olcXX i r-TiiiiiD s'e ill es ; If -. i 23 for infants and Children J;,L .ia ; men odaptodto cH2drtthkfc cowc to me. Ill So. Oxflta UrlU7n, 51. Y, V .L ' . ristoria' to universal and . Tit - CAtHfcnrT36fte, 5oSi.ttitlon, Hour fcrsmoch, fclurrncea. Lructation, kill Worma, gives tloop,cjid promotes dl J WItEout injurious medication. For several years I kae reeornTnrtJded yourtJastona,' and shall always continue to do bo as It has invariably produced beneficial rosutta." ' : - Edwin F. Pakobs. 1LD-, C Wtotlirop.T tSth Struct and Tib Are, I - Kcw York City. Vby. The wife hm&kM the hoflie-made sliirl, ' The bore that stays and sIaj, Tmc maiden fair, who dyes her hair, The Lea that acter lavs; fur- college Epan with mar.Soliaj The pirl who "niwSr 1 Tlie. chestnut fiend' H)f Satan screened), j Tiiose Bmef all fipw jaya. Tk? girl jo's love don't love yotl, The man with fours you raise, lie- Who regails fott with the tal-33 ott read irf buhy uaj-3. The man ?Jio borrows for a day And nerer, nercr pays, The humorist, tile man of whist, The hypocrit Who prays. , The mm who lies about the size O; fish he ne'er disyiays. lie "oil the brink" who hates to think That advertisement pays. And many more that I might name Heneath the suns warm rays, v Why don't they lice from wrath and see M The error ct tacjr ways: . Tom Mason. Tnx CbstacsJCoiipakt, 77 Honiu.T Steekt, ITrar Tonz. "HAL, UltiHAalS FUOM GOD. drunkaVd and her life was one most miserable I went to have a last fare well talk with Willie, in his cell, and when I came hack home Emma wry? there by the bedside of her poor mother, who was dying with a broken heart. ShoJole us that when we were dead she iu tended to leave her brutal hus band and try to make an honest living for herself and children. And then I awoke, and kiweling by the bedside I thanked God that it was all a dream. 1 woke my wife up and we cried over itymd although cur house is dark, lonesome and cheerless, we are happy to think that our two children are angles in heaven and free from all passible trouble id the wilderness of- woe. A MERCHANT S DREAM. A merchant in Mississippi told me this story: J - f wt on railroad jtttiW some tinio time ago and we had a terrible wreck. TIIIP TO LEXINGTON, VA.f At the Unveiling of the Jackson Jloun ment What a Rowan Veteran Saw. I will give you a short account of our trip to Lepnnston, Ya., if you will allow, me. spade in your paper.'- We left Salisbury on; the 20th of July at 7 a. m.. and afier a pleasant ride reached I Lexington nt sundown. We found a house ready for us to go in, and supper ready to eat-' We had plenty of. good rations furnished us frej all the tiine we were there. On Tuesday we had a fine time and a big crowdj I saw tho house in which Stonewall Jackson, lived before the war. It was a nice brick house. His grave is under his I monument. His little grauddaughterulled tfce veil otE thai monument, j Then the cannon began toroar and the musketry rattle, which sounded like old times. I visited the chapel where Robert E. Lee worshiped. There is a beautiful consider oar present mail arrangement an insult to our commuuity and a per fect and.absolute disgrace to the nine teenth century. Whoever is responsi ble for it, be it Mr. Wanamaker or j not, we hope in the name or common seuseaud common justic, to soon have better mail facilities. A Victim. 4 in "HMO Tlic Fanner's Great Book. ':-- . i ' . - lj Uic pruuriiitlvit and well-known writer, a j ; E. A. AtbEN, - ' - v " Assstetl by 11..., xT V A' "..ml T iTT - ooe. i JOHN P. STELLE, - Bee Gen. Assembly FarniPrs1 ,f Uili iiulrv Mutual Menem Association. . frt!,r t W of tiie leading OlHcers of labor orgam'iitioiis. tIhq hholc rRontiiii.s a true account of the work done by the different organizations. iC r ill iiivi n -i-iiL. JOHN TRIM1U Sec' Nat.