, 'J . 1 ' f ' ' '4 ' - - " - - ' ' - , t - : - -: 1 : ' T-- " : - - - ' . .-- i - 'i il , i ,L w - - 1 .r. t" . - J- ,. V " ' ' " ' - : - t f . i -mmr. - - 1 t , l - rri t 1- A. i22?S3rf ? capita " ..Lia arp . . ... i - F ; II il" .k f n Jill l rca t . , i 3 mo Hs.wv i ceo Sales. There ; lias been "a nmch J for tlm - '.ilAn Inn mat.tJm fill- ! ' " mtof last week' paper. ??l".ft piar on 6rt page, and f- i. in next issue. seed hmii Mck unniwiii. r rhiver TLre I siihie oilier copnts agaiiiBt W. th9 wa4 convicted on Hie clover K1 . ... u.oii to four veai ia the i followed yesterday by n cloudy cor 'ft iritbHthe thermometer well up, .t L J ...Auitinrrl V fiiVlimllle a weaiuer rwiub.j . , it . oioit and tllA RPt- ,Vm rininaiiuM ; , 1. plaU.Another good howtr of l. nuu this nioiutng. ? weie fifteen prisoners in oarjai , and two more fellows, yet nt JTiere tre expected in 'the course of the fk? Tlie most of these cases will come the present terni of the Iuferioi $i. to answer for fights and a litfle tf-Iiic: anil Mime of theni will have a tiji the State's piiiMHi. umcia by payment of cost. There are no JtTou either dM-ket for high crime, and klbilthere is reasou to be thaukful.- V '!!' , i . !:, -O ;1 5 - " i- "- ' Ji i . T.rreu- Chambers, a worth j colored jjj-nna one ':jwlio;. wan estemed ti yi'iioiiesty and! industrious ha1its, .ueuiHoiiiii laist Mmulay. lie was ighter business done in .tobacco last , month- in all the principal markets both in Virginia and thisl State than for the corresponding , month of last yeari dno entirely as we learn, to tlie tin- fiivorableness of the weather for handling. The bet part of last j.uVci-op i f Ktill in the bainf planters, aiid a really; good season for hitidling will be the siiial for teavj tnititsactious. ; U -O ' Insurance. Paid. The late Miss Mary Hunt of this place, whose sad -death by1 the exnlosiou of a kerosene, lamu. some month neo. so creatlv distressed a iarsre , 1 w ' , W F mm circle of friends, had an insurance ou her ife for; the sum of three thousand do! lam which spin, was paid over to her leg al representative a few days ago. It is uu- derstmwl that the money will' be divided between the children of her sister, Mrs. Win. G McNtely. - ' - SCPERIOBCOUKT UOUM, Salisbury N. C, May 4th, '85 At a meeting of the Board of Health of Rowan county; 1 . J. Sumner ,q.,' was called b the Chair and John A. Kamsay made Secretary. Dr. J. J. Suiiuneiell was unanimously elected fjuperinteudeut of lleatih for Kowau cunty. The. Board adjourned to meet on the first Monday of January 1865. T. J. Sumneu, Ch'm. Joun A. Kamsat, Sec. The Board of Health lias been inopera some time past, and it is gratify- record-- tlus evideiice of revival. The duties ot the Board are oT general iinporunce to citizens of the County nnd receive the attention pi escribed law. ' - o '",'.. tive tor to ing Business or Party CardsT v 1 o ; vircuiars or I'osiers, r . - , . - . v -; vLetter or Note Heads, . : BiU Heads, '? Monthly Statements, . ; Books or.Pamphlets. ; - - Isabels, Taga; ce between Salisbnry ftndl Wadesboro;' This fatter iukl we thiuk the, W. X. CU R. R. Company will -construct so soon as they DIED. may soon:Conclnde,to cbmpleto the other. ! MINING DEPARTMENT. ' t - i : ' ' ' T. X. BRCKIR.i ' - -f K. X. XAMES, n., IL M. 4 5IANAGEUS; - Three car ltads of Talc are ready for shipment from Nautahla in the wrstarn part of the State. Dr. Lncas! coutiuues to ship about five tons of 'corundum per week from Webster. They have struck silver ore in the smoky mountains in Swain county that assays 170 ounces to the ton. Cnpt. John Wilkes of the Mecklenburg Iron Works, hashipned a stainu mill of his own make to Ottawa Canada. p:f Neatly printed , at. this l -2--. frrL n;t; . omce, ana at as tow rates as, eisewnere. Business men of Salisbury are invited to call through the P. O. before giving their orders to agents or sending them abroad. ',i'V; v-i t- can cet throqeh2 with their, present diffi- ".T .W' f meningetiv cnlt and: embarrassing jobs ; .and; .we Young, daughter of Mr. and Mist Alford trust par friends ofl lh Caroljua Central B.