jCt ; . . , - , . . ; 1 Tlie .'; i Carolina VymtckniaBfT; j.:. " " ''' ' ' ' ' ; 1 " ' ' - ' ' - . . . ' . - " 1 : '-i- , -. . . - " ' . ' " . . - i ' , ' J2 ' ' Ij, . ' V, - ' i . . : r ! ... T V' ' VOL. XXIIf-TII IRD SERIES. SALISBURY. N. C, JULY 16, 1801. NO. 37. ,fA - for infanto and "Cast rla h so well adapted to children that I rceqmmcail itaa superior to any prescription tnow to nie.'' II. A. Aacntn, !I. D., ' 111 So. Oxford t., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Th tmfS of . Cnstcria-'-b so universal and Ita merits so well known that it ao-ma a work of Buperorotration toudorse it. w the Intelligent familiea who do not keep Castoria Vithineareaoh Ma p p : - New YorkMty. Lota Pastor dooming -ala Ifcoried Church. Tms Ckntaoti ze iEVEHTBODY IS TO GALL AT J. W. BOSTIAH'! Ana see liis NEW STOCK of loods, Notions and Milliner; U t. , j : Consisting of DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY; shoes, : - . ipnderavear, neckwear, SHIRTS. J Wo make: a spN-hilly in UMBRELLAS. PARASOLS arid COSSETS. MV MIMXXKltY is'iimv. oon umlr tho management of Miss AlileVson, (if IialtiiiNuv. You ai'e vanusliy invited to call and I'xaljiinb her stot-k. - I .-advertise,! he. largest stock of FURNITUUE in the Stale, and the'Iowet pr'eesof any dealer North or South. I shall prove it hy "figinvs.' Head These I3i?ices. A" R;ttt:in l)o:ly ISaby Carriage, Wire wheels, only Genuine Antique Oak led Room Suit (10 pieces), "Walmit Franie AVocl i'iush Parlor Suit (G pieces) ' Antique O.ik Sidehoaiil, with l:;rge glass, . Stan.iin Hall I tacks .vjtli "l-.x. . ;Anti(u Oak High Hack Wool Seat liockers, Mexican (irass llammoeks large sif, "jI(S(piit(v Canojvios, with Frames ready to hang, : Hamhoo. E isi-ls. o feet high, . -. ':! ies Kattau ll'ckers, Antique Oak Cejitre Tables, 10 inches square top, Holland V'imlowSh:i(Jes Dodo Fringe and Spring I tollers,. IMattoriu Spring ltickersr carpet seal, - -" Sterling Organ, Tstops, wulnutaso, -, Sterling Piauu-uJj octaves, Ebony cast, "-.-..I haves just put in the Furniture forjhree large hotels, and am receiving orders frornJnII over North and South" Carolina daily. - (ne iic to all, ant that the lowest known, is my way of doing l)usincss. It you. buy an article from me and it docsiioUcome up as represented, return it at my cxpeTtso get vow monev back. . me fur Cataloq;ues E. M. ANDREWS, 11 aiid Hi West Trado'St. , ' . Charlotte, N. C - TI - THE ''MERRLTT . f ?:-,-- A 'f'ii'iSim 3rf" f a J. ALLEN BROWN, Ag't for W. N. C. Salisbury, IV. . SIIESVILLE MARBLE WORK! M Is tho Placo to Get Monumentsf tombstones, -jt . . tr r stock of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive in a few days I niarantce saiihiacuo,! in every respect and positively will not be undersold. 45 Grranite Monuments nTin - - ------ 'j--. i mo cm 13 Children. Ctuttorla enrea CoMc, OonntJpatJon, Sour Blotnach, Diarrhoea. Erurtatijn, lulls Worma, gives sluep, and proiaet cj- WitEout injurious medication. For sereral years I hare recommended your Caatoria, ' and shall always continue to do ho as it haa invariably produced beneficial result-," -. . - Eo in T. P-BDn. M. D., "Tbo Winthrop," ICMh Street and 7th Ava., Sew York City. Comfaxt, 77 Mchb-T Strket, Kkw York. WHITE GOODS, LINENS, LACES, TRIM JUNGS, WRAPS, ROBES. $ 7 o0 i2r on 10 00 0 75 1 50 1 50 1 00 J 50 1 50 05 3 50 50 00 - 22o 00 IE I'NVITED ! Simple, Durable. Prints from clear Metal Type, does the work 01 a $100 Machine;; Perfect Align ment. Prints Capitals, Small Let ters, Figures- and Characters 78 in all. j Price complete, $lo. ""Agents and canvassers wanted. Apply to : g. B. WEBB, Propriety n. A Scene of Lrf!i- Ago. The armic3 tlict hnd reosel to Cgllt, Thcjiight WH3JtiIl and dark, i Amlnuny tlious.tnda cn the fi'eM i Wtfre lvins stifTanvl stark. The stretcher men hail come along, 'And patlu'rel all they conlu. !ninilreJ surgeons workel that night lichinij the clump of wood. ! Thoy flasjhc:! the lanterns in my face, As they wer hurrying by; Tho-sertfpn'nt lookeil andivid "He's ileal,'? Ant I indole no reply. - Tho bullet hal g;onc through my breast o woh'lier I was spli; ; Hut once will I he nearer leath Than when njion tliat hill. j A pray-c'aa picket came along j Upon liis niiJiight beat; He came so neai nie that I tried j To move and touch his feet. At once he bent and felt ray breast Where life stil fought at bay; So onerwho lov(d me could have done More than this man in gray. O'er m;, all chilled with blood and dew, His