-G. ranges The Pal ions ExnerirneaH from the HcaTenly World V'Iiy Dreams May ileaa Seuetliing. There mav not be anything ia a .nauitf, and dV ains may be the result of an unsettled stomach and there may ho. so!iehiii2 in a name and dreams mav bc-.eent Uiect from Gud. 1 dvin't -know, and it is not my pur pose ait this time to try to throw any new liht on these mooted questions, but 'to simply' record some experiences in Dreamland. The reader can take them for what they are worth. A voung man who lives in rsortn Carolina, and" a warm trieud ot .mine married some! eight years ao. i al k-. ing with him not long since he told me that he had a wonderful experience to tell me.' This is what he to! i'he engine nd three -ot the coaches ; room n the back of thd -chapel were whirled headlong irom a nigh ; which is a statue of Lee covered with trestle and several ieopl were .killed, j u white blanket. I walked around and One man sitting just back of me was , loou a g00(1 iuo!- :it jt; t i00is Vry killed outright, as was also a lady in ; natural. Just under the: statue in a the seat just :n iront ot me and the v:ulit lies the bodv of the dead general, of marble: slab. the slab On the .i . ..i ... . man occupying tile seat wun me was s?ae( sliut with most horribly crushed and mutilated. the upper side lie was killed also, but 1 came out of 1 words, ' ... 1 I 1 . . L I 1 thai wreck umssisied an i wiuiout a scratch. Of course everybody &aid it was a special act of providence that saved me. I know it was, and I can't help but think that my life was spared for some great purpsse or other. 'A few nights after that I went through that same wreck in a dream, and iust as the crash came I saw four . . . . . ... gels in white Hovering -about me, roui(i s,., u, nwli, t ,,. wif.,lows. wlnr-h and when the car leaped iro-m tne ires- iXViVli G1)v3jU lar"e! register Rcin:iiT Edward Les. Horn January 19th, 1307, Died October 12th,; 1870. In front of this slab is his ofdee with all his books, bok-cas-, table, chaire, Rofa,.iaksrand, pen, pap.-r, and every thing just -as he left them. No one I was allowed to enter the room, but we was .t . 1 14 . :4KVVV POLITIC L PARTY WAS ORG AN IZED AT CINCIN- yQ;U My wife is U.e best i ' VriTl V in 1S01 THIS WORK CONTAINS A FULL ACCOUNT Ltwomanin the world, u: W Til AKOTEI) CONVENTION, THE PLATFORM ADOPTED, AD- just as happv as we cm be i , 1 'r DRESS UY SENATOR Pi' Kfiu.T - M 'i The book contijns 500 octavo pages and is handsomely bound. - - ENGLISH CLOTH,- - - - - $2.00. hale Morocco, - -1 - -. - 52.50. tjvat book can lo hatHn North Carolina only through i ' W B. D. EOBIlTSOliPUB. HOUSE, -r;X ; r Raleigh, N. C. ir GENTS WANTED :1N FyillY COUNT V.B3 'rriu: ; A pATHCTIC STORY. !' "You. know," he liegan slowly, UI haye now been married about eight and sweet- id we are under the circumstances. 1 say under the cir cumstances,; because already wd.: have ui Yonder' cemetery, sleeping bv"ueatu . " ' i ... . : .. . .. :i . the green grass ana weeping vvpiows, two sweet little babes oi:r only parth- IV IILilOUitat lie re Lis eves became lti:ed wun tears alid wiping them away he con tinued,! ''When my wil'e aiid I were married it was the one desire ot our heart that the Lord would give us some jiess us . : . i . 1 I angels in white hovering -about COu!d sue tlir l the tres- . -iVon. onen ... ..i.ii i i - i tie and the timbers ot deat.i began to llCi:i jn the window far!-all visitors to fly in all directions those four white- elvtei.. tju,jr luUucs. All, these things winged messengers stood over and Vviil be ovi.srv. d in tlun bi.e ::s unr i . L 1 J .! . protecreq me i uny ils tha br.rldm .