yOli. XXII-TIIIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1891. NO. 50 s J ir i 1- n id for infants and Children. f rrcomrocnd it aa superior to acy preccr:puon mown f me-'" H- A- AncnEO, II. D., 311 So. Gsiord X, I&ookljrO, N. Y. . Th ni of rasioria' Is so an-versal and r? 1 -rerosation to endorse ir,. Fevv are t ho II! Uiit families wlioonoikec? Cy-ina Castorta enres Colic, Ccawtipatton. Sour Kromach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kill3 Wornu, gives Sleep, and jn-otaotes ?l pestion, r TTithout iejarious medlcctioa. For choral ye.iro I hare rficcmTnpntM- yoir Castoria, ' and shall always continua to do art as it iios invariably prcduGed beneficial results." ; En'Vfis F. Pardee. M. D., ' Tbo WTinthrop,M l-5Ua Ktrett and 7th At., Kew York City. : Late "rustorDjcooaiasdaio Bforui-jd Church. ' Trrs C-ntauh Cokpant, 77 JlL-RitAT Etheet, New Tors. 3 9W o OFF o B n a hi y y i Man a i-a a 3 i2 b 4 I'M I ?4 3 ! s, J JLJ iU Jr n p U bo A Gain T I, 1 A Ail rAnn trpiy Bo veil mm mm it m it 1 u ans? ill) Tea Set at That's what ! 822.50. 0 i J. A 5.00 Umbrella, at ; : Warranted three years. A 4 Clock at $3. Actual cosU A 2.00 Breastpin at. A 1 00 Ire;istpiri at ; A .50 Kreasl pin at Everything under the discount head in same proportion. J am the Js'?r a::d you make it il SI. 50 .it) !. ( -Written ror The WatciUan. 1 Divhlin llic Parly, i A lrlrift Lriof hope for the toiler is d.ixvniffg, Driving the mist from onr jMilitieal sk,y: The brijrht soil of free.loai illutni-.ics th imorn- ' in?. : That lirii2- reliii;tiinn niA loliverance ni.ili. Yet a IV V: saH nimllT3.:iro howliug s jou.lly. "Divi iiitg the party ! Dividing the arty !'" ,Mt"h!v nil!Hj;s of luhorrrs tt forces arc swelling. From rb!Iiii?,AJan'tie to rUfi of the: West; Meehanieft mid planters are ttlndly .unitnig. One erloriotis auiiitioii is fniiiir each ,Hveii?t. ! Ytt a tt-w Fad trrumblt rs jiro how ling ?d u l!y, Dividia; the party ! Dividing the party ! y : Th? choice of all parties nre beinp cemented, I5t liu4 -tiither ia U of sVeet union: And horf of jrr.ivc evils will soon he corrected, Tiniug wUii gladness our frlorioftsdotniiiioii, Yet rt few sad! priHiiliTers are Iiowdinft si joudly. 'Dividing ll:e party! Dividing the party !" So long as we labore.rs with forces divided. Many of our struggles were fruitless and vain, . . ! Hut now we are mars-hing with toilers ui ik-d, And ;ialiiH of victory are certain t. guin. Yet a fi-w sad grt;inl)'ers itre howling so 'loudly. 'Divitlii'g the party f Dividing the piir'v !'' W. W. ir-AUKis. Flock, X. C. Jt!;isie:tl Tt:ilM:sy. It sr)ni"Iinis :t;)p'.:iiv':u t t 1 41 m i- i ; -i u s lovers of iuusm; wert" cii tlowcd willi t ho most u:ii'nrtuii:i!p oi:s it;: ft: res. Can it lie tuat tut nubi science, (iin.'ct fio:ii God, ami the only e.utliij" art whieli will j.rolmbiy lie cSifi ihel in Heaven, can be the creator of this foo:ihlv sen-afive j.alous r1 Can it be tll.it the cnlt i vat io:i of the jiiV ti apprt ciii'e. and I lie voire do J"". ifirnv, that which is . used for l he: ii a;-e of Jehovah, de: rai ts from olio's j n'' nicnt, heart and min:iion sciim ? kt:ow i.ot !;ow it i--. Int so it. is; inn--i.-i.iiis an; ;:ir 'o r.oise as snneh dis.-.-r.! A of fedin as harmony of trains. 'i lie tenor finds i'auit with the hiss, the su prano snaps up ihe alio. What qa ti ivlia for precedence of posi: ion in the L s:njr:nii seats . nac I nrej.ii.s or ii union if Miss pooi voice is ai ouvd ! v ;ii;;4 with thetn. What violent seces sion if Mr. !3ravah' voice is pii;;t riv appreciated. () ir city choirs are no betler. A word ot"adv:ee to Iheoi- Observers :inl ihlhlcera have re- en- Teimessoc Letter. Mr. Editor: IVrhans vnn nn.l th marked frecniently tjie reat extent to readers of von r valnnldV Ivm.r ivmd.i urlitoli Ii!. I w i.m i t. miifif ! III... J,. 