.!-;... .: : .1 i . ' ; V '-' - : . i -:! V: . , f i j 1 : : Vwc :j. : I lie liaroiiBa iV atcifliiaii, : ., VOL. XX1I.-.-TEIED SERIES. . t X SALISBURY. N. C. THURSDAY, JANUAEY, 29, 1891. - ' ' h-:. r r-t " ; . l - . - r j - " . 4as tne manners Amanrs eremtcci Our Prcmsr j--a: , i ? : i - 1 - ' '- - ; - i m t jL-rr-A S:n3 Points. About Imaisratioa. f for! Infants' 'CMtorlalssodlattocMiaranth irwcommena uaa Eupcrio? to any rrcscrlpUoii known to me.T II. A. 4schxr, II. D., HI So. Oilord Ctj, Brooklj-a, . T. ? cjf 'Coetoria so t!nTCTa,. and " Its marils o ircll known. tint it: EOcins a work tf KipererofsUion torularseit. Few aretbL "i New York City. "Late Pftfitor Ejiootaiacdala lief ormoi Ciiurch. Tai C.TsrTAta -:(): J O The .Leiipg Fumlture Js now ,.'.:; :! t.uuhtlo this ( .i:;i: f i I . I i ( I .ion ,t :yx i'O. .f ' e o i. W '.! Iie C-i ".( (. , at s;!-).W. . NT) W ii V. I .:. 'mi A; J Ji . iciu i.uo.m m ri s : A ;;! '.;:: ! k, Anliijiie Asdie, Clicrry r.nd W a-! it 1. 1 s;t j. i ir t s t ! lit nipct itirn. . r ' A i.A::'"ii: STOil'Iv : Oi" td.r.its l-lK-oiif VI Kii (.S Spring liii's,- Wak Tables Tor T.aditf, 1 icUucs aiai l'iliuc FiiMi is y le ai.d ipiaiil ah:is in s-tock, or w be Hiiidy to e.uU r oir .?!. it i. o lice St iias-on-ahle prit t s. v " y Mm ; ': SI nAr.Y.CAltlUACJES' i A ln'i1 s'.ork cd' 1'ativ Caniats with ii .u i i t-r !-s at T .lu. - ' r ' 1 li,li. -V tn t 'Xx IjiiT.sol Ci.r- T-iat s w i: !i w Si,c c 1- at oidv lO.ijO. F.M1UI ll d lor I MSKKTAKINU S; -;al atfcr.tieii .'y', i in ant!,i s. a,t fuiiris ni.-Jiii.ti nry M t i!.v residence' 1 1 i ; 1 1 1 i I) . in Th;fkin in v ii u :!:tiai; '.or p;.t j a 1 i V -ii iui i'i t' .1 VT. Lending Furaiturs.O v 1 AHOfltlil SFKKiiN' m . - I- r . ..r ii . i 1 i all. C'i!is. 'i 4 - Yldu-.ii s ir. llj. TOTAL! A ,'Ji iaLEn BKQ Wfv ' 1 mW r-UIODEROWN and Children. Ctorfa rnrespolic'. Constipation, Four Stoinach, Ijlarrboea. Enictation, , Eilis V0rm3, gtverf slaep, and proicctos di estioa. VTitiiuut injuricTja mediGatlcn. For seyrral .yenrs I bavo reeommpRded j-ojr ' Ca&toria. '.and shall always continue to do so as It has lav&riniAy produced bcraHci&l Ewin F. Pardee. M. 'TLa-VTlaitrop, 1 155th Street and ?t.h Avel, New York Cit7. Compakt, T7 Ml-reat StiIset, Kct Tork. H H 01 J f D 3gS Dealer and -Unttker A AyUi Stock of . Fun; i- - o LITS1 .t ( 00. runner p hit . n.er price, OI. CAN'S. - Cims mi d De. I.ir h' r io d Wlnclock O :,Q. Q I ; K P A 1 il ! V. N 1'. ' iv.tn to uiTdi i tnkirg all hours day uial services af niht will on Iai;k fctrcct, in hi. A kTs lauf the puThc 1 'i;a l v v. nd ,i...kinix ji pie i PpKsIDKNT. wm. r. coAirT S 'XIIETAR Y. STGO.OOO.'Ofl , Resident Aent, 0 Has the Farmers' Allianoi 3ene;t;d Within the hist eiht or: ttn ve irs tbere have !ee:i lnni'Ireds and jiprh.-ips tnusatuis tf newspaper nrf icles i wtm tt(:i ujider tin attitu uf iiJe "Fitrnier. H'.vi-; y man v oi' t limi ijf It:h political dematroiie.-? . w'ruse so!;-! .oliject was to injure tiie or,i r or to 11S II. tor heir liprn'!:it U'A'wht ."idnred hv Mime threadbare and entire - exiiansk-'J, hut in mv opinion; it is a . . siji-lfject eveV new. fresh sid ineihati.N- t; Hke the.'.vo'rds rtrst sindien tljiq G'aVuen of Eden, and through all ; i ii i i i i i upe p:i-t centuries ii ive -lost n!ne or tliKJiir s;veeti;ess or their- n.ine I AIMioujli I am iinue a youn'Tl man jet; i thins I am ame to s.