vol xxu,4third; series. SALISBURY. IT. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1891. NO. U. - . . . . - . - - ' ' f ' --irii ii mi - - 'iT j,.. for Infants and Children. "CastorlalsSowellAdaptedtochlHrentliat I recommend it as superior to aey prescription known to me.w II. A. Archer, M. D.', Ill So. Oxford St, Brookljn, N. Y. ; The use of ' CastQria is so universal aft& Its mriU so well known, that it seems a-work of supererogation to endorse it . Few areth.e ! Intelligent families who do not keep Castori' --Pitkin easy reach." Caiuxjs Marttm, D, I)., . I . V i New York City. Late Pastor Eloomingdale Reformed Church. Carter! a enres Colic, Conpatfon, ??nr mach. Diarrhoea. Eructation, JUiia Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- irestion, -TVithout injurious medication. " - For several yenra I hare rocommended your Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do bo as it has invariably produced beneficial results." T Edwin F. Pardek, M. D., ThO Wlnthrop," l5tU Street and 7ih Ave., -sKew York City. Tits CztrrAzrn Couvaxv, I. jihii vimj m Hchrat Sthk'et, Kkw York. g-.3-j-.-Wi ft Mm -: 0 : lite - Leading Furniture Dealer and - Undertaker im SALISBURY. 7&"noWiolii'ring the Larost and IVst Assorted "Stock i: I ' Jure eVor brought to tin's plaeo. of Funii- w i- i- 'HH. - 't ..SI' ' "M ' .53: ! O '. -SI:. : TAHLOK !:UITS ! 1 vr ire ".j.CO. Siik JMusli .-it .V'.fO. 4 Fninur CGC.OO. L; Wool . Plimh -.it as.CO. Fi ntcr 1Tb ! iii'. r rit( P1ASOS AM) Oi:(iANS. "U i!' x iir.d "Wl.itc (!i j.ni s. u 1 I)c lit r IJi ns , Cl.ieki t ini. t s( i s hi (1 Wicelock Tin nes. J5ED KOO.M feUlTS! Antique Oak, Antique Aslie, Clitrfy ami "VaInut at juit-ts tl.at tlel ( mj clitici;. I ' 1 - A LAltGE STOCK Of Chairs; tx.ft i, X j.lli ( ft ( p f all Iii rs Fpiiir lictl 3, Woik Tables for Ladic?, ,jrietuits iirid-lMte.re Frr.n is y le au quality alvag in frtock, or will Le .. i " '" " , in nil 0 lo order on fcliert r.lice. at ri as on- able irjees. ' . Hi -. T ' - " ' ' iV 1JADY CAIJltlAGES' j 7 0 A l?irgc stoek of UabyrC'aniayis with wire wheels at $7.50. Silk .Piiiisli beat niul Patin I'ainjfol Car riages with w ire wheels at only $1G.50.J Fonr.eiiv sold, for $2.5-0. ' - ! Haysesl is Risin'. We kin all of us remember how I0112: ? about Beptember Tlie.jiacr used totell us about the . eaueu.s or the fair. -End them fallows from the city used to z jret almighty w iuy On the fellow with the iluitc-r who had huyseeil in his luiir. They had fun in legislatures with the man who. raised pertaters, If by any hook or crook or chance, elect ed and pent there,. End the repoftorial flickers ' u.-;cl to comment on tiie whiskers End the carpet sack af liillson, what had hayseed in,hi.s hair. Ves b'osh! he rid his pa.s out and he used' to blow the ass out, , End he used to drink liard cider wlicii the wenton a tear i End he u.-td to pincli a dollar till the buzzard used to holler. End the man cut up ree-k ileus what had hayseed in his hair. But, by gum! if you've been reading you observed h strange proceed in - It's the fellow with t he whiskers that is slowly fretting these, I'jiid it won't be too surprisin' cf by slowly orani'.zin' Old parties may wake up to lind the havseeds in their hair. When the fashions change you fellows will nil carry j;reeii uuiorellas. End trousers wide across the seat to make the dudelets stare: In them times if .you ' master you m wear a linen duster ,.Eii(l if you want t . liirow on style put some hayseed in your hair. state (Kan ). Ciironielc. Oar Phff in a Fordign Land. Ill il llll Hi