blanket scft he spread ' A crimson sheaf cf wheat he brought A pillow for my head, Thau knelt beside me tor an hour And bathed my lips and brow; ; IJut for the man who was my foe ' I'd not be living now. Then as the coming daylight shone, lie bent his lips tu say, "(!od spare you, lrother, 'hough you wear The blue and I the gray." The sounds of war are silent now; W'e call no man or foe. Bet soldier hc.irts cannot forget The scenes of long ago. Dear are the ones who stood with us To struggle or to die: No one can ott-ner breathe their names Or love hcin moie than I. Bute from n4y life I'd trive a-year I That gray-clad ma a to ce; To clasp in love the foemawi's hand Who saved my life to me. S i Minneapolis Tribune. T3e Farmov's Causo, I t-'s Morul linpbrt aiulAiin. The love ot liberty the hail 1 of op pression, the dictates of conscience, and the de.-ire to live and to act in accord ance with slf-fornied irlnas and active bodily qualities weri surely the parents &f this laml of ours and have ieen the guidinf; principle through all its efforts to livj and prosj'r. In the days of Puritanism, wo see men of depth of char. ct r living in simple and frugal styl;?, in t!i in tin part pursuing the siinph? yet worthy uf tiniw tli soil; lookiH not to mere pomp and shfiw but living in unity and usinj bruin ami-brawn in evey make 1 up tit life. Unity was a noted qmdity anions them yet history leads us to believe that eueh ami every "man thought Urst' f the general weifare oi hi- people and again for his own, not to the extent of injuring or over-ruling others, how ever. O u? bun re 1 ye trs ago, revolu tion pervaded thu land and tlu no tion lial to exert itself to the utmost to make fof itself a foundation solid ami sure, in th hoie that a hajij y fu ture wouhl follow. All well know that the instigators, participants 'and victor. of this strug- gle were in the m tin only men follow ing the humble yet honest work of seeing a living from the bosom of the earth; they fought from the fact that they believed in right, justice ami equality; they fought well; they wn. Every age, every land has its eras of progress and times of dissensions, and scarce are the people whose lot is one of ptmce and liberty. The times we are now living in, are made up of manifold hardships brought on by un just leaders that seelc to satisfy self greed to the extent of drawing the life blood of a nation. Various are the means by which ex tortion is carried on and when the the poor farmer is maTe the target of sucli gross aims, why is he not justifi able in asserting his rights? When he begins to realize the true ben! ofatfiir and sees how ba e the tend ency; does it not behoove him to rear his hand in self defence? , "Security gives way to conspiracy'' is true in nil times and is applicable to every people. Doubtless when ( orn -wallis laid down arms, the universal idea was that everything rested on a so: id foundation and that right world be n.i'nt ever afterward. How f r from 1 1 lis was to be the result, however? Well wouhl it have been for the peo ple at large to have kept an eye oh the movement of 'affairs, notwithstanding the apparent just state. Does not the present tide of thi nations ten dencies prove this? Lead men to ask what is the kroot of aliens evil" and infuse a desire- to ferret out and to overturn all money changers and un just men in their wrong doings? How long have slept the many in re gard to this stirring question? At last however men are leaving their dormant state and comin forth as the morning sun to see all things. They feel the weight of aojpiessive bin den growing heavier and are opc'niiig their ees as to the source when it comes, what it is, and how to gel rid of it. Every thinking mind knows there is wrengiin the distribution of power, of comfort, and every other feature help ing to form this land of ours; other lands arc equally as much f perplexed, ;aud weighed down by the hand of p prt.ssioln, but perhaps no lot her 'is at prtsenl seeking harder to find out the ws y to remedy like evils. This is an active question with us and y-4 it needs stimng lest it burn mi il 't is worthless " jMany are the rear o is glveji in regard 'O; these things, still no oive seeks to correct has sought to correct; on the other hand when thosa being severely stung begin to formulate plans of re- het, many who are revelling in the unjust possessions wrung from the rightful owners are ready to howl over the nonsense of such things and