The Carolina Wateiiman. ; j , 'f y ' j " ' T .. - --gr- -' - ' ' ' ' - , - - ' ' - t Kt . V j- 8ALlSl3tJttY N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17', 1891. NO, 4G v0lj. XXH-THIItI) SERIES' tn .'--' ' : do ! - : , r-1 ' - The us oT'Castoria Is so universal and well known that it Beem a work maU worMlt. Few are the auae-yrch Matt, D.p . New York City. Uie rastof BloomfnrW Conned Church. Trrs Ckhtacb infants.andjSM KiM WWms, gives una ' fritlUiy injurious tnsMiifeaUda. " For several years I have recommended, your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it baa invariably produced beneflcUl resutts." Edwi F. Pam. M. D- The Wtothrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave.. Cowakt, 77 Men rat Street, New York. Can you read that?, : 0 Do you Know what it means? Written for The vatchinan. The NcAV Fashion nml the Ohl. the nctr fashion &nd Ihc old Has often been talkfcrt ftnd told, urtkB rt.idtr l.nlhvl find of Hu' rriiVS V 7 c- How they Used to do and hovf Uiry to-day alari went W fchurch, 8&yi Uife t4 hwn, With mv syc3 ftnd tot kirnrs in H'.y han.l, ViHi nv 'ij'ci-chrs. relied n ir trtV knerj J . k . . k i 1 .1 'I 1 a . ! t . t .i uit i. .a n!t ?rtv.s t''e bid frolil an, Uiai .8. noiRn j". . Five miles V.e Wa'.KcU to nur..n, ut n W ado 'i vlpc t.has' wI.mi ?ct to ld cltii trtn . We wo.tsit dovvn And j.Hi tiltr sliatis on With a homespun dress and a scoop on our mir lioad Ve ahvrtvs wont to ohurch, she laughed n lid S:lill: nr. n.-prjUrt. nor had a ruflle on the drosa: But now they wear overskirta and belts to make them less. Rut now savs the old man, as he pushed hack a ...i o ,-lion- of tobacco and wined back his l air, The wnv we had our breeches, I. thought it verv nent; Rut now they have them w ith two pockets on the seat. This is the new fashion, they sny on? to .the other, how do you like tliat; With a slickened shirt, a standing-collar and a stiff rim hat. U Rut that is not all the fashion, not all t it yet: They must blacken tlieir mustache ami have a cigarette. $30.00 Tea Set at ' : That's what 1 A 5.00 UinLMclla, at Warranted three years. A S t Clock at $3. Actuai'cost. A S2.O0T Breastpin at , 22.50. S3.75. It is truo s the old woman, it is very funny not like C'l V to me Ti...t tlm irirls now-a-davs arf: cirls used to bo. Thev arc a heap nicer, ami so l win vikc m ir jiart; For their beau takes them to church in the little dog-cart. They have a little cap on their licaus wun a snourbetore, And a corset to make them little and that is tight I am sure. They take part of the hair on the top of the head, and the rest they curl, And slick up their sleeves on the shoul ders like a flying squirrel. she. to dress so A $1.50 .75 How can they afford it, says nice and so neat And have a corset, and wear a the seat. h , We walked to' church and they can ride in dog-car'.; Ti.i- lmiit of how thev work, but were just as smart. bustle on 97 1.00' Breastpin at 0 TCroastmii at Everything under the discount head in same 1 am the loser and you unuvu it u Truly yours, W. H. REJSS3ER- proportion you come soon r I. Carries the Largest Stock of Rut oh ! savs the old man, I see how we w ere behind: Thev don't pay any morn for their breeches than I paid for mine. Thev belong to the Alliance and don t pay as much as 1 uo; Gollv.-old woman! let's join and you can wear a bustle too. 15. A. FkhI'Kuman. Faith, X. C, Sept. 8, libi. 31 nsi Furniture,Pianos and Organs Tmiiortuiicn of Hh inriUaiy 1 ;vl Klufatim. A yiroininent educator lias said, "Education lias manifestly a doulle purpose, to aid an individual in gain ing a living, and to make life worth the living." To this we might add that whatever is properly educational contributes to this double purpose. It wo fun s iniv that music does; tins, we , m m - - . shall have done much to establish metic or reading is taught. To be of uiv re:d use to the individual, he must understand its principles and le master of its noUtion atitl signs. As well ex pect a pupil tO become eipert In "par tial payment'' Kvtn no RuuwirtigQ ot the arithmetic. MWm alia ft!gh or to become a uHlshCd eitttUtmttiBt while till