MM lllin Ull I fii'lll in 1 " II 1ULJ. I Whit his th3 Alliancj Dy:? What v. a h sv l as un order in I he rt'.tt reform mDvenviit will never be kno.vn until sotni-ir hitoiian with ssMi-e liinjr iniud .shajl m-tIousIv eowsid- r th-i cHijMio:is tliiafc exis! j I in our iiattou wliHi) wo culm1 into exitenc a Pi.l iiie situation ux it exists to-ilav. Then the. rapiclitv with " wiiicii tln t h CO!ll;)tirV :W:i.S II IVV..I ' i ; ! t!i? hands F ;r few ni'n, tiiatisrli the inequality of l;.v nvas never !Wm e(ualleil in the 'hi-ftory of tlu; v-(rhl. i :n ,S' s were tiiuju!itlss;y toiling on their, honest simplicity, -trusting imjilicity to those who were conduct ing (he. fitiiirs of ! our oveninient. L'arnii'fis were heeoiEuin poorer and jnorer. without st ipin to enpirre' why this was ! so, wliiie t'.ie favoivd few were aui.issiii millions Tn a few days or year-. Thwyjivat mass of the A Terribh Ealloon Journey. iluve Parisian wromiuts have exp- I'ieuced an :.tim 'aw- Iv prove 1 .fatal t Aceii;tin ' from V id vent ure whieli one of thetn. ii'is at half iiast i.i iwe .ifii?nioOii. inteiidiiij: ;.tt(-i a briel accent to regain thi ground jus outside the fortifications, M. Valles, L -lite and i'rulie went up in a b.il l'Mii nauh-d after le composer -Alu.art. Uheiitht-y reached an' altitude of Rebsl Fun. After Eli I'erkins had finished Ins Grand Armv lecture in little Kock : Pithy Points patty of old shouted out Confederate soldiers THAT WILL GO THKOCBH YOU. Thirty-one thousand :tml mnf- hnn.. ited States own ;tc; ouv: , , L . , J fl people in the Unite iell us some rebel stories we had yKVjt),tKX),00O. ;nv fun than the Yanks' ! 1 " 1 1 1. . 11 1 f !..... i 1 ....... 1 1 1 a u 111.1 b-t; LiiiHis inu varas;i nurncane coinmeueed to blow' ami. norwirh- meu, drove 1- a dread- I 1 ... i s am: hilt a e 1 oris mF l i,. i.w.m .1 inn o u.uo.i lur.ouMy toward the nor n .. I.V ..' I i 1 , .i.-m. j. in nu.irs liii'V passei I icing tiin , h wind swat'iiiT f!u --i- . mucii that they had to clin" to i'ts cd,e to prevent tlicmselves thrown out. 1 1 l .a 1...: ..ii i i 1 iiicfia m wm aou? lo (test end on din-dark the outskirts of fans in time for peip!e did not know or slop to ask t he i oer, they found tneuiselves after j 1 j 1 . . 1 . . 1 . ," -1 1 .... cause tnat creare;i tiie dtspantv ;n the 1 ''O-'Ve the village or lionrcq, in the wealth, which they iv aiu-ia them, Ip;i;tuieut of the AVd?r-ni:es, about, hut heedlessly thev Kveiv drii'rin'' isit.o I one hundred and lift v miles from tu, 1 1 T 1 1. te;r:Kiin2 servitttde a low re 11111-4, thinking fanners became arousal to the necessity of resistance to the en croachments of urinizel capital, rhev commenced to nutate and the r.siiit was the allianc ' from ucci.'ssitv came into existence, and to thoe who coushh'r or ; ui it :on b it as a means to an I end and who realize that upon . 1. : . c 1 1 .if . . 1 1 1 11 in 1 , ue , 1 . i1 01 a ii'ii Hi.' (I 'DCIH c ipit.ii. braining irons were thrown mif, bat brok Tiie wind jot into the balloon and b first ;i lare hole in it. Sooii thecar struck the ground and rebounded, throwing otit M. Le lue, who fell 0:1 tiie. , tek'L,frap!i wires outside the village, ami ro!!el into a lavine, where he remained insensible for some time. 11 is companions were 1 . 1 1 1 i. t 1 1 - also inr wn oar. am le a lstao.,. f ... 111 '! fir njhvi t n',ii! s. need have no ' IHieeii jet t. M. Lei ue, whose eolli ... -.. . . i- . f ' ..... 