A LI. I AN C 13 lIU12GTOKY. '- Jiattonal Atltinee-U. L. t'k. !r.es Avnt . KnrtliOHroHim; H.- U, Clover, vku trei Jent, KhH: J. H.fr.nn(r, eretry ircr, Jlcoryia; J. f WilicUs, ciurer, Old Sparlii; K. iica.liu-licW, wactivry. 7A 6" ?rr, a ,Lea7..ir. M..rvill': PreiIent, tf v A. Wr ey.CatHxvt,; V.-Pn-., ft. i'. Pe-nielc, I'.lmwootl: Secretary it ad Truisurcr, J. ninscr. Salisbury. nwan County 3im tfillrr, prudent Jljankmcr; M. L- Uitcbie. secretary. Saw.. ' ItaZctt County J.J. jIohuftn. iPiM-nt, Tool SprhiL'; JJ. V-Uy,, iiwitturv, lloortsville. Cabarrus Ccunttf-X. P. Kjleqian, pre! rWt rnnoorti: Dr. J. S. Laflcrly. bCCtt- ft ry. Concord. . Dviln County U. S. Gren, president Jimes; W. A. Linduay, secretary, Tlmniufe 'villft. ' . - Catania County S. T. WilTon", nresi dfat, Newton; X Icrnmn, bccrctiwy, Now ton. Turning: Under GrccuX'rops. It is now ..regarded as. wall settled that creerrCTops should not be turned under many months in advance of nrnrw that nro to follow' thrill. That i-flA tines, for instance should not te turned under in autumn, on laud that is to remain bare Ml wintrr ii;id ha planted in corn or cotton. The reason why such practice is coinniendVd. is because the chief value of Kr' crops turned under is fn their contributio!i to the soil of available nitrogen. Now, juch nitrogi nr ii the crop is turui (1 under in autumn, soon gets into the form of nitrates, s nd nitrates will be quickly leaked out of the soil by rain, this is a tjiarked cuiiarity of nitrates. Vhen, however, a green crop that is turned under is to .be followed quite joon with tnother, t'tis quick-, conver sion of nitrogenous matter into nitrates is really desir.ible instead of being olj jectionablo. When, for instance pea vine3 are turned under and a crop of small grain seeded dxwn ujn tl.e ; grouud at once, the nitrates irom the jtea vines are quickly appropriated the grain, which is stimulated to active growth, thus loss is prevented and the raiu crop improved. But the ques ti )ii arises, how long before the seed- ' inf' of the izrain .should the vine be' lwv turned under. When Ls it nraetiea- . T - 1 , l)le,-ve should answer onij month at l . .' .t. J iv..i.i .r ... jeilM, Mi WffKjt nyim ju uuiiuij u- swer better. First, becau-e -the jvineV at first loos mi up the soil tt 9 mi.ch, and if '-abundant cut-off .the ascent of the moisture irom tne oeeper to me upper soil. Second, because if present in mjality, their vfern;entatioii in hot weather develops heat r.nd nit her too " i" - i'l 1 ' t ll, ..t -1JUCI1 itS.IUI HUT KUVU V .-' IUUl-1 Ui ihe grain. In a few "weeks the most active fermentation will be over, and the ground will have had time to settle, und then th$ grain niay be sown -to 'advantage. Constitution. 4 Who is Cruol to Animals? We hear much talk of late about cruelty to annuals ' The question naturally arises: .Who are the cruel ones? We often sre poor, hinin, and aged Worses and imriea harnessed" ti heavy' loads cr under j! saddles goaded with fpiirs V lathed ' with whips. irJ ftrn mm jti I 1 tf Tmitul upon them by the poorer and less provident ehusses, white ami black. On getting the history of tl.flepoor animals it is learned that they were -who sold them to poor white men ai.d negroes wheu they had been ued until! the spring, elasticity, and pliant, spirit, so much adnnreJ by the man of money, had gone put of thfin. Men who havb the meanrtir purchase fine stock do so, and use thetu until thov are old or otherwise disable(lj-then ti avoid feeding arid earnini? for Jin ani- 'mal that doea not exactly suit, they sell hiru to some less able nnd often riltliL'wQ nnrenii ttrl ij i , I,. M,. ..4. .