r;:' : Fill " - ' vl?rl':: :v;'V:' l-9' - ! IT&T ;F r - SALISBURY, N. C, JULY 30, 1891. VOL: XXII--1 IIIKD-SE lUEB., NO. 3D. for Infants and 'Castorlaiss "well adapted tochJUwa that I recommend itas superior to any prescription known to me,'"" II. A. Anemia, II. D., 111 So. Oiiord Et., Krooiin, ft. y . if, rm-rits so wpH known that it scma avrork f s..n.rroation to.cndoriW it. Fe are the nttliSK families wbp Io Bot keep CaetonA Vlthiaeasy reac D.D., - New York Ofy: IMa rastor Blooawfidato Eofornwd Cfaurx. Tir Cestadr Y I ' ' TO GALL AT - J. W. BOSTIAH'S - x And sec his NEW STOCK of ' "Dry --'Good finAn llAliAnn n n ri Rfh Hi n AT1TT fi'v I u i usHfliii Consisting of DIIKSS GOODS, -'HOSIERY, -snoKS, tJNDEltWKAP, rNECKWEAR, 1 SHIRTS. :; ' W make aispiviaUy in UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS 'and CORNETS. " " M- 'MHilN.N'1'iUY U now opon uixlor tho managsmont of J'is!?- AldiTsou, of j;:1!tiiiioiv. You arc earnestly invited to call ;vii(l examine bcr (-toek. WMM NOT F :-r I 'a.hrrlke ilu la'rget stock jof IHjUNITUUE in the State, and the lowest yrxa of any dealer r-ih .or Sojit'h. 1 shull prove it by "Hgures." iReac! These Prices. A Rattan lxnTy -Uahy .Carriage, Wire wheels, only (it'ituine Antii'jue Oak lcd 1acui Suit (10 pieces-), WaltiutFrame Wool I'hi-lr Parlor Suit ((i piece.-), Aiiiipte .(),i;k SidepanUitli li.rge glass, -StaudinirJIall 'b'acks, .vifh rla-s. " Anti(ue O.ilv H&h IJ;ick. Wood Seat iiockers, . Mexican Urass II iimuocks lare size, -'Mtito'auopie.s-with .Frames ready to hang, - irniiiuio ) isi-l-s. T feet high, - Ladies Uai tan R ockers, - . 'Antique Oak Centre Tables, 1G inches sipiare top, Holland Window Shades, Dodo Fringe and Spring Hollers, 1 Plahoriu. Spring Rockers, Carpet seat, . ; Sterling prgan, 7 stops, walnut case, Sterling (Piano, 7?, W-f lViW I' I Will V f'lWP 1 t have just put in the Furniture for three large hotels, and am receiving orders floin alf over North and Southi Carolina daily. . , HneYuice lo all, jVikI that llie lowest known, is iny way of doing business. It you buy an arliele lVonv ine ami it locs not come up as represented, return it at my LXpeiiscand get, your money back. f Write me lor: Catalogues. e - - - E. M. ANDREWS, W aml Hi Weft Trader St. '. :. Charlotte, N. C, -THE 'MfRRITT I THE MERRITT J. ALLEN BROWN, Ag't for W. N. . SaUslinrv, IV. . STATESIILIE Is the Place to G3t Monuments, Tombstones, &c- A large-stock, of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive, in a few days satiolactija ia c very ; respect and positively will nut be undersold. Grrariite Monuments Of ull Lilv a. specially C. B. WE BE, 25 lyT Children Castoria cores CVHc, CkrosHpatfon, Sour Stomach, DiarrluBa. tructation. Kills Worms, gires ftiuep, and jroues M- pestion. Without injurious mriUoiittoa. For sewral years I have reeomrafTnted your Castoria, ' and shall always contiMW to do so as it luu invariaWy producod bcncflctal results." - Eovik T. Farobb. M. n Wlnthrop," liftUx Street and 7th At Kew York City. Coiirr, 77 Mckiut Stbkst, New York. IS INVITED! H UUVillJ MUM 1U111111U1-J r n iiii ivi i i i i nri n WHITE GOODS, LINENS, LACES, . TRIMMINGS, WRAPS, ROBES. $ 7 50 25 00 35. 00 1600 to 1 50 1 50 2 00 1 00 2 50 1 50 05 3 50 50 00 225 00 PE-WR TER "Simple, 'Durable. Prints from clear Metal Type, does the work 01 a Machiue; Perfect Align ment.- Prints Capitals, Small let ters, Figures and Characters -78 in all. Price .complete, $15. Agents and eanvassers Avanted. Apply to MARBLE WORKS guarantee PliU Over the Ilivcr-." "Over the river, ovrr llie river, . There mWc the soft-lying eliAdowrs invile, And fttntM.