1 tt " . k jur.iJcoa uic-uTrtiMij : uitr lii Know soiMeiium; about iN asli transactea uj young irrcn. in itie "wholesale and retail houses; in the factories; and in ills in Ih is section of t lie State tin "most respousilii-position.s are frequently held by in en w hoe aes average from twntyVfive to forty years. Even in the linancial, where we wo. ild suppose the years necessary to accnmulatioii and f?perience ou!d reverse the prevailing fentleney there is a -remarkable sprinkling of new blood even uaion th active iotiicials, wlii'.e the clerical positions, even to the most renin-, eralive and the nt responible. are filled, with. youn;-.nivn almost ex clusively. Take Winston b:in1;lh"f"ih ftitistions as an ex!in:n!?. There are onl v one or two irrav-haiied aetie ofJieers in them, and the routine woi !; is almost entirely in the hands of men who are nmler forty years of aire. The tendency is, of course, less noticed in the professiiMis, especially i:i the sci.-n-tilij ptirsuils, such ;.s liiedicine. Science moves in direct lines, and all. yoim and old. who are concerned in vine aiiff wnv 1 am here. I will irr,i,wi u; ueci iue some u me princi pal points, but ask now to be excused for all shortcomings. "Nashville is a biisvcify of about 7G,0()0 inhabitants, tt is sttiiateil on the Cuinberland river and is Ihe "capi tal of Tennessee. It is also a great educational center, perhaps the "Ath ens of the South." The University ol Nashville nnd the Vanderbilt University are the most noted school. Eacli of these in stitutions have an attendance of about five hundred students. The Universitv of Nash ti!1e "is-jilsmralW the Peabotly Normal, in honor of her great bene factor, .George Peabody. Tennessee Ljives Sirj.():;0 annually to this institu tion'. Thus we see the Normal has the means to place her atnonp: the best of schools in the fon! hern S'ates. In deed, h v friends claim that he ranks lirst is a school for eij dpine-.it ol eacners, iier cnosen j.'rotession. 1 here is a trrerit riva.ll V between the stndenl its application must, keep pace with its j d' Vanderbilt. and t he Normal, development." Lherelore olner physi cians retain a greater decree of poer. all other things beim; cq ial. than younger ones. IJul in the law, in lit erature and in the colleges the Same conspicuous assert h;:i of the voting is noticed. 'I'here is so much of .ent i meut a-soci;itcd wit h bo! h the pu'pit and the star that o!iT favorite-; iet.u:i their popularity and youu'j; a-pir.iiit !i!it their -W.iy with difiiculty. In joiiraali-m. proiiably nior. tlu n in any ot hcsr calling is b it ti e iidiuence ol voiithi'ul life. The newsp,;jer profes sion h is been almost ivvolu' ioniz 1 within the past two d v.i les, and only i he yoiiu can be relied upo;i to adod themselves properly to the rapidly t 1 1 a 1 1 r i 1 1 lj met hods ot such a nro-'ivs-sive field of combined business and lit erary activity. In polities ihre is sn much dependiiiLT uoo.i iu:l leuce o! so The Normal js situated in "South Nashville, between M n ket and Uni versity streets. It is a, line location and commands a Hue vietv of the citv. and is connected with all parts oi Nashville by the e!Mctrie railway or si reer cur lines. D. V. II. Payne is t he Chancellor of the Universitv ai:d Pie.sident of the College. lie has six teen or 'seventeen assistants, graduate." of the best colleges of. America, and some have diplomas from European colleges. Students are here trattied for that great and noble calling, teach 'laTe scliocd. opens WedueMtav. Skill In Ilitc.ing ;i Ilors?. Not by any menns is the art of hitch Tvriiikliitg.