr -boW ''. J ' .V " . x x iu ; v." c Death of a WteJl-Known Pulislier. am done. The PfcHidcfa Secretary. -Went. t He was pleased, Wd ditr no "n utill J e same, or their sig- went to the room occupied by Secretary . ow now to conceal ir, or rauier am . r; , - . Chandler, where Whitney took the oath Col. .Daniel S. Lamont, the trusted not try to conceal it. As a result ner"."! X ? Y .j J w of offiee iu Secretary of the Nan.' Id r- . o , t- 11 - 1 -t:x Philadelphia, March O.-r-T, S, Ar thur, the well-khown writer and pub lisher, died at hi residence here to-night from kidney troubles; aged G years. Arthur was born in Newburgh New York, in 1800. ! When quite young he removed to Baltimore, where he after wards publisheljl a weekly newspaper called the Athejiaeum. In 1841 he re nioved to Phi ladphia where he has since resided. Arthur was actively engaged in literary work, and in editing Arthur's Home Magazin until three weeks ago, when he was forced to close his labors arid take to his bed. $1.00 spent for for Kineh will cure any case of G. and Gi within Jorty-eight hours, without loss ot time, clringe of diet or any internal remcdv. x treatment combined. It ...... re a the C. 11. lioBEitTS, Atlanta Water Wor Dr. L. A. Guild, of Atlanta, who ,U . large nnrseryaud vineyard, has a hul or u place whojvaVcurtd of a stul)lMrn V Scrofula, with one single bottle of u g Write to him about the case. 1 FVnnlf .Tnn!i .Tnn et...i ... hn f Rnn wltii hfiri a ilAtinl.i.,.. , . II jap t Hia n nt L- nnH It . 1 1 . I uiv.i ,i mi. un n, wnii.iii him ms najrn,!,! i . 'ts icini. vne bottle of fi. B. B. healed the ulcer, eradicaftiltJ-f- posion irom nis oiooa, restored (nsevesi.ht 1 and placed him oh the road to litaltlL A book filled with wonderful proof frc the very best class of citizor.s. itd rccom! mendationsfrom the leading I)iuffTra) of Atlanta, mailed free to any address.' l B. B. only ayear old and is ,woiirnn dcrs. Large lx)ttle ( or six lot $? So'd by DiUMi4stS. E-tniesMd imjt; .r price. i BLOOD BAljM CO Atlanta, Ga. ' ? IKllOwTVO U Va- r I , f a v-a -r j PYeciited and re- Secretary liincom s omce, wnere laeut, nd nn?s title and Gen. Sheridan and statf, and other of- uncultivai3d smile such; as rnighfi . w ' :n affnm. ficers of the War Department had as wbtohyaheaUco sembled. the oath was administered to , 1 l T J It '-; IllKIlli Ul Utilt'l tOCUIUUT hiiukviv.. I . . - . . . Cleveland, is a native of Cortland, N.Y., posite of Uase. His face wore a large '3,,1 and is in his :15th yar. He deceived a I Somktiiixo Fin Tiie Baby. What a ter nble affliction about lhe house is a cross, crying liaby ! A'Voung man on the very edge'of matrimony might easily be fright ened from his pjnrpose bv having too much of that sort of music at the homes of his married ft ienda. Yet babies cry common- MIXL' STONES. ;: HE Utdrsigxed hasjrxiiisrht thentr f known ROWAN T01 A'TY 3LL STOXE QUARRY of K. E. Plata. deceaw i and .win continue lo supply' the pubac fc -mand for A!JH Htones ftom thijs ctiEmm grit fo well known thrmiffhout ihiswmr.t. for lts-Rupeilorlty tor Mill Stones, (i'raniic bioctt'1 .wi wiuaujeiiuii purposes, onunieiits, ici, Ac, cf . uisij ue uau ai inis quarry. .Aclilrpss, 1 J. T. WYATT, Salisbury, X.c, i"' - I If 1 . 