- .....vu iiiw Jo III IJD H1C lUfcUie scourger of the once beautiful but now cast-off horse, that has worn away hii Ktrpngth servingla lesi erciful man, perhaps, than the one who is now ubusiiig him. Do any of our sym-luthi-ers with dumb brute's ever , sell tlieir bren-legged, one eyed or old horses to heartless wretches? Why noi put tuose wornoiit creatures on the pension roll? Why turn them over their enciniet. We know what win happen. We turn the good old lwrse over to a criminal uian and : Ihen indict him for doing what you knew he would do? : Proof of the HurtJiN Motion. I j Take a good-sired bowl, 11 it nearh full of water, nnd lioor of the room which is not exposed to siiaKing or jarring from the street. Sprinkle over the .surface ithe water a coating of -lycojiodiunm powdei white Mihstauce vhich h sometimes used by Lds in making llieir to:lits. ana winch can .be purchased of uin druggist. Next, upon the surface o"i his coating of whito nowd,er make, 'with, powdered .charcoal,' a' straight Mack run-, say mi inch or two in length JlHviuLvmadr this little blai-k: m.irUr.' .ii.i.tv uif con ten i sot tlie Woni now i a hiicK -or some r.ther straight object, so that it will lie exactly paraTlel with a crack in t lie Jloor. or with nv stationary object in the room, this will serve as well. Leave t ha .bowU-undis-turWd for a few hours. nnd then ob erve the position of th black mark with Tjference to the object it was par allel with. It will le loinid to havM moyed about, and to have shifed its position irom east lu west thit is to ay, in that directioii opposite to that i me imni-iiiviit t'j. ifm r.inn unon its ixes. Tlie ra;th, in s);nply revolving. Juw CHrnei t he watjer ami every thiiig ls around with if, ; but the powder lias le,n left behind a little. --The ,Jne will alwrfvs.be fiuinl to havr noyj?d.from east tw uot. Another Kentucky Cave. J Austin Mullory, a tanner living near Franklin, Ky., some time since m u loMig a Wrfll oil his premises. Tlje well diners liad mt "one more u.an six feet when they eucouuted a stratum of i;yck. ' They Wffut down -fifty feet and wit a no imticatiou lliajt the rock wan giyiug out JJiey wore'soini to l rewarded. Iuwevcr. AU preparations for au un u u.dlv heavy blast had bcn made, the fuse was touched off and the men .were drawn out to await reuslts. After the smoke of theexplsion hsul eleared out they lowkel down and found they ha i struck a cave. Three or four ventured in. Tlieir eyes werodaed with splendors rivaling in in.igmiceuce the . faiiciim Hcenes escrijjeil in the ior.: '! t In: Q ieut. aiidenng aljove the explorers cutie upon aiuall river of ir:i clearness, in whuss waters str.uiv.v'Aiiio v. 1 disporU'd. " A pool of ..ater was iilso ftund, which no fur as they could sound was bottomless. (:i the banks of the stream were finmd the wreck age of what had Once undoubtedly leeli an Indian cahut, united there doubtless from' some other Avatrr course. The adve.nhires explored the c:.y for a considcra:le diMam-e in vm;h derection of uunensions. It is un questionably the greatest subteriaiuyin t nriositv, excepting the Mamiy.dJ.i cave, in Kentucky. Wise Say iuijs. Smiles- are smiles only when the henrt pulls tlw wire. Theodore Win throp. I-jing good is the only certainly happy action of a man's Jife.