- Turkey red is made from the road o I am not able to sav a:ivthi:i ' about various kinds and comparatively you comj sm;i n i nii v vours. 7 4 J a r i k'-3 m 5 r: ' 1 Mil V, T r ' ; 4iU! : Mi i . V mil nummw vsq Carries tho'Largost Stcck cf I iliiil d ttoMiiU-'Wi fliliB To, "D3 EDaid ivtho Stato. U r cliorister : reai ens t pro -s a iiiu;!;. an i nvpiv.- .rit!i isr t 1 which. -aide coi net, m ine c.iurca. 1 :e no oriun.ite ui osic com :u :! tee is t i.n r. , me w;v and another, and biaaud as freely asv the president ot li e United icw l oi ii A.o 1 o'..i mu.-ical Societies rent atid sectio:ud ai:atin. See the iiiileiipon innate personal work, thai abii ill ! ar il' e o-ed L i,k at Oii! bv . Oi.l rivalry of the ojer..tic tioiiies v.ath leaders as ai.tagomsi ;c ;.s (irimalkia and Carlo and like '.hem i:s : t'i ii voices in a wav ii't at all ea!ciilated to ,,f hit please quiet people who U'iint icst. Everv one "f t iiesein fiances are tiar md more, un fort uua'ely. eon Id b. ited. A) time 10 de.it h ! Un foi t tmaie nu-iciatis.: iv. ine are ireiii wz n ii j i i 'i .i .i it iarr l alniost as iiaitiv as me tneo- ogiaus. - Cannot men consent, to hon- 1 4. T t II 1 .1 st. rivalry r Is. ail wouiU use i heir eu- eruv which is spent in angry thounts. ml enveuome I spieen i.l'. wouiu t reput.it inn once in f..irs js gein-raliy sU'-cs-fHi as in viiinig luciis. hut. w.i"iiev-.r new Mood is infused in politics it is u'ho'ieoui". ihe young; man s oi '!-.- je do-is of his repu tation anil therefore more cofuscen iiou.s -in ins pyrl uat.iace of public du:ies. It is no di-respeet to gray le.als that mm v ol' liiet:" crov. ns sir. alio !: t ransfn r d t' ii:i-i!vered i'ims are cha!!gin'4 rapa!L t i-ily in 111 HiV iiistaiices for the fa ocks. io rap- o. 111-: llleiiitl.Ui )v;.,..i,.., i I l l t K i l l 11 - r ' - T.s - -r f e;;ul!ica;i. the workings of the school, except that the testimony of old students is, "They wili work you hard." The ''Model Sehoo!"1 will open in a fe-v lays in the "IIodel schoal house," situated on the ground, and under the supervision ol the Normal, in this school, thirty pupils (children) are taught by the best meihods known, and the "Nor m. iiit.es-'. are required to attend and take l.-:so;is iu tea -long. There are sewr.d line librarielT in the college buildings ami besides these lu students have ac cess to two or three more up town. lb;:. I will not write more this time, hut ii I think ii desir.Jd-', I will wriie a. ai:i. describing the ''Model' School" for tnyMe'low teachers in Rowan ' ainl adj lining counties. .last; a word to the ahirtneemen: Liu- i I i i 4 i - 1 papers state ilia:, tiie .-iitiance is iu-):i- te:rati::g. ing a horse, even though the i lea is der plant, which grows in Hindoo conhned alone to the time spent, in his stall, a matter of light, significance. ot a lew verv vaiuaoie nurses navei been lost by getting cast ;r otherwise hung out right bv the neck through want of tnet on tTIeTowncr or groom in lyitheni. Some horses !iavera habit of scratching the ear or poll with I lie hind foot, this arising, quite . often from the top of the head becoming chafed from an undue bearing of the bridle or halter. This movement can he made when the horse is at liberty with entjfre safety, but when tied the chances are about even, if the hitching strap be slack, that this will catch the leg. The r sult-tn m.tny "horses have been more or less injm ious,md toothy ers, as stated, death in the stall. Ccdts require to be hitched in their s'.alis with great care, as they are prone to become restless under confinement, and there is no telling what positions they m a- worm themselves into during a night, ami what the owner or groom may iitid their condition to be next morning. Too long a tie enables the colt to turn