V '-'. I r - ' " " - - - - -" t 'tTT-Tr f ------ . - - ;f : . .. "... ... :- "t" i . i 5 it. it I' ; J i - i. -i-l .PJ i i j . 1 : H. if HI ill ! n I i 111 it. f ! f f t f n V Carolina Watchman X L RAMSEY, Editor and Proprietor sutoni irrioN. katks. One year In iufvaivce "Six mOHtbs r " ' 'f -ClnlMoffivcl - . Clubs of fea fr ioro THICTLV CASH. .11. w :7-r 1:2.1 1.00 UmterrA to second-class mill ai Salisbury. N..C. Titui: iDAY, APKIIj Itf, 18U1., I)VEIiTJSEi:S. TciiMAN hd forty per pent. more tircuhi 'on tJiM ami atft jxqer fatisbury. Th tUj nifr rk after vou r name sho w& that your si jsctiplioii has expired and is aii invitation to renew. - Th!e oad Question AYe have - passed through another winter and unsettled.' the road question is still Many suggestions have I eix actetl ftponYand still the roads get r worse. During the past winter inter course has Leon almost entirely cut off between ne ghhorhoods by mi passable Tjogs called roads. ' '.' Almost eVery week somebody jumps up and says "work' them by taxation.-" jThe friends of.this idea generally argue that if mureand better work was put pn them they would be better. ' IT you spend a million dollars on the roadi ol any county in North Carolina every year in the way proposed the roads -will be no better; . This Jias been demonstrated time and again by diteh- 1 'inir and throwing up the dirt in the centre. wdrk b -I - This will not do. The nure tills kind the worse the road. A roof ever the road has been suj- ested.! ''hii plan is better than toothing, hiit costly and would not be permanent The only solution is to put rock o j. Make a little good road te very year J and this will last as long as Ve need roads; This is expensive, but is the-chea'pesj and best in the long run. ' We will take Rowan county, for in stance, '..his county is divided into 'thirteen townships. Part of the ic tuuty is andy and there the roads afe fairly good. The red clay section is fearfully bad fur mud. It is esti mated that a good macadamized road can be built fbr about 3,000 per mile. Suppose we make a mile and a half or more of good roads every year Spend .$1000 iri eaclr township annu ally. This will make one-eighth of a mile of road. ' .Rowan ;ounty has several thousand dollars in her .treasury . at this time. The taxes' would be but aMittle higher. This work would be slow, but sure. On-eighti ot a mile in eaclr township would, sou ti make a great change. Of course ty worst places in the roads would, be niacadaiuized first. The fe- sult would be remarkable. It would completely change the country. Prop erty of alikiudi would be more vajuabla " and atl classes of-people would be ben-cfitted.- jLand owners could -afford to give, the rock, and durhig August the teaui cot Id be enloyed in hauling : it on the roads. Joor men not owning teams Could work on the ro-ids, and so the m ney would be paid .back -to our people ;ind -kept in the county. .Town people will not have that ad van ; tage unless they own teams, - but the Value to ibcift would be as great as to the cour try people and they could Easily pa r the additional tax. ; Kow, he question is, would it pay ;i the peop e ofthgi or any other county V to pay a l additional tax of $15,000 or ' f 20,000 per annnm? We assert that it wouiUj pay. a proht ot from 20 to 40 percent per anuum. . Does anything ' in the county pay that much at pres ent? !othi'ng.. Then would it not e wise to make the venture? The people cf this or any other section ol North Carol i a a can afford to tax them ' klves 10 a 'liwited extent every year : aad in the long run realise handsome : "profits. . . ThU is the way and the only way lo t settle the road problem. It' might lake alp mired years to make all the public roads good, but it should be jlmie, and we ought to start the ball right -now. 1 Better Mail Facilities. We reproduce in this issue a Jon OH Article from the :Jharlotte jOhrikle setting forth