7"!""""' " ; k .r-" ..- - -. -- i : 1 '1 l : I I " ' T ?; L . y- -y:- j - t. I- I: 1 ' . s - -I 4 t ! r Remember - lads that yoti "Violate thw I bird,law when yott robu partridge's nest -r-sdme I eggs hare been offered on this I market. The officers will r capture' the nextiotJy- j The. -following is takenfrom the new Code of iNorth Carolina, and it would be well j foij the boysto ibear it in nitnd: "No per on shaU'at any time take or des troy the eggs of partridges or quails: and any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punishable by a tine of not more than fifty dollars or $6,000 have been offered, but, as yet, no ' . - ' -: iiwcairo. m . , definite action has been taken. ' -1 The JUUTHKRAjr a. s. t iwuui a-artt There is every reason hv Salisbury met at the Lutheran parsonage ouTues ivt t ! J- r day June SOthat-9 aVm.v to .arrange; otild Income U manufacturing centre. , r , , vr,,ickle. in lUe. The climate U perfect, living and labor 4 - h,ini,v . .Unmit:uii. Tli9 recent hail 1 H farm at ion on matters ad-1 by imprisonment for uot more than thirty -ritln? ,ii Iiafifl . v "advertised :i Brown has gone to High- Wie depths fr their nnobtusive people of Kowan may lift proud rom i M.m v.: for tne sum- ness the kJS a headM. and oointins to 4he county jail. n to.-. ii ;. ' I . ! - exclaim t behold its emptiness ! No felon 1 -i tl.fl time to uehiroy wrcua tauguiMlies tnere ! liio turnkey wiin.nis Wt WiHnel hmger the Reeds will glemn, expressionless fac, is at; liberty. i , ri, ,ia(lca-t, and a second crop TjltJ pjae KHfo foi ted, forsjikeu, for- 't$i - v J I cot teu.''i Mav'it remaiii so. ; ' The Sheriff, uho is a rather practical man, snests that this is au exceedingly fine onnortunitv (or the Commlssiouers U have'iSme some uiueh needed repaiVs, th:it -the iitil mav have n clean record wheu inspection day come around. i - O' 1 first ot JRli The cool fr a j,a. heen reniiii kamj ,u ciiizn U-I7P. on the hearth in the eft Uln-v " , ! . ,1 nillf Ot OUT CIUA- l , J. j 1 Colj hiivs improved their store f'Wiitie 'psiint and pencilling iietf,'ock between Innis and tUe tobacco interest whirfe Ufeti uneqaaled-by any rorof galigarv wjt4 Ult? p:( iflln te state. ' ":, cheap! and the place accessible.' : r;y land rains, a siecial ' ini'ridence seeuiing ft nnlv rmninA far nr ieonle to keen 1 v. had caused ft cold wave to reacii &al- thPlr PtM oneh and lend all urooer as- .-7. cue.,UJ" y r.:i phere forout door Ut? aua pleasure. ur- kindred industries, tqi make the flourish -aud trade active in all branches. eording to a report iu the v Aognsta - . V - H0110? Vhronicle : , . .. , ;;-'.-:;7-cV'"v''--ii' The Committee io'charge of the con- f vuur merchants have no customers but atmctfon of t lie base and pedestal for the dinarily the S. S. is less than a hundred, town .nil ' Biimn ftlwnrs tardv. but alniut 150 I ' U.I .,...1 f. lin trrtii. .f ru '""CI VUIIIIIIUIIIUCS I iniCKies moveu ou jiuoui. . n.ui. mm r. . j. I ...n.iij ..;n oHt'i-v vniciTohiiniiit 1 a,6 created oy . 1 1 MINING I DEPARTMENT. T. C. EKBXXK. "4: X. M. XAXXS, X. X MANAGERS.' $5,5(X) was the product in gold fron C or silvery toiccs cnuniug like belU in tileeful fsirewells. The little fjiiry tales, ditties, aiid songs produced a strange, but most agreeable and pleasing 8ympliouious bannouy wuici) was brokeu cmitinually - by cheerful overtures of laughter.! The Bible class of youug ladies, about 20 j in number,; chaperoned by the pastor, Rev. Wm. Stoudeniuire, had the most imposing turnout tour elegant, ! ".LLtinU urn! eomintinion services iffiBni Ul bv the Ev. Iiutherau congre- I:.. i..H Hall- over Kluttz's Drug fciertSaiHlay. Preparatory s services 1 Jtifltfi'? imeoftbe fiieuds of Mr. V. G. Ram JlnUliiai a farewell party iu the (ijjfl the Old llickory Club on last iij 1Bigiit- Ho left on4lie first, as Wly aiiuotinced, for New York, U fill wil on the 4th for; London, Salisbury Tobacco Market. Few seem to realize the importance of has grown lip past two years. From a very small veutnrerou the part of a few Reading and enterprising citizens, there has growu up in this town a trade in leaf, which, at the present rate of in crease, will soon b second to no market it the Stiite. This is not mete say so, but stubborn facts back the assertion. The rate of . " increase; - - has been really wonderful, aud far ex ceeded the expectations of the not very sanguine promoters. The increase over last year has beeu five fold, and judging from the facts presented below, the in crease next season must be greater even than has beeu developed during tins been. "i vears ago tins-was consiuerea a farmers, our doctors no patients but far-1 reception of tuis great work, in order to mers, our Uwyers no clFents but fanners, raise fundi for its completion, hafe pro- this JsnWr It nvtonl-h There is a farmer on side or the other of P."l luiniatnre Statuette tlx ickc$tn tern! cariiur all Ailments S mer being the producer and creator f ckel-suvered, -which they a . Win Parents Fea. Manv person especially psreuts object toiasnv onsck nostrums as likely to engender of encourage ' i l a lore for stronsr drink- Th at r!rht j eer die or disease than of drankebnesOx es not invoire Ids op the s? s ' the stomach,,. uuiuiaics wiin . 