- Young, aged nearly uiue years. Ray and Anderson, aiid other prisoners confined in Aslieville jail made a desper .ATTIE ttng'ter of A. D. and Jen nie Wright, aged about five rears. To The Ladies of Salisbury iir... ate effort to escape pasfeiThursday uighc Coer &. Littleton experienced" -Sewlaff The advance says: ? Accompanied by his fAchinerAdjiistersniid Repairers, are imw jailer ' Mr. Henderson,! Sheriff Rich, as Ji1 V,e W . ,ntr",lacing the wonderfnl was li s eastora, opened the door leading H B ""T .?P ,u? 1 ,M! i If i . .. ,uf siMI,, does one-half the labor n oiw mtotlie pnoner'cellj to see that. all eratiiitf the machine. Physician., say the things were right before retiring fortthe K"lif Spring will prevent disease of the night. As swn a! he ihad entered the b;ck, muscles and spine. diM.r" he IwasBeizwl bv seeil f tl. m spnng. When the prisoners, while others made a rush Air the door J leading into the cell room, which was looked oil the inside, and the key in the hands of the jailer, who was also on the insidel Vhft5 Sheriff Rich was contending witli twd or three, others agent calls have yonr machine cleaned up and adjusted, and the Relief Spring will be donated. - v i-rber"W:tlie colored Presbyterian bori,nl l many iiwiWs among the jouJ je:;onMfW u . 3 Theiinzeftsf SalMbuiy, representing tfttrly! H of our religious deuomiuat Kins, nrt eiitertatneil '. last Sabbath evening t thf UHhodist ( church ot. this eir , 1 very ftUnt'ii t discourse from Rev. f.jWi E. Prsfhau,jpastrsof St.PaiilV totlicrn chuicb, of Wilmiiigton, N. Tit jnil.j-tt as The love of Christ," I ltd tUssMe divine ; nupressetl upon ins Wairtin kinihage; most beautiful, the ituiify n'H subject. should by the New Town Ciiaktek. We have look ed over the new town charter under which the municipal eleetioti ot Monday last was held, and find uothiiig to condemn. That portion relating to the electiou of Mayor and Commissioners is carefully guarded with especial-reference to protecting the to vu against illegal voting. Every elector Everything in tlie vicinity of the Russell mine in Montgomery county, is on a boom Several properties! have been sold ou .the strength of the old Russell stai tiug np again. The Coggins proper ty is sold aud it is repotted they will erect a 'mill at once. Tlie Little Lead continues to producer well and all is uc tivity in that section. . must be exactly located and known t-o for tne WntcLman. Mr. JBruner : Your remarks in regard to the well guarded treasure of Salisbury, which ap peared a few weeks ago, reminds me of the red-tapeism of the public (school treas ury. Perhaps the general public dona know what the poor teacher has to go tmoti'Mi With fin audition fit his hiboifiiii be entijled to vote before hi? ballot can ,he KC;,i room). before he can draw his be put! into the box. This is exactly I mony. With yonr permission, I will tell: iiiit and is one of the best features of The term out, the teacher must get the l..... uiii...; wgniitiire of at least two Comuiitteemeu ... . .BW...f .k teachers i.. d.di.ir this have to make is belieVed.liave been allowed to vote who ,.(i tiinof fmm four to eiirht miles. were mit justly entitled to tho privilege. I Hiese secitred, lie must next find. Mr . . .. it; ...i ...j i. ... . ,i. . . It is an easy matter tor every voter en- ami a wnin-uni nappeu inui 1 . I I . . I. .a .... rl 1 J ... 1.. .:.l 1 .1 . I ... ...r. .t 1 , I imiiiri ? uw ii.vo innriiril 110 llllim t linen T.U vote, 10 miu iu u;it iuti ic , - ..... .1 . I . I Salisbury has to hunt the feu pei lntemlent, ues, luuuuuii me niiiiioei 01 oi iui, hiiu UIIU t,e OMM f twiror three hours on a to know on whose property he resides. Febriiarv dav to a man who has to ride 12 - i i . . ... icates him : :ml if Iih Ims been n rmileS tiilotlull mild IS llo small Item. SAMSBiraY MARKET. May. 7, 1835. Corn, freely, at 8n35; Meal. 90(a95: gathered the jailer and the kejg, and be- Wheat, 00t)0; Flour per sack, $2.5!0 fore tliey could unlock Jtne door, a Mr. 2.30; Western bulk meats, 810; Lard, Morgau, who was in the SheriflTs office, J0I2i; Beef, retail, 610; ou the hoof, apeared at thedoorjwith pibd in hand 2J3i; Butter 2025j E-s, 00; Hay.jOb Seeing there was no -chaike of escape, the 45: F.xlder, 7000: Shacks, 45: Bnin. prisoners sai rentiereii, ana were replaced SU; rotatoen, Irish, for table 75S0; for in theirceils. The jailetfirtd four shots planting $ I 1.25; Sweet iintatoeuilfiail: at oue ot the men who liaiT hold of him, Peas,90lot)j Oats, 4550; Tal(ow.7: Dry but without effect. ; It was a dclibeiatel Hi es, 10; Rabbit furs, 2l)a'J0 cts uer and premeditated effint tjo overpower the dozeu: Mink skins, 10a20. jailer aud his guard, w; hose brave and Cotton, ready sales at 10i cts for cood heroic conduct prevented its success. Sheriff Rich, successfully contended a- gainst three men Including Ray aud Audersoii, at the same time; and his jailer bravely stood his gtouud, while tlie others were trying t mako their way to the door. ; m iddl i ug h ighest, I0i. Tobacco, sales every day and prices satisfactory. Poultry, in steady demand, but prices moderate. Counting:! .he Cash. Tico Cents Lost But a Forgotten Box Brought o