it. A.- 1 J m Ml 4i i Ik a t K - . J; 4 : -- - Western North Carolina Bail Boad Co. GENERAL PASSENGER WFtUt Salisbury, N. O., Sept. 5th, 1886. the followins Schedule tw e wpp u On and after the 6th inst., by this Company : A rv ieavc EAST 8.43 4.09 4.40 5.15 6.33 7.13 7.81 8.42 8.56 9.211 9.29; A. M 1.25 2.35 7.54 3.44i!l0.02 4.10;!1 1.07 4.4112.20 5.16! 1.05 2.59 3.49 j n i ii i ! oa . l! 7 80 P M. 633 7.14 8.01i 8.43 8.561 9.89 5.17! 5.38 6.45! 6X57 10.12110.18,1 10.48110.49; 11.12111.12 11.451 II A.M.;) 6 . 30 SALISBCitY . . . 8,14 STATE8Vn.LB . 10. 07NEwrbK . 11.25' HlCBOBT.... . 12.25!'lCAKD 1 . 25 Will ORG ANTON . 2.59 Marion . .... 8.55 Old Fort... I ! Round Knob 5.18 Black Mountain fi 06 Cooper's 6.47 Spartanburg Je p. m. Abbeville Alexanders.. . Marshall ...... Barnards Warm Springs. . A OA a -fcr 111- ov jtll. 29 11.30 litO. 33 10.83 1 10.0410.05 9.38 9.38 I 9.10 8.12 7.42 7.07; 6.19; 6.06 5.41 5.22 4.48 4 11 8.50 9.10 8.12 7.42 7.27 6.22 6.06 5.41 5.82 4.49 4.12 3.50 3.15pm! 7. 5.30 4.00i 2.571 2.17 1.09 P M 5.50 4.05 3.20 2.19!i 1.30 11.85 11. So 10.23 10.40 i 8.20 7.55: 7.07! 8.43 7.55 7.07 6.55 A.M. WEST. Train No. 7 A.M.; 9.49ij 10.26 10.29 10. 54; 10.58H 11.21 1126 11. 51 11. 54 18.19 12.29 1.49i 153i 2.29 8.41! 3.311 P. M. Murphy Division. EAST, Train No. 8 2.28 2.89 8.31 4.15 ASHEVILLE. . . . Hominy Turnpike .... 'Pigeon River. Clyde Wa ynesville . Hall Sylva Webster Whittier ...7 Charleston . . 4 39; 3 59 ; 3 87 3 12 2 45 2 00 12 34 11 56 P. M . 4 Of 3 39 3 17 2 47 2 25 12 35 11 57 11 45 11 46, 10 54 10 55 II A.M.I10 09 PX3 G-Ronnd Knob is Breakfast station for Train No. 1, and Supper station for Train No. 2. Trains Nos. 1, 2, 7 and 8, run daily; Trains Nos. 8 and 4, run daily except Sunday. V. E. McBEE, Supt. W. A. TUHK, A. Q. P. Ai o 3d XT' s c w ft ft I H "ft Touching IU. S. Commis'era Warranu. fAaheville Advance. Tndcrp Dick called attention of the District Attorney to the fact, that a large number of the warrants issued by United States Commissioners were, their return and a hearing of the case, aiscnargeu. am uuuui, v. fore, made an order, that in every case where a United States Commissioner discharged'' a warrant, he should re port the same, and the cause to the Dis trict Attorney, that the evil may be rectified. One of the two things exists, warrants are either issued on insufficient information;. or the witnesses taisiiy themselves. Judge Dick remarked that . . TTT 1 1 the Department at Wasningron was issatished with this state or amurs. Temptation. REGISTER YOUR DEEIS. The General Assembly t of North Carolina do enact: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Office of Secretary of State, Raleigh1, Oct. I W. L. SAUXDERS, Secretary of State, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copv of tnc Act on nie m tnis omce. n. ii. oAtwwio, Secretary of State. 3 Worrying. Every mortal has burdens and dis comforts. By picking the burden up fifty times a daw and weighing it, it il - becomes no lighter, out rainer prouuees an increased sense of heaviness. By worrvinff over the discomforts they be come none the more comfortable, but are harder to endure, and give cause for more and more worry and complaint To iimore them ma be impossible We are not called npon to do that. rut by turning the sunlight upon them and greeting tnem witn tne merriest, iaugu we can raise, we lighten them, and melt them as cakes of ice are melted in the noonday sun, so that when we look for them we hnd that they are gone, and we wonder who has carried them away. PMfeH m THE FARM AND GARDEN Tm n Is a bandxomclv-nrinted monthly paper, II ORIGINAL IllUSTRATKUJS. and ma homelike, ITV assBBBBa 'le. and A CCU KATE rural joui OFFER Un trial ubrTibrs IwrorriP pc nd use their Influence to send mure names sen- urn al. INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE land ml liable information from every State in the L i. ion. but no noniense or ntolen laeaa. is is an niithorio on FRUITS and VEGETABLES. Con tains the BKST Poaltrr HIM