1 . ' 1 ' i 1 1 : 1 t. 1 l I i 1 1 'I 1 11 'ii an 1 11 IiY AX .AMKKKJAJs r)IRL. "There lies Conway Castle." s iid my guide; and, standing up in the car riage, I looked out eagerly. It was a bright, fair day in the mid dle of -September, and the tide was coming slowly up. just beyond the moated wills. 1 stood a momeul. as we left .the carriage, looking at the wet shining sands, and then ..followed I mv companions toward the cnstSe gates. As I di I so somet hing met my eyes that made me 11 is!i up and tremble, and feel a tQhokim; sensation 1 at my throat. Only a faded Ila. hanging from Hie windows of ni artist, who had taken up liis quarters, in t'.ie old rooms ahove the mo it. It was torn here and 'there, and shabby and soiled, but but. oh. it was the 11: of my country, and meeting with it 'here so" unexpectedly was li';? see,;Tj tiie fa of an old familiar fr:end J I took oil' the hat I" wore, the tears sprang in my eves, as I bowed to the ensign of liber ty the dear old k'Stais and Stripes." My Englislr friends smiled. -and hur ried me up the stone stairs; but wher ever I went, that banner floated before my eyes. iLsawitas I looked from i' ... i I i- . . . . . . I ic.ir 101 1 in' : tti ure 01 uur ure it jeiorni i.i oveai.'ii i . Tiie gootl seed has lj.':ja sown. . The people have become ... 1 1 1 : . . : . . 1 r i aiouseu 10 a re. uiz 11 1011 01 me es that surround them. They been taught. Hv the leaders of tel graph wires tall, was the lea-t nij arei broke and his t when he lecovered consciousness sou 'ht for imag- liave 011 r movemtmt to study and the education- taken to an inn. M. Truelle work is no fruit? A wgj; ii- ni' 1 . its his friends, whose groans he heard. Assistance was soan tortheoininu from the villagers, and the three men were was ii;- uiuht oatrioiic, (leu'ranui meut for reform, fouu.le of j nst ice an 1 upon legitimate ' jured so seriously that it was th 1 1 - t 1 1 s mi 11- aavisaoie 10 seiei uiiu 011 in a I 1 T 1 I , . . inuci- r v ouziers, wnere medical aid was 1 1 it 1 1 1 11,, cuu.ty, permeates ootainaine. It was hair past ten society from the lakes on our northern o clock--or seven hours after leaving border to thediulf of ilexico 0:1 the J'aris when the three iti voluntary south. Sectional (uvjialicves are ripid- travellers reached that place. 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 iv i';vinu wav to reason ana tiie laeor wairon mor "That's right," sail Eli. "There is no better wav to heal u'.d wi u ids tirim to laugh together over old w.u stories. "Von all know old Colonel Z-IjuIoii Yam e old Z dj, of the Army of Yir ginia?"' k'Yon bet we do three cheers fo old Yance!" ( (iiven with a will). "Well, old Zib," continued Eli, re ceived a si iad of of raw rebel recruits from the mountains of North Carolina, and during the skirmishes around -Washington ordered them into battle for the lirst time. '"Take a stand on Mason's Hill,' he said, 'and scare those Yanl-s away!" " "Skeer them Yanks oil'!' repeated the sergeant; 'we' mis kem all the way heah from North Kayalena ter whip them Yanks, an' ef we skeer' tun off how n thunder ez we gwine to lick un':''', (Lmghtcr. ) T . It H an easy matter to find fault ith others, but, not easy to mi fault-' 1 s yourself. " Ingalls denies the report that he is? Kfmg to lecture. The man does not appear to be utterly abandoned, alter aljl.i In (?auada the Ontario legislature ha decreed that preachers salaries shall not be exempt Iroin taxation, but phalli be subject to tax as the income of-other citizens. j From present indications, it" U al most certain that t b.e AUiahcti will dictate the organ!, ition of both houses of the next congress. It is certaiii that thev can. if