A CTfflRD! SERIES SALISBURY. N. C.,.JWx0, 1385. - 4 . 'A Cjjy'S feis flam D PEKMiVNEKT CUHE ? ! FOR, . ; , and Indigestion- WPR-NV- " ' US y .'tf-rX- fa vour Dyspeptic recoiuwc.ulit toothers. For the Watchman. Charlotte, N. C. An Evening: Walk. BT ASAPH. . Along the shore Of this bright sparkling stream Hate I wondered in dajs of yore, As on it gilded through its flowery banks of green With a dear friend ; -Conrerainir bv niv side, When I thought my bliss would never endj Twaa a glorious lommeri day at even terfay, ...ey wi.. .rect . .arge ..oW , and iU "UbWl; warehouse al Newport and engage . eJf .. .iik1 half-sisters; she has iri daily-nse the precious china'and the old cnajratnat her envious city nieces try vainjy to ri val at auctionrooms.' She manages the tide; 7lr to lUe alueof your Wclinu. iudigeat-oii and Twa8 here we stood, j Neath these elms, oaks and beech, While soft zephyrs cooled their deep dark I J -. simile: V - And this one great lesson nature seemed fan(j to teach -j-That 0od is lore! And we did both rejoice, As on together we did rove ; ..... j.ii extensively in the production of to bacco. They are about tout in op eration in connection with their tim ber mills a planer of the latest and most i m proved patera,- and a large steam dry-house, x x The, board of directors of ; the com pany all reside in Glasgow,. Scotland, and are now there, with one exeep- iiinn Oft who have immediate VU , - - -r- - - charge of the works, Mr. A. A. Ar thur is general manager, Mr. Wm. FergHson financial manager and Mr. C. K. McAdara superintendent of stores. They nave arapie capital, mean, to develop a very large business." ! vote. ue oi your aii uuugs ri'a v- VI tto dvflpepsi, mp,B"r' one a D: A. JENKINS, y; C. State Treasurer. jj,lotte; ; . UfiRTERS FOR pyilUIia - rr ' , tt McAden and T-C Smith & J T P If l.ittl Jfe f o. C Rnu a.; ; j 49:ly T was heaven then - With both ofus, ou earth Vnr iliil w enw wittnaii oriuiau. - However great; their famewealth or so ciab worth I ; . t Why should we care . For such trifling things I -xr fur ura hv ii thTi feared. 1 SSOT nu m- "' y . . . . . . . .l .k nnlfl hMni tta n nia WlUgS. ..- ti-VVP.SSEE f fARM AMAGOHS. rnes'& Spring Wagons. tt.:BlcWuKlncJIi!'.1, and Guano DnUs. 11 AY RAKES. HTiatUicJing and Walking - nLTlVATORS. U TII0MAS' IIAHUOWS 'leriaph Straw Cutters, Avcrand Dixie PLOWS, iW AND GRIST MILLS, n,l Koilvi Fiftinss-Gons, g 5CanrWS4W.UndCap3. J iwaa ' KhnVOlS ilUU iOUAUV (4ire Pnints, Oilawl Varniit r;rth ilse usually SKopt in First Class KSfcrt KovT&offer them tor the next l0?.1 iJ m ,v tuan tbey nave ever A sweet episode Was that hour in our lives : And wliat a bliss it did afford ! Oh yes ! and in my memory irstill lives But alHs! tor me, m Tle landscape still is here : And still the trees and leaves, I see' . Women and men. 21 TFseW JftiXe the Borne. ? T. W. HhjgiHSon in llarper'slBazan There took 'place lately near my house two of those instantaneous deaths which are commonly called trag ic, but which seem to me the most en viable mode of passing away from earth. Two maiden! ladies had for many years led their blameless lives together in a modest cottage quaintly situated in the sham ansrle of two streets, and made picturesque j in summer by the flowers and vines that were devoutly tended by its occupants, They had long eked out their modest income by taking a few boarders, and had by simple kindliness And flowiug stream but Atlean is no made their house as genuine a home to where near. - Theyjsay she's dead, ! And will