Garolina Watchman. : LOCAL. ' ; tuyK-snTY.-PT:!;, -ispi. r T,;u;k;; pi Mr. W, A. Hall for'tlic pres .... of a fine watermelon, .-'.'; y i: : rteilig came down from Comiclly Slangs last Monday. Mi l-4nnie Caldwelt : returned Mon a;lJ. from a vwit to Albemarle. MiHury Gill "left Monday for St. Jlary 'nil,ar'' Ut CluU'l0tte- Qiitc tt. number of Halisbury people MviMitp'to see tU wreck. Suiiduy. MUs( 3 Dui.y nnd Lena Thompson rc fcom Ae'ville Monday evening ;5r. i'.ivinar of Albemarle, editor of the ' . xtim!? Xmu, was in the city last ftatur day.., .'- ' ' ' " " The Watchman chronicles more tenths t-ui, svH'k than auy previous week tor a ir -Thfio V. Kluttz. Eq., went down Tuesdav find came back lO .v lu"; v 'last iiight. ,. Mr . Moresm. (ho president of the Dur j,,,',., Fertilizer XHmimny was in the city l. Tuesday. ! - Vlisscs Ainiie Iicnt'z and Agnes Mel eh:', -of Pry'.-! "Millt arc visiting relative jtlVu.eity. . - - rv . '.rn7. T. Belt, of Fleming, Ky vi-Urni her. .daughter, 'Mrs. Woodson " -'Morgan, of this city.- Rev. C. CTKk'iS will be back from bis . Am-ation thiveck. and will preach in i.s church next Sunday. The gradcll ".-school opened -Monday Nutli '2,0 in attendance, and brighter -nro'-recti? for the future. Mis Annie M. Taaffo returned to Charlotte last Thursday; to resume her V -rturlies at nt. Mary's Seminary. ttienif MoiProe tells ns that he is now .....l.. inn, Hi -t taxes at anv trine, and uill he glad 'to: wait on any, one. Mr K. M. Andrews, ol Charlotte, passed lu re Monday on his way home from a . fvisit 'to.Cupt. I'arkcr, of New London Miss Agnes Roucche will attend Monte Marii'CAiradJiny, rb Ilichmon l, next ses Bi m. Him left for (Richmond yesterday. AH pr rnon? interested in fairs of nny "'. kind should read the new advertisement of the Concord Fair. (Jo, see, live and I - b'lirn. ; , Mr, James West, of Greensboro, came - over to attcird the funeral cfVis brother avIio was billed in Lost and Found. - v til Geo. i'. Ope tound Ik r chil dren and im rived nt Cncord with them list M nd;;v. With the aid of a United States officer she -found Johnnie at :bf home of a drayman, in Johnstown, Tenn. The ottx-r, Crnnl-.e'in, he -und about twenty five miles tVom that city in a cave. Both of the boys have been well kept ixnd neither wished to return with their mother. For reasons besfe known to her and her husbai d they were divorced - r about six years ago.- He took charge o. the children, and hid them away, and since his death his wife haft been on the hunt of tbem. Salisbury Yi, & L Association. The directors of this association met Tuesday and declared the semi-annual dividend. I The value of shares in each series; is a3 follows: In first Penes 2d $7951 j 3d, 70.03; 4th, $00 97; oth, .2.61; 6th, $44.12; -7th; 36.138111, 82S.40; 9th, S2095: 10th, $13.53: 11th, $6.03. This it an excellent, home institution; it is iiloted by our beat men and should be patronized-by our people. The 12th series opens this week, and all who are not already in it should subscribe now l they intend building soon. is TlIATAWFULWitnCK.! ne!d,'t)4 and S-eu. 3 :tori ofptlie ' Disaster a T Id the Savcdf 7he J irr's Vwdlct. I The writer has Wted the scene o the wreck since our lst issue and finds ! that our rcjjori v. ae wry r.eiu- -rrw.T. i 1 1 m:ift thin side of tho bridge and wi number of dead is tWenty-threo l nstead frJncj,C( there and secured -assistance and had done, tbi prove to be Mr Demmin). f llnrrisuur 1'u. v. e uiu not k now urc ve w.'i-e, bat started out togethei .nd .. ca.nd to a no'ie wmen proveti o be tiieseiMion hous-bouse and then ve at- .used some of the hands, who told ,ere ami started lor toe wreck. Thev directed n to the tiou . . . . ; a of Mrs. I aid well, uuoa- a, quaiicr oi f crward came on to Statesvilje. COL. IJENEUAN CAMERON HEMMED IN. Col. Cameron is also at the Coopei House to-day, and is resting quietly it. his room, He has a few scratches and is very sore, otherwise uninjured. In lib. ..nior-iiiiiiii" w.iv lie Lave me a eravhu descriptionof the borrowing experience!. of the mgnt as ne BaWi-iaiem. iio way one of the first to realize tho situation, but did not fimt himself in as fortunat a predicament as did Mr. ' Kamy. 