-3 around me and 1. - -T LallUs. harm by warding off everything that j General Lee was boni 'at Stratfoi-d. cr.nio towards me. AXOTIIZR CAROLINA STORY. Once I heard a North Carolina min a., in t tie verv sa;ne room in whicn two signers of the declaration of iude I pendence - were born,; jviz: Richard ister relate his experience, lie ; Thus-at his birth he may be said to mucn stress on ins c.ui, uiiu i was wierd and rough, lie had received a call to the ministry but v.o..ll not obey it. lie was a business man not and as he was'iirospering he did to chan'e. the call however care Mention t'.io Watchman wl.ca jfni wfiUJ. ehildivn to cheer us ho.v a in old !ag(v. ki had been married two y i wneu a was plain it could not have been ; plainer h..u G:d come down in )ersou and talked with l.iui to ia e. i!e knew !:e o.. gist to preach, but he would not. luky Leiington as an: example in re- iie was a ujan ica man auu ua i aa m . terestiug family consisting, of a wife : and three children. His call to the have been cradled in liberty, with two of his most illustrious guardians as sponsors of his future career General L?e married Mary Curtis, daughter ot Washington Curtis, of Arlington, and -granddaughter of the wife of General Washington. '- -Leiingtou is a Hue town. I think the neoTiie of Saliourv rauriit well A New odsfc. uilurnt this the tavern what Palmer runs?1' asked a tall, long necked young man of Clerk Cunningham. The stranger's face was filled with, snuff colored whiskers, and his linen duster and badly used cowhide boots looked as if they had been worn by the Wander ing Jey. He held a fat old carpetbag and three bundles in one hand and a timid looking young woman in the other. She wore a light blue gown of shimmering satin, with yellow trim mings, and held a two-year-old, bounc ing baby thai, was eating the red paiut from a toy cornet. Drummers, jkuticians, loungers stopped their conversation to enjoy a few minutes of character study. "This is the Palmer Uou-e, sir,'1 spoke the clerk iu reply to the man's query. "i reckoned so, but you can't see no sign outside, and that kinder put me out. Down ia Injiaua all taverns ave, s:tis. t lTil tell Mr. Palmer about that." k'Now, before we talk business, I want ter know if yon will kinler look out for us in this hotel? "When some of our folks goes to Injianapolis they call -them j lys, but I ain't no j iy. I've traveled. I don't blow out no gas, but 1 be mixed up a little in a place so big aa-this. Rut I will put up here if you will look out for us and come up and tell rne when j the dinner gong rings." Hanny to serve you s;r, answered the clerk with his parlor floor smile. "I will make your comfort here a per sonal matter. Fit send a cab up to yo.ir room if von want to ride, or any thing else. Register, pleasr." Then the fellow wrote, "Joshua Put nam, his wife and their child, Rising Sun, Ind." As he laid down his pen he pulled Mr. Cunningham's ear over -ft he counter and whispered, '"Ken 1 trust you "with a secret?' "Tell me all,11 said the clerk in the key that he used to talk in when with the Fagau aim O Regan IJurlesque g ird to tivet.- Alor.L' the railroad between Sahs- I ...... "1 T 1.1 il ..r,...'- I ... 1'3 . . . i ii ouiy auu jjviicuouil; uh-u: vyuu u K.i. Unv " , ,a t a crop ot eru or tobacco. Dome i in li v. nil t;v uu.i'T r t"i.j -i i . t l .. i... i... -'. , . f . .:" . . s;ii no ii!!!' aiiont il not even to iu f ii, c.n . i ..... iwM-n t.i us V .rave uni us lat ier s i . , " " . , , , o: i-ue eius ita e neei - r - - r : i -i : l i- . I i lit. Kill. in." name anu , almost luouzeu luo iime ., , lilt; jit -aii fellow When he began to tottle , One ingiit he had a dream and he surprised his morning .. If.. I.., fnllliwr li.i. -f . I i f- I . 