1 - J 1 Tjia Stntii- adored, was liffi.fr to the collegiate euucauon, ami naviu- oe.ei- ,j; i Oi - i . . ... ! . i i nannr in rno puu . :i rifi in i.iji . Niirnrisfr? i . r . . m n i a i' i; xx i iv ini v uii:mi 1 nt-v itru n.itk. vit ii'iiMiiiuu i iittibof te.marUlo,.roe, w, Unhnl 1 ior polities wasrappomien - 7 Sec.-IThat for the probate 01 all mr. .hl . M of Parker's tonie, given the little one, ahtyou the 4 bv a mob of 150 pei- n clerk in the State Leslattore tl.roWgfci ffCt examination the room on the am ofMr. Bayard. will briug rest und sItp to tbe bil(lv and -wli i,dignation a - fe?-rt eKecut gng het rhiw foratiendUh crime perpetrated abemt at -j,cted the attention Ho,at,eiljl -. lhat.is aWal hyf nw werein tara fetrwlad to thTnewST- 1 :m rtohtlrforrir m,,. vear old irirl. T.lden, then a memlr of the Legislature, .hhl !.!!!!?Str7?:. 10 neW BeC- - .. n ' , . I i.A.t i.s... ....tl..-c.hl...' .. ? riAJi ik t. . i . 7 rr. 7cV..i i? -tsl wjirtiofoi. "iorvT.fi i Ti y T. h e ssi in e. I reiicixY uv .iiir. jjxxicuiiiw 1 , r.r'i"' v iv i of a respectable family in the " vouTcKaracter7' 'As- for the .JomteY.. mm? T'tSW nKT.rTS;C":: li.mlHnrlwnWnm ifwmJBV : r "r 7 J i t everyone -uuw 4? uw: uttu..nuxuc , foefrch additional copy into office at the Department of J ustice became one of the-valuable attaches of good Dewocrata. fear iefe4o?).tiiu'cl f.Te en .,ftaainonai P. noon Xhe oathof office was ' Aa it has been reported by certain parties that body; Under Mr. Tildea's tutelage," cf ii tot practical purpose- .;7V:.;7 shrfhl J, s ndminktered bv TntiVe Field of the that m'y chain s not correct, I herewith an- Mr..La,nont learned political skitMrtid e-erl , Sintc of Ex! ex the Wlieertiliea.e t he Standard . , , e e , 1 . 111 j J M' j from and after the 1st day 01 December, oupreme court, in ine presence or xjx- Keeper of Rowan count v, which explains wisdom, and for four years ,he held ilie so gre4 is the en)hus Attorney General Brewster, Secretaries ,Wf: I ' position of secretary of the State Demo- good will thUt it . . Bayard, Manning, Whitney, Endicott Tuts may certify tbat a chain I stamped for J. C. ti P.,.m..;tt..(. I,. t7Z I- l...Va rmrf 4.rirpideTitn death. ; His tiMe eau 5 7same XUFoe PuullBr J , 5 tJ: j1 xu tj, Bernhardt is correct, but in usliuf lhe chain, the I WIWKliJIIIBmBUaiiM. t to freoindulao, ar over Drain work. Am 1 iiiz unimnion ot E.C a full daughter community. The child had been a great jaffcrer ever since the crime uutil the day before the haugiug, when she died from lier injuries. .Tliia was too much for a people at first? d is posed t wait on the Jaw, and the oft'euder was jl ragged from the prison to his death. lie made confession anddied. f Blaike ox tub Cabixkt. A Wasli ington correspondent of the Springfield , JifpublicQH says ; It isintcicstingtoknow how Sir. Blaine looks at the Cabinet of his rival. "I aoV pretty hard up just nbw," any the bnsy jiistoiian,"4,but I would be Willing to pai:! 