5 .N Hi ih-"I;- . j " " ' . - -. I 1 - v , . - , . . . --j '!'. w ... -.-'.- - ! s -I. - f - - ; , r 1 ij. i - -.. f -.. 'V -- ' - -.Ft v 41- 'I Tit: t f-- "Ei-1 i - mill -.r i . ... iTi.., , i-, i iit -::t v. r. . n l .- r: i,.v-: . s . 'r-rirE wild . w ds. -r. THcJcipar the Condor, f . . ' s i ffow a ew York Boy GM Them Within Revolver liangL - Ne4 Corner, pf Clyde, If. Y re- rnrned frem South lAmenca vinirlirabl monev. WhehjTsk- 1 maHe it he said t Chili. The We are again indebted to the Work man for, as we think most capuai article. . i Half the actual troubfe of life would rovernment pays $5 for eveH condor s lead broueht i'n. but most of the hun- eN rPt! siek of the business. jThecon- .v -r-.- . i i ilor. are thicker than buzaras, oui they can see a riflle further than a mn in ee a house, and they catch nn to all sorts of ambushei iu the neighborhood of a dead carcass almost before they are made. Th nests are 15 mo fit above the level ief the sea, so it's little use to huqt thenr in the mountains. Thej are trapped occa sionally, and some are poisjoned, but as a rule the business tloesn't pay, and the condors increase in numbers. "Iow 4id yo manage it ?f' He was y nskeil. i iini nlflvincr off sick. Alooz the coast there are great stretchk of sand without vegetation, which are peril- Am its rrosa at all times, because or the heat and the -liability M getting lnft I Tt was niv nlan to start out at irM "well nrovided' with i water, and sepk a place undr a jbig rock where I could find shelter and to rhich I could return by landmarks. .At mid-day J would start out in the broiling sun, walking briskly ai,d de scribing a large circle. It j was very easy to stagger after a whl and fall, land then get up and staggef on again, Jcee,ing a good lookout for ttje birds all the tiuie,lest one should sudenly light on rae form behind. Jt wolqld take a very short time to bring thfm swoop ing around, waiting for the death of what they supposed was a! worn out traveller. Many a poor fellow has ODDS AND ESfeS. it ntnLOJCES SWOOP DO Olf'POttTIOM OP MISSOURI, KANSAS AND DAKOTA, AND LAT WASTE TOWNS; FORESTS AND CROPS a XT7MBER OF PEOPLE KILLED AND WOUNDED. hf savd if oeonle would remember that ci.Ue visited the northeastern portion of silence is golden-when they are irrf- this uIAm tated, vexed or annoyed, io teei pror f the dainace. xt the town of voked at a trifle, when the nerves are Sibley, ou the river, a number of liousea e ceaerai score 01 v. Earthq'cake SnocKS were exneriancMl At Berne laud Geneva. Switzerland, nn Jane 20. ! As a result of the recent earth- persons i tneir lives, 70,000, houses were TIIE GREATEST, ENEMY to cUildrcn I is worms, hrinor's Indian Vermifuge will save'them from ruin if used according to the directions. . iu ruins, and 33,000 animals per- Independeuce, Mo., Jane A cr- jquak in Cashmere 3,081 laid islied. 5 : - 0;i and after July 1st letter post age Svill be 2 cents for each ounce, or part thereof Heretefure the letter whv Dut thlannovance into the shape lives were lust, though the track of the postage has been 2 cents for each half of speech, whieh once uttered is i?H;r fc membered, which may burn like a bUs- forests suffered from the loss off large Advices from Indian Territory state ; a mafnral to 113 in were tiesirojea, bihode .iiem -'.1 ... Ttf larC( being the S. Milieu, orir imnerfectlv sanctified state. Uut Rf.ul.ceiv a vest ice of which remains. No ' r . t . . I 1 . . .! . . . teriag wound or rankle like poid .5 "2 ?Sr H W Cheyenues. .nd Arapaho-s It a cniia De irymg, oraineuu tne reater. 7 he new business Iionse or umruering lauifweu auu arrow? (tUi A WAV IAW Vt kV w r f - . 1 1 ' 7 t . I f eltnno TIitt tftriH luiocv o rrd I A nnn 1 vt.l n ..Hk 41.. ..tiU-. K rpfnl what, vnn sav. Do not speak ru,k .Tr"I',"7.T ,uu u,u aH,"HS u,c uiers. "w ---- j v : laarivinc mm was cruemi u.i-uuuhvu a servant unreasonable I T. W. Herson, iu this cjtj, was blown steal ling cattle and liorse causing To roe Farmers! while vou feel the impulse of anger, for the county. The patli of the cyclone was . :ir i.