1 -.1 ml Xiflrl.ailv.i.1 ll.uv . .1- . '.""v'," " 'iv WHIM : i . r ? -i - .. ..... . i !!..... k ' .1. . i iraii.M nirnisnes tue OH WIllCll lubricates I uucnurrs mrwugiK the social and industrial irarl.inurr I Onitetl States at One Dollar Each "where inanufactnr-1 1 " attractive souvenir ani Mantel or d whr vt!th i. AJesk: ornament is a enhancing the value of lue mde furnished raw maienai. i ie mvrcuanr. airvpr tun oiwucuo m wm inruii. ivrirei .k.-hi i , reiiow ue- out intoxicating end absolutely cures lM: Sjout the apetitefor liquor. v. ' v- S is a perfect thnitc of SFT ttAfRTJT,,? L rt ?i Ul lied bv the artist.! pallid, chalkj complexion which the nov r ; u ,S .i? I'iSj fMV,p 8t call a -washed out complexion. It ii - 34 in same ueta , twelve c hajti. -nonwh. nH it-" -.w... 1 Washed i is same aud arc the bfst mnnm f th The designs of Statncand nedestal are r.Z" " Zz: : ."?'.'; !r.i IL Boyden, -the new postmaster, anfavorabie a8 it has Idanwof 'the office; on the 1st. i He v T nro this- (I lave the new office ready by the hord. market, because it was situated on U' lit U .to be next to the Express . lmr(1 n tha tobacco belt. But LrAlMaiir street, and "will bo btted alV tie modern improvements. ,1. r O- uow it is a - CENTRAL MARKET; I made so by the great increese in the cul - - : m I . 1 1 L. necnnuren ot tne ljuiuerau ouuuaj invauou oi uio weeu mj iud ioiujcio, uuu jool lhad a joyous day on Dunn's only of Rowan, but Stanly, Union, Itfeck 'Kntaiu last Tuesday. They .drove lenburg and Cabarrus. Leaf is now tsiagb! the streets with galy decked j brought here from all these counties, and tii?llm tfie evening, as they return- net only so. but from Iredell, Catawba,' tn hare lost none of the land as far west as Buncombe; and from iuh cyv ww i ' U;sm nf th( dav. Davie. Davidson and as tar east as o 1 Caswell. Stenmnir into the Farmer's Hoover Hill for the month of May. The grey, match steeds prancing, as though result!of 644 tons of oie. The Supt. re- keeping tune wiili the musical voices that poi tshat" he ims some ore that will run de resoii anUlie rear. Everything with- 1 ! , - . . , in thejiinit of visioujof, our more thau $20 ierton. he lUKin shaft is uow 256 ArAU8ev;U partv became the subject of feet down oir tjie vein which holds good criticism j comment or lengthy discussion. with every evidence of continuing so. Natures fcice was clear, bright, and cher- " '" fut as the faces of the picuicein, in fiict m, . " , "ITt . ; ; ... , t.J.? 8omeJhlace.s were two clear tor where The LoudonEngland Mining Journal thel.ught: t,, ,l!lve Ut.tn soi, cul Ilt Wheat, says : iThe manager aud milling Supt. ot ,.ye ilt ' &c., ami even brilges, there the Rurtsell mine in a; letter dated June were none, the late freshets had takeu them clean away. There is not perhaps a ... i. ...... ....1 ......I NVearent wk on Riggon Hill with I , i?..,?,, ..u,,,lt.. h.u 20 men and taking out splendid ore, . ottif.i.. iv '1 i...,..f..;.,- which will null 850 per ton. I lie assays I i.i ! i .(in i . i i'h. null V I'uiwhuil lliu nf hsiiituil arfiiiliiilii t.Hiav cave us S248.04 wer ton. aii s "r.r;v v.r""rf,r""r -w- a i.kr i- k n 1 1 i i 1 1 1 r r u uifrur very free and pains well. HlHjKt ou his mountaii.,saiUfacTio, I have oneda newleaid ou Rigg hi Hill , flom. 'eVeiy coun winch is alwiiit four feet wide and the .. . . 1 , j ... best ore yet fouiid and plenty iu sight. I rushed and amalgamated two pounds which cave $70 ikji- ton, and -another sample of 4 pounds that gave $37 per ton, not picked Ure. All tne ore pros pects well aud will. mill splendidly. In a Bubseqnent, letter, dated June llilbsso: We are making good progress-witn every thing. We have all our force ou Riggon Hill and are takiiig out ten tons jhm lay. Axeiage not )t - " " the pastor offering thanks for the beauti wo rBWK"-;tw7u7I"1 ful day and continued mercies and bless- .inikllil I t -t lur till TTI Hll I 4 lift. I UIIVllll W to T oil Riggon Hill. But have plenty of ore - " " ' , . 