Carolina Wat3hman. T UOCAL: H7R?IAV. MARCH 12, 1S01. - -Mr. II. L..i-pitl, of Hock Qjtj. has been bene tldA wee!:. . J p.jCaMjvclI, of tlicBtatCayind Land '.trk, w.h here Monday. Mr. F. M- Thompson jpejnt a few days i !- in Lexington lu-t week; . 1 Hon. John Henderson is at hoine .7andAviTlfiain "'1 Iceember. The work of . tearing down the old IVesbyteHau church will begin shortly. 31 r. and Mrs. A; J. Walker, of Now Vurk, are vetting Mrs. II. C. Williams. : Mr. I. li. JuJkih left for northern cities I Tuesday night to lay in line line of spring 1 goods. V"e stole a bnneho.f banannas from the front of . Tiehcner'ri ifctoru liit Saturday night. ' V llcv."S- Jwnes, of the Baptist church, will preaeh-a special sermon to young :uieu Sunday ni'ght. ; - I' li.ia-ranger, who lias been ! critically ill oVeverul daps, with csip . , ;e!as, is impruving. Thc,S. Cecelia Club will nave anf ver.--ning atrMrs. K. B.OCeaves" Friday nigUt. '"All arc eorlially invited.. ' .; The Ohqral Union is tnaking rapi .1 pro- gres,s in preparing for tpe 'Mu.-ical Fes ' tival at Charlotte, May 5th and Oil . -I China: J rove is a lively town-. Jlcr citiiens arc chergelic. It has a lively v paper too, but the editor id unmarried. ; J' The Lexingtonl7;ar learnt thrtt a i. i: goud many ! tobaceo plants have been killed and injured by the cold weather. Mr' J.'.W: Hosfeaiu left' for tlie North Tuesday night fur the purpose of making 1 jiwpo'rtauUid litivjiis to his-spring stock oi goous. ; :! Messrs. V. V. Iwd and F. 'JYSl.CluIr 'have bceolnc editors , of u.iy Charlutte ll make a An1 Ct?11 TVi arr Tott UU iUVJ """J Mr. J. C. Millcr-oT FtauthMliver, this count y stat'H that lie has sold V2 dozen of eggs since the fir t cf January tip to Marc7? 5th. In addition to this he Ins used' about 31 dozen, i Of course ilr. 5 , 'Miller take.? tho Watchman', lie sava taut he lets hi hens rest oecasionallv. r Let the returns eoms in. Salisbury Business Men. s ajbc . . . .. t niinnr. two :imi j I If,. 1 ....,. J fitll linn (if liPilvv nml fn-i.r i a half yca.s. MIKING DEPARTMENT. niE men' wn -) sell . oiocKRiKfy foxi'sy- ,ceiies, .confectioneries and canned i Mining Hews Gathers 1 in This and ' TIONERiss AND OTHER KATfBfc&. goods. He lias recently added a line cf. Other States , WHO THEY A'tE A U . dry goods-to his stock. Comething i;hat Would Pay. HarTsnury is now an excellent distri buting pofnt. Hex shipping advantages are snlendilT A well-conducted whole- Ns.ihe bti-;uess in the grocery and dry good,? line would pay here beyond a doubt. A number of our business men do a jobbing business, but the city has no Reputation as a wholesale '.market. We need exclusive wholesale dealers. We thijik that Home of our dealers should try this for they- doubtles could saon worii uj) an immense trade in every direction. , 2W Id 1 i i .No doubl, thev ;is betJi elw'U'ii -'( r ami 3i i . . ij- 1 . e Hi c:;ii.n 1; Chronicle. good fsaper. 'Mr.' I. 'It. Foust h Vctary and treasure Caulest-i n ''a :. i tyry cjiUpaiiy. Our thanivs ar.r.iaeTsic Cun: vn invitation I'ji aii u aunni a 'bouk 1-eceptioa'" at Xortii Ca.v.iiia , Cdlege on April the ui. Uur . jewjni want'!U' ligit. -Tlu-A cair hi;a-. Jroni efsur-.-U nnda;.' nights i U'? aro put out. 'i'aes should Unr a later every .night. - Wm. mitUdeal'Iefl Monthrv. for ';K-r-rinnv," Which --Stale 'he will sii'ortly own in fee :i.ah-, p.rovided it fin be pur- ijhasCvl iium -seal t.