Light. Washington, Mayl 6.4-The count of monies aud securities iu the U. S. treasu ry is now complete, with; the exception of I frequently come out of my mouth and nose the -contents of the reserve vault, about 1 "e 5l'arge was copious, and at times n,A nn:.. tt U, . , . exeeedingly offensive. My blood became nwfuwo.wu in u. i-sotes ana goui auu w, in jUre thafculy nera, lieftlth was -t silver certiticates. It w imw expected j lv : impaired, with poor appetite and worse that it will take about another week to I digestion F r i ghlff ulC at er rh Pieces of Bone. For four years I have been afflicted with a very troublesome catarrh ot the head. So terrible lias its nature been that when I blew my nose small pieces of bone would Rev.vT H. Prltcbard, D, J).,, Will deliver the Literary Address at Yad kin Mineral Spring Academy, Falmersville, btanlycounty, ; WVon Wednesdsv, May the 13th, 1885. A. Brass Band will furnish music for the occasion. The public ire cor dially invited t attend.,, From so renown ed anort6ri we may exect snjething luai, iaic auu racy. f jC.U3IARTIN, Principal. April 21, 1835. ! Our Philadelphia markets are corrected every week. PuiLADELPniA Mahket. Evat Bros., large Prod ace Commission Merchants, 5G North Water street, Pniladelphia, report the followiug;city"nnarkets : Eggs, Vir- giuiaaud Southern, 1313 Live poul. try 12(13 etit. -'per pound; dressed 15(I6: turkeys I617, according to quality ; ducks )01G ; geese 0010. Liv cattlo 055i; hgs, live Ub'i. Potatoes; EaiJy Hose, choice, per bush., C0G5; liuibanks. choice C0C3; Peerless, 0U3i); Ptai Mammoth, 5860. Cheese: X. Y. Facto ry, choice ;1212i; fairto goml, 11 to , Pennsylvania full cream, (I00j 5 part skims, fancy 50J); full skims, 0l(!h2. lined hruiW: Applet, evaporated, ii cases, t7 ; sliced N. Carolina, fancy 4 11; good sliced 3; blackberries ,99J; cherries, pitted, ntime drv, l2ai2i: peaches, pared, evaporated 17&22; N. C. sliced 79; jju pared halves, new,;8SJj quarters 66fc evaporafed IU 14: 'pear?;, 10 1 8; plums, D; raspberries. 2324J per' pound. Feathers choice geesu 52(33. Hides, dry, 10(11. Honey iu comb, 10 11; beeswax 20(332. NOTICE! !; The Salisbury Graded School Coraoiittce will meet at the Mayor's uffiVe on Friday, May 8th, at 4 o'clock P. M. to ticar; objec tions to the proposed location of l hi-Colored Graded Se.lioid House. The location i Eat of the Nationa'. Cemeterv and; iboui 300 feet South of the N. C. Railroad j 4 . F. J. MURDOCH, Sec. 28:2t. - - t ( j . ; , lift 6&j'l' - : ' "U'1 r,f- Absolutely Pure. This p6wder never varre. Amarvplot piur.txi ;' strensta, n.i wlioleaonaeness. More' economical- V- Iban lue ordiuarv kinds, a& cannot be sold la CwnpetUioa wiiu the multitude or low test, t-oorv weigut. aiura or pnospmie powaere. sola 01 ij - WOS. KOTifc liAklNIi J OWUEK CO.. 1V5 VttU St. This I citizen o residing forthe required 90 days, he - lawlul age, he cannot be re- -o RoCtK Agent. .Mr. John M. Fraley, tliiykin't ,llj:is received the appoint- 1 . U il. "t.... ' .... i:..i. rtlUti UiSfll : roiue nyein. uu j itiu mi"- diiiil Danville system, from Wash- tMWUialliiire. lie is now ar v asuui- buihuicuis to enter upon ins iluties. Hriftaley 'U a y oui'iriu.an of gMd in tel- Siiff,buii'ess habits, active and ener- fttic,tihd.wiil no doubt 'very soon inquire iLrwitMiiry kiiou ledge and skill for the tttful iK-ifoimance vi his new duties. -Mjsiral Spring. A valuable miner- ilipririjj within one mile of this place U rVceutlyj attracted attention. It is koffdtlwtweeu the Stokes Ferry and WdHjll reads, a little above the June- It li attracting numerous visitors !!5!tlitre!to drink the water, which Itfeutid a possessing tonic quali Sif l vrryj iiigli order. It has not ben tt!jfcl, ami cun seq uen t ly its exact char-tti-nuknown. !lf it shall turn out "put;! Valuable mineral properties as v Wieved it will, one of the least suburbs efi the town may soon the niosi popular. ; 1 r I i. rl ton aud of : St ruiuet come a uu wi elections. Below Next he j goes to Sam Woodson's office, and is geueially piounitlv waited on, thou I'll sometimes the crowd there detain him half an hour. He next must "et Law in a short time, sou Klujtz s signature, and is sometimes s from voting. This will all be tuple and easv be a guarantee against illegal H)s store lor tlie same, reasons I as at the Register s omce. 1 lie teacher must get the endorsement of two Com uiitteemeu, the Supei iuteiideiit, the Sec retary of the Board of County Coininis- . I a9lt 1. v uie arus at Monaays election tor sioner, and of one of the Commissioners. is the official vote iiicliidiiji all 6r 'Letters '.remaining in the Post .Salisbury, N. C, for the week ay 4th, 1885: f?AltllU. ID H King, (3) I A My ers, n A More, In r V 'fing, Fiheri J iSUMillkan, 'Kinciiil. , . ' I: SSjitKeseier, VWUttl. 