- -i i mit W from the southwestern portion of tue I VOU Will UC iUIUUSI IXTIWMH w oaj www , , . jwu countv to the northeastern. r . U i. rw mnwn than miVT rVAl PT 1 . TT- V CU A mucu, - w ofij iiiuic j i jjeavenwoiTii, jvnusas, one a iudtnnent will annrove, and to speak in tornado nccompauied by raiii, hail and J o t . rr ' . I i . . .1.;. it- t., jsn tt uj nrdav nisht. and it is now learned thatt 4M" ."wu till "the sweet by and by-when you although iu the city the only damage shall becalm, rested and self-controlled, was to trees, fences aud gardens, in the i ,w - ., , v. country it was more severe. A large Above ail, never wme a leiier wpn Btock farm belonging to Capt. W. S. you are in a mood of irritation. There Tough, four miles south of this place, . -"- -? 1 11 I 1 A 1 mnm resentments which are is are it is sometimes a duty to express indig nation. But if you consider the mat er: the occasion for mittins such feel- 7 -A. ing on record are comparatively few. They come once in a life time perhaps, and to many unfortunate beings they of five persons, was scattered about the) and; the law. It was Venice, Illinois, . w1,a1 varum an uireciioiis uy me giue, out, never come at all. Upon the whole, J kied Al,hoW9Vtrt U Deome on r friends and neighbors; and in iu red more or less. The timbers of I w i . . . . .. ,a nmmiin;fr toliiVli w frrm n orf : the house were blown more than a mile, i I O I. 11.. ! ..fn I A OQ k ifiifV uc njLiiig w buililiiiir in the twu was blown over and in hours of eood temper and health Saturday except the county building, . , i, '-i,i. x4,j 4. which was helu down oy uie saie.v xso lie wears u uuiib uiiu oujuuj tutxu . , ... - i i oue was hurt. fallen down therein those, sands and been torn to pieces before he was dead. "When I found them getting thick I'd back up against the frock and throw stones at them and shout as if I was wild with fear, and 1 the great vultures would gather around just out ' of range of the stones, which I didn t throw very narci, ana sit on tne saua anq look at me sideways. . liien was my opportunity, fulling jtwo uavy revolvers from under my c0at, I'd let drive at them. They are wonderful in the air, but to get aloft they must first run along the sand: with wings - SDread for a couple of rods. It was a cold day when I didn't get at least three, and one day J captured seven. That was a trick which the condors , didn't learn easily." The Arfcansaw Coroner's Inpnest. a An Arkansaw coroner found drunken man, and, thinking that he had a subject, summoned a jury. Just before a verdict of "cause ot; death un Known" was rendered, the man got pp, dusted his hat and asked : ?Have any of you men seen any thing of Ted Bryant?" j The coroner was disgusted, This is a pretty time to talk such nonsense' said i he. "You were dead just a wune ago, and now, sir, such an ac tion on your part tending tb cheat an nonest omcial out of a few hard-earn ed dollars won't be tulerated by this community. i " fit was not my fault, ca'n." f'Yes, it was your fault. lYou could have kept still until Jhis b4isiness was over, and still there would liave been plenty of time to ask.aboufcyour ac- quiintauces, you've knocked us out pf about fifteen dol lars." V T' I - o .ii I u "iry, capn, oay wilt you set up the drinks if I tumble over pow and let the good worklgo on ?" i"Ycs, we'll give you a quart." The. iwan laid down aud he verdic was i rendered, not according to r the lacts in the case, Imt in dompliauce - w lM a pressure oi circumstances. As a jrule, the Arkansaw coroner is an Itonest man. t probability prove more destructive than , t i , -i r ,i .. I ill OH l, oewuie ne iiiuiuiiicu. tucv nic poruonos, locKeain ooxes, tnese win, it alreldL. t work borinir into the twins ol may be, flash up again in sudden feud young fruit trees in many of the orchards, and fir, months afW von h ns the limns oi, tne trees tneyiiave ' . J I itnnir nn 1 PV ln(T 11 n ml fill II fT ftiwl w iuiiir. uj. wic xunjf wmcu uiciieu tuem, frut thereou is ruined. They are par or the folly which penned them. Never ticularly severe on young orchards. A an angry letter when you are h olc,iara o m t whicf, tl angry. j year would have born its first crop, is he All hMi.tpd flinQ saV fl,o .riwl.. tears ruined. The young truit is bIjow , - , . llli: Up! HUM Hill (IHJVMl'V IV UVlUMIij MUVII uve as an