his stern where his head he longs, and by lowering his head, As he is sure to do . in Ins struggles, get one or both forelegs across the hitching strap, and then, with the average colt, the re- ti it is notdihL-ult, to anticipate. Horses that become res! less iim si. end their time, as very many horses do when ccn :iued,iu pawiiigidieir litter orin absence of litter, pawing the stall ilonr, nremot nuli'rely to get a forward loot over-the hitching strap. Once in that diiemuia, there is no estimating wliat-niay follow. In hi'chiiTg, give rope enough only to allow the horse or colt to get his nose down to the lluor, or wry near there, letter still, a plan adopted by many, attach a weight to the iuuerem! of the hitching strap, giving the latter free and easy play over the roih-r or smooth surface. The weight should be uilriciimtlv heavy to that no slack occur in the hitching strap, which would then have no more weight need-" ed. Colts or hor-es that have been en tangled in the stalls i.i the manner re ferred to. are ve: v hla i v, lab r on, to ierc 'ly it, through any mishap. e troui: st.ui.- It is nn.hahle that flu m:id,W it gels t lie retlder it becomes.--NeW Orleans Picayuue. ;t " 44 And you rejected him?" "I did." ' ' fie has the reputation oj beings a large-near ten man. : "That's the trouble with him ; he i too large-hearted. He can-Jove half a dozen woman at the same time." Cape Cod Item. Stranger Can you-telj mejhfm Ifr get to tbe farm of Mr. been, 'wlirt raises watermelons ? : Voe.thfui Native Ye?, ir-ee! Yoit just go up the creek bed buck of tlitf house, and take the path upthrotiglt the thicket and crawl througJi u hole in the-er-ei'-couvj io think, don't biieve I know where he. docs live; mister. Puck. "Wise men hesitate; only fools are- certain, remarked a Montcalm street man to his wife a few evenings iigo' point with strugLTie !hey ha' i ! ; ... , l w ;i l. aruess. ti ire. I men ;;a t b v r verv seaiom :e,.. but aliow lije tos.'.vth tist Ce ggressive. Wi e must oe aggress; ve. h t us move forward, not b.chsvard. il we assume t ;s a! "oosb. Herein the LniVer- -ity I inecL genth men from all over tht S tith and be the)' Alliance num bers 'or not, fhey s.iy tne Athaiu.? !- ooomiug and doing go d petty leaiou-v on some gooii a-- f.ii work, !e better oil. we have tsaid nothing new t is.i Ul ' B I Buy .in :Lar-o Quantitio? Dire ct-from Factories aid Will Give-Low Prices. . i Write for Catalogue ancl 1 rices. jM Iiaiisl if not aMjctoof. 3 SJ 3 ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. i ,ie woist ol it is that every om- linaws I nis al reauy. It is easy to hint fault. We can show ixactlv where the dose. ise lies. W,l;. Some are not vor.; lit t new l i : ' i ' ih.. defensive we wilj le driven out f reflective com mu nine-,. lennessee the light. We have been askings dregs ow bass ot an Alliance governor lor our grievances for vears, but norv '.. " niajor.ty in the legislature. we demand it, ami it must Come. In- an t .ortl. t.aroima oo as we,! in tut sicadof sembug petitions to (ongress next elccaon v e bdi -ve she w;;L we -ropo-e to s ml men biaveami true. U'JiiT. A. h all. who knoA- w'mt, our interests are ami Nasnyille, lenn., Oct. y, lo'Jl s-IlMl any sysii-iu g st ran is a in very L ..I.l ivha wiihii! it.-ei f. never slips.-- au.l. iLio' a ruooer I Southern Caltiv .tor. but the system ban I wncn sue was arguing a him. "I don't know about that," she said! testily. "Well, I am certain of it," he re-1: pbed so emphatically that she laughed in his face, and he has becnwondering: ever since what shethought was so' funny about it. Detroit Free Press. ''olitners is an awfully-mean duck.' lie robbed the pC-aboxonce.,, 1 "That's nothing like as mean as Ilicks. Hicks borrowed a 1-cent paperi from a newsboy and then gave it buck." Puck. ' ! t ' ! He (sale-man) D?ar little hand (abs.