ssTaTSsatsJsJ J' sar snisTsTsPw rfm ' ""fc ,assA f r 1 1 jf 6 -a 11' -1 i ; i i UBS a:,, nian VOL XVII, THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, NOVEMBER 26, 1885 sat. T sk i ne Carolina vv atcn , , , , 1 i - , . 1 : 1 - " . . - s ... . - - - - - " LtBH I - 5f H SB. aMil S ? S Q ! -HS 2. w .2. d i -p. g 2 I! Q i 3 I k 03 :,' ;? IS Pi I !3 21 I o LB iU- r I HI hd 1 tt f Li I HI . I' 1 : ' : t Ul l-UJ El . . w in ! ihrt s g sp f IsS I 2. y xO i"2 : t 12 5 i" - o j I t PS if ffl j gf- w - td? - - r ft ; ojr's -3 ? ? i '. ISO CD P'l ? g r - JO THE GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY! '.KLUTTZ'S Lffill1 FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEU RALGIA, SPRAINS, BRUISES, PAINS, AGUES, &C. Combining the wonderful curative virtues of To bacco, with other approved rubefacients, making" a marvelous comwjund for the relief of human suf fering BELIEF GUARANTEED. JF2 t3lTS ACTION IS WONDERFUL.. Suffer no longer. Be humbugged with quack cure-alls no longer. Tobacco is Nature's Great Remedy. It has been used in a crude way irom the days of sir Walter Kaleigu down, an-i has work ed many a marvelous cure, and saved many a valu able Ufe. In the Tobacco Liniment" ltsr virtues we sclentiilcally extracted, combined with other valuable medical agenls, and. confidently offered to the public, not as a cure-all, but as a safe, powerful and effective External Itemedy, applicable wher ever there U pain . to be relieved. In large bottles at only 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Ask lor it, iuid in sist upon having it. Don't be put off with worthless substitutes. Try it and you will be thankful for having had it brought to your attention. THEO. F. KLUTTZ & CO., Wholesale Druggists, 1'iopi fetors, 50:3m Sausbckv, n. c. SOUTH RIVER ACADEMY. Sonth River, Sowan County, N. C. A good school located in a healthy vil lage, 8 miles from Salisbury. Term coiu nieuces September 7ih, 1885, and contin ues nine months. All the English blanches (inkludiiig Algebra) taught thor oughly. Laiiu and Greek optional. Good board in private families at low rates. Tuition moderate, aud giaded ac cording to studies pursued. Uist fui uished sclrbol-building in the county. For pal ic it bu s address, J. M. 111LL7 Principal. Sept. 2,1888. 3m SALE OF LAND ! Bv virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Howan County, in the case of J. hi Sifford, Guardian of Mary C. Miller, cx parte, I will sail at public auction at the Court House door, in Salisbury on Monday the 5tti day of October, 1885, a tract of laud adjoining the lands df Morris, Leah C. Bern hart and others be ing lot No. 4 in the division of the lands of ('has. Miller, dee'd, containing 54 acres Terms one-third cashr one-third iu six and one-third in twelvemonths, witrrbond and iutcrest from date of sale at eiht ocr . cent, on me ueieircu payments. x J. L. SIPFOHn uJUniL ftp. 4th, 'ft.'. 47:4t. Silence of Peace. Ab ! If they could only jspeak. There is a marble slab at the head of every grave in the National Cemetery to tell of war. If there is no name the word "Unknown" signifies that a sol dier who was killed in a certain battle ie& buried there. It is the guns which are silent wbjeh have nothing to speak for them. Here and there one has been saved as a relic, but the vast majority have dis appeared in the melting furnace, to come out in more peaceful form. What of the great barbette guns at Fort Sumter, the black-mouthed mon sters which roared1 defiance at Beaure gard as he struck his first blow at the Federals? What of the grim muzzles which belched flame from the many port holes as brave Anderson fought to delay the inevitable? A hundred can non manned by Confederate, hurled death and destruction at the fort for fateful hours, and nearly every one of them was called into use in later years. Can one single piece of that ordnance be found today? Great siege guns hurled shot and shell into Yorktown, Charleston, Pe tersburg, Vicksburg, Port Hudson, Island No. 10, and half a score of other places. Who can point out the spot where one of those monsters lies resting today? In the rank weeds at Fort Pillow lies a disabled cannon. It may be spoken of a ? dead. A great shell from a Federal gunboat inflicted mortal inju ry. If that old cannon could speak, what a story it could relate of the fierce fights in the bend of the great river. It nelped to unve tne gunooats back again and again; it thundered at j them as they finally ran the gauntlet; it j fell into Federal hands; it was retaken j by the Confederates; it saw all the hor- j ribleness of war before it was thrown down to sink away in the soft soil and j be half hidden in the weeds. On the ridge above