sleep forever In her cold, deep and narrow bed, Aud here again L will see her never ! Oh, what a thought; I And how it hath tortured met Nought else to me hath, ever brought Such poignant grief aud heart-crushing agony. j , .' , i ' But can it be j Thafc this stream will ever flow, And everv shrub, flower and tree, Will with our names thereoujlive forever other sister, and was almost as sudden- book club and the church wchie; she is the confidante of all the ipve mcurs; she calls upon the newmers, if worthy. i'ndpd. the new-comers, if wortht, bring letters to her. To the older in habitants of the town she always jteems young, and even, elegant; she has a 'pro longed tradition of precedence that out lays youth and beauty; if ahe has ter, they arespoKen oiw wm w their days as "ib(i Parker : girls All this is the joint' result of womanhood and home, or of that womanhood which creates home. It is not only Potent for ifsftlf. hnt it extends its poteiisroYer allther homes. What, compared ta . . ... . . j i this, is the social posittonvea dj wealth to the Iohelv old bachelor of the country village ? Though he be a mil linn aire, he is simnlv "the bid batch." The truth is that as people grow old r if. ia tViA man who becomes dependent. and the woman the central and essenti al figure of the household, since she can do without him, and he can not do without her. The proof of this lies in fV. fact that we see all around us self- sufficing and contented households of women, while a house that contains men onlv is a barrack, hot a home. In youth it is easy to ignore this, to say with Shakspeare in nenry v ., MTis ever common That men are merriest when away from home;" but the merriment is shallow, the laugh is forced, and years and illness and sor row soon bring man back, a repentant lo ilia xiuiue iiuu w nwiuu, Death of an Able and Useful Man. All students of Davidson College during the war period and of Wash ington and Lee University since 1860, as well as thousands of other persons who have listened to his sermons and addresses, feel sad at the news which comes from Lexington, Va., that Rev. KDr. John L. Kirkpatrick is dead. One of the really great men of the Presby terian Church in the bouth, a distin guished theologian and pulpit orator as well as teacher of youth, the friend and , coadjutor of Robert E. Lee, Dr. Kirkpatnck was known throughout the Southern States and to Presbyte rian and educational circles through out the Union, lie was a man ot most noble and lovable character Devoted to the South, he was not a political preacher. He was a great scholar, but not a pedant. Always and everywhere. a. lover of hia .fellow, a genius, great-minded-high-hearted, most earnest, loy al Christian gentleman, he dies at the post of duty where his mighty leader fell, full of years and honors, and car rying with him to Beyond the praises and veneration of many thousands. Transcript-Messenger. c ODDS ANP ENES, Dreams, indeed, arambltlou j for the very subsUnceVO? ambition is merely the shadow &:t3rero. And I hold ambition is of so airy and light a quality, that it i? but a shadow's shadow. t sy : NEW STOME! 0 u A VINO bought out the Grocery -WT partment of J. D. McNtcly, I intend ' c.!: : GROCERY STORE; , My stock wilt consist of StJOATCfil'FEjC ' -'" BACON, LARD, FISH, Uotaases, IOVi it Butter, Chickens, Eggs, Ac Also, Candid . JTruits, Kuts, Crackers. Ac in fact, I lu The death of e-United SUtes Min ister Phelps, atlitma Penij was due to fever contracted! while 00 a pleas ure triu ta Orciva. ."The - government is making arrangements for the fu- i tend Keeping everything nsualty kept iv Herat - ; iu vn.cijf iuu nuYioa untj uu 1 I--'.