4 1 i I.I . W llvl I' iiviuevi v o iovo VIIIVI to stope, tor three or fonr months, ri is - wflg re is a .big mine n Use f. Io j ft e d d fiw 'ue went heme not know how big for it proves bettei the J,, 'j witU pleasure and s;uis lower it goes dowu. fied with good thiugs liberally prepai-ed This exploitation work seems to be de- to eat alui to drink. Mrs. Stewart, liv velopius a monstrous, wonderfully rich iug near-by, in the abseiice)f her hits- .iAnna;i- vi..n t n f.hi nronertv. I baud, showed us no little kindness. - blie ,U.T.ro.pect ... fther poor, except to ft L wark on a very (arge and economical 80uage-at 7 p. m., thus ending the most scale the mass of ilow gtade ore. This delightful picnic iu the history of Salis- nniitd Kb itrnton frnint.liH Rides of the OPen I bui V E. L. O. b. ; b. cut, and falling to the centre, loaded on tram cars, and transported .to the mill at a very low cost. The exceeding cheap ness of this mode made the haudling of It is well manufacturers; thus again showing oar j protected by U. S. Patents, and the mod solves tlie ludmoeiianliln liiniit. tin cwu mainsnrinf? as it whi h. nf awiotr Of I tee. course it will be understood that I do uot mean our farmers when I talk of I ' America feeding people, as we don't even feed I . -i33 Mercer Street, New York. ourselves. We have reversed the order i..iHS5 uuu uiy iituu uie uinciinut OAT TOUHDV TUT A X trprn iu the luxury of makinir cotton, which r I July 2,18515. restore ycur '.ix hair to its original color, whatever it - vniw oe luruisneu oy iuis commit-1 w, ...i ? r Address, with remittance,- I .?. k3 Vvi1P,;" RX post RICHARD BUTLER, Secretary, SA?iM lave; i v n Cora, of Statue of Libei tv, " f - r I at 10.15 a. m. During the eight hours tion .beam- iteuance aud joy rang out so: freely with every sound in conversation and song that all knew that it was the right day, the right place and the right party to spend a most pleasant and profitable day in the woods. Swinging croqueting, mouutaiu climbing aud other games too numerous to mention engaged the greater part of the c'a . At lz.olMthe long table, over a bundled feet, was arrauged and the b S. and party of friends were invited to take their places, a la t tie tiold was S Dent. Mr. Z. Ai Clark, of Atlanta. Oa.. in soeakin? of 4RO in gold, desires to say to, the readers of this paper, that the whole of above amount was spent in a fruitless effort in tinrlintr ri;f . . i i n jl. , . . I ... ' -,, ccuis puuuu auu seii u. ai. i uorn n-eeijr, at Wio; .Meal,. uayoj iroma terrible Blood Poison affectin" his nine ecu ts. - livu.f imtn. vi...i. ...ir o 05 I bodVi limbs and nose nrepntinT tmlr rnfi S2.35: Western bulk meats. 8ai0 1 Lard. ?in? uJc.er8- He V1.0 aoUBd AntI. .TtiftiA n.m.t.. rm.n,l ti, hSml X. - .. . . ' "avmg oeen curea oy tue most snecdr and w f. . . ..v via 1 iiirivjL KuF ratml li7fllll .i lim luu.) I i.r... , ... . - -r ones are!catcliinir their share. The juries 'Zr' !, . ::T" .t ,T ' . JY" 7 7. ' 'iui remeay ever oeiore known, and. are losioa their reverence for rich ci imi- Oo f v t j f -j 7 uiwnt, nals.- These are getting what is known Fodder, 8390 ; Shucks, 60; Bran, rrV"1! h.m that Uireeboti t..ma )... M;..lm. r.......L t:..i. t,e B. li. B. restored his anptie. healed exactly what the.po man ges for crime! ..laHtiniaiS: Sweet notatoe7oU : SiIJ reas,yuHA; Uats,4ddU; l allow,?; Dry days. Hides, 10; Rabbit furs, 0000 cts per dozen ; Mink skins, 0000. ! IVOIICI middling-highest, I0i. for the Colored Graded School will 1 Tobacco, sales every day ud prices received until 4 o'clock P. M. of Tuesdayl wuij ivii, 103.1. i iic uihus &nu epecinca:! tlOIK niltr Iw. soon at mtr hnii.A Tl... Poultry, iu steady deraaud, but prices Committee reserve the risht to reiect anvl moueraie. r hii uiqb. . r . j. Murdoch. juS5:2t Secretary S. O. S. C. This is right, and will bring back again that respect for the administration of law which has well nigh been abandoned. The last iustance is thtt of the fraudu lent banker James D. Fish who gets ten years iu striped clothing. A year ago he was arrayed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day. , Even in Ludlow street jail his fate was not a j gatfsfactory naid one; and tnere was always a pros pect, if .it came the worst, of slipping over to the other side, ami chuckling iii Canada with fellow scamps over the easy irulibility of the American people! and there pleasantly loose way in business I June ou, looo. matters which made fraud so easy. All this is ended now, and the big Fish is stranded high and dry on the rocks of Sing Sing. A she c Me Citizen. DIED. Our Pltiliailulnlii't mnrl'Aft ira nnt ronfoil I - , vs wssmmvs aui uiuinvvvuiv vvf l Wbvu every week, . Notice is herebv (Avon thai th Ronr.! r . . . ... ruiLADELPHiA. market. trans liros., uounty Uommissioners for Rowan Cduntv, larcre Produce Commission Merchants. 