iirnrii'aht of the alphabet, as to ex pect anything satisfactory in music from one Who Cannot read it-, llote- .siiitrinsf lias liwn itnd In the lamentable stumiinHg UlOcK tn tne way ot popular appreciation ot the Value ot music as a school study. If music is to take its rightful place In our schools as a valuable educational force, it must, in its particular line, achieve for the pupil the educational purpose; that is, the pupil must have acquired its fundamental principle? and have leen trained in their intelli gent application. That this implies reading music at sight is evident, and it is as true of vocal music in the pub- he. schools as it is ot violin, niano or ' a oriraii music elsewhere. To attain such results we must have teachers who have carefully studied the !est methods of elementary in struction in music. Too few have given needful preparation for the work. A good musical and literary education is but the necessary prelimi nary to the special training demanded by this work, a work which should be considered a special branch of the mu sical profession and which certainly requires as much special siuuy as uoes any other of the special departments in music. More voices areruined, more throats are iniured yearly in our public school hv the screaming commonly termed J . iii sintrmo: than anv one will ever be auie to compute: and this is largely if not, wholly owing to the unscientific meth ods of teaching. Smooth, clear, beau tiful voices are among the rich gifts of bountiful nature to a majority ot our children, but the diseases of childhood impair many, the Sunday-school and day-school injure more, and even lar ger numbers find their fate in the chil dren's festivals and kindred affairs. Smooth, soft singing is a legitimate exercise of the throat, tends to develop it, and is undoubtedly a great preven- tative ot throat affections. V Hit pro iipr lm:ithinnr f xivises it mav be made j.v.. . r a very effective aid to the cure ot cer tain lung and throat troubles. Which is the morj important, to develop and train children's voices or to teach them to read music, is a ques tion' frequently debated. Hoth are equally important, and should receive equal attention. No necessity exists for neglecting eit her, and the teacher who is guilt v in this respect does but half his dut W. V. Heath. Earthquake in San Salvador Niiw York, Sept. 10. A special cable dispatch to the Herald from San Sal vador says millions of dollars worth of property and many lives were destroyed in this republic by an earthauake Yes terday, Whole towns were wiped out and hardly a city ih the country, ex cept tito-e along the coast escaped the awful eltect of the lonvulsion. There have been indications several days past that a disturbance of more than usual power might be expected. At just hve minutes before two o'clock yesterday morning the earth began to shake. The wave had a stong vertical oscillatory movement. Peo ple rushed into the streets in their night clothing and, while the shock lasted only twenty seconds, before it had passed away there was a panic stricken mob making its way to the open coun try outside the city. The scene was terribly sublime. Men, women and children were weep ing, shrieking and praying in the streets, walls of houses cracked, tottered and tell; there was a deep continuous rumbling as if of heavy thunder; the sky was overcast and the air filled with a hue penetrating dust, while the shock lasted the earth rose and fell in long waves and strong men were unable to keep tlieir feet. The panic-stricken people flocked to the open ground outside sof the city ; temporary shelters were thrown up wherever possible,hut nearly all the A Plain Duty. In this issue of the Tribune we ex- fdode another batch of subsidized pivss ies about alliance and people's party men and measures, and we again ad monish the friends of the great cause of industrial emancipation of their duty to aid the struggling reform press and to refuse further 'sustenance to the enemy." Thepiutocrac has fuliv realized the importance of the press in mould ing public opinion and it has only leen through their