Vicksburg the ! ridge from which a hundred guns j hurled shot at the Federal craft one ' may Jind two old cannon,' defaced, : crippled, useless. They will never thun- j der again. If they could speak! Just: think of the story they would tell, beginning with Sherman's attack, and ending on that historical Fourth of ; J tily which witnessed Peruberton's sur- : render! Between those dates were hun dreds of days and nights days of bat tle nights of aliirm weeks of starva tion months of suspense and horror. These cannon could tell us all, but thev are forever silent. And what of the hundreds of field batteries? Each gun came to have its name and history. Each one came to have its friends and admirers in the brigade. Each new scar added to its list of friends each battle proved it more worthy of confidence. Think of the battles one of those rusty, defaced and useless pieces could name! Think of the thrilling iucidents it could re late. In the roadside ditch between Fred ericksburg and Chahcellorsville one lies dead, and so buried out of sight that few eyes rest upon itl On the field of Antietam over in the woods where Hooker rushed at Stonewall Jackson and could not drive him lies another. No man can say that a third can be found, though he look over every field of battle known to history. What of the piecesAvhich flamed and roared at Bull Run, Williamsburg, Fairfax and the Seven Days? What of those which thundered up and down the Shenan doah, and the Drury? What of the hundreds which belched shot and shell at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Appomat tox? Of the hundreds not one single dozen have been preserved through these twenty years of peace. The bur den of silence is upon them. They may exhibit their scars and rust, but the secrets of the battle lie safely hidden in their black depths. They could tell of fathers, brothers, and sons of he roes and cowards of advance and re treat of gallant charge and bloody repulse, but they are silent forever. Detroit Free Press. Foreign Wars. Wars seem finally to have been inaug urated in the Balkan country. Servia and Bulgaria are the first to lock horns but the end of the struggle they precipi tate cannot be foreseen. It will probably cause the disappearance of Turkey from the map of Europe. The petty kingdoms which have been trembling upon the verge of battle for months can hardly engage each other without embroiling the greater powers of Europe. Two many different interests are at stake in the neighborhood of the Golden Horn. The eastern question still demands settlement and it is probable that the Balkan war wilr be welcomed as an excuse for set tling it permanently. We can see noth ing beyond the rising troubles but a still further parceling out of the Turkish dominions and a still closer and clearer attachment of the parcels to the vawous powers which consider themselves enti tfed to shares of the whole and are strong enougluto enforce their claims. AVtcs Observer, Too Soft-Hearted. Governor Scales has respited the three negroes who were under sentence to be hanged at Gatesville next Monday, 23d inst., until December 7th. Their names are Isaiah Richardson, John Swannerand Edward Sanders. Their crime is-hurgla-ry. They are respited in order that the Governor may have an opportunity to examine their case, a plea for commuta tion of sentence having been made. yevs-Obnerver, - if Southern Convicts in Northern Prisons. Senator Jones, of Florida, who is dis tinguished for his large knowledge and sound judgment, ami whose kindness of heart leads him to advocate the cause of the injured and oppressed, whoever and wherever they may be, attended the re cent session of the National Prison Con gress at Chicago, and there strongly and justly opposed the practice of sending to Northern prisons Southern men convict ed of violating the Federal statutes. This practice, which he denounced as inhuman at all times, grew out of the as sumption on the part of authorities that persons convicted at the South of violat ing the election laws, at elections for members of Congress, could not be safely confined in Southern prisons, because of the strong local sympathy that would be manifested for them, and the probability that, having friends inside ana outside of the prison, they would be allowed ;to es cape. A large number of this class of of fenders was at one time sent to Northern prisons, who could not be classed as criminals, in the ordinary sense of the term, but were treated as such and com pelled to herd with criminals. The principal prisoners sent from the South to Northern prisons, by the judges of the United States Circuit Courts, more over, have been offenders against the United States internal