for those who raiieeBUKeos for pro lit, and is sure u surprise, in terest, ana d I e a m e you. Mine of every neat readers mmad Jnvinv tauslit no tliit. we fet-1 rt-rlam that .1 will pay us to mute A LIBERAL OFFER to indui-eevery 3 MONTHS TkWk lllc. To every reader of this who will send us JO et. " starnpa nr silver wo will avnd " THE FARM AND GAKDKA " on mat ror tnree monins. fiease accept tuis inai uu t uuy, if nni in uiirv mirirailt v and vi ii will rrt.iin! v bo aerei-ulii V disappointed. CkDM AMfYftARnrN tool library St., Lddruss at once 1 ruin1 " Brawwij If 9A . mm a r Philadelphia, Pa. bi ONLY POPULAR BALLADS I'm Just Goinx Down to the Gate. jfiinciiui oi Kiinn. Wait 'till the Clouds Roll By. I'll Meet Her When the Sun Goes Down. A Knot of Blue and Gray. Starr's Gone With a Coon. S weet Violets. ! Bridget Donaghue. Lilt le Wife, ' Nellie. - Bold Mc In tires. Only a Paviisv Blossom. Nobodv Knows What a Racket Was There. Where la My Wandering Boy To-night T Paddy Duffy's Cart. Widow No- laAsuflAt. warrror jsoio. we Sat by the River, You and L Ton Will , i iss Me When I'm Gone. Old, and i Only in the Way. Oh. Dem Golden I've Only Been Down lo the Club. Nelly Gray. You I My Pretty Red Rose. I'll Remember You Love, in My Picayune Shells. The New Orleans Picayune throws this shell into the marriage market. It says: "You can t afford to marry vour daughter - to a vouns man on the bare ground that his great grand fath er was a very distinguished man; and that none of his funnily have earned a hying for a hundred years. A paper has been started in Nebras ka called the Prairie Dog. It will have its day. Ibid. franklin bimmons, said to Lie a sculptor, proposes to make i n eques trian statue of Longfellow tor rortland, Me. The idea is a brilliant one, for he sculptor, as the poet was never on a horse in his hfe. lbib. Railroad presidents are very particu- ar to forbid all conductors, engineers 11 i a a 1 nremen, brakesmen and .switcn tenders from drinking intoxicating liquors mi llns comes very hard on passenger agents, who are now obliged to do al the drinking for the road. Some of hem are sinking under the loads thus put upon them. Wc. Ingleside: "The Boston Transcript is on tieck with this assertion : Deek ers of the Calopogon pulchellus, Pogo- mo ophioyrlosoiues and Lvpripedium pectabile d not need to go to Lake Memphremngog f or them.' True enough these specimens of zoology have been seen in Kentucky by many prominent colonels and judges." Ibid. All moral ruin begins in natural and innocent desire. The craving of appe tite, of pleasurable sensation of any kind, is not in itself wrong. God has implanted the natural desire; it ans wers high purposes in life. But when there is no strong conscience or relig ious feeling to keep the blind instinct under control; when the desire is dal lied with and cherished without any reference to right and wrong, to holi ness and God, then the desire rapidly crows to lust, and lust brings forth 8in and sin works death. This is the the uniform process. The most aban doned villi an was once a little child at his mother's knee; the foulest crime becran in a tnninfir transgression of right; the basest passion was once only a harmless desire. Great depravity, great sins, are not born fully developed ; Vm '' 1 I 1 I thev are cherished and nurtureu into their badness. The process may be a long one or a short one, jiccording to the conscience of a man, but it always takes place. We cannot always trace a crime step by step, but it has as sure ly grown as the oak from the acorn. One wrong thing has led to another; unchecked desire has become lust, and lust has impelled sin, iust in proportion as controlling religious feeling has been absent, bins multiply, habit grows, aradianty takes off the horror and alarm, propensities grow stronger from indulgence, until by rapid steps the sinner advances to great crimes The indulgence of his passion becomes an infatuation; no motive seems to nave power to check him. He sins madly, recklessly, and therefore without ordi nary prudence, and commits the great est crime with the folly of a child. The Quiver. 