- j close attention to business and selling To The experience of'Mr. J. P. Den J &r,cK 'J.hP to merl at ,eatt . . . iV 4 - ?t j of thetrsde. Come and set me at JJD.IU mug in me Bvui iii iasi nas hiu eely's Store. - J. M. HABE& uini wun cnusternaiiqn. i - xze lives about a mile-from town, but since the night we speak "of he has been think- i:ig 01 moving, ine winu soarea away with the chimney to hij dwell ing, and when John opened the door to see what was tho' matt en; he saw his cart, attended by a string of plow?, come a weeping across the yard ana perch on the fence. Ihen John shut the door to dodze. That's the reason manv other persons as to themselves As years grew upon them this, care was laid ffeide, and they dwelt quietly to- . Artrr tnat xrrrar- Ana Ct t'.VlATTI was taken to drive bv a young girl, a Pfl'i0 relative. She took with her a pet dog. the only home-maker. In some way the dog almost tell out. The old lady leaned forward suddenly to save him. The motion brought on palpitation of the heart, and she died without aistrutrele. The news was swiftly carried to her home, where the shock produced a simitar eneci upon me morel - And do our names Have more longevity Thau do pur poor mortal frames t There must our spirits live eternally. ly fatal. In each case it scarcely seem- ea liKe aeam, dui iiKe wie suuucuug . some exquisitely delicate cord. . 44 Wesc-arce could say, She died; So sweetly anchored on the other side." In thinking on this sudden extinc tion of a household, mv thoughts have often turned back upon the fact of that Bureau of Ethnology. Interesting Discoveries in the More or Less Ancient Mounds of the West. June 4, 1835a 3ms. 1 John wants Messenger. ALL ENTIRELY. ; New & Fresh! " J. S.Mc00BBmS,Sr;-.- Will continue the business at the O'M 1 His present stocks Entirely Kew, and wi 3 to move. Goldsboro fferefl n reasonable terms for Casl.. a 1 Jericho and the Jordan. This ancient town s celebrated for the great number of palm trees grow ing near it, and on that account is call- CU A I1C Vll-V Ui. X UU19. A lie wnu 10 a square tower, surrounded by Arab huts and tents, it is omy a snort distance i 11 t j : i.r :l irom me o umuii. a river uuLiug iu iiac - . j 1 "..: i .u k :., j. t 1 1 a i. t u T4. ful.and whose wile will she be in de m Lake Philala, in Anti Libanus. It . 9 runs underground for fifteen miles,then breaks out at reneum ; passes through Samachomite Lake. Two miles alter An old darkey was preaching some time since and he saw one in his con gregation asleep, so he began : "You remember when Paul was preeching inde temple a damsel was "slep iu ! fectioneri8 .Crockery, Drugs, Bacon. Lanl. do iouin siory, ami sue ieu uown torn, 1'lour, Feed and Provisions of smashingall losmasliers,and of defrag ments they picked up twelve baskets- Barter, or first-class Mortices. Those who could not pay all theif mot gages last year may renew, if papers satisfactory and appliance is made at on v, HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF- Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots and Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Con- leaving the lake is a stone bridge of three arches, called "Jacobs image, supposed to have been built before the days of Jacob. After separating Gali lee from Tracontis, it passes through resurrection? The steamship Puno arrived at fii raa, Peru, Thursday, with 63 survi vors from the wreck of the Italia, lost near St. Lomas. last Friday. There are 70 persons missing and as far as known only eight passengers were Theii ever run Uli stream, and onward flow ! Emblem jot life, when we are done . iuiito this country. j B .