1,000 If Cleveland has made the selection atti United to hiui." Thedefentedjliepubiican candidate then , vrent on to pyjt out how the Democraiic party mnst sbffer fnm the removal of Its leaders in the'Seuate, aiid how Cleveland is weaken iujjf.1i is bold iu the doubtful 8UteS as u; piacticd -politician. Mr. Blaine holds Ufat the new President lias blundered seriously. managing editor of the. Albany Aryui,, bit the day after inguion , ;Was per XfZr , b ...a.... ... ! 7 h.,, in ar,nVinr, lianda w(fk deleirn- District 111 thebtate tor w war ar.av aiavaw aavaaa aa v Li a . tion and election of Mr. Cleveland as Gov- l:Ai xi l xT ).!. ernor. When the new .Governor ws in- J? a J'!U? stalled he selected Col. Luinont. aa his tidns, which had norther excuse orb- lsa W.uu ak jett than a desue to mfeet and President of the .United States. lltr I - : . . -w 1 1 ' least three newsiiaers m each J Udical I nnuar, duu u xew umcis. xjicy- lianuiesateacu end ot tlie chain must be Included Ct I : . . r . . 1 1 I x 1 . vwrmX, x 0 Affn'moir 11 n Mie Ipmrt li.or t h r-hii 1 n . Ms. Kkown. SIX weeKS ueiuic " . . . irphniarv'is.iss.-i. ;"h fnonnb f!Wk General until Monday, when he will XtJiX W fcat. a-a. I w ' rKirvl fbnt f.liA Pt'AauleTif sTirtrdr bnnds private secretary. Gov. Cleve bind 1 found foat gloves. 'To have shaWn blinds in mm me very man ne ueeoeu. "is pil- w,tn tka Pridaf i dmill - ) - . j ' . I i ifM. V(ty A a. wwa.va.-a w , au- m wa.uu vato secretary was tiioionj'iii v . xl. i frt-rmnll'ir nrpspnt bis simepssnr fv f he rrreet ibelllIlu egister iu m? uww u. vvj xix- -------- 8wof, to;lrposted in their offices. U. b. Supreme court The party pro- , .it WIBS l ' j - i, hMxlml frnm the Dennrtmenr. nf .lnstiee A Female Dynamiter Arrested. a very. to the Treasury Department, where the oath of office was administered to Sec- ti. ?' 'Tx -a i-Anr retarv Manninsr bv Justice Field. In February ss, lsd.i. Hoping thisjniay be satisfactory I remain Very Iiespectlullv, i C. liEHNHEAKDT, C. S. March 5, 185. 2t ! - ' -i ' . I . aj xWmvm; au- a-w . w f-r'"" . ' J . I .-r-k' ? a- 1 'M T i ! 1 ! A-bixl I ' a . -a '".I L A III .aak !"i a' I fr Id I O 1 TTI CUi V,0V," feasant souvenir ot the memory to .. 1 ..- v,.-"- . , , .. l. l.i,f ir. ' '4- . . . - , . il.'rl,' 0nf vaa whrt havp auuiuuu l muse ucauy uuxucu, uicic licmen.VHehnsn a niost valuable, those who wisely and patriotically wish bJn $is City sance the exploswns at 1' virtue rf a decree o the Superior aidtohis ehief.who leansViu i.is enlaiim Wirwnir, the Tower of London and the Parlia- Ex-Asstant becretarj Loon, V H. urt ot K An ..umi v the case John ed sphere of duties, moie thaij ever jiponlergy lliat does not belong" to maivldu- uis privare-st'cretary: - - ... t ait? put is conseeratea.toaJV5..inwrestj? A RAotcAi. Cure for KERVOTJS DEBLLITYJ Urame Weakness, PHYSICAL BEGAT, IrYoung St Middle! Tested for over8ix Years byusc in mamyi Thousand Cases. ft TRIAL " PACKACS. TJtEATJiSJSlST. One Month, - $3.00; Two Months, . 