-o ?oMte- t uie: nianv. reas.ous wiucli .served titav,n-rn. i,nf f i,n,n, i -n . . ; , , . . , i sfi J ri j'""'" fi" vniutisuii, HUU will 4i i' aikxit such a uiiiou of the a''nHr,.et ni:ir!,b n,-1ll -A ....u, .1..... ciia ui aic a.'se a t l ei nein in hiring for the auielioralion of the con- . i , ... . , dition ot tiie American farmers. T lfr ma..y Vc-ars tl-iey ha d sat 'upon th;erstool of do nolhing and allowed ail ii eigovernmcnt maciiiues to le rim in tle!!iitcret oi oth.er c!ases or pirofes- sibus, an 1 at lat when they didiavake iTjotn their stateot let.liargy they fbiind tljai: many, yea, many of' th.'nii'had btjeii "rmi" out of th..-;:-. ' homes and tlt those who pro..luced the wealth of tliiehation were growing poorer and pqorer every year audi hat capital was becoming more and more centr.ilized in! the hands of the few. They fuund tlijat millionaires? were inuiti'dving on onie hand and tenent fanners oni the other. They soon realized the ; fact thsitjnan-y of the evils wi; h whichi lliev wercaniK;teu Had grown out or niue- jdaf and ihscrinnnating State and na- .lon.jr le'ls:at:j:i. ujinething was wrong. Some! bin': naki to be done and dom. imiuedlitel V..! Vvjhat was the renie.lv? t'ouimon sense t.ui-iit t!im t'lat it! wjjwld Ije us less to u-nderta e to ireiM'- . ly t!ie existing evils wftiiout unity of i icuoii on the -parfevof these :diltc!ed. i riie great agricultural wheels (if ' iv4s had almost, ceased to revov. , iJ.it ! the i'armers knew Mliev bad n -i.r. i . ' l i or- ; ecpiar wnn anoiner cias es and ;u .1 -.1 i r , . i i uci ujai uiese ri"urs Mumnt iv - i'it. i i i i i;e ; leit i tuu le-i-'.'ctc. Phw- the i;'. ers i nati , t h:; ' ley Organ iz ft thenist ajiy known as the F.ir.uer AlijiiMce ind j udn-tr'al Fnjon of A :n erica. Uerever fins orgamz t i-n w;.s intro- dat ed it at once received t ie .!! noit d: i I . cap.ie to be a great :'.nd powei Off - I z it iop. . " I . What benefit have he p eie driy-j ed from it? What w.il be th lui,-.! L result:of this great rerorni move.nrmt: m i.: i... . . ' it ei v j seosioa; io,.u k ii o s iti.it i::ei farmers have b-vn greatly succerf..l ! in various ways, and it alt our men;- j hers will stand squarely ou th;J ics platform there is no te.iin .d tne mini result win oe. it u . 1 i I I i ll! ? . t I wrought the farmers together .nrd'caused tije.n io study ni-my of the great ucoaoti.e questions of the day. ft .s liMniernig country life less homely an 1 more so cial. It is restoring' con litici.ee ain-.ing the farmers. It has'betteivd tiie t,;r mers' condition nieiitaily, morally and Huaiiciallv. Anddjesides ;dl th;ls tlieo,- lur iAi; MfTui'ftxl -i irrii'if ili il l'l l!" XW. .Ilk' It 1 v V t C VI t t . L. II ls. niieeteci a grea. deal in me way i ot State and .Nation a I legislation.' J he tarmers have already made tins power relt at the ballot box and in tne ieg;.- - ' ati've halls. .The .day of leaders-"i. i : ft I 41-" " '11 t ' past. .; ine ...Alliance win el;auip;on , measures not men. hyervthing: iu ! the Alliance circle? is (piite encouraging at present and 1 am t.rulv'glatl to see t lie day when the goritl people noith md south can lav down their old sec tional ju-fjudices and, unite in "one common c.tuse. The Alliance, striving to suiipress ail "'personal, local, section al and national ruviudiees alb unlipal- thv rivalry." I see no reason vvhv I the brethren should not le encouraged. Wc should guard well our doors kind allow-uo person"" who is ineligible to become a member of our order. 