-i by the south, wind the forest leaves isiver, ! And fre-flres tlawJ through lc sM cet j Fum- j i met night . Sold'i'aBd wwmtks, e It cross that jhroad Far from the tumults of trumpet and drum. And the cannon's deep Ikjoiu and the fu-M-! gwadron's shiver As they rolll n their saddle, then,! come, brothers, conic. tvcr the river, over the river, : Come t re the sun goeth down in the west. Angel forms beckon u-, ?Pntto 'deli tor f; The w eary from labor to offer him rest. : j ' Over the river, a fathomless river, I In the land where no shadow is needed or seen, ! Where the leaves of the forest trees wnhcr, no s ji never, ; . Ji And the fruits arc golden, the pasturearc y i- green. ; '' ' 1 r '- ' From the couch where the warrior lay stricken i and dying. He saw in a vision the country so faj, And its streams and its valleys, its mountains out-trying. And the city whose gates arc of jicnils rich and rare. Over the river, the dark ftowiifg river. Denth borne the hero, and victor, .and saint; (infat in earth's conllict, and greater than ever, When I hey had left him all bleeding and faint. Waiting to cross it. all radiant with glory, Strong in the faith which is borne of pure life, . Bequeathing a name to the records of glory That tell of bold deeds in the patriot's strife. A Tcv 31usieal Instriimeit for Women. BY MAY LYLESMITII. The combination of amusement with healthful and enjoyable recreation is "a consumation devoutly k be wished." That such a union is much needed tor women, who at the present day are either exhausted by ihe demands of society and the i ush and push of the hour, or -are surfeited by worn-out pleasures, that have ceased to in vigorate goes without saying. Men, lis. a rule, have larger and wider opportunities under which to practice those forms of exercise that (end to the development ot body and the better ment of-health. Woman's world is m re contracted, by its many conven tional law and regulations. Music, while it is regarded by most people rather as an accomplishment than an acquisition in women's-educa tion, is not infrequently employed as a means for physical development. The studv of the voice, its nroner exercise under competent instruction, often do's much for the improvement of the general health in those who need greater, pulmonary activity. In the handling of various j instru ments, particularly the violin, iwomen have shown that they are ;;s fully capable of Lecoming agists as their lords and masters. While undoubtedly the pianoforte will for years to come be the musical instrument for women, yet the action for divorce therefrom has already be gun. It has been found that the habitual practice, so needed ti acquire a reasonable degree of skill, becomes, in many ! instances, disabling to the bodr. : The position at the instrument, the mental strain, with relief inj neither direction, is frequently disastrous, forc ing would be learners to abandon a pleasure and an art that might be of profit aiid enjoyment to tlil'iusclvcs and to others. Piauism, with rare exceptions, is, and will be, a musical province almost wholly for miiles. The violin advances a degree toward the better in this resect, but still de mands a long, close application to the . . in overcoming ot its intricacies, before even a tolerance of its sounds will be permitted. jj Happily, there has been resurrected from an almost forgotten grave an instrument that combines not only ease of playing but facility of master ing and which its its use almost inva- riablv. acts in-manv cases as a remedial agent.,' certainly aids in the; develop ment of bodily vigor and in the main tenance of health. This is the flute. The ability to "ston the instrument is no : longer a difficulty, as the silver caps to the keys automatically replace the former needed adjustment ot the lingers The exertion require I to prodiuotne i . . . i . tone is slight, far less than upon eitnei flie'e arinet. cornet or iiistrt ments or the brass family. 1 he ease With which it mav be carried from place to place, be tuned in concert with other intru- ments, are factois that make it pecu liarly and particularly adapted to the hands of o nan. The beneficial results of its use are soon seen on the lungs. oniracieu chests-(the outgrowth of stooping over school desks, or the consequences of the absurdities of dress) become ex panded.; More oxygen is taken into the system during the time of practice and playing, and the, habit of deep inspiration thus acqifrel when the instrument is being used continues insensibly in the interim. Adapted aliktt, to the concert room and the parlor, the flute attracts by IVrtilllU III UisLueticis.a many of the In this couii- tlu r soio instruments. t i - .i y ui.;.r .i.i ,o ..n.'