-lale agen'ts. A Pleasant Marriajre. Mr. T. C Gray, of Bethany township, JVedtll county, and Miss Nannie C, daughter of J. K. Burke, of this city, were married yesterday afternoon at the residence of the broles father, by Jlev. Di5-. J. llumple, in t ho jtrvsenco of f; invited - friends. 'Mr.. (J ray is one of Iredell's most excellent young men. His bride is one of the mo.-t popular ypung ladies in this city. The Watchman juir.s with the maay friends of both the contracting parlies iii wishing them all the happiness possible. A visit tor each" grocery store in this city recently disposed the fa?t tlrat a nu m her of our dealers carry lanre and handsome stocks and do! of business. Some of the noes c:irr- sm.ill stocks bufc thev have a I , . , ' notions good assortment, and lo quite a goon business. G. A. IJIXGHAM & CO. This firm islocated on Main street. Mr. Murjhy is a native of this city. He has been in business cn Jlain streit Itiais aa.l ardcles for ViU d;nrt;r..-iit are earne.-tiy M)'.i-iu-d. j ' The Dan bury Reporter says that oul of u.c unity oat properties optioned hv : , f' ""'near8' ' IIe.,,as " f"", line,of i tr&. , . . . heavy and tancy groceries, canned goods, 1 conirol htty to seventv-Gve of the valu- e tirms in nu oi- . col,fecticl.erii . cj ,ar3 tobaej, tos and ibW hoU properties just around Dauimrv. AV. A. KAf.LE. Mr. Eagle was raised in 'Salisbury. He runs a grocery and -confectionery busi- t- alc onrl nifVrii fine shops TFo hn etn- Thev have- been doing business in the j . . . . e J v ! pie and fancy groceries, provisions, &c. same nouse 20 vears. .ui. uiguuiu ai born in this city, but lived a nyraber of years in Davie county. Hi? partner, HonF. E. hober, was raised in Salem, but has lived here about p-j years. They carry groceries, provisions, confectioner ies and grocers' drugs. JNO. A. UOYIiEX & CO. Mr. Boyden was raised in Htukes coun ty. He is a son of Hon. Nathaniel Boy den. He has lived in Salisbury since quite a young man. L. E. HEILIG. Mr. Ileilig was raised at Mt. Pleasant, Cabarrus countv. lie is located on South Main street. Mr. Ileilig has been in business here about one year. He sells staple and fancy groceries, confec tioneries, provisions, 5cc. FEELER & MAU1.T. This firm consists of Messrs. J. A. Peeler and J. P. Mault. They were Before the. Avar he both raised" in this county. The linn . Trowncd in the Yadkin. Lust Friday Charley Bogan was drown ed in tho Yadkin river at Swift Island fjrry. A horse drover wanted his stock put across the river, and the stream be ing very full, it took all the available help W manage the ferry. Began was a o;;ie-arn;edman who attended the mill there and was on' the boat. When- it moved 01T from the, bank the loose mules ran to th-e front end v. hich caused it to djip water, and Bogan becoming very isitseh frightened, leaped into the stream.'' The angry :curreut bore him swiftly down and ""the poor fellow was seen to grasp the bus!u.s alojig the bank twJcc. ilisliody has r.-;t been found, though sf arching p. a have li.-died the river for uiihi. 'oncord Times. ro - - 3 I n f r. e- w i'.iiii!'e Ita ii-road a i t . a i t eitdl ii lc I he liiia tale Sunday School Con -yetteviilc. 2s. C, at the tol s for r.oasirr trip : Charlotte", was in the foundry business. He is lo cated on North Iuniss street. Mr. Boy den has been in the cotton, grain and fertilizer business about four years. He handles buggies and agricultural ma chinery. H. & L. WRIGHT. t This firm consists of two brothers Henry 31. and 11. L. Wright. They do businesscorner of Main andlniiiss t reels. 