-nt mindedty ); I wonder if it wilt i 'i wasu r j Sh.e (conspirito) Nojsir, it. wtm't . nor it won't" scrub, cither but if you want it to play the piauoit 's yours, (h'Orge. Lifer "A woman will do aim st anything -when sh j is desperate. "I "Von think so?" "I'm surerof it. There's Miss Sho w off she h id a row withher fiance on v the beach the other day, and she got so m id that she walked deliber ately iiih) the water with her bathing suit on and ruined it. -Detroit Fre ();;e ov one they gather home. Oj:Jy a few montlis ego Dr. Li il.T came aiuongst us ai.il won tla with whom a-.:l.a coutidenc i le come Hid e.-tee.U o in contact, bat whilst we so lu'i-li en- io.e.i his M-csi'iiv.'!' Low sad to think J i --- ,5 for sojourn that he was here j'ist long nougii us to learn to bve Inn:. I About ix wee!:s ago . i tins or u;.:- fill ,,r ., short. a cure. out we cannot suggest per! nips it is all for the best. "It is well hat one say we il v f t i nerleci: tor u we were, we soma no so into!elal;ly roiid of it, that theri would be no get fing along wjh us." KxdorxTitR of Kivai, Doxxas. . . t . r a . l i - - i W heii' "ije Astuz.e r-uiiuili was per"ornied at Naples, in 1 7SiJ, an iuci i . i i i "i i i lent occurreu wnicli rive4 to inai rat her oid-i'a?hioned work Uoi uiicx oecti il success. Two rival singers ol ; hat uav, La Galli and L i : Moresch i. ippeareu in the same pieei). 1 ney .veie of about ( i i a I rank, and a seem' from lnMnng corn, grain, eas, or o -.vjis ner formed hot nut down in the- zr tin or seed, should try sassj.fras bark. u :ii . T !... ,l..t lti'-Lt,;i,i ' T .l.-.. i i-.mmi iii eh.'OoinLr axe ah.! cliin OIlls. II lll'J mi' " I i I - i how to guard and protect them, i he peop'e are in earnest, and something must be done. They have grown weary under the yoke of oppessmn, and liie now (leiu ind economic reform. I. icy believe that the "labor is worthy o. his hire:" that he d serves something more t han mere subsistence . when hi toils late and early, year in and year out. They have beerrir-d t f late ve il to seriously doubt whet her J here is enough virtue and pitriolism left uiioiig the controlling classes to perpet uate our free institutions. Interstate Alliance Echo. Tribute of JLes;eet. Harris Chapel Ai.liaxce, No. 7AYl. WjiEREAS, In the Providence of that Su ore me 1-eing, to whom our Alliance now ut its every ineeliiig. He hasten tit t(i remove trom this Alliance and the world, our deceased brother, Stukcs C. IJeaver; tl.eref(M-e be it Kjsoived 1, That while we grieve a! his Hiss, we v-ut hope and trust that he nas ijoiiieu i ne greai. o;oi uei i.oou arouiid the throne of God 1:1 lie.iyen. Kfsoived 2, That he was a good. was so disease hud ising young erirv l id th us. f .il iil'i.'; cut p,!- rueiaiid useful nie-mber of th:s Ani ;nce, and that his g';o-l counsels ami SnssaiVas Drives Away Weevil. Iri 'ddlv 'oeariug toward ail will bi er 7!f !il:-i;i V.'.itoleiv.m when .you writi. fOALI W WW P liaviiv irreatlv increased mv facilities for handling and storing COAL !10' opining season, I would now ag'am rcspoct- sfullv solicit anv and all orders entrusted to me, pro"mising to An-iii?lrvou pro:n:)tlv 'with what coal you nitty want at the lowest ; "market price. vdn order to obtain advantage of 'the lowest sum " 3ner prices, you should at once send me your qrucrs. .Remember that I handle only the best grades of screened Coal, including the Red Ash, suitable for grates stoves, heaters, -Arc. Also keep on-hand at ail times the finest grade of blacksmith oai. T. ALLEN BROWN. madinuhift, the two ladies! 