revenue laws. The Constitution provides that "in all crimi nal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the State fand district wiierein the crime has been committed." While this provision has been observed, even at the South, it looks like an ex treme stretch of authority to condemn a man in one State and compel him to serve out his sentence in another, at a remote distance, in a climate much more severe than that to which he is accustomed, and among a people who may not be disposed to treat hiin with impartiality. Senator Jones argued that this disposi tion of Southern offenders constitutes an extra-and unnecessary punishment, and one which, coupled with the rigors of prison life, tends to injure the health of many of the prisoners. He assumed that it was not the intention of the Govern ment to impose extra punishment in this way, and maintained that the course adopted was altogether unnecessary, since there are many places at the South to which Southern prisoners can be sent, and securely kept. It is estimated- that there are at this time over 2,000 United States prisoners in Northern penetintia ries, a large number of whom are from the South. There is nothing in the nature of the offenses committed by the latter class which justifies cruel and unusual punish ment, and yet the punishment inflicted upon them is both cruel and unusual. To violate the laws of the United States, ex cept where blood has been spilt in resist ing arrest, is not an offense of so grave a nature as murder and robbery and violent assault upon the person, yet the perpe trators f these crimes are imprisoned near their homes, while the ignorant mountaineers or colored men who run il licit stills, or deprive the Government in some other way of a small revenue tax, are punished by being sent to a prison a thousand miles off, where they are de prived of that occasional communication with members of their families which prisoners are generally allowed to have, and which constitutes nearly the only amelioration of their lot. Besides the objections urged by Senator Jones, the present practice involves con siderable and altogether needlessoutlay by the Government, for the travelling ex penses of marshals, their deputies and the prisoners, in going to and returning from the prisons. On every account, there fore, the practice referred to is unjustifia ble, and the proper steps should be taken to put an end to it. If legislation is nec essary, it will be sufficient to provide by law that, whenever proper quarters can be had in the State prisons, the persons who shall be convicted in tne United States Courts shall, without exception, be confined in their own States, lhey will be as safely guarded as at the North, their punishment will be what is contemplated in sentencing them, and they will be spared the unwarrantable hardships and cruelties to which they are now exposed Charleston News and Courier. Asylum Physician. On the second Wednesday in Decern ing the Board of Directors of the Western North Carolina Insane Asylum, near Morganton, will elect a second Assistant Phvsician for that Institution. Persons desiring the place will forward their ap plications to W. J. Yates, President of the Board, Charlotte, JN. J., or to ur. f L. Murphy, Superintendent, Morganton, N. C. The North Wing of the Asylum will be completed by the first of June next, when accommodations for the insane will be increased todoublethe present capacity. When the Institution is finally finished according to the plans adopted by the Legislature eleven years ago, it will be one of the finest and handsomest in the United States. Dr. P. L. Murphy, the Superintendent of the Asylum, and Dr. E. M. Summerell,the Assistant Physician, have been quite successful in their man agement and treatment of patients, while Dr. Murphy has shown that he knows how to manage financial and business matters, as well as pbyiscal and mental ailments. C a : Democrat. A Yale Professor Speaks. After working for the suspension or rather stoppage of the further use of sil ver money, Professor Sumner has started, M'e see, upon an advocacy of the suspen sion of the system of common school. Ac cording to the learned Professor : "No State should be compelled to educate the children of its citizens. Further, he advocates another suspension that of all marriages of persons "who cannot sup port and educate their own children." In fact, this Yale Professor seems to ad vocate a suspension or stoppage of the propagation of children except by the rich. There would deem, in sooth, to be no vagary upon which the genus Doc trinaire cannot find a perch. fAT. Y. F. & M. Record. Clean up about the orchard. Remove dead limbs. "Prune when