.iitv ; :Uu .IS the noveltv of its apicafance and the j "T"" V ' eUl" ' b ks . , ,l- Ii r i , i been overhauling Mr. hardsley books sweetness cf the music. hi Loudon j ,,wn ' , , , . i f q..i.. ..!....;.. I.... i f .!... ilV -and woo show lxyond a .oubt that i i I " e i ..r i " :.' the house was paid lor witii a check the I.ulius d socielv .is a lad, its . ' ... 1,111.l r i,,, i i i iv u- ! l . drawn against the public money.. John ..echineal dilliculties being regardevl as .' , . , i ,.i.livb,.d ,, ,i . t ii P i .( H.iids ey seems to be an accomplished ess ih:n tli.it ot the violin, and out- 1',,u' J , . l. , stash", aijl some have achieved a wide ami well-tleservetl reputation. At the meeting of the New Y;rk State Maic TenchersV Association, held at Saratoga. I had the honor of readin" 4'A Brief History of the Flute," in which I called the attention of my sex to the merits and pleasure of the instrument. The newness of the subject has at tracted vel!-de:erved comment, and has created a fresh interest in a matter that builds up a new shrine at which women may worship. Let cur girls make an attempt at this means of diversion which promises not only a vast deal of enjoyment, but what is far more to he desired and sought, a greater degree of good health. Etade. The Daily Saratofjian Jun.tt27th, 1890, in a review of the New York Music Teachers Meeting, sit Saratoga Springs June 24th, 25th and 2Gth, had this to say of the writer of the above: uln the twelve rich musical program mes given during the three days' con vention, Miss May Lyle Smith who is not ouly a remarkable flute plaver, '.but a very handsome and bright Voung lady, the daughter of Dr. Lyle Smith, of Hudson, N. Y., was the chief at traction and sensatiou among the many fine musical features. May Smith is not a powerful, nor even an individualizing name, but May Smith, flutist, is quite another appel lation; but when the owner of it ap peared an uncontrollable sort of ebulli tiofTtook possession of the house. Miss Smith wore a white gown made baby fashion, with shoulder sleeves, and not a rinket of any sort to mar its beauty. When she raised her silver-trimmed flute to her mouth and made the reeds pulsate with the inspira tion from her pink lips, a murmur of admiration ran through the-house. Everybody had seen a lady bow a violin, but this was the first time a fair flutist had been seen. And so fair, too! She played like an ideal shepherd boy. She had the grace and ease that comes with training and a conscious ness of charm, and as a girl and a flutit she was an inspiration for a painter, a poet and a dreamer. Truly this is woman's age. One had only to look at Miss May to know that knowledge is a means of grace, that ideality in education increases the ca pacity of beau'y and utility, and that to be well trained ne ntdly and physi- ii' it i i cillv is ever a help ami never a hin- Irauce to the sweet, wholesome, holv influence of woman." The Kxpo.sitioii Music Festival. Director A. Pauli is rapidly perfect it . i . i' 1 1 i ing alt the -arrangements ror the grand oniric festival which will be held in Raleigh on October 14 and 21, as a preliminary feature to the great expo sition. Mr. Pauli has seen ied a magnifi cent chorus composed of the organ ized choruses Iroiu Salem, Charlotte, Greensboro, Goldsboro, Wilson and Raleigh. Hehersals are in full pro gramme and will include Mendelssohn's 05th "Psalm, March from Tauhauser, Hymn of the Praise by Gehhard, Far mers' Mass in H. Flat, Hridal chorus from Lohengrin, and Anville chorus. The orchestra frjin Salem, assisted Iry the orchestra from Greensboro, will render overtures and