'Rough ori rats.' Clears out rats, mice, roadie , flies, ants, Heart Pains. Palpitation. Dropsical Swellings, Dizi ness, Indigestion, Headache, Sleeplessness cured by "Wells' Health Rcnewcr." , "Eough on Corns." Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns." lScta. Onink mm til ftp run. Hard or soil corns. thing in sickness or health, for con- vart8j bunions, sumptives or those inclined to that dis- "Bnchn-Paiba" ease, to be eaten as food or diluted as Quick, complete eure of all Kidney, Blad- drink. der and Unuary diseases, bcalding, irrua- This would banish wine sooner than tion Stone, Uravel, Catarrh o! tbe uiauuer. f Vio tomiwranfP snniptW It is Sin arh- I A oo15" ' a Valuable Suggestion. There is no prospect that grape grow- r Clears ing will ever cease to De a pruuuiuic -o" business. "With all the tons of grapes raised, asks a correspondent of V ick s Magazine, "how is it that there is not a gallon of grape syrup to yje had in the market ? Grape juice boiled down to a clear syrup is the most relishing cle which, once known, would prevent all danger of an overcrop of grapes, for it would be made and kept by the bar rel and exported for use m all climates. BedBugs, Flies. Flies, roaches ants, bedbugs, rat?, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by "Rough on Rats." 15c. Thin People. "Wells' Health Renew er" restores health Girls in search of material for crazy and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sex- quilts should apply tohe railroad com- ual Debility, si. panics. They throw away thousands oi "Bough on rain. old ties every year. Cures cholera, colie, cramps, diarrhoea, . , ., . uivu u k- aches, pains, sprains, headathe, neuralgia, A subscriber askes : " hen is the best . ' . ' 1 DTT ' D'. t. tia luxt I ucuiuaiijrai w jv. . iiuujjii vu a mu x iwivi, 15 CtS. Mothers- If you are failiug, broken, worn ont and nervous, use "Wells' Health itenewer. if l. Are you failins. try Weulv HElUB urn- xcwsa; a pure, clean, wbolesoma Tnr Ernin. Nf-rro, Stotnarh, I.ivcr, Kldnera, Lungs. An I aequaled lurigoraitt. cure DYSPEPST A , rieadacLft, Fever. Act. Chills, DEBILITY & WEAKNESS Nice to, true merit, unequal ed fc ORPIU LIVtK..?nanign tats, HcrvousweaKne jA Scr EoV. 0 forf5.C0,at Dracstt. , S. wells, Jersey lty, N. Jn ITS. A. to marrv?" Mr. Enpeque says the best best time for such a ceremony is the 31st of February. It's many years wrote that beaut v gle hair." It generally takes a forty-five dollar switch to do it now 20 CTS Slippers. Only to See Her Face Again at vaiw i i lo vnur i mn fcverv i: . iron. Ilrar m Simduv vftll. ncn oui' J..n run (.Lias, ui'i roil ke You Home Again. Kathleen. ONl-Fashioned Homestead. Pallet of Straw. Cradle's' Folks at Home. V 3pty Baby'a Oone. Never Take ihe Horft4lioe from the Poor. Blue Alsatian Mountains, afof Ivy from my Angel Mother's Grave. Mary of the Wild Moor. Peek-a-Boo. Joe Hardy. lome Acaln. V, e Never weaii wp l-ass uy. riirmtrs ikiv. j-niinny. jjovs, iveep Away from tbe (ilrls. Itaby Mine. Ciraudmotlier's Old Arm Chair. Higli Water Pants. Over the Garden Wall. A Flower from my Anzel Mother's Grave. I Left Ireland and Mother Because we Were Poor, uive an Jionesi insn uui a (.nance. ioi iteiore i-a. epamsn t avaiier. Mountain Song. In the Gloaminc. love ot the Shamrock. Barney McCoy. Butcher Boy. Poor. But a Gentleman still. Sweet Evelina. Forgive and Forget. All tbe Troubles You Have Met. This book is printed, on paper same siye as sheet niusi Order a copy now. Address v AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 17 North Tenth St, Philadelphia, Penn'a. INDIA. . A WORK ON INDIA, BY Hev. J. T. Grnoey, f). D., for stven vcars a Me4hodiftt missionary in that land. Illus trated by maps and i haijs. Cn1ainint. a weil written account of India's cxtci t, resource, climate, lanflnatres, reHjriors: with a sketch-, of the growth ot modern missions in India. 