tlieY will. About a week after this one of these same North Carolina recruits was uu picket duty near Manassas. There was not a Yankee within twenty miles of him at that time. The next day .tli ere was to be an inspection, and the North Carolinian had taken his gun alt to pieces and was rubbing it up so as to make a shine when inspected. While doing this Gen. Uarhaiu rode lli'- "What are you doing there; said Gen. 15. '"Oh I am kind, of seutir.eL Who are you anyhow?," k ()h I am only a 'kind'" of a briga-xlier-geuer.il," was the answer. 'Tlold on," said the .seivtiuel; wait until I get this darned old gw.iLto.get her and I will giye you a kind o.t a prose ut arms." (Laughter.) prool m wine. 1 a lew years airo was I 1 II. .1 J ... I . l' I unnceuod oy our law ra ir;ers at v asii ing.0.1 to-ilay couiilete!y oershado-.vs all ot her ini.'st io-si toad many iiereio- fore served as !ne toois of niouopo! v lUN 1. m iy ; o !" save !en into lr verv smali k j ill' :!ed. 1, e U 1 m 1 ov, IS ill)' ;i '.v a 1 nor 01 r einr.u t 1 ; 1 in veio-.dr l;;s-e.s not 0:11 cial pi ;:i o1.-! in 'iii i 1 its 0.1 w who a few (n't le ureat ' snail we d S.e.te ha- ial was oitci a d, culf -d a .d e,l upon taat, il l -s; Si al es an I riins s ren ''it all 1 The W,l; It O: Why Don'c They? V hy don't all our country women, especially those who live on farms join t he A li fauce interesu'd in Y A -e they not i,s deeply ail that looks to tl ne good 11I tli ' cm i 1 11 1 : v :i i I u in.m iin.'J Is not. ( he welfare of her family a woman s. first and most cherished in terest ? And is the Alliance not plodded and to the protection of the country e.'.l ma:v veil's ag ec.i'.i-.iU.C tueref-u'c to pare-soule.l. Again- all? I 1 liome-lo log are not women all de- One day Colonel Most-by. yotrr cr.ly fully reconstructed rebel, was making a politcial speech in ALex.audria.. Talk about my war record' said the colonel. Why. ji'Mitlemen, I car ried the last 1"on federate Hag through tins very town Let not enemies of the Alliance tie- ; -ceive ycMi. Every prineiple of the A I- y liauce is founded oil trust and justice, Not one plank in the platfori- is rot ten. Nut one idea is visioifarv. Land transportation uml finance are the three living issues of the day. Al iens sdiould not and must not be ul- ' lowed to own our liuds. Our ilag shoild tliat. over the domains of American citizens, not of foreign lords. Tle lines of transportation must sulMiiit to a complete and just government, control, or the- govern ment control, or the goverunu'ut must, own them. The finances of the coun try must Ixi run m the interest, of th-e fieople, and not in t he iutevest of builds or boudholders. : - si i : : 1 s. en e listing tliem d.iuy an i. . i. .. . . i nies s'u hnu a i i o u r i v . I I sin !v ve bur.leu of oppt UNHEHTAKING DEPARTMENT-! Special attention ;ii n to mult i ti.kirjj in all its branches, at all hours day and nijiht. , i . . ' Paiths Ayishing mv services art night w ill tall at my risidence on Dank stueit, in Drooklvn." I ..Thanking my fii rds find the public generally for past patronage and a .ki: a et 'm , , Yours--aiixion-! to o'ei.1, Gr. W.Wil 3- 3 ? Leading FurnHura D I-.