r I.. ! -. ' piusli oa Hats" clears out ; .Es.Iice. I 11.00 spent lor lor !' ! Disasters. Olongu on Corns," for Corns, uuni nncrnai rcmcdr.- --ff IOC. f.j- kKim CBA.OE. ' . PROTECT YOUR JROirS ' CRAlGE CLEMENT, M XaVw. says yotjs ysmri F rom the Wasting KiTiiiMni , wf l! SALUCUitr C 831 . ' : MO'ltllKIl in ',llfv!.r!; the answer. -Oh, 5 illat all, never, Wr, never. Now, his memory ...rever. ' Then . ii i ji I "Oram was li e .w T n. ' ; - ... nriiiuise' ' ami walked throng 1 the " . ! - - H'i. I Kl I .luln't uk about him. I as mere- i ou niuwe r j -.. .. . , . K j .i iw ! I I . t- i.nw the iloc- "Well, II uon i want u wauj. " m iu w-vi, ; j ; - . Iv ..,x.,.u 1 '"" " duu o , ,,'ut I t'ol c.v..rylHKlv liked t Ltt o the ,lw.r lie inxa.iiii ir ih r , 1 vM w uitiliiiii hiuhh -, . . . . - - v . , .. . - ... am. .... . ... . . -ration i irttlv a lri-j r - j ite Hera 'linear! , NoHori Paint tto'lictt Danger I in of Kcientilir skill. jiiiLiio more inliiun- i a. :i i ylowtd on the iriiotlitr I of the world. They Were soBuay TwDay. ' Detroit Free Press. ik rrs "i. .. Anril 24.-SmikIi for Iwdics wa.;pn- g - ' . .!MneMiaS2- , as .!- - - . 3 . uii. , I wruaira cusses laemoaer win be rfnatt1 imiisihI 'Willi icuicu n jwioiunj muuiii ehiUlren. Sior iniutMfu uuuichi, punv lOT . " pounas. ia r;. i' i V if mtVr tok ihe l I .ue Not . H. P. ?-n It 7 su ?SSSFir! X vW ..ri.... .l,e ,-e of l,e had ll,H.ke, ot g.Knlt- !-, -hW, HyB C,.aa Hgrjr XftJSS?. fKfSgiu - . . . 1 Ml.i I I. K..i JdluiMiill aiul Enll Bell. Clllureil. lliei ueu.m;vuu j . ti thi hw vtneL nlntnnAll..ll?laltol -. . . t f I ! . J 11M V!1 I IU III III I IKTl.lt. Ulll . . - W . , I A .,- f X ' . I I 1 II kF1 " irrlt not onlr jiort- twolve vear of age onalllxllntvof liilwr nl I i . IIM! ...i atfulllia nail ueeii fMKen. iioi a ginm-u ui.-1' . "r ; - ; In r li re!. (There was no w.uml heanl but JoIiuim.ii ami Eph Bell, colored. They ueu that ot 8vba us these uiikciilnt- ana were an raunu iu me nr w. . . - . . I : .i i. t ni.i.t will TUnHir StrRn's Worm Svrun. for fevcrish- ness, worms, constipation'; tasteless. 25c. Stinf:in,Trritation. all Kidney ami Uri nary l complaints curei ;by 'Buchu-paiba. Night sweats, fevrr, hills, malaria, dys pepsisi, cured by "Well Health llenewer. Mv husband (writes lady) is three tunes . V........ M...1.1... I6.1if Ireniw of a luindml batlle- .c..i.d b Mr.. Dkh.in. The K-arj:!. wil !, .V-.I,,. dtalftlK. 1,riclradl.ecl'! H 'SM tTbJL' . Itthti .lr..yiWrh.l we,.t. .It u . thoUt that th. in a condition liish.y P ..I I wanted to nfk you for some 1 .' f ... , j : r...:.....i eves liH frume shk with oIh, as lie disastrous U.mmI ever kuuwu tu thia vicin A.m1iIp to f.eti!r re- . "J ..... ... ... vi M-ilnli. Mull 'J Miacmuc wUm.Uk.uf....e ....., 'l lo .....I ili.amufjPMl into .i iiuiuvill WMlnMMUr. ami .. f .irAi-L:is--linioriiiaiitH. uwM , , T, .,rlii.r ,ul ii.,ii,iiirv will reanit 'i.rv-v. - -rr ; ij . . the ma irti;,,.,u ...T . - ... L,..7.iI.0. l!i. i-.diwireiKistWfliiu 1 " " . . I l.iiifiv . UtM. With tne closini: ...... ti......l wiih little abatement timaisii-i...w " Jf - V- - "I V W w------ ; I 1 1 V nf the lobr lehiu.l him euiieil forever oUt Thursday. Pecan and Elm crt-eks The Dread of t. i.. Tit i !- iiotii8riio:d; S j JTrans formed to HOPE f :'::.iaj IJOY. cover,, and fur Iff. ""-- --TV . .. ..) -d bItflo?,l nf.ctn.ai; up r.'f 1 ' ta, (n rauning the iionn ana oiner fiarm-1 ,jun you u ue uu ""'i' r ialtngeringad gainful I . V . . , .j.,,,- a9 he labor. Iutruly wonder- - i ... w.c. WESTBR001 ; y Late of Wilson Nurseries, Mll8ori. k cT ! tSFOB SALE at ENNISS- Drug stow f 5 m HE 1 hanana l writes a lauv; is inrccmnesi uyn,wn. wc.mj Mm " ?: nn since using 'Wells' Health Ret I 8TOSE QUARK Y fR E. PhimrAdfce U ,v i j 11 and wtll continue to supply the public T' " , ' IB man1 fnn 11111 tltnnM fmm ,1,1. ' i If yon arc failinir. broken, worn ont and America.! Fables. labor, lutruiy wunaer. v , - , . iimi: ful efficacy in tli re- scratched hw car. "jess . Maliui sped entitleMlie! Moth- .yJe.g. Say, iub, awfully busy erB Friend lq be rank- . . ' ., a !c i lie easiner. ami edasoneoftUelireMT- ""b . i infc appliance given to here's a quarter lr ou. 1 like v the world by the difcov- i,fcpa boy along, but 1 m rushed -till ertesof modern jcienee. ' 5 tt Hit wild klroam id' the Cknitiiern CoJi-l hi..b fmnrv into Trinity river, iiist be- nervous, use "Weirs' Health Renewer." fl. teIeracy. iincimiau SJommerciai tra- jw tho , ,-- --rr-i q-, j mand tor Mill stores from tuts ccuoiTtm. 