the need of better mail Tacilijis for this section. " There is no doubt about the need of -' V1' '. pomeof the railway postal cars -need more clerks. A -good manyi things are needed. We. understand utk jnruuifnii ...111 1. t ....... ... .ijoj-vii ui aiong soon ur purpose-Ai looking mto mat- , ers with the view of putting the mail ; between here and -Albemarle on th frain instead of carrying it on horses backj- The people' all "along th. line are clamoring for it, and beyond Vloubtjt his would be a blessing to ti ie s rb. contractor, for lie is carrying the inaii for nothing' and boarding him " self ' ' ' ' j ; '' '. . r J liy some hook crook the Watch s'jiaSJ does not get to Mooresville and that . road unl I tle ofBee here The 'papers go to Statesyille and spwid twj or -three days nd theu go down. The papers for --Mill- Rridge, IJIackmer, Jlarts and other offices in west Rowanj go out to China Grove and are thrown off the vestibule, and if the postmaster con find out their distinationj (for the wrappers frequently burst) he seffds them out. The mail for these offices and for Mooresville, should go by "the Star routr, on which the mail leaves here every Friday morning. There is plenty of room for improvement. This is Correct. The Fanners Mhocatc, of Tarboro, slarfs out by saying a good many true things. Among other things it has the following: TUo Farmers' Alliance is not a proscrtptivc or ganization by any meaas. Some metfenants ana othei-s, for Instance, soeak ot lie AllUnce wltn awe In that respect, but tlielr Ideas a;e; more ranarul thaareal. 1 - This is exactly correct. It is true that there has been some conflict be tween farmers and some business men, but it is wrong to convey the idea that as a class s we. must fight tiio business I mpn !Lt a fdjiss. A1K , l. ' " . t . ,1 i . I business and professional nieii WhO do business as it should be lon should' i i i . . f o., l noirnn-i have the fendorsenftnt an,? patronage of our people at all times. I . Any trade arrangements or wholesale buying that n . . I , ... , the farmers do is perfectly j legitimate. They have the same right of all other , if i i l l i people to self and buy to the mo, ad- vantage'at all times, l Here l a gooa i p i.i k ' ..t : r f a-i i ii ii iii-.i ii n:ir iip n i.iii in hi. i Sometime we forget our 'duty to our neighbors and do them wrong. But-it i? equally true that they sometimes for-! get and do us wiong in the same way; or otherwise. It has ever been thus since the world began. Representative Mills and Crisp are clearly in the lead at this time in the race for the speakership of t he next House, but it dosent necessarily follow that either of them will be elec ted; there are "dark horses" from the S.mth as well as from other sections. anyone of which mzy win th prize. Tuere is a possibility, jnahy think a strong probability, that a dicker will be made to give one section of the! country tlie speaKcrsaip, anotner tne nomination for president, rnd still anothervthe nomination for Vice-pres ident in order to, insure harmony. Alodern politics is nothing but a series of dickers. America has produced1 many indi viduals, outside of Mornifinism, whose; mania fr marriage has paused them to go through that solemn ceremorfyi oftener than the law or good morals ! sanction, but it has nothing iu thatline to approach the French woman who has-been married to fortjr-three men within six years. There are serious drawbacks to -the pleasures of of club life in New York Vi ' T i . ... - viiy. uuring an altercation in ene of the clubs in thatxity the presiding officer bit off one of the ears of a mem ber. lie had evidently become im pressed with the pictorial advertise ment headed "Ljnd me you r ear." The story of the bloodthirsty bid inuian, ueronimo, Having oecome a Sunday sclwol teacher may be a true one but he isn't, the kind of u man we should select to dispense spiritual in struction