liberal support of such papers as would support their theories and pretensions that they have so long controlled the financial and industrial policy of this nation in their own in terests. The reform press has been and must continue to lie the chief in strument in educating the ieople to a full conception of their rights and the imperative necessity for a united and determined effort at the polls to regain them. In this groat work they l.vbor at a tremendous disadvantage, having no "fat to fry" from protected manufac turers, national bankers, bloated bondholders, wealthy corporations or holders of fat offices, and being al ready boycotted by city advertisers. Yet th?y must, of course, while re duced almost entirely to receipts from subscribers for their revenue meet the subscription prices of papers with whom the subscription receipts are but a b:o-atelle as compared with th The Money Press vs. the Alliance Press. e re- I . .i mi i . . l .. men and many ot the women and " , J children had only the sky for a cover, of the great plain people in whose be- All through the" morning there have the reform press is waging such a hof.ii slbrl.t l,,.L- l.,t MMnpnnnmnpL heroic fight against such odds is clear : :t.. !.c .i. t ...u:..K ...a sn( ininerative: sunnort should be at u ..n,,,,,; once and completely withdrawn from The inhabitant, are afraid to return papers wh;ich circulate such obvious r their lining ond .,r. nutii.ff them- Ulld mallClOUS talSellOOUS are ma selves as comfortable as possible in their temporary camps. President Ezta is doing everything he can to stop the panic and care for the pople until it is consideied safe for them to go back to their homes. The towns throughout the country have suffered more severely than the capital, even. Anaquito and Comagua have been completely destroyed. Co- jutepepi que, haiita becala, ban I edro and Manaute were so badly shaken that they are practically ruined, while the shock was plainly felt and damage clone by it at Santa An i and Susim tepeque fully sixty miles from here. It is impossible, at this writing, to f'nrm anv idea as to the number of lives which have b:en lost. Two peo neonle were killed here, though there were many miraculous escapes- from death. Ir is feared, however, that there have been many people killed in the small towns. The loss of projverty will run well into the millions. State-Chronicle. FROM TH"K MONEY TRESS. One or two repetitions of the boun tiful crops now growing or being har vested in Kansas will kill Pfefferisni deader than a smelt in that states (Jleveland Leader, Kep. Shades of the future protect Ohio Think of the Seitz as the succesor of Senator Sherman, a pigmv that would. lose himself in one of the giant's shoes. That is what the so-called PeopbsV party proposes. Cleveland Leider. "Such a political party must- neces sarily be short lived in this country. The farmers of the United States are the, largest single class, but they are very far from . Ieing the majority of the people." Chicago Herald, Dem. If Senator Pteffer, of Kansas, who -has not combed his whiskers for thirty, years and "Sockless" Socrates, who probably has not washed his.. feet for thirty years, again-come ito Cleve land, Health-officer Strong ought to be notified at once. The farmers of Ohio are ashamed of two s.ich repre sentatives. Cleveland Leader. The grasshoppers are eating things y-Y I 111 ti "1 up in Uino and tiie not wind is shriveling the wheat in the northwest - and the farmers' Alliance continues to yell for more 1 piper money. What the Alliance should do is to petition the president to call -congress together for the purpose ot passing stringent laws against the grasshopper and de claring hot weather misdemeanor pun ishable by fine and imprisonment. Uut the Alliance has its eyes smeared with the green cheese of the moon and can see nothing straight. New York Sun. Dem. Printed in the "-Aijianco Column" of the Erie Globe llecord, Dem. Friend farmer, the above are -some of the "arguments" used against the reform movement by the tilth pumps of monopoly. It is a fair estimate of your intelligence? hatdoyou think of an Allianceman who contributes against alh- ancemen and measures as those here with refuted and which retuse to re spectfully discuss or give space, for dis cussion of alliance measures. ith papers ot restricted circulation it is practicable and highly effective to re fuse trade to any merchant who ad vertises in such" papers. Every man who "sees the light" should also con sider himself a special agent to extend three to six dollars a year to support Hip p'riMihit.ion of irood reform papers such paper? We think his eyes' are ivin' fir.