1 They were raised in Davie county, but i the public square, osi Main street. He have lived in Salisbury about li years. They have been in the grocery business about IS months. They handle heavy and. fancy groceries, provisions,' canned goods, wood and tinware. They have a branch store in northeast Salisbury. has existed two years. They are located corner of Main and Fisher streets. They handle staple and fancy groceries, con fectioneries, canned goods, fish, cigars and tobacco. S. J. SAVICEGOOD. Mr, Swicegood was raised in Davidson county. He is an old resident here, hav ing lived here about vi? years. He runs a boarding house only one block from We learn from the Oxford Day that gold has been discovered iu Dutchville township, Granville county. It is. an important find, and great things are ex pected of it. An accurate assay of tire ore has beeu made. Silver and iron have also beeu found near by. It now looks as if the southern portion of Africa is to be the source of the future goal supply. Eight thousand live hun dred ounces were taken from two mines there during January. Some very im- poitant discoveries have been made. However, we are ready to put Rowan, Montgomery and adioinintr counties against the world. ' Soetbeer, as far back as. 1SS-5, placed the average yearly consumption of silver in the industrial arts at 515,000 kilos that is, for five years say L',575,000 kilos, which amounts yearly To about 27,117, 000, or in the aggregate, to $135,588,000. Tho Argentine Republic is about tons- say a gold coinage of no less than $7,000, 000, to be executed at the French mints and to consist of pieces each of 8.GG5 grammes .900 fine. Mining Record. Salisbury Produce Market. Concectfd weekly by TV. E. Jtini it cr ! ,'2 Dry lii.W,- i: star. ' ' Ca'ekct -lii-b pu'ia.ocs, Sv-ct .' Peas, Corn, ffil'.fiillilii -or Salisbury, I C. I. JM t - 1 '" lIIHK, 1"" W'im- Lean. . ; Mix-- J I,- ft ;. Hour". 2.2i)(n M.WJ TOBACCO MAUKET. 1 Corrected weekly at Planters' Warehouse. The loaor continueil season is now .ended, anii high jrice3 stilt prevailj All grades iwe selling well, especially well-bodied filK-rs. e 'piole : Common Lug, Good medium, Smokers, Common leaf. Medium, Cood, Cutters, jroud, Hal2 iat; Fine. ltla'JO :alJ. Wra"rsnied'm, 12iai: '.;ilU (iocxj, lfl,l2r Sn2 Fine. 23a40 l JAals Kanev, none offered. RJ HOLMES, - - PresklenU I. II. FO.UST, - - Cashier, Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and ProM S35t00(X General Baiikinlmsiiiess tlans- actetl. Deposits Solicited. felCr:lv or Your Jewelry SPAGJI i. Wl! i i . i i . i ; ; .(l III C;ii- U.Wi:: :5.7v) in-U -:tiC!n, GEO. (;. BEYKFERT. Mr. Seyffcrt lias been in busifiess here about six years. U'e was borii and rais ed in Germany, lie is locate on Inniss fstrect. lie runs a bakery and restau rant, handles oysters, lish, cigars and candies. y CHAfj. T. TICHEXEH. "Mr. Tichener was raised in (he eastern part of this State, lle'has been in busi n ess here about two" years. His place of business is n ilain street. lie runs a fruit stand and confectionery, lie sells fruits, line candies, tobaeeo and cigarsT He siil a- 1 fancy groeeries anil canned goods ia a short while. ( Ill'Ei.V .1- Mcri.i.oll. I This firm consists id'.li'ssrs. J. 1J. Chce ly and T. M. McC'ulioh. Mr. Ciieely was born and -raised ffi Y-adkin countv. i i t in n. G.75; Raleigh, t.