1 I & mnwM WfU Vnmtrn thnmrrhnnr iiii.' 1. grit so well Jcnowrj throughout thiscoonZ (tunerlnrttT for MilV Slnnpn n X Frog who had long dwelt in a Ask the cashier, and Puudliear a f eaKinl s ioiii was one I like tu: evening Highly Delighted to hear the lVasabl reniarK to ins wiic; "Have yon ever uotiewl how beau- zelU. ' : ' ltbt dark ..VI.M'i: in the mortiiliif ai tunler olleurL'' - - o houses in the bottoms were swept away, the k-cu nan ts fled tor-their lives, leaving iititnl l int. .-liilil vviih tlrtiwn- ,4Tlipre is notliau on esirth." savsltt,i i.t . tlift- rtaKHi to ie.tr los l 1 ft . . .a 1 mpty into Trinity river, jiist be- nervous, use 44 Wells' H5ilth Renewer. fl, f0r its superloruy for ilttrttoneiL Granuf ciiv rose with' fearful raimiitv in Prevalence of Khliref complaint in Amcr- for ornamenui purpose, Monuments, tcitcc, rkiLs of the ,nbjht. Aoou't 4 b-a ; -Bucha-paiba" s quick, complete also te bad at this w;. . ; i nitiiiiuii asi cure, -- . '.'h A Wouderful Stream of Water. describe; Silver Ueveral other lives from above town .1 Safetj and Eas8 : -T0- Buffsrlng Woman rrorainenauirrui int .... . . .,u, i .1.... i-.-..., 1..r- v :.,eit willofcburMrbe " 1 he ooy wentuowu .v in...; . - Vo Peck. Mlhat Ctll nnderrtoodthn weean ier'a t k ami uil: . ? jl Ihe 01. I cuieu ne n . iip.l 1 .eM Arm ailV itUa Th.ee houses pasd down the stream not pnb i rf I SUUqt b.y and me are seeing J,gly, ai.U ne ai once oegau x -r-- r -. - f which above the rush of wutei. concerntnatlnemedy , J . mo6t about Ei:i,i Kent it no alUuiielit long. Al ol them. 1 he springs cover twoor " .... . . .n- Wicacvof.hewrir-. MabdL Please tell uie all you daylight the Peasant came dowu with three acrs, ami the water is from ten t ,MS wf Hve 8tM:U in the vicinity is very Ytwehavclnnlred8 k i a CstlU and called J.tiL : tu m decp T,,e boltonl is tie rf cttl.ca8eaof hoi aea cowauml sheep nlX'X K1 Mahdi-y-e- replied the f "If you do, i leave InTe Forthwith autiluf white sand, and t. c by at interval. ..The engine A u --i.i.: ' Mi.r it 1 I've read ot him 111 be the death of von ! si. . . r . .? ;i. n ocr - -'r ' r " . .; .... o -i.i water iss l ie clearest water, in tle li-ase at ue wuier woi . w inner nvH in ne w iintrii 1 1 i .. .-,. muu nvnr i iif iiuiiic ia vt i ii iiiil iiac & w""v . ...... , ... - , :i iicil mm o . v. I ' " I . . : . . I ... I I tin ner niuc uiruuu. 1. . " IT I , ' I . . . . ,1 in.ner time oirouuic. i . - : v... es so. SaV. UlH. Atiiiiu led HUT. - V. Ullllliiaii - j - : i " . , , . -Xurumi,ut phyeian hVely re.UrUd to our tt o.-walker knows every bmly am -Kept uh Awake all night will. thrproprletor.ii.at if it we adnAsaMe t evtrylillg. Here's filleeii cents io? 'your Croaking. make public the let ten. we receive, the .Moth- if ytm-won't bother me, today. "But it was only Last Evening that .rs Friend " would outsell anyiLinb on tne ) ,,assed along to the geutle- yo comidiiiicnted me mi my Song." ""mil wrnestlr entreat every ; man mentioued ami said : ; "That is true, but 1 hud Heard on- tectin? to be confined to we ItfoihM's hr 'My teacher wauls nits to find out y brief Sng ami at long intervals. Coepled with thi entity I ;.2"J?; i,B i ..'. aboiit El Mahdi. Where was Mobal: It is a IXtngerous thing dann long oom., 1; - , , , .... , . ..,., ... w ; . . ... I world. I it is so clear tnat any oiuect on the bottom can be seen as plainly as though one was only looking through a sheet of the finest plate glass. You can never realize it uutil you seel it. i? iny leet dowu you can the damage to the town nd property along the river aggregates many thou sands of dollars. Denver, Col., April 23. The heaviest snow storm ever known in this section vf the couiitrv stt in at 9 o'clock last night hvekn; he born? How old is he? What does lo cmpl.ment the man w and nuiek delivery. . , . r- he do for a living ? Please give me the O, eiiiug Speech at a vs II. J. HOLMES, M. D., Atl: nta, Ga. . f le ' - .... t ll. l..1vl 4Iia anrtrk ... l.. I .....i l.i I tin. lio makes wanl csitifus. 