-t preference to local papers smeared with the superannuated soap where such are worthy. If the people . . . i i i can be induced to read and think, tin success of our cause will be assured. Iowa Tribune. Ponder This. How much more of your products will the dollar of to-day buy than the dollar uf twenty vears ago?. How much more of your debts, your taxes, vour-officers' salaries, -vour interest, rmir null" ro-iH'ps or vour doctor and iiwr will it nav ? That is the wav to look at the financial question j . ... i.. i i .1. ...i.i Look at the relation wnat you nave to caru whether he lives or Missionary Entertainment. grease used by money bag politicians to catch suckers. -s-l'ennsyiyrnia rar- mer. Happy Hoosicrs. Win. Timmons, postmaster of Idaville, Ind , writes: "Klectnc Hitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, fur that had feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble. John Leslie, farmer and stockman, ol same place, says: "Find Electric Litters to Je the best Kidney and laver medicine, made mo feel like a new man.' J. A. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town says: ''Klectric Hitters is just the thing f .... i for a inau who is all run down and oou t dies: he found The ladies of St. Peter's H. and F. M. Society, Mrs. C. M. Miller, presi dent, gave a public entertainment on iV Saturday. Sept bth. lhe morning uie i , i i i .i u uawneti ciouuy mm i in ri inn, rJ lie Same Old Trick. !IS nrwlucers, sustains to what you new strength, good appetite nnd felt just . v. x-a fn n-i fnr tliH items which enter like he had a new lease on hie. Only on as the Farmed Alliance etoPaHV into your daily and veariy expense at self a power m the land mys- J Have salaries decreased ? Has - ; t ' " To be Found in the State, After waiting some time tor the mam exercise n ()f the aavKeVs. J. Q. Wei tz, t.,ieJ,?,)' S. Hot brock and H. A. Trexler, the 1 V "w pustdr-C. M.Miller, by request of the BABY - CARRIAGES AND I Buy in Large Quantities Direct from Factories and Will Give Low Prices. and importance of elementary musica ed- l . spm(Hi afniA to venture nation, for "whatever is worth doing nntJbat Lt er ifc briirhter and at all is worth doing we I. ; the chnrch WJlg g0(,n file(1 with opie. in the tiniest sense a ne w -ru. After WlitinJ? some time for the mam our is on v reaiizeu oy me iuu of every faculty natural to and mind. .The impairment natural function-or its loss-lessens . , , , the. chair, announced I... I.i.f iminli flip fofilitv of the ex-I i p ,i i .1 mm " int i- - j - i hq ii w:iim(iint lopiit or t lie si ieaKei um H M.M w Ea I . . i ... ".. I . : - ... ...f .. nit, : II iiiikii I l ' . . ., ' i Ili 1 l III lC.O lSteilCe lO w hich a WB .1 . !..:. ....1 f : nun Wvoa were to oe uiniiinaitrn jiunt woi n..o who shall estimate the cpnsequent dwarfing of both bodily and mental faculties? the lessened power of en joyment? Few sciences have contrib uted more to humaii v. From the ltfl- As soon made itse . . i tenons whispers and charges concern- iterest ing its leaders and prominent members jower p began to be heard. Generally these charges took the shape of vague heresay testimony, coming from no responsible source,and too thin and indefinite to be run down and be promptly squelched. All great reform movements have thn-l-e.l in the same way. Their "Wi'ito for Catalogue and Prices Goods EictafBil if not Satisfactory. , E. M. ANDREWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Mention the Watchman when you write. POAL! Iff EE 0MF0RTA BLE. Ftoring Havin'ff.crciitlv increased mv facilities for handling and