41iiirnj, ! i Mori is. W R Miles. !J5 R Slillikan. O. IOUllg, C Verble. ay atlvertised wheu the above recalled for. J, H. Ramsat. P. M. V '--rye t I . .. r,i t--u"k iiiunuer Ann vr. hflark cloud roiled np from the t j-m m-mmm AiayoraiiHl Commissioners, lne names iu italics are those voted tor on the Re publican ticket. I For Mayor. E Ii Nteave 315 J A mmsint 13U For Commissioners Korth Ward. Now, isiVt the school money well gu;rd- U I r KJ. IX A At well eroney P P M N C It go tt OEMjlls !; Soutii Ward. Jas A Barrett D R Julian C T Beinhdrdt Geo Mo wiry 314 ni 130 131 314 312 North Carolina Seaport. In a strong article on the necessity of a North Carolinian seaport the Wilming ton Star says : "The; people in the inland and moun tain counties must have an outlet to the ocean. 1 bey must nave it it tliey nave to go toa seaport to the North or to the LSouth of them. A' patriotic and progressive people will Numerous medicines were used without relief, untill bey an the use of B. B. B., and three bottles acted almost like maic. Sinee their use not a symptom hits returned, and I feel in every way quite restored to health. I am an old citizen of Atlanta, and refer to almost anv one living on Butler street, and more particularly- to Dr. L. M (iillain. who knows mv case. Mrs. ELIZABETH KNOTT. A LITTLE GOLD. MrrZ. A. Clark, of Atlanta, 6aM in speak ing of tiltiO.OO in gohi, desirea to sav to the the vault for many years and bad been HUlVe amount was sp,nt in a fruitless effort almost forgotten. The services of a lock- m fiudiuif relief from a terrible Blood Poi smith were secured aujl -on opening the box son affecting his body, limbs and nose j it was found to contain a bottle of dia- presenting ugly running ulcers, lie is now inonds, a bottle of pe:lrls,a bottle of ottai examine the reserve fuud. Treasurer Jordan says that the count is practically over and that everything has been found in a most satisfacblry condition The mly discrepancy is two cents Uiissing from a five dollar package of pennies in the cash room. " Yesterday a heavy square box wrapped in red tape and securely bound was totind of the way nook of oiieof the iu au out key had been mislaid and wa- vaults. The nowhere tHe found. The box had been in CANCER CURED. Mrs. Oliver Hard man, an old resident ol Walton county, nnd a .lady of culture ami prominence, has tlrts to say of the treat ment of cancer with Switt's SpecihY: Over fifteen years ago a cancer made its appearance on my face. It was treated with-plasters, and the core came outJ The place healed up after some timeL am seemingly my face was well llo.vejver, in a few years it returned again with more violence ' than ever. It deal of pain. The former remedy seamed ti do it in) good. Knowing the disease to run in ' the family, having had one! sistci to die with cancer, I became seriously'up- prehensive of my condition. It continued to iocrease in size and virulence. I almost gave lip all hope of being cured. ?Th physicians advised the use of the knife and caustic. This Wi s more than I ubuld bear, and refused to have it oucrutedbpon in that way. All other remedies were used, but the cancer continued to The pain was excruciating, and my; life of roses and a lump of gold. One of the older employees identified these as arti cles which had been ; presented to Presi- 5 ! dent Monroe about the year 1823 by the Japam-ze goveriimeut, and which had been stored in the treasury pending the passage of au act of Congress authorizing their acceptance. Congress failed to leg i slate on tlie subject and articles were sound and weil. having been cured by the hvas il burden. In tins jextremity my; son, .. . tf most sneet v and wonderful remedy ever i". tuirunv u, recomnienueu iuu to iiy . - l.i T ... . 1. . I . . . ail.... before known. and anv interested nartv who owiits opecmc. it was ine ia5iiesMi, uiu may need a Blood Purifier will' learn from I was so prejudicea- against the ujse oi him that threw bottles of B. B. B. restored patent medicines, and especially this one his appetite, healed all ulcers, relieved his that I hesitated some time. At last I gave k u ncv.4 ami ji- i ed twentv-one niiunt s to HIV consent, not ueneviii- ineie ;is uu virtue in ir. ine nisi ooiiie oniy jucrcjiet the size of the sore and'the discharge fi.m it, and hence did not inspire me with any his weight in thirty days. Two Druggists. We have been handling; B B. B. only a few months, and take pleasure in saying it ia mii iMM'ccd mr nil other Rlnon