- f- -1 f - - - I r AHOME COMPAHY ' m W 1 sKEkixo -iMzMthmmik " y the bifttlenvents upon the distant sea it was planted in the courtyard among groups of sketchers. who were scattered there; it waved from the towers; it fluttered from the wall, and with it came the thoughts of home, and all who lovtd me there. Not nne of vour names were forgot ten, oh, friends of mine; not one scene w.ith which those names were linked. The village streets of VYoodstock. and' the home of my childhood, with its garden., its maples, and its graceful tamnrac-tree; the school Shetford. and its village church: the sea-side cottage 'and the ''lakes of Lynn the winter homes iiv Boston and New York; the summer retreats among the green hills of New Hampshire, or the highlands of the Hudson all thost came up be fore me, and I put away my pride, find leaning mv face upon my hands. I let the tears flow quietly, for the sake of home. Oh, well may the lonely wanderer lie down and when he hears the Jiunz (lex Vaches in a foreign land; well might the rr.aker of the Limerick bells ('"those evening bells! those even ing hell-!"1) close his eves and draw his last breath, when, after a long and weary exile from his darling, h sail ed up the stream and heard their mel ody once more. Well might ; John Howard Payne, wandering homeless and alone through the streets, a- the night came on, go back to his desolate room, and write that sweet, sad song which every one knows. UT he-re's no place like home!" There if's no place like home; no land like thou, my own America! ithin this year of exile, I have seen many ;-:nwther; T have known many pleasures, and won and lost many joys: but the grand old homes and quiet cottages of Hngland. z the heatherv moors of Scotland, the i'rom the r.iu s, rv. w-ho feel the 1 1 1 and wno nave deep do .vn 1:1 hearts an abiding sympathy for eri:ig humanity, are going to the. k i 1 e w id so-d!s- M -A mi in- "S !'.!! their eilu- voted to t!i.' p:ariiK:atio:i and elevation of society? i'o this also the Alliance H sacred iv pledged. .Join tie.' goo I work along. v.rv cleai healed and ai'id help Women are their council would be invaluable in the order. A woman has so keen a sense of justice uonh and south prepared bv this eil cation to light tiie bartlosof the mass es against the classes, and with the motto ot justice perched npan their banner and an aroused peoitle beliuid them, they are hound to win the bit tie and. break down .the strongholds of monopoly's host's. -who are entrenched behind the weak embattleuient of U'lV- ges. But, to the s i jec.t, what have I 1 .,1111. 1 ! we doner 1001s, imsis and corner 1 0 thai sue will always support the doc trine of equal rights' to ad. Women are quickwitted. It don't take them three years to liudout that men have been elected to oiKce in the order who using the Alliance simply as an engine to pu-.li them on tn political preferment No, sir! A woman s quick eyes would spot these men in a twinkling and they'd have to go! A shrewd, smart man can fool all the men part of 1 0.1 oil ti ne, and some ot tiie men part ot tiie Poultry Note3. Leg weakness is often caused, by too rapid growth. A hen likes-to scratch and- ntum-ld le given the opportunity. Ojj few-ell started it. is comparatively easy to keep young chicks growing. A dust bath is wrv essential to the health ot the fowls during the winter. - 1 . TY 1 T i f II " 1 es, replied ri.r. liugh ioe., "tor 1 j t is never good eeotHmy to fied was here at the time.' - 5 1 1 1 hens more than, thev wi'll eat up "Thank you for your fort unate rec-1 4...;lU ollection, "greateiully exclaimed, Atosooy ; "It. is oieasent. to C1LOW tliut there i 11 1 live some men w lu.v move aside and testify to the courage of their fel-ican be raised to uiatarly at about oue-- ntlemen,. mv ; halt- the co-d U;e goose. -if prt 'rrlv managed, .lays esivv about as many eges as a turkey, and low bemus. As L iy, gentlemen,. war record Is a p.o.t of the Spates Ins-j AAiou ,lo. lory or the gentkmau he..; wn U I . . m alMrjlv MsaW vou that I carried the est Coiucueialei .. . ' o 1 u.i ui.iL yoi.w Ur one U gMuto the p-iultrv busuie' t ag through this town. r ,,. 