devise every means of restraint and preven tion possible. Able minds hare shown all these things to be so; all know the issues well enough to form an opinion as to the right and wrong. The point is this, are not the farm ers right in their aim to demand just ice, to assert their rights, to show themselves made ot back-bone and not allow all their righU and substance to betaken? In answer it ought to be child's idea that they are. The l7hay seed, the cold-hopper' may be a fogy in tlie eye of the oli tican, the lawyer, and the present heads of our nation but doubtless the tabh-s may soon turn and it should be the aim of every conscieintious unl patriotic person to help turn them. That the laborer is worthy of his hire strikes to the point in t he farmer's questions. Does the present laboring man receive his hire? Does he share benefits of the government he lies un der? Such queriesare easily answered. Far from it; when we note the unequal sway of rule, readily do we see that he bears the brunt of the nation's drudgery and on the other hand re ceives extortion, unjust 'eishition, and many other oppressive measures, all amounting to mere outrage in the end. At last, men are grasping the situa tion and are resolving daily to ferret out the evils. Farmers are not seek ing to rule, they lire seeking to gain justice so to shape the forms of laws as to give all a chance to live. Think of starvation in the land of plenty; this has been the case. Does it not. behoove some one to seek redress? Somemouths ago one of the men of our times discussed the "Moral Im port" of this order, which may be termed '"The Farmers' cause" or "The Farmers' Alliance,1' and went to the teachings of the model man, Jesus of being right and it is aid ably defended the c uiSi With Davina unction fol lowing its movement, why can it not lead to a change, to adjustment of af fairs, to right ? In our present situa tion many feel like this move is the la-t hope, and therefore I say fellow fanner be not daunted, be eager, be resolute, b; brave, and if the will thin'o make- the wav, Once to the plow turi nor. back. i'urue tin; nmit with I I ! ! It I I . I right and stand to your col or, when oi;c enlisted. It is ti.ne for men to act and to check t he evil desires of those who seek to uplift self and tred under foot thos who constitute the back-bone and sinew or their own living. Wat not', lag not, but ''speak, strike, redreis" and surely equity and happiness will come. (Julleu 0. Uatlle, in Fni'mens' Advocate. Farm Motes. It. pays to grind bones for In ns. Mutton is the safest meat to eat. Feed a little dry hay to your-cows all the summer. Small farms, thoroughly, worked, are generally most profitable. Constant labor, economy and un failing watchfulness will lift any mortgage. Small, unmarketable potatoes are just as valuable as large ones for feed ing stock. Care well and constantly for out fowls, and you will have a source ot much profit. Examine your horses teeth. Many times, when the animals are out of condition and you stuff them with drug, th teeth alone are to blame. Turnip seed for early use or market niuv now be sown. Miilet can still be sown on rich moist ground and a good crop secured. If you want to have a good crop of cherries, cultivate and mulch the trees. Strong vigorous shoots taken from tomato vines and set out with care will grow and bear fruit. Sorghum, Kaffir and Ttosenti are good crops to plant for forage; crops from now to August 1st. A late melon patch, seed planted now will prove very satisfactory to the planter ami to the pocket book ;is well. Waldo F. Brown says that for suc cess in fruit growing, more depends on the man than oh the soil or locality. A pan of milk placed within reach of chicks will be handsomely returned in big", fine chicks in the fall. We have tried it. The first thing to be considered in getting new varieties of fruit is the quality and flavor. Without these size amounts to little. . The advice to w.vtar horses often in hot weather perhaps cannot lie too of ten given. It is an essential thing in t he case of the horse. In feeding stock, c's ecially horses, it should not le forgotten that it wilt usually pay to make the food as easily digest b e as possible. This r Something Dcttcir. Many people look upon the sub treasury plan as being nothing but a scheme for the especial lenefit of those, who have produce fo store. A great many of the objectors to the sub treasury favor free and unlimited coin age of