11 :-l 11 i Wl'l 1 t.'l about andtalk he was, oh! so inter-; , y , . i !jf n:,' (1 k um , I Ai . i i r.. i l i lie b'lia estmg, but before lie was two years 4 i ig ores. i l advertise the largest. stock of FURNITURE in thti State, am Prices of any dealer Nortlir Eolith. 1 shall prove it by Read These Prices ; . . i , A Rattan !ody ilaby ('arriaga, AVSre wlieels, only Genuine Aiiti(pie Oak I Jed Room Suit. (10 ieet-s). Walnut Frame Wool Pjush' Parhy Sult-(G p:eLe,), Antique 0;ik SdidHiardrwith large glas, . .-Standing Half Racks, -.vith gla-s, " t. Antique Oak High ack Woo leat Rockers, (Mexican Grafts : Hammocks, large size, -Mosquito Canopies, with Frames ready to hang, Ihiiiiboo E ascLs 5 feet high, Ladies Rattan Rockers, , Antique Oak Centre Tables, 10 inches square top, Holland Window Siadesf Dodo Fringe and Spring Rollers, riattorm Spring Rockers, carjet seat, i Sterling Organs 7 stops, walnut case, .SterlingTMano, -7ii octaves, Ebony case. ' ? V I have just put iu the Furniture for thveo large hotels, and am receiving orders from uH over Norlli and South Carolina tlaity. . ' One price to all, and that ihodovvest known, is my way of doing busuiess. Il yoirliuy an artido frora me and it does act couie up as represented, return it at my ' ' 'i-cxpense'and get yourviooiipy back. - Ki ivuvi stnc w-ith iliothcna.i and on I I y I W V mmvmrm. - - l - T the ninth day we gathered around his Atlw lowest little crib and saw the grim monster who knows no mercy, crueuy cuoue out dear babe to death!" Once more my friend found it ncc gin to preach the g -sei been worked and in somy places the grass is as liigh as the corn. Tobacco has not half a stand and is very small. If you look over the eo-.ustry between Greensboro us ii . 1.h-.i,1v..i1j if I II IJlllVillC Jil mil oi t. iimaiii.u.i dream and it made his wife's blood run tub;ieco barns" They have poor land ccssary to try his eye and then lie re- j sumeu; n lovely home- with all of his houe ... I i. II!. 7 50 uvvh. the little fellow drew his lust "d kiU icu tun.ituns nau ueeu "5 00 j)rej4th and his heart ceased t'i leat, it io 00 .,!,,, if ln-tJ.-M. mr hnnrf . uad (his lioor 111 12 0 V " j ' k. cold. c In his dream it appeared tlmt he had failed in business, his goods and merchandise were all gone, and his ehold sold by the sheriff: his wife and children he . j . . .... ii i i had buneil, and all the trieini ne nau in the vorld was his six-vcar-o'ld little . 1 4- . ...... f , 4- it.ininir a :u aecoiuiiig u iu.itjl; itai i"'"oi nothing like old North Carolina yet. A Rovva: County Veteran. lleil:s mill :uul Oiaii Churc!: ii..."i d . Mr. Editor: In th.e Herald of last week a notice of the excellent rut: -1 00 motUel. filing by his crib, prayed for " nS1;?, 'iT i tV 1 ilities f Sali.aury wns given, and 3 God to let hedii aU. i I f iB T h? " tnl c ' one would infer that hese excellens .1 SO .Wc would not allow him to be V hr.to, c'lL He was -Sjcjv, and c s fuci!:iL.s cxtelidoa ip the star route! 1 SO placed in" his colliin until the third dav, ' out sIili:l,ied hy society, and all the , iacMtionC(I yuuh is ,lot lhe Cll?0. t5 00 L,..:.V1! thought possible he might , ??rM W:IS a JXT blM,i wllJc'ruCa to I Ve of Heilitr's Mill and Organ Church i l in m gaaxy. "Wal, this is our wedding trip. We war spliced Monday, an1 am now honey mooning, so want good care. Don't give a durn for the expense, 'cause we1!! stay a day." Just as he said they were married Monday the little baby waved its chubby hand and caused the. clerk to exclaim, "Your wedding tour?11 "Yep," whispered the man. "That's the secret.