outlet, ana superlatives are Btung by the locusts. These insects are apt to be dangerous. So long as we particularly bad on peach and quince : . i. L trees, also on young chestnuts and the jmvju Bjiccyu, ive ure chiUCiipill tree. - In some plac.s the tree. petty sate. already show the signs of their work, aud We all need to be cautioned against B n ew " li,e W!,I1 tu!"S 1 O f I . a wwr n n 1 ' ni Ik Ail r r wind will 1 1 . mm . y . UlUHIli UUU uiov uvtftvv nuiu VS1I unuue naste m speecn, but mothers most break ff the dead branches, which will of all. It is easy to misunderstand a fall to the cround, and from these will i,;i;i. ort : 1:111. ! come the crop of locusts for 1902. York i.ii i in . m ru i ii iu iu r-w 1 1 11 Remedy tor Cabbage WormsI frof. Kiley announces the; discovery of a . remedy for t he cabbage worW which is easily applied, and. ho savs has proved entirely satisfactory with Alr. Jirwii of New York! wlip first discovprwl it. Tt Jlf i ... . aicr uppiiea ai mia-aay ttirectly to the f worni by pouring or pprinkline on mem. Xie insects curl up aht roll off dead, and the cabbages are revived by the cooling application course it is best used in the hea v tue uay, case ice-water is not at hand, he says yery cild sprint; WfF Will rln .. II i tt'l " , " ficujr wen. ; iy lieu we think of the eflect on pur own per- vi piunge into an ice-bath has in a uuiy aay, we will not wpnder that the tender little larva of the Pieri ppw siiouia aunip himself into the direst, eternity when cruelly treated cupiui oi ims ,cold Fanner9" Home Journal, pizen." Omnibuses have disauDearpd frnm V l i ieff i orK ciry. xiorse cars am m n ninrr nrl stages. The last rum bed u town m 11 o'clock Saturday evening. It came jrora i ui ion ierry, sipppeq at jNiblo 'a ibirIate' passengers and disappeared :from pobicview up FiftIT avenue Stages have been running in New York mora than, Halt a century. All the 'j- tages have been bought by the Broad tray BaiIrpad.;Compapy, j 'Ihey and vibe venerable Hones will, be turned over.to .their nejw; o wnert ito-morro w ; and horse cars :(will; be run in their stead;" ;The bbrses will jipgle along -iiiifrrnt of the cars have on sale at prices and terms to suit the times, as follows : The celebrated Morgan " New Clipper and SEYMOUR MOWERS guaranteed to give satisfaction or no sale. The Newark Machine Company's Improved Horse Rakes Straw Cutters and Grain Drills, superior to any ever brought to Rowan. PIEDMONT WAGONS, BUGGIES, of the very best makers at surprisingly low folks up-town, where it is possible, take prices. can be sold on long time it esire. taiFTrlumnh Reapers and Soil-Binders. The deliriously fascinating anounce- ment is made in one of our art papers that painting on barjes and frying-pans is now taught in one lesson at a Broad- It is tne fashion in New York to dine and sup in the gardens on the roofs of hotels and restaurants, and . , i . blown tit atoms aud nine horses bmied in their meals in their gardens-or on their n ffL nriita v. righteous; the debris Three were killed outright parehsSr. so di ressmdlg- and nil the others severely injured, lhe f i-Tri,,mnh second story was blown from the house of Geo. Richardson, but although the family was in the house no one was iu jured. The residence of John Huckitis, about twelve miles irom tne cuy, wa i, nnnAnn t a,' ij blown to atoms. The family, consisting 6"" ""lLi TC CJ Beautiful Venice has produced anoth- sold this year only on orders but at prices beautiful heroine who saved the life astonishingly low. J.-A. BOYDEN, Salisbury, June 4th.' 1885. er beautiful heroine who saved the life of her murderer husband by rowing in Much of the friction which makes he machinery of living move rough and discordant is caused by things too nettv to be noticed if we were all in our normal codition. The hasty word spoken in petulence may be explained, forgiven and forgotten. But the letter written in ebulation of wouncledrfeel- insra is a fact tangible, not to be con doned. There itr lies with a certain permanence about it. You have sent it to a friend, who, reading it over half a dozen times will each time find it ! more cruel and incisive than before, Letters once written and sent away can