12 m., 207 pages; bound in paper. Price, thirty five cental For sale by Jones fe McCublnns, Main St.. Salisbury, N. G. Dr. Gracey is personally known to Rey. John W.j Davis, D.D,, who highly recommends the work. 51:1m. K. BRUNKR, Of (he Watchman. J.HAM'L MCCtBBIXS, t ountj i reasurcr. BEUNER & McCUBBINS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. The nndenincd are prepared to do a GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS, ft id elicit business of tlat character. All .ai property entrusred to us will beadver- ei all over the United States, FREE OF riTATIfiP to the owner. Person havine farm lands forots, mines, or other real propertj should consult us Ht imce. Special attention giv en mineral lands. Reports, assays and map tunrihft -hen desired BRUNER & McCUBBINS. Salisbury, N. C. "WE ASK ALL" Interested in Hides, Furs, Wool, htott, Feathers, Beeswax, Butter, Cheese, Egi a, Jricd Fruit, Poultry, Hay snd Produce generally to send for our Price Currents Prompt returns on ail Consignments. Trial Shipments Solicited. R. h. WILLIAMS & CO. Gf.nt.k u. Commission MEJtBOAjrfa, Otfice, 1(10, WillSam St., New York, ct. '84 ltty rs- IF YOU WANT TO FILL YOUR GAME BAG, AND MAKE BIG SCORES, USE REMINGTON IFLES-33E SHOT GUNS. All the Latest Improvements. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman&Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR E. Remington & Sons' tyrtiwi Aran and Ammunition, 281 t 983 Broadway, WESTERN OFFICE, NEW YORK' D. H. LAMBERSON A CO., 73 Sate Street, Chicago, m. ARMORY, - - - I LION, N. Y. REMINGTON SHOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES. MADE IN THE BEST MANNER, IT SKILLED WORKMEN. REMEMBER THAT OUR 600OS ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE . One Piece of Solid Steel. ' NO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE BLADE, END FOR CIRCULARS. REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO., ILION, X. T. York OBce, 118 Chamber. Street. DEBILITY m ADTJLT8 IS ofton caused by worins. Tc cliaqgp from child to manhood is not sufficient to rid tie ,stem of this awful plague. Shriner's Iiidim Vermifuge will xiti th. u. and restore l.cuith ami a bright comiilexion. Business or Party Cards, Circulars or Posters, Letter or Note Heads, Bill Heads Monthly Statements, Books or Pamphlets, Labels, Tags, &c, Neatljr printed at this office, and at as low rates as elsewhere. Business meD of Salisbury are invited to call through the P. 0. before giving their orders to agents or sending them abroad. ago since the poet draws us with a sm- Corns are not confined to the feet. A newly arrived chiropodist says he I has "removed corns from several of the crowned heads of Europe. Sensible Advice to Young People. Judging from the advice which he gave to the students of Cornell Uni versity in his first address to them. rot. Adams, the new President of that institution, must be a pretty sensible sort of a man. In discussing the obli gations of social intercourse, he insist ed upon the importance of availing oneself of the amenities of society. "If you are invited out' he said, go!" This is wise counsel. People were not intended to live, like bears in the woods, in comparative solitude. The earlier in life they learn to associate with one another on friendly terms, the mora enjoyment they will get out of ex istence. The time to overcome bash- fulness and reluctance to go into socie ty is wnen poepie are young. Delay only increase their diffidence. The first essential to social success is to go into society and meet people. No matter how brilliant you are, you can accomplish nothing in that line if that is your bemg s end and aim un til you do that. Hence the wisdom of President Adam s advice: "If you are invited out, go!" Frankness Better than Politeness. The Japanese are justly believed to be the politest people in the world. They will not even tell a lie, not be cause it is immoral, but because it is impolite. But Japanese politeness is sometimes put to pretty