- Everybody pokes so much fun at people what's just married that I vowed I'd fool 'em. So when Martha and me decided on goin' to Chicago we jes borrowed Mrs. llascom's baby. Now nobody guesses that we be a bridal party. I to'.d you that I was i.o lav." "That's a new one," muttered the clerk, as the new arrivals started on t heir trip to 031, the furthermost room from the olnee. Chicago Herald. .f i A Farmers n Meatr of Grace. ' The followingjettpr wtpent us hf personal friend who has Ieeii a lloc-f time resident ofa city and vho has re- "r cehtly hired himself to the country to try "f irmiiig." A short time ago he . wrote in most glowing terms of his new home and the earthly paradise he had found. Now conies doleful notes which he heads WA Farm as a Means of Grace,n To the Editor: "In my former letter I aimed to give yow the picturesque and -rose view of my new home, bo Let me now tell you how the case stands, fhe : esthetic . or romancing aspect sweep away. What-must be done wheiLthe hens get out of the coop and scratch up the seeds, flowers and plants promiscu ously, or whiU must be said when in planting time your hired man puts the -cabbages where you wauled the sweet J potatoes, -or when he suddenlyleaves . you in the lunch in the midst of plant ing and hoeing? Or take this situa- -tion, a neighbor's horse runs through your corn patch and bites at random " of every hill of fresh growing plants. Or what will you do if hail strike. your peach tree while in full bloom audi cuts off flower and leaf, too? Or if the man who unloaded your fire, wood, first drove his team over your newly planted raspheny vine and ended by, pitching his load over the few plant,-., his horse and. wagon wheels happened.--to leave untouched? - Or if the gutters of your house get out of order, and when the flood canie it swerpt away the cnbaukment about the house front which was rich with costly plants and far-brought and curious seed? Or -what if the potato bug. walked over -fine plants, or the other bugs went for melons and squashes? Or if yon- in vite a few city friends to a picnic and the night before your-seryant leaves . you? Or if your well , goes sdry and.: there is no spring or water nearer thau half a mile. "In fine, as a means cf grace, afarnr, even if only a half acrtveaunot be sur- . passed; one will learn Unit ewect are the uses of uisappointtaeatrhow- to be resigned w hen instead of good grapes von have sour. "It has become a mystery to me how the average farmer stands his luck, and low it is that religion thrives in agri cultural communities. With all the other trials and woes the seasons are oo hot or too cold,, too long, or too short, too wet or t'o dry. I almost hmk a truly good farmer must be a sanctified man. Viewed from my standpoint, after, inure Jhan two months' experience, his life is v icissir tude, disappointment and full of lack of success. 'AW this, no doubt, tends to give life its true meaning and teaches us the real 'significance ofcveuts. That, .a. the poct hat it it, 1 00 2 50 1 50 . CD 50 00 225 00 "Write me for Catalogues. E. M. ANDREWS, n ana 10 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. A Mention tlu Watchx in Avlion ou wrflo. 1 MFORTA'BLE 1 ' Having greatly, increased my facilities for handling, and . 'storing GOAL coming-season,' I would now again respect j.. fully. solicit any-and all orders entrusted to me, promising to f- furnish: you proiptly-viUi wliat coal you may want at the lowest , market price.- In order to obtain advantage of the lowest sum m'er nricefeon should at once senu me your orders. Ivememhcr that I handle only the best grades of screened Coal, including the Red Ash suitable for grates, stoves, heaters, cVc. Alsa keep on" hand a.t all timt?s the finest grado of Idacksmith f - J. ALLbiN BROWN. not be reaUv dead ana woiua oreati'C - ; again. 