56 I w, meet at the Court House in Salisbury 1 At Aim ...... North Water street. Pliiladelohiu. reoort n? ?e a jnonoay or July next U lem r -A M 4 the following city markets : Eggs, Vir gtnia and boutlieru, 14. L.ive; poui- of revising the Tax Lists and valuation Mart, infant daughter of William aud trvi2ai3 cts. per bound; dressed 500: reported to them for 1385 ; at which time anu piace any and an persons uaving any complaints as to the valuation of their property, or the amount ortax charged against them, can appear and be heard by the Hoard in regard thereto. IIORATIO S. WOODSON, Clerk, Salisbury, June 20th, 1885. It 5 For the Watchman. German Carp. Salisbury-, N. C, June 25, 1635. Mr. Editor: A good deal has been said fe&G THK Damages. Bridge Warehonse on Monday, the writer saw ore. When last seen by the writer, these i,t',o;h ilsUerj Robinson, began last Mon- quite a number of packages from States- strin8 had been gouged after by local 81 uin doubti be r that grade of ore possible. y. It is known that there were several quarts an(j written, both pro and con, concern strings, rich in free gold, iu this mass of ing the German Carp. 1 have had such l lit? 01 H8 fllilUICO I1IC IO subject. em em be red that I MITE fflCE . 11 1 i Li .. i.i.: .i a t...A u, l ville and Asnevilie. and ne was lniormea i n. tv minora ami it wna imnnssinie to i...,i ...n ot,i-.i ;), ..! Gtiilliist week Fourteen in all, tuat they had frequent shipments from get a fujr specimen. These "strings" but that by the June' freshet of 1883 my Mll'sinali, hate been reported to these and other adjacent points oir the w 8man, but rich, and would, of dam-was broken, and I lost nearly 100. (kUlfotroved. whollv or in part, railroads- All ot this gcs to prove that cour8e, help to sustain the average of the ?2fTR'T rri i " i ithii county.. . - SjjOrjNeare has, a fojee emj)loyed re- rkf jdamage done the - streets by the liOfrpiXG. A negro, Holden Teel, aiDaalt Kluttz farm, cmea forward 4w?duesdayi with a red cotton bloom.' lie first cotton bloom of the present .vm ;was sent to this omce Monday fining last by a negro, Martin Bell, jiJQB working on the lands of Ma .'ices Craige; on the Yadkin river. . J jir.l3as.-AJ Rcid, of Providence town- Aalw'seiida blooms, in fact, the tinie iw'flie nr cotton to oioom, aud they 'iku. .11 .1 iuiii ait over me county. -u- Uulun 1? Hti fv!eii iiuaaail ntvatr frnm earth to die arms of the Good Shepherd, keys 00, according to quality; on the- morning of the 25th iust., at half ducks 0809; geese 0810. Li v cattle past 5 o'clock a. m. 0551; hogs, live 66J. Potatoes; Early iike some oeautiona song-uira iiOS4,, choice, per bush., 3000; Burbauks. nier skies, leavin- the echo of her son-s cho,ce 5 Peerless, 00o0 Pearl and a vision of beauty behiud iu the over. Mammoth, tK)30. Cheese: N. Y. Facto shadowed home. Of perfect physique aud ry, choice 7i3i; fair to good, 7to7; i-emaiKaoie liireiiigence, ner lire- mougi penusylvauia full cream, 0607S: part ' . .. i .u I 8kim8, fancy'4.0(); full skims, ulcgili. Anna tf lnva tiior. roflh hprnnn nrrh I J ' ' " across the dark river to that bright clime D"ed Fruits : Apples, evaporated, iu where the little one has found a home, j cases, 67 j sliced N.Carolina, fancy 4 There is no death there. 1 he flowers 4i; good sliced3; blackberries! 99J; ade and drop tneir iragant petals, tne berries, pitted, prime dry 1212S Uilrrl.f ol-lia tli'lf lluL- tin 1IT.I1M Vllll frmW I " r - dini and lost to sight, anon the flowers peaches, pared, evaporated 1722 ; N. C. ficient'for a fiist rate country office, will do i to i-n in nil tlifir Imaurv. tha stars an- sliced 7(&9: uu Dated halves. newi8(a81: well by writina at once for terms, and near with brighter luster. So Mary our onarters 6a61: evanorated 106&14: Dears. I sample sheets. Address, . .... . . .. ... . i -' " .. . little "Uirdio " will come again wiien ne ,018 u g raspberries. 20jJ2 per ....... 1. ... ... a I. n .ii. Ii.j .unfclj fila Itflrvlt-T. I ciiiiiuiii iu luano uiiuu jowHi-i ti ui ijiiu" i . ., , . oaco f ftt niifl lis ltSf li. I'"""" va, Hides, sdiy, iull. iioney m como, iu 1J; beeswax 29(32. Any one desiring to purchase a complete outfit for a 24 column Newspaperind Job Omce, with an abundance of bodytype, display anu job type, press, cases, etc., sulv this is a central market; aud it means something else of vital interest to the local farmer. Those who are near enough the'market to haul their leaf have a de- inine. The mass, taken as a wliole, win rjarp, now four years old and will weigh average ou the milli about three dollars about 10 lbs. The other is a Scale Carp, oer ten. It is perfectly free, and can be three years old and of about 6lbs. weight, miued, and milled at remarkably low 3i:3t Watchman Office, Salisbury, H'. C. Not knowiug the sex of either of those T K.wl little Ktva nf trrl inir n cided advantage over those who-must figures-low enough to make three dol- fom tIem Coil8t.qentty, durhig De- ship and pay ireigut. Again, it is suonn iar8 pay gut. must be conducted as a cember last. I procured 2aa young ones, him that, the ' business: with rigid economy. averaging 2 to 3i inches long. These demand The tenor of the reports going to Eug- latter are now from 7 to '11 i;ea for tobacco is sufficient to make it pay hanti aie misleadingj When the crash illfiiig