severe tests. A. ooston Jady has brought back irom Washington an illustrative instance. A Japanese gentleman made what was supposed to be merely a ceremonial call on a lady, and lingered till lunch time. Of course he was asked to stay, and was expected to refuse, but he didn't. And still he stayed, nntil ne cessity; compelled his invitation to din ner. And fet he lingered, till, at mid night, with elaborate, almost abiect apologies for leaving, the Japanese gentleman took his departure. Next day, while the . hostess was telling her friends how horribly she had been bored, her visitor was deploring her crueiiy in not earner in tne day inti mating to him that he might deDart. apanese etiquette requiring such sig nal oi permission oeiore he could go. The story is amusing, but it would seem to suggest to American society borrowing something from Japanese etiquette that; would be found wonder fully convenient at times to the visited if not to the visitor.. Y. World. THIS PAPER S1 f.?1?4.e.' toi ontroti may be Waer'rWill you have some salt with your egg?" Guest No, thanks; they ain't at of fresh." A philosopher who had married an ig norant girl used to call her "brown Stick to What You Can Do WelL Many years ago we knew a young man who had learned the trade of a mason, and had acquired no mean skil in building chimneys. His ambition however was above a calling so hum ble, and "having inherited a little mon ey, he proposed to invest m the obtain ment of a college diploma. When his resolution became known among his acquaintances an old gentleman more noted for the incisive character of his remarks than for their politeness, is said to have expressed regret that a good mason should become a poor teacher or pettifogging lawyer. We presume the same regret has been often felt. It is always a sad thing to see a man leave what he has learned to do well to undertake what he may not be able to do at all. Sometimes the me chanic supposes that he can lift himself to a higher social plane by leaving his trade to engage in a profession. In this country the man who succeeds in an humble calling stands more highly than one who fails in a vocation of more dignity. The briefless barrister who has to keep up the fiction that he is getting a practice by doing little jobs, never dignified and often dirty, is less respected than the fanner who does not fear to wear a ragged hat so long as he is not anxious about the price of com. The physician whom sage old women have pronounced too ignorant to distinguish between chick en pox and measles is less valued in our society than the mechanic who thor oughly understands his business and can always command good pay because he is known to do good work. The man who has learned to do one thing well learns that to take up with some thing else is a fearful risk. He may find when too late that he has given up what is pretty well assured for that which is tar from certain. It is much safer to stick to the old calling, though there may be much about it that is un pleasant. Skill in anything is too valuable an acquisition to throw away. Besides all this, the habit of being dis satisfied with one's business is a bad augury for his success. It is well in deed that he be dissatisfied with his at tainments in a calling, but not with the calling itself. The dog that jumps from one trail to another is not apt to catch his game. S 1 Evolution. A late number of the Christian Intelli gencer has the following : "Prof. Geo. E rost, M.