never be recalled. You cannot be sure that your friend (or enemy) will burn them. Hidden in bureau drawers or in compartments of desks, folded up in however, and the heroine was a fish- woman in a catboak, J Call a girl a chick, and she smiles; 1 call a woman a hen, and, she howls. Call a young woman witch, and she is pleased; call an old woman a witch, and Kausas City, Mo., Jnne 23. The stoiro she is indignant Call a girl a kitten, of Saturday night did little damage iu Kansas vi ty. the most serious item; the blowiiij' uowu ot a tlneo story buck building at 18th and Frank streets. The building, which is valued at $4,000, is a total wreck. Reootts, however, are and she rather like3 it; call a-woman a cat, and she ll bate you. Queer sex, isn't it? Children were born to a mother and coming iu of serious damage to the grow-' daughter at the same time and in the IIIII 4J1 UDS. ilB n CI1 HO IIICJ ULPll UttlVII VI 0 UOHEY HADE ! $ OoelcuTUMi ma tnka I&.00 U $S.C0 per &ij c Tuis( tot th "HVOTTAC (ilia "iimli" Boetlwra Boalhly 20 Per Cent Profit. Rrenlir priea, $100 per yw, will ' tend ( eopk it KBtha cm rmipt 1 Of $3.00. Sampl CopU, SO coiti mm. B,F. Arery & Sons. Louisville, Ky same house in Illinois the -other day. The babies were dressed and put in the cradle together, Wheu they were taken up soon after neither mother know her own child, and to day they aie still won deiing vvhicb is which, Charlotte Obs. as wen as fences aud houses, and in some cases of dwellings. Specials from St. Josephs, Warrens- burg, Independence. Cameron, Chiili- cothe, Bevier, Missouri City, Marshall, Slater and Glasgow, all Missouri towns, all tell the same story. At Glasgow, J. C. Wilson, a reona M-nrlliiKT innn. hist', liia life, nun the m 9 m v mt m m amm. mmm w ovsvy m . business portion of the towu was almost I otate was operated upon by a compa uestroyeu, ny pi apciors ou outuiay, lhe opera tion is called thoracentesis, .and the Ravages of tho Locusts, doctors took trom Ins thorax torty ounces ot serum, which cave the Bish ml A 1 A. ill 1 I I I . . - V ine Bevenieen year iocuris win iu an on mUch relief. He IS resting Quiet lyand comfortably. Raleigh Regis rnT- TCTj4-il I have opened an office X cLJXG Si 0 tlC6! on Innls street, in rear of J. 1). (iasklll, and will take orders tor repairing Stoves, Fire backs. Grates, Dampers, etc., for every Stove in the United States. Patching and mending:. all work done In the neatest style. No matter how badly your Stove Is broken or worn, I can make It as good as new Work done at your home. Dont worry over that stove but send for me had have it fixed at once. JOUN A. MURPHY. Salisbury, June 4th, 1S85. 33:1m i": Clears out. rats, mice 'roaches,' flies, ants, bedbdgs. r e , ; ; fieart jains. " Palpitation. JDropsical Swellings, Dizi ness, Indigestion. Headache, Sleeplessness cured by "WelIsT JJeattn uenewcr." MEoTih on Corns. Ask for Wells' 'Rough on Corns." 15cts. Quick complete cure. Hard or soft corns, warts, bunions, Bnchu-Paiba" Quick, complete trure of all Kidney, Blad der and Urinary diseases. Scalding, Irrita tion, Stone, Gravel, Catarrh ol the Bladder. $1, Druggists, t " Bed-Bugs, Flies. Flies roaches ants, bedbugs, rats, mice, gophers, chipiuuuks, cleared out by "Rough on Rats." 15c. Thin People. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sex ual Debility. 1. "Rough on Pain." Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhoea, aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism. 20c. Rough on Pain Plaster, 15 cts. Mothers. If you are failing, broken, worn out and nervous, use "jVfcl Is Health Renewer. $1. Druggists. Lffe Preserver If you are Josing your grip on life, try "Wells Heatthf Renewer." Goes direct to weak spots. 'Bough on Piles." Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Protruding, Bleeding, Internal or other. Internal and external remedy in each pack age. Sure cure 50c. Druggists. Pretty Women. Ladies who'would retain freshnes and vivacity, don't fail to try "Wells' Health Renewer." "Bough on Itch." "Rough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions, rinsrworm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet chillblains. : "Roiigh on Catarrh." Corrects' offensive odors at once. Com plete cure of worst chronic cases, also une qualed asargle tor dipthcria, sore throat, toul Sreath. 