iuui turtle were seen on the &wU7irre after the rain last i week. LWMW nVsn. of loiiis. Mini what. U fMWe, were of an unusual size. One 1. w U'ltuetl whidi would measure fi'icKjs iisit l.iy streutched tin tlie 'e turtle would measure n f?1!1' bmgxway of tha shell. wuiwWftil SDL-ciinens. if thi'v Nl.felVWiith the rain. 7 l ' -Oi f are com inr in nnit frpmifiitlv ii fWiceuti orchaltls. and R4nne"ffriw- !' : " " the distant farmer to haul his leaf to the. depot and ship to Salisbury. This must suggest jto him the adyisability of put ting into tobacco culture, as much of his tilable land as he cau spare from the necessary life sustaining crops. . - Breaks1 are uunsually large for - this seasou, qwiug to the dry, late spring. In fact, the ilea f men sa'y that this season will probably continue until the fall opening. Buyers are abundant, and prices rule high. The better grades always bring ffne prices, and there is still a gieat demand for all tirades. None of the -local manufacturers have yet been fully sup- i 7- I & V UUIU .aiSSWS. mJ wmm-v - - " - - I . . f i . I. .......... . ti, i i .... iiicu Oy VlSlllMji uii.li". iiw .TWO. WAKE HOUSES have been keit full, aud trade has been lively, with good houest prices ruling in favor 4if the farmer. The enpacity of In this county, Miss M. Amanda Carri gan, aged 59 years and 2 months. She was for many years a consistent j member of Thvatira church. For some time she had been in rather feeble health; but her last sickuess was short, as she became completely prostrated within a few hour after the attack, thus lias passed away one of the older members of our church, and, while her place iu the Lurg common dark PATENTS 'Salisbury Tobacco Met CORRECTED WEEKLY BY J. J. HAJJKI59, PROPRIETOR KLUTTZ S WAREHOUSE. fj.sliiWn Ins 1 L- r.crates. lare coiisigmueiits, is an evidence of pment jaud thrift i on the part j :farir. The water 'melon vHtlts ppearauce also, but it is ll'lahd tjie wise man will leave it The unwise, wicked boy, will I caught one 10 inches long, had it dress ed and cooked, and 1 can honestly sav. comes, American mines must be abused, that; 1 never ate a sweeter, jucier, or bet- aud the market depressed for American ter flavored tish iu my life, and all "who . r tried it prouou need it excellent. propel ties. : . I have a snatch net, with which I occ:t- The. Watchman wishes to be placed on glHliallv catcll np inj. Veat ling carp, for record, as waruing the stockholders in tlc jmnose of seeing how much they have tim. Shnnbl thei-B bo occasion to doubt urown. Iu snatching Sup the net, I thought tuu Jn..rnal -r.irMiiUtM 'it would be i discovered some vefysniull fish slipping . ' , thiouuhthemeshes.il got a thin rag wise as a matter or policy, to nave some ahmit the size oi;a 0.ket iiaiMidei chief, reliable, Mr. R. Eames. Jr.. of Salisbury, or Mr. at the very Get.. B. Hanua, of Charlotte, to examine "P several young carp, and 1 frequently; alter leaving 1110 ucimu ii 11:11 i uuecu minutes, make a snatch and catch as ma lt acted upon uy our xuniisu cousins, . v Jl9 20 to 25. These vounii ones are would have, most assuredly, a good effect, now from H to 2f inches long, aud are It would eithar verify the official reports "bout equally divided between tne scaie Church below is now vucant, we trust she has entered into hat "Rest which re mains for the people of God." In this city, 27th ult., Mr. Fred. Mehi ns, aged about 40 years. He was a work man in the Merouey shops. RELIEF FUOM CATAKKH. Prof. W. P. Johnston, Principal of the Public schools in Benton, Arkansas, under date of March 17, writes : This certifies that I have been a sufferer medium red Leaf, common short green, " ' good ' red " med. fillers 44 fine 44 Smokers, common to medium sood it 44 fine Wrappers, common 44 medium 44 . fine 4 to 6 otoj f 5 to 7 i 7 to 9 - 8 to 12 t0 to 16 ' 6 to 10 12 to 1C 15 to 25 15 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 50 .50 to 70 ObUIned, aud all PA TXS7 nusi.ESA,tXUnAea to tor MOVER A TE F. Ouromce is opjoaitc the U. 8. ratent omce, sihv we can obtain Patents la less time than those re mote from W'ashinslon. Send Model or Drawinq. wn-ivi utno patenublllty free of charge; alui A l2S'.T l'lcrf- unlet potent i aecured. ' W ce i..'i.u.re, to the Postmaster, the Supt. ti Money order Mv.f and to oHiclalsot the U. S. Pat. tent bill ;e. For circular, advice, terms -and ff Ur ences to actual clleuts in your owntate orcoantx, write to C. A, SHOW A CO.. Opposite Patent Oflice, Waahlnirton, i. C. Nov. 27, S4.-4m trustworthy, local ex pert-say sllld tietl it ou the center of the net. and iro V8"" "'i " ,?"lu . first snatch I made I caught r ... . ...... r rr.