. w - . . . - ( - t."-'i s'i HI Hi i I ;: m IK ;)' ... i i 1 t :' : f !. !ti ' t- . MX if,:: - i . . - p . ",- ft -f - fi ''J r . V 1 r i IT l-f 1 !! I f rt I '!! Carolina Watchman. X L RAMSEY, Editor and Proprietor subscription rates. One year J n advance jtVix months - 1 -.:Clubj of five .75 1.00 Clubs of ten or more ' T Kit MS STRICTLY C AStf. Entered as second-class mall at Salisbury. C j - - . THURSDAY. MAliCI I 1: ! 1V)1 Theniark after your name shows tjiat ypur suWrinli m lias expired mid U an invitation to mn-w; ; I ,What is the Cause? I PAn1n nm- "woiii.ler.iii2 why our courts are finished so oon. . In ; -counties where it required one and two weeks to fin isli '-the. business a few . jar3 pg", from one to th jiowr sufficient. Our only solution is :.hat the Alliance has diffused jntelH- gtHce, our people are letter socially ; tad morally. ".Hence : litigation has iwarljr ceased. -Most of the trials now - nra for larceny and now and their for i assault and hattery. . Our people ought to do. (if ill better; but say what you jdeaaej the Allianee hasiiot been a failure. It is a woiuhrful power for jgoed or for evil. - : - Th3 National Council, i . Some people claim that the Alliance i 43 agnin the jiierchants of the eoun , try. Yet "the National 'Legislative ? Council agree., that the merchants i:re neexling ood. legislative action as bad- jis the farmers. So-far as we k now there is, fit present, -no general ,rau?e or a conflict "between the two classes. . Individual merchants and individual -- nlliuncemen in;ty-disagree, but our or ganization does not authorize the tear ing down of any honorable'- business, Mid allure bound to admit that the mercantile business is as honorable as ( any other Avheu properly conducted. J ; Former legislatures studied' to pro ject the negro; the one of 1S91 looked '' after th interest of tlippossum. The sweet. "later" will probably be eonsid f erd by the next Assembly. Alliance F. 2 forms. The council of the Farmers' Alliance - and Industrial Union recently, m ses- sion at Wrtshington, D. C, adopted a iesolution looking to the betterment of ... the agricultural iudustry of the-country., j TJiVresoluition is i s follows: -', . VVjhereas, of the three great indus- 'tries of the United 'States the ngn- cultunil, the comunercial and the,man--L'uf&cturing - the firt two a:e in a most -depressed state. Tdlerefore,' with a 'view to the betterment of iheir coiidi ' lion, 'be it ' lleKolved, That the legislative com : inittfe of th jN'ritionnl Farmers' Alli ance and lndtistrirvl Union be requested 'to prepare a- bill for presentation to the 'present or following Congress contain ing a pfqvrnon that all vessels built," -owircd a!nd manned by citizens of the United States that1 carrv' full outgoing cargoes,- to be determined by the ton nage of the vessel, tw-o-thirds at least of Svhieh, dall consi t of home agrieul- tural prcnlucts, shall be allowed to en 'tr and discharge their returning car Voe providtiig siid CHrgo's' shall eo:i- sist flf ruannf.tetured products, at anv 'part of the United States, free of ajl "custom duty. That we are persuaded that uch u measure projerlv carried 'on'tJii detail y ill not only build up the shipping interests of the country, but result in creating a foreign market for the surplus agricultural products of the United States. ; ' The president of the State Alliance .Louisiana introduced a resolution, 5 wiich ivas adopted, urging Congress to njact a law in accordance with the !; A0(iala .conference, in