silver. Just why they , favar the one and oppose the other Is not quite clear. It is plainly evident that if you make gold and silver the only money of the country who give the owners of gold ami silver mine a monopoly of the money supply and foree the government to do a service for them that is denied those who are so unfortunate as to not have any gold or silver bullion on hand. Since gold nor silver is not money until made so by the government, why not have a more liberal fiinaiicial policy which can be extended to the masses of the -people and issue them legal tenders on the nonperishable pioducts of their labor in such manner as to meet the requirements and in amounts sufficient to do business of the country on r.ny thing near a cash basis? The sub-treasury is not a scheme for the especial benefit of any class but a plan tu cAisim ui nnanciai poucy or tne government to where it will reach those who need it most with th-.; least ex pense to them at the same time makii g the government just as safe aud as secure as it is now is or ever has been under any system of finance heretofore in existence. An improper conception of the underlying principle on which the sub-treasury plan is based lias lead to a great deal of the opposition against it. This coupled with a degree of pre judice against new methods and a favoritism for things of a hoary na ture Unit prevades the human heart to a greater or lesser extent maks many of those who should be the friends of the sub-treasury its enemies. Those vi;o are pitted against the measure seek to throw over it the colors ot class legislation by: constant asserting and endeavoring . to prove that it woald be ruinous to the farmer, thus forcing its advocates to the defensive and compelling them to show why it would not be ruinous to the farmer and wherein it would benefit them. If it would not be aiy benefit to the farmer, no man with any principle Would ad vocate it knowing such to be the ca-e. However, tho ni Te matter of being a ''boon to the farmer'' does not carry with if. the inference that it would be so at the cxj -en to of any other class. i.vl.,i,.l 1.1... I P ll Q lite to the contrary. Everybody knows who kro-vs anytntng about it, that the agricultural ciasse have iwoney they spend it in order to satisfy their immediate wan'.s. They form uocorn e.s nor combines to speculate off of other men's misfortunes or necessities. As times are Hush and all lines of business prosperous when plenty of money is in circulation does it not fol low that a greater benefit would accrue the people from issuing ni33y to the farmers than from coming it free to owneis of gold and silver mines or un der the present system loaning to na tional bank? You people who are op posing this measure, think of these things seriously and without prejudice. U.-.'leet over the fact that no govern ment on earth ever had a perfect sys tem of finance and that the best ot governments have in many respects "tieeu "miserable failures. Think ovu- the matter in a manner calculated U do yourself good. Sulphur Sprin (Texas) Vindicator. rllie New Labor Rook. It is written by E. A. Aln, anthoi of "History of Civilization," "Golden Gems f Life," etc; Col. L. L. Polk, president of the National Farmers' Alliance; John Trimble, secretary of the National Grange; August Post, secretary National Farmers' Alliance; Col. Hiram Hawkins, master of Ala bama. State Grange, and others. It is a beautiful volume of between five and six hundred pages, fully and beautifully illustrated, with full page portraits and engravings. It is a work of great merit, and the great question of "Labor and Capital," which' is at tracting the attention ot the people of the whole world to-day, is discussed in an able and scholarly manner. It contains an account of the organ izations of farmers, planters and me ehmics for mutual improvement and protection against monopoly. It gives the history and purpose of all the la bor organizations of America, and what is being accomplished through these organ i itions. Tne book is calculated to do gre; t work, and is worthy the patronage ot our; southern people. In contrasting' -'Dtrkest England" with -itichest England," many start ling facts and figures are-given. The last chapter is devoted to the history, platform adopted, etc., of the 'people's p irty" convention wfitctr convened in Cincinnati May 19th. It is sold only "by subscription, and is published ly the old reliable and well known firm, the