-.D., of the byrian Mission, is a gentleman of superior scientific attain ments. He visised the British Museum last month, met Mr. Etheridge, who is in charge of a department, and is acknowl edged to be one of the foremost British experts in his specialty, lhis gentleman gave his opinion on evolution. The fol lowing letter, sent to the Evangelist by a former Icolleague of Dr. Post, describes the interview : London, Aug. 2, 1885. " 'Yesterday I was in the Natural His tory Department of the British Museum. I had business touching some fossils which I found in the Lattakia Miocene and Pliocene clay beds, and about which I wrote an article that appeared in Nature last year. Mr. Etheridge, F. R. S.. kind ly examined and named them. I was anxious to hear what a first-rate working scientist, with perhaps the largest oppor tunity for identification in the world, would say on Darwinian Evolution. So, after he had shown me all the wonders of the establishment, I asked him whether, after all, this was not the working out of mind and Providence. He turned to me with a clear, honest look into my eyes, and replied : In all this great Museum there is not a particle of evidence of transmutation of species. Nine-tenths of the talk of evolutionists is sheer nonsense, not founded on observation and wholly unsupported by facts. Men adopt a theo ry, and then strain their tacts to support it. I read all their books, but they make no impression on my' belief in the stabili ty of species. Moreover, the talk of the great antiquity of man is,of the same val ue. There is no such thing as a fossil man. 31 en are. reaay to regaru you as a fool if you do not go with them in all their vagaries. But this Museum is full of proofs of the utter falsity of their views.? " Bescton,all Side9. By malaria, how thai 1 we escape the dread infection? is the question which the denizens of fever and ague districts ak themselves. The answer comes from former su Herein who for years have escaped t lie visitations of the periodic sco urge, through the protect intr influence of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. When the necessity for using preventive measures arises, use this means of preven tion at once. It regulates the liver, facili tates digestion, and liberates impurities from the system, when such exist, by pro moting healthful action of the bowels and kidneys. Act early. In all regions where miasmatic vapors breed disease, it is abso lutely necessary to be provided with a safe guard, and this is true, though a sojourn in such localities is destined to be brief. No one can afford to breathe malaria lor a short time. The Bitters is a sovereign specific for rheumatism, debility and nervousness. Keep it on hand. A Jersey Bull FOR SALE! I have a fine three-year old Jersey Bull of high grade for sale, which may be seen at my farm near Mill Bridge. Call and see him. J. F. 8T AN SILL. l:Gt pd PATENTS Caveats, Trade Marks and Lopyngnis Obtained, and all ntlwr business In the V. 8. Patent Office attended to for Moderate tw. our office Is opposite tho I', s. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents iu Ks.s time tuan those re mote from Washington. Snd Model or draw ;n. We udvlse as to patent ability free of chargi1; and maUe o charge luuetm ire Obtain l'itrt. We refer lip to t'.i Postmaster, tlie Supt oi Mone- Order i'lv.. and to officials of Hie V. S. Pat ent office Fo, circular, advice, terms and refer ences to actual Clients In your own Statcor couuty. writer C. A, SNOW & CO.. Opposite Patent Oliice, Y usulugtoa u. u. Oct. Si, Sj, tf Druggists. Life Preserver. If you are lotting your grip on life, try Wells' Health lienewer." Goes direct to weak spot?. e 'Bough on Piles." Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Protruding, Bleeding, Internal or other Internal and external remedy in each pack age. Sure cure, 50c. Druggists. Pretty Women. Ladies who would retain freshncs5 and vivacity, don't fail to try "Wells' Health Renewer." j "Ronghonltch." ''Rough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions, ringworm, fetter, salt rheum, frosted feet chulblains. "Rongh on Catarrh." Corrects offensive odors at once. Com plete cure of worst chronic cases, also une-3 qualed as gargle lor dipt her in, sore throat, roul areata. 50cts. The Hope of the Nation. Children, slow in development, puny, scrawnj and dcRcate, use "Wells' Health Hencwer. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, irritation, inflamation, all Kid nev and Urinarv complaints, cuicd by "Bui chu-Paiba" $1. "Water Bugs, Boaches." "Rough on Rats" clears them out, alsp Beetles. Ants. Buchu-Paiba Rcmarlcnblo Cures of Cafctrrh of the Madder I a lainniation. Irritation or Ktd- 1 i.l i.Mfi. Kt.Mio or Oravel Dt ! eases o tna Prostata uiano, t'ropsicat I Swellinsrs, Fenia1? Diseases, incontin ence otLtino. all iM3vses,oi inc ijemso ITrinarv Orsrans in eitb-srsox. For tn- hcaithr or U:;na4r,nl liscbftrses uj lan ( rhaftfn's !mvr -. Klour." each I For SYPHILIS. r contracted or hereditary tainr, Constitu tion Blfeie Srn-n. ftl.taiKT bo'.tlt. ftnd V, Chapin's RrfthOirto PUU. i'&OC; andCha i nin'a SvTii'it:c Saiv. $1.00. 6 bottles i vnm,2 of Pills, 1 Salve, try FxpresB on I receipt of FlO.On, or aM ifotpm. JS. h. vki.t5. jersey , j.. j. o. n. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. - "Fmhkrw1 E Qlmmmmmmym'jJmmmsk irflffVjf te W STOMACH 4 ITTERS kuki: cu utile L. II. CLEMKNT. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, 1 Attoi'iicys JLtCK V7C ' SAi.isnunv, N. C. ' Feb. 3rd, 1881. No Mors Terror! THE WATCHMAN JOB OFFICE TO IS TUOKOftiULY i:qcippki FOR fob Tlii- invaluable pre ion is truly ;i fi iimpli of Mcknniic skill. . , "li "o more iueMiiitu NO MorS Pain I ble benetit was ever $e ;sioVfd on tlie hiolbfrs 10I l!e world. No More Danger! ; tar ii tmjHiiy nhtfri- fiisthetMneol lahortLd KhiK-tiH tlie itKenstijj ol Uaiii,bul(H t(ci than All a xreatly diiuiuisfies To Mother or Child '' daTr lo ."fl0 'oili mother and child, d leavi-ri the mother in a condition lii-k.v i favorable to speed v're- co very, and tar Icm fia jale to flooding, eoiivwl-j-konH and oilier alatu ! in j symptoms ineidenl Uolingerinsand painful i labor. Its truly wonder ful efficacy in tliislre jspect entitle the Alft fi ler' Friend to be ram Ic ed as one of the life av i :nS applianet given to he world by tfiedisfov. ru sof modern science. r roin the natureof the To the needs of tho lon: t . traveler and new settler, II' ach Bitters is peculiarly i.!r; 6trenjrthens the disestiv brnces the physical enc;i;i-- - : r. ful influenceo. It rem 'P. " . rnalarial lever, coustip-.f..;:, I ?althl'ully stimulated t - : bladder, aofl - enriciir s r. vs i i, the blood. When c. -.' I whether mental er :::;. ! , l and debilitated find if :i r- H.tble renewed strength niid c-tn;'m-t. V by all DiaiKfiiati and Dealers ti iicr.. MILL STONES. HE UNDfiP SIOT ED has bought hc well I n .vn l;OYV AN COl'NTY MILL 8TONK QUAIM.'V ot K. U Pluiiljis, deceased, and win continue, to' supply the public de mand or Mill stones from this celerkatki ; hit m well known throutrhour this country fr.r Its sUiM'iiorrty for Mill siones . ramie block -for ornaiiTeiital purj osr s, Monuneuts ic., 4c, con ah.o be had at this quarry. Address,- J . T WVATT, Salisbury, K C WUCMV JAiOf AX If EGE" 'tU spats The Dread of Motherhood Transformed to HOPE and JOY. Safety and Ease rov TUB si u toes And al! Bilious Complaints bale to take, bein purely veiretaljl; no grip ing. Prico i cis. AUDrudaCa. Dec. 20,'S4. ly, POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS -TO rating, FROM Civilization is making gratifying pro- POSTERS as big as a barn door down to most delicate Listing akds. Letter and Note Heads, mil neaas ana raaicments, BUSINESS C1HDS, PAMPHLETS, PRICE IISTS. ftool anb D artg rogtitmmts, i BLANKS OF ALL KINDS Court and Magisterial. f3T"Orders;sollclted and satlifa lion guaranteed case it will of courile be understoofi that weTcan not publish certi6dates concreriiing this Remedy without wounding the delicacy of the writer. Yet we have hundred of such testimonials on jtile. and no mollier who Suffering Woman. 1 hn once ,l,d. fl!1 " ""O j ever aga iin bewitliyirt it j in her time ol trouble. A prominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that if it were adnihwaljle to make public the letters we receive, the "Moth er 8 r nend" would outsell anytbing oh the market. most earnestly entreat every fem:de ex pecting to be confined to use Mother's Relief. Coupled with this entreaty I will :idd that during a long obstetrical practice (44 years), I have never known it to fail to produce a safe and quick deliver. z H.J. HULMpS, M. D., AtlantaGa. No Il-inii will .Mc of r-vri or I.imj Pk Vkk. ! loin"" I'ow.Uts are v.