- Sir 1 Sidnev. Kindness and envv aie Ljeonsjstentja thev ian fio more aindt; toilet iier than lijrht iind darkness. Chicago Standard J I'Jear in mind, nil! ;e!ed Christian,' that while vo.;;r ii aveirlv rather chastens von with ne h.-md He sup ports vou with th" ;iin r. -J-u-kstin. It is best to bring o.jr children up to courage ami hanlihod-.l, and not to think how we shall savy them from suffering; for suffering has in it a Di vine mission. Christian Union. It may be well to udertiike great things, but it-is of mnrem;:ortauce t accomplish what is undertaken. I: mailers nothow large and .extensive the foundation for a houe m.iv Ie, if no building-is erec'el on it. United Presbyterian. Lincoln Said "Go Slow.'' ' ' An I autograph letter of Abraham Lincoln to a friend js said to ontair' the following.L ."Do nut 'oi-y. Eat; three square Jneals .a day. j- y yui; prayers. Think of yor wife, lie eourteou to your creditors. Kee your digestion good. Slier ddar o:"; billiousness. Exercise. (; ,SI.w nir o easy. Maybe ther.ir otiirr thii g that youiespcia f.&? iquirei fc make you happy, h.ut, n;y ii'cnK thes', I reckon, wijll gije yxi'i goo,t lift.,' Cull-Vt Fool tin OKI Man. Father of devn dii;htep ("prowl- - '- .1 . X in; aromui witn l:j!iiri I inn. ) Th -re's ono pf the girls tint hasn't co irt in yet. Mother of the Rtime. I think yen are. mistaken William. They are all up Mt.nrs. - ' rather, etc. I kno-r wh.it 1 m talk ing ftlKint, Klixabeth. ,Thfr-'s only tfii w ids of gum on the ba;:k f this bureau ' Supplementing the Pastur-s. When the pasturing 3nMi begins it should bo remembered that bv and by. the eras will fail a1 t'ie very tim when the cows need full feeding. " To nrovide for this is a present necessity by sowing an acre or two of millet or drilling in early sxreet corn, either of which will mature in ?ixtydys. And aoon as a seeding is made it is time to look about for nn opportunity of mak ing another. American Agriculturist. L?t cver enfeebled woman know itl rhcreVa medicine that'll cure her, and the proof '3 positive ! 1 I Icrc's the proof if' it doesn't do yoirx good within reasonable time, report the fact to it3 makers and get your money back y;ithoi:t' a word but you won't do it ! The remedy h Dr. Pierea's pavoritc Prescription. r.nd it haa proved itself the right remedy in nearly cvury case of female wQakncr.2. -It h hot a miracle. It won't cure everything-- but- it, has done more to build -i:p tired, enfeebled and broken - down women than any other medi cine known. Where's the woman who's not ready for it ? All tha we've to do is to get the ncw3 to her. The medicine will do the rest! Wanted Women. First o know it. Second 1 to use it. ; Third to be cured by it. Tlic one comes of the other. The seat of sick headache is not in the brain. Regulate the stomach and you cure it Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the little re gulators. Girls- -Ion't all talk at once, lon't be afraid to do right. Ion't eat anything to save it. IoirU-ask your mother to wa'-t upon you. Don't forget tliat kind words co,t nothing. Dju't forget (tjiat wry faces make wriukles. ; Don't driuk iee water .while y u are very warm. Don't tease for what has Ik, in wisely refused you. Don't judge