'and Mr. Dimming. Col. Cameron, say.3 hi lirst sensatiou wathat he was in watei ....,1 ...ij .li-rm-nilinf it . WiLM tilllie.:. .villi ; ".ttn' 1 i VTf -i, 1 down and hampered so 'that,- be C6M1H4 hardly move, but saw at once mat n must make a desperate enon, 10 sav was 4villel -WTCCly. the Jo.sljan Bridge -Messrs. John, Julian and Clarence Khar. -started'to Ch:-1 Hill o attend the vcxt session of thoI"uivrrsity, yes- ti rlay. ; The Roanoke & Southern. This will probably be the last time that Ave will have art opportunity of say- ! icg anything concerning thU road before the route decided upon. On the 8th of September the company meets at Roanoke, Va., to decide upon the south ern route. - What are Salisbury's rhances of getting this road? Bright, . ludcca. v iuit we need to do is to appoint a delegation to this meeting, instructing them to say hat we will do what is possible for the securauce of this great trunk line through our city We believe that Salisbury iias had more solid, substantial growth for for the last few years than any other town in the State. For greater growth and better railroad facilities we must have this road. Just now talk and action tell, and wo hope that Salisbury w ill tell largely. The Watchman is one ot tnc oldest institutions in this city, and it be lieves it sees wherein this road will ben efit us. Many of our Iks', townsmen see tt, too, as we do, and are doing all possi sible for this enjei prise. You must talk now if you would be heard, or lorever keep your silence. Mii- Ml" Deaths. ' Mr. W.'M. West died last Thursday morning at -half-past two o'clock. He was killed in the wreck at Bostian's bridge, being the engineer in charge oi of the train. J I u -had been in such ser vice for about ..twenty, years. At hi death he was about forty-five years oi age. His remains were brought home and interred in the Lutheran cemetery. of twenty-tight. Twenty-six are lujureu and two escaped unhurt. We arrived at Statesville ami at once with a large crowd took ourselves to the scene of the disaster. A two-mile walK and what a scene met our eyes. There on the west side of the croek, agrost the embankment, lay tlie broken remains of the once fleet engine, No.- ICG. Noth ing could scarcely be Recognized about her as she lav ui the. embankment.; The bell is about the only part of the engine uniniured. Tho baggage and seconu class car lay on the same side with the 1 it. is so eomoletelv deraol- ished that it is withdifiieulty that it can himself from drowningm ine water, . . ... ;...i..i- was nil him. Ho could hardh be recognized. . inc iir-c.,i -i. . Mi berth wllich . ... f,. ,r th nlnor. . . . . . . i j i ing cars mm ouu 1 admit of his keeping nis ncau wei " Cantain Br'ntcrer's private rh nut nf th water to breathe. Al car laid with one end in the creek was dark as Erebus and not a sound wa ' . . . 1 ts hA- honvit: ITp. irrew almost defierati the other nearly tuo cv J" b ut tUo upper berth, w iuu cutuiiuMuviiw. t but, saw be was qmy ;exnausnng m The debris has been partly looked over ren,th to no purpose, and theu he tried but: some parts of the wreck has fnerer i0 thiuk cooly.upon' the situation.- Hi . i ... .. . , i 2 . hot.nM in ftMl nliovo hlrfi to ascertain the been examined ana it caK and:found that it was bodies could be under them, inaecon :t.. J: . Tf imA en iud-inc- from the stench about certain , ho ..,).-. 