1 want to 25 YEARS SIN USC. The Greatest Medical Ttianpa cf the Aget . sYrj-PTords cp a TORPID LEVER. Ioacf:;ipetUc. D.wls costive, tua In tbo bead, wi:h a s!r ocnsatioa la t jo back part, Taia ca4cr t!xe aaoaldsr tladc, Fcllncaa after fcatlrc, with ac.s lac::r.t!on to cscrtioaof bocr crinlrc, Xrr:tabiii:Teftenjper,il.oWBiirIt,.Trt;a ofoclinzof bavi3Sucjl!H:tsd noma dat y, V7caria?ofl, DirziacKS Flaltenai at 1L0 Heart. Dots before t!to erce, Ilcadac-e ever fiio rlzit ere. E.etlc5acrc, r.th Cifcl crerssim Kl-L.!y colored I rice, and COaOTSPATIGN. t T'JTT' lil.I.S trqi cspeclr.t'.y aaatea to sacli eases, ono 4cso etlccta hvvA t hatiJT .ofice'inrrfHtoasiniiUtliCSuCtrcr ' They Ijtrreasdtbe AtctUe,fndtiutc t.t Banrisfct,f " t hyih ?cTonic Actieu cn J. T. WYATT, SaUsbut7,X(r k EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I Notice is hereby; Riven to all personi having claims against the estate of J? bechler, Ueeu., to present tlie came to tin ? iiLdersiued on or before tlie .2)tli ilar f March, lti8; and nil peiion iiidbfwJ4i the estate of s4d dee'd avtvnotined tit call lou na and pay the same without aVlar I - JJ. C. SKCllLi?nf l Ex'rn of-Jiielii !' A. W. SKCHLEit. 5 .Secliler, dee'd' Match 19th, 1835 ,22:61:, l. 4 H: f.i tv KAitii mr nur i rr:iiiiic on .1 a- nlneis of Woman- mailed free. . p cent boy in Uie eye tor u . IJ pnni irnit (T.. Atlanta. Via. 1 iiitiitito ; UltAV'lBU IM M- w. ""rf I IHIUMl .i - . 1 'I'l..... I. ....I In. I a nnirtAf irfifll a lieu ne iiiiv. ---- jaa..-wSa"ot vest pocked, passed it over and kind soous wnicu wui ucip j" iv wnisuereti: more money rsn away u p - , AU.oreiuiersex.sui;- "iot; uniay , Knii mill in fortune I - . A Chance tor Dr. Soutliall. Mr. M. E. .Thorn! . I . . I ......I A .j.lnnb llilj ul'unli III HI ISIftieU UIIIH uuniim una. inniii J ! - V . - rtb i.Uinlv as lhomrli in an Fully twenty inches of snow Ml, as much fc"v : f - - - - - w - o 1 aquarium, ami actually distinguisb P tne aggeB.Me u.0.... . the: serrate settles on the hsh.xlhe a 1MlmlHfr of riMU, Uave faUt;, W43 sun shining through this water makes . bat without fatal results so far as ie- fef? PJB?!! . . . 1 I I'l . II. I , . . I N H I n fl TiirQa BJ H Hie, most Ueautuui colors, iihe uia- lKirtu. The storm was general 1111 -ougn- D tun or Vi'elinSged to momls. All tue colors 01 tne raiuoow out uie ouue, uui n.... ... GLor.r bLacx a Sinfrio application ct this Urs. it imparts a i.tuxn.f color, net i - L...I Kc coom ,.,.d W.ri. tl.nn. ia irmss moving neai ly on time. 1 he atorm was Jtnousiy: M by Drnssists. cr m b Bm . ni . mm v v r s - - a ton vioe-president ou f lhe bolloul as theI e is jn sora, iucalculaWe Unetlt to the cattle late, -o Mountain Loal , -s . . , , ests. aayiBing aw iu ut tn fortune cewwrom nrei uour. iuo ;jrTlr,..v :Vure er ODens before the workers, and Is a?.luteiy-4!.o " AtOBceaddrem. Tsos vo.,,Auuawi, JC . .. tiir . ot tne Main oeuico .uiiuiiiam uiui ,1 . . . . 1 Li .nm.Ml,. rt.. T.... i.. a r..nt P, l IS 01 i lie purest green, a. . .J ,Ti.ov iir.Ki v tn vou IUmu, t,. the m itnr tit I lit dlQ.uu1u.ClU)'m 1 1110 urcen menus mi ii""w vi xt door, as t hey aren't rusned" era' Record, Baltimore, says : ; I until tin I 9VS ...I ..I ........... ..ft li.itA . sent bv esrre- en wc!j c,ri CottiTaaM. Sick Ue(Ub Chronle ttlow rlcu, jau-wUeajjiii JiTi-uritT .... 7 ' i.'oi, fxmal ji Ajnr, tttalarit, p ILUil mil DiMMd caused: bv Da. If " . M ranffement of Liver, nuTti nd Kidocfi. k 8TJIPT03IS O" A HISHaSEII IJTEt. tiA TA..k P;n iV - . .l. VAI. ' M l 1 . nta. kill. t-1 1. , IflvllHJU Ut, cain is felt under the Sh"ulder,bUilc, auslilicrfar i Khcupiauira ; general lust cf : orKthe: BcwtU , fcncrauy costive, s imctimcs j.itirwnqjwiuujj the head is trouble I with n In.ii tiull joJ kcm. :.t :j li . i -r ... t ' wrthapainfttlsciuau-'ncf Uavin-uui!orKotBttki which ought to han: bcr.n dvnc; a slight, dry 0141 nii flushed face ii: sometimes u atttniknt, v inistakea for consumption; the p-ticnt coapUnt of weariness and debility ; nefvoas. nstly staithet; leet cohl or purniRc, sometimes a pncury r .1. i :.i: 1 J of the skin exists;: spirits are low and'detnos&a, and. aunoaen satisiiea tnat exercise vouia k ct. TAPE WORf-1 4 i i4 f -id ; mi, "1: t .minimt afirmnn scientist has recent ly discovered fnmva root extrapt, an abtoA It is pleasant to take nnd is not distnss nrr tn ti. ntiint. but