your playniates by the clothes they wear. Don't i in palieni wills your little brothers and sisters. Don't drink tea or coCfoe before vou are twenty years old. The man who plays tba bass 'ni at the Grand Union, Sarat.a, is so very much like Gov. 11:11 tha; politicians are constantly shaking him by the hand and asking him to j-iifu them in little quiet throat-gargling efforts. fiESTi-Msx: I h ivc Rurrored lor ycara with a Mail of tetter or breaking "vt R'l o-""'' mv boiv. ;tii'l at times tbescsm ill il:i,sb-s w r.nil teraili.&to tu bo.ls.- WixUctr ivolinlii r,i-i t't yr-ar I li.vt o -cal -U to t r a h tile f i". I' I' , wlii.-U wis ruiomia 'li.Jed to me hy a rrlcu n:l t my sur prisj It he ctl rue sd uvt '. lii U 1' ct alx ttottses more, an I alu-r t.iVla,' Ibe f ill e-:i!p:itn. I felt bel ter ih m I1 had rlni'e t'urt l jrl ii.h i: ot luy tn u'l. intl while I ti ive ii s mjit viiS : t . d:s s n -turkluK. I ftia still u;ln-.' tt.c w f..;.J -rf ii ;0.-,l i. c 1 rtiue at'ditervals, a.d am fully .saana 1 tint i xv.il bo entirely cured of a dl-to.. ilui :or aiteni ea s h is tron'.ji.;4 me. I ra.ino. o nr -s :ny (rratl a lo to you fir so w n b-r.ul ben-f t.-t or us xourlM l". (lMckly ABb, PukJ uoot aa I .ssiurn). 1 ai.i yourstruly, .Tacvt Vsr, ks. Tr iv .-1U) ? salvia i:i, s.iv mnal, Ga. rO'iNS, WAlii'S AND UUNiONS Itomoye l vA k'.y and 'surely by usln; Abtott's Ea.t India iJ alu.ln-. Half all ;w, 8j;llp cover-'-l Willi era Hons, and pains In ali of his limbs, a dr i is'1 of 1!sas-. vet l. I 1. re nalal masUT : th'i sti mttun. ft ure was a IT ct-d, and Hi. p tl lit , i-ii' marshal o Uo-itloi-r.o, Fl i.. says bis b Or li a ;:ovn out, and tlinl he ls a well in n. This cur." spread tar and vfMbi au I now tho. dru stor-s of Moatloclio buy K 1. IMa lars,".' uamiUt B. co:i3ur"PTio:r cured. An oil; pbvsh-tan, retired f:ons prrxi-tlee, havtn uid pta'eed i:i ids hands by an K .: t India mission try the formula d a Hiifitile v-'C"t tb!o remedy for the speedy and pen inent eun- "t Cinflstimpiloii. HroneidMs. Cutanii, Astnnia i.na i-ii iiiro:n ami bunir Affections, also a nonlvi- aiid radical euro for Nervous Didtrdiy and all Nervous omalalnt s. ifterh ivliifr tested its wood' :r;l aritjvf powir n thou ands of c s- s. has f !' 1 'iity to nuke if, kno.vn to his sufTeniitf felli vrs. Actuated l.y t!:!s no'i e nnd a d'slre tn relieve triei i'. suiierinir. i p 111 send fr' of eh tnre. to all who de-ire It. this recipe, in uemian. Kren-in or i-,aasn. wn a iuu ui- rectlons for ptoaarKnjr ana lisir.p. vnify io n o.x id Iressiije: xv 1th stiirii;i. h unlnrf this o ii' r, YV. A Xovns, sit) Toxvers liiock. lto hcst' T, N. Y. l-ij iFany years' praeiice have given C. V. Sii uv & Co., Solicitors of patents :i VViishington, D. (',, in;s'.irj :isscl suc- es 'in obtaining patent' for :.1I classes f. invention.-';. They make a specialty f many patents that had been pre viously rejected. Their advei tisemeiit in another column, will be of interest :o inventors, patents, mamuacturer'' md all who have ally thing to do itl patent?. K. O. nofTrnxn, editor 'l nies. Uo ".y Motnt, Va.. writes: "lam oloased to sa la it Kon'-iao Ulotx' lalm is t.lw Oi'Ht .un 'tlz "t a. id tinlt; for delicate vople I ever s ixv. It acted I ke a charm in m; oa-ie." When Eabj- was sick, vc pave !r Castoria. MThen sbo was a Child, she cried for C;ustoria Vhen she became Miss, she chins to Custwi-ia. When sba bad CbiUlreu, bbc ga j them Castona sotd by T, F UI.U I'TZ & Ci. VESLEYAM FHMALK ISSllTt'TE. ST A UN TOK . Y I R ( ; I N I A . ODCU3 Sent. 53f e53- ea .