Kcmedies. deposited iu the Treasury where they It 8eiIs well. Jives our customersentire sat- WAS1IED-OU V HAIK. There is 4 sort tt allid, chalky complexion whicaTtJVe nott elist call a washed out complexion.1 It U ghatly enough, and no mistake. Washed out, faded, discolored, or part f'colofpd fcafrT is almost as repulsive aud melancholy.. barker s iiair uaisam wi l restore yQurj hair to its original color, whatever it was r '. brows, auhomor black. Why wear moss on your lieau, when you may easily have lively, shining hair. ; ji. .... . t , r I V Saltstiury Tuiiacco CORRECTED WEEKLY BT JKO. SHEXTTAKD; Lags, common to.mea. Lugs, med. to good, Lu.s, good to tine. Lus, fine to fancy v Leaf, common to med. j'af. med. to good. Leaf, good to tine. Wrappers, com. to med. Wrappers, medTto good Wrappers, trood to fine, 4.50 to 6.C0 0.00 ta 8.50 8.0 to 11.00 11.00 to. 18.00 6.00 to , 6.25 C.25 to KX& 8.50 tb 15.00 ISOOtp IC.&O 1C 50 to 25.00 25 00 to 40.OO 40.00 tb 53.60 Wrappers, tine. Wrappers, fam-v, none offered. ! ' , New tobacco breaks for the past, weakj Imve leen liht. Prices stiff for all grades. -Good, rich, waxy fillers, smooth; cuttersapd,,' lug smokers are in grcatjlemand and price, $r a shade slifler than the quotation. ;;Wrap-; ; pers of all eUsses are high and eagerly! nought after. Planters would do well by puttinir some of i lu ir good-tobacco4;on tlio market at this tim - ri- . A Little (Jold was Spent. Mr,; Z.Ai Clark, of Atlanta, ira., in speaking of flSOLT in gold, desires to say to the readers; 9! thisf paper, that the whole of above nmotint.was--pent in a fruitless effort in finding relief from a terrible Blood Poison affecting his ; . body, limbs and nose presenting ugly run- l ning ulcers. He i iwaw ound and: well, 7 hating been cured by the most speedy and wonderful remedy ever, before knownand any interested p-irty who may need a B'ood Purifier will learn tVoru him that .-tbt'ee bot tles of B. B. B. restoied hisappcti'ehealcd all ulcers, relieved his kidneys, and; addejl twenty-one pounds to his weight in 'thirty . days. . i , 1- Go lo ENNISS andbuy Kerosene and Maohihc oils. have remained ever since. G w M C J Mi bf m East Ward. ntes ler aleg Jno Veible aige Kerr C R J Jinnies s 11 ir M L Btan 135 e,1'le have their resources developed. 131) I I'P.v ai;e broad enough 111 their views ahd j Notice to County Snperintendepts and aspirations to take m the whole state. Public School Teachers. on- 1 They are not Jjound by narrow sectional hnejudices. They rejoice in the 'prosper!-1 RALEIGH, K C, April 25., 1885. I ..rv-...i. r 1:.... T1! ' 1 ..r I IT.inTiftr cTiroinTifanrlnf a nun rtiihlir 137 isfaction, and we cheerfully recpminend it in preference to anv other Blood Purifier. ASHEil &M00RE, Difu-gists, Atliauta, Ga. A 32 page Book of wondcrfujl B. B. B. testimony mailed to anv address, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. "West Ward. Uev .. Ieiug citizens of a State that possesses so much of undeveloped wealth that has already betiun a new life : that bus a population that in population that iu vir I tue, integrity and mauliness will compare i0q with the iH-st, and that have illustrated 311 313 school teachers are hereby notified that on and after the second Thursday m October next, examination will be re quired on Physiology j and Hygiene. The State board of i education will, at an early day, recommend a text book on this subject, and publication will be 1 ARB YOU AT LAST. long lane that has no turn." It is wiley fox that escapes every hound. . ' ' y t ... . lzens or tins town werein a 1 yesterday nioriiiiig on learn Noah Dedmoud, a- colored man of bad reput,efor honesty, had been taken in tne act 01 loooing a raiuoau Ciir 111 mis place luesuay night, and was iu 'It is The ci broad gli ing that uimu ahundred battlefields their courage, made gQ ftU ma kQW what book rn 1) ATT RT 1 IV1 l"7 d5ai!,"ePecu devotion and soldiery qualities. is recommended, where it may be ob- J-liU U ULl ULliar loyoirgUe sex have one. diii-inr.. 4ii tn nnxrur f..- it v..ui. . 