is peculiarly '-sicken- in? and stupefying to the -Tape Worm, .H ' JlheOrigiu ufMaii, As it it Understood in California. - From a San Francisco Paper. One cif the delightful days of last week, a young la y, well known in lhe exclusive hret circles ol oan Jran DlSASTKRS TO PARENTS AlMS. New Y.ulf. Anril 22. Great excitement was . , --i , . m lialinhlpf 14 lierlPCtlV a We-I : ;.. Rin,.l rn illWIUi ,iiiini"iv s'-jw. iiiiiii I - I CH II eCU III VCI lillll tllticn u Jfci wr. mj Two ieiriKel stumps of trees have lrilei, ...u .annot sieak for tear ol udav bv the announceiiieiit that Maud been Ibtiml in the main entry of the . f . , r .... slit,11P ud McAllister, aged 15. h.id been mariied tu a . . m m aTm . m I III UrltlL. aa w m m - ---- . w - I ' Hu,8cu.ivi.,.vaw.w periect in every ouium, even witn mr- t. . . .. ..,... i,ii1,Vva fnotiented the skatiiur nnk. which hvn's Yu hold ot its Victim and cico society for unrivaletl jcrsonal bark uf lhe tree clearly defined. It W t? ?r w, ,i u , - , passci, away in a nHtura. ana easj n u charms aiul elegance qi accomp n ,M be :l bwch ,rce slum,,. i he e.giit nines ueiore i rc..c..ea u.c v,.,- , iiUtute divorce r,,ipJt wholi with Ilcau. and Ms bile sini l ...n..rl t m-.L- n . ? i i . ...i i i..:.i I . ... i e .i... ,i:. .-... lul v .. r j ' i I mciiip, i wua uincu " coal incisure is overiaui : aim iniuci .mm i lawanu, ami an oi umi, unwuw " iroceediiigs. hve. j . I (niomtiibitorv call tiuon a married L..:.i. i.....,.. ui..f&..- it' i in ids. imdi-r.l . . . i .... .i. .i..i. .. .i. u....l - One nhrsician lias uscu tins ipeciuc iu pB"- - .. , i wn ivrt o.m.v, . . - - nic Stami on ine ueuia n ui .... , .. . -r"?Al"- . . . ..... . i . New York Observer : An estimate now O rCf YVV UV niuioaii i - - - mm w . I v s - - 1 ' ,,,, I ,.t lA..iit ft ftl I V2l LI'P SI 11 11 Slrlr I a t Yoid worm entire. Suect-ss guaranteed. No ,.;., f,om t,al occasional sacred event L.' ,....,! Tb tons f i lie hltimi s are a' i g! Z8 into oeauiutii vsaitr, a u,fore U8 ..kes the additions in tin- na reouired until removed Kvith head. ; fll h - nt wtl,Ml ladic- which. L.. -. i J ,i. ......ri. the fiih switnuiing around, liere will v , , . j,, t,e fil.iSt three mouths I . i . 1.1. 1..1...M " ' W i ' CVllI ' UIIU U OHI""l" UO HU'lIji" I Rnr) itsmn fnr circular ami terms. I,.- r i ... k .-..i :. I I . J j..i i st.,1. I. ..,..1 a..iwv I ... .i... i.i....i: ..i 7 -.if SjSXWOOD CO., Iar Irwi " ue"s a eKiiys, is mc p. earelully cut Willi an axe. 1 here are a ot? a wi v oi tin i k .ml k mm mm m w , m l . a 19 Park f lace, (ew voi k. i icci uiiuiiiiaimu 't vw I tuw incm was snown into tne try k in lacl. d&trusU every remedy. vi Knra cvmnttu .c attttul iK diira W aim have occuirea when but few of ihcm-tintatwi J 8T09XACB May SO, '34. ly the lew minutes reo I w for the receptioji iu that room where . a a a ai WR ASK ALL" InteTesttld in Hides, Furs, Wo'ol, Roots, Utler and child were doing as well - - '. - , ; tn til Iia prripntotl- w:is lelt with no Jrll Fruit. P..utlrj. Ha, . .W Produce F lenaiii K-r u.. u. y toscna for our Pri c Currcu,,. I '-',, ! I- tn tliu Ml liiiil lt. l-llll l'1-lwrt 111 cut wit u a ti axe. l iicre it re a i o"""1 j mui nu j - - - - it-j i.l u.il'i wli-iif. nr kI:i(m tm I iiina ! irll I llr fiffV 1MII1IK I, there a be 40.000. and to the Presbyterian 25,000. parlor, aVd for lweeil tie tol)S f the slumps and the scllooj 0f a ,i,mlretl garfish with their These must be very lough calculations, nirp! ti Hrrtinuel ..... .i .......,!...... I . . i.,, tl- tn ir:iblisli imiru tiruilv our oicoai. lilllll Ol mrno. nni tin ojvvs . L . r.i. ..i ...: i .... but they go tpestatmsu more uruny our lo ig ; oii.s, p.ay...g uuuu., "" .vi..ti.M. that thi in one of the Vears of m M mmm, ar . ; i. L. f .. .. iiipiis nt tif.tr.neu siiimns uiu lortn- i . .... ......i 1 ...u f ,b,. ptrv attention to the steamer, out acting rlullt.ll.ind of God iu the churches of in.imvati in iiKir4 r nrs. tvticii. ivutic. i : uaicir . ... . . , ...... i - --o Fecrt BcesW t disturbed, but si .11 stand, H though they were on exhibition. the United Statcs. . vou.!!, c"- i I , - rtntiv-,,,,,, in.,, tiiu,, tiits nt.Tvl . ... i; ......... i. ..I -pi... . '--i.. :i--.. :.!.. r.w..,,.., I UUOUt OUe-iniHl proiuuing,au ium iu. I A iiai ;Cigni umva la miw. ..;...