-I0; also sells heavy groceries, canned goods and confectioneries and buys country produce, . JN'O. A. MUKl'IIV. Mr. Murphy is a native of this city. He does business on Fast Inniss street. He has been selling groceries, confection eries, canned goods, cigars, tobacco, &c, about two years. lie runs a boarding house also, and buys country' produce. Boat Sinks. A ;g-ij?52, Our latest advices irom Aie- Ca:iless roint b-rings tnc ..: -si , ( . has lived here about three Vears. Mr. :.:. l: iiUC.-9 1 i t 111 IH.CI.Jli.-- iii,,!l I. ,1.- - ... . ...1 I,, 14,.. J. .act Uiloli was.iai-cu in l'a K in same jiroprt o:i . xicl-iel vale goo;J I i b'it has live.', he; vears. county, The firm , THc legishiture has -changed tr.e pf Iavit!s6n College that isr the oi tlie town 4ei:?.;e. -It fci-iiply iKividooii, wiiht out the lKune name. is iu v .dlei-.- Mr. ( i. W. Wright', of this eily, ha: la'U.tianero'.isiv ill Avirir meni.igiiis ier 1'iree 'or; .! vs. He l- ihis wiiliug. We trust that he resvurcd "to health. " iiilO .' he. A '. 1 to 2oih inclusi-vt . . i ;i .,,,,1 ;,,..!,, l ;,, i . , ..,.k "a I Tiie " Richmond fc Danville Kaih'oad' -will t.ive the following educed ' rates to parties attcndhig the Y. M. (.'. A. C'on-vi;nth-n, at Durimm : From Charlotte, w is organized about eight months re. co.'i -; ; : s2'.',i.j : i I( i iision-.Salem , Cirecnsbcro, nler.-on, xo: lhileiuh, .esb. ro, , a at i ; !.(") ; from I atennciiiate in-ints in same nronortiyn. 'l'ie!;'ets cm usi ve, ;ok! 1'etui iiing March Wi:.. e March 1 7 to 11 ii Cracker is Ileie. : . SruH.iil h;;s the follow er Thi Writer is a sort of icuv'.ci feel '' . '!! -Jiereand caunotaindertalle to epen .she campaign for the approaching municipal -eJecii ni or ol hr iiU'itlels. IhiL the t-oi-Unns of the .V-.i't'Il31AN are ocn "i everybodv. Use them. They carry a fii'i! line of groceries, can ned goods, confectioneries, notions jaiid tiueeusware. x 'C, J. IlIXfiHAM. lr. Lingham is on orth -.Ia:n si ret t lie! was born and raised in Mocksvillc, but has lived here lSotl. lie lias been in the grocery business jour years. He sells staple and fancy groceries, lo bacco, cigar.-, provisions, queeusware. c:c. T. !'.'. SWINK,. j Mr. Swink was raised iji this county. He is located corner of Mailt and Coin - wk:ck:-:i goat shocting news that one of the ferry-boats, while conveying a large unmber of passengers from Chestnut Hill to -the mainland, foundered in the deep est part of'the channel. it is thought that all the passengers succeeded in reaching the shore, some at McCanless PerfVcand the rest at different places a'ohgyhe beach north of IJrown's flats. Oiie-o'fHhe bishops of this diocese was on loard, and it is said !v eve witnesses that he behaved as coolly as an old mariner during the exciting scenes of the wreck' It. is suppo-ed that the cash ier id one of our banks was in the w of the they McCnbl eel: and was lo.-d . rescued par-engei s;tw him lloala: Oill- r to, near Liia s w aart, auu noped iiui! safe lar.di: ie sticeee ieu in V V i.e.-) f ca ed'ectin Died. In Cabarrus county, on Feb. 27 Martin reuningcr, age 32 years. 