--.fiS S-jM by T.F. KLUTT2 & CO. ana UrauUve!chool8rurY0UDi; L .diein Hi. Soutli onservatory Coarse In music. Twt n!y-tlve leatli Prsandvfflevrs. Miu itionbe:utUul. climate unsur P5";, : Pupils Irom twenty states Terms low. special lndu.-ements lo pflfH'n.H ftt a rtlstnnee. For tne ipt rlr h1 . nntafres of this e ebratel Vistula ijcuool, write for a ct-ilov!nc ! Hie e.-sii-ni w a. NAms. o r . siaui.imi, Ya. MeiiUon Ihe VyuUluiuin General :: Directory. CQUXTY (JOVEUXMEX't Clerk Superior Court, W G Watson. JSiierilf, Jas M Monrou Jlegi.stcr of l leetla, II X Woodson. Tretisurer, J Aim'l MuCu&bius. Surveyor, B C Arey. Coroner, 1) A Atwell. (.Vunini.ssioners, W L Kluttz, chairman, Dr L W Coleman, Cornelius Kcstlcrj J A Stewart and 1 V Patterson. L Sup't Public Schools, T C Linn. Su't of Health, Dr J Summcrell. Overseer of Poor, A M Jiro4 u. TOWS. Mayor, T C Linn Clerk, D It Julian. Treasurer, III Foust. Police, (i II Slmver chic. J F Pace, C W Pool, It M larriner. COiumi.ssionery orth wanl. J A Ren uMeman, D M Jliller; South ward, I) i Julian, J A i'.arrett; Kim ward. J li Cor don, T A CoUghenour; West ward, ii J iioime.Sjj w iJIauney. cnuncm:. Methodist Services eve.ry Saiwiuy at 11 a in and 0 p in. Prayer n;iH.-tiuir every V. edncsdav at GJ p la. Uev Dr W II Lcith nastor. Sunday school every Snndny afternoon atg o'elocK. J V jMauncv. .sun't. Presbyterian Services overv Sunday siL ii .1 n ana b:.JU p m. I'rayer meeting; every Wednesikiy Rt S:C'J p ui. l:cv J liuinjiie, it l), pastor. Siiuday school every Snmly afternoon at 4 p m. J Kinnple, suj't. " Lutheran Services every Sunday ai 31 a m and 7 j) hit i'rayer in eel in:' every vilncsilay at p m. itev Chas li King, pastor. Smulay school every Sunday afternoon at ii p m. K ii Ki.cr, suji't. Episcopal Services every Sunday at 11 a m and l:.'50 p m and Wetluesday at 0:30 p m. Itev F J Murdoch, rector. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 p m. , .up't. Baptist Services every Sunday morn int; and niht. i'rayer nu'etin every Wednesday night, llcv K S Jone, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at a.m. Thos L Swink, sup't. Catholu- Services every second Sun day at 10 a m and 7 p u. ilev Father Gerard, iast r. Sunday selb.ul every Suudaj at 10.n m. Y Jl i' A Devotional .er vices at Hall every Smulay at 4:'..Q p-in. Business meet ing lirst Thursday nie,Lt in every montli. I H Foust, ocs't. Fulton Lodire No S)J A F it AT, meets every lirst ;.nd ihij-d Fridav night in each aioiith. K J Nae, M. Sa'ishnry Lodee, No 21, K of P, meotp fcveiy Tuesday idjjit. Ali l?oyden,CC Sali.shury bod.m-, No 775, K of II, meets i!ery 1st find :d Moi.day nitiljt in each month. (' T ii.Tii tiM-.lt, llielator. Salisbury Council, No '212, Royal Ar 'anuni, meets every -d and 1th Monday lilit in eaeii laonth. 11 G Kizer liege nt POST OFFICE. Oiriee hours from 7-.:W a m !o Ci.'.iO p m. Money order hours ! n m to o p ni. Sundav !i.'i;r- 1-2:10 a m to ! :(J0 j m I If Hams .v, 1 M. R n I! Malaria. Dumb CMlb, Fever and Ague, Wind CoKc, Eilion3 Attacks. They ifitliice r?irlar, niitnrul ctp nnllfliiN, nevci g (i or i:i i.rf ore rll2k daily biinlnw. Ann fmuli, tillffla tlie -gl.onlif t 1m e cr j- tirKo tu. bold i:vAiii v. ii:::ci:. bloom mM WITH LATEST I M HOV Z M ENT3 Frtecrrrrlsii. J'i.O t.'i.HiMiicJ. Hl ifvv-f nviH!.na,e.M v ,tUii-u.? A f I' l l.. V. TZX. W v r v ni m i viiLlirn points , fur Quick very v;pon rooe'nt if orders. " X ?' tt tt f. m. .1 . -1 mm &(tP& Srnt on lr:1 F. ) t rl.t S'uity wamntrdi "i T'nn ?fi oi;.. r s-,i.