1 fear we are becoming too careless about the y.ccrets of the Alliance. We must not tell to tiie world every word that is said in the Alliance. The Alliance will suraly -succeed if it will '"attend strictly to its own busines and let oth er people's business alone." For my- , self I stand squarely on the principles of the FanuriV Alliance regardless of party line, vet' I have my own politi- l i - " ! i i l t i i : c.ti eouviciitfns. .j am ior tne alli ance, first, hist and all the time. I, have up axe to grind. I am Hot sid ing buice. Xo, far fram tliat. Rat I earnestly desire to see the condition of the laboring glass of people bettered. ip tho-e wlio. are still standing ailbf. I viould say there is still room on the Alliance shlpTor many mare. Come and; get on board. But in the mean time if you should chance to helir a powerful noise like a big timber ; fal ling don't get scared. ' Its dnly the Alii-aneein tiie wood., with irs (r.tie iiiiteher. There is business ahead.; , Caldwkll J. Urvsakll. ; ie Presieetn oi ihe Union Co n. ty F. A. "ft T'g Ci . - Many years pr ;eti e have given C: A. Snow Co., Solicitors of patents :.t Washingfoii. i). ('.. niisurpaed -.;-ces; in .obtaining ) iteuf for ;.il t 1 ;?se of inventions. '1 hey in ke asp cjalr t)f matfy patents that li al beU pre vvii.idy rejected. 1 heir adve.-ii cm n in a"oi her column. Will be of i ate rest to im veiitoi"s. patents, manulacturer-. a- d ail who hae any tiling to do ivitli patent--. 0-ir Prcgr MiiuufActurcrs' llqcor.1. 'As!ieviiie-Th Asheriile Tobacco Woiks Was inc'iv.tseil its capita! stock Si'M W)'J a;? I will t-nlare rt wnrlcs. arl- , . - "'""ii'i'-iiMi: ul s.miu ana r-' M-s us stated in'uttr l.nt issue, i .,..,,-,.f....t.. ,.e . . ' .A-iisviiie--Al-issacii uet U . Vi.li'n -nf , t- l-U;tt- ir 1 -f:it!.,l rn i-.. !. .e....I ".r i v.w. 1 Madisu'u cnir. valid will d-ftvf loo s im ,1 " - 1 V'?'"- Brvsoij City A stock company is bjiii org-in;..!, it is reporieJ, to erect a canrinj: f;ietory. E. C. Simkinscan v-l give lnioriual ion. Ou 'berson- jii 1 iu Nottli C 1 1 . rd Iron. .WiH.!, A 'IV.. .p v..i.. ; previously mentioned is erectile a ' ' . 1 1 i , ' " - ' a. r v, lJ . 1 1 till Cll I V 11,1 I I iir, vu.H .un n.ii .Hsu nil m m eiee trie light plant ) F a v e 1 1 e v i 1 1 e The FavetUviHo Woo lenware Co., will, it is reported, put additional in icbinery ill and lu cre a -e tlit- capacity oi- its wooden ware factory. , Forest City -G. E. Young and oth ers have organized the Forest City Manufacturing Co., for the purpose of erecting a woodworking factory. Goldsboro The city will petition the legislature for authority to " issue 8 j(,000 of bonds to construct a sewer age system. Goldsboi-o Uoyall & 1 rden con template the'eivction of a worm wire bed spring factory. Greensboro Cipt. Fisher will erect, it is reported, a tobacco prizery. Iliikory A system of water works will b? constructed hv the citv. The iiiavor can give niorm diou. ' Hi .n !: 1 1 1 The establishment of a broom factory on the co-operative plan is talked of. Greensboro -The st ick comnanv . . i mentioned in our last issue as to be ..... , t i i v iV i.;,, .....i .!!,..., . .,, .,,.,r i... ; i.l ; f a i i i... lirill i.il.u.' Hi v. iillivi: ll llllltll.ll Will ur : W i l i? .i;. ... with V. C. Uiin, president: 11. V. H:-ooks. vice president ; 'and J. V. Cau sey, s-vretarv. Tne cap.tal stock i is v o. it esi . !' i -hed i hro .u i utD; v, is reported in our last iss'.n Xe; er C. L 'i ':e i . i . e . ieiue ijuiii- . . 'P- . . .. I T ., contemplates erecting new us. e.rv Rd 'i'M Theliileigh Spring lied Co icnt"! in our l.td isue as meor- porated, lias star:ed a spiing bed fac-' lory. R ah-igh Bilfs have been -Introduced iu th- legislature to incorporate the 'ar.dei.gh M ills Co., and tile Caraleigh l'iio.-p!iate i: Fertilizer Co. These com- panics are reportc l as to operate in iit'f. to.v',1 ( to lie built near heltfl which ill be known as Caraleigh. i: :it herfordton Charlotte icifties , 4l . ,Vj tuU,. Ho .o-petion ,. ;,,,,,Vvi,.i, .