oppositioi to the Louisiana State Lottery. " TheirepoiJ;)f theqommitteeon plans .was; also submitted. In addition to the Various AlliSncerganizations already in extsteuceit contemplittes'thefornia tioii of cangression.al district Alliances in each Scute and Territory where ""the organization flourishes.. E.te'o con- gressiynal .district is to have a lecturer. m s t I 'i'he-Stute legislati've committee is here- nfUr todje composed of the State preU rilehts, Shite executive board, State lec j .ttircr and lecturers of each cohgres ji.nid district. The .centres: ionan,' 'jslatjve comtuitfee is to consist of the presidetvt ot tle cohjrressional' district AUitrice, its heturer and the president :o"f each' county Alliance. The county . h'slative council is to be composed of tfi county president and the president of.vach salKirdrjmte Alliance. iThe committee on plans also reported vajvs'utiri, which was passed, iu , Mructi!! the president ot the council A.to appoint a natinml, l?islutive sub ; i "comiuiree of three Inembers to formu (jlate the bills to be presented to Con j gress.in accordance with' - he Ocala . ...r-ei,.... i m-u- uemaiius included the.' and the with re-pee t to the L .nisi an i Lotte y; This suh-c-iiuniittee ami -T--'s.v,vv,.ii r: i,i :;ici its acti'ofi .ytll le rex uLd as the action of the vioJe council. 'Th commith-e was npp unted a .follow: .C d. -P,.ik, ,f orth Caro rofe' of Michigan, and Mr. W. S. IfiH, of Missofj:-;. ie iiflm,red .elorrs:in f co'nes of each ..ijgno.isn.Mi or nitiab-couimiitec are o o p.Tiuie t tor tli-Dibui son ah f,g 3 1 1 -. A 1 1 i li iv e ;o rg o i i L 1 1 x o i j s t h r o 1 1 g u , it HbeV'oiinirv. . OUR WASHINGTON LETTER j Senator Pattigrew-Tho Administra " is -Tired-Allianca-.Con--v pressmen. Cor. of tbe Watchman. " Washington, March 9, 1891. Sen ator Fettigrew, who at one bound ob tained a national notoriety last fall, by reason of his 'being one of Ilia three repu.blic.virsenalors that vqfed against the McKiuley tariff Lill, has some very decided opinions on t!;e question of Canadian reciprocity, which he dues n )t. hesitate to proclaim. . He said: 1:1 was very much interested in the Cana dian elections, and I am very much pfeaeiWo know ta:it,.lhe ehservativts are. on top. Win ? ' JJeCause their success settUs f'r siiine time to come all prospects of reciprocity with Can ada. 1 am opposed to ree'pio. ify ith (Canada because it would make every 'Canadian farmer a competitor on even tvrnis with American agricidtnrit ufi along1 the bordt-r. What kind of a trade would it be for us to give them a mark.it oi 01,000,000 of people in re turn for an rpportunity t) sell- goods to o.000,000 f.eop'e? " If reciprocity was in operation Fngland would inove her factories to Canada and enjoy all of Llie advantages withont carrying any of 'the burden. If Canada, desires an-nex-'tiou we will aecommo'date her, but the ..people -of the Coifed States don't want, reciprocity wirefe the bal ance is so tremendously on the ther side. Queer packages' are constantly ping received at the government d'part tnrmts; but a rjueeivr or more gruesome one than that containing what pur ported to be the ashes of a Un ion, sol dier, soml1 scraps -of a blanket, brass buttons of the uniform and a battered buHet, whicli several days ago came through the mail from Vicksburg. Miss., is not "remembered. It was sent to the war department under the mis taken impression tiit the sender would be entitled, to a reward-of b5V Mr. Blaise is fhe proud possessor of a