0f the uprtorJierlli ame dowi. portions of the cars it would seeui that to the surface of the water, but the pari there is certainly - some bodies there, next to the side of the car was high - , . ,- ,. ii i 1 1. we wiw I eii-OUgn ouboi iiie iaii fcl i No work was m operation while e were J M tjlU insuut lie disC(:V. . . i . mesent (Suinlay) The wreck presents a ghastly sight and causes the bravest of hearts to feel sick. . The scene presents the fullest sense of a wreck. Besides the shattered remnant of the train the sight of clothing of all kinds, tattered hats, coats, vests, muddy towels, shoes, slippers, collars, culls, s. iled cravats, and in tact nil and ered"- A NEW DIFFICULTY His left foot was held fast so that he could not extricate it. He made several desperate -efforts and; finally freed him self. He was now hemmed in by tin water and the berth and the side of the fhto him to trv to loosen t W it W-Vi v. . . the wire fastenings ot the upper berth andl Ste pping his nose ne gropeu The Grand Ilnlly. Moi-day night promised la fine day ir he Alliance fncuking ot this place i'uesday moruing the .veatb-T t o 'an U. ook sotut'What nlooin v. Ru bv Mini is . r - the sturdy yeomaniy begun pouring irrt '-ow ready and anxio'Uo tu et the firs glance at our national speakers. Main who knew the mid riisannointmen!. which is explained elsewhere, talked very low, and was evidently broodiug ver the misfortune of one good brother jiistake. At half past ten o'clock the. band watron lrove with-the band to the Mt. Vernon Hotel and received Maj. W. A. Graliam, me of tbe district lecturers, from Lin coln county, together widi our county president,' lr. Jesse . ill iter, county president of lredell, Mr. Pari:, and Mr. i. nomas Kei us, of this county. Trfe- feamtt then lreadedi for tbe. speak ing grounds. When tho band-struck the public square they got off a lively air which captured all, and they at once fob owed the procession. Ou arriving at the "grand stand" Mr T. M. Kerns announced to the audience the misfortune of not bearing Col. Polk, nut introduced to them Maj. Graham. He nodoub . felt his inability to eutertaiu such an audience, iflasmuch aVthey5 Kad Mzie to Hea mainly the Veferi?5meii speak, Without ,nu-ap61pjy',iovet3 itifo bis subject and .dealt' broadband -iometiines shameful facts to the. audience. : - . -'i ... --.... . He mado a fine speccb. He did ubt "'re ceive thciapplause that Col. Polk would have got, but for jrood sound reason in; and plain common sense, his speech was- well spoken of by all. The next thing ww dinner. It would seem impossible to feed such u crowd, but' not so. A table 10 J feet long loaded WHAT IS IT? : Kluttz '& Hendletnan want all the dried fruit, berries, etc., brought to Sa.isl.uryv We want vou to know that we will give you as much for tbem as the market iflbrds. Eighteen years a?o we legan business in this town and by always paying cash for what we bought and sticking to our motto-, ' The best, goous wruw moiie.v." wo hava bt ou pmnellcd to enlarge our store-rooms until now we nave six floors filled and packed with the most desirable goods - i-ikp tr . ... i r i n J any kind of things truly point to a great the steiliuS) 1Uid wi h the last powerful disaster. etlbrt succeeded in raising the ncrtn up the Linr! crot. his head out into the open air. i ne nam i-'jim,,s n . , , . , i v. o.,r. bridge and left only tho bare brick and '''M 'KJ . rccoveml himselfhe called stone work. The sleeper u supposed to be, the first to jump the track ami i in the the fall pulled the others after it; The bridge itself is ai wonderful piece of mechanism. It is at least spventy- five feet high; is a live so4U bridge with rii-nil W.S niu! is about three hundred feet long. How saved after such a great leap is eerta miraculous. It seems just impossible. for Dr. Sanderlin, but there was no re n,,.w. Hp. t lien started alon-' the car rirouo - - - w in snaich of him and any others who i,n,ii,i .inwhim-o. w hen hewas attracted u,r ,,u ,,f itistress from some of the .7 y .jvuuv... Indies in the ear. One after another he ,., n,i rA iii ovt rictitinsr from the rub .-uvv..vvvv cy i.ih niul water. 