17 Ol 111 I "It may not have meant anything, i i.'i iii -i: ... . i :i. ,i: i ..,.! ; i..i. i. i ,n;.i.i nw sam, "out i ix-ueyeu iu no, .! . iJUU iio iieei, una v "w.m . i i 1...J .1:,1 F .nv fnr,. that his tittle grey yes were sinking in j 1 aa u,, . . . - j J his head we followed the funeral bier vee . V -to the little open grave in the cemetery and my fan ly aall alae and well and saw the tittle casket covered with lIld liro haIW;, . , Iro.unq mav Du llKe mic wuivjs avth. V- "Bye and bye there appeared another little stranger at our house, j It was a beautiful girl babe with golden hair and soft blue eyes, and sooiij the closed window blinds were thrown; open anu aTain dusted, and we were happy once A sweeter and prettier babe have the most miserable mail facilities imaginable. Our mail leaves Salisbury 3 p. m., on the Yadkin road, gets to Rockwell station on time, where any would suppose we have a pod clhee, pot so. The Heilig's Mill and Church mail is taken wilh the And meanSnirless as a so l; T!u-y Ju.iy he sent by lit-uvculy birds, l)ircct tVoin the hand ot'Oud. C. F. King, iu Athiutit-Jourual. one but V Urgan Not-enjoymont. and not sniroAv, - but the finding iu all the affairs of life, whether on the farmuit the ollice or in any calling that Cod doeth well and only well; to that life is always in fact fujl of benedictions and blessings. ' L. Dkane. Sky High, Kensington, Md. Men W anted. The great want of this age is men. Men whoare not for sale. Men who more. sweeter -auu ui-uwt t i .. .L l r....... ,...iltv l i-iv- wns never born than ourtittle Emma, ' T ' ... j . 4" ' k Z'S , This is the qu.ckest possible i nn . -i . .. .. i cumierciice ahhj iu .nu ...wm-o w,.... xwl,Vl.r ...... s um , mUi a lette ""itf.T.i" ''.r,:, :Tr.HMe.i l.o will vvruiiij, m '-, ,, wc wouU -'! others.- Mi-ii wli ciiA-ioiicw arc it m0ii,1..v 10: 3;wr.oiaaw u.c..M. , (, a, , ,., tlie lu. M,. ,v.,0 , . i ....... P.i. 1 iinimui1 'mi tHi Inirn.'i . . ..(..! 1 i QtlK ILtlU. Ji ll in, i.iiwiiu At, .ta mo- .i... ...... .., . 1-,,. tha vi t nr. it l ne neavens . .: .. 1 . : . I. i j.. ir , , ,i niii owhiii i"" 'r fever seized her, ajid alter ; calling un. 1 fc(tter .lIul ,he 0;U.lh rvt.y. Men crying for water four weeKS an angel , Ut-w truth USii joo!i the came down fromjheaven mth ' and the vil right in the eye. who world A e n viiiin , . , .., . i r Jile'ii wno to oar little Emma, her syjeet soul to.k . ' lrtttt.M?,( wuu)ilt sh()utini' to it. Grady's Monument. The iuscriptiodis for the (irady nion umeut have been decided tqion by the committee. They have held several meetings of late for that purpose, as they were very solicitous that the words that market. the Grady monument the tribute of loyal hearts to the worth of the match less (irady should be very appropriaife ;uid striking. And their object has Rockwell mail, a mile in the opposite i been accomplished, direction to what it ought to go, to the The inscriptions determined upon it re- are as follow: HENRY W. GRADY, Journalist, Orator, Patriot. Horn iu Athens, Ga., May 21, 1S-VJ. Di-d in Atlanta, December 1S0. Graduated at the State University in the yar Was Editor of the Athtuta Cou.-.ilution. II.:li cr Sought Furi.p OiTiCK. I ... 1 1 i tt t i n i :i .... . l ! .. T , .i- V lien ileuieu, no was ljiu.i.uiy i- f o tra pair of wings! and' haiidiug thtm old iiockwell ttilije, and tnert mains from one to two night illustrate You mail us a letter at Salisbuy before 2:30 p. m. Monday and it will reach Heilig's Mill Tuesday. We cannot answer before Thursday mid vein will mt it 10 8J a. m. Friday. J . . . . "Il . 