- ... i I .! - . . at Pi. ...i. . in tue worm. 4. nose wim cene.ally Prompt returns ou all Consignments. Trial Shipments So icited. it L. WILLUMS; & CO. : General ComjItssion MibtBHAXTS, ' Office, 169, Wiliianatfit J New York. 1 -X scientist aud curious who come may view them at any ti uie. 1 .a- I I . . it . viiuinc huo inn; ... ...v. ...v... ( respeetiuiiy rcqnest. inai our lion, and promises lo grow up into an distinguislied fellotv lownsiuau Dr. ornament of society that will never j . Souihall bring his acientitio to bear upon mis remarKaore Icnarle". then in his fourth year. But . . . . . . Charlie was lully equal to the silua- tinz rule visit Florida and fail to take the Ok- rf - - be abashed by beauty, however bril- giasses liant, into the painful negative p1 ami- inl "uo conversation." After Botne unes- nteresliug slatement. A Story of the War. Bpiiti.il nreliminarv remarks. Master - - 5 j I I J ----- Wli'lJ 3T . TTC1 T?TTIIT A 1 1-J I 1 1 I .. .. . l. ... I .I. ......Vm ' ra'wirma:- &)ir.n.ra Tndian'Vermifofe will I ninl: Inwerino his tone into the cou- The Parting of Lee and his General 4 Jfe . t . !a M a-, "r it -t i I "He. ont from San Jose, has ify mild and Ghristian-like when the directions. i. 1 .m;u w .a 1sab. V Amid lie ruins of their camtal. i . , . . . i l4Utey c . . . . . . i 11 i ' ., twelve and one-nan acres in orcuarn, compared witn tne conaucx oi tne oui- Tim vnnnrr bide-, !ivi line swift with bare, bowed heads, in utter sil- ... - . r i. rri..u: n 4 w p e ,-, . t . . i The civilization of the Central Ameri can States is not of a very advanced i r I ML h eVlr a 1mivm a- j , I type. Ane nccuuiiiys v mc uiuuiup v. ia walla trip make the greatest mis-i Aspinwall show to what degree of bru- Jbi i.. tl.n w.rl.l bali.v and recklessness a people can be tan v in v 'w w a i a-P- i nnrmpd when not covernea dv reason ra-M a a -'- af ; 1 . i i i ... -a n i rri o t ri r. v niirti rii i ri 11 i.a.e? (JkiAvi tAliXACJ-V-s, -vj -w-ww i n?raf. inns. The act of one rrestan . ui J- ed and abettedVby a gang of cutthroats, TT--ir chnirmcr tnr tnftv oestrovea 19 'WJ OUVV-...Q, J 'W 1 Aspinwall and perpetrated other bar- banties. Da. wnui vuey uiu wua uujir To th liHcu- of ti. - - . j' lonnv-Ttisl travo-t r and nv.- eHtlrv, H'totter" .tom ach lliinra is ieoIi:irly aillod. since u itnturthtits the ttistive. organs, anJ bna-s the i.liysical Kncrftic to uuhealth iiU ii.fliitncn. It Vmovts awl prevtea mulitriul fever,' jmrtiprtion, 1jii-l5i;'. hciilthfiiHy Etiraultts the kulfiers ai.a bladder, and t-nrirhes a wi! ns pwrifi. tn- blood. Whetr, vcrcon.e bv fatifne, whether mental r physical, the wear? and tlt-bilitaud Hna U a reliable aonrc ren-wed bm-ngUi nnd comfort, ror ai b? all Dvusiei ad Dcuk-rs gtfnerally. What Can a Woman Do? Frora a San Francisco Letter. Mrs. S. T. Ingalh, of the Willows, it .4 ' - 17. at 1 i-.-iiaiam ! 1 1 II art' .. vuia. a turo. clean, wboflctoino ' Fe LraK yerre. rn;wK TJer. KHnej s, ZAnrr Au Cat-quakd luriorai t. Cures Are jroi jtaili-.T. t-r Wrtxs' IfciLtn ie&oiao 9 DEBILITY c; WEAKfiEGSl 1 aaa 1 iim NWeto taiti. tmo merit. tpc 1 mm t ''.-ir v7 rtnledfor n TOR PI O LIVE R ' arid MightM Sweats. Nervous Wrtalcnss.M I Malaria, Li iimc.s. Scxifr.1 DecJte. L il.fW per bt, 8 for f 5.GJ, r.a Dmis-s. f , In a Yejxs, Jersey City, W. J., UTii A. 1 1 5a T- . . I 7;. V - . .C , UUII" J4l V -i KU - . ' r ivIhiiaa ..liiiil i In iiocii Itarsidftll orA aiwh ntwl hitter tp;iM. lee and his 1 ia 11 V Ml VllllU ; r u 4WUI IIVIQVSS a, w w v was no other hearer of this pertinent Generals separated and went their question and replied: . several ways to home destroyed, "Jso, Uharlie, dear, 1 have not. ianmies uroKeu up aim wauereo, aim "And tlid oo never have a baby?M often. into exile and oblivion, T.. t.!i .vf la v-a..,H, r liar A.ivoi. The fin:il tirlinc was in ' front of A fSJ.to vi 1Mb j uiiiij vs v . .mv. I ry :..K..7.7.,i.M AM l.nn.lvnma aM 1 riiWi- I milllKtllll ill Ru'll ttltlllll . tWO llaVH IlllCIIIVUlUi ilt IIUIIUS1HIIC I1M lniji- ... f j - ed before his ingenuous gaze, and her alter Appomattox. Lee's lniuse is an .. .... 