6.00B -i-aroo ie ontua, 7.O01 liom nuieuKi for Uv: irouDiCi OH ow rn( -Circular tnd Tral Pick, r acand kun imporuol : fact Mutt Ukiwtmi. mrnt elirwlwrt. Tik SI RE tEMCDVthirna : CCKEU thounndx Am : not imwicre wnh x tion ta buinfM. or e pain or iiDconvrnitactm : i any FoUndtd m . cicntiti mlirlBriBr f pie. BriiirrtiMiiWaa to the K'.t ot ducts ia ' pcciAe , influctw It M without dely. ' Tie MU 1. oral functions of tkrta. ! ' man orjzanWm Urt4. " The animitmf elt : of life, rhirh tawhri i wasted arc rirrti backxnd - the DatiantbecamticlM. tal and tapidjrjaiMfcti wrengin ana tcxuUTifot. HARRIS nZMEDYCO., M FCChckti 306 N.enth ST. LOUIS. MX). F? LB ipTUREO PERSONS! Net a Trim. Ask for tirma of o-ir Arplianee. ,, "W-EI 3rl-y2ES PIUJE TtXAlJi The First Cabinet Meeting. mentl buildings, Have succeeded in ob- arnm' , of , fT Mn Sth inJf'e ,,n,J t)efs against Margaret A. In- fni; nfnrmnfrnn wbVi has Ipd to Mr. Weedt of New York, Jones, of New gle and other? I wtjl sell .a . Jrn.iay 2th taming mformation which has lea to t oinev C M Jordan MarHi, nir,n the premises at the late an injportant arres in connection with SVn r-vre, Lin.le, dd, .-.?loljcU miUiOttS ot pem)le.-; resident "4 xyxx nf New York and manv others includ- re Here Is hoVJhey talk about our Piesi dfnt's inaugnrnl address across tho ocean. -TU Ion1uiifrft(7a rcl saysi : j His speeeTr was manly and sensible, but void of Uestinal declarations of l)em ' ocratic policy. . There as uothtng tui gible in theaddrcsjs, either to coudeinn or aaruire. , The Xa8i promise terouul 50 Acres of Valuable Land KtA m....4A irm' W?' I"w0rk -beforehimJ jnd if nedoesi not j w-oxm wu .wxw I rv Afn-nTiiritr Vind rmnlifipd. all the burea.li I adjoining the lands of Knfn Pi8hcr, Mo- f AixJiuiuii, juarcn ine cam-UfaAK- u;oi A Itoeen shadowed dv one oi tne xniisu i -j p : - .y , i a- ttv ToMmt..i. vmit- ti. netmerpromptlrat . Vniin a t lie iiwrenc. Liuclc iknds. memDerswerepresent. nonjlerstoocl whnTiMWU and.fi htteVi,.T,;ainsf the French authonties. When 1.;. Terms-oue-third .ash, nd tl.c balance terest from day of tirely-fothe consideration hi, federal "1, lir;, onW'l nam but said that she ter on the auties or nis omce unui saje at he rate of eight percent, per an x x Ti - . ifWBU iipuuiymeuuH. n, is assertea on gooa l r authority that each member snlv "Grace was iu al( her ttijx, lleaccn ixferi fy, . i . . 7 1 frt crcry gesture dignity and wo ."' . j So appeared Mother Kve, .nwllsoma ihine lier fair dcHceiiilatiu, wiili tliefr; tereise of conimon sense, cure aM fi 1 per treatment. An enornioim iiiiBrbtr jof female complaints are dirtdly can-; ed by diturljanees or Kiirtfsieii tt ,the Meustral Function. In ae,)-ynch lease that Rterlirrg ;uid iinfailingilpecifi jUltAOFIKLD'S J'VmaLK.. Kkc.IXATOK, Jwill effect relief and cure. I . Q i II is from the recioeof a moct dlilio- pi) k'l'flied physician. It i Vt.iiifbsfdol; lrictlf oilicinal lngrtditLlf; wbot 0 B.. ofc Canada, n being searched a - L II 111 Ir 1 Ul L. , IXJtll IIKUl" OCOILUVU " I . . , .m 4 . A v I AT-. mitted a list.of appointments in his dik :wii, ,:7- mimte hf -letters in EnirHsh and Ger- tary Lamar also took the oath ot omce nartment: held to be tnT mrTT9.- i--J tA Tbev and entered upon the discharge ot their adrunigtratiori public busm M the prBaeiife regime. j The list, it un- r ere.are over 100,000 . officeholders stnictioh of public buildings in London, iifrMJHHi 1 1 1 f 1 1 if i Mi nn v onnhiAthAAMA c a. i i t i - JOHN LINGLE, Com'r. March 3d 71885. 