'provoked as m my chip- as are needed, taking ach other Xcessivelv. L i U dll sang chips and bark t oget her. Iroui hvi to. ca' ... a !nin :ini p, l.i i . oi'es- n ir inches so iare ov ciiernitig. 1 ne .ic, -.w ............ ' r " , V ' , 1 , .1 TIL 1 ! !. ... . Those who wish to prevent the weevil SU(l,Jf misseu. oei ineuioeis. iif'soixeu u, i ii it io; liii-iiu ij in. jerejived wife ami family our ". . of the l:s3 of ; m .!!, 'o 2 un orosM-'ts of a 1 !!.; sh j rt ins ear: n iy grillage, and from tiie garden t time nis siml was Iran-planted to bloom in God's garden in lv.-ternity. es, 'twas 'hard to give him up, but the Master i-ailed him hence, and we can only bow t: the chastening rod r.nd s.iy: lhy will h-e d()iie. For live weeks of weary suffering and pain, borne with Christian forti i i i : t; in;.,-. ru-.e ami ca.m ieign.uiuti, uimi hands together with liest Uledicalai l .btainable ministered to his wants and rendered every assistance that huurm agency could devise; and cheered by the pr.-e;;ce of ih.o dear loving friend Holding the highest place of all ctiou in a loving heart; 'a;. d with aug-dic 1 his everv move .is in? lia i i ween alternating hope an i . are watciie U ia- symi) ithv the svnimuiv i who; urairn f riend. with them i.... i I K II 1 Ih'S dved 4, Til: a copy of tl nose Wits similarly rewarded for her may be used several tim -. r. i in n: .. i ,' 1 r . i ....!. I ,s. i chl ability. When L a G nii r. c inmeiued ha- lnovemeiit. srie addeii the most b-i-nitiful vjtriatioiis ami lioiiture- bv a as the S:i which were s:cc"u:pun;e. )C1 "1 eel torrent of abuse which her rival whis oeiel into Tufr ear during their per- v T ?'r.vf...iii i-tihw. i.rvv:ir.i tlimn-' i t he cofil as it, IS Iio.ise till i 1 1 . i 1 ! t-v . . i . . . . ......v. . , in her turn, ami redoubled her grace ful attitudes and seductive graces. ..hile La Ga'ii hasten d io return. with interest, tiie aiaise sue had re- v II'! i I . .. ce.ve.l. . vv nen tiie eiiseiuo t- c one. but h 1 he singers, irritated and furiou STATESflLLE MARBLE Is tlis Placo to Gat Monvamonts, Tombstones, &c. A large "sto-.k oCVEUSlONT MAJtr.LE to nrrive hi a few .dayJ ausfactiu in overy'j-espect ami positively will not he unilcrsukl. Graiiit o Monuments Of all 'i-:--i- ,i specially T .... G..B. WEBB, I guarantee fras never entirely loses .is o-ior prop- -rlu.s The eh Ins c '.11 be m.Xeil Witll the grain when h nised, about two bush (.U if ebir.s; to a Lrranai-y sixle.'ii feet 1 , , t i . T sou. il" bv ten iavn. Com s.iotial al ways be "nuskedaml the chips scattered 1. r I . I I Some claim that tm Lnina berry tree leaves. Iim "us and berries, mixed in through the corn in livers will answer the s.-itue -rpurp-'se. Try um or both and (have ihe weevil away---Forest ami Farm. resolutions be sent . to his s rrov : rieke:) wife, and that a transcript o! them be n ide on a page, of our miiiute- fear, until Sept. 2Vh, at 2 p. m., vnen tiie silver chord was severe I, the gold n I m .'. bruS-ren and he na-sed oaie. i V awav ' v i i ! o the gre.t . lit i 'oi d. His rem ii..s were borne to his n dive horn ' in Mr. ijhe mt, and with appro- nrit.t ct ie.n:mies frnu the .Ua-ouic .rot..erh-KM of w,ux: i he w. s a tnelH- teud-,-iy laid him to re-t esurrectio-i morn. Peace t.:eV -oiution a"ai:ist tnich other, forgetting that they were before the public;, while they mutuailv apjlied to each other the bitterest language which the libretto contained, finally came to blows. La tUoreschi ton1 the laces ami si.ks oi her antagonist, while L i Galli; remem bering that her rival wore a wig. seiz-d the head dress, which , appeared so natural, and with one -vigorous pull, carried away hair, hat ahd' all, leaving the denuded crown of le-r antagonist exposed to the gaze of the convulsed audience. The. manager