50cts. The Hope of the Nation. Children, slow in development, puny, scrawny and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer." Catarrh of the Bladder. St in 21 Dir. irritation, influmation, all Kid ney and Urinary complaints, cuied by "Bu- chu-Paiba" fl. "Water Bugs, Boaches." "Rough on Rats" clears them out, also Beetle. Ants.; onrnln'ir'!1!8 Ad m i ii i stfator's Notice! ter. The new British cabinet according to announcement is made up as follows: 'The Marquis of Salisbury, prime minis ter and secretary of state tor the foreign department; Sir Michael E. Hicks-Beach, chancellor ot the exchequer: Lord Rail dolph Churchill, secretary of state for India; Sir Richard Ashetou Cross, secre tary of state for the home department; Right Hon. Ldward Gibson, lord chancel lor of Ireiind. Right Hon. William Heury Smith will probably be secretary for war. Colonel Frederick Stanley, secretary for tne ; colonies; inn jari or uarnarvon or Viscount Cranbrook, lord Iieutenaut of Ireland, and Sir Stafford Northcote, lord presideut of the couucil. Havinsc qualified as Administrator of the estate of C. J. MiMerdeceased, I hereby give notice to all persons who have claims against the estate of said U. J, Miller to present the same to me prcperlv authenti cated w ithin one vear from this date, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons lnaeutea to the estate of said C. J. Miller, are requested to make immediate payment to me. S. II. WILEY, Adm'r. of C. J. Miller dee'd. Salisbury, N. C. June 1st, '85. 33:6t. Mr. T. C. A., of Atlanta, desires to say that "I have been a constant sufferer with G. and G. for over two years; have failed to secure relief from any source until I ob tained Kinch, two bottles of which effect ed an entire cure without any loss of time, change of diet or the use of any internal medicine." , One bottle of B.B. Bv will purify your blood. whons forbidden to answer back: so easy to leave a picture of yourself in the plastic memory which will be photo graphed there for theremainder bf life, and of which you ' would in coming days be ashamed. Mastery., , Flirting With a Priucess. Resptted-Gov. Scales has respited 8 E f J D Y0UR17Q0L .baton Mills, the negro man who was under sentence to be hanged at Halifax tomorrow. It is understood that some TO THE Observation of a Correspondent on In- ion Rtiii nn hnfi and i? ri nullum jlzi in wut iic jmjtjw, j?umuy. ExCommissioner Lorino, it seems, will have to make ocd to the government the $20,800 he diverted from the purpose forlneW evidence has been secured, favora- which it was appropriated in order to ui fTiK'nfl it in Bprrls TIip firf rnnfrnllcr I r informs him that steps will be taken to secure its recovery. His bondsmen are held in $ 10,000 only. The chief clerk of the agricultural department savs there are about 12,000 pounds of the sugar beet seed Salisbury Woolen Mills From a London Letter in theChicago Her aid. . I caught the Duke of Cambridge the other day in a funny position. ; I had business with an aide-de camp and in a mistake went into the Duke's I room. ! naivete: "lhe heap docs not seem to get any smaller. Sometimes when I look at it I think it is actually growing Several davs ago a Georgia farmer wrote us he was in great need of this seed. He had tried in various directions, but could not get any. In his extremity he wrote to the department tor two bushels of the seed. He go it, and I expect he was surprised at our nromntnpsa. Knt there dnp nnt nocm He had his easy toggery on and was ati to be any more farmers wanting beet seed the window looking unon th arlr A The. Sreat quantity ol peas and sorghum 3 V ,r r rT seed lelt over and on hand at the depart grounus oi juanoorougn House, and ment might be used, the officials say, as 11 mm - I . mm. . on! snockms! maJdnffSiorialsannarPTif- cnicKen ,eea uut sugar beet seed cannot lv Of a most fifWirWo &mJZ!L J utlld in tlli8 way or in anJ other- -..v.ukv. .uuOVLCi. IV a I j 0v au vuaiw wuiuuw. in Troubled Aaolt It. Th Chicflfrft 4-1 J i t , . 1 rr, .. .... . 