- i t. ,.-1 il. t. afl.y X.ow. O dO. ji. . lll'ltli I if it. Con. Southern Haaazsr. ATLANTA. .A. IiAI.I.AA TIOVAM. .Ml'hl'O'l t ISO WilH'lllUlU). EO YOU KNOW THAT CABBY THE LABGBST STOCK OF DIAMONDS of any nousi: in Noirni CA-liOLlXA? SELECTION PACKAGES SENT ON APPLICATION. WE KEEI NO IMI'l-T44lNsr()Ni;.S IN STOCK. bTTfei: TO ClIAi: LO ITK BANKS, BOYNE & B ADGER DIAMOND DKALKKS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. :;2:Ty I'ieiibe mention the V.n;iMNwLoj'U wiiie. Now For Your Jewelry Wc arc still ut our old stand on Main street, wlii.TP wc liavc a select stock of Watches, Clocks, Spectacles, and all kinds of fine Jewelry on hand at the lowt t prices. Watch repairing a specialty. All work gurantecd. 32 months. J. & H. HORAH. GRANITE. vtvfni; l'mnjlit the ituw.ni . (m.iiii i.r.iu- Itc Millstone Quurrlep, Tools, a e., ot K. K. I'lillllfis ttaU'. vl:l unillliuc to m.iliutaeiuie mlllsloiies. He OKI X.XJI3 XlflLrX'3J3i. Badger Dovue i iiiltl-snlndleH and ortahle i- His lur grinding corn I HiiiiwUcui. conenKirnlenix-KollfUoii. Address, ' i& y -i . T. W'Y A n . I K.ilMi. i.iv itii , N i Mer'i'jij the vv i.teliniau Ail doubts arc froih tliu devil. Ram's Horn. H U.iiKiikiilil Damarlu FOR ALL i DISEASES Bofanlo Blood Balm kr,(rftP SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT UrgS rkEUM. ECZEMA, tcry form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be sides being crfxaclous In toning up the system and restoring the constitution, when Impaired from any cause. Its elmost supernatural healing properties justify us In guaranteeing a cure, it i!fct!ona are followed.. 8EHT FREE BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ca. PliOFlCSSIOX. i I. CA 11 vs. R..LE3 WEIGHT, 8ALLSI5UUY, N. C. Will jinirtii-p i;i all t!ic romli of liouan and :i!jiiuM;r -oi:iuu-s. I'rni,t situ-ntion rivi-n to all nt itti -s taining to mv proIVsioii. l-'tli. 11, 1 ;;:!. A. S, HEIL1G. Aitorizoy iLt Law. SAI.If-M'RV, x. c. - OfTico in Havii t Wih-y'a hank huihln p cornet of Main una Inni.-s Hrc-oH. Will ir:ic tice in Courts of How an ami a'j. lining comities. I'reiiijit una l aii lVJ attention rivcii to nil has isiess entnisi.'d o mv. iSjiucial attention driven t ('oiH'cln)hS. ' JOHN A. RAMSAY, Attomls to ilailroa.l Construction, Purveys, ami Manpin- of IUrtl Estate, Kstimates ot Water Powers, Plans iVr the Erection of Mills. Ihveinnirs. &c: and attends to tlie Mireh.-ise or all kimls ot" IJuilJing Materials. &c. A:c. tel2 tf JDi?. II. L. Raisay SUllCLOX DEXTIST, Smithdeai.'s litw, Oi-fice, No. 1, OFFICE HO'JUS FKOf-JI 9 TO 5 SAL!m;;;v,- n. cT T. I. Vinson. Sonth' Main Street for vnur sluivinp and hair-eutlmj:. Fht-cIaP8 work men and sliarji razors at a!! times. liair-d: es-t-l.am!.o,a;,K n specialty. Will wait on ladies ami children at their homes. I also sharpen ecisst rs at from la to 20 cents a pair !iv. m. a .-.-ill - ,f si m J. A. JOILN'STOX. T. L. ELLIOTT JOHNSTON & ELLIOTT, L ; CHARLOTTE, IT. C. A . STEAM i f mir ---U Ibgt'f m:v -" IllWl i"; h T MJjf ' X i-' -77m3r-nrf IffS?'