31 r. At his home in Morgan township, on the 5th inst., Mr. Daniel Frick. Mr. Frick was one of the oldest citizens in that communitv. When Baby was sick, wo gare her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria ivTien she became Miss, she chir.g to Castoria. When she had Children, she gara them Castoria REPORT OF the CONDITION OF DAVIS & WILEY BANK, SALISBURY, N. C, At the close of business, Feb. 20, 1S9U IS RESERVED F(lR T. F. YOUNG, WHOSE ADVERTISEMENT WILE APPEAR AS SO(X AS HE RETURNS FROM THE NORTH, WHERE HE II At GONE TO LAY IX A NICE ASSORT MENT OF DRY GOODS, DRESS LIN INGS, TRIMMINGS, EDGES, LACES, ETC. . AYe are still at our ehl standi on Main street, vllere"Ae nave a select stock of WatcheClQcks, Spectacles, and all kinds .of fiho Jewelry on hand at the lowest- prices. Watch repairing a, specialty;. All work guranteed 12 jmonths: : J. b K. HORAH. I JOHN A. RAMSAY, . CIVIHi 232JC3rI"Kr BEH. i Attemls to Railroad Construction, Surrcysr-v::: aml Mapiiin cf lieal Estate,- Estimates ot - Water Powers, Plans for the Erection of MiTTs,. r l)veliinrs, &c; ainl-Attenns to the purchase of . all kinds of Machinery, IUnlding Materials, 4c. fe! 2 tf . 16::i;n Dr. R, L. Ramsax Smithdeal's Row, Office No. l'r OFFfCE Hours from 9 to 5- SALISBURY, .-N.O.' HE SOUliCES: Loan. an i.l dleouuts oviniiarts. .: r.oniN iind Slocks Kuril it tire an J li Hires lU"frou! Itanks and Hankers H'Tks an J ft her aH items . Criviicy and specie Total '. 1,07-.S9 4. ; B00 0O . . 20,93s ST. liiBTT" THE- TYPE-WR TER. 'This cr.rwlhm was ir,ri entitled sitliin lu'-ai i'.ij uf i iii' u pul ler the .'Uu r tiny : ! 14 W'uuJJ a la:nl rwii nany "-ay in Saii--b iry V " TaiU tlcju'iuls. IT tin: Linn a'lux liju;inl ilit-n so hi -at an'atl - VancCL of runr.U' it will pay. Tlie CDusiueralion lk-od not-bother J he laiul company, pVovnk'tl they have tlu: where with, for there hs no tlilli-enlty nbout h'dv in,; real estate in this t-eniianiiity. .Kut there is a seeond 'consideration Who is going to purchase af-advaniee prices? v We'belieA'e tho,- rule . in other ;-i-oviu.i;. 'Ciiie.s'i.s (lint outsiler.s some one loohini:; for a suitable Juration to da business, or real estate speculator are the ones who arc willing to pay the extra prices. Ih erfaisc our hotel facilities, improve our sliest, light them up well at night, moon or no moon j tear away unsightly buildings and pint the tethers, and thereby iinhice people tp come auiong us who 'javc the means topurchase. , When thest things are 'done, then.' will be no tliluculty in t inaintajuing a hind er any other hind ol .'oinpany. v Kakinj it Hot for Them.. Tvo,Iornion preachers have been tr; -ing to get n their work-in this couuKy for 'sometime. The citizens ol" the neigh borhoods where tbev have beei'i stoiiUig are quite indignant and have' ordered thein to leap. We understand that they "Jj-ivc decided to go. Capture cf a Rogue and a Desperate " ' ; Struggle. "Will Clark, colored, ' was brongbt to town Tnesdayahd placed in jail. Jle is . from Gold Ililr township, and stands I "cliargwd with breaking into the store oi ' Mr. Hdltshuser, bear llockweH, and .'stealing a quautityof goods some fijne a;o.Mr.Linn Fishei'andIr.Ilolt.sIiouser ' Kadejtjie arrest, but had a lively skir ir. Clark resisted and was desperate. j ..Xr.:!" Fisher had al gun. " Tlie . -lieiji-o' wrenched it out of his hands rhl s'llot ai diinr, -but Without hitting him, 'Ir.. Frsher knocked him down with a rotk and in the scufle"thq gun w'as broken, ,Mr Fisher getjing ike gtock. He frro- '; ee-de to useitand the negrj was socn ; iubduedNand tied, 1, i ! i'J '1 ISO i'.aijf-o ot, looking "atler tlie id. lie will ;:o over in I i-.i - and decide upon the alter which ' he v. ill siart .cut cnti'itiecrs. Tho WO .1. of 't for li.e i;t liern the . evi i b.