-.-,. with tiuie that we slrall live forever more. limiaprinMlitself : how comolete it was, fciwr,- W. omiinutHu. if this be so, . . how contented. how serene, and how ' 1 rrt w i ..11 v 1 . . " fc.r. thoroughly femme. After all, let men And there with frieuds we will each other greet. - - - AM OTff money iaau v.V 0 ZZ. ' Z k !Sm BoVrco,; inland, Maine. ,r,:8i-iy UNDS AT THE HEAD ! I j ; I -; TIE' LIOHT-iuNNIKO "DOMESTIC." There, songs of praise We'll sine louder than the spheres, And iu far more sweet and touching lay, That will flow ever on With the eternal years, j I And there we!ll grow Iu each grace aud atribute, Forever aud --forever move, Up to the likeness of the Great Iufiuite. boast as much as they please, and wo men complain as much, there is one immense advantage in tne position ui women thai they can create a home for themselves unaided, as men cannot. How independent seems the life of a vouner unmarried man compared to that of a vouner woman! How the sis- ..V 1 7 , A Washington telegram announces that the coming fiscal year's work for the Bureau ot Ethnology has been mapped out by Major Powell. Dr. Cyrus Thomas, in charge of the divi sion of mound exploration, will take the field with two or three assistants, going first to Wisconsin to examine and study the effigy mounds of that locality, and later in the season to Mississippi and Tennessee, where con siderable work has been accomplished. This division has been in operation about three years, under the charge of Dr. Thomas, and has secured about fifteen thousand specimens of the handiwork of the mound-builders, the study of which, together with the ciiri'AV nt the mounds themselves and Will W J -r- m- . 1; ....I.lln 1, j 1 t 1 m-i xu fiT saveu. Willie wny uiic wiic ui tisii Lake Tiberias ; then, after a caurse or v .J , 65 miles, part of the way through a was lost. The disaster was due to vast, horrid desert, receiving the Carith wrong orders given by the third offi- on the bank of which Elijah was fed cer, who has since committed suicide. by ravens and many other tributary A Turin :ewelcr has. raa(ie a tiny streams, it empties into the Dead a. forihedJ0f a single pearl, which IS! shape it assumes in Lei fand cavity. ruus wiue auu umc ice. uOT, uu t . . . . Ia aiwl,l0fl - - w kinds, with a full line of High Grade Fertilizers, - as cheap as the cheapest. You will . well to see him before purchasing eHc where Salisbury, April 1st, 1 8S5.-2G:tf Notice to Settle: All persons indebted to the estate of 5T Julia L. Smyth, deceased, are requested f make immediate settlement; and all ptr sons having claims against her estate art- notified that they must present them to th undersigned on or before the 22nd of Apri$. 1836, or this notice will be plead in bar t their recovery. 5 ROBERT MURPHY, ANDREW MURPHY, Ex'rs of Julia Smyth. April 21st, 1885. 