to either children or adults. We 'haver-before us ihe first number of the Farmers' Advocate, organ of the Alliance in Edgecombo county, and issued from Tarboro. Mr. Jas. B.kL!oyTis owner and editor. It is a latidsome eight-column paper filled with gcod mutter. We wish it much success. . Col. T. M. Holt is making arrage-, euts to occupy his chair as governor m permanently; He will keep Private Secretary Telfair and Executive Clerk Capehart in his employ. Ben Terrell, The Allliance orator of Texas, will ad dress the people of North Carolina as follows : WilEesboro, Friday, Taylorsvillc, Siiturday, April 17 " 18 ! "20,21 Dis. Al uce 1 u Statesville, Mon. &. Tues., Lexington, Wednesday, Lenoir, Thu. &, Fri., Lincolnton Saturday, Columbus, Monday, HendersonT Tuesdav, I "234 Dis. Al'ncc Aprrl 23 " 27 I- " 28 ! "20,30 ! ; May 1 " 2 " 4 -fi ' M 7 : " 8 Asheville, Vcd. & Thu., ' Marsnan. r ridar. WaynesviUe, Salurdar, Charleston, Monday, Marioa, Wednesday, Hickory, Thursday, Salisbury, Friday, Speaking will begin promptly at li All the people are cordially invito tn attend the lectures of this distinguished gentleman. All these meetings will 1,a Publib except the oml Uyr of each . 1. - w v v i iv vUUlllV y- i lanees throughout th' Aitrt ' ittL whom are expected to be present! V 'CKIdren Cry for Pitcher's Castor& 1 - o'her offices aiong Monday. It goes in Thursday; afternoon. Notes From Statesville. AEAt UVE TOWN IT IS A SUDDEN UEATH TERRELL'S APPOINTMENT, Cotrtpon ence of the Watchman. Otlr town was alive yesterday will, people from various parts of the u -ty What was the cause? - Why the show, and all wauled tlie cnildrei to see the educated horses. Of co"ursb he older people did not care anything about it su far as they were concerned. ' One of the Stone Cutters, for (he public builinr, an Irishman, died suddenly last g&tturduy night. lTehad been sick, but was considerably better and was up and about. rhere wasinothing wrong with jhim at 1 p. in., and at 6 p. m. some one wepf to his room and found him dealr The ver dict of the coroner's jury was that he died perhaps of heart failure. There is a company of Northern capi talists here who having invested in ouj surburbau lands just North of and ad joining the town, And they have quite a number of hands at work, laying oil lots aiicfbpening tip streets. So look out! we are coming. We had the largest tobacco sales at our warehouse to-day that we have-" had for thvseason. The houses were full, and the weed broight fair prices. The sellers were pleased, so far as I could learn. The first Monday in May our peo ple will decide at the ballot box, .lot only who shall be mayor for the next two j'ears, but Whether or not we vill have a graded School. Two of our citi zens have gone to your city, and also to Charlotte, to ascertain something in re gard to the conduct of those Schools, and whether or. not they-are giving satisfac tion. This writer is iu favor of'cs- tablishing said schools, for the simple ,.enson that t.hev InVntft 4ind enlisrhteir e Thej "great Texas Alliance orator (Ben Terrell.) will be here next Monday and Tue8ffa Evry one OURbt to her him I understand that he is an interesting and instructive speaker. We cordially iu vite every one who can do so, to come out and near himm Tne pubiic buildiug is going up now, more rapidly than befere. The workman are now on the third story ,and probability is it will be completed tnis present year. April 12th 1701. Jay Ce Te. - Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. raiiintv ctvn rrl Latest U. S. Government Food Report. FRESH LOT -OF arden And AT- KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE JOHN M. WOMBLE, WITH fie.Slider&Co. RALEIGH, X. C. Dress Goods Department. Any lad wishing to buy . a Dress Silk or Wool and will write pie stating color and about what price guods they desire, I will mail samples cueertully. Our Dress Good3 stock is the most complete in the South. If you have samples from any nortliern house send them to me and I will match them. JOHN M, WOMBLE. 