1 L- r alter get it Sat u r- 30 a. in. rite a nniortaut on Wednesday evening expecting to mail it Thursday morning and should miss the mail that morning, that letter I'll. V" T.M' T . i-i i lilg a Aalioi- into l eaee. "This hour little needs the hy..lty that is loyal to one section and yet ! must lie iu the Heilig's Mill of. ice un-j holds the other in enduring suspicion I . . . - " hi . 1 1 ! i . 1 ' :. i ! . 1 .... coal. v...; STATES? ILLE jyi jl WORKS Is thc PlaGO to Getonnments, Tombstones, &c A laro stock of VEltMONT MARBLE to arrive in a few days (eatLsfuctioia in every i'cspuet and positively will not bo undersold. . Grranite Monviments ? i ' Of ull V5",w aspccialty I guarantee B.WEBB, Pf . - ';';-- PliOl'UlKTOU. 'Mi-nttoti tUe V.'aU limau v. lieu ja v. .llc. its ilight, and again we had anot-ier Vacant chair at our table, and Em ma's voice was hushed forever!! ! "We buried her by the side of little Willie, and I thought dear wife would brieve herself to death. HI grew de- - . ,i - - t.i! Saturday morning 4b hours would then "net a move on it It and de- Men w hom the courage ot everlasting . . . i I f life runs still, aeei. anu suong. eu , . ., r,:lm(J1i. ;n .lte of the who do not, cry nor cause tneir vwices ; . , f f. y oKce V!nr to be heard on the streets,lut who will j ! wo.l!il.e:lliliu A ttao uno uuti not fail nrn- be discourageu u.i jua nii.nl- l..,-!. 1:1 the cartn. iileil wlio i I L .' 1 Mi.m,?-iv.' unriMtiiT aliot lef 40 HOUls. i .M..fif l..iv,-l. i:i the earth. Men who! - ...i u .... l...,,,,, . n ,.- f i: ; i iiiiVAiv"-''-- . i n i : i f- j 1 1 i i i, ;iis i-i:n .iiiiovi peraP, mid decared open w am n pu- busill,ss. ilea who . ltil!, 3 mU,.s f,um ifs start- he iiat God wasnotpst; tnat he was ! Men who :mMl0t too lazy , e! fhen it w'oli dgofoSahsbury, aling my children oeca use " , a ,.,i()f too promid to be poor. If is to -6 north takes another iiot love me. 1 refused to lV iJ 1 M, who are willing to eat what they V I . 1 1 If nrt .. its hurried Church and stored reading my uiuie. aul wiuit they have Kjxdlmt mail faciUtic, ;n ( 1 n fll I : 1......... Iltll UW I W 19 I lir.ill llll. X llllto. 1 ,;..! f I T Utttl . - "One night I went to Lied with a heavy heat. I had been -greiving more thail usual about! bur children. I h;wl a dieam and it may foolish for ine think so but I believe Willie Smart tfllick. Smart Elhck gives the following as a wav to pn-o ire and eat a cucumber: and Emma sent-that dream to me, and J i;lt before the dew's .ff. Put it m .. . . .... i .11- l. : . id yi in,.t,H: Iu now tliitf am a better man l believe 11. j cool w aier uiuu awuu "Im ... .1r..-,n, ?f i.iv4Jn1 that. ! was -for., dinner. Feel it off and put in more than fitty ) cars fold; my head ( white wine vinegar (app.e vinegar aviu was fMsted o:ttie gravt? and trouble ; do). Five minutes before meal tune all it Query If it takes a ue t f 1 i 1 i . 1 " 1 i k . .-...,...i c 1 r ir. ;iti(i Was killing, me. Will e wjis neany usf 11 out 01 tu .i.x-w, ; I iu'1 Iprisiou in a teeil it to tne. pet pig. int. lliirtv years old and few d-iVn to be. hungwl f Euitua had married a Li- um, .!.! iii-.il linn, l.ii! t.lit iwt iiiir and eat it. f BX I'illlV I f t ibler and vou uudurUadr' Hu for vlln-iti- gau long to go how long will it taKo one to-return? We never get any t our county papers until Saturday. If you do not get this eommunication in time for this week's Iteruld yon know where the fault lies, for 1 write by this mail iifter receiving the Herald, t Mr. Elituiynf you ever have an occa- !; wUMi J rimni! vou wb! never 'have to dun ;a subscriber at lleing jMiil or Organ Church, pieae be sure i.Mt iv:. it l..ii. I'uoti' h to hear ll'otu him U-ture ukmg : r.iah incwuie. u :i!!l . 