Central Publishing Ilojise. We are informed that it is having a great sale. Any one desiring an agency, or t-rms to agents, will .please address, "Central Publishing Hons-, Wilhelm & Preston, Manager. No. CiH Whitehall street, Atlanta, G.r." Off to the mountain stream we sped, She looked so charminu', inviting, "Ah, fish, forme!" I said; said she, " knew not siicke.s were a-le.dng !" IIHIISCIIEL'S TABL.K For Foretelling the Weather for Kach Day Throughout the Year. j "This table and the accompanying remarks are the result E many years' observation, the whole being con structed on a due consideration of the attraction of the sun and moon, iu their several positions, respecting the earth, and will, by simple inspection, show the observer what kind of weather will most prbbably follow the entrance oE the mpon into any of its quarters, ami that so near the t ruth as to be seldom or never found to fail. W 31 3 O S a " o J! a 3 cs o a 9 An 5 u 0 t . . .-;) a. -T O o o X (4 w H 'A 7, iJ c a 53 .! 2 0. SIH o 3 -1 -5 O r 'A M II 2 "3 R ? rj 93 S a Z! S H 2 S S 2 S 2 3 3 3 5 3 s s s s -i.-i.ic, Si I f yt S33 33S333a rs S ei zi zi A 5 3 -A zi cS 3 HM y 3 5) O 3 v cr 2 2 if Observatiox'.s. The nearer the tim time of the moon's change, first riuarter, tun and last quarter are to midnight the fairer will be the weather during the next seven days. Z. lhespacfor this calculation occupies from teif tit injun tut two next morning, a. 1 lie nearer to midday or noon the phases of the moon happens, the more foul Or wet weather may be expected during the next seven days. 4. lhe space for this calculation occupies frrwn ten in the forenoon to two in the aftervoon. These observations refer principally to the summer, though they effect, spring and autumn nearly 1:1 The same ratio o. -The moon's change, first and last quarle :, happening during six fof the evening hours, 1. e., from four to ten, may be followed by fair weather; but thisJs mostly dejiendent on the wind, as is noted in the table. 0. Ihonj the weather from a variety of irregular causes, is riod uncertain in the latter part of autumn, thp whale of winter, and the beginning of spring, yet in the main the above ob servations will apply to those period also. 7. To prognosticate correctly, where the wind is concerned, a vane should Ixvin sight. 1 DEEP IN LOVE. A Roy's Unique Love Letter. The Henderson Gold Leaf snvs: The most unique, fervent and (Vicious l8e letter we have had the ' nleasnrn of reading since th i days when wc used , tobe in that kind ot business ourself, came under cur notice a few davs ago. Tite boy who wrofeat is about l.yenrs old, and the girl is presumably in the same neighborhood. With a promise not to calf any names, we have been permitted to print the charming mis sive. Here it is: $ Dear Lucy I love you and I wish you would wrjte to me. I love you rind I wish I could kiss you. Lucy you look so roy. I lovj? you,don'tyou love me? I wish you would write to me. I guess you love me, I don't cire if you don't, I will write to you anyway. I want j'ou to write to me and if you have no lead pencil I will give you one and some paper. I am so glad that voir love me. Lucy, did you tell that boy that lives below your house that vim vfi riin(r r shin m v nnscl Lucy I cotdd not' help but cry when that boy told me. Lucy, I thought you thought more of me. I have given you about twenty-five cents' worth of candy and you don't treat, me well, lite- sales I give you somp gum. There is no doubt about the condi tion of that boy. ife is in love. He may be only 1 yeara old, but if he lives to be 100 he will never be any more in love than he waiwheil he penciled this letter, Suggestions'; to Farmers. Farmers are advised not to buy any fertiliz-r unless' it has both the manu facturer's guaranteed analysis stamjK.'d upon the bag and the Department of Agriculture tag attacked to it; and all farmers' are requested to inform the Commissioner of Agriculture at llaj e:gh of any case where a fertilizer is sold, or offered for sale without having both the guaranteed analysis and the department tag attached. Agricultural "The mouth of the Ohio is fifty m'les wide. ' 'f):ir me. With n mouth of that ;t 0.rj,t to le c;dlel Foraker." ; Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorial 5 o s li - "i s r. c! a QUir PROGRESS. History of a Week's Doings In the Old North State. Manufacturers' necord.