4v as little formality in iithercae. The oaths I Standard Keeper' otice! Berne, also informal were administeed by Justice Field, in 811 .that the dynamiters, Jhe presence of Secretary .Bayard, At- i . . . fnmov Hon aril (iarlatirt. and manv reD. xe, issa.;2ij co.sianat Tlwre Inri tke, ahjiing the tail7 H)djiprn(Trvs''ft great excittmeut resulting fmhi it. There arc TP ntHroad HJHgiiies f in Ute ground Uouso tierc7 ahd ten iniles of hiided freight; cs;jn tlie side tracks Waiting for on nrriuige'ineut with the strikers be fore .they.tairmove. The aid of .the Gov, prpor auorrotms Jmve been invoked: ,'.v ? ' teT .. .. . ' ; Te Senafe )f the General Assembjy on . tlie Jrd ingf'nnr, after debuting tjie snlf- jectnt wie3ength, tabled the bill for the j reieal of )he la agaiust .'freight discrini- i iuatiollA, ji - . 7 On the same day tliei e was considera ble discUHSrun the Hou$e ou the exteu (oa;tf tha estera'' 7 & Railroad to Maridijr 7.w'-77 TbejiQwtk ifU becoming popnlar over 1 thoStato if we may judge by the number ,oi couirjies 'wiuicii i aabjevifc ; aie considering the essrV 'f.-G.vfc K. A Cobb fiave $tart- ed aueVyjHiper M Morgan ton, N. C; Title, Tlio AJiirjgiutoir Stiir. Price Si a yeqr?1 it is uoxjai94pat promises to ue a useful tuterpws A TnwiCpAtiVwvpwrAmona the returns oi ueaiu iasi monui m im tltv was one of n young child, the canse of which wn given liy the physician jthnst Canse of Deat!iMJiow to Feed the baliy," and jts Boston author. rrovuleficc Jottr . ' I : ( - : ftp: Nihilists had affiliated without the least friction or ajp SIIVer COIXAGE DEFENDED, ment. The deliberations of the cablh the placeaof SepnblilStis, txdQrtten ? I t 1 , today will probably Lt result ajong hBy TDarOOdays, J - UM th Aait he woulfl liave:toTnaRJOT:ftpMtxnent ,v-r- v.-.i;.. rVffJiJ y UJUUico'-nr ivox .ii ' n"!'' r V; Tj5 ii throu torney General Garland, and many I other distinguished persons. I hereby notify all persons In ttowan County that all Measures, Wetgtits, and Surveyor's Chains must Vi ill De enrorc- this notice. BROWN, Standard KeeDr. - i CQ happy combination has never beensiir-J panned. It i. prepared willi wieniibV J kill from the finest ibaterialaj ItpW Jj the palm for constaVey of ftriigth, " certainly of effect, elegaiiie of prtpaf 7 P jation, beauty of appeareji'ce aiid rfU itive elieapneAR. T!te tei-limonv. in ii. B favor i genuine. It never fuilswh fairly tried. y SOMETHING- NEW! . AS m' 'm ' B.B.B. This is tne concerned mooa Kg-HAMP fJHIMNEYS ne Purifier that saves time and money by its tuat n,jt brcak by heat ,or at . i' i a, i i r..: : .u-I ' list .of nominations beinsr sent to the Senate by the' President tomorrow. .. a. a I 1 m i . . . fc At tne ciose-ot the ,cabmet meeting tn mc jt rramenv neia a publu3 wmch lasted over an hour. TI ie Tr FXT t -T w . . r jfin.i , m., .i . .1. . . aQoolisi totWr .,- wWJ rnSinVa eWi4.i ' taWverYo A fliestion as to wlmt J WJTwAl-l TT.nl -if'! , , .Phi .t'.l.-'i'as.S.rtMui.V. .1-milr'lA 111-.- tor Mr.;-'UleTeland.'v-to 't-itaUharlotteA iuouftul W "? " vy -7 j- M-c a"i'-rr-il.r-a.T f .:,.'4S . 