selections. Mrs. Geo. Hason, Charlotte's accomplished and celebrated vocalist, whose talent has won admiration and applause in the northeran cities, will render some of her choicest solos on the occasion. Mrs. E. A. Ebert, the accomplished vocalist of Salem, has also consented to contribute to the programme, and different solo parts in the choruses will be rendered oy the best vocal talent of the various, cities in the State. Prof. Markgi; f j has kindly consented take charge of Salem orchestra during their rehearsals for the festival, which are now in progress, and will pome to hVileiih and take part in the festival. Prof. Markgraft. is one of the finest and most accomplished mu sicians in the Stab? and his participa tion will add tone ami attraction to the programme. The object of the musical festival will be to bring the musical talent of the State to t his city upon the occasion of the exposition in order that visitors from all parts of the United States who will le present may witness the degree of perfection in the musical art which- exists in North Carolina. ' The whole affiir will Am under' the management of Seaton Gales Lodge of Odd Fellows No. (H. Mr. V. R. Pur ih II of Raleigh, formerly of Salem, is chairman of the committee of manage ment of the festival. When John Hardsley made his con fession in the Philadelphia courts the other day he harrowed the feelings of his .audience by telling them how th house in which he lived, and of which he had now been ruthlessly deprived, was bought for $20,000, which sum represented his wife's savings of her 10-cent pieces ever since he married her twenl v years ago. And now comes nave Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria pleV.irical.ui as vcn .13 .m n-- A Finished Ffraycr. The sick room was very still; the night-lamp burned low, aiid the watch ers made fantastic shadows on the wall, but no one moved or spoke. The doctor said this was the turning point of the disease, and there was nothing to do but wait wait. The boy slept and his father kept his eyes fixed upon the thin w.utcd features, and watched for what he hoped would prove a new lease of life. The mother had gone to lie down and rest. The nurse sat near and dozed. At last the sick child suddenly opened his large bright eyes and said in a clear voice: uPapa." u What, dear boy?" answered the father softly. "Is it near morning ?" uYes, dear hoy V wAnd will I be well in the morn ing r 'T I hope so, sobbed the poor father faintly. There w.is a long silence and then the sick child moved restlessly on his pillows. 4T want to say my prayers," he mur mured. The father l)eckoned to the nurse .and she brought the mother, who stole J softly in and knelt on the other side of the bed. .uiib me u c, s.uu tue ing cuiiu in a full clear voice; "hold me, papa, while I say my prayers." He clasp his little hands together and repeated like one who was; dream ing. 'Our Father which art in heav en hallowed be Thy - name Thy kingdom come Thy: kingdom come " '"Papa, I can't remember! I can't remember !" ikVT.r. ii.,. in1 in.iiiei, uimi uuv, can uiiimi it in the morning." Again he lay among the pillows like a pale lily, and his eyes were wide open. k'I can't sec you, papa,7' he murmured. "Will it soon be morning?" "Yes, dear bov." "And will I be well then 1"" The pcor father could not answer. No one spoke, and a faint light soon stole into the room that drowned the flickering rays of the night-lamp and shone rosy on the wall. Then suddenly a little voice filled the room. It was so sweet and clear that it sounded like a strain of music from celestial spheres. It was the dying boy finishings his prayer ! When he came to the last clause he seemed groping in doubt. "Forever and ever forever and ever " and with the words on his lips he drifted off to sleep again. The rising sun shone into the room and lighted up its dim obscurity. It lay in gulden-bars on the white pillows and touched the little face with a mocking glow of health ami strength. 