1 the Seaports ot other states rather tnau ; P V. w " " v m -AVVS1II SV I . - ' I m m said to be an old baud at hoctural deeds of ? wW lor iimuigton ought petty thieUnir. Buthe hasaccoinulices be fostered. Tle railroad systems of the howl mai y and of what position, is not State ought not to be inimical iu the least yetcertaihly known. There) are three "egreeo ine inieiesi 01 wuiniugiou. n. others; 4 abl colored, implicated in the trutlr,thfy ought to beimbued enough with present afjlair and are all in hand They I P15 f the State, if not actuated by any More Important Cases) occur almost week brk o,i. a 'iW r t tb. .tl,At-. other motive, to do what they can to iu- lyja our paper in relation tu Swift's Spe- I:.' U 7 "TIL " VI T -1 T ' . L,ufi tm f Mt n i.. tl. "he. l presume upon our old trienusnip uuuw mini auu cscapeo wiui one loau i -' " to inquire of vou in ! relation to it it: So it ought to be a matter of pride and Uainpd. and the nrice arrreed uDOn. Anv If so. n you re irln2 tidings of comfort and interest to all State loving North Caroli. teacher desirlfe to be examined at an SiJy- mjCan iiiaus inut iiioioiou BiMMiiu giow ii on i earner aay tnan ine secona luursuayi , 111 K. KU prosper, it is the natural outlet ior tne m uctooer-may De exammea on any people of Central and Western North day of the regular days indicated in the and restored to perfect health by imnj? Carolina. Every State ought to have a law. Let all prepare and be examined I BrSLQnSlu S i xt....t. r is . ao onnn as nnsihla 1 1 seupoib t ciiy ami ijmiii vaiuiiuu iuusi " owv" jvwiv. xi Y ery respecttuuy, ! . j?eIH2L16 Supt. Pub. Instraction. OLD AGE SEEKING RELIEF. Hartford, KyMarch 24, 1885 Dr. John M. Johnson ; hone. On taking the second bottle there .. . w . were signs ot improvement, ana mv Jan strengthened iust in proportion to !that imurovement. The spot on my face bdgan to decrease, as well as discharge, and hope sprang op in heart. , couki it oe, 1 iikcu myself, that I was at last to be relieved 01 this disease? It has given me so many dark hours in the past that the ida oi Uing well aain almost overpowered! me. There was a contest between hope land fear lof'a Jong time. It was a long night of weeping, but joy came to me witltjthc uio'Hing. Ileieis nothing Unto mark the plaice but a small cir, and I feel Jhai it is impossible tor me to express my gran tude tor this great delrveiance. lt.isi. wonderful medicine. Mr.s. Olivek Hardmax.; Jan 9, 1884. Monroe, qa. Treatise on Blood and bkiu ii'Mi- " m:iiled free. A ? 'IM, ftvvi lanta, Ga. Her people out to have too much of State pride to prefer trade with Dress Making! MISS M. 0. TAFFE ) Has opened i oom in the Old Photograph "Rfltfnla rVn f Gallery. She has learned Dress MaRin AVCgUlCttUl 1 unfj t,e m08t accurate system of cuttin. V PATENTS" y; Obtatncrt. and all PA TES1 BUMS ESS atUnded to tor MODERATE Pc. ' Our offlfc is opposite the U. S. Tateiit Ofjlce, and ve can 'obtain 'Patents ta less time than those re mote trom Washington. Bend MwM or limiting.; Areiv i.v patentability free of charge; and, 7 , injn ut potent i nref W c-.a. -1 nro. to tint Tost master, the Sunt, or Money urder Mv., and to officials of the 8. Pat- tent Ofiace. For circular, advice, tfruns awl refer ences to actual clients in your own 8tate orcouat. write to c. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, VVasliliijftoni If. c. Kov. 27. 4. 4m :: ' - It is a special remedy for all diseases per taining to the vromh, and any Intelligent wo man can cure hercelf ty follovg ll.e diiec- lions. It i especially etficaci .us in east-s o! sunoressed or painful raenstru ttion, in whites Dear Old Friend Puffs similar to the and partial prolapa. It afforl immdiate enclosed (Itev. Jsse H. Campbell's "Two I relief and perm inently restores the menstrual function. Asa remeiiv to be nseu Uunng that critical period known an ''Ghakoeof Life," this invaluable preparation has no rival. thoroughly. ilar Week lv newsppr . eoeriei, inventions and patontver pnblihcd vT 1 nonbr UutratP(l with splendid encrarine. Thi pnblication, furnishes a most valaablo eocyolopediaot . information which no person ahonld b withont. - Thm popolarity of the SciEXTmc Amkbicak in aach that iu circulation nearly eqnalathatof all other pa para of , its class combtinrd. Price. fr,0 a year. Uisoonot t Clnha. Rnld hT all Deda1era. MUX CO, Pnb- liKr .'n rr.l Krnirivi. IU V . : -s. AT ENTS. rasftrtt - mmmmmmm fore the Patent Offioe. 4 haw prepared more than One Hun, ed Thousand application lor pat tt In the United htatea and feretc nr.tripa. Caveat. Trade-Marka Ooor- W riphta. Aaaignmenta. and aU other pa pra -for enuring to inventors their riahtata the -?n;tl KttM Canada. Enaland. France. . Germany and other foreign countries, prepared at ahort notice and on reasonable terma. -j t Information as to obtainina patents chaerfuHy p5ven without charge. Hand-book of informa tion sent ree. Patents obtained throng Mann A C'o.arenotkoedin the Kcientiiic Amwtcia free. The advantaga of snch notice is well nndemood baU parsons who w if h to dispose of their patents. Address MUX X A CO, Office bCLSSXUOC KWtWi. 