0J.vfelMkiidwnbaiikvV and broker, said yes- Lama r. the substances! of flattering benator Allison of J udgeThurman's name is prominent- use because it cqres Blood Poisons in the qv iciest time on record It-94! res. Scrofula, in thirty days; the kidneys repeveo with ,fb7t.bottl;; 'xlereditaiy; Taiot", of cfiildrep reVsioveit with one bottle; Skin diseases and led JKrJipuons curea wun iwo uouira. fjpui- liiof. all stages ured unuer nxty uays, Each bottle, proves its wonderful value. Largebottles $1. Drtigoists sell it. DIAMOND DYES wish at' 'f ENNISS7 AH colors vou DONT FORGET, to call for Seeds of all kinds at I ENNISS'. . . uiiuix xamar a i .. . - ""v -wwj.i politic! opponents K itjfoutexcEin 1 the popular clamor against Jiighly flattering. He avill not ixeiii&w as having very little falsely rehovted Ain'tl in r.W4sLJ M'aeipMrtmtoivfood; sense.4rood inV TTruiiibliSon iu rei son. In obedience tort w a " a a avv 1 IT.Iirj - . it. -" T , in.:7 vxiiuarivs. Iowa, savs lie is a gieat man, well informed, has knowledge of public aftairs, is geutlemajiiy; digaj- neji, kind hearted, fair, aud as honestr as he is able." Senator Rnwun f ri.,1 f fclan U ae-wrtrBrhilixyli elotliaXe.'l-iwwVta'demikiid r'oroof. The fact of the icgicis tne reineval from the Senate of i I I will sell at public aurtldn at my resi- denr-e, ten unes east of Salisbury, on FKI- TO Tlip JLADIES: Call and." see the Flower Pots at i ' ENNISS'. i ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS! J .' f'-irti-vi!le Ga Th4 will certify Ih.tt two merabfi J of my imtnediate fainilv iifler bii'tvi fferinjrf4r many yea i from mer'iUuv al irregiibfity, tnU having' tx-en treat. td wilhouf benefit Ijv vnrioiw uie''ic1M doctor?, wire at lerplh ron,J(Uly nr by one bfitfle of Dr. Iiindiitid'- yrinil Hepiilator.It efl'eet in kucIi ca". trulv wonderfuf. and weH m:y llieK; ; edy'be clled "Wonian'R IJet Fritnd. : Yours llefpeelfiillv, ;- Jas. W. StbajX- j-i I :1- ' Send for ourbookon the "Health Pt rllappines? of Woman." Ma-iledfeei .j. , CUAIFIEI.D KkGUI.ATObCO. .- ;- . ' Ailatitfi, '-L. HEALTH . RESTORED j; -7 lives, six neaa oihi one ' StrajsCuttt n and-neW Harness, i essT Plows, Harrow, JaatralgUt njpHiVrfl is that the more careful the eon- Md.,'cl?hide stderhtipn given to the subject the more nd narr thcffari such a 4gie.it I conservative 1 factorhit Mr. Lamar, Other.Kepnblieah -SenatoVfe'l waW-l-WWJJiLeeeiroff if.&tf sht f Hiijmrent it becomes that it is dangerous are exceedingly ..kind in their; al Injuns,! njaKo success ot tne u reaapri recaiiipg be acconuicu ior. by Germany, rtho fact not unmixed with regret alosftiWiIdays walker and GW Mgrre:ible a bomnaniun and ilimfr -r.id. J v. . : ' . " opponent, uue Kepublicau Seuntor takl. rreferrin to the rwwirr nliont kt t rtiin !reuiur inrn Hia !iiinu- ... w o -- .-w ....a.i.y IU fc, I Iff the capitol, take hisoW seat aud iaake iL speech that ir.; Ingalls noilrHoar 17; ""1 i pre SolytlwWtrerb-ii, ..tUeeabtavt tor, Mre should all be s mtir in taitalVi t!1:V -:X77t i .' tuat luiboiiy would iran t -Detroit FreelPrtsi.' tatHfle ' '.