0 ' " , v ie:. if....!. I ... ! specuaJty-. l li-il ; ! T n w:i pi 1 1 l 'J " llt."f-. He carried the last Confederate! tl ig ! If the fowls are through this tovvn..buL lynpatnck and i v.iih and are well, fed and cared forriir Ellsworth were ;vl'.ter. luin ami he cav- j-artilicial pre).u e.tions arc necessary tJ ried it so blamed fast ou couidu.t have , maintain goed heal !.h.' told whether it was the Confederate tLig . " orasmall-p.x vvarn.n , MM''"- f1 VY,n,'jr 4'VF f n should b:-taken ,tf give the towls nil 'Sneaing of rebel. nyertee; srdd Eiiv - the sunlight po.ble. Let them, out e wor.t stab our old Yankee lla.Lcal 1 of the doors hciicvcrthe weather will. Thad. Stevens eve.v got was- given to penipt. him by youruhi fireeatiugld) Toombs 1 It r.. tht bireilo ranch as the of Georgia. They met m Augusta nt- I ..... .1.., f,.lsi . ,mieb. as fhe ter the war. Thad was rankling over L. ,' .... .v.. wt,lM- ik, lWil.t.he4to.ttHr tiie th tune, but he can t fool a smart women , 1 1 . 1 1 1 111 iv been ia niiov l'lisHnees Ln i'i,'-i ' r . n - 1 Uss ol Ills UiMUlslo -larnate, uui um MJ f tb 1'smI :uiif t bi 1-etUr th - -C tlV i,iw iKe.i 1.1 in any nisianu Dio..n ; .... ... , ... reason whv otir women 1. . '..- .... -r 1. iine.cu uia uiv.i,eim. m..c,tir, lown by the united action of our or- .' ,, n,)t ,, Jt?1, lM,MV wi(l Ur o.ir 1 -t- I I U,e, " . "Ti luul" , I bett.rr will be the results. -auiiton The iite b.-im trust I i . ,AUOm'11 rankling at wirhing .m.Keiieral. , mi.iuoi. 111 inie 'ir,ninn u!lluD inn. Brother A liancemea, per-1 v n M- 'r-..i.nb 11 i.hl Th-id. ' - , - hv an active, vigilant hght on our p irt ' vo,r wivM lLlll ,llter, t'y )ln . 'f - 1 ; . has gone to pieces and under the natu.-tii0(),(lM, T(U? S1cu, f;ilmxi of Jtjl3 ! 1 1 - rte ,g 'V-hTbv tVe Y m- r , Vn' .land ju.t law of supply and de n md j Allu;lcij m;1,t ,,,5 t() v,VAude UL, i els lee, at .el bo.ng oJl by the .. hundred Allunces- w prices have been forced 111 a little over j lin;,t,on and is one of its strongest ke''V 0 , p 1 .T....r ... '',nr- 111 lovVil ,i!st .u'''v - '' P I' 1 ,1 , 0 ,1 ".IVIl -. 1)1 MV il. 'L l I IIV.ll I... ,. ..,.. &.'..v-.. 1. ,1 1 , , 1, 1 ... iri.i.iir TltJ. .,it,i KII1H.1. T ? ll.IJV7.ll, Lll. I'l t-LIUl , II1HI i one seven. The plow. pool was forced to lower prices under our united resist ance and contract .made three years ago with the Chattanooga IMow Co. The twine t rust was forced to term-! by the sturdy blows of our brethren of the north and westi The reaper and mower combine forued a few months ago seeing the combined resistance of our bodv towards it, became alarmed and went to pieces, but while these and many other victories have been won the enemy are i marsh illing their forces and the conflict, between the people andplutocracy will go on. That so much has been gained in a few ve.irs rives hope and inspiration and proves tliat much more can mints. ithout, the presence, and encouragement of woman this feauture must he a faiT'iire. Besides our women are esse 11 1 ially the burden bearers as the men are. Then let them came into the order, and you will see that their keen eves and ready instinct will help ,1 t 1 . , by tiie dogswasu 1, uer ( L lughter. ) you vastly in keping things on a.souud, j anv humlr.ds of dolhus,. will be iiealthy basis a sure footing. Suitftcrn J()sr and lurich. disappointment, mcu.rr- Afliinice