1 it.. I ..I... ....C.I ! iiriliimru unimm IrlL: nt ;. m I Lmr mIi.iis piciiy iucu uuaiicu us one irpucw, v..... ovj.,,. u..v-., "o, Charlie, I never did. Is not on Franklin street, one Kpiaro from this a beautiful day?" the Capitol. All the other houses ou ... . . . . . . .1 ... .1 IT.. .1... Ami am t oo never doin to have line bquare are couiiecteu. me b.Ki9" .loi-K.uto.l niv.rlto do,.lbi. I afieriiiMin of the second dav after the ava 'J tva cintv va wnm iiv - - - - a to euter on the tempting onver- surrender people in that vicinity were onal sidetrack of the weather. surprised lo see come riding up the Iv I tt't it. 'IV1I ma nil stneL iroiii the south a com nan v of l he names of w hoiif those are the phb- Cou federate horsemen. They were tographs." .' I unarmed. Their gray unilorms were "Aud don't oo want a baby 7 I wori, soiieti, ami oiien tauereu, uiair HVVI.u rM...!; iuli.it n nl.a Alloc. I t RlMliilltrt (ltd - Hllll Datclleil. TlieV , , i tj , viiaini w i wow . - - f j t joner you are. If you are not careful wore slouched hats, and here aud itiklt all mm aaa .IN lulls i a 4 fit- s4? A ftl A B2 Itliom wn 11 t(:it.lisr rtiii:iliilli,oF the JTUU llltu tlllt; ui iii"OBii5"a" - - a paper interview eis, ami iiieii wna.i unwsuiaiuini imiii g. .7 - . ... ..I .. . 'a i it your poor mamma think m oi tue wouieuerate cavalryman. Aiie I 1. . I .1 I mm a 1 I Afm. H were-urouzeti auu uiuwiicn auu uw no ing sationa will you Bluk-cr. lz.'t-irnniatiou, Irritioii of Kid- I eaara o titt ltostato Gka-il, I rops-cal i Swcin:r, Fwna' J)c&sis Iacor.tia- I 1 TWn. it TIo .r.-f h. .11.. I t?UAJ V. W . u.-j. u.. i.- K.V.VV . A; VJCJL1UV- i urinary i'r:i3 1:1 usuvr r.ix. , i'or un I healths or UnTiaMrral Plwhanres as . n.. t : t - t i - . iaiSO T niiin h .nj.i- - iim r, vscuai. rr Srril I IXS. t7 eorti-.ttwl or lumlftnr -taint. 115 f ..af.Iil'i CosiStitll- . ti:M blT- j- Kmn. SM.Mii.-ff 1'Ottla. and I Ch.-roln's ;ri-kj Ff.fc;3.00; aadCha- 1 . . a .... . a- . ri tmTm . aT, Rphi.m rnntlnnnl Charlie: nt-1 (led. Tliev sat erect aud came ou I ' :!.. . .. .... .... ia.i ...f....:..- i. u ! t u-iili tiiA aiileiidiil hfirHeinanshm lor sc. it tciuaiiii' u uu snitviicvi vjm. i -i--- 5-- - kuow where oo tan det otic. The ddc- which they were noted. Upon the tor Tught my mamma oue, aud he collars of some of the gray jackets L-PAi.ti. timm I.VliItl. .iffiili. Vi... tut!, could still be seen the ; faded aud tar- .1.. ViiM. i.VA klurtot I isikIimI iriit Ktsirs. the emblems ol the IU VI U IT 11 Xl I it, II Sill ... Ml, .UBIVSl "":"" "-- tlirfH-t nnd iIpm no do down Martet I wearer's rank. .i..A..s . . 1. .tAn nn L-l.l I.. iVii.it. .if tbem rrwiA 'Iee. His .user, iu ai ucjr iiiicci, an ucu w uu down Tamey threet ever tho far, and two hands held the loosely swinging . ! .l 1... I...!-. I. A I raiiia ml rMtOil lllllill illA IVinitnPl. H 1 11C1I Ul Uu ill) U IL Ul tllillllll UIIU 1 . f--" ( f 7 it llr ' fcSSf flV? 1 tliath where lie keetli 'eiu Aud tlieyfre Hi, head was beut and Ins eyes were t flifc'- xvIm&?iV & A' II awful cheap, 4too. My papa hathn't looking straight ahead from under i.. . : - - ' ram Vuw.-sjhi.K'i1j1 iM;,l r,.. n... luiliv vot Imi bis downcast brow, but the v seemed: It. r i .-r.-ii '-- ' v, fr. -. . P -i 1 n. sujr uiaiuiuu . vy I -1 . , 1 S-.1vnV " ' ' " " ' ' i n 1 bet h lit J 11 tn." ' . " ! tO See nothing. j . - "w-. ' ,:Jr--;,. ." r-i '--n --- .--..- i- I itvn ri.--ii-.sxT'm mnali I As the triMins cantered no his old I I - I , ' i i N rt W ! I Sentl tlx cents tor postaee. and I , ".h, vuamv, s.i . .-.. , , - . . f I i : fi 1 1 I JI 1 1 at Wm mmi.. m ivi lv ho of crnnda 1 ... r. . ..II .1;... I lwinit. hw lnsrxe 8totitiail ul .the trati I Ijc t.-j- i - rt1itawartnaaaBjthloi'ei-eiBni3 wona. ah, llOUS.auU 1 11 KUOW lUSt wnere I .o j - w "iu- ..,.... oUMut.,7,: etuicr ex. aaOTJ!! fJ??iit r co.- " ' - - '-,l ' Irbm a dream, aud cast his eyes uport! . i - ' -'-' tyiA to lortaaa opens before tn woraei aosoiaxe. m -. r, y . v- - ,2... , ... . , - , r Nl: f - irire. Atortceaddrias-r?"w.,Af,M need t do' IMlltne familiar windows and then aroundl w-ww -- - - - - syw a4 a-a ' l.!n- f aT.. ..I 1-v ha i oA na llO I IOlNt 11 f the Columbian Government. iroui wnicu ta mui ur u mcuiio ....