-1" silver i cjtu eii dentouetizatioit being tXi mW, crease of He h&mfMf to that of g.dd . enough r.. e;.iiJi..: S!C.?7;7i. Pei1eseem to forget that a few .rears ago mk. wHii uu i ua won taniuii . : uuic ui i d many tthcr farming tools. I hrec-tourtii estate . are requested to make ruiyment interest in a new Geiscr 1 hresing ilaentnc, i witliout lurtuer notice. a new Domestic Sewing Machine Gqiw, in CiAaa in alw.rt All nf niv Household and Kitchen Furniture. I also, II. A.Bkbkhardt, j ... . .T.. l A-lZ a n lio cn H Ifnlv 1 (ll K 1 WVJ 1 1 U.f!f with ' fhe present couitiuon oi o"F i'"u"B"u" " ' f .ih. .-a fi.l t .nlf .4mA tlMYIfl IS Tm fRUIM T . a IllliaiCIJi AAllJ IIUJ saie. 4 enns ui oaic, v wu. It. It. POOLE, 31arch lOih, 1S85. 2t;lt. Executors of G' ore M. Bcrnl ardt. - Ii fnf. - ft al most' makes ou'e wlsli i "t hat ncu interested Uo see.lajuar aa7 Tresb aid iuteresting hb recardml- a tlt prooiid:"prsoir. io the Cabinet. Tho whisper j is flyiug about tiiat Cleveland has been leaning ou owing to the output of gold in California aud Australia; there wais the samesense loaJ.'tiinic iu regard to gold. DeQuiu- yiin: Eiiglaiidraud Chevalier in Prance w-ew Btiring in their. cfforU to warn GIVEN AWAY! PEESH ad GENTOTE Garden Sssds! ! Persons buy inn One Dollar' wnrih .f wnTTtiTi A-mAW Am . . 5..i.i Am . . - , . - xrK uatucu ov9' s or Jieuieines ot any kind wi The aunaal mcetinjr of the North B ate U iOjapers of fresh rd?n seeds rm and Transportation rompany will be fe Afc liTvicTao ti " Z L o.7. Iron and Transportation rompany held ar the New.. York Office ot tlie Com pa- nv. Room 29, No. 54 Broadway, aew ork City, on Wednesday, April 15th, 1885, at 12 o'clock noon. iu. J. uarKaER 21:3wl ' Secretary, i 17:tf IVAntlD! ly mentionea as the cowing Minister Mm good while and cannot do without -i - jjiaaiaji awn TSrTEf.I.IGEirr GKHTSTTla Try town f ACTIVE AlxU NEW BOOKS mad FA Mil. Y . I and . MBtr to f n.' VnllrLnDi, d. will ad it to their teWwrt BlxitKJ. ilmiatew. teii nd ot ( eomia w tba fieklef aatiaa, him 17:tf i ONION SETS at 1 ENNISS pro- & Seed Store t.i eorrTKm.1 with . To f er- LrwtrMl f-Usallw .Write for racial bunen itfew many adrnt.rty-.hi er? i nYa Main Street. fUcfeaa4 VlW RED C. OIL, Cheap At EXMiS-. 5-TOH' tn Lrta. rtcel fiHaca. Bra TaBE.I? OWfl. BE- rAYS TBK Fa"-"-"'', Fold oa trial. Wirruu iwua. AU aua a , i:XES OF BINSHAMTOIt, HJtUUJaTOS, . T.' ! Ill: TJ i or workrn?.p".r,i.r ;p r t.ige, an.J we ;lii """''fa v-.ill in HlP H .lVl'i I ""'TV nnS.-l'"5 j '" J . .. .i iiiitu'. r ey in atevvaa-siuanj" any barJueiw. Capital Dt r Help;; ey In a lev any basiaess. Capital D"i n .jtiitW, home and.w-ork in siarp timv ..ril ;."ful. ', of Ikhu sex, of all aj,-e. ,'r.irrl. su. t atevv aa-s uian j ' - a md a to ta easily earned every ' w n" ",ve ro want ivorK may test uw u tw- " . weu paralleled offer : To all wl;; jir' o f$Lt we wiiLsena Si w pay . " nt C- 'ri)v Fulli particulars, dlrejriton. 'f - - - --- 1 . .mil i a9. pay tesolutely sure f7r all "'V.irUxnd, 3. deliy. Address Stinsos to . i v . 87, i. ly NOTICE TO CR l. ivillL' cliil"1. All persons Mtiirn f.r: A Wise :Uf ' V-T ilbV - J-a. il ii.,.. ti lilt. Oil must prvsuut uicm ' i irn hi v ni r i'iii uai i - a a I vti I w av " - w Wl TJA. r. ILMX' -4 or SJ5"1- ;wf tbii" 1 be plead in bnr o I tii ' dai-u. an mi - -..!fl-7 Feb. 10th, .1885. hR.virriPY.- ANU L.i.;i.l.-n lw 1NII12 ' I criiliuii-i. J fue" twice a vear. ex ion. , I Hi I IX iiK'r rum temato jj, y, iOMa9w.i v., l