the knife is sharp." Gather up all the rubbish, dead trees, brush and weeds, and burn the same, thereby ridding the orchard of insects which have sought shelter there, and of their eggs, pupa?, &c. Grant's Threat to Hang Gov. Tilden. Columbus, Ohio. Nov. 4. The Haves Tilden controversy is receiving more than ordinary attention in the western news- paper press in view of the radically dif- ferent statements which have been made Mr. George W. Childs, of Philadelphia, who was an intimate friend of Gen. Gijint, and Capt. A. E. Lee, of this city, who en joyed the confidence and patronage of President Hayek Today the attention of air. Liee was canea to tne reiterated stated mem, m .uii. v. nuns uwv ucu. uium expressed to him the opinion that Mr Tilden was elected. After reading over carefully the assertions of Mr. Childs, as telegraphed to the Herald, Capt. Lee said : "Without denying, Mr. Childs seems to discredit my statement that Gen. Grant told me that he would have hung Tilden had the latter undertaken to be inaugu rated as President in lieu of Hayes. Yet Gen. Grant did make t?iat very declara tion to me on two different occasions. We were discussing the threats of some of the Democratic leaders- -as, for instance, that of Gen. Ewing, of Ohio, that an army 200,000 strong Would march on to Wash ington in support of Mr. Tilden's claims and the i mention oT Mr. Tilden to go to Washington and be sworn in as Presi dent, when the General remarked : " 'IF HE meaning Tilden HAD UN DERTAKEN TO DO THAT I WOULD HAVE HUNG HIM.' "These were Gen. Grant's very words. On the second occasion the General, after saying that he wfould have hung Tilden if the latter had attempted to be inaugu rated, added : " T would like to have Hayes know that.' " Capt. Lee was asked if Gov. Hayes' life was threatened during the controversy about the count,; and he said : "Yes, he received a great many letters from differ ent parts of the country threatening him with death if he should undertake to as sume the Presidential office. He seemed to care nothing about them, and after ex amining one or two, refused to look at any more." The Execution of Criminals. In the recent Legislature of Georgia a bill to make the execution of criminals private failed to even attract much atten tion. There can be no doubt of the inju rious effects of public hangings. They do not impress scoundrels, they give the vil lains a sort of triiimphant departure from mundane scenes, and their general ten dency is demoralizing, nay, brutalizing. All know the character of the crowds that gather on such occasions. The ignorant, the vicious, the debased are all there. What is there in a public execution as or dinarily presented to awe men into doing better and to teach an objective lesson of death that shall hot be forgotten ? Have these oft-repeated hangings before gaping and wondering thousands had anv saluta ry effect in deterring crime or suppress ing immorality "i j The tragedy of the gib bet is not at all calculated to make bad men stand appalled in the vin dication of outraged law. But it famil iarizes bad or jgnorant men with such scenes and it hardens them makes them more callous, more brutal. They see a quick shrift in the midst of attending thousands, accompanied by military dis play and even the expressed sympathy of many in the crowd. But let the execu tion be private. ' Let the hangman and a dozen witnesses gather in a room to carry out the extreme penalty of the law. Let the multitude gather on the outer wall and stand in silence, in solemn expectan cy. Here there is no pageant. The crowd knows that a fellow mortal is with in paying the penalty of outraged law. They feel a deep awe settling down upon the soul and when all is over and the an nouncement is made that the criminal is dead, then there, is one great sigh from the waiting crowd and then they turn away feeling that there is indeed some thing awful in death and something ma- lestic in law. ' The object of executions should be to check crime. Tb do this private execu tions subserve a surer end. Such is the judgment of close observers. As they are now conducted they draw the worst part of the population from their duties, break up the regular occupation oi a whole communitv and make a grand show a sort of celebration of crime triumphant. Wil. Star. Tarring a Sat Rats are wonderfully clean animals, and they dislike tar more, perhaps, than anything else, for if it once gets on their jackets they find it most dithcuit to re move it. Now, I had heard it mentioned that pouring tar down at the entrance of their holes was a good remedy ; also, pia cing broken pieces of glass by their holes was another remedy. But these reme dies are not