COAL tlie -coming season, 1 would now again respect fully solicit anv and all orders entrusted to me, promising to funtish you promptly with what you may want at "the lowest liinrl-nt rvriro Tn nrdoi to ( htain advantage of the lowest sum- ...u.vrvv ... ...v ; quieting uithience and discipline 01 ui mer prices, you should at once send me your orders. Keinemher; A "safeity-v5ilve,r it ipj a necessan that I handle onlv the best arailcs ol screened oai, inciuuing appurtenance o the Red Ash, suitable; for grates, "stoves, heaters, Ac- Alsakeep oh hand at all times the finest grade of blacksmith coal. J. ALLEN BROWN. called on Prof. L. H. Ptothrock to con duct the opening exercises. Mr. Char iu Itiovvn dlivHri'il the opening ad- dress. An essay on foreign missions was read by Mr. C M. Miller; a lecture on home and foreign -missions was de Prf T. II ltoth rock: some "J J. ... t Liby abovthe cradle to the dirge alout of the gpeeches ana dialogues by mem the bier, thrtmgh every phrase of hu- . of thesociety and a talk on mis- man joy and human sonow, unnit 1B Uions by the pastor who had just ar rived, occupied the forenoon. Ihnner was now announced, and all went to the grove and cat heartily of the good things prepared. After dinner a very encouraging report was read by the ident. Next on the program was by Miss Ellen Holshouser and several young men, illustrating giving. Then followed another dia liriu hv twelve little girls, each re peating a verse and holding nin on a crown filled wi Miss Emma Uideiihour and fouryoung : 4K tf.jir men, represenun me xwn, 'i South and West calling on America for help, awakened much sympathy for the rwor heathen. But pi rhaps the most" interesting feature of the reduced ? Are taxes Have mortgages been cur tailed? How does the price ot land, of wheat aud com, of cotton, of every- thing you raise, compare with the value of the purchasing agent, money? Interest, taxes, mortgages, salaries and professional fees are as high as eyer, while wheat, corn, cotton and all agri cultural staples are from 100 to 200 opponents have always attempted io per eent. lower. How can you nope weaken the innuence oi uie leauers "j i for prosjenty while tins coiiuuion pie STATEVILLE MARBLE WORKS ' Is the Place to Get Monuments, -TomTDstones, &c A lnrcTP stock of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive in a few days vsatisfactiou iu every respect and positively will not be undersold. Grranite Monuments 1 Of all kb"y a specialty ... C.:B. WEBB, ' Proprietor. Mention the Watchman when you write. 25.1y H.u i,wt n:itnr:i expression ot emo tion or sentiment. Its influence may not be despised and its sphere-' is pecu liarly its own. , In his admirable woik oiX "Theory and Practice of Teaching;' David 'P. IV'e says, substantially, that, though not" essential, it is desirable to t he good i...i,0r fhtit ho understand music, as C4lf4cl . w .. . ..iww. hpc.nminfr an exercise in our I u ii.-, iv - --r. . . , , best schools, with pleasing results, where wisely' conducted;, that it. pro motes good 'speaking and reading be ,.Miie it disciplines the ear; .hat it de velops the finer feelings, and aids in the o-overnment of the school by pro viding a "safety-valve tor that restless ness which would otherwise escape in noise and whispering. ; - . Admitting tlielruth of the forego ing it is but hall the story. Nothing aid of the value ot music except as otor of other studies by its influence and discipline ot the rv l 1 . I lT.i.t- a steam i iunei , imh. . , l s . 1 1 I . contributes nothing to the nioine J 1 'A 1.. 1. I i. 'Ktkhl nrfc r. is it true mat ioiv ni.