-t o.a .Willi a c; b..eali!:g !. southevu extension of the i oii.i w ill uc piHue-1 torwardliow. ? Sallsus y ' pcopie want to bo on the laoktaif lo- 'apt. Crocker. TheIioajio!:e vc r c.'U.i.yii is to be .built. ' There are t.Vo or th:ee ruies. One uf tliem lies in the diiivei.ion of this eity. if the rail road comes In re it wilL require prompt work. , ii'il is not biwlf here, Salisbury will uq something that liever can-be re gained, for this will settle the matter of airbill or line from the North for all time to coiuc. Froinpt action w ill get t'ne road. t?ince writing the above, IMsj. Ceo. C r o c k c r , 1 o c a t i n g c i j g i n e e r o f t h e di o a n o k e, roiitlnrn has been here. In reply to our .questions, he stated that the survey south of Winston would begin about Captain mention ',i v deervc's esnccial .croie eli'orl- :n savinr the passengers. signal O.'k-er 3Ic-Ca:ni !'..i.:ed to get his loree t 'get her in time to be of much service in saving life, but no doubt lie will be better pro itled with life boats in future, and. we mod not fear a repetition of the toiriblo :-cones of last ni-'ht. LTABILiri'ES: Ci Hal I ' ii-1 l v i . n-ti pruiiis DeriiMts Mii.j'-ct to check l "too s:l ,iici scuc.:h.tmisiauuir,ij.. 5,110.411 126.S10.T1 1, SI 5.34 $. 000. 00 i!,S.(3 13 Urn-' iitlierlianks. Notes and bll Total . blisint.- April 1st. Two routes "will be surveyed, one from Winston via Lexington, GoltU in Hour, baCon, hay, &cs mil, and probahiy tap the Carolina Cen 1 oil streets. io 1ms beeu in i 1 here thiecyear.?. His stock coiisists of heavy and fancy groceries, provisions, canned goods, tobacco and cigars, H. C. MILLKKr .; Mr. Miller was raised i Salisbury. He is on North Main strecjt; has been selling grtieeries since lastj December. He can it s heavy ami laney groceries, provisions, cannetl goods, wootlenwarc, snull, tobacco, ;eighrs ami Ifruits Mr." Miller luns a free delivery vagou. ' ' - J i . i TVSV)X & CO. I This linn consists cf Messrs. H. G. Ty son and J. I). McNeely. Mr. Tyson was raised in Baltimore. Mr. MeNeely was born and raised in Mocksvillc. The firm has existed about one year. They arc on North Main street. They do an extensive commission and produfc bus iness. They handle heavy: amy fancy groceries, lish and oystcrs forrctail trade, and do an extensive wholesale business m - V OSS l'C-ulS.'QC.i;tP j 9,Ta0.22 J2O1.1U2.40 t, O.I). !)vis, Cf ..sliir or Davis & Wiley Dank, (I.) solemnly that the above statement is iriki to the best, n i.iy knowli-dyf and belief. (. 1 DAVIS, cashier, subscribed -.a:l sworn to benn-eirie. this mu day or March, ivi. I. II. Kol'ST, Noiary 1'ublle. r!" ., -r STATErfVILLE, X. C, r omiiioi: !--: itself to those wlio want the news of i he d iy and all or It. and who wai.t a candid ex pression oi opinion u-on current lor ies, it is a sc enmiiii! papei-. a pa ileularlv.Bari(oine sheet, am! the people who take it swear b it. Mibserlptlon pnee, $2 per year. i lor sixnonihs, 50 cents toi t'iree motlis. Se-nd lor sainjile cojiv. Address, J. I. c.M.DWEI.!.. Kditor and Prop. THE MERR1TT Sinijilc, Durable. Prints- from clear Metal Typo, does the work of a $1(X) Machine; Perfect Alignr nient. Prints Capitals,-Small Let ters,. Figures and Characters 78 in all. -Price complete, $15." - Agents and canvassers -wanted..- Apply to -, r. J. ALLEN BROWN, Ag't for W. N. C. Salisbury, rV. C. hohest mm "v;"T3L3MT "2323 !-(ne huialred thons vw iii.o ooiiais in t'onicdciaie money at En niss Di ug store. 