22:3m M'g'r Dress Goods Dep't. Please mention the Watchman when jou wrtte. Firs! Itional Bant -0?- mhi i c. It. J. HOLMES, - - President FOUST, Cashier! foTvifoi Cjr-n AAn ct t xwipuyjuyu. Surplus and Profits, $35,000. i . . , . Uenerai milKing business trans- actel. Deposits solicited. I filj Oiover - t l l t ' :' - ' mm m U 3.j.,. j : i WI LL NOT HO tpUIlSELF JUSTICE IF YOU FAj to ske oun sTdcK'oir- WE KEEP KOTIIf Cf TJfJT THE BEST GOODS INOUU L1XE. WEDO BUS I NESSjO N BUS i N ESS. PRINCIPLE?. IF YOU BUy YOU R GROCERIES. FIIOM US YOll WlLT GET FULL VALUE FOU YOUR M OX EY. GOODS DELIVERED FjREK OF-CHARGE. WE ARE AGEXrt'S FOR THE CELE - BR ATE D Beeriaa: RespiEg & Mswiss MscMne THIS MACHINE IS GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS AND WILL , RE SOLD FOR LESS MONEY TH AN. kNY OTHER FIRST CLASS MACHINE1 ON THE MARKE T. CALL AN D ENAM INE. THANKING! YOU FOR PAST FA VORS, WE REMAIN,. , ... , . ' u J '1'RULY, CHEBLY:& McCULLOH, Between Express audi PostofEee. U. S. DIRECTTAX PiiiJ on land ja.1867 BcfonJed. James B. Slason'; H.ttofny-t-law, Chapel Hill, N. C, will collect tin? tax for 5 cents on the Dollar. Send your receipt: to him. If lost write the fact?. j He can give the best citizens of Chapel Hill as references. Wm STOP HJ'JUI'J! ' Stop near corner ot Mala, and Innis streets nnrt get tlie best Shave or'llalr chit to be found l:i Salis bury. If you will suave Irt piy shop you will go a w;y satislico . I am tua old reliable democrat 1c barber. espyjrully, If.li.J'dXEELY. Salisbury, April 2, IB91. FOR SALE. Lot of fine Jersjpy Jlilk Cows, all young Also a fine lot 6( I'.eifer and bull calves! from l(ur weeks to tuo hioutlis oll. Will e.'c!ian'-e some ibr young steers ani heifers for beeves. ? jJ. M. IiARIttSOX, ?. . " ! ' BrilKe. X. C. BIDS WANTED ! Sealed bids for the bile! vork and also ror the woodwork or tor botli together of the actory build ing ot The Vance Cotton,, .M ills 37x3$ feet); will be received oy me secretary, Mr. It II. Foust, up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Monday; Aprtl 2oth, at which time they will bo opened. . Sealed bids for-t reeling 16 tenemeni houses, to Ue oyened at same time, are desired. s . flams and speclflcatiois for the facferj' may bo seen by calling on If r, Fhust atier Aprtl th and '01 the tenement nouses-after tbe i3tlTof Apill. nj. Mcnnocif, i'ies., 1 he Vance Cctlton Mil's. low ForiYour Jewelry We arc stjill at our old stand on Main street, where we have a select stock of Watches, Clocks, Spectacles, laud all kinds of fine Jewelry on! hand at the lowest prices. . , . Watch repairing a specialty. All work guranteed 12 months. J. & H. HOHAH. feia.ly DO YOU KHOW THAT i ; - - Bovnd S i CAIUIV T1IE LAH0EST STOCK OF DIAMONDS OF AN'V II017SE IX NORTH CAROLINA! i SELECTTION TACTvAOES SENT ON A PF ETC AT ION. WE KEEP NO IMITATION STONES IN STOCK. ' REFER TO CHARLOTTE : RANKS, BOYNE &BADGER, DIAMOND DEALERS, CHARLOTTE, C. 23:ly ' ' Fresli Garden Seeds at re duced prices. Clover and Grass Seeds at the lowest oriees atEnniss' Dm? Store. .. : - . c READ THIS! Be sure and call for a bottle of 3 Curcls. It has never failed to cure BvsDcnisia, Indigestion. and Sickf Heaclaqhe. Icancive 3Tou firstclass references in Sal isbury tof prove its merits. For sale by j f I MPOkTANT NOTICE i 1 Every jperson who owes me will please eonfe forward at once and pav their accolintS. ; I i will have to place my accounts m the hands of a coilec- tor (unwillingly) if not settled in the next 30 Ways- It is impossible to carry on business all credit. J, ll ENNISS. Plain and Fajicy Groceries Badger ckef Store! CHARIiOTTE, N. C. 4(XX) yds white gooifs. at 40(X) yds Victoria Lawn at 5 WW) yds white goods at Si: 4000 yds white goods at ' 'm 10c. 0;r New York House cut the price on 83 cases of those