6w cept in freshets runs two yard below the brink of its channel. It waters are turbid, but very wholesome. Fireside Visitor. Mrs. C. M. Rowell, who has just ar- with diamonds, aud the binnacle light of its prow is a perfect ruby. An emerald serves as its rudder, and its stand is a slab of ivory. It weighs fpss than 1 half an ounce : its price is vJtit is the acknowledged Leader ct that cannot be disputed. Uai IMITATE IT. oman! now tne sis- 'nnntnom ii raduallv lead- yerthe ridw riddle, which a tow years since seem if flnpv arft left alone in the world, ed msolvable. . . r- . a,. i.:.n,;. ,a Ai,0 ,cnn fn phvt While some 01 ine mumus arc The Scottish uaroiliiftximoer aim - " -T: LIC iT. " na LlnKtUc vorv nnoient. others, similar rna sisTir- iiHJ-.utMUi ss & i sw - w some one in Hyperion, "Its a splendid in character and equally interesting, u-i,o0 o frtWoVklir. flaf linnpr. and' hnvp hppn built un since the ad vent ot . . " . . 1 uirJimXuuVt u wavmv. y 1 i i - .... ft most miserable sunner. A single Kiironeans. A string 01 sieign-ueus, This comuanv with headquarters man mav have an estate, a principality; nnicii corroded, but-still capable of at NeWport; Tenn., but -whose lands he can own a great hotel and till it I tinkling, was found! among the flint are in Madison and Haywood coun- with guests: but he cannot create a nd bone implements in a mound 1 . 1 . . 1 rr li -ii i. i- v,j him I . . ties, is thus reierreo 10 uy me xvnox 1 nome wiinouu a wumaa w uap jn Tennessee, wiine in auissismp- rived in a New York village from Cal- $5,000. Now, if you want something ifornia, relates some thrilling experi- really sensible and useful to a small ences of her trip across the continent, family, liere'a'your chance. She, in company with .three orfour J, . . . friends, was stting in a Pullman sleep- Attorney General Garland has re er, and before the train had got fir cently decided that an Indian is inel from its starting point a bullet crashed igible to the office ot Postmaster, through the car and killed a young Among the seventy-five postmasters lady of the party. This startling trag- in Indiau territory are a number of edy had the eifect of making another Indians, and the question of their mpm nr m r.np niixrv insane: auu ijc- ciiiariniiirv screms iiccl iu uo AAAV4AA w 7 fore Mrs. Kowell had traveiiea mucn further another bullet was fired through the window of the car in which she sat. All this happened in the far West, where the Republican party tri umphs. It has no political significance, of course, but had such outrages occur red" in a Southern State Murat Halstead and Whitelaw Reid, the champion South-haters, would have made a great Vinwl and! fanatically rjointed to the YafliiD Mineral Spp Academy. .1 - i il T C! ... ia Di. at tne point wnere- ow r . i o : u supposed to nave tarnea, a opauisn raised before. The Attorney Oeneral holds that an Indian who is a mem ber of a tribe cannot take the pre scribed oath of allegiance to the gov ernment so long as the tribal relation continues and that the fact that an Indian cannot be held upou his bond further disqualifies him. Citizen. "When I come to Tribulation Hall is a pletely eclipse him, this being the posu. ft noof hi? sins, but of his sex. were boned by the or.gn.M bu.bJers An lt raonflr TiTlll think. Ot tUe niOUnQS. lUiH VJICUiai. hiihb shooting. Rich- :ii. .Tmirnul : and that; too, a woman wnose service Villi Wv..' - I ! nn , i u v nlno.nnt call vesttrdav is not for money. VV nen it comes xo a II C ' J J I ... 