9C1 Broadwa, Ksw fork. jj! av tiiat r1.... i. ri 4.t . j 4-7 -s,4 ciock. ana bor ..I TV'S? theiiorUi-east of onr town. &J" aMag? oand it poured out w u h arnei - ' lmU m Fiank dJv ,,i'e iTery-Ferous Alamnge W to-gardens, trurt i,:,t.M .....i l. uud no tioubt,hlso, to farm "yS farmer in the neigl,. ara f i 4 ; ui uuuureus ot UIBa WteV, 1 e cloud sirnng a T"nWl wu and cv . .j,. idii.' i i w, arr cool and i ' C fctS 7 XPsUi0U nre uuw sale mS pir,lwnf five at $18. SF""' Clow. tI- o,..,; ! 'ifc! ?:ue f r, anj feu you- i curative qiialiticrv price ; anil: manner Of t. procuring i. Having nycii cinty tnree ii of the Cape Fear and ears through the most important part ot iiwar would bo a creat the wor,(8 ,istorv' tht P;iSDect of dyin uway u u uo a great f c.ncer on the lace is not verv con feeder for Wilmington. It j would bring Solin. Let? me hear from jda at earliest SUite aud the only port of any great im portance at pre8ut The const rnct ion Yadkin Valley Rail of boxesJTut notr" without discovery by- Mr. Jlufl the Jhight watchman. Mr. Turk, it cius, 6et a trap for tlie thievea last Tnciy ay -night, and haviug witness of tlie robbery, followed the thief to his house j and theu returned aud obtained ty people of the Northern part of theSute convenience Fit Guaranteed! Will be pleased to receive calls fromtlu ladies of Salisbury. March 5, 1S85. ly Cancers Conquered. : The Swift Specific Company have the most endubitablc. evidence ms to the run of Cancer by their famous medicine, S.S.S Amon "others, John S. Morrow, anUdd and 'highly esteemed citizen of Florence, Ala., makes the following etatcmcnt as to the merits of tins remedy: a warrant, aud with officers Ban iuiier t 58t f j Raleigh iu close! ctmimunicatioil and Pace,! took him out of bed! The case it!l this city It would be auother baud was followed up wthout delay by eeaich- Huiting Hie people of the State. It would ing the house of Deadmoud, i where six H" up a large section that is rich in boxes weie i ceo vered. Oue of these was tneraU, in eoil, iu inanufactones and uoi itxsfc oy air. itien. ; rolls, some months ago; two coutaiued ginnls for the Morgantoii Asylum; and others to pri- vare partijes. : l lie search also -revealed traces of the Powder stolen from Mr. V. Wallace, some weeks ago On of the would make it titbufaiy to the growth and prosperity of Wilmington. To "tnake this Railway what it ought to W, and what it Was intehted to be, there must be a continuous line from this point to Mt. Airy, the proposed branch roads must be Very truly your old friend. HARUISON D. TAYLOR, Atlam-a, Ga., Starch 28, 18S5. Harrison D. Taylo-, Esq.. Hartford E v.: Jlr Dear Friend Your 1 very highly es teemed Javor of the 24tli inst., reached me on the 2ath. You want information in re gard to the celebrated medicine manufac tured here, known as o-! S. 6. I have watched with much care the effect ot this medicine upon those I who have used'it, and bear willing testimony to its good re sults in a great maioritv of instances. The prisoners now in jail has on a shirt thatrC,uli.tructt'd an afteiwarda it must be J firm engaged in its oanulactureare gentle Saved Her Life! Kidoe, McIntosh Co ,Ga. Tt T R iTiPiri Ti-.Dpnr Rir : 1 have tak- m - r . mm s mm ioj-wimw v - - " ' 1 . eneveral bottles of your Female ""Kegalator l have been suflerinjr with a Cancer in for fa I ling of the womb ,oul oilier lii : se com-1 my right ear, tor aoout tnree years, i inco l.inrl nfa rieen veiirs atandin?. and 1 really I vurimis remedies anu was ireaieu iin believe f am cured ent;rel, f r which please of Potah, which prolu cd rfieu accent my he.rtfHi tnankaann moai piomuna mtism. Mv feet and les wcie great i gratitude. I y know your mfdicme aavtd my ..-..it ,.n 6 that I could not ustlk. About . -ar l. 1 " 1 t 1 " - one year ago I was inauced to try Swilt i rtmcificJ which soon removed the tremble iu my limbs, mid my rheumatism is now entirely gone and my Cancer is steadily improving, being better now than htny tir.,- wit Inn two ears. 1 his meaicinesnas done me more good than anything else I hve taken, and I feel that I am on the road to a speedy cure. Undoubtedly tiwjttV life, so you see I cannot speak tooiiphly iu it. fiwnr. 1 have reoonvnendfd it to aeveral of my .friend w'io are u fieri ue :i I was. Yours verv reanect fully, , M RS. W. E. STEBBI5S. Our Trextiaa on the 'Health an I Ilappi nes" mailed free. Cca field Reoclator Co., Atlanta, Ga. was in Mrlp, I.l?8 h tilts time. niut- mV$ T nd the - ew 1 her win . . ""iCTai " " uever eon .....! !. . - . 