testimonial endorsing tlie reciprocity treaty with Brazil and hoping that similar ones may be negotiated with other South American countries, which is signed by more thai1 200 New York n i e re h a n t s a ml i u i po r te rs, ' i;e p re so a t i n g an h vi syed cpital of more lhan 00, 000,000." - . . The -adm'uistratioa - seems disposed -to -take a little rest after theT long tug witli Congress. Mr. Harrison has gone to Maryland to-shoot wild ducks. Secretary Foster has gone" (some, and Secretary Proetor has gone down South, while a lwge number of the more or less.distinguished jurists and patriots who are willing to serve their beloved cour.trv as. judges of tl;e utnvly-ereatwl' United States Circuit Court, are left to cool their heels in Washington hotels, and boarding houses - until the president re! urns. ri;ere arf nine of these judgc-j to l;e apjtointed, and tlfe number of appli cants and that are not all republi- cans is -mi can v verv lame, arr- is i arf-i daily, I might say hourly, increasing. , Commissibner of Indian Affairs Mo?-g.irf-is out in a long and somewhat labored argument against disarming the Indians that will certainly 'make him unpopular with tr.o.-t of the whites living in the Indian country. " II iv is" "what seems to be an uncallel-for reflection upon th- -'whites of Sou'.h Dakt.ta, whose -g.nevnor had asked -for the disarmnig fd the- Indians in that State: ''Should the arms they now possess be forcibly taken from them, there is nothing either in the law or in the habits of the people surrounding them to prevent- them from aiming themselves anew at the earliest oppor tunity by. purchasing from the whites r.llthe arms and auan unit ion which they are able to pay for." An oliicial turner has been issued by the- war- department authorizing the enlistment of not morevthau 2,000 Indians in the regit!-, r arm v. Since Congress adjourned the Alli ance senators ahd representations are devoting tlieir time ;ind attention to becoming acquainted with the riethods of transacting business-in the execu tive departments -of the gorernmeut, aniFl shall be greatly surprised if some of the present red tape how-not-to-do .business methods do not get a com plete showing up in the next Congress. These Alliance m-n are investigating in tba right war. Tney are Liting thp departments with their eves and ears open, without ma-kmg themselves ollicially known, which gives thera an opporl unity' of learn ing bv actual per sonal experience tin difference with which the' average department oliicial uiuiii u v ci likens afici conrress- men, a ftjlierence wiucli ther ;iverae coim-ress-man neve knows, because of his-aiixiety to have everybody he meets Know his oiliciai position, i. Postofnce department officials, ex press themselves as well pleased with the experimental free delivery- service which is now being tried in thirty villages and small towns and- which is to extended to twelve nijore the first .of April,' and they predict that ths re sult wiH be sp satisfactory that Con gress will provide for it's permanent maintenance all over the country. The celebration oi the patent cen tennial.-which is to be held here in ,m iV.,,-,;. n uG , - t. , will be larg;eiv attended. It 1 nas just leisfcf J out that t!e lodv vi Liy ma Abbott, tl.