1 and all the .Will i 1 " v I , . i: i... ,vlil. tv-:i, callin'jr tor Dr. handerhn, trom a uimaii nit!! can uv " " , i u u lit o iu ji h'v '- - - i I r-- leap is certanm , . fl(i i,;,n i,U boartb. til Ji IU 1111" lL-v. - , most completely mice.- the water- SALISBURY t - . We b"avc the latest styles of Dress .Goods and are anxious for tl O cm. ' We arc prepaid! to sell goods and will sell them. cheaper than 'l Oil I SIUIU Ju ha pvrr Pfpn nir tn Kfn ihm. ' Wfv n'ro nrenaipd th sell iroods any other house in the place. Look at somoof our prices V- ILiU Mjrllir twenty pounds of tlVc Whitest rnf for i,0Of coffee, 20 cents; seven gres of flour; resh hams, cracked obeese-iyety wek at lowest pnpeR. Alamance a ; o cents., vxr . .' t. ... '- ji'Li..; anV,v)iw nlnn( thft tirODOSeu rOI"C 05 u c nave u stuch yi jbiiveawuui auj mv.v r .c- ..... f.-: - j - ..i'J- All kinds of OenFurnism,&Good3.-Alway makAPur stores y.JSSSSt WPn ir vnn Wt. nt tViT,v-. itwiUitive you our good jellduhow ch'ea;, tun. In our back lot yoti wlllud leeu uo r'"!T-a.-iUe.vliolesiUe trade wc offer spedhUinducerflcnts. zx -7 ,i;,t lYWIs anxious toj&fXfr.;. KLUTTZ & RENDLEIAN. Leonard's " PARLOR QUEEN 35 al and We wend our way b.icU to the; station, nearly drowned Mr. Warren Fry was killed ;M r. W. lwon'lvluttz, ofi tbe Orm .of , W.c,-k nMslian's bridge .11 .Kluttz and'. Kendlcm.-ui, goes down the Juiie Bug Hue lhisecniiig logo squirrel himtin:-..: 'Well, welH . ; '' I .The enjj.ii'.e on the Yadkia railroad ran off the turn table last Friday at Nor wood and consequently "did not reach : Huiisbury until late that evening. Since the article concerning tlie Roa noke & Southern was written, we learn that a delegation will be seui fmm this taec. Charlotte se-nds flfleen delegates. Mr, II. N. Miller, of this city, left yes terday for North! Carolina College, at Mt. Pleasant, where he accepts a posi as assistant professor of the ancient lan guages. ''.',--' L - - 'Mr. Tyson Miller, of Davie county, - died last Monday .avc learn. Mr. Miller was more than eighty, years of age and ; was oiic of tho most prominent' farmers in bu county. Don't fail to redd what E amc3 & Earn- hoart say about their furnituro if you . wi3h to buy any. They have a'new nove delivery wagon and will deliver all goods bought of them, iu this city Thd Salisbury lee Factory is now in sue eessful operation, and prepared, to till . . orders.-" Another evidence of progress in our old town, and one that pleases our people greatly. - No trouble to "keep '- eool" now. Many readers will be pained Jo Juiow of ;tlio death of Mr. Henry C. (Stanford, , of Franklin township. Mr. CraiTfoid was at the rally yesterday and ate a hearty dinner! He tookr colic and did not get home, but died at the home of . Mr. Milts, in this city. lie was the can cer doctor. : -Mrs. i'Mwina Cliadwick, a musician of considerable cxivorfence in New: York - and other "northern - cities lias come to -. .Salisbury and will teach vocal and iu r. strutnental music this winter, hiie has l)een elected director of tho Choral-Un- ion in placcjof Miss Liudiiumplc. who has resigucd, and will prepare thechorts f r the Raleigh Festival. Mrs. Chad . wick is originally from Texas, but has lived a great deal in the North, and is a graduato of Wclleslcy College, Mass., - and has taught and studied in New York. She is a member of the Rubcstein (.Tub of that city, which is tlie finest and most exclusive, female chorus in the " country, ' ' . -- : i i i n : . i ire. -: Salisbury hal a firo last Sunday. It originated in the cotton warehouse .of Mr: Frank McCubbius. -.near the deDOt , The fire was accidental, perhaps from . a spark of a "rail road engine. Forty-oue bales were badly biirned but. most of them, will b saved. Tho fire company -had their truck close at hand and by prompt action "put out tlie fire and saved - the house and cuttoUj -llt'rouh both Vre badly buri.ei in the c was a yjung an and had made Iris Jfrome in .ii it: . I. ..1,. ii'.u --iri-iiwl in