-. educational forcer' liy no ! Its thorough study tieveiop- many faculties more lii'pidly, -more thoroughly than that of. almost any branch. Man ry, number, julgment, accuracy, celerity, inventive skill all these and more are necessarily exer cisedi Music is a rare educator, and for this season-not sts a "safety valve'' for restless mischief, but for" Uie . .O.i : 1 ... I I guarantee fullest development ot the minu aim for the growth of an appreciation ot the more refined enjoyments of life it rlnrvps si nlace amoni? the most nil- porta nt studies of the common school. But if we seek these results, we ma not make "child's play" rjf this nol)U pipne It must be taught as arith - - f making all sorts of charges against. them. The surest way to defeat a re f mu is to make its frietids distrust each other. It is an old trick and an easy one to work more or less successful. A wink or a shake of the head when a man's name is mentioned, an inquiry about his financial condition, a question about an alleged rumor, an intimation that much might be revealed if certain persons were willing to speak -all these :ire laminar vails ? . Are you so blind that you can't see that the holders of mortgages, the drawers of sal ines and the receiv ers of taxes are the ones most benefited hv fbp enhancing value of money and the reduced prices of everything it buys. The drawer of a $o,000 salary can buy three times as much of your wheat as as he could when his salary ,. n..f.,l.l,'climl !inH hpnee it toliows that it will take three times as mucl ,,f vnnr wheat to nay vour proportion y . . . . i l j I i ci ! ; r us h i a .at ion r it j ' - --- - a presi i dialogue a with star to flowers. p i. : or nis times thev accomplish their objects. sfrjkes u.s that we fanners are the most .,.i .. ;f vohuiri's vpvv little ability. I .i.:., lnnrr-iniTiM-iin set ot fools on ;lim )cn in inj j ' i patient, ---r . . . Iv a lack of scruple to work f..H ()f the earth to submit to tin them. When every thing else fails, gt.lte (lf aff:u,s a minute. Just that a pretense is made ot sympathizing the dollar you get for your products with tin. obiects ot the reformers, ami surprises expressed that the merits of IS St a. pr powei snecial means day was twelve ot our tairest wrnug ladies, all marching in, sinking "From Greenland's Icy Mountain," and each 'hearing a letteV, which, aftt r repeating their verses, they placed on a beauti fully decorated cross, forming the words, "All for Jesus," and marched out. sinking. "All hail the power of Jesus' name." After an excelh nt ora tion by Mr. Charlie Brown. and a nice noem bv Miss Lottie Urown, a eoliee- l .1 f ,l,tl ... ... t:ikiMi. ;ver sevi-o uumuo 1 1 in ... , . for missions. 1 hen loi- lowed the closing address and benedic tion. . ...'., The church was neautituily decora ted, and the choir with Miss Lizzie Trexler as organist, gave us an abun dance of excellent music. The yoimg ladies .specially deserve praise for the excellent manner in which they acted their parts. ' All pronounced the en tertainment quite a success notwi,th- . I .. . . .1 i ii r till. ll isnooointment of get- SlilllUlM. .v, I " - some of them have not been recognized, ami the question is asked why they have been kept in the background. The Alliance is going through all of th se direct and indirect attacks, and its members seem to thorougmy understand the tactics employed t them. the enemies oi inn reform 'organization will have to revise tiun pan oi t.uii'-p again? great buys three times as much of them as i ever did, but when you come to pay your obligations of the above- named characters it docs not go any further than it ever did. Think over this question and you must at once con clude that the money question is the one which overshadows all others, and is the problem that must be solved and that speedily. To .simplify the mat ter, vou can state it thus as a matter effect: Ik-cause interest, t 1 v ' . 1 . 1 It is useless for them To continue mak- taxes, etc., have not decreased in me ..l,..r.r,. it' thev are not going to C:miP nronortiou as the value of agri- ....rmiPtbinir. The old common ' 1 1 1 1 r:t.l products ii the reason of the . f . ni-ni i on sinned to. .f,r nf rl.p on c as and tiie be innocent until his guilt is proved ,,0Veity of the other--banners Advo Ik Ids "ood in these matters, and tbe c ite, Charleston, W. a. lliancemeii are not such, greennorns as to pull down every tried and trusted worker for their cause the moment ton-Mies of idle gossips begin to wag a-rainst them fur there is a secret ami fish motive back of all these attacks, and the Alliancemen know all about it. Atlanta Constitution. What