away down to the half, way line And asked us to do likewise and force those out Ht about half price. Now we have about 200 pieces of reg ular goods worth from 12 to 40 cents and if we get-cost for these we shall oe content. Wo don't slaughter good.r quite so great as this white goods slaughter often for. the reason wecan't afford to. We have done our best buy ing but can't buy as cheap as these often, but when we do why all things bend to fit the bargain xnd go out at lightning speed. This is the greatest offering of White Goods ever made in Charlotte, embrac ing altogether 23,000 yards, SurLtner is almost here and this great offering is timely for all the bet ter grades of goods ur stock is com- j-pletc. lull line of crgandies in all the grades of whit goods oiir stoek is complete. Full line of organdies in all the grades from 5 to 30. Samples sent on application. Ntxt week we offer full lines of the great of Ball and Kabo Corsets of which we made recent large purchase. We are proposing to make a great run on these celebrated goods. See our special Corset Advertisement. The wonderful increase in sales in our Clothing Department shows how this magnificent stock is appreciated at the cost of handling. Our clothing stock of $23,000 is too much -any way. Wei find if we do unloadat cost we can fill all the space with othergoods we are not snowiu ' I)o.uglass' shos at Douglass1 prices to the trade, and they are good sellers at that. These shoes are in all styles ind ail nnmbenvmade tor this spring s trade and for his ladies' $2.50 shoe we get j2.00, and his mens 83.00 we get S2.&0. Now we cnll this mercantile success. We make our profit and sell as low as our neighbors can buy. W. J. & E. M. DAVIS. Look at This ! We are now receiving the largest and best assorted stock we have ever carried. liead a, few of our prices: Pant goods, 10c. per yard. Brogan Shoes, $ 1 .00. Dress Goods from Sc. to $1.(0 per vard. A- - Men's Shoes fronv $3.00 to $12.50. A full linu of men's and boys Itats. The cheapest line of Groceries in Salisbury. If you wish to save mopey. do not buy until you get our prices. 4 ' " We mean business. D. R. JULIAN & CO. Do You Bead? THE Wir.SON ADVANCE Is an old established paper enj.iylng Use conndecce of Its patron?. It Is bright, 8prl;,'luly and clean. It contains every week a letter from mil Nye, Bill Arp, and selections trom ihe writings ot Artrmus M'ard. Price fl So in advance. Address, CLAUDIOL'S F. WILSON, Wilson, N. C. DURHAM FERTILIZER Office: DURHAM, N. C. : Factokies : DURfl AM, N. C, and RICHMOND, VA. This is a Home Company, manufacturing Fertilizers expressly for jthc Farmers. Every pourjd of goods guaranteed the Highest Grade. Best Materials. Farmers will always get value received when buying goods with these brands on them. , Don't buy any goods until you ex amine carefully what they are offering, and then get Their prices. Ex clusive manufacturers for the North Carolina Farmers' Alliance v The following is a list of tlieir brands : North Carolina Farmers' Aiuanco umciai euano, Uurliam Uull with Peruvian Guano, Durham Bull Ammoniated Guano, Peruvian Substitute Guano, Great Cotton and Corn Grower Brand. ik - . Mt. Tabor, N. C., July 21, 1891. Mr. W. H. Worth, Dear Friend and Brother: I see your request to business agents' who got the "Alliance Guano" to report how the persons liked it, and how it acted on our soil. I have seen- or heard from all, and thty say they have never used better, and . wish it next season if they can get it. Fraternally vours, J. Soust lius. Ag t No. 180. , Wcollon's PalsnS Wire Tcbacso Ilangcrs 1 CAN BE USED IN ANY BARN. Wires ire movable. Tobacco canbe properly Spaced on Stick and Balked Down on the Wires when enred. Simplest, Cheapest and best fa the Market. PKICES, wben Can lOO Stick Complete (7 Wires 1,000 Wires (No SUtkc) I PRICKS lOO Sticks Complete.. 