effective. The rats may leave their old holes and make fresh ones in other parts of the house; they don't, however, leave the premises for good. I thought I would try another experiment one I had not heard of before. One evening I set a large wire cage rat trap, attaching inside a most seductive piece of strongly smelling cheese, and next morn ing I found to niy satisfaction that I had succeeded in trapping a very large rat, one of the largest I have ever seen, which, after I had besmeared him with tar, I let loose into his favorite run. The next night I tried again, and succeeded in catching anothor? equally big fellow, and served him in the same manner. I could not follow these two tar-besmeared rats into their numerous runs to see what would happen ; but it is reasonable to assume that they either summoned together all the members of 'tjheir community, and by their crest-fallen appearance gave their comrades silent indications of the mis fortune which had so suddenly befallen them, or that they frightened their breth ren away, for they and all forsook the place and tied. Tne experiment Was emi nently successful 1 From that day in 1875 till now, 1883, my house, ancient though it is, has been efatirely free from rats and I believe that there is no remedy equal to this onC, if you can catch your rat alive. They jftever came back po the house again. Chamber's Journal. A horseshoe has been invented that comes on and off like a man's shoe. A rim at the bottom and a buckle at the back hold it in place, ami protects the bottom of the hoof. Man has, we read, 240 bones. Woman has 241 ; she has al 1 that man has, and the bone of contention besides. Fun, Munificent Devises. Miss Mary Smith, who died in Orange county last Saturday, left a will convey- ; ing her estate, valued at $40,000, mostly to the Episcopal church and the Univer- ttitv She devised 1 ,500 acres of land near Chapel Hill to the Trustees of the North Carolina Diocese of the Episcopal church: a house and lot to the Chapel Hill Epis copal church ; and 1,400 acres of land to j the University, the income from which fund to be applied to the education of i sucu young men as tne taeultv name, She made the Episcopal church, of which she was a consistent and useful member, her residuary legatee. State Chronicle. The Newspaper. The Oregon Sage Brush says: A well regulated newspaper must nave faith in his wood pile, hope in a bright fu ture, and charity that reaches out be yond delinquent subscribers. Faith, nope, and charity comprise the most difficult tripartite alliance there is in this world to keep up with. "SHAKY." f HE ZIG-ZAG METHODS EMPLOYED BY MERCENARY MEN. It is a notable fact that the people of Atlanta and elsewere are beginning to be thoroughly convinced that worthless com pounds become "shaky'' at all new innova tions, while an honest preparation never fears opposition. We do not propose to wipe out" others, as the field for operation is large, and we accord to one and all the same privileges we enjoy. We are not so far lost to business principles as to denounce any other rcmedyas a fraud, or imitation, or as containing a vegetable poison, the effects of which are horrible to com tem plate. The alarm need not De sounded, for there is ample room for all declining anti potash, pine top slop water compounds. If one bottle of B. B. B. is more valua ble in effects than half a dozen of any other preparation, we won't get mad about it. If ten bottles of B. B. B. cures a case of blood poison which others could not cure at all, it only proves that B. B. B. is tar the best medicine. 30,000 Bottles of B. B. B. have been sold to parties living inside the corporation of Atlanta) since it was started two years ago ! Why this wonderful sale of a new reme dy in so short a time with so little adver tising? It must be confessed that it is because B. B. B. has proven itself to possess merit in the cure of blood, skin and kidney dis eases. Hundreds of home certificates attest the fact of our. claim that ih Atlanta aud many other points B. B. B. is "on top," and will stay there. Many persons desire to know how the B. B. B. acts on the sys tem. By entering the circulation, it modifies the vitiated blood globules, increases the red corpuscles, antagonizes all poison, vi talizes and regenerates the flagging forces, furnishes the pabulum for rich, new blood, eliminates all poison through the secre tions, and increases the appetite, while, by its wonderful action upon the pores of the skin, the kidneys, liver and glandular system, all effete and impure matter is speedily conducted from the body, leaving the blood pure, fresh, and healthy. By its magical alterative powers, B.B.B. unloads the blood