Oil' mulSl. JH" noiij lickory for interment. Mr. Hu-h Imster was badly injured in the wreck and lived but a fi-w hours. He was baggage master on the local train. His native home was in States ville, but, since lu connection with the railroad his headquarters have been at Salisbury. He wus a young .man '21 years .ofage, and he stood high among and while looking for something to while iwav the time until the arrival of the east-bound train, the room" in whieh the baggage from the wreck is stored was spied. A peep at it-shows a j horrib'e sight. ' Uuiigoirrho walls and j in piles on the flxr are the. clothing ofj the un fortuimtc people. Numb or.'' jof white and light colored dressrs are j seen all stained with the blood of thej vietims Iust of tho cloi bing is badly mud lit d u; . Bmsted trunks, shattered valises, broki-n umbrellas, torn" slippers, soile" cravats. hats, collars, 'culls and ail k'unls oi clot.i in- from the -coarsest linen to the li.iesi fabiie cii: e seen. i On iiMpiiry it was found all t'ie . . i : . '-:!.: I -Ui injured aro improving anu il i. iuou.h ihatall of them will get well. jilr. A. L Sink and wile, the newly marred couple, ..T.. K,ili ' imttritviiii? siud will: net well LIU iwt" " f m n ; ho Koat. nf onr society. His remains were buried m Statcivine on-rnuaj Mr. Joseph Gordon" died . hu-t Friday HESCVING THE tohO'.VNIXO. He succeeded in getting Dr. Sanderlin extricated and iiitoihre open air. He had already rescued several of the ladies, among them Miss. Lut-llen lnIo, Mr. 11. C. Moore, and Miss Ophelia Moore, of Helena, Arkansas;- The last named lady afterwards died. He also went to the assistance of Mrs. White, of Memphis, and succeeded in disentangling her from i network of cords and debris by whieh she was held down. .Mrs. , w nite fainted away alter she had been freed, an 1 died alter being removed from tin. vreck. She had been spending liu eason in Morciu-a l, where she v:'.s very ixqtular, and iVad stoprd at liibboro i.. ,. liictiils on wuv ba'k to . - , !.. .... k u-'iii'i.h-I:miclit be able to have an . out not so. a. lauie io j icei long ioauea i have tor ten years noon aeeMng icmw j - o with the fat of the land wa sullieient for ORGAN constructed different from those which have teen on the market, and all. Perfect order was kept and all ae- havc at last attained the methods so earnestly sought. ; . .... quitted themselves like geutlemeu and , mtttt - AT5A A vr fimT DPPS iad:c;. THE SERVICES OF Ttt mU3 1 ajxiLLr.D- vnu-ux. It was announced that Dr. D. Reid " "T , nmnriclors of one of the most Parker would .peak" in the afternoon, of the United States have been secured, and he 1" W Tho and he filled his ippcintment. Dr. Pa flourishing factories in the world have agreed fcrassue m mx cn.erpn.i. ' i...iia.ii. ker is too well known as n sneaker for us Organ tho touowmg uue to make any comments upon him. He was muuh worn by many days consecu tive speaking, and fur the want of sleep. In his usual keen, shrewd and spic manner j he held the crowd for more than one hour. The mu ie was rendered by the Pil- rriin Cornet Rand, of Lexlir'ton, N. C. This band is compose 1 of farm ir bo s ex clusively. One of them vas away on bu.sinc.s3 and his place was filled by a sub stitute. : These boys are .doing credit to themselves and are LEONABD'S "PARLOR QUEEN.". rv of all who hear them. Not only' are they g od musicians but they are good f i: uiers. T wo of them raised this year, themselves only, ovj.r oOO bushels ot wheat. Every one of them belong to the Allianev, and this is the only pure Alli- ;iin-t band iu the State 1 hev :tc re ceiving quite a rUh of patronage. This i- veur they have U-oti out on nine (ours, and last year furnished music on fifteen occasion The order during the day was certainly Memnhis taking the train at H ill.-boi sKCOmmendablc. All deported themselves becomiui:! v. ii'i"""! " r , '. ii f ho (-pninr f Lhv uv'ht vi the r- - - - . catast roi.he. Dr Saudcrliii rendei-tM AU:U h maa fclt tougll in tho morn - ' ' .:. L: !.'