(,v t i,,tiw.r u ; Sta:e.tv lie Tiie Sta.e-ville Land i. t '.i C i i i ' . l jcvciopiueiit Al inataciuring co., has been" incoriioiated with 1. r.Loug as president i .J. P. Caj'Fve.l, vice pres ident, .md William Wallace, secretary; has parce.ased and will improve S'.HJ. acres of surburbau land. The cap.tal stock is $.30,000. Wilmington The .100,000 of bonds mentioned in o:ir last will be uMl lul ,n,ciaBc i-i - Wilmington A bill will be intro duced in the legislature to incorporate the'Xew River Oyster Co. Winston . 'Ilamlen & Son con template establishing brick works, Winstoa-Peter Valler, of PhiladeK phia, Pa., will, it is reported, establish the "Twin City Bottling Works" in Winston. n elaborate system is in operation at the factory of the great jewellers on Union square. Mr. Farnham,'f one of the members of the firm of Tiffany, some time since invented and -built a machine which stretches over the fac tory like a giant octopus. Immediate ly over the' bench of every workman there i a funnel which descend to within a fewjuches of the metal up on which he is working. Ihe funnel is connected with a tube which runs to a central reservoir. A con stant suction of-ui'r is kept up, and tho result is that every bit of gold, no ni .t'rr it it is so small us to be invisi ble is the eve, which is chipped, filed - . ii i .. . i r c; on i t tioin h s mo.iel oy me oii- . " rs 1 1 is si; creed up 1 1 ! neiicc o' into t lie tu'itiet ami he air toThe recei v-; ', do'ign goi' id dust which would g!' tirt I - up m the air was c night in .. I.,. in l..!lMll rii'-! IOU1 1!1 Olios u in'- i""'.'"""- v t r it construction. A. 1 . Sun. it tiie silver bill be.- i 1 .i ii-ds. warc.i flue Cougre-s lf it bee dines law a cot- o; w:! :'- M 1 O I ) t - i v i - - ad vanee two cents .el" .!id there are nino chances j r'r n to beconc a i -iw to one of failure s , cier xv.t and be pat ien t.--Soat.h''fi i A!lianc3 Fanner. Scne Pohts. A COLLECTION' OF SHARP POINTS THAT WITT f.rt TlmA,.,, Ti ill .- .- : . x un r ju tr urin v vo 2 men in tho . i i tieyoim ineir time to raising ;i j 'ward and "ivincr advice to their --fath- uwi-- iiiunius are sun sou trom ' a rli....i-t I I'll . " ""-" 'igii i ii . cie uauies. .. It is stated by the papers that, the Indians in the their hostile attitude is due to c:ent food, it isa shame to our gorern- UllSUUl- menf. If their starving condition is due to their hostility the war will soon terminate. Progressive Faamer. The national banks appear to he trying to curry f ivor with the Far mers' Alliance by having a bill allow ing them to loan money on notes se cured by mortgages on real estate, in troduced in Congress. This is a L'ood 91Sn- s'' A new pension list j as a legacy from the Bering Sea qunrrel, should ft result in irar, would cost the peopk of the United States len times as much as the value i.f all the seal - akin, that ever hipped the dainty Iinihs.of the darlings of we-lth and duxury. Ex-, chcuige. As long as the present unjust dis criminations and unfair treatment L,r -.I..cj- l...:l..: i. n; iv .i uaw leini.llioil SIKlll COnilBlie, IHe agitation andconHictfor equ.il rights will he continued. Be not discouraged nor dismayed; but persevere and re main steadfast to the end, The Alli ance has a 'mission and it is accom plishing it. All ni nee Herald. In 1S50 the wages received by the operatives in t he diilierent. industries was equal to fifty-three per cent, of the value of ths finished product. In 1SS0 their share was reduced to "seven teen per cent., while the wealth of the country had increased from 7.103, 000,000 to f:d.:U2.00 ',000 during the same -period. Alliance Herald. Stanford, Blaine, Qlveland, Hill, and several other equally honorable statesmen with presidential aspirations are said to be laying wires to caption the Alliuhceinei. in '92. This kind ef thing can't he worked; no land grab