1 - tral at Indian Trail, thence to Lancas ter, S3. C. Tlie other will be from Winston to -Salisbury, by Concord and Charlotte to Lancaster. After the surveys have been made ami the amount of subscriptions- considered, a lively time may be expected before the matter is finally settled. -But beyond a doubt .Salisbury will get the road'as we arc on an airline lo-Laticiuver. Obituary. - Died, at Kernersville, Forsyth countv, on tlie -Uh install-. W. A. Crtiull in his G7th year. ! - t lfis health. had not been good for two years previous Jo his death, and while on a visit to his son, Dr.. J. F. -Griffith: of this city, about. a.ycar ajto, exam- mctt by Dr. Whitehead, wlio pronounce'd Salisbury. ILEX. PAKKEP, Mr. Parker was raised in If c has been in the grocery and confec tionery business about 2-i years, lie runs a bakery iu connection w ith- his other business. He carries a full line of heavy andfancv groceries, canned goods, toys, cigars, tobacco, fancv kdiinuwarc. C. II. PW'IXK. Mr. Swink was raised in Rowan coun ty, lie has been in the grocery and con fectionery business on Fast Inniss street about threcyears. His stock consists of heavy and fancy groeeries, confectioner ies, fresh lish and provisions. Mr. Swink has a branch house in northeast Salisbury. ) - ' J. M. DKOW'X. Mr. Brown does business on Main street. ; He was raised in Salisbury. He the tuouhle valvular disease of the heart, has- been dealing in heavy and fancy .which disease, after a lingering illness of' groceries, canned goods, toys, fruits, several months duration, terminated bis j cigars, tobacco &t, for about sixteen -iife- ' ' ;' - - j yoar. Jits 4.leath is generally regretted iu j Forsyth, where he was highly esteemed as a irood citizen. an uori "lit. h:ut n-in-i ' -i. niecs auoui seven years, lie Ciy ries a ,r . ii. . 4 . L - full line of heavy" and fancvi groceries die nad been a consistent memfier and t, , ' , . . r ; ; t rtunni goou, eoiiieeiiouei ios ami conn , K. C. MII.I.KIl. Mr. Zdillcr has been in theroccry bus- oflicer in the Methodist Fpiscoiaikhurch lor a period of forty -six years,. A wife and six children survive him. - iry produce. Ir. Miller was the th si ry wagon. Mr. Famuel L. Roberts, of China Grove township, has been appointed Dejmty street rihTerill of Rowan county.',. grocer here t upstart a free i r. a. cAT'r.i.i:.' Mr. Cauble Joes business otvEast Inni s lie was raised six . Salisbury. Mr. Cauble ha '4ccn scllinr. hiiles from The ;fbovc is a-g'olnl ihotograph of our lighting editor, i'&rhap- a brief biogra phy may be interesting. Hewas born and raised in Rowan county. He was raised on bluegrass and oatmeal, hc,uce his muscles arc fully, developed. It is estimated that he can ",vVap John L. Sul livan in 4S secQudg. Cur lighting editor i.s kind riid docile w hen in a good humor, but is dangerous when he hears of a sub scriber refusing to pay Ibr his paper. He goes armed all the time, but is not quarrelsome. Wo present ;., .''.-.7 . c herewith a cut of the pis tol that he carries. It is ham merless and shoots ten times. It never misses fire, and is watrjinted to kill a subscriber at a distance of loO yards, provided he orders his paper stop ped without paying what is due. Nev Advertisements. If vou have Confederate money, call :rt Enniss' drug store. See advertisement of the Stat.csville Land mark, -the mo.