1 from Mr. A. A. Arthur, Ueneral home tnere is not u ; r coa Democratic South, instead of e yi Bh nil in tne lana. ensconceu m uer uuc uwc . . . i ,!. oi-ii nt i r,. hit i. i s;d w?,7 .r ...lilih Wa mailo mmlmn 1 ttiiU AICA ?amzaiiuii wihvm ...w.. ...... resu narticulars of that wealthy and enteral . ... ? . sfttTlft eXcention to two copper plates were found nrisine' coniuanv. Their mill at New- n onma eirria mr,n wbh is ban- which were stamped figures resem NONE EQUAL IT. port has closed for the present and mmf$ j0Hv bachelor," some cheer- bling the sculptures upon the Central iui wiaower. no uuuuu iucic wc i lueinuu ium. who can be happy, especially during Aside from these plates nothing has Hie llTSli licUA UA 1XAC, T iyuuuu . . .. ... J uvuw, - they readers, nowen s recuai uuuua . . - agke(, Hi? Hon nnr,n. insieau ui l . TIT I 11 1 J i. I AV rt II I ill Iv ui he turned trotn a bated west;, naa noti" , 7 , scene of : mond State. PALME RS V I LL E.tanly CoJJIi C. C. II. MARTIN, PKlKCirAW : I Graduate of Walce Forest College, and also tne university 01 virgiau. EF"mmoK, $3 to $15 per session of S montbR The only school In this section that teach the University ot Va. methods.- Vigorous tensive, thoroaxh. The cheapest school la tc (J. 8. where t'leso world-reaowed mcthoda ai ta?ht . Good Board only 6 per month, s l 87 lyj Address, c H. mrti!?, rrt'. ORGANIZED 185 CAPITAL &P ASSETS, 750,000,1 upon ; ry one Thinking and Working. Eve- who would rise must be a I- ! kUtiiegt' Armed Ihewsrhtest Runnin iTThe Most Beautiful Wood Work. IS WARRANTED be made jof the best material. Jo do auv and Alllkindi nf work. be complete in! every respect. A?w wanted in unoccupied territory. WHESTIC SEWTVfl AT AflHTKF. CO.. , ' ; I Richmond, Va. "Ieby KLUTTZ! & REttDLEMAN ly. - Salisbury, N; C. will remain so two months perhaps fbr want of logs. Work on the river however, will be pushed with more nf Manic warrauts that he was about to fill. j t ttr What's tip, d'ye say ?" V hy, my dog 'Ketch is up up in the pound, that's wolVup" gasped the woman, rpd with raee. as she clutched the D RHODtS BROWNE, 1 Prest. f WM. C CO ART. secrctii y rl a wnrL-pr." Nnt rll'ipflv by study or reading will a man be- doorfacing with one hand and a nair come the first ; there is olleu much pin with the other. MM 1 ..uKMaaSM w wr I UII II IB I I I a v,a I 1 Vlvu ma knowledge' with few ideas; there are very learned men without any grand livery one, ARD WARE. "Ah. I perceive, or; 'it will take just one dollar to se cure that dog's manumission.' ..rt I . ...I.i 0' n't aVraA tlia lo secure ins nu i ouiicr. ... Twenty-sixth Annual Statement, jAUrAKT 1, 1685. LIABILITIES. . Cash Capital - Unadjusted Losses Reserve for I.'e-lnsurance and another i Uabiuues, i Net Surplus, - .j. WHEN YOU WANTJ U ARii W A R E AT LOW PTR-TTTf-RR i- H"ignea at io. 2, uranite , tat fbr tKa CardweUThreslier.M R.H.t. ' i . : - . rT,lriCMUune8th-itf. SrT-yJS11 V0?1- seBd 10 cents post- UM " C Wll the- timber, their wood meh wi . ' , i 4L rw!ll I QOUDtieSS IlUVc lUUAlti u uoiutivi it n to cut and get reauy lor me mm . , a, popiar ana pu e, ui y...v " ftfter all. is the home? JS either yachts, . 'IIiau nmv HOVP I . . ii, i large quauunca. .mj w ---- nor pictures, nor steamer tieKeis, nor about 12,000 logs in the river, but Loss, nbrhens, can supply that, 4Home,' must wait for a tide to float them proverb, 4kis where the heart is; down to thefir mills. They have about but if o, no man seems to have heart an iuai numoer on iuc u i p-nmiflrn to ni out. a uume wiluuuu awaiutine a tide. They are . making woman to help him. woman can do mnrrkVPniPtltS n the river, wnicli, it f Qr herself: there lies her advantage. 1 . . 