- j 1 and report ou the property. This advice, a mirror carp, j Fro m appearances w v, ifiw j haye ever st have tronr 5,000 to 10.000 young v w P Market active. Breaks have been quite full for the past week, with a slight decline in common ending to my business. Tried a number grades, while all desirable goods are tan of most eminent physicians North and en at lull quotations. South; spent over $500. I was partially deaf, a quantity of bones resembling fish scales came out of mv nose and head, and I was at one time reduced to 70 poundsr Ten bottles of S. S. S. cured me sound and well, and I am so today. It is the best MOT EE 2 3 .' -. ... . ... 1. i ..ii.. point OUfc IIIO uaugcr nmcn ib up.ucnnj j tnUSt leading many to invest money, expect- ones all from those two parent fish, lie- ... ... Ai attention to my lisii man lormeriy, Know W. P. JOHNSOU. PHEEBETI3. veritable bonanza le discovered. these iiouses have lieeu so much taxed A BARGAIN. A first class 60 horse theui to procure a isufflcieiicv of fmid. fiaramation of in.r tiu.t with riwIi imropnKR nnineis 111 a I My wile has been sunenng lor seven ion smnll nnnil it wniihl b difficult to for I rears with what the physicians called in- - r r . : " . 1 .. . T . j j me veins. 1 iricu uwiurs without deriving any this season, as to jiecessitatc me erecuou nower engine, but little useu, anu 111 Therefore. I have been feeding them reg- time ana agin, of anotherwhieh will pnibably Tte done thorough repair.for sale at a bargain, ularly, every day, and there is nothing benefit whatever. . ..-.. , v .1 J5-.... Hrnner. Eames & Co. Salisbury. N. C. tli.it. will klmw it ktetiinr sooner than a At the suggestion ef belore tue opening 01 uib uen erasuu --- ---. -. , - r. nii,inwr I wa , . 1 I nnt upuii a liir:;iiul imlppil thi'v Hill I xlllflllOWer. 1 WS8 and to compel the "Fanner's Warehouse w kvn t 0,1 ! .!t nhrthi., thfit a niir will eat. 1 1 Specific, which in an nf popular Week ly Mwnjx . macnanioa, nflnrint, ol h mlandtd tunnnn. Thj Th most darated to ciaae, bin rioa invention and oa.tnts mrmr tQ nnmbar ilhutnted with ralandid ncn.TiaM. Tl Eablicction. f arnishM m wwt vlbl DcyeloidJ o tformtioB which no perxm hoold b wilhont. Ta -poplrity of tho Scnimno Akmica li iuoh hst its oireaUtion nearly eqaaU that ot all othjr pperoi Claba. Rotd b7 all DwKlMlr. MUKN CO, Pu- Mann A Co. bavo aluo lUhers, No. SSI Broad wsjr, S. Y. The euterprisiug and active firm, JIEtSKS. BEALL, BOST &. FOARD, Bft someihing be doue to improve. "FW Of ; th town Tl. eM.. .1tra .t -i'- i1 " - - a- Si V DIIIV'' Hiao itl.emeat)eet possible condition, and W mm 6treet8 an(l front of Q houses the walks are un- V i T iv ltil our niaguificeut gran 1 JJ'-in w my druggist, J. C. induced to try Swift's incredible short time t ninki: enlargements, and un li eve the I , .... . T . f,.ii HiA.uo.mi hromV ti wliMt litad. I restored her to perfect neaitn. I , 7 i turiii irini nil 1 ill ill ii t'liif.ii i . ii itiiiBb uc vw vim v v 7 1 . - ... .auiJ f.. r r..i. finnuiM ..hu-k. ... 1. 5...1 U..H nannllv Imva tAmwi Ti-ilt iwitatoes 1 sav a sreat deal more about tne medicine. ..... enrap iw caitii, .m 8.lu.cu ... " M i 77 '-:7i T. TL . V . 7u .:i.. I A ."ill w that it onrht to be in everv . I 1. II . . 4 .. 1 M. li'iiitinn JCt 1. I Pill ILPll I 11.1 II Will 111 11 Kl 1 IIV I IIK 1 l II I I 1 V . ICftU- J - - n J or ireueu cuui.. nuuni, "V """"7. V" 7 ' ... " " ' 1 Tf u . Htni- h.vin mw m! and take tne surtuus to mv nsn. i ney uuu. - ' iv I me hundreds of dollajs. . . . i ii i n 4n i a fa. ft a ar ra.a niiii uiiAiiiua a. v Ba-avf i with the man who always gets every i naiocuviiie iu?ms. . . . - . themJ and also of beans. C. F . Dcucan, Ulayton, Au. fnftliintrinf vnlllH for a l)ile of leaf Anc- I fin tlm lilalit nf tllM 25 III iilSt. tills COinnill- I koii:isIim. t':llih:lils. illld other vesretables. March 28, 1885. ie i. i.irv w.i visited lv tlif. heaviest raiu that 1 1 urn tlei iileill v well oleatted with mv Treatise on Blood and Skip D5mji Atzri o - ,. , . - e rri... i .. . i i .s c i .i. ..:.i. Farmer's Waiehouse. They are doing it successfully too, aud in the , way that the farmers approve. MR. J. J. IIA.NKIXS is conducting, in the most business like miles of the; town, ao excuse for mean streets r4: for the once; yet want f proper energy, coupled , - vuuiinnnifii.i. a : i. , -..uuulo ucsirc io ueautirv JWp, oa the part of all our people, are niii;..-. .. ,. . -1 ti ." "tiuu. wiMIH nriiora iir ita f lot. 1.1. TV . kt J K e' 011 r PP'e are two poor; It a ntue extravagant i lA ;" .7 ' j .r v w oo it all t n mi i r a . - - .u vC more raafinn!.lA ni- J vJf)ftth I a - k " 1 un t0 beSn the work at I Vlth a won a.... .i .!-,.