11 I 1 I Ii i I remaps it awaKeiietl nun, nut in me valley of the nhadow of death he could not discern, and with 'the wide open eyes that saw not, he murmured plain tively: ! "Is it nearly morning, papa ?'' "It is morning now? dear boy." A smile trembled ion the closed lips there was a flutter ot breath that came and went as llie child clasped his thin hands togel her: ; "Forever and ever Amen !" De troit Free Press. AVliat Iteligion Isn't. From the it m's Horn. It isn't going to church to see what the people wear, or to find fault w ith the preacher. H It isn't running in debt for things you don't need and; never pay for. It isn't giving away a great deal of of money publicly! simply that the people may speak Well t f you. It isn't staying si way from church when you know a special collection is to be taken. It isn't leaving one church and joining another whenever you do not like the preacher. It -isn't readin'r sofinanv chanters a day, or saying one prayer over - - - c j . and over. It isn't sitting in th? house and looking solemn, aiuP refusing to eat anything cooked on Sunday.. It isn't putting all the big sound ap ples on the top of the measure, and the little and rotton ones on the ooitoni. It isn't telling other people what to d$ in prayer-meeting, and letting the devil tell you what to d in business matters. It isn't whipping yo.o- boy for sniok ur while von have a . cigar in yonr own mouth. It isn't telling the servant boy to say ''not at home. What Religion Is. It is helping a man to reform when he is trying to. It is alleviating troubles ol yotu fel low men and women. It is not repeating evil reports of your fteighbors. It is giving kind words for abuse. It is acting the part of a peace maker. It is helping a fellow get a job when he needs it. It is keeping your word and prom- ises. It is doing unto others as you worn be done by. It is nuking allowances for nnoule's L.nlts. know 11 ' not the other aust.s. taitti U is praying "Ju h . inerciial me a .-int. r. Sautter: Fouled "With F These days I am wnndcriu most too fur along into the vale of years to make a full hand in the field, so I reads the papers tolerable constant. Every now and occasionly I see where some horny handed son of a statesman talks cut in meetin and tells the farmers to plant less cotton, and corn, and oats, and hay, fid hogs, and sich like. . That sounds like good advice on first blush, and it is. - Hut good advice ainl goin to run the farm, or pay off the store account, or sqush the mortgage. Its too blame plentiful like and cheap. Good advice is about the only thing in this vain and fleeting world that a poor man can git without pay in for it. Anybody that wants to can just lay down and vallow in good advice free rat is for jiothin. The comin statesman can give you the figures, plain as the nose on your fate, and put you down in the middle of the big road that lead right on the land ot pence and plenty. hut my notion is when a farmergoes to fooling with figgers he is plaiitin his mud hooks on powerful slippery ground. The trouble is the figgers don't always come out like they went in. They 'may stack up in good shape at'the start, and then go to pieces -en the home - k;trc.tch. Seems to me like the fellovsJJafrs always advisin the farmers how to hold down the government and run their farms are wastin lots of breath blowin in a heap ot precious time, ainhow. The ways of the farmer is hard to find out. I have been runniit with em for three score years and a goin, and I don't know it all yet. Hut 1 am leariiin all the time. I learns somethin mighty nigh every day. I have done been and learned one thing about the farmers, and that is that we most generally do pity much as we blame please. We may hold beat ineetins in the spring and build new platforms, and blaze the way for reforms and revolu tions, and resolve whereas till the evenin stars sing together. Hut then when the meetin adjourns and -we go home to pitch the crops every fellow day his own hand, and plays his own win. I aint been foolin off much time with figgers since way back late along in the seventies. 