1 1 4 .J ' . . I T i 1 n -m t n nrAmsn frt when completed, win prevent ue w may uc aihxuci a . "V " trt tvhiir thev are-now make monev: undoubtedly it is harder. subieeted. They are putting in slash- She makes a dollar, perhaps, where a suojeeiea. aney y twenty, but when it comes o nefit themsel io purchasing power her dollar goes benent tUe up pi ver a the farthest toward the maintenanceof have occasion to use the river as a go j she it she is medium of transportation. . ' , , MmestMiStx and even if They have purchased ninety-two snuare miles of laud iu JNortu uaro- 1 . 1 Q aUoI- fir. can snmpfimes Una and control the timber on 200-, jjct it for herself even in a 000 acres besides. In additien they ,j:nff.n0Use. If the home is com- o loU of timber, n a little freedom in the use Kmu found to indicate a connection between the mound-builders aud the 1 thoughts of their owu. . . -m. . I a I A . Aztecs or the Pueblos. A famous "el ephant" mound, which has long been gists, and i 1. ha L-nftvvlpdr mav be woman hysterically ; 1 in jnst ai- UIo !lann will rrivv. There tor TTetch. an' don't want noining J III! llCU, Ilia lutoo ..... . I - , . I 1 is no elevation for humanity without else, and she reached arouud and toil, none without active thougnt, straigiueo ner ousnr. vior than ever. A laree number ot nf home! Ai with his wealth and his 'rivr men from Can a- Inainfino'saTiil hia vachts and his delight-I . . .. .1 r..i.i a rnmn...u.l iiaiaior nnnnit unities, can evert ClCitiivv. " " - I ."" v..jj j i 1 I A 71 PCS Or Ills A UcUIUSi X I "I'l , . I I .1 , I lX1,,f da are expected to arrive today. The f ul monologue; B, with perpetual jour- a w,,jch jmg long been his own mental powers upon what is visitor, as she panted with excitement. work in tne wooas win gu rigin.aiou5. neym-sp V' .v!itu 1110 1 & T w a bone of contention among etlinolo- near to him ; anu mis ioruc m aa , They now have six camjV;whe -t. and which, in the opinion of .crease with exercise. He can observe ed his Honoru.. .1 . -,mm m ma a vn m nn i rt itoi - luiii ii v ill iirun 1 11.11 iav wu.'VK'Aa -.w i i n i M. crr IMF n ill u i - i - an I 1 I. IWU1IL 1IMIIC V " w " - iam - a ill i a i rivMi'm ;i i rr riiv Aa iva iij mc. . it am&ms t -- - i ai.a a.a. . A uiim Aa a a n mi ni ;t 1 1 1 a raaiiii sua i aia w i v w " - itsvaa f " J . . I i Ml 1 lIX nrkiAh I Kfinif. UfUVCU L11IL MIC IUUU uu-umii J vi i I -f . ' - . . m, - - arr-a n n rv-a r w i j I 1 1 1 1 w 1 a ting out white oak and other nara take! were' co-existent with the elephant ,od timber, in all about iu. men, "rthe ound instead of scratch- upon this continent, appears, by the As soon as the sap goes down in ftu VCSzm mav lat nd most careful survey to have Hmihtiufis navftTonna a oaciieiur ixac uui no iruiiK ai w. 1? .... ... I . ; . the mound bore as mucn resemblance have - purchased two one at the- head of jfjosby creek and o it gives more comfort and monev. ?,uAlipwySiiple 1)0X01 ?od3 tnat win, the othef on Tigeon river, iney are - prestigextnan.a ione man iHSi ??r WtSaafS-; openiug up their large property, con- witt by a fortune. What would be established tke 80Cial condition oajy country .ill iiivaa mia IImI VVnterloWll I Glioma in nnr Atlantic DCatca WlinOUfc to a fox as to an elephant. Mr. Victor Mindeleff, whose mod els in clay of the Pueblo cliff and cave villages are among the most conspic uous and interesting r objects in the National Museum, has already start ed out to revisit if ew , Mexica, Utah aud Arizona. List season he went into Chaco Canon, New Mexico, and surveyed several remarkable ruined Pueblos of great antiquity. lie can on is two or three day's march from the nearest civilization. 1 he ruins n IT t- A .. 