Farina be ira ined. ihe'Iabor problem has not yet boon solved, and until it is there should be no faltering in our ranks, but with re newed energy and determination let us continue the tight until every foe to the free institutions of our country, founxled up n the principles of justice and equality to the wh de people, shall be driven from power and our gavern- 1 1 i.i to -. n. , . eiumeui jjiuei am -nil', .ue m : noiei iv , v 1 . If, I , en, ,1 P - ment resNired to its primitive punt iiruiv, 1 ne vuieyarus or The It. R. Comiaissioii. The U lilroa.l Commission bill has passed through the caucus stages, and lias been dle red -in the Senate. It is understood that it has been, or will be, referred to a good and able committee for further examination. Wuilo the committee has the bill in charge, we are told that adverse interest will be given an opportunity to by, he ud in re lation to its provisions. We think this is fitting and proper. Every 111 t rest has the clear rigut to be hoard 'Mi ls lit i'-ru .1 llll Whir l ... . . There has been Liz inis didJ'said theGeorgpi lire eater. Yirgima has 1.') ) sb-Allunees, anU'- "How is that ?" ; the order, is rapidly growing. 'Whv lvior Liiraiin was fiekvd 1 ... , .tT- 1 1 - vn, ivn,. ........... 'lh.e 1 armeis Alliance have si clear,- majority in the Nebraska legislature.. The membership-of tiie I .tuners' AJ liance in North Carolina luis reached. 1UU,0UU. The Alliance store-at Corsicana-sold' m.ove than if 4,00 ) worth, of gon!s dur ing last quarter. The Alliance- warehouse at New man, G.i., was burne.l and l.,0J0. b.des, of co-tA.t destroyed. At LiiwrenceviUeCou the- Alliance has begun the ground work, of a gilano 1 , 1 - ,., ,.,,,,wr .-f.i n itl, 1 i .r Od ttllS Spi LIUi SC.. nir nitfciv, l"-"-" st-eds in field ami garden.. Much, of this h.ss anil annoyance uLay be pre vented bv tiesting. the seeds before sowing tlleni. The NiUth Carolina Expernnent Station hits facilities, for t estin g seed., aud its services are, re; of charge, at the disposal of any fiir mer in the Stale. P-irmers wlshLiiT s(xiTs tesleil must f,.l in r fr.i.ll StllUllltlln S 1 O .. .1 l ,l 1 iz ..,tK,.t.i decide earl v wiun icin.i. ol sx.-t.-us nu.j i, intend to sow this spring; thjrii ivro! enr samples ami tii-ward to the Ma- k In all Cities,. Towns .tn Vi!!:ii:es:in the South.-" TOTAL A-SSETS EELI BLE LIBERAL J. L II ODES BROWNE .PlESUEXT. WM. C. ffl)Ain SFXItETAKV. 3750,000.00. PnmUQTnr. gnlens of Gei vvmyiLU - Frnnoe, and (he hills of Yales what are they nil to thee! Not once not once among their fairest scenes have I felt that rapturous stirring at the heart, that 1 felt when coming down from Conway Casile that evening. ' while the moon and stars shown j brightlv. I stopped beneath mv coun- ; try's flag, and pressing the fadel silk j fo my lips, wetting it with my tears. said, from my heart, as now: "God bless that native land of mine! God bless 1 he Stars and St ripes." SiiALLoijK.iX. C Jan. I',', "(J1. Mii. Editoi Bro. William W. Drew, a in-iiiberif Town Creek Alli ance. No. l, t l(),i lirunsw!ck- county, having lost his dweXing house, kitch en and smokehouse wv I h t heir contents bv fire on I)ee. 231. 1. without ;inv insurance, it was wick Countv All A eompiet .