berrf, corporation tools, professional leinloflKUriVTtmce at " all the State Allinn es, and the big ones will feel a hob nailed boH in 02. Farm View. We stand fo reform wherever it is needed in politics, in law, in society and in religion. Begin to-day, and tomorrow, when it comes. Let socie ty be purged froai all evil influences. Let our politics be rid of ill corrup tion and trickery. Let o:n? laws be remodeled so that they m ly bear equal ly upon every class. Give us good hon est government, with an administra tion that will protect the weak and lift up the wage workers to a common lerel with all other classes. Equality, education, intelligence and thrift let them come.--Union Banner. Our enemies may howl and fret and swear au I denounce as much as they please, but the Toiler is a farmers' uewsoiper and goes to theja even- week. They look to us to give them the news and we are going to do it. Our mottto is to "hew to the line let the chips fall where they may. W'e want to treat everyone fairly and just ly, a. id if we do anyone a wrong in re porting legislative matters if they will make it known to us we will always cheerfully correct the error. . i ii i m Dairy Notes. How about tint ice house. St. Louis commission men consider the hook the "foolish 'fastening", for butter tubs. Asphalt paper, which ; costs 1.20 per 500 ,q tire. feet is considered good in the construction of silos. See that the eutside as well as the inside of your butter packages is cletin Have them neat also. For the year ending Oct. 1, 1S0O there were in Iowa 623 creamer.es and 0;j cheese fad ones. There were 7o.666.677 gross pound of butter shipped out of Iowa by rail road for the year ending October 1, 1S00. Take go id care of the cows, but do not let your boy feel that you carp for or hsve'ujore interest in them than in him. If we get a crop of ico are you ready f. harvest it Ice is 'Tierisliahi if-g yods. d must be gatheied when iie- -or von mav loose it. Don't forget the growing calyes i i i- ii . . t ..III-. l-... Whlio Ci'OWding llie CO s 101 nam, - that thev have dry' (nnrters, at least reasonably warm, and a daily ration of oats or wheat bran. Tones county, Iowa. wiMi forty-two creameries heads the 1M as to number. out liiirnanan, wmi uiit--o.. ie.fi- u shipment of butter, in sending' , . ft 1 ' l- Z l'l , I ,n our iiiij.oh p-')un is. rai m, . trio a. and Stockman. ( A-I.m.. ; ..i.J. : .....x., ... ....n, J llltere.-iti'i!? SOIUP (i nirps lnrimr on . rs .... 1 - " . lliat suoiect aiii r.i afn hv :i f .ti. i - cian. ! It seems that the nu n her of person 1 i i I wno came to una c0im i v, as tuivi-ii : n, in? vuars loio ana 1o!ti w;ts 5,306,47(5, and; of this imnifiij-e antlV hnf !(. Vin iimit runt ivufu p,it!.l. ' eh-d desirable .iH-W Th.r ,Vr. ' i,..v . t ,1 A r -i n .rf nC .....I... :..!.! V". A 1 ' l PHI V VI UK llil I 1 cl M, ones urawir from Ludgate, Cierk inwellatnl other European prisons on tickets of-Ieave, that, perhaps England and her near neighbors might be rjd of so dangerous a class of indolent and pauperized criminals. While our snores should be opened to the oppres sed of all nations, particularly to tiie persecuted ou account of race or relig ious belief, we should iook to it Well thxt the alleged persecution is not for some good -reason -which might subject these same persons to what they might again claim to be persecution in this country, -because of their idea being so at vanance with right and . the forms of a true Rquiblican govern ment. There are even nov.