'straii'fmeiit. Give us tne broad and trusted loyalty that loves and trusts Georgia alike with Massachu setts ttiat knows no soth, no east, no north, no went; but endears wiui I.,...-,! ;i!.d oatriotie love every loot of . our soil, everv State in our Union.' From Mr. Grady's speech at the an nual banquet of the Huston Merchants' Association in December, lbbU "The genu of the best patriotism is the love that a man ha for the home he inhabits, for the soil he tills, for the trees that give him shade, and the hills that stand in his pathway. The citizen standing iu the- doorway of his home contented on his thres holdhis family gathered about his hearthstone while tiie evening of a well spent day clo-es iu scenes and sounds that are dearest Je 'shall, save the republic when the drum tap is Ju iile ah-! the barracks are exhausted. From the address of Mr. Grady de livered before the xie-let ie oi the Ulll- Ju... 2. lbbU. The Third Party. . Mrs. Lease has been interviewed by a reporter of theAtlanta Journal, and made him the following prophecy of what will occur in Hie future: "Well," and 51 rs. Lease weighed her words deliberately, "the third party candidate for president will so confuso things that the election will be thrown in the House of Representatives. This will make a Democratic President. Then the Democrats having been ad monished by the Alliance and laborers movement that the people are sovereign will hear the cry of the people for relief from iniquitous legislation. This done, there will no longer be a third party for there will' be no need for one. We want relief, and if it comes through the Democracy, we are witling to be Democrats." There's a patent medicine which is not a patent niedieine paradoxical us that may sound. It's a discovery!; the golden discovery of medicine for you ti rod, run down, exhausted 11ev01v.vast.cd ueu and women; for you s-ullciers from Ureases of skin oi- scalp, TTver or lungs itachaucc is with every one, its season always, be taase it aims to purify the fouafaiu of 1 i to the blood upon which all such diseases depend. 1 he medicine is Jr. Pierce's Uulden T.ledical picovery. The makers of it have enough cJ.tiflcnco in it to sell it oi trial. That s -you can ct it from voiir druirgust.' aurt,' l it Lloesn't do what it'a claiuicti lo do you can get your money bacw, uier'y teal of tt. That's what it's makers call takinj the. risk f j (Uir worth. Tinv, little, miui -coated graau,les, nro whatbr. I'ferce's pleasant I'cl.h-ts arc. Tlie bc.-;t Liver fills ever iuvcutud; :u;tie, yet mthl ia operation; cure s.ck and billlious head aches. One a dose. - CONSUMPTION CURED. - An old phyi l&m, retired fitin practice, having had pliiocd hi hia h unl i by an lldM, linlia uils-sniU' arv Uie t'niijul.i cl a riiiiiaie vi-i-Uibie iiuioiy to. tii'e Hi t.Jy ami K-nauin li. tun; ul iluiasuuiptluit, , ilriiiioitidn. Cut J.HW- Adtliuii urul alf 'J ia-oat u'u-.l l.Ulr,' Alt ttlOTi?., :ili a nSttive utid ruiilcill euru tor .Ncrv-oiw lv-lH4ily and -ull Norvou :oiaptafilfc. atti-r iiavin;: ttsu a Us wutirft ilul curaUte uer la tiiou4iii or casi , U..:; lell il uLs duly lo ai iko ; U k!ioi. 10 hfs surTfrliit; l''llo'a. Actuaunl by ihw laoin Cauda ikmii' tn.elieve liutaan bnilcnii,' I ' will wad liv; oi tTmr', U all wlio deMre U. IU1 rei ljA-, iu t.ftiud.'i, Kf-t-ucU or KuHsli. Illrru'.ldi r.aiuas inr pie.KiiiDi? aud using, sent by ni itl by ad at-.Sib.j,' .. ftUiu;), uainiii tuls inju r, W. A,. ., .. Iuw.;i- i;ioiK.,i:ot.hiister, N. Y. Ii.!: t'l'ahj .Children Cr forPitcicf's Ctorlal i 4 'Iff .- SI i Ii r - . . i t.-- -' 5 ? . -1 L - ! i ' t . : f ' y V -i ii " : r ;. 1 , : i ', t f it 1 Jl ;. t ? J ii ' '.1 i- ; I i !i ; -4! ii

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