- People of Salisbury and vierHiU' wanting monuments ."should coiTC-pond fitlt us. Estimates furnished gratis. Mem ion the Watchman when yon write. Woolion's Patent Wire Tobacso Hangers CAN BE USED IN ANY BARN. Wfroa are movable. Tobacco can be properly Spaeetl nn Stick and. Rnlke! Iown on the Wires wLcq cured. Simplest, llieaiest and l'st in tlie Market. I'llICKS, wlien 'ali Accompaiilrit iljo Order: lOO Stlckn ( omplele (7 Wlrcw to Stick) iVJ.OO i,O00 Wires (No Sticks) 1.00 PRICUSO.VTMILi 100 Sticks Complete... i r.fl UOOO Wires (No Sticks) liiiO Uaskcts, ler Dozen 4.00 Sample Stick and Wire for 5 rents. tT Trcatiso on Tobacco Cultur e and Cnrin; I'll EE. ; AGENTS WANTED. TOBACCO HANGERM'F'G CO., Houston, Halifax Co., Va. Steaifi, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and. Horizon tal of every variety and capacity. VERTICAL F1STGN, 31 A V-t'1-" TT' 3 4s3 vftfc i Fiiii Umi I ,' - it ' V R. J. HOLME?, r - President. L U. FOUST, - - Cashier, Capital, - S50,000. Surplus and Kroflts, S35.000, General Bankingbiisincss trang i v acted. Deposits solicited. fclOrly New y NEW GOODS! LOWEST PRICES! I have just Injuht tho nobbiest line of line jewelry ever brought to bulisimry. My stork of ioM :uul Silver Watches, Kinjrs niUmonds, Chains and Charms tumiilctc. I aiifhero to "stay and will not bo undersold. No charge for show ing goods : -'he most novel line., "Of t'l;cks ever 'shown in Salisbury. You will Kive from ir to CO per cent, by buy- in it from-me. Conic and be convinced. H llespectfu'Iv, y , . S. A. L. JOHNSON. Main SL, next dotr to E. C. Miller. PROGRESSIVE FARMER ivaleigh, N. Oran of tlie N. 0. Shite Alliance. Edited by Cnl. L. L. IV.lc, assisted by Itev. Ilaylus Cade. Tlie paper will ;be k'jt up tf) thi? usual high standard Subscribe for it,. only $1 per year in advance. The Progressive Farmer and the Watchman will be sent to new subscribers ut SI. 75 for both pa pers. .Subscribe, now. Address. PilOGUESSlVE FARMER, - Raiei-h N. G. Caveats, &nZ TraTs-Marku oltalr.cd. a:id 'l Pat ent business coniuctoil for K!oocratc Frrs. Orn.- n Oppt;its O. 8. Pattt Crnc eiid wc can Fi-cnre natent in ks tia:c tiiMi ilioso reuioto from Wa-iaiit-oa. i 8caJ model, drawing cr photo., with descrip tion. W'd rAviec, if p&tentaiilo er nx-t, frco of tluirf. Our fas not duo till patent 1? r- ci::i-3. A PArFHirr, "How to Obtain rr.tc!itV' v.ith r.anies cf tcfu.il c!ieiu in your ita'.j, coaaty. r Uj xh, teat free AdJr&:,' 6.A.SNQW&CO.' Opp. Patent Orricc. Washington. D. C. waune ana maroie At v.iiolcFalo and retail Own- KOORESViLLE GRAHITE 'm "Comity. Agents in Iredell "coiintv. A srent si'or Iniji 1 ' llU!li r inais, Rieslings, cv.t m . b immmmmmumAz n ' .1 TIT 1 1 . HUT Regular Horizontal' Piston. r ?, t -1. ' .r r jpw I - r - The most simple, durable) and effective Pump in the .market ior Mines, Quarrien Refineries, .Breweries, Factories, Artcsiaii wells, Fire duty and gcji-r.al inanufacturiiig purposes. UHFSend for Catalogue. T!i3 A. S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WORK S i " A mrr Li TKr - 1- W, N, C BiviST-)-; Ms-riouM.: I.v Cincinnati Q. & o lowisviire, ... a ' Knoxvin,., tH 'iC " Muirutow-u, j I.v Faint Luck, it ib llot Springs, 1 ST AshoxMr, i . LTAshevllle, .1 y - HOHintEnob, . I ' Martor.. 'MflT3;intoa, " llicktuy, i Newio ., Matoria Ar s.i.i.