1 tried my hand one year and comes out way down at the little end ot the horn. 1 tiggereu my self chin-deep in debt and give the Poor House amight close shave. Since" th.it time I fights shy figgers, helieven as I do that my luck runs in some other turn. Montgomery Advertiser. Stonewall Jackson and the r ai mer. There lived in the summer of 1SG2, on the Mechanicsville turnpike, near Richmond, a generous, hospitable, whole-souled Virginia gcntleman,ho however was very passionate and ex citable, and who when flurried was apt to mix up the reverential and the pro fane, the sublime and ridiculous in ail odd kind of way. He had given up till his crop, pasture-fields, and everything he could snare to the Confederate gov ernment, but he had -.reserved acre lot of corn for his own use, and this he guarded with unceasing vigi lance. One day while on the watch he I , P 1,-1. ,,,,11111 MH- discovered a group ot hoi semen ap- ... I.:... i :.. 1 ;,, ..i.,imi,l J an J instead ot going aioumif- the fence they took a diiect cut through the reserved corn patch. The farmer's wrath w;.s instantly aroused, in a terrible passion Ii; shouted;"Hov dare you to go through my corn field? D n you, I'll report you to Presi dent Davis." "We are on urgent bus iness, and took the shortest route," mildly replied the leading horseman, who wore a faded gray suit. Farmer "I)j ott coihmaiu 1 I! i;s companv?" Horseman ; i es. Farmer; "I'll teach you to rtd.' thro' my field, d -n you. What is your name?" Horseman: "My name is Jack -on." Farmer: " W hat .Jackson ?" Horseman: "T. .1. .Jackson." Farmer: "What is your rank?" Horseman: "I am a major-general in the nroviioif il army of the Coii- lederacy. Farmer: "Bless my soul, you ain't Stonewall Jackson?" Horseman: "I am sometimes called by that name." ' Fanner (rushing eagerly up to him and shaking his di ind ): "God bb-ss yoilieinJral Jackson, I am s.i glad to see you. ii back and ride all ovT my field, d n you, ride all ovvr'my field. Get down and come into my louse. I am so glad to see you. Rule all over mv field all over it. HIes.s your soul, 1 am so glad to see you. ,;Arf von eu;:ijred '.' ' H' whi:er-l low. And low tin: :d r'ea hn-e.es VYiait sighing throagh the tihy night And tliiouli titolieavy ifvitf. "Are vou engagel.'" lb- whi-jx-red low. And low'tlie wliite-eaji-d lii!!uv.s Canif drutnfiiing in uoti tie' hraeh (Jreen-t'ri'ig.-d with droojng willows 'Are ? eng.tg'-d'.' " lie w hiextd 1jw. And low the uijilit hirds winging Their silent eoun.es through the -ky r.nnig'.it d'u t.uit notes.' yi .-iugi:!;:. d Are yuu eng iged?'" He wliisju red -No. ii. . .-ii. --lid and tallied. low. A lilollKllt. w iiih- he ki.-e.l ier hand - No no," '.-)ii- .-.ii 1. I in iharrieil. ' V..rh IV' All Sorts, t - Marie "I'm j willnn ten" years of thirty-six. Mafia --"Mercy, yon: arov not forty-six, are voi? '7 An oyster ?ai4 t LlWclf one niglit At the f tATt of aaniurt fpread: "Here I Am atstippcr w itu these sw ell folks When I'd mhT l Uome in my bed.' Ere worn :m was cinaftc quite, Slve knit with enre liUsocks, 6ti noxft Exalted to her lnghf t ute, j Siie kniti with civrrWU innjily brow. . tHtroit Free Press. Jacksonville Union; The -eity of Jacksonville, protects catfish in the river as scavengers. It w S3 fine to catch one of them, and tbr &h seem to know it. The river is foil ! thernV and they vary in size from a bnty. h) a 200-pound man. Huffalo Express: The jurvman, lite the judge and lawyer, should have a special course of stndy to fit him for his work, iind should be gifen a license or diploma as a proof of his efficiency. Of course that study-should be to en able him to know nothing.. ' Indianapolis Journal: "What f was the subject of your-commencement e. say?" he 'inquired,-quizzically, U4He yo'nd the Alps Lies Italy'?" "I did use the idea, "admitted the sweet girl greduate, "but I modernized it into -Over the Fence Is Out.' " A French royalist journal sets the number of Dukes now in France at sixty-two. This is somewhat excessive for a republic, but they may be said to be back nu mbers. They are as much in the same boat ar- the Confederate : Hr'igadiers in this emmtry. 