-e celebrated ae - tress, was cremated at .Pittsbum, i "" , on tne 1 nil ot i eoruary. bhe died in January. I Hon. Joiiis "M. -Palmeu whs -elect. d ? United States Suiator from Illinois jy -snM Uay. li .vreV eived 101 demogmt- iv- votes aud t wd F. M, A. votw. j Cabarrus County as Seen by The. Con cord Titles. itj 31 r. T. J.i Jerome ia.s married last Tuesday morning in Albemarle to, Miss tJoraJdanghTer of Joliiji O. Ross, Esq., Ilev. V. E. Stacey oMqiiating. new Presbyterian 'church lias been built at Newell's Station, and Uev. J. G. Anderson of Rocky itiver will" preach there twice in each moiith. Daniel Hauler' L. C. iWaiter and and T. L. .Suther, of No. 5, killed 50 robhifis in one tree last Saturday. Later in the evening E. C Huther tilled two in the same tree. Plantation bells are one of the new in troductions in (iilnmus county: Messrs. Jim and Haiiip. LJlackwelder "both 'ring up tlrcir hands instead of blow ing 'em up. Zir. Aichey White, tf Flows, went down to Ciuirlottc ThiiJ-wlaj' to have his eye tieated by Dr. ;njduini, About two years ago he got a gravel in his eye and It is -now giving him trouble. i Dr. Juo. II. Jenkins-(familiarly known as '"Dr, Griswold.V of Flows, is now in South Carolina, and has .sued the Colum bia. and Greenville railroad for i,000 dumages for an arm he got inaj-hed in a wreck. His lawyers says he has a good case. ! - 31'iss Nina Anderson, ia channing.young iady and one of a high type of Chris tian womanhood, died ht the home other brother, Rev. J. (J. Aidler.on at Rocky River church, la-t Monday night. She was a native of Virginia. Mr. Mouses Linker got his foot seriously uwshed last week by a jailing timber at a baru raising at Wm. Holland's. Mr. Linker could not keep work going on even if llie weather was good his son, is maiu help, has a felon on his hand. Rev. IL W. Bays, of the Methodist church, is preaching a series of sermons on the New Birth. ls sermon last Sun day was on the neeeepsity of the new birth; on next Sunday it will be on the nature, and the Sunday following, ou the evidence of the same. j Mr. Ib-antly SaundeH lives down in No. S township and it is sale to say that the ronibiiied weights of the members will aggregate more than any other fami'-y in North Carolina. He and his wife, to gether weigh 4i0 pound's; four sons weigh 070 pound.-; and four daughters pull itiie scales to 815. W. C. DeJarnette say she was halted on his way home last Saturday night, on the bill beyond the depot, by two uiu known negroes. He to'd them his name, and they looked at each other a few sec onds in silence, then, walked on. Mr. DeJarnettttthiuks they mistook him for Jay Gould, and wanted to "make a raise' ' On the night of the 26th of February, Mr. Yv. L. Eagle, who lives in No.o, had. his barn burned and wjth it all of his provender, two -horses,1 one cow, a wagon and a buggy. The loss "a serious one to Mr. Eagle. This is tbe second loss by lire that he has sustained in the last few years, his dwelling house with all its contents liaving been burned about three years ago. Forsyth County. r t.ii: itKrvm.ioAN TKi.i.j i r. Poles for the telephone- system have arrived. Tobacco shipments the past week, 107, O'JS pounds. The Carpenters' Union of Vinton Salem, has a iiKnihershipof over 100. Salem retains a trustee in the Stato University by the rc-eleJetiou of Mr. J. W. Fries. Mr. R. J.' Reynolds speaks ot erecting tlir tobacco factory of the South this summer. One order alone has been giv en for one million brick .i As usual Winston's - revenue collec tions the. past week were $ll,S2.Sf: Danville's 8,608.