-i in t(i!'-. Kotit7- Ponitris wlilrtire n! prrvcnl H a homra. IoiUt'k mri)ix HI iv'vint ;;if.' tx FWi. h.ritz-s f'ow.lor i i!l inirea tbf fit.antitv of lulllt nr. rreniii tweniv ptr (Vrn,amt uiakehbc l.iiUerCrm anl sn t'-. .. . I'oiiizV I'nwiler will cure or Twrr-nt klmral KTKBT II1vak to wni. ir-Horsfs iinl ( :Uttar 'iUlpet Kor rz's I'owiwbs will givk Saiim ac.iox". oolu everywhere. DAVID F. rorTZ.rroprletotr- t BAlVriKTORE.lIB. A. CARD. To all who sre sufferiB?; from the errors and 'indiscretions of. youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will 6end a recipe that w ill cure you, Fhek of Chargk. This great rcmedv was dis- Send for our Treatise on "Health and Hap. pine? of Woman," mailed free. Bkaofield Requi.ator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Land anfl Mill Property FOR SALE ! TUTT'S PILLS iN USE. iTmlsIiig wti tay be made tor it in NEW york. 'find unrelinca, gres in the Congo country. A few years ! A . aJt .ii '.1 . . ca- sugar," because, he said, she was sweet ago the inhabitants ate white person s Joseph T. I xm an Stiti., n w .'r vJ. , raw; pow they roast them. City, : illy The plantation cousists of 2u0 aci -cs of which there is about 60 acres of good bot tom. The soil is red, mulatto, and gray, suitable for the cultivation of wheat, corn, oats, rye, cotton and tobacco, with a suffi cient supply of wood, water, meadow land. &c. There is on the premises a larc two story dwelling house with six rooms, situ ated in a beautiful oak grove, tith all necessary out buildings. The Mill property consists of a large three story mill house, w ith 1 pair of bufrs, 1 p.'r of com rock, new Eureka smut ipachine. new bolting cloth, Fair r pattent water wheels,new fore bay and penstock Also a cotton gin house. :Wx24, w ith a 40 law Hall .in with sell -feeder and condenser, and a hidden I5oss I'ress. I here is also a? 35 horse power engine and boiler situated : between the mill and cotton gin so that either or all can be run ut the same tsine.' The proper ty ia all in god repair and can be be run at any time either by water or steam. Price $5,000 i.o00 cash, the balance as may be agreed upon. The property is situated on Cifanc Creek ato milee 80uttTofS dishurv. Ainv net-sou wishing to purchase such property will do well to call on or address ! P. N. HBIlJjS,(aallLrv,N. C 1885. 3au o j ' 25 YEARS Tae Greatest Midical Trinmph of tie Ago! SYWPTOSVIS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lose of appetite, Bowels costive, Pain i tbe bead, with a dull sensation la tuo back part, Pnia under tno altouldcr blade, Fallnoar after" eating, trlth adis inclination te exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, I,o.r epirita, vita afecliaffof having ucclectcd aorao duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Flattcrinor at t ho Heart, Dots before the eyea, IIctdacLo over tbe right eye, Itestlessbess, wica fltfal dreams, Ilishly colored Pri ne, and CONSTIPATION. TITTT'S PlJULS aro especially adapted to such cases, ono dose effect a sat a a ebang of reeling as to n3toni?li the sr.fferer. They Increase the Appetltcaadcaocc tut body t ) Take ou FlesUjtir.n iUe Tte:n F Bonrisned.ard by thx-ir Tosic Ariloa oa --' ii;esli ve Orcanf, It eils.r Stool ro Turn mm dye; GttAT Haik or Wkiskeiib changed to a Glosst Blach by a single application if this Dtb. It imparts a uataral color, acts Snld by DrurTisU, or sent by express cn receipt of CI. OrTico, 44 Murray St. , Kew York, 1j. ' ! Dec. 20, '84 g mm MADE! $ 6w4anwm en make $CC to f J h TOMin tor Um "BT70UAC ttha "etmUf" Soatlxrm MstUy WW). 2C Per Cent Profit. IWrobr prir, I.iy;vryr;.il Mod 5 cepkt II Maths ob nadfi rt'.w, Sampb Cflm emu McK" , Ab" OUTHERM BIVOUAC. "C C F. Avery St Sons, Louisville, Ky. -in I A T i PL- If i i -1 i . i 2 .