7"0 tuc oxuur oi nis signaling Dusiness the pnwinf, Kepublican, seems to be troubled Duke had not heard mv foot sfpr nn because some of the Southern States, f among them North Carolina, proposes to pension disabled exConfederate soldiers, aud says that this is in opposition to the spirit of the 14th amendment. We don't see whv tho Tribune neoole should be troubled about this as they are not asked to pony up any of the cash wherewith it is done, the Southern people who propose to uo it payiug uie on I out oi tneir own t je carpet and I thought the besi thing I could do was to discreetly and silent ly back out. As I did so the lady lean ed forward and the sun shone on her face and I recosmized th Prl CP -v a. iluVVdO Ui Wales, who, with some of the young sters, was sitting in a sort of exposure Packets, and not only that but contiibu- emnvinrr n hit nf n l i -n. "" J i uie way oi inxauon . " &VT J mm to PJ'S Pensions to Northern soldiers, wic uiu warrior, on wnose every move- which they do without a . growl. If tins meiit at this moment the eves of all lmlM,6ition came iu the shape of asking we lederal government to take Confed erates on the pension roll the Tribune might chip in with apparent reason,' but as it is a sort of family affair with which that paper has nothing to do, its chip is eoraewnat out ot place. Char. Observer. moment the eves of all Europe were, figuratively, supposed to be resting, Instead of signing warrants creating armies to march forth I to des truction, the old boy was diverting him self in his peculiar and unique manner with the young folks of the royal fami ly. I afterwards learned a regular code ot signals had been establisHeH ! bv the field marshal by which he could com- Anothir Suit Against Schift Bnos. Messrs Phillip and Jonas Schiff yesterday receirea a uoiice similar to that served upon them a week ago br Dr. John H. McAden, but this second note was served hv.fooare Himm.iil Jtr .1.. I i municate with iho Pnnui A. d. I . i , .! , .. r. M. Ul' 1 J IIIITHKM I HltlC 11 111! E X WllfinrrnniM ma IMllllinn r- -ww, i ' ; r- vnv isunuiii" m wrecked by the digging of SchiflTs cellar. A young lady graduate at Meadvills Tu An.pAlc?.c!,8.D.n xem appear at - . . . . . . : T ' -t i me icriii oi tne annenor inrr tr answer to the petition of the nUintitVa Wanted, a Man" The youne men T,,e Petwn. t understood, calls for mavsmilA nTOr it W u i.i?- damages from Schiff Brothers for the i i Ii. F ae aestrnctipn or a large part of the plaintiffs' want of these times. Not a dashino-Utocsrof goods, liius two of the nruch beau with trood clothe, nr A.,A talked pf suits are ulready docketed, and i- i . , W i - ; - v m i the matter is assuming an interesting his hair m place, but a man" that hastBhape. The others may -,n3edtoS resolved to do a jnanV part in these ente?"ed at an7 hne between now and stirring times when there t a?ZZ!Z?. 'IS? lue xnptnor Business or Party Cards, Circulars or fosters, Letter or Note Heads, Bill Heads, Monthly Statements, Books or Pamphlets, Labels, Tags, &c, Neatly printed at thi3 i office, and at as low rates as elsewhere. Business men of Salisbury are invited -office at old Express Office, THIS NEW FACTORY Is now in operation, and facilities for man ufacturing Woolen Goods such as have nev er before -been offered to our people, are within the reach of the entire Wool grow ing community. We manufacture JEANS, CASSIMERS, FLANNELS, LINSEYS, BLANKETS, YARNS, ROLLS, &c. Soliciting a liberal patronage of ourpeo- ii e. we are respeciiuuy, Salisbury Woolen Mills. to call through the P. 0. before giving their orders to agents or sending them abroad. May 28th, 1885. 32tf V '3 Dress Makinq! i MISS M. 0. TAFFE Has opened rooms in the Old Photograph Gallery,1 She has learned Dress Making and : the most accurate system of cutting thoroughly. "Fit Gru.a.xp.ntcecl I Will be pleased to receive calls from the ladies of Salisbury. March 5, 1883. ly J. M. HADEN, Real Estate Agent; . Office in J. D. McNeely's Store HAS FOR SALE the following real estate on terms to suit purchasers : No. 14 Eight building lots, four of them fronting on Main str. l hese lots are near Car; Shops PECIAL NOTIC I have sold ray Retail Gro cery Department to Mr. Haden, but will continue the CouifflissioB Grocery Business at my old stand. Will also buy and sell all kinds of Country Froduce. fepecial atten tion given to consignments of Fruits,Chick. ens, Eggs, Butter, &c, assuring to farmers the highest cash prices. All those indebted to me are earnestly requested to come forward and settle with out delay and save cost. May 28, '83. (32:4t) J. D. McNEELY. SALE BF TOM LOT! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in the case of Jos. Horah, Adm'r of Daniel Chambers, dece'd, against Daniel Chambers and others, I will sell at public auction at the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday the 6th day No. 2-Has eight building lots and four OI Vne, 1 lulUxown" V.1' small farms. This property is situated on u7' , ul,'". " V1B , lV" " the Brlnle firrv road 4- mile from car shoos aojoining uie lanasoi uspar oum- No. 3--Tcn small farms, containing each ner' ancy Wiseman and Joseph Horah, from 10to 12 acres, situated on theBringle ferrv road. 14- miles from Salisburv, No. 4 -Has seven building lots, two orf Main 6treet and five on Church street, situ ated on same square with Joe Burk. No. 5 Has eleven small lots, situated on Long street, near Gas house, Woolen Mills, freight and passenger depots. This proper ty is valuable for tenement houses. No. 6 Has eight small farms, containing foui" to six acres, situated about H miles of Salisbury on the N. C. R. R. No. 7 Has about 25 or 30 small farms, containing 5 to 10 acres each. Also, seve ral pther valuable farms, containing from 50 to 110 acres, with buildings all within two? to three miles of town. I will take pleasure in showing the property to anyone jjnne4, 1885. ,?3;tf containing one-half acre. Terms One-half cash, and the xemain der in six months with interest Irom day of sale at eight per cent. JOSEPH HORAH, Adm'r. May 28, 1885. 5t ' . "RALEIGHJIEGISTER." By P. M. HALE, Printer to the State. Subscribe to jour Home Paper and pay for It, and then remit $2 to pay for your ; State Democratic Paper, the R4XX1CH Register. Each new subscriber re mltUDg Si direct. Is entitled to the Rsgistek for one year and to WEBSTER S PRACTICAL DICTION ARY, wtilch until August , 1885, 1s offered as a preunuiu. oouiuio wjwes ui uie ueguoer mailed on sppUcaUon. Address, . T KAiilUII KEGISTEU, P111) JtALEI9H,x:c. Are j-o-i faiJi7.Ti PaaJ For Eniin. Krv(s. ?!n.r..n7 1 M T I L 1- sm- " Kiee to taUT5?Sjr--W ' 8,weats,Kcrvo? uct.. it lor T'.- - 4 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. rEu ch ti-PNli - Biauue-. i:i-..l.-K.-vt-". 'orssB I neys aa;l Llfcr. F'VK! V fenscs cf tli.VTT"--;.- m ' - 1 I " ence of Urta- ;-:; :' - C- " , , "'Jwsiai. u l Urinary Or . J' - --.!fi!o-H U healt!i7 or Us ... .. ' ; VViir u Kor SYls:r.:":C ' ' B - , hercditarr roijir. - .' Vfwl i 4 pain's SypbiiiUe.8aT-. liB4-! Syrup. 2 nfTU'M ' - 00k4, s 1 r.ceipt of SlO.ilo.r-a? ! - ;'..-.:'aa I E. S. Wft.t.s .T-v ::' i V c . B KEItU t UAlGE. L. 11. CI.EMKNT. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, SilISUUKY, N. C. Feb. 3rd, ISpJ. MOTHER'S- FtflRND! No Mora Terror! No Mora Pain! . No Koro Danger!" TO, To Mother or Child The Dread of Motherhood Transformed to HOPE and; IJOY. Safety and Ease TO?- Suffering Woman. TIiip invaluable pre ratlon In truly a Iri mj.h of scitntitic skill, nd no more inestima le benefit wa9 ever be nowed on the mothers of the world. &lL not only short ennhetimeof laborand Itrtwens the intensity of .ain.but better than all it greatly diminishes the danger to life of ooth mother and child, ind leaves the mother in a condition highly tavorable ttt speedy re covery, and far less lia ble to flood i ner, convul sions and other alarm ing symptoms incident t lingering and painful labor. IlBtruIy wonder ful efficacy in this re- Mpect entitles the Moth er s t riend to be rank ed as one of the life sav ing appliances given to the world by thediscov. eries of modern science. From the natureof the case it will of course be understood that we can not publish certificates concerningthis Remedy without wounding the delicacy of lhe writers. Yet we have hundreds of such testimonials on file, and no mother who has once used it will everagain bewilhout it in her time of trouble. To the nrecU of the