-tarj , L " CiTark'tte, v tncisboi, " Iinvt'le, Af HtclHnond, 4 -At Vnrlium, " ilelh. i . taMHlaboro, . MnrenoiiU Citj- a. N t Ar Lynchbiff, u. t i . Washing Km ( B.iluuiorf , Tcnn i .; i . ii i " runaaeiijiiiaf " Nw Yors, W'tSTllolNI) Lir?n-w Vork, l'cnn . i'Jiiaueipii:a, " nalnmore, WahinKior, It LjTiChl.urg, ' IMmlUe, " LY.Mchirifri.1, l.v :voreliean t tty, A. v X r ioiJsborr, i i " na:eij;h, Iurl ilrty tiri'CKSboro .Ar SalLshary. .-' sttesv;lic, -' Jswun, " lllcciy. " Morj:an;on, Marion. if, l;oun 1 Knot), " ASllt'MilC, I.v A.-lievl:lf. - r llojt Sjilitf3, I'ainxr.oeK. ' Mcrnstoun, j:.t Kl!OSVliS V.& ;, " Loui.ylt;e, I ; N " CUK-lnn..ttT Q. & i - ti liiT Ti7i7v i j Lv Asavin, iCk Ij7 Ar IIfii(lei0'!Vllie, " S aitanbury, " 'olumil:i. " fharJestrtn A.o.L. Aiuanu iiit..i:.i. J.v Ashevlllo. Ar UajBtvvllSe, " llnscn t ity, Touiotln, i Lv'loniotla. . Ar. Uryson ity. " u a. ndsvfiit. j.- " A-b. UlH't ' Ar Auusia, r,K k W.o. Ar Atlanta, , u. & n, 1 yoLTiilot ;,ii. Lv Atlanta, if. & n. " AuiMa. ll ii x.v. " i'liarlestorj, i " rolUDitl-v L i. I). ' - " iipartanMiiy, . A r I Vn ir rsom u:e. A-h ii:e. VKsrimjLi: 'j I) I LY. LT3 anij A i i 35itm W a Ar. Wiishiijrti.nj Al-.x.-ur- ii 'Ciinrlotn'MnicL I.n el t ni- " Ulli!e, -L fin erihUi io" Sallvlnry, K-lihl.i:r-, -; "il rUlte. : Kpart -.i 1 ntg, Oreinvlile, I .u la, , Oal:is!o, At:aiita, i", ::S" ii in! " 1 r a ni' " l: r pm: ' V . pill, f 15 III v.i pm 7 or pm l :3 pm Lv. Ar- : ro pm t o.; ni' 17 .o pm! " t 'n nm ' ' si.mum. Yadkin it: u: ri.!. :. i "'. . . B.xiii. S.23 J id H. 3 pn. I. IS ; n: r.. r. piL S .' nn v, r. Niiilshury, -:.raMU uanj, v 1 cckwHl. ir..i m;i. ; , M Isenin l:'vfij vr.ri r - New 1 n I .ii. : A!teii.; ri , Norwn u.. I.V SLEEPING- CA I rKTili V I ( F On tralhg ana lo" l-uritii ;ti I n""' HrKat.U AtUl:i,-.'I:i::i ;f(! .t rjeir vl.tontpna.1 1; lani)l-Vn! : , v . Dii.n'M;. And Antu-1 , : i.tt I'n.vn i , , , t) t . , ij-twieri lteenilfro ot.d Moui-fvn i)t. vlilo ii lid.!: tit srrlrpn.. On tiatrs li.aiK) 12 I'liilmnn ViMIMi'e svm 'ar bitween Wnfiuinyu ii hiu New via.i- Muri;j.'Gn;cry. ruilm ii: Reei r rt tmei i I v ' i uil .r'en. Inrn. Kiji i.n f ii-iY in , i ' -i -.,-.! t iulilsatt4;.t;ir-t rtrri er l etwet n ' V";.Vl i::j'.'.en V. ' iiiiun.in iiiicrt SJiej i iu i. ,v ru aiid Waslilngton ui.d ikt fi.rU- tniry. - . .', An f srra far Is oIm'iti rt en tf.e Wnsl,tu.irii t-1 ymt lis. wiort. VcKtlbuie Liinittit. b( tv c n Vi, u liiijn n nndAilai ta. " Tlirwiifru ih-krtsnn-finle lit prlnclral -ftsiii rs-to in point. Vor ratea and infoiinut;.ii i i i vk.s JAS. L. TAYXOlt, r-oL II A A S, 71 JTrisK. O. l A. TraCldt .Vpr. ' - 1KV. A. . : -'--". Kalel;,'!.. S. V- '' - sale"" Of ValiaMe Saw HillCot toxi Gin Property. ; J;y virlufe of a dcerec of Vlie-Sutietmr s Vk. - . . , . . uuuri, oi , uowun county maujnifiO siweiarproeeetlings, ": cut it led "WT T. Thoinason vs. J. A; Thoinawiii ni.! tliers," I Avill sell to the highest bidder, fr eashj-at the court house door in Hfllif- bury, on MONDAY, THE 21X11 DAY OF AXTC.U.-T, 1811 the Mluwins cr scrUietl real ci-tate liz: - 'Ahout via? sere f hind hitiiate in the town of rrunkiiii. Franklin townshij, on whieli is locuti the saw ciill, cane uiill and cotton iu ti' the Thotnasoii I3ros., adioiuiu" ibe LiuLs iru riM4 UH.. - ' This laud iS poltl fur partition. July 20th, 1891. -f LEES. OVEHMANi : Coti)r:ii.iuj.er. AIVKliTlsii: IN lib ii ail;: lull : 4Z VERTICAL PLDKGi t - , L ' !' . ' in. it iir-! h r ooy Last i:: i i; vi JCkv Yj1;k.

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