- Aslieville The West 'Asheville & . Sulphur Springs Railway Co. Iiks let contract for electric power planV t' opcrnte its street railway-. ' Asheville J. J. WhisonaM. ,ot Hlacksbutif, S. C, i reported as - War ing purchased the "planing mill of the sneviiio JUanuractunng Co., and as to" operate same. j Charlotte E. D. Latta J. 0. Hur roughs, J. P. Wilson and others have incorporated the Highland Park. Man- ufucturing Co., to manufacture cotton nd wool into thread, cloth and other fabrics. The capital stock is $123,000 with privilege of increasing to f250,- 000. Charlotte A slock company fs re ported as to be organized to erect works or the; manufacture of potfcTywarc ind bricks. Charlotte Negotiations are nend ing for the removal of a 3,001) spindlo " cotton mill from New York to Char- otte. Durham The West End CbUoi Factory is reported as to be erected at" a cost of about 100,000. The Dur ham Consolidated Land Improvement Co. can give information. t Durham The WecaT Knitting Mill w ill, it is stated, be erected at a cost of not less than $50,000." T4ie Durham Consolidated Land & Imjove- ment Co. can give information" ? . Graham The (Jruham Cotton Milbr has been organizetl with W. J. Stock aid, president; C. P. , Albright, yicr-- presulcnt, and J. L. Scott, secretary; for the purpose "of starting a cottoa," mill, : (i reensboro The Greensboro Fern a I College Association has let contrai for a steam laundry and eleeiric ligl plant, etc.; cust about $8,000? - High Point At a melting if t' city council on July 0th E. A.. Siio and J. E. Cox were appointed n oon mittee to purchase an electrifi- iigh plant for tlie city. High Point A tobacco ln 2, factory is reportcd tis in course of efifotion. Liu wood--Roller process marlsknery '' is ryporti'd as to be put in the Livvodi Flour Mill. Marion John Carson, W. I. Jtine,. J. 1 1. Atkins and James Morris liavo organized the Carolina Improvement -t!o., with a capital"stock of $100,(X)0 t -improve and develop Marion. J. If, Atkins" is president, and James Mori is i secretary. " . r-- Norwood Tire Norwood MilfCo. is reported as to build a 100 -barrel rol ler process flour mill, Panacea Springs Norflcet Harris m reported as having put TTew-machinery in his cotton gin. Plylcr-The Plyler Miller Co. wil'f it is reported, erect a 50-barrel flour mill. Rocky Mount As reported in onr lastjssue, Thorpe & lfTcts are erecting a tobacco factory. - Rutherfordton The Gleghorn Laml & M 121,1 fad 11 r:" Co- l'W made a stir vo : preparatory to putting in wafer -moter to convey pure spring, water to its property. . , Salisbury J. S. Henderson, N. B. McCanless, I. H. Foust and others", have organized the Central Land Com pany, and purchased tho Shaver pro perty of 270 acres adjoining Salisbury for .845,000. South fliver J. L. Lindsay & Co. are reported ns to remodel their flour mill to the roileiv process system. Statesville; The Long Island Cotton Mills has ordered additiol&il m ichihery. from the Lowell Machine Shop, of Lowell, Mass., for its cotton milL Vanceboro 0. KrStilly & Co. are' reported"" as erecting a saw mil'. Wadesboro J. G. Hester will, as stated last week, organize a stock com- : pany to develop the W'adesboro brown stone quarry which he has purchased. Wilmington J. J.'Shepard, of Dar lington, S. C, is investigating with a view of establishing a kuittinig mill at Wilmington. . Wins-ton The North Winston De velopment Co. has purchased, the pro perty of the North Winsion Land Co., and increased capital stock. We've heard of a woman who faid she'd walk live miles to get a bottle of l)r. Pierce's Favorito. Prescripthm if iho coukhi't get it without. That woman hail triet it. . And it's a medicine, which makes itself feH in tonig; up the system . and .correcting irregularities ns soon, as its use is begun. lo to your drug storeu pay a dollar, get a lottle and try it try a second, a third if nfces.su ry. Before the third one's been taWen you'll know that there's a 'remedy to help you. Then you'll keep on and a cure'II come. But if you shouldn't fed the help, should to li.sapointc-d in the results you'll find a guarantee pri-nted on the lxtt le-w rapper that'll get your "money: back for you. How many -Women arc there who'd rather have the money than health"? And "Favorite .Prescription" produce health.' Woiuter if there's a woman wil ling to suffer when there's ii guarautectV remedy iu the nearest drusr store. Dr. Pierce V I'ellets regulate lhe stom- aeh, Ivcr and Rowels. Mild and elit e- u. i n 4.' : n -1?

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