4 I. are OI masonry iar auLiciior iu ine Pueblos of the present days, aud re main standiug in places to the height of forty feet, showing the floor-lines of three and four stories. The largest group co vers more , ground than the Capital at Washington. feeling aud purpose. Ex. Lieut. Scheutze will take to the Lena delta a sword, designed by him self, as a eift from the Government of the United States to the Governor is of huest Certainly, madam, as I said before, it will take a dollar to get him out . AnUnr la secure his freedom.' 'That wasn't what you said she shouted, 'and you needn't to hide your behind biz words. This town wants to rob me of Ketch, and I hope . . . rttf III. of Yakutsk. J-ne o.aue is m .. " -71" j :r tii ...d it.' and she A Kill orp nt to De Dizeueu w m. V iii-k tv i a a made a face and sneezea. A dollar will arrange matters, em- steel. &&5SStt . of ! cleared: laud and daughter of "old SqauesomebMy. or t1SS-!K5a!SB ,r Wri0 to brine over Scotch of "Parson" somebody .raw u m Its scabbard an gold, On the former are engravings r .oI.wIook do.la mid the Jeatinette. Ul ICIlluv&i ...... I . . 1 .1 . ... t,r . j i... I JiUoH the court. It is inscr.het : "rresenteu i y ..c .... becauge Fm a Pr dent of t ic Unitea States iOi.ua- - t " . . I 1 1 - 4 fl IT Vlrnu In l WKlUer in a oi ior General Georcuy Tchernaieff, Governor of Yakutsk, East Siberia, for eminent services ren dered to the survivors of the Arctic that 1 can t linnet nn ft dollar. Why didn't you i i If now at first that it took a dollar to git Ketch loose? ? That was my mtenviun, observed exploring steamer Jeannette and the I hat was 7 , . . .. T. . t i oenn I Unnr iwrgmriU. .each parties." It is vaiueti at r-- r . t , vou dollar "-CUU71, Ld nnw. it'll be mighty strange i . u-iR.a that doc? don't follow me home, am Z 7?.;.? "frci he flashed her eyestumultimusly. CtlJ IJ VM m- land. Ohio, was caiifzht in the eleva- tor ..SSOO.ft -o 162,11 SCHEDULE OF ASSETS: Caaa la NaUooal Banit $ txh o Casa in hands of Ajrents li.2 United States Registered Bonds State and Municipal Bonds National Bank Stocks . . 1. Cotton Manuf acturlnz stocks Other Local Stocks i Keal Estate (unincumbered city propertj): nf Loans, secured by Grst mortgages f 80,4 j: f H.8C5 $1 . 1T,80 M , : 61,0" v ,158,40s , 11,1!-. Total Assets. - $741,380 S J. ALLEN BBOWI, A.'T. SaUsDury, N. C;t March 26, 1S85. - cm SOMETHING NEW! ESF" LAMP CHIMNEYS that will not: break by heat, for sah- it DIAMOND DYES All colors . te wish at DOT FORGET to call for Seed m all kinds at TO TUE XiADIESs Call and see the Flower Pots, NOTICE ! GO to Mrs. James 31. Farcron s Gentlemen and Ladirf hf V1 Satisfaction guaranteed, " gj ' boarding house. Kcaidence sent heart . of Inniss Street. c.i;jnrv HC. Jane 2a 1H80. Ti,B Officer Price handed her a "Cash Fmii SW- ". ""7' " I" . bal. ami a. they fl to8et"er Ifeggtog people to p.T their Wt ,0 '-Jta '"'fr -.1. i M. ii j j.. 1 K"f . , ., 1 1 ori hissed tnroue ner lectu . ram nnri llotri ffrrillIV (TUB 11" I UII Ml" - " . . 1 debts while they spend money for dress an(j. hia face ,ind leaj terribly cruh and Dlated tMewelry.M Poor fools, the' ed. He is still alive, but the phvsi Detil will give them a cordial recep- cUns say he cannot recover as his tion. Homeembcrat neck is dislocated. Wk.n I come after a dog nanietl Ketch, I don't ge back without him. . .5 MY. CHILDREN DO NOT THJ I ThPT have sucn a ciwi)i- - "'J iL. n ra in I11P III 1 rril! trr . Umt imnni re Ut 1 w..nra in I il c lii - . now -"' - ... . ov. of til this trocVc. dian freufuije ?hrtrtr . '4' .4-Jl if V I . .. . 1- 4 4

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