- f - "vmciiueu, concerted plan tr macadamize the streets. Mli 7. re than one square; would hn 4 Q 0TQ the whole town would C WgUe and h fcr:.Uoliave undertak tweaking of theustreetsjit may USfW U attention tn tl ft eap praise .on en the work ! : MAVt ill A x, A . ) S I ? Cutter yiM" ; "uu Ience d left to 3tii.:, T "ueete- Whil le fevers are care snnM i. i . ln-l -v MO IttKKD III llflVfi .' Mirown iu some nnf. RB YOU j ft llWUDljJjilisr to voir gentle x If so, to rou we bring tidings of comfort and great joy. lou ean 6UEED and r23tored to perfect health by osing Sift6 Braafieia's Regulator ! ATCMTv rl i ThlrtSaven A I W Year praotlea aaflMBaaaaaaaaaaaaHa for tba rataat Ufflo. i and bar prepared mora thaa One Hun dred Tbouaand apyl icatkn lorpt-, nt In ti. Ua.ted Ifcataa and lowip eooatriaa. CaTaata, Trada-llarka, Oopy-r Srhti Taaianmaata. and all othar papn for aeenrina- to inventor thair ncauta tao. t... . j r..i. KndiBa. r rano" . rmmny and other foraiira eouptriaa. pwpartC at ibort notioa and waaonabl twiiaa. -Information aa to obta.ninj ,b?"y riven without charge. Hand-bopka of Informa tion aent free. Patinta obUiaed tbroojrb Mn4 A Co7ai Botioad in the Sci.nUfio American fr;. Tha adrantace of aucb notioa wen hbo.w vr e pWn. wboriab to di reeee f tWpiUnU. -: 7fcdreM MUNN & CO, Office Scawimc AXXSICAir. SSI Broadway, Wew York. ; - ii u i U S20000G 1M eil'( ryreneutx ntaen avow. s ' . i x.; us cents postage, anu u. mall you will get r a pac K. age ot goods ot larje vaLn? . ...Ill j AfkAA T a . i ,vi it stare yo'i in worii mai at uu" j lit a n?r t tiwr , uao aaymiBs ciw m nu ir.OMG HI fJJJ,i w in present wim ., I t !il l)UJi:, vrsun) uiurvug, . " t'i f'lTi Domes. Kortuaesiorau wuiui- . ... . - .i i.!. i, ii ii .irrrf i i' T i v 4 ir tr (i . Lriju k uci.1 .. . - - OV.2I, '81 17 Portland. 2ttai; ha fallen here, tor a score of years. The carp, being fully satisfied; that with gMid mailed free. small at reams ndde lily 1 became creeks, attention and feed, oue acre ot pond, The Swift Specific Co., Diane lauta, Gav AC mauneri the Kluttz Warehouse. Alto- and Irish Buffalo creek had the appear- stocked with carp, 1 will produce more auce of the Yadkiu river. pmmds of excellent fish than can be pro- WATEit kpoCT. Id need of anv other kind of meat, by the One mile from this place, and near cultivation of five ".acres in any other-crop C. VV Rose's house, can be seon the ef-1 Besides, thev are mitch ; more palatable frets of a water snbht. or something and cost less trouble or exnetiae than any Only 25 cents a bottle. gether, they are a splendid set oi men, Unnallvas wouderfiil. Qua hill side, other kiud of meat, i ami two ninth nraise cau net be eiven that was. thickly covered witn surubbery, He who hAs a well stocked carp pond them for what they ,are doing.to increase with here and there atree of considerable is fortunate i.nieed, atiil almost every oue 1 . . . I cSro: f!in iMt appii tha foliOYVlU" described i mviiincr n form, nn which theiti is a aininir XUo business prosper! ly oi me mi wn. . .ffWtn f water. hianh. Mn l.:.v idcam oond. and no ' manufacturing tiie weed. 7 There are two places, one 20 feet the matter if small, beause a ! pond of only n There are three thriving firms engaged other 16 feet tn diameter, and tne two 75 few rods square will j furuiau carp sum . . r. ... ... ... . v-inla nn:irt. that Have been torn and aipiii, tn kiinn v a tiin v. i now iu Bansoury iu me uiauuiuemie -y - - d - , , r,' .7i Ti "I Don"t Feel Like Work," .It mak. no difference what business jou are engr . cdin: whether von are a preacher, a r fIt is a special remedy for all diseases per- cnaruc.-a lawyer or a '"V" , ' VJ i, u j :...n:, pnn't do vour work well while you are lift. Uinmg W me wviuu, uu .; luicugeui - .... Ill in man can cure herself-by folJowg the direc-1 sick, inousanus irj , u- tions. It is eDeciallv emcacious in caseBO! now rautii wuu m "c .'.v-. suppressed or painful menstruation, in whites sood order by taking Parker s Tonic w . . I l . I f. . . i?..l . C " 1 1 ...H r. riini nrnianaiiB. ii lmirni mmm i vnn tpi a nine oui in io. f-..."- rm 1 t i j - . A Bad Complexion is frequently caused relief and permanently restore the menatrual be money in your pocket. One by worms. Shrinei's Indian Varmifuge function. Asa remedy to be used duiing that good, rejoicing health is worth ha will remedy the whole trouble. Try it. critical period known as "Ohakge or Life," ea hour full ot languor and pain. won One hopr o half a dvz this invaluable preparation has no rival. SALE OF LAND! Saved Her Life ! :o:- washed out to; the depth of about 14 j On Monday the 6th dav of July, 1833, 1 will sell to the highest bidder, at theCourt House door in the town of Salisbury, at the hour of 12 o'clock, a tract of land, known as the Polly Hartman Land, it being the same devised by the said Polly Hartman to Solomon Ketchey and others, containing us is a valuable tract of land well and within a few miles of Salis- Aftor pi'itni u I'm "Iniit hv' is Him nrnnpr the leaf. Mr. J. D. GaskiU is the largest, . . , ono of the Piacea gtood a time to build vour 'pond, (aud be sure you - , r. a j i . - . . i .... . ' ' aud is liaudiiog aDous ' iour- uuuureu i gom-ood stump (green) at least Jo lucli- build it right). Tlieu, no matter from thousand pounds ot; leal in nis lactory, es in diameter, a ceuar oi consiueraoie wneie you propose to procure your 1511 acres more or less, lying and situated ner annum. Mr. Xneene Johnston is size, ana otner Bapuiig " 01 wmcu, 10- siock nsn, oruer at once, vctoie me sup- in tne township of Litaker Ir I a t. aailt aavIk ilnorti o feral iai I ail w I a avUh ia a t Itaa i1 :1 1 tl trnn Kl 1 d I 1 i mi 1 . 