1 Judging bv this lhe Atlanta Consti tution must know a thing or two: "They say that John II. McLean will be for Governor Campbell- in Ohio. And so John is going to be a genuine Democrat? Welb time brings about, greaLchanges, and John is a bird wit hv long w ings and crooked bill," "How did your revival over atr Apache Gulch pan out?" "Well," answered the Arizona evangelist, "it; wasn t exactly a success. At the third. meeting I happened to say that I In: lieved Apache Gulch was the wickedest place tor its size on earth. AfCer that my words fell flat. It was the first time tho town had"' ever Teen rated first-class in anything, and they didn't i .i i s r i care to ioe the distinction. Indian- ipoli .loi.rual. Just where the .hrpok and river met .Siic -i.xjl wiih slj-L'liiotunt feet; . Her little sliocj were Keltinjr wet ' Her russet shoes so trim and neut. I enturetl for to question her 'Wliy do you tints go patient wait?", -J'm posing for a koTirk. sir; I am a sweet girl graduate." New York Herald. Qhauncev M. Depew has not also lutely declined to enter the field as tho Kcuihlica'u candidate for Governor. He says he doesn't want t he nomination and "his railroad du ties take up all his time." Hut let hmy body'' ask, him squarely: "Would yoir accept the nomination.'' and per haps he would answer as he did when a reporter asked him in the summer of 1SSS if he would consent to become t he Republican candidate for President. On that occasionMr. Depew made his faun-us reply, "Who wouldn't?' Ex. It seems that editor Watterson has . i. i i ii tk ' l 1HIUH IJIWIIM-I. X Ulllli,lll.-.llil en 101 lias ocen CAiensi viiy iiiiuivu . j. . TT . having saiu mat, ne Knew several uni ted States Senators, Representatives . Cabinet officers and a former President who carried their gambling utisils about with thenT, after the manner of the Prince of Wales, Editor Watter son desires it understood that he has said nothing of the kind, and be adds that the newspaper kids haye mixed him up with "his brother UUlof. Now4" i ii .i i i :m I perhaps i;o:uer iscior win explain matters. : : St. Paul Pior.ecr Press: Ageiit- Madame, I have a book here which see, after coining into your house, would be of nO use to you, as it cou- ains nothing that vou don t already- mow. lj-tuy curiously ) nai ciiii it be about? Agent "A tresdise on iow to" bring-up healthy and beautiful diildren, but jn'rhaps you would Rko o make a pre.-ent of" it to some les 'ortuuate friend." Is it necessary to tdd that he receives another signature, aid that his order book, so far. as he i as gone, is almost as voluiniiious a the directory-?. : It was Mr. Emerson who said "lha lb st wealth is healt'1," and it wasa wiser rfiaii the -modern philosopher who tsaid that "the, lihiod is bku 1 he systeio, llker the clock, inns down. U iK'eds winding up. The blood gets poor -ami scores cf diseases res uTt. It uceiis a tonic to caj ? rich it. ! A certain doctor, after years of patien study, discovered a iiiedicine wliili luritiel the blood, gave tone to the sys tein.and made men tiled nervous, li;iin wating men feel like new. llecsilleU it his 'MJolden Medical -Discovery." IC has beeir sold for years, sold hy tho million of hot this, and peoplefouud tuch salinfatiou in it that Dr.-Pierce, who dis covered it now feel warranted iu celling under a jo.;ilire guarantee of ila doiugsi good-ill all cases. ' Perhaps it's" the medicine for you. Yours wouldn't be the first case of sciid'ulaOr saH rbeUin, skin diseases, or iiing; il'iM-ases, il has cured when nlhing eKe would. The trial's worth making, --nid cots notbing. , Money refunded if it don't do u u-ooil. L J Children Cry for Pitcher's T-storfy, I I I- : . . : , -

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