-17. .Shipments Win ston, 1!7.00S Danville, 1-1:,474A. During the month of February,. Win stmi's tobacco shipment aggregated S20,-o-lU.pounds, while the. revenue collec tions stand at $li.L'3.GG, The work of macadamizing around the passenger depot of the R. & 1). R. R. is substantially done. It is a good begin ning. Maybe that tine depot building will follow next. There is nothing like a good start. i The Lexington Dispatch Declares Such - as This Hews. (rem J. M. Loach is in vcr feeble health, with no prospcetof recovery. Bisliop Ijytnan,of the Ppiscopal chu'rch, has an appointment to hold .services in Lexington, on Wednesday evening, April 1st. . ; Four members were received intd the Methodist church last Sunday ou profes sion -of faith. Fifty-five have been re ceived since the Fife meeting, forty-three by profession and twelve by certificate. There were twomarrigos in Tyro town ship last week. Mr. William Wilson and Miss Matt-io Davis, both deaf mute, were married on Thursday. Mr. Robert Nance and Miss rannie binder were married on feu n day. . . Some unknown person having more love for meat than fear of the law, broke into the smoke house of Rev. -M. W. Doyles last Thursday night, and took therefrom two hams. A search for the missinu bacon proved fruitless as a wild goose chase. f China Grove Darts. Peacock & Barrier are sp.i)iing the refuse timber from their shuttle block factory to Salisbury to be used for lire- wood. - ReVf-Paul .Rarringer and family are in MtFleasant tlws week visiting his father-in-law, Mr. Edmond Foil, who has been quite sick. C. II. Bnincr, Esq., tells us that his horse which was taken from his stable two weeks ago came home last week. The horse had been ridden tor twenty or thirty miles and turned lodse. Tlie marriage of Miss Georgia ('line ami Chas. I). Rostian is announced for i Sunday morn n Sunday morning after services at New From Manninsr. CorresjKn.lor.co of the Wtelipt.-ui. Rev. Mr. Crouk prc-achl'd ids first ser mon last Se.ndav. The weather beintr ; soT):ul there was not a very large crowd ! out, teat uie sermon was appreciated ny 4i 11 liit linorjl it i Rev. C. L. T. Fisher, will preach at Salem the lourth Sunday in this month. Prof. L. W. Reaver's teehorol at Salem closed last Wednesdav. ! Messrs. Safi-it & Gaithor, who have , rente? USt nil,, 1110 Moing w: T. S. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorta,' Th3 Mocksville Tjines Telh Some News. Richard C-lingman and familjT, of Farmington, jiave moved" to Winston. Mr. Clinjiniijtt will be connected with the new Alliance Tobaeco Warehouse. The old building adjoining E.E.lIuntV store ha? been sold to the colored, people, who will ultilize it for a school build ing. It will be removed at once. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Chas J. Anderson, one of our mo?! worthy citizens, which cceured at his home in Calahan township on last Sun day nilit. Fire was discovered in the upper story of Augusta Seminary on lnt Monday iught but it was put out before much damage was done. Origin of the lire is unknown. Th.3 News About Yost. Corrrspon Jt-iicc-of lhe Watcliman. The "crow scalp"' was taken up in the neighborhood on the l!Slh ult. scalps from crows, hawks and weevils to the number of 41 were reported. From the report in the Watchman' about the number of eggs that parties have sold it seems that a well conducted poltry yard pays well. We have $"i0 worth of goods in oi r Alliance store and expect to add more soon. 'Mrs. Matilda Beaver, of this neighbor hood has been quite sick. Mr. Ei Frank Rogers killed a wild goose on his place a few days ago that weighed ten pounds net. J. A. Y. March 11th, 1SD1. Xotes From Faith. Correspon Icru e of the Wat.