ton: ::t- r-.rair rcij traveler and new s-rr i J!.x:-;vr' acb Bitters is )eculj:irlv ii'iapici' wm ij: stretijfthns the rJrsp-'tivc jirrrans, ff braces the physical tncrio-; to nigral ful inflieehces. It treniovt s' Mjd j rev. i. malarial fever, ioiistipiitioa, (Iv-in-psi healthfully stimuliitt-s tho k'ulceys ' , J bladder, and fnriches ns weirns "pirr r the blood. When 4verciiu In- -.uifwi whether mental 6r pliysicul, the mrj and debilitated find it a rdhutk' pn;tr tt renewed strength and 'nmi'it. t or ttb' by all Drugiibis and Dtukis fE-ocruilj, rrinrmrri. MILL STONES. I TT TJi UXp E m C, N K n lias boujW tbt wd STONE QUAKKY of E. E.'riuitipsSiecea' and will contintre tu supply the public mand, Tor MtU Stout- Uvm tbVs tiLKiMtii gkit -so well known Miroupliom llilseoaajl for its superiority for Mill Stohcs. -(;ranttnklw for Ornamehtal pvlrposis, Mo!.unfnts,tc.,ttjai also be had at this quarry. A 'M rets,- -; ' j. T. ii'YATT, sallsbnry.Xfl Tie 7alley litial Life in OF VIRCINIA. TTOMK ftKFK V Si 1 l(l. VA The Cheapest, Safest, and Most KclliBttUB Burance nowoffeeed the pb!ir Is fouDdlnlMJ"- ley Mutual, wbicn enables' ou to carryiHJli5 p llcy at an actual average cost flf. s.5opua For further Information, call on or addrea j. ; j. V. McKi:.vZtE.A?eBt May20,iss3.1 Salisbcbt.-S.C Waicht'S I !i di Ah Vegetable Rill FOE THE And all Oilioim Complaints Safe to take. heln?r purely reseaWe; nopty ing. niee25cts. All itroissa. Dec. 20, 'S I. ly. " POUTS'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDEW J5T0UJ2E:. PFCUTZ UtM A prominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that if it were admissable to make public the letters we receive, the "Moth er's Friend" would outsell anything on the market. I most earnestly entreat every female ex pecting to be confined to use Mother's Relief. Coupled with this entreaty I will add that during a long obstetrical practice (44 years), I have never known it to fail to produce a safe and quick delivery. H.J. HOLMES, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. Send for our Treatise on "Health and Hap-J piness of Woman," mailed free. Bkadfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga TAPE WORM. An eminent German scientist has recent ly discovered from a root extract, an also lute tpecificifor Tape Worm. It is pleasant to take and is not distress ing to the patient, but is peculiarly sicken- : J. r . n -I7 in ana scupeiying io me iape ttunu, which loosens its hold of jts victim and passes away in a natural and easy manner, entirely whole, with Head, and while still alive. 1 One physician lias used this specific in over 400 causes, without a single failure to void-worm,; entire. Success guaranteed. No pay required until removed with head. Send stamp for circular and terms. " HEY WOOD 4l CO., 19 Park Place, New York. MayO, ?34. ly "WE ASK ALL" Interested in Hides, Furs, Wool, Roots, Feathers, Beeswax, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, )ried Fruit, Poultry, Hay and Produce gene: ally o send for our Price Currents. Prompt returns on all Consignments. 1 Trial j Shipments Solicited. R. L. WILLIAMS & CO. j General Commission Mebbhants, Offipe, ICS.lWjlliam St., New York., , Oct. '84:ly f j No Hoes will eti of i ir; r..n;or TK. If Fonts' I'onvlfR" are in -t:;l,r(,ujA J J-OIU7. 8 J'ou'dcru iTl ln'T' s-- i;.-- ' iLgnli and cream twenty fr crnt.. an-! n::i'c Uie Fomz'n Powder will euro or pr'-vt a'TjV Dft AF. to wiiirii lop-f ant ' atl-1-1 FOCTTB PWMJ WII.L f.lTl STISfP"" bold everywhere. fr TU 25 T5i T PIL Li Tae urcaten msaicai jtr CVMPTCSWiS 0 TOKPIP LI SYhflPTOWS 07V -ir; iht head, with a oau.- .nipr X. K n 1 Mil M ffl back part, Tain. under ; blade. nuiiBcma nii ---er7 Inclination to exertion cf W ut,9A Irritabilitrcf temper, i - ,, 6n VT ai n f eel inn c f h a v i n r n t' . I W t i r, p a Heart Dc:9 before iho ej crer the rirtc c, uc fitful dreams, IlJ.lrccror eu .(, , CONSTIPATION, trtTTT'S PIL to such cases, one change They! hndr to nnnrlthf -1 r ihi.- .--,Kcn r 1 TtiTT'g mm 0i T-...rn7 m GEAT li Am c r " " ,"",). ppu-ri tnli OOice, A Surrey t., - - , Dec. 20, '84. mm LAND AMI MILL FOE SALB! Price low and terms eyj. oarticular,, address o. ca 1 8m ! . .1- 7" r - r, 1 t