-s aljout om we a . resoiV( ov nruus- '.unee tha the Secre- cretarv give notice through tiie St ite ..iii- J. ALLEN BROWjn, r silent A rent, balislmrv. A. ( . Let fowls now have - full sway jnnong therr.is.s shrubs an 1 orch ir Is. They will enjoy the exercise and m dc havoe among the grubs, slugs, worm and othtr insects that are injurio us to vegeraoie me. iMoreover tiie d e cheap and healthy. . oi-",iM tha it anv lvrson or Vs no , : j ,i , . i anee felr it their dot v to a-sst ' brother they Could forward theiK -ou-: tribntious to the undersigned wlio will rer-i'iiit f.jr t!u s -une. Bi'o. Drew is an e i " -------- , honorable mdustnouks man, but uiru- bh' to repair his g'-e-tt los. hivthreiu him. donx II. Mists. Si.'c'v. r ' noon (iue.iiio.is eoacerus their welfare. w, i i.i 1 1 i b ;i 1 L- ' l il s I'll e il' t he h inci s . . - nlr(. about toe mil being m the ha uls ot : ' , lire two week? .i .. v iii l .. I ; . . k.. v i . . I lie jllia:iee iiii, aim .imoul ii.s uu- ing rushed through without due con sideration, and more to tiie same pur pose. But it is the intention to allow all parties Li.; be fully heard. These hearings, however, wdl not be allowed to work any unreasonable delay of its final consideration by the General Ase.nidv. We r.dnk we can con gratulate our readers on the Ji.ul ro e.l Commission bin of L -at- '.ns w are expecting to congratulate liie.n. I'd -it t'f Fanner. Fertilizer Aatfys :s.. Fertilizer analyses, at the ExK?ri uieut Station will be somewluvt late tliis seaion. 1 he del a V is caused by i i .1 Hon. Such samples- suouui couwoo, for grass and similar lieid seels about "Z cizT: for tobacco and most g.a.r.lefk seeds 1 oz. te test o.t ciover wh?i i-, f.-i v .. ,.i,.4n.. ilV ib ... Other I , , r .. i: - ,....1. l.siiiLUie iiuiu ui.cuv "ii cum. on seeds must be prepaid, and nxt ,-ovif iir oulK i i.i l.o .A.d r. viii'i name oi si'ltoe. 1 1 1 i i i ' s- - r f r k; nuist !! . . . inepuaige;, .,..,,, c,arire. This law t be reirimana eos ft j u u , n firthj?r tin;e wi j ce.A letter of Ince , F(Vjr ilM;(t.(.tcuPft 'rpiJIy nt. irivinir name or uJerA ; r ,.n twt;t;7M h,A name of seller, and price pai. tor t"5, j state, ami the sample ill be analyze seed. The S'ation a.lvises. always, its , the tid,m .tst rjiosyJe. friends that the U.-st quality ot itls , T1 tVrt,;liA(.r ;iUulVSes will Ue printed i 1 1 a--a rule, in-: seed? is packages chi'ajet JiarK- .m , ;ui(l sMlfc (,lt J;. (a , f,ir,t p.)isjb;sy aliu aoiuesi p. , . f n f Kr-ifio;, Jini K V N. C i i i l . .. , 4- n .v i I -i n i fi : r. i .... ' i i ; i ag. s and ieue:.s L. .... ........... i im p.ti i list, in order la secure me- iierimi'iit Station, Kaleiga, derail MrCarlli;, lintanht. i n'oivii is r-"-j Covering strawberries, spinach, kale, p uisies. eti-., should now be ntfemlol to at once if it has not beu don reaiv. Bear m mind that the cov illg should be ligiitj ever reel) bougli: i" Mlateh next i :malvsr whether your -n a me -is, oir4h y ntiition list ir in t. '1 bese specii.i ! m imes will be supplied , at once, i 4 I . ; . . 11... 1...II..I,., .,. TI- ' , T.I,. I. I ..,,1. . I I I' M 1 ,1 1 I I,". . . . O1 net1 ill's st',' 1 . M.ir; ...... , k-ij,ni ... . - -v-,"--. j ." . ,1. ....... K.O ", li.P ,.1, I)r tl It H-..ffl,. Ti-llir:. I., i-.. ul and to oi l 10 nun-, 1 n -i- , .. 1 f .. . ul I to count ;V (! i.i- nil" '1 1' n .1 iii-i.i 1 ' " ' ' -" llll T 1 ' ' - money. Yon n 11- , r-1 I you were to take the ,ire the best ; salt sedge avid coarse, str ovv foi th, 111. 1 1: of s.illM' ) r-iiiiie the remain !'i' litest, ideiil .le -.t ion. When a man dies ineihe Society z l .. ..l ; 1 1 1 .t. t- 1 ... 1 1 1 r 1 , 1 w 1 11 .( , v , 1 1 1 1 1 111 t . o CO I' ill Olll I lillius III, 1 -jwiin. ....... -.., j , ; hum d d'fv country his chu: aider is tiie thing l.i.. i is fi t scoevl. . . .

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