- w- i . . v . . Thov are renorted to have taken one rule); uniform gootl crops are promt- ; . & rebelg to gea Qn a ced. During the last nine years, atpame-r and drowned them. This is a lhe ireea. Mrs. I lv worfhv of the dark a&res. It 11 Will SI1W v. - UVWU VAA.AJ . . J Q- IngalUhas had the entire manage- reads like a chapter torn from some i i . - . . m-d 3ral kingdom where atrocities of nient. Year belore last, 1W-, sue tfae mQst jmai character were per kept strict accouut f sales ol truit, petrated by the sanction of Government, which footed up $3,400, with expen- The civilized governments ought to sea if 8100 fur harvfcitnig. llic imp provesi ii8u uvl. - f.-0. Ll j y..r, 1 884, .he !.l for 84,000 .VmingtoH Star. olptir mmipv. Mrs. Ina-alls be ievesl Prtsrtteriai5'S is Council. The - -j - a . - -- . . . . - i . i in thorough cultivation, fertilization Concord Pnsbytery met m thgFresby- ; , ;. . . . tlt ,., ...,, terian church m Hickory at 7:30 o clock and irngHtion,wlreretlie latter means 0Q Wedneaday evening, April 22ad, iii I be employed, and she is now 335. The opening sermon was preach- . .. ! . .1 I r ...nil .Mros.taA J U iV. kfinnr f rvlarafil f W OV A reaiutur tne rewaru ui . ..s.w...ieu uy c-sift u.i-v-' ..-. i ,Tr Iitl:i. ti . J -C-- -UCl. abor. Her patience, perseverance, vv. w me, o- "" 1 . - . Un nro-anizition was affected bv the elec- niA irrir n well as ifrace. are show-rr - D j 'n r. t f: I " " . jtion OI ivev. iw. JJ. anuereuu, us xj. w intri their results, and a very good rrtroir.on moderator, and Rev. J. A. i . i . ... . I ZT e , ,r.,. w , , 1 n l w Showing it is. 1-tke other euterpns- liamsey, or juiu onage auu apu j. i,i! Californians, Mrs. Ingalls has W. Faucette, of Lanoir temporary I .1 Avlro made many important improvements There have heen two sermons and which will prove of future value, for two sessions of the Presbytery, daily. !. . . 1 1 ... 1-1 1 1 1 1 .iAn9nniiTn in the way of improvements sue iias irvery.ning na, passeu uu. wa-iwy J it : ...land barmoniouslv to all. lieV. J. M. come from practical experience u WT --nreached Thursday f evening knw what is needed aud to use mou- w rB Tidball, Friday (morning ey to the best auvaniagc. xna -; lana Itev. J. A. xvamsey r rxuay iiiuu.. of ! remark that her last prune crop There will be preaching in ;the Pres- frob, five .cres. amouii.e,! to eighty -7; four tons, which were sold on the ion - Sunday at 11 o'clock. trees at the rate of $450 per acre, be- Piedmont Press. ing the largest yield per acre fortius The A,rij returns to the depart- DAEBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Honaeboldl Art Ida for Universal fmll7 Use. . For Scarlet and Typhoid Fevera, Diphtheria, SaU Tation, t71ccrmtd Sora Throat, Small 1 RoBta.platl the Sick should us never heca known -J 1! S7. IIKU. IIHUW 1.. v-.a. black vomit hasl taken place lhe wars Cases of Piphtheria yield to it. . Fevered and SickPer-1 . S3IALL-POX j nna refreshed ' and ana Eradicates; I i t examination after death his shown the titer I have been caunstveiy ucran.ca. j t It should be ased by all prmonii, 14 m4 j young, whenever any of the abew i sj mptoma appear. Person Traveling or Hlvlns la IV healthy Localities, by taking a dose ccw ally to keeo the Liverin htalihy action. ifi nL all Blalarta, lUUous attacks, I)ittraets,S, sea, Urowsinesft, iepression oi 3pws,.en, will invigorate like a glass of wine, but lsBU toxicaUns be-verac. '. j. .' .!j ','.. V..S.n'ul.n an-1iln ttmri M dijeHtion. or fed heavy after meal., Of strfj teas at night, take a dose and 70a will liertfietstf Time and Doctors' Bills wUlW-Wsl by always keeping the RefmlsUr : 7 ", In the llounel Tor, whatever the ailment may be, :nkrepf aie purgative, alterative and tosle as never be out of place. The remedy iiharnk and doea not interfere with Vaslataa pleasure. j IT IS rUItlXV XT-CrTAVLS.' M And has all the power and efficacy vf til'5V' Quinine, without any of the injuriuut nw. A Governor's Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator has beei"lT family for some time, and I m saiisfieeSM valuable addition tio tne medical scieace. r. J. Oil. Siiosw. GortrsaaTalt Hon. Alexander II. Stenheas, Ct. Says : Have derived some beoeit frna the mm " Simmons- Liver JUguUtor, and wish K B further trial. ; ; ' - "The only Thing "that aevet Wh Relieve." I have used many pepsia. Liver Affection and Detnlay.a aw have found anythlne to benefit me Simmons I jver Regulator has. "! J.Z resota to Georgia for it. and crtilds fcW". such a medicine, and would advise aO "J flarly affected to give it a trial as it Heaa thing that never fails to relieve. T- P. it. Jannev, MinnJt, Dr. T.l TV. XtaaoH says j r"jZ perience in the use of Simmons Liver " y practice I have been and am sstisM " sad prescribe it as a purgative medicipe. r Take oniy the Oenalne, wkidi bas oa the Wrapper the red Z Trsds--" and Signature of J. IT. lEltW t FOR SAI.K V ALL DRWHL Ded Sorea prevent ed by bathins , with Djrbys Fluid. Impure Air fnade harmless ai.l ptirifi--d. For Sore Tbroai. t is a sure Cure. t Contagion destroyec For Fronted Feet FITTING of Small Pox PREVENTED A mmber of my fam ily was taken with Small-pox. I used the Fluid : the patient was nnt delirious, was not pitted, and was about Tie Yallev Hntnal Life Assc OF V RC in a. ri- 11U Ul U BCLUiSS t s;i5V vwc. , . . . i I: ..nil An nr sd.ItSI. J!. W. MCKESZII.A, May 20. 18834 i 8auktu ior Fro-ted Feet, fhXu a.aTni OhllbUins, Files, SnTao' Chan..g. etc. . ESk' t t W. in three others - . ... . It. wV.7i;7-;.:.W. 1 "SO". rhUadelphia. ions secured by u use. Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth. it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and ruml. ? Erysipelas cured .1 or old. can make gror t p.i ail brf "Sit with ari-:liitlrtjilt tv. Write W . "-- --- pvrtij j jOiphiheria Prevented. 1 ltiirnarelievedinLantlv. I Scars prevented. I ! lkvwnuirv e..i-.t. Wounds healed rapidly, i -, Diohtheria The physicians here use UarDys r ima very successfully in the treat- Snm rured. An Aatidote for Aaimnl ar Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. I used the Fluid dnrine our present affliction, with Scarlet Fever with- de cided advaouge. t ft is indispensable to the sick room. Wu. F. Sakd- n.n Fvrie Ala.' ' ' 'TT. 1 Scarlet Ferlr ! Chued. - i- A. Stollknwskck. ! i Greensboro, Ala.: Tetter dried up. ! - CTlolrm nmriiMj : Ulcers purified and riM m i I Tn eaicanfllMlh it should be used about the. corpse tt will prevent any un picas ant smell. The eminent Phy slclan,J.MAltIttN SIMS, M. D., New York, says: "I am convinced Prof. Darbys , Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant. Fanderbilt University. Naslirille. Tenn. I testify to themast excellent qualities of Prof. et i ts - i i - pi. ... . . Ajwvjm i rvfiyiagu? r IU13. AS S d.StnleCUBi ana oetergent it is both theoretically and practicallv sapenor to any preparation with which I ant acf quainted. N. 1. Liton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid Is Itccommended hj Hon. Alsxakdkk H. Stiii-hems. ol Georsia; Um I u . It . .... v T-v yt r fruit yet realized in California. iWhen aiiV calamity has been suffer t . . the first thins to be remembered is bovr much has been escaped. JoAn- on. v ...... ' - msnt of ntrriculture in Washinnton indimte a reduction of ovtr ten per as ' 'i . . ' cent, ot last years area in winter wheat. The aggregate shortage a mmmia in 3.000.000 acres. A de- si w m crease is reportetl in every; State ex cept Uregon. - -- V-ast a i Strangers, N. Y.; the -" a L if- lfCoaTCcumb4. Praf.. University ,S.C li- paTTMt, rrot.. Mercer university; ... .,., Msop h. k. vnurcn. X3TD1SPENS A DLE . TO EVERY IIOIIE. P-Ufcartlia sS liar at - IT- t ft-. I i - j ... mhvim, a iniunauy stt ' externally for Man or Beast, j i . The Fluid has boon thorouehlv tested, and wt have abundant rvidewce that u has done everything here ciauaedv ?yr duller laformauoa get ti youi Cniggau a pawiphlet or send m the propnetorsj i -r-V ..Jb ZElUN a. CO.. ijam;fctern; CcrstsJPIllLADEtPHtA t a weeicatbome. 1 1 i...i VnrlSk. CP,lr..,. 13:ly a wren i uumv. -,r -.nsja,. solutely -ure. No risk. J",,, 77. .-.V i.ia. it vnu trill1 r JT. n, 1,7 tw reruitty. write fo gLj, VYBICUTS IHDIAH VECEIAEUrtUJ ... ion tbs . ' ILOlfEB And all Bilious Comp oale to take. beJinj p''T iS-niia. to?, rnc. c. r . . . K. ll imiifc " .... sa. If FoTm-s Powiler. re -rt7H-"S FoiiW. rwrler'(l r:r.n,h. nnsntSf" Fewtt-s l'nwrti-r. Will in-.-r- - M0t sn1 crmn twenty per , WvrrW.a-S-, and sweet. 2 "J1-.-,,... .ffl rnrf r rr"' Mrrt Drsrasi! to wiih h Hor; n rorrs-s i" .-a Soli everywhere. nrf-.- rrtfHT pAvipr.r-- i LAUD AND HILL -a n A T.KI Price low and fcrms jv N particular-, addrr Vd 14: frr. - "v r r Ml Mv:v" 1- ir:; .v-; "--:;f'r:;y vU4y4'-: -: v:.--

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