-hn.au. . The store at Faith, run by a stock company with a cash capital of $500 dol lars is doing a very good business. The .Young Men's Christian Associa tion holds prayer-meeting every two weeks at Friok's school house. Debates every Tuesday night at Frick's school house. Rev. M. L. Lyerly will have a school exhibition at Frick's school house at the close of his s-chool, Saturday the 1 -1th of this month. The South is growing. All the gran ite men along the granite belt are crowd ed with work. II r. Adam Earnhart is sinking a shaft for minerals on his hind. Prospects W. A Good Suggestion. i ne (. harlotte J ciiiocrit! makes a tune-i !y suggestion. It says: If the continued present bad spell of weather is anything in its bearing on that of the future, we would urge upon our country readers, the necessity of con sidering well as to when to begin plant ing, and to give a careful review- ot sev eral seasons atro. when such continued storms prevailed. There are many who say. "Had I thought so and so, I should have done so and so. a 1 1 1 now is l i;c . time to consider the possibility of a mid summer drought, and how it can be.-t la lessened in its daniauin ell'ects. W'c are ! not sti ,est in:; any plan by wliieh we j think you can get a biir acreage ofcoiU n i placating natnral laws, 1-aL we waai ! you to start ou toe ti. inking line hat ' will be llie U si human ageiu-y to en; i 1 to avert tho tarealening calamitv w id at times i' .i..-,n diow.s ;i long, dry and pare i:ii; " - The Allianee orator of Texa? wo i a-1 - i dress I lie people of follows : . (a.'aNvii'' I i'ilaion. .'.i.'.i.i i.. , Keti;i! il'.e. i ec.iay. limiiv, V. ft.lnes. ia'. 'i'.iwn ("l et'l;. l-'i , WU'aev iile, Sji ea-.i.i y, Klr.aieicn. .'!on:;.y , I.uin !- : t'ia. '! 'it s,l.i , Sarif.ii'rl, 'W-l!ier!-iy . V ' eltcv., 'i ! 'n- .v hi , Miina. S.,U;m! ,y. KtH-ki ;i'.c1;-.i, Moil. T'u-s., Wa.'.e-I,'. i n, J ri. -s; la , Monroe, 'i herlay, Charlol t'r Friday, Coiieonl. Saiurdav, Aloemarl' Mond ty, h Caro, i .-y - na 1 I 1 I l:: FN. 1 I . 17 ii.--. ; s K jn '.1 Y: A'.'o'ia e Speaking will begin promptly at 11 o"- clock All the-peoplc are cordially invited to j attend the lecture.-of this distinguished, fenllomau. All these meetings will be'i public exeejit the second day of each !is- j drilling the oilicers of County Alliances j i. Oo' 1 , W 0 Will IU.V V 8 throughout the District, all of whom arel expected to be present. Fverv -.member I a " i who is anxious to become tamilliar withjlU'CO Olir I18W StOPG the UNWIMTTKX work ought by all means k to attend the JJistriet Alliance. And it ! is absolutely neeessaiy lor every Comity Le'lurer in t h-( 'ongre?-,sional District to attend, even ii n:s couniy Alliance n:is io pay his c.xpcn-es. ijet the public turn out at these meet ings, and b-arn what Alliance docilities are. El.i-As- Cai:r. President X. C. F. S. A. E. C rFliINl-FIKFD. Sec'v X. ('. F. S. A. Fo.ToN" Lodok, No. Oft. A. F. tc A. M'.. Sai.ishi'uy, -N. ('., F( b. 27. '.). j WilKRKAs,- It haspleasod tlie Sunrciae ! Grand Master of tlie Universe to remove from our n.blst the soul of. brother J Clodfclter, we bow in humble submission to the will of our Divine Master and de- 1ai-o niir l.vc-w nrtl i Yi t C tf Moconiji ' . Fraternity, of which he was a worthy. member. Jicfsoln'u. 1. l oat ine memoers ot tin Lodge wear t he usual badge ot mourning for thirtv 0-r ' 9ntl.' That t he Seeref a.rv oft h boiln send n copy of these resolutions to family of the deceased 3rd. That a