-, unfortunately, in larger centres of the ,Xorth and Vrest, an element which proclaims op enly nihilism, and another commun ism, with others divided into gaugs of a sufficient number to make their pres ence in some of the Western citiVs un desirable. While the rule of Russia seems to the average American despot ic, could she, to maintain her n.ton ality, do so without st imping out the abominable-doctrine of nihilism in the severe methods she has restored to? It is only the frenzy of an extrenn Iv conservative brain that con hi formu- late an excuse for "this bloodthirst y rabble which to-day makes uneasy ev ery governinent official in the land of the Czar. In encouraging immigra tion we should look to il Unit we have the right kind, and not people ourj surplus lands with a class that by its growth and rights under our constitu tional govern men t, might sap at the very-vitals of our X.itional life. Let us move along slowly, and endeavor to increase the average of intelligence, instead of retrograding by populating too rapidly, simply foruuineri.il now- An:ng tho Trusts. Miutng IJeU -.w The latest scheme is the grain drill trust. A nitrate trust is being formed London. Harvester combine has cut w :ges 15 per cent, . PI. ite glass combine his advanced pries 30 per cent. Southern plaid m .inn-fact uivrs Com bine with $1,000,000 capital. The American St raw board Tru.-t made 1 per cent, for Xjyembjr. TI ie threshing machine combine, with 2,000,000 capital, still talke l of at Springfield, O. At a convention of the nunuLe! lit ers of road making machines, at Pitts burg, it was decided to form V tru-d, with 1,000,000 capit.d. The combine will turn out 6,000 machines yearly. The Harvester Trust is .holding the first mciit lily meeting since its organi zation, in this city, ft is thought that the. prices oni machines this year will be raised from 23 to o ) each. The Ameific m Wbeel company, it is reported, has made a contract with the Cincinnati -Carnage. Manufacturers' Trust, giving the latter 30 per cent, advantage over all other dealers in the United State-. List year the most notorious trust was the Bread Union in Loudon. It took 'in all the important ba.iers, 277 in number, in tne metropolis, 'fh.e failure and entire dissolution of the tru.-t has been announced The new" fire-wrks trust i known as the Consolidated Fire-works eom- pmv of America, with headquarters at Xorthlield, tiichmond county,' X. Y. iiPiv a:-f s'li ti er stations at mneni- ii.it i, Chicago, Rochester, Bi timore :iml M liO'.ns. i .; loi.d'Viug are trustees: Georg? 'X. Stre-t, of Xw York City; Gjorg! H.' Pr-'utis and Charles A. .lohllson. of Urookivn; .Jos eph W. Palmer and Josepli P.iim.-r, Jr.. of Rochester; Thomas i . 1 1 biei: Of Cincinnati.; John L more. Bond, of B.dti- The consolidation of zylon-itc and celluloid companits has finally ben effected, and the Celluloid corni.anv, unbr.ieiuii nil -t lie zvlouite works in the country, has been organized with - j a capital of i.OOO.OtH) in the town of t '.. I M Tlii.; -i I e ir trust it ! y iuu 1 1 1. .A.i -. "- v' ' ,v - js claimed, and nny i"-i I to tin sunt ting-down of the P.-tsIidd j;u:tor:es. The odicers of the coiupany. most of them Xew Jersey cipUtiit-, are". j p,csi IeiO.M osh ,M C. L 'I r : vice- 1 pr esTdetit.'.l 'Mo -v- li t i .v ; i ' i IV. t ir , j Jl ,on I IV 1-UP.M- .t rt. ; i ChildrM Cry for Pitcher's ftoria. irnvrs fuom m jreiisad to maK'teo. 'v iWKtftt, 1 i i i. n- ... iH wii. it j J he, present Legislature will elect 1" j " i l'v ni i:sirates. Yt sper is the name of the North Car- oimu oy.sU-r niai.