. . ? ' .r.;V..r i. Af . r in-by le.iming that they would not see rondo riii"" w! a f. rther assistance he Col. Polk, irt the evening alp faces xvere ho could, Col. Cameron called out to COVCred with smiles and judging Irom ap L 1 1 1 1 ve if i here wore anv others needing md. we hope, still enjoy married. Me, over help. 'J here was no response, and he ..vnonted under the cir- ' . i.i;'...r nd.l ibe. others ho would go out ami w l"' J ,nore to rememoc. u.u. eerUiin, if possible, their whereabouts eu.nstanecs. m.. i?M...iin iif ihv uric, a brother Oi '-i1 " i . i . ... , .. ... mi. iw.v, " . and get assistau-e. tiomg ouisme oi im tlw chie.aL'o "love drummer, arrived al l , ' ' tlm 'slone areliw'avs of tin Statesville Sunday to take charge of his bridge, but was unable to decide Jn.,i iimiUr- he had been shipped the locality was. Lie sarte.i waiuu " ' I. ,lw. ,rnm- H U M W CaUIC lO 11 . . -v -V....I- T..ul.. .vi.i.lmr nmu.Mn., ...... r - ; : i . i . . v i ui - ....... - -n - 111 li'llKH'itllll. J Salisiu-bv Cocscil, No. 27: seemed deeply alfected by Uei loss of bis brother. He drove out to' tho scene ol " i.Ai. . . -. . I l Kt c i i ..Tit.-irtii in i i i rin i i i ....... r . i k I'liriu a iiii " t i.-i i r n " ii' -i u m i i "liiii, it u.i ttti ts.i itJ CVClllUJ Ji lillw vww.v, . UU Y o , buried hist Saturday, after appropriate 0f the rotten cross-ties and returneeLJP service in the Episcopal church. He was Statesville to take the train for New V oi k- . . m t . l it . - -. . "ll i. ...! l . . . i interred with Knights ot ryiaias ana The fetatcsvnie pcopio uuu i, and tlirc he ,11:11- lui 1 . men on the ground . nearly luuinl threi killed and ilOYAL A SCAJf t'K. WiiF.i-.F.AS, The dentb angel 'has np-.ihi in-, ,nb-t ui- ranks aul remove.! trom among us 1 1 1 1111 :iiiii 1 - - . . .. l,- -r,rflrv h-nith Ju.SCDil U. ViOrCL)H, llll'l shivering with cold. He went, back to MVIKlrV; ln iWc ,llutimcly dati ot-our the car and got soma blankets, with h,.u,u,r c,,r , ;um.ii lP.s i0?t a 'faithful worker, which he wrapped thorn up, and then l.;i).h ijuJiviitmU menil.or a ?te.ilfrt3t-, -tr-10 and sta'ted forth again. -He nuccecdcd in . - vA iU1,i brother, the cominuaity a wlJ"!,T"!i'i4- T I ' mjMMf s rJi1 , r-Sl'i -:s.. ,-iss.-i!Ji .1"! frA- . -"5- ---- 1 , "- w-".w3.' xii W IH s . krl s o Vk " M o w ...... ..0 - . .m,;,i.r 1 n Tun oi inj emuaiiuuieiii ut the further end of tho-yiaduct ae.d in in lul'-reut Royal Arcanum respect, both of which r0unding neighborhood have been ex- ft he was a member. . Mr. II. H. Crowcll died last Sunday nizht after a long and severe suffering. Mr. Crowell was well known in tho lower part of the county. He was about 58 years of ago. His funeral, took place Monday evening, the services being con ducted by Dr. Leith, of the Methodist church. The remains rest iu the Luth eran cemetery. LEONARD MUSIC HOUSE, A Place Where Yuu Can Get Anything in the Music Line. "A little music now and then is relished by the best of men," is a very true saying. Uimir- i made, in various ways ana by many difierent instruments. .Vocal music is among the sweetest. But many who enjoy vocal music aro .not permitted" to have it. 'A squeaky voice seldom, if ever j gives out music that the average persou can enjoy. But a good piano, organ, violiu or guitar sometimes makes that all right. Music has charmed and tamed the-wildest men and animals on earth or other musical instrument in it is gen e'ally-the abode of refinement. A re fined man-or woman who does not enjoy music is a curiosity. Any person in need of a good instru ment should correspond with the Leon ard Music House, Statesville, N. C. Prof eeedinclv kind and have spared no pain in making the wounded comfortable. This people has the commendation of all who have been around the scene. There are varied and many reports concerning the cause, and the true one doubtless never will le Some attribute it to rottcu tics, other:; that it was the work of train wreckers,, still others think that the engine trucks was was the cause, inasmuch as it was reported that there was trouble with them the former trip. Tho verdiot of the jury given Monday was that it was due a rail taken up, but it also censures the railroad for fast running, rotten ties and leaving tools in an open shed i:i easy aeee.