com- of these. resolution- j 1 be sent to the V7t (;,ku;:; llcmhl. the ; i ' A ROLINA WATCHMAN .".mi- Sul i!rrif Truth, with a request that they puoii-1; j tue tame. John A. Hr.nRK iC, M. ('. (t inn, Com. W. C. CoroiiF.Norii. i t M H N 1 N ii I iiisul e3 ii tdla) Viii U 3 KLf U 11 E5 V EEalaria, Bumb CMlls, Colic, Hiliouo Attncko. Thfj- pros'i't'e rcjrsilar, naOr?.! crar mtti'iiH. (rsr gripy nr lzi est ,ro with fcKiSy JiHvts'c-. Ah -a ft1i;i.r :;ieliei-ie, tiie i' :.n;i bf- ia mwry i. ; iti'.l 1. " boi.i iviiui iii.;:-:::. E. LSS WRIGHT, ATTORNEY .Vrr SALISBURV. X. C. Will practice in. nil tbe courts ot Ilawan an 1 HCjoi Iniiiu counties. I'rt.nipt utu-ntiuu "i vca to it!er- m-rtahiiur. to :i?v f-rofe --si "'i. F.b. r.'.-ls:i. 1 u Absolutory Pure. A creain if tartar baking powder. Highest of all In ltavening strength. U. S. Government report, Aug 17, 1SS0. . 53 r ALLSKINnd BLOOD Tlie Best' Honseli old Medicine, Ones or twice each year tbe sys- needs purlin g cf tbe impuri ties vhich do"f the blood. From childhood io old age, no remedy x'lests all cases with the samo cer iiniy of zjood results as i)TA;sIC KL00D BALM. C. McGauhey, Webb City, Ark., vtHcs; ' r. '. has dons me in,, re pood and fi-r ltss . .. ,v v tho? env other b!fod j-rrifltr 1 cvtr ticd. , . . tV cm!"t cf mv life to it." J. A. Mu-phc-!, Nortclk, Va., ,'.:ni?t to, if SB, r:: "I depend n 1-5. B. Ii. for the preservati' n ..; .-,v s.-.-ith. 1 l-.;.vc la.l it in my- family r. vr (!'. : . , ye.-itr:, and in ad that time have rot hiid to U..v? a dct-.r." - V: if f-.r ftl-jstrfitcd "Book cf VTocdcrs,' j! CO. Atl.-t)?.-!. Oa. Si lit fn v.' -OF 3 1 1 , 9 And - f. rrs nrs . r j . , i old we ! ti f UUjlL ti ill CO an Kowan Go. W e will give you more ' J ! p-nOH R TOY T. TA fiQniAi ; T"T1 All ATT T. h & Vt CTTiQV money than ever ' J vy-cvJ-fl- y v vi pectfully, D. Julian & Co. 'j'li'- lianio of every man in x- , esti rn JSortji ' arolma who - v i Iki timber land, improved and .-,,!...,.,. ,- .1 F...... 1 i . a FMISH h9 t3 tB JT llUmu h I1U; & iuij n uu lumim On January 1st fr.Y ,Sf iF SC"YP& 9 uijii!io:i.-j. J.iiii laJUis. O 'A fi ! durable than any plated I' lots and properties for sale. Ve ISooS'rl"3 V5T must haw,' Ja)ttom 1 prices, ftdl,i kamonlvcy - clear and Correct descriptions. J Ti: 4 C5- Persons vi.liinc; to Imv, sell1 r rent properties will fin-i it;to their interest eall on, to write to or IcCUBBINS & REISNER. SALISl! nty, x. c. Fresh' Garden Seeds at. re duced priees. . Clover and -Grass Seeds at the. lowest prices atEnnfss' Drug Store. READ THIS! Be. sure and call for a bottle of, 3 Cures. It has never failed to cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Siek Headache. I can give you first-class re ferehcesin '-Salisbury to prove its merits. For sale bv IMPORTANT NOTICE Every )erson who owe-, me please come forward at, once mid will pay their accounts. I will bav to , d. "."i ,V" ii ... :u:. . ; n i lul ""r,V ' " ' 11,1 - next ;u i;ivs. .50 davs; !t is impossible to ,, carry on ousiness ai cr .. J. It. ENNISS. fel2tf T. I. Viasoii, South .Main Street,' tor vour slsavinjr aal ,li:ur-cuttiiig. l'ir-t-class -.rurk-aiea and sharp raz-i;-- at all tie. - !Iidr-h-.-.-s-iag an.l ?h;n).tr.:ng -t s:-.''-i:i!,t . .AVil! wait .u ladies and ci; : ! d lt;; a', tin a call.' . . ; o -! n i' JOT I (-': ! 71 Iierely announce that I. I. M'oroncy is my ant iioi ized aire::; for fed let tiiiu and receipting: all -tni!.- lne me. AM aecotmts unsettled ami inn aujn.-u-d m tue next sixty da w ill !.