-t readable ncwspajier in the State. Read the statement of the Davis & Wiley Bank. It is well couducted and the liuaucial condition all that could be desired. Notes From Pressly, Iredell County. Covre--o:i'enee of the Watrliman. We have some sickness in this section. Weddings have been scarce this win ter. Mr. William Sherrill and Miss Le na Sherrill both of Alexander county, w ere married last week. We have ten school teachers in this vicinity. I could call and all of them could hear me that is, if I could call loud enough. We have a good academy near this office. Mr. E. S. 31iilsaps is the princi pal at Fairview. W. P. J. Children Cry for Pitcher's Htoria. A. S. (iEILSG. .Zt Xiaw.' SALISBURY, X. C. ( Hl'n-e n Davis vt V"ilcy 's hank loiildmg, t'orncg oi .Main and Inniss streets. Will prac tice in ( 011 is of ..owan and a2ioinini' counties. Prompt an 1 ear Iu! att. 1, ion given to nil 1ms- iuess entrusted to n:e. S; ecial attention given I to colli et'ons. 1 FAIR DEALIN&- 1ST EN Tf) WHAT I SAY. - I begin the new year determined to create such advantages that my friends who havent time to come down to Charlotte and see my immense stock' can stay at , home and buy as satisfactorily as if they saw the-goods on the floor. I have out a. :t complete line of photos of ZPZ-A-IsTOS which shows up Quality and Styles almost as well as if you saw the go'odt them -elves. I guarantee every article just as represented, and if you do not find it so you can return the goods lo me and I. will bear the expense, both Way- " ' REFUND 10U.T. ONEY. : 1 . Bv ordering from me through photos you save paying the big prices smaller d. ders rran-e vou, and your railroad fare to Charlotte. -AVrite me for photos ufwha" ou want and I Will guarantee to loth please and and save you money. E. M. ANDREWS, , CIIAIU.OTTE, N. C ' . DURHAM FERTILIZER COMPANY Office: DURHAM, N. C. Factories : DURHAM, X. C, and RICHMOND, IA. This is a Home -Company, manufacturing Fertilizers expressly for the Farmers. Every pound of goods guaranteed the Highest Grade. Best Materials. Farmers will always get value received when buying' goods with these brands on them. Don't buy any goods until you ex amine carefully what they are offering, and then get their prices. " Ex clusive manufacturers for the North Carolina-Farmers' Alliance. The following is a list of their brands : North CaroliiiaFarmers Alliance Official Guano, Durham Bull with Peruvian Guano, Durham Bull Ammoniated Guano, Peruvian Substitute Guano, Great Cotton and Corn Grower Brand. TESTIMONIALS: r Mt. Tauor, X. C., July '21,1S01. , l)r. .. I. Colenian, of Hurdle's Mills, Mu. W. H. Worth. writes: The Farmers' Alliance Official Dear Friend and Urothcr: I sec (-ua:lu VA Kiven general satisfaction vour jv(iie.t to business agents who jn fliis iocalit v. and we rejgice that '.,t the "Alliance Guano' to -report 't,js mch of our tffort in securing a In. iv the nfi-sons liked it, and how it aetetl on our soil. I have seen or heard from all. and tiny say they have never used better, and wish it next season if they can get it. Fraternally your-. J. Soles Bus. A'"t No. ISO. success 1 "tiaiio has been fraught with J. II. Lyne, business agent of Dutch viile Alliance say.: The "AlluiUfe" .veil en4, jre satisi..etion. ( i u.iiio has g Hon. J. p.' Allen, TirasnrerN. C Alliance, O. Falls, N. C, tvy that thV''A 11 innce"' Guano gurf him and his Alliance good results aiA proved iirst-c!assin every wa'. T. Ii. Barker, laywofKl, N. P., under date -f August 1, 18ft), SayVjl Menibprs of May wood Alliance like the Alliance"" "Guano splendid, iind the hot 'crops I have seeu in a long time. 1

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