's. . . x una uui, hiiu iu ins posses sion were also found six table spoons of solid feilv-i, also the property of Mr. Potts. Officers are now out iu the pur suit of parties uuder suspiciou as belonging to the clau. i - Depredations ou cars at the depot have beeiifiequeiit withiu the last two or three years, and it is bolieved that the parties uow nuder arrest were the ler petrators Of them t and that the ooda stolen fron rime to tiuie have been hauledl away to distant" communities by 'white confederates to be disposed of. - ; exteutled uutil the Ohio River aud Wil- uiiiigton are united." We coTnmeud, this suggestion heartily, and trust our Wilmiiigten fiieuds may realize all they could wish by way of the toad specially mentioned. There are two 1 other routes which we hope to see com men and capitalists, jandj are far alxive falsehood or deception; as any men in your community. You may confide implicitly in any of their statements touching its utility. Y'ou can get it ai the drug stores in Ixmisville, Evanville or! even in Owefis boro, Ky, j JOHN M. JOHNSON, 72 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. Treatise Ion Blood and Skin Diseases pleted at no distant date, which will give mailed free. --direct communication betweeuWilming- The Swia Specific Company, Drawers, ton, the natural and best seaport of the apta q' I ? 1 State, and the monntain and transinon- A CHANGEABLE jCOMFLEXlON in ...t!An W, ii,i ..r a. dicates the existence! of . worms. A few ' t . . . .. . -"'tIiImh nf Slirinn.V lnill.tl V.flflllniTS rl Carolina Central tbrougli Rothei ford to destW)y tDEm end mak(J far complexion Asucwur, uu uv wiuauvuvil iur iiuu ungni ann neatinT. SDccitic is the best blood purifier in the .orld.w JOHN S. MORROW. Florence, Ala., Sept. 22, '84. Wit at You Wast to Kkow. Everybody wants an rionest answer to this simplejjues- tion : VV nat is tne oei meuicu.e io .cu- . f f . . .. . : n 1 Kil I A ihv..j-. - -j late tne uon-.is, i t';" "T' " ' Ueare. I have tried a great roaiJT reuitii e """"..ll1? JZLiSZT JltjlZllTvuLt renef. I almost aie p fopc strengin w inc ..u . - . , u.:nr. cured. Dr. liardnian. mv III -eva --afc - . .i. rhia everv dav. We answer. Fai ker s Tonic. It is pleasant to the taste. All the children like it. Mothers all praise it. It will save a thousand times its cost in every family. Editor Western Argus. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for one! or one dollar for five bottles of Shriner'S Indian Vermifuge. The -best--worm medicine now before the public Every bottle guaran teed. 2000 0 i pvegnts pivm auop;. Seed us 5 cents postaR?, an4 br loairyou win get Jrtt pack .ce er'irootiu of Jarse value. at mi 'i.-jsfjjl.i ivorKtsai win mi ooce on lii mur ( ur.fr ihai anrtUinst eelA Ameil . it u i- t v ! 5 ' ) li pr.M.atM TltU eact b ; r,!j ruTl) f y,-ras;re, ofUiier:sex,'et U r i' . 1 1 1 m a ; or ire tl n only, to ercirlc fair-; ni'.nn ft-ji5. Errt,uaes tor all workers tiy ii a eJ. Dj i'taeUj. U. tui.t,tr & Ctr or. n, 'il s rorUan4, Maia "I Dos t Feel Like Wobk." It makes o difference what business you are enjr.ag'-: d in : whether you are it preacher, & ii)ej hanir. a-Javt'yer or a common laborer, you a n't do your work wfcTTwnilc you arctialf i- k. ri'hous'tnde try to, but all itt vain, low much better to keep-y ourlorgani in :ood ordcrbv takiny Parker's Tonic when you feel "a little out of toi ts." , It Would ie money in your pocket. One hour ot od. rejoicing health is worth half doi u hours ful of languor and pafip. fi ??5MER0USqEBItiTY 1 Wv.tr .rA naaeroo ntiffuraiisenaeK baf- flir. the skilled tfar- sicianv. rewilt froia !ul lndiaereuon. A RADICAL CURS FOawlioorreeiodnlireBoer tma TTiOTTCi N. 4 over fcratn work. Aet th iB4ttion prtti. I ur ir.m HEHTOUS TtmTT TTV i- S t Iine rtsnsKiiefl i3inTfPTnT fetffru bfion takiir ttea- fifSraM.axjai ErrVTrnlrwR, takes, - enn: recommended Swift's Specific, which I have taken with yreat results. My face is almost well, and it U impossible lor me to . . . L - if. I . express my tnanKS in worus ior wnai uus medicine has done for me. i MRS. OLIVE HARDMAN. Monroe, Ga., Sept. 18S4. 1 ' Treatise on Blood and Sfcin Diseases mailed free. . , s ' 6wifr Specific Co., Drawer 8,- Atlanta , Ga. . - . ; : H'F.E RrMEinr that HAS CVKfcD thuuMnds. docs l not Mrt-rfrre witta aUeo. . tLnn la baunras. or Seete pain or iuoonenlrJ4e tclentxte rrrMlca I prlnrt utn. E diraporclioil fSm tfac aat ef UiaeSM Its kSsceific influence W.fclt . vuhbut Criay. I BtBat- nrtl runetkarerth;kn. I jma etyanMnu reaterca. DECAT. IrYoung Ot. Kiddie Mgeo man. Tcstvo Fcrt oEn 6tx VEAR3 BY USE IM MANY Tkous'n9 cases Bs TRtAL nice eeve Onn Month. - S3 OOH ihMatbeii Vrro Memie. - S.roff.fhlatrd rafrWhrrafaaWkr. y 5?iiicoi-xalli, v.ocaaaapturih msa.tcxmingfa. r HARRIS REMEDY COijJM'WCKuisrtt- Off OTURCO PERSONS! NoTrue,.v ' :" ! ' ! 'fc. u It" 1 - :- J, 3b -1 . - 1 Y