-s to to every passer b; . The Richmond & Danville Railroad Company have oilered a reward of 10,000 for tlie arrest and conviction of the per son or persons who removed tho rail. We publish below ome extracts taken from the AY mm- and Obscruf whieh are, quite interesting: COMING SACK TO CONSCIOUSNESS. One of the first, passenger?- to recover xr.. w 1 ' i . . f,.m 1 if mm't. WllSJir. 01 U iVai-.ise, , a The home that has a good piano - y , m ' - Mr Ramsey's expe- rieiicd in the wrick is best Id escribed. b blU.1 H.U UUV ! - - - nad not proceedel far when he met tho hands, who had been; arouseu v3 .nc.i ii-,mov and Demmine. They had lan terns. They told him that he was two miles from Statesville, and directed him to the house of Mrs. Calldwcii, wnere ne 1 . ...1 1.1. f.imiii tin ' n t 1 1 i 1 1 fA . II . II II VI ill.-' tiniii' m ln.-inrr lmahftirl and f.illicrr. Therefore i. -..)... Ttwt i'hi!( l.-v in meek Pub- ... il.r ,ii. ,irf.a nf the (Jrent Sovereizii mifsiu" . - - " pnoicr to tune UIO VIOI1II umi uuiti tv 7 ... . 1. Itcgertt of our own, a well 118 an oincr orgai -. rpnnmil is so aulck that the moat rapid piano music can :..-w. t-..,n t;u wo dcen v deoloro this of many strings. 1 tie response u so quic. i . t.i .u;i.i 1 iiVll'lI3 i- j , v ... - - I wi - 1 - - . -v 1 I . X Thft re extend unto hia bereared --.iniiU- tljut sincere 6 viiU'iith't . and eomloleuce to tlit house 01 .airs. i n. .u-n.., v . Ivcaud S.cur,,U -mu-e,u,d. wagon, i, which' heeame to Sitesville and aroused the citizens and sent telegrams to &upei ;..,,in.ii ltii.brps and others ar.- nouneing the necident. He was witho-ut h it chn. k or c.lothin" but succeeded in nonlvin" him elf af a store and then w.ri in tlw wreck, where a nun - ICllllliW " ... t..... ..r ivnAnit li.wlnri-iv.Ml. Col.Cameroi afterward secured all his valuables and ..ii from tlie wreck. Dr. i,.i;, 1 ili-st taken to the house ol 0.1111.114 . "- . Mr. Joiin Mrllorie, where ne-was wuu -iri.-tl for. Helms sinco Deeu remove ... m.. a T Fv-.iiis'. lie a. so recovereu everything of valuo that he had with nm. the story ho told me in his. own way while' seated in Cooper's Hotel eapari- ui,.wut -iih liMinlanes. audi too sore to r-t - - 1 i b. but otherwise not seriously j injured. "When I recovered conscious- Tk 41 f ness,:' .Haul ir. aambi' , i hiviii in mv lerth in , tho illU 1 ' - ' 1 i - . f , Leonard is a fine musician himself and UpM liyar u prim hng and :1ml could feel the car moving ami I reeuiug. Finally it settled down was all iu sleeper and 'rating noise ca mil handles only the best instruments. He is thoroughly reliable and w ill treat his j w;us still and there was a -dead bilence mwtmm.N riirbt. If vou have anv idea Not a sound of any kind coiuld be hi aid -M .. 1 u -i h Phore was not a crv or a irtoah and not 01 buvin"ive tnc ijconaru iuubiu iiouf-c " w, , T ., 1 01 u J "' , . , a word was spoken. I then called out, a chance. It is a homo enterprise and tW ...... no reniv, .1 iouk ed. no and if vou should get an inferior, instrument. fl(Uml ihat the sleeper was ilaying on its you get conpensation. side, and in the oposiie ijae jiit aooi Wc want to sec our people practice .me i coumvv i j- . 11 ' . to it nud lindingasniall .satchel I smashed onomy, but a is; not economy to raise . :lcSnnd fi.und my wi;k out 'of the ur children in a home whVre muic top of the car. I slid down and as I ... i - . 