of all impurities, un locks the liver, arouses all secretions, re stores nature to its normal condition, un- clouds the troubled brain, clears and beau tifies the complexion,cheers the despondent, strengthens the feeble, calms the disturbed nerves, and induces quiet and peaceful slumbers. It has been iu use over twenty- five years as a private prescription in the south. It is no Tar-tetched, toreign-lonnd or dream-discovered subterranean wonder, but is a scientific and happy combination of recognized vegetable blood poison agents effected after many years of. constant use and experiment in the treatment of thou sands of some of the most appalling cases of scrofulous, syphilitic and cutaneous blood poisons ever kuown in the State, resulting in complete and unparalleled cures of pro nounced incurable cases. Send to Blood Balm Go. Atlanta, !Sa., for a copy of their Book of VondersYr, tilled with information about Blood and Skin Diseases, Kidney Complaints, &c. Sold by all Drugist. 5:1m. Caucer Cured. About three years agothere appeared on mj right breant several hard lumps which gave me almost intolerable pain. They continued to grow, and finally de veloped into what the doctors called can cer of the breast. In a short time I found ray strength gone and mj constitution a total wreck. From a robust woman I was reduced to a helpless invalid. Seve ral of the best physicians of Atlanta treat ed mc for cancer, but without improving my condition in the least, and finally agreeing that they could do nothing more tor me. i ne cancer oy tinstime was eat ingout my very life, and for five months I was a helpless, bedridden creature. About one year ago, at the suggestion of a friend, I commenced the use of Swift's bpeenc. The first influence of the medicine was to increase the discharge, but after a month or more I began to improve, and this won derful medicine has brought back my health again. I now do all my own house work, I am perfectly free from pain, and feel like a new person altogether.. I can not feel too grateful for this wonderfnl re covery, for I am satisfied if it had riot been for Swifts Specific I would bare In en in my grave to-day. I most cheerfully rec omm ;nd it to all those who are suffering with this fearful disease. Mrs. .Tank. Clkmoxs. Atlanta. Ga., April 1. 1885. Judge Dick's Baling. Judge Dick to the Federal Court at Asheville, ruled that all domestic wines, either grape or blackberry, may be sold at the place where made, or some other place, but you cannot buy of other par ties and sell. The Judge holds that itris not indictable to buy still slops, but a party agreeing to buy all the slops made at an illicit distillery, is guiltv as party who aids and abets the illicit distiller. When In The Wrong Channel. The bile wreaks grievous injury. Head ache, constipation, pain in the lirer and stomach, jaundice, nausea ensue. A few doses of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters will reform these evils and prevent further In jury. It is a pleasant aperient, its action upon the bowels being unaccompanied-bv griping. The liver is both regulated and stimulated by it, and aa it ia very impolitic to disregard disorder of that organ, which through neglect may culminate in danger ous congestion and hepatic abscess, the Bitters should be resorted to at an early stage. Failure to do this renders a contest with the malady more protracted. Fever and ague, rheumatism, kidney aud bladder troubles, are remedied by this tine medicine, and the increasing i infirmities of age miti gated by it. It may be also used in con valescence with advantage, as it hastens the restoration of vigor. UNITY HIGH. An EnglUh and Classical School for boys and girls, located at Wood leaf, 11 miles west of Salisbury. Students prepared for business or college. Desirable board at reasonable rates. Students desiring to study music will be under the instruction of an experienced teacher, Mrs. R W. Boyd. Term opeus the 28tbof September, 1885, and continues nine months. Address i G. B. WETMORE, Jr., Principal, Woodleaf, N. fc. 50:eow-for4w COME QUICK! DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS ! ! J. S. McCUBBINS I has just returned from the Northern cities with the LARGEST & BEST SELECTED Stock of Goods that he has ever offered to the public ; consisting of Drv Goods, Gro ceries, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Sole Leather, Crockery and Queens-ware, Clothing, pro vision, Wood and Willow ware, &c. Also a full line of FERTILIZERS! of the very best brands, viz: I BAKER S Well Tried FOR WHEAT. MERRYMAN'SA. D. Bone " WALKER'S Ground Bone M MJ NATURAL Guano just from Orcldlla, and supposed the only Natural Guanb on the market. Go and get Testimonials and if you want to save money, don't forget to call on him before buying either Goods or Fertilizers. Salisbury, Oct. 1, 1885. 