1 l 1 a. next, handling between two hundred and vere gwept by a solid current of ind has been to get them at all, owing to ,ocfed a mty anu tnree nunureu tuousauu pouuuo, water dowu to tue branch, some lorty leet their scarcity and the great demand for 1 uarv while Messrs. Robertson & Miller, new below. This water most Uave fallen upou them. And having put in your orders, TERMS of sale One-half cash, the oth- comers4-liandle nearly two hundred it from the clouds, and tuns tore out tne aud got the promisej of tnein wait pa- er wjthin six month from date of sale. The , ..- ' . learth. becanse justi at the edge of the tiently for them until Aoyember or De- I .ufprrp.i mvmpnt to h senmred bv bond tnousani pounus, aunuaiiy. . f,e8h made cavity, we flod leaves, sticks, cember, wheu the weather aud water is and ood security. By order of the Supe- This is a good showing, for our local d w &c., tindiSturbetl. Many vui- cold, as they will uot beat transportation rior Court of Rowan county. ' A A. ' - A. m ? A. I . r . . . 1 '. . - . manutacturers, anu tney too muse nos tors nave gone to ee 11 auu an agree, 1 until men, lours iruijkj be forgotten as builders np of trade for that it must oe seen ,m 00 iunj appranar .. . l ted. Had it occurred in daylight,it surely me town. . - . - ; would have been wonderful to behold. eir d;.06erur. Tlie ; necessity for a Tliere is loik 01 opening more lactones - the crops. . diversification of pursuits in a conntry berej- Ur. R. J. Holmes, it is said, will Th wheat crou is uearly all harvested, which is chilly agricultural as is North build I factory, and a geuUeroan, Mr. and is good in the grain, oats is very Carolina was 'poitedljr enforeetl by Capt. r i " o . i.iaat t?ood, aud if not destroyed by storm there R. B. Tillman, of Edgefield, S. C, in the Moore, from Au2u8ta.ua.. was Jiere last ":.. ... r. i .is. - ' i.i t ... "V f - W. R. Fralet. KERR CRAIGE, Com'r. May 12, 1885. 30:tds n.;ii lw n vprnTft cron mode in this innntAnf nn address? delivered recent I v week trvini? to cet a house" for the par-1 ff.l pose of iuanufacturing. Propositions bave j i0w lauds are Imdly. damaged by water, j Tillman showed tliat edgefield is practfcKlnlf a . 1 . - - :.. . T. l- r I - I . 1 .lf.. H .1 I I f ml 51' uw ft in i Ridge, McIntosh Co.,Ga. Dr. J. Brapfiild Dear Sir: I have tak en several bold es tf yjur Female Regulator for fallinsof the womb and other dneuaea com bined, of atxteen veara standing, and I really believe I am cured euireiy, lor wnico piafe j accept my heartfelt thanks and most profound eralitude. I know yonr medicine saved my . a a a e life, ao you see 1 cannot speaR too nigniy in its favor. I have reoommended it to several of(my friend who are aafferin? as I was. tiours verv rearciiuiiv, M RS. W. E. STEBBINS. OurTreatisa on the "Health and Ilappi ness" mailed free. Braeield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. A CHANGEABLE COMPLEXION in dicates the existence ef worms. A few doses of Shrincr's Indian Virmifuge will destroy them and make yot r complexion bright and healthy. 11 ii over brain work. A' tae Imposition ci pr hi- KERVOUSpESIUTV bsear a& aemer i otiMowtdiaeaiioi, , A Radical OWE fOHSuoae.UAolaentt ? TTERVOUS DEBlXXr7, Orranic Weaiiess, PHTSICAX I r DECAY. lnYounAfddte Aged Men TtsrED rot ove8ot Years bv use in many Thousand oases. 0CC0 TRIAL I nuvv t One Jionth. - A3 O0 Tweani'jiii Three noatae. t.tM ni our i rt4 CireolaraadTrwl f '- - ; e.aaA learn bnp' f nmt titwhtrt. .1 SCRE RMEinrtl.i',f not taterfrfe iUi u inn to baMatw, of".' paiaer lneKf-f r war- reut. J Kicnti& aadaTprl-... to the aaatefdoM- .ithout dUy. 17 I ..1 fimtnmuf ' !Tbe aotintie ! lleaattltac- a nnlfvUftalaiiaiapM n- been mlde to buy tlie Boyden "Honse and All tho bridges on Irisli BptTalo have cally barren .of 1 iuandfactores and that, 1. , ropvrrt it into a factory, and a uch asUnen wtishtd nwajj r ; ; :Y. A. 1 excepting railroad, employees, everybody J E Shan keep on hand. Summer and Winter I 1 realise " tuu soppiyot Kennebec Ice. and wiu be 'mailed free. Blood an I Skin Diseases HARRISREMEDYm R U Pm SMir WV . -RED C. OJL, Cheap" S5:4t leased, to supply orders at one CENT per l jrhm Rwitt Soecific Coropanv. Drawer 3. urgent orantn nan nntiMf k( niTh i , - i . COUQacsuuii at auAYEiZ 'Atlanta, Q ft. Go to ENNISS snd buy Kerosece 4 41 :1U U! M. 7-7 it. ft;f 41" . '- 1 ml r 'v