1,000 Wires (No Sticks) Euketi. uer Mozen. T sample Stick and Wire for S Cents. Treatise on Tobacco Culture and Curing FREE. -I AGENTS WANTED. TOBACCO HANGER MTG CO., Houston, Halifax Co.rVa. J. A. JOHNSTON. T. L. ELLIOTT JOHNSTON & ELLIOTT, CHARLOTTE, 17. C. People; of Salisbury and vicinity wanting monuments should correspond with us. Estimates furnished gratis. . REISNER i BRO, LEADING ' SALISBURY, N. C. Beside each other trim and flat Two pail's of spectacles have a -chat, Talking away as spectacles can, And, as T heard it, thus it ran. Quoth the silvor pair with big round eyes To the golden pair made modern-wiso, 4Let a haye a talk ere the good folks rise, And chat till old Salisbury opens her eyes.'' Apparently the gold pair-nodded assent, And tvifh- !irmi filrbnhn nftAnf ii-m lif While the silver pair his kerchief drewTN? And then his nose most vigorously blew. Then wiping a tear from his lrig round eye, lie began by telling of days gone by, When youthful vigor tirst left hl eye, And to see distinctly he vainly tried. When ttt last my gofwl master smight R-eisuer Bros, jind then I was bought From tlieir stock complete and very large. With examination free no extra charge. i They told him I was the finest rlicv ha.l : To suit my father, not more than a lad. Then folding my ainu laid me gently away, And told him (o wear mostly on cloudy tlays. These many years my master has had Faithful service, never bad, While with ypur mistress side by p-ide Many happy hours we helped pr. vide. Wll do I remember a sorrow of tin past " - When master brought you here to stay. And thinking me no earthly use, lie me aside-did lay, Thus perhaps to canker and decay. TESTI M OjSTIA.IjS Dj J. L Coleman, of Hurdle s Mills, writes: The Farmers' Alliance Official Guano has' given general satisfaction in this locality, and, we rejoice that this much of our-tffort in securin" a goo guano has been fraught with success. business agent of Dutch viUe Al hance says: The "Alliance buauo has given entire sati.sfactioii.il Accompanies me oraerz to Stick).. ON TIME: $a.oo 4.00 3.50 4.SO 4.00 STEAM Granite and Marble Works ' At -wholesale and retail. Own ers of the celebrated MOORESVILLE GRANITE in Iredell, county. Agents for Iron Fences, Ejnals, Crestings, &c. JEWELERS, Well for me now, by-Reisners said,' Or off my shoulders would have wont my head. -Told my master to try me for seeing away. Quite certain, the- said, I'd last -many more days. From- that" day to this no sorrow we've known, A nd to ripe years toget her we've grown, Doing our duty as ouly specks can, Brought hem to bless both woman and r man. r a tear has our masters shed, N ever a luuuuer lne was sued. Never regretting that he was sent. Where he jr.irchiised the secks that nnale him content. ; Times li.-ive changed sinco first we came, Rut thrir larjje stor k is just the same, They tell to all as they spoke of v.s: (July iir.est goods advertise.theiu thus. Now just nrv the day begins n broalc, Refore their competitors can get awake, Let us write on the wall jus Lover there. Don't waste your substance on the desert air. So say we and so say all; Rig stock, push jind know-how will roll tlie ball. Yon allways buy what they represent. And never (we never) will you repent. If fourteen karat true and straight. Or lower by six, tlnvs making it eilit. If Ross filled or CreSeent the cos:s may f?, They wiiL allways turn out as they guarantee. 'ov let us rap yon on the pate, And yell in your ear: Don't le loo lak-T If one thing you would have than an other, Come and buy of HErSNER & BRO. COMPANY. Hon. J. D. Allen, Treasurer N-1 Alliance, P. O. Falls, X: .'., that the "Alliance" Guano ao hmj and his Alliance 'ood resuUs and proved first-class iu every way. T. -B. " Barker, Mnywood, N- nnderUate of Auut 1, IS'M-?'1) Mem hers of Mavv-ood Alliance like the Alliance'" Guano splfndid. Had the best crops I have ? a, long time. -1

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