25?tf NERVOUS DEBILITY Organic Weak nxm HARRIS Decay .and nhtciinlmm . 'vidians, rwralt from youthful ind iacretion, too free indulgence, or 5ver bruin work. Avoid Uincthe EKUtea Dbx- A Radical Cure FDR NERVOUS the imposition ot prrtei Uoot RBMdic for Stew troubles. Get OUT Fre Cirenlar and Trial Pack age, and Warn important facts before taking treO tacnt claewhate. Taka ft DEBILITY, Organic Weakness PHYSICAL DECAY, SURE Remedy that has CVBD thousands, MB OOt interfere with aUen tkm to bnsincaa, or cswaa pain or incon ven ienca in any way Founded oft scientific medical princi- rs. Br direct application the acat of disease ita specific influence Is felt Ir.YounsAMIddl Aged Men. Tested for over8ix Years bv use in many Thousand Cases. without delay. The nat ural functions of the hu man organism is restored. The animating elements of life, which ha e bees wasted are given back .and the paaicn t becomes cheef ful and rapidly pains (Kith TRIAL PACKAGE. TR EA TMJSKT. One Month, - $3 00 Two Month a. S.OOj Tlirco Months, 7.00 Mna ana sextuu rsgor. HARRIS REMEDY CO., M FCCHEMtSTS 306- N. Tentfc St ST. L6UIS. MO. B 1 1 QTURED PERSONS! Not a Truftft. IT U r Arlt for terms of o ir Appliance. WB GIVE FXU3S TRIAla, Kerosene Oil! RY THF BARREL AT ENNISS' Drug- Stor. July 9, '85 tf. FRESH TURNIP SEED? The Earliest and Best Turnip Seed; for sale at ENNISS1. TRUSSES of an kinds, at reduced prices, at ENNISS. Fruit Jars! j CHEPER THAN EVER. ALSO Rubber Rings for Fruit Jars, nt ENNISS. IS For sale at ENNISS. THE BEST AND CHEPEST t MACHINE Oil For Threshers, Reapers, and Mowers at ENNlSS'l PRESCRIPTIONS I ! If yon want your prescriptions put tip cheaper than anywhere else go to I EHHI88' Drugstore. J-'y 9, '85. tf. Exuriss' Blackberry Cordial, FOU Diseiitery, Diarrhoea, Flnx. afce., for sae At ENNISS Drag Stoic. C. A.. KRAU8, OR2TA232TTAXi ? JLXOTSP.i i ;-o-: - Particular attention paid to f reseoing and EE??7 eai?Ur..In,0,l' .wax : or m private residences ... iu.ui? urns ;i i. nurvut'8. DUiir Work iniMnti,M im ii uedirea. WHEW YOU WAST 4 HARDWARE AT LOW FIGURES Call on the undersigned at NO. 2, Granite Row. D. A. ATWELL. Agent for the "Card wellThreoher, 8alisburv, N. C, June 8th tf. Yadkin Mineral Sprinp Academy, i r ALmCKdV I LU c.vtaiiJy CO.) NiQ, C. H. MAJtTrN. Principal. (Graduate of Wake Forest College, and also at I tne. University of Virginia. TB j HF" i PrnoM, $5 to $i 5 per session of S months. M The OfllV sehOOl In I hlu uwMAn that tnnnhakll the University of Va. methods. Vigorous ex-1 iuaic, luumuju. iuc eneupest scuool in IU ffj. S. where these world-renowed methods art taught. Good Board only $6 per month. T ly) Address. C H. Martin, Prdfc SEND YOUR WOOL TO THE Salisbury Woolen Mills THIS NEW -FACTORY Is nov in operation, and facilities for ui.u luring it ooicn uoous sucu as nave nev er before been offered to onr people, are within the reach of the entire Wool grow ing community. " - . : t.r t n . . . We manufacture JEANS, CASSIMERS, FLANNELS, LINSEYS. BLANKETS, YARNS, ROLLS, &c. Soliciting a liberal patronace of our peo ple, we are respectfully, Salisbcuv Woolen Mills. I "Office at old Express Office. May 28th, 1885. 82tf R.T.HOPKINS IS NOW ATTHC Corner of Kerr & Lee Streets, with a full line of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. Also keep a First Class hoar dim; not h. mil aud see him. 5:plJ. ORGANIZED 1859 CAPITAL & ASSETS, S750.OOO. J. RHODES BROWNE, i WM. C. COABT. rnai. ) ( Twenty-sixth Annual J ANCAKY 1, 1S35. LIABILITIES. Cash Capital . Unadjusted Losses Ms Reserve for Ke-lnsurance and all other i liabilities, Net Surplu... tt It IT41.3S0 SCHEDULE OF ASSETS: Cash In National Bask f t.shh as Cash In hands ot Agents 1 1.S4J St at 2 Unified States Registered Bonds m,soo State and Municipal Bonds Si ,sT National Bank Stocks 166,400 Cotton Manufacturing stocks 114,711 other Local Stocks 3,T70 Real Estate (unincumbered city property) tljWT . Loans, secured by nrst mortgages... i.... 84 Total Assets, $741,380 88 J. ALLEN BROWN, Aft, Salisbury. S- C., March 26, 1883. SB SOMETHING NEW! tT LAMP CHIMNEYS that will not break by beat, tor sale at ENNI38. DYES AH colors you EN-NI8B DONT FORGET to all kinds at ill for Seeds of TO THE LADIES Call and see the Flower Pots at ENNISS'. A MILLION of worms gnawing day and j night is quite enough, wc think, to throw j a child into spasms. Slinm-r's Indian Ver mifuge will destroy and expel them sod restore the eft ihi. HANDLE. DliMQND it i j Ii -nt. HI - if K 1 t i.'j - i - ... - . ' i

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