1 i i...:ii economy your of some kind is not heard. Have some kind of an instrument and learn to play. Every one does nt possi ss a musical talent, but many have, and every talent 'iveu Luiuau bungs should be cultivated. .lid so I stibisbed into the Water. I stil had. uoi heard a sound audj had begun to .iiieiiide fliat 1 Was the onilv leiii leii ilivein InCrtieek I hear iitii4 In..-' and tniinii''. 1 saw a not In 1 , tuan climbing nut of auoiiijei uiudow u I i- M.i',;;.',!'Airt.v..i5Mned "honk df tiif I UU vuimiir.-.- ."v- - .... widow urn! orr:tn-" Laolvcl Tlit a copy o uieso rouumna c.r..,..! m.on n memorial pairc ot our r.'orJs: -hut thev l.c-MiWiH.l-ia .tieo0 're. .ami th:it- a unv b.' funashct the fr-iiiy of onr rense'l tin.'tliir: "... Herpecttul'v submitteil m . i. ... '. F. M. Akksdell. Jso. A. Ramsay, (J. W. VViutlol-k, Kuwix CcTiuiKi.r,. ('onimittfe. The Following aro a Few of the M my Important Advantigsi this Orgin hiii nvftr Others: ..... .,.-1. n:A v Aii.ft nnd much etwiefto Bin wfth. It ia it ir nettcr buiwhi 10 uvwii.u ,vr. eai. c tune .1,0 and other striked mitrurac-t W...d .ve. tho brcukKO rusii ' , , . , ... .. ,nil nlann initmfi tall DO K It eciUly Ptrt t. U southern ... a H' " warranted not to stick. - . U i, sobl w YEARS' TEST and if found defective I agree to make it god free orchargo ofreplal' t with a new one. Write me for particular- and mention the Watchman. J. S. LEONARD, Stat-ksville. N G. anothi:u Ai rs:ni r o. Wreck a Train on tho Westera X. C ltoaa. Tuesdav night, 'two miles from New .,it.lkiit una lifiiln ti' reek tho westbound passenger train A,, obstruetio!! of cross-ties was piaecu on the track. The engineer saw it, nit not in time to use his air and stop hi rain, lie succeeded, however, in raising ...:!. .1... :!.. K! r 1 1 the obstruction wuu me pnui ... . .. gme. 0 damage was done save a gen . , l er il i-.r a big scare to the people unu u " . ' . . . , total destruction ot the pilot or eow- enteher . The scoundrels failing in this uttempt tried a freight later in the night. x h. y i .. ,:.u mi in a ea!lic-''uanU 1 he force of the train broke oil the rail, ai d ..miii tbe aims ot the wreeivcis laneu. -r-i .,,,l,in V must oe uint- uit-.ii. l u : v mi'..-- . . ,i,,.,.r t his line, ana i i-- now il.ev will not be satisfied leniio t"1 - ..... until Ihev do tneir lull devilment. A liigu .i s. .-.I. !ill lav claim to alligati rs i- n i; i i,i v .... , i ii .ni i . i . w Illvk not ki led tbem all 1 lie V.llir.'t." , . , . mil vei- fir theic has- been shipped to l I. V C . to be shown dunn Southern' Interstate Kxpo-ilion, t( to-i.ii- Ut- lo December 1st. twcnty-i ght i,:.......,.. I-!,.!-, da will bav tbi I K' II III - i i f i i "i Hill illill 1 g'0ST!: i Absolutely Pure. .i 1 . : . P : We arc closing out the remainder oi oui. Summer Clothing and Straw lints at cost. Wc do this in order to make room for our A cream of tartar baking powder. n;..i...w .,f :il m eaveninir lrnL'l. fjuTest LT. S. Government Food Report pi I. r H loll. worth goin n ost ovel exhibit, at the. Kx- I be I hvi "a dii-pluy will In to .-51 V- Mammoth Fall and Winter Stock. ite--t lT S Goverumcul rooa i-vcnon. . ------"T--T Lmn nnd SCO US and YOU WILL GET A I5AHG A1N. G. C. & A. M. Jb Alii, w , t roceivcd a nice line ol men's rrsi?rnT tt C. ' i . i .1 - .i ,.u Air,: and boys' rants, clarK snaacs at ;iu nw x new assortment of slurts of all kinds at low prices- We still keep a full line of collars, culls, trunks, valises, etc. We solicit your patronage. Yoirs anxious to please, H.&L; WRIGHT,,. CQNCOSD. N. C, Wednesday. Thursday and FriOay. sept. io. Allrcs.i bv' (lov. lliQS- . M ui.. i'1- " i:u,ct- U-'ilv an l M-i-'- .Mei-n,g. i. Mribiti."..i lar-e awl vaiil. Many .m.ium--..- . t.. ;.. ... ill.. i Ii n.MiU aa-l novt-ii.s. u: . " muiL iJaii-i. Uai-. each .,y. ...Ru.H.fc int. p-.-'t evt-i -Abni.:oi. only V 'nU. hx--nr-ion rau. ,n raiiioiol . ("oiiK- to Uu- Kair. .i. i. .i.l.i."i:'. I '- --. II T -i !.l'!iV P. - ' U A. UKOWN. Tp i t. i . II r U J , 5 4 r! i; it I 4 If:! I! 1 TtT If li s iu