- redo-fd to j'ndnient. L't-sp.-etli: 1 J. U. OH X Fel. 2-1. is:.!.. II. a 17:! I). jxi-'.cr io;:',- nutic! A 11 kt-h.' -, of (l-t.l-i1 1 -a io ". ta ;(-( nt i'!i:-!n ; t!i- L'eili .lav i . iii be j 1 1 .-:( i i a p'-r-aa.- l'h ,! make inifi.- ii.ite t 1 . : , t ( ) V I-; txia t roirs xoth' I!.!' h: .OH!, iii .1 1, M.- 1 . : i ' i. i j a,:f,ec e. in -V ' i j l'-,,!, i laic i hi tin- i fi j SI fi ?'4 ' r5 f? 1 fi n i. PH i r I J. CI f O f f.j '. Variety T T FOLKS Will ;tll iind juM what ym: ;iiv or ldi'ttidav uil't. ti 3 &' H '- r 'A t'1 a f 1 kt LI 1,3 s ' fi h :) a :- ',h . i:;U i ? , u i t S H M . - IX WATCHES, CLOCKS,. JEWELRY, silvkrSvahk and xovelties. Our low prices iiiakt' iiiost' ln-autiful uVod all barirains. VraBriB m m . WII I I tiST i A LlrS 3 Uiit. . trnvfrwvu WMlsd 25 Years! NO " HALF tMo COST of STERLi7JG SILVER HAVING STEHLiHG SILVER half through tho back at I points exposed to waar, ss own by cut, joints exposed to waar f.s shown by cut, THEH FUTED EfiTlHE. CuarantoetJ to contain i more silver and are more Wc invite you all and to our best abilitv. S1LVm jar- -rT'-lA 7.J S -i a J 6:1 ! "3 Qi v H So. ;s! 3 it I ii w i mx$m$M VERY RKSPECTFULIiY. ; W. H. Bei3iier & Bro. AMQMCEIENT. We liereby . announce that Mr. p; P, Meroney isin .tttthorized. Rgent for collecting suid rcceiptinj? all bilU .ie the late firm -of - Whitehead & Trjinl tbam. k accounts unseUled 7j not adjusted in --the'' -next . sixty (av'j ' will' be Ted need to judmenfT7 j; WHITEHEAD, II.T. TRANTUAM, ' mi . Notice to XifK. Having qualified ais adiuimstra0r with the' v,ill annexe(i, of the estate Johii'llf" Veddinton, deceased. hereby giyp nolice to a!J persons )lav. ing ciainvsSiinst the said: decedent to-exhibitj the same to me on or before the 5th day of . February ISOi All persons indebted to 'said etat,- are requested to . settle' without fait m notice. ) - KoDTr-;. WDDrxoTo V. Adurt C. T. A. of .lo in u. ! Weddingtou. i Feb. 5. 1S91. UM. ; joiics - to .Creditors. 1 i.iviii'j; qual-fird as:'-A-dniinistrat,.r on tlie 'estate ot -.A.. M. Irexler; h'c-a j all persons having 'claims again.-f I .,r.. m,. -v i fit-.f ... . i, ( t i .. . .1 i .: 1 . i same u toe o ovk-i .igiieo io; p;ivaient on o.r before t heH2.lt h day of "damiarv W2 ortliis notice will -e p!e;yl i, bar -of t heir recovery, All person's indebted to said eTafe are requested" to make prompt ' ' p;iv ments. - ' This thp 2.M of Jan. ISiU, V. M. Tit'Kxi.r.R, Aln;r. Jotico to Creditors. ii viitLT qirdinVd as administrator of lb ;i! v '(--i.'r deceased, I le-reuv e;ive lice to uil. ,persms- havirt-g -claims, tiiist 1 lie estate of decedent to. iirc- 'ir s'-ii! t ie same i to mr, on if not hrfure the o'lh day, i-Vb. SU2. aii , er. -oils HliienTiHl are re(iiesteii-to liiakS! payment without frrther notice. . At i iiKD L. J'f.f.i.ku; AdmV. of lleui v -Feeler, deceased liiU JlLbi kVAi w !aii l this season at the stable of on. ' , . t":;o- a:,d -IVdiree apply to i. ' t Am' w. r . Ib-ar Poplar, N. C, or en,,!'!, Miranda. - TI8 Watcliman! A I ) Fairest Prices, NG THEM ALL. AND BIG PEOPLE lxkin hir to make.h liolidav (iiil and examine otrr line oX vvare: we never before have liftd .such .iinamoth stoek of this line, And v.-.- call vour , special itteu inm to our line of silver inlaid spoons anI forks. Kyervli'ody is deliglited witl our holilav display. You want to s'"e il. NEW NOVEL ; AND -t -BEAUTIFUL SELECTIONS. - IM.ENTY OF VARIETY;, ATTHACTIOXS. will be glad to serve you i i 1 - . t - !

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