-of-vvar. , " - Afore sick members ifrltaleigli ihsti in ;iiiyq.revious Legislature. Durham Baptist T'emale CoTTejje liw opened under flattering auspicrs. Many Goldslnjrb ladies ara recipi enis of New York Cards from Japan. Stoker fanners, are industriously , preparing their lands for coining crop.' L) in.iuy avakes.to numerous steam whi!i-:s in rhe timber forest around. . The Charlotte Savings Bank has been org in. zvd to have a capital of $200, 000. - . .' Wilson, Elgeeomb', Pitt ami Green negroes are agairr-aiil cted with the tX odus fever. President S.nith, of Wayne Agri cultural wurks, tius invested largely iu Fionda-phospate hinds. Aorkct& Wadsworth have a big spool Of wiie rope $ ofoTLch iu diameter. It is 1100 feet ton 2 and weighs 1500 pounds'. It is to be used for a i-ierry across Yadkin river at some point in. -StanJy cutinty. Cvneoril Standard. ; R. W. Ediott, of Long Creek", .Meck lenburg, who is in his 82 year, without assistance, built a fence of 120 pailuels,' and 10 Vails high, iu one day. Tie vestibule train that carries 1 iquor was on a big bender Weilnesday night; and'the w'.io'o thing apie.ared to own the wliole world and to have a d'Jwn-hill pull. 1 A Pair From fie Durham Globe. V DURHAM COM PA MY EN" LIST ED TO FIGHT TOBACCO SToIlii INDIANS. Col. M. XV. Reed has organized' a . company of ail the active colonels to ' UMcced at once to the northwest to put down the ludLajL Xjfjucv-A It spond. ; The Old Bachelor's Club will be. drafted. ' Ten thousand pounds of rzo.--1yfrkeJ hog'i have been parked, and Colonel Reed's brigade, will eat the uieat, a Let her they kill any Indians or not. (j re it eve-dement prevails at the rc eruiting office. Col. Pete Briggs tried to desert this afteriidon. Tin; mere fait tlut lie wanted to desert caused no p irticular - comment bat it ;is learned" through . Col. So'ithgate who is acting as ascout, that Col. Pete "Briggs would Rked to have deserted with all t'ae razor-back-meat. Colo- els R. F. Wliiteurst. EL W Kennedy, R. F. Bo-me iiad J. F. Fre laud.are engaged in a ghost dance am trouble is feared. If the Indians at tempt to enter the town, the U re Com pany will be ordered out, and forced U squirt. - ' " A courier just in from Roxboio say the 'Indians refuse to come here mit we get a new ho'el. Of course thi-' may or may itot be true. Esligioas iTw:. ltev. Edward J. Kiiiine, rector of A" .Saint's ehurcii, Chie.ig ,- has tiec-n u pointed bi.-diop.of the new Roman ' Cy-t- v ' olic see of Dallas, Tex. He is- 41 yea. old. When tho IJaptist raise $73,000 T building a cliurcn in til. Augustine, Ft; Mr. II. M, l'lagli-r will furnish a lot v. ued.ut j,000 and give tiieux ?-Jo,000 money. - - Great religious interest reported in t First Congregational church, New Lc do. i, Can. More th in 5) persons ha eonlessed Cliri.-L - I Miss Lizzie M. Bjyd, a noted evau; list, ueaehed 'morning and niglit in -John's .Methodist church, Baltimore, .Sunday 11th inst. She says she has gagements ahead to keep her buy : , ' lliiee years. T The Cumberland ri-Cjbytci ians i !y Side, Pa.; dedicated ou the 4th in u new' house of worship, huitt- of st with a scaling capacity of WAL The Reformed Church in the Uni . States (.Gel-urn ii ) rejiort l.ooG congr : O.iiw -liiil K"'. tlllMll lirs i Iii-hop Duncan during the sessions the Methodist Conference, at Montic dedicated a v.evr jind handsome ch ' which had been liuished a few since On January 4 trthe United Presl rians of Wilkinsliurg, their hotse of worship. dedit ChieX. Justice Barkely, of Georgia cides that a-alaiv 4romiseil to-ainii: in list he paid: 'lf any debt ouglit t paid it is one contracted for the hen! souls, fjr pious ministration and service. The Itcfonned Episcopalians arc sideiing the que.?.. ..i oi M.UVh- - r I si on in Alaska, Mi.-s llariuf S B " ; of I'-iibolelphia, lias - t-iierous1 pu r one-half of the expense of such a. ( dert i dug and hear one-half d' th uual toense in cured iu BUstaiuic mission. , I- r - 'f J I 1 i