Congressman and where does he live that has ever offered a better plan than the sub-Treasury, or any plan at all as a substitute for it? Guaranteed Cure. Wc authorize our advertised druggists to sell Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption, Coughs and Colds, tipou this condition: If you are amiciea n a Cough, Cold or any Lung, ' Throat or Chest trouble, and will use tins remedy a? directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no benetit, you may return imj mttle and have your money refunded. We could not make, this offer diTl we not know that Dr. King's New Diicoveiy- could be relied upon. It never disap points. Trial bottles at Kluttz & Cos. drug store. Large size 50e. and l.uu. The New Version. New York City Editor- "See here! Don't you know executions by electri city are the law now ?" "New Man "Certainly." "Then, sir, what do you mean- by this old-time, chestnutty, moldy quota tion, 'Give a rogue rone enough -and he will hang himself. What do you mean, sir ? We are not living iii the middle agts." - What substitute would you sug gest? - , .- "Say, 4het a rogu go on shocking society and he will get shocked him-"-self." Good News. UlceratcU wire ith ;i xw.uM .son: of several jfani' sl.niijliiwlwoli tie; I'lx-toih ihouiflit Incura ble, aud amiiuUon v.m rouru.-n as me only n-nei, th K-nl. s.:;ir. :lv al) M vv;i)k l.f for', liov lUU.-i - .. .. 1... II Tt ! appoeniiy wen. 1 in; ur: m.un- . and is-known tbrouKTmut suv.oin.ih as oi.e of tu ; Kreatcur.-Htliat V 1'. IV. -tin; wouth-nut bl'XK. lcloe. nas m uie. Headache u realliy cure I by I'. whl.tli tone.H and regulates 1. 1'; lireuon ana ucaiu an TjppetitC. . . The best sorlnc infdl:)n- In the World Is 1. P. P. If you would be wed ami In s'""' Spirit u"1" ' . i ..... i . ..I ,,r. ... .tu 11 l:iL 1 I If we. ik ana i iuiu.ii i u j ii " l T Ynr : snrln'' m-di:l I U( flir- aid U)U'. Up ilia wncril allrriems of the s!.t iri tal:e (Criokly Ami, Poke i:o"i ;n.o rH;:s mm;. p. i. p ting the speaker: Plow Boy. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorial Eucklen's Arnica Salve. The bet Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Salt Rhoum, Fever Sous, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, C.rns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay required. U 1 -v L'A nor is guaranteeo i i," i..-.- orlnonev refunded. Price cenLs per box. tor sale uy i. r. i"- l" v" The Lover's Lament. Your face is like a drooping flower, Swt el heart! I see you fading, hour by hour, Sweetheart! led outlines waste away, What power death's cruel hand tan stav? , , " Sweetheart, Sweetheart ! Whv, nothing but Dr. I'ierce's Favorite !-..,..... ;;t.n. It "unrarts strtMigth to the -fail in" svstem, cures organic troubles, and for 'debilitated and feeble women generally, is uneooaied. u .iipe.s iue. ajicholv aud m rv oivsness, and build up oh flesh and strength. Caurantetd to pve satisfaetion in every ra-e, r money paiil for it refti'uded. ABBOTT'S KASI INlMAN i fntN PAINT is a quick cure for Coma. auiiI.nsanT aro. miK YOI'R COl'.NS HY I'sINO Jlilrfit.fs Kast Indian ( oni ivmi tnns and Warts, tt Is jrrfat. f r i.on.s. Bun- CONSUMPTION CURED. An old nhyslcl-in, retired lo-in practice, hnvjn had n!ac-d tnlils h.irids by an hut India niis-aon- . . . . . . .. . t ,urmhtii ri vlv for ary the lonnui.v i t;ui: " "-" - . 7 the sn-ely and pennant m cure of ('oiii.sumptloil. I'.ronehltlii. laiariu. -isieu-.i .wi- Inn" AffectlouH, ;do a jtoMi iv e -and ratllcul cuift for Vervoiw Peblllly and ad Nervous i:omplu)nts. lfter havlnir tested its uouih iful curative powers 111 thOUSitllilS or C.i s. il. s P li n inn uuij . " it known lo his surferli. reUow . Actuated by thU motive and a msiie u, ,e.;. ve uiit-iins. will end free ot ch ir,"-, to :m whoucmtc n. mi recipe. In oenna.r. Kren U or KnglWi. with lull dl- recilons lr pic:t;ti in ana u.sii.i;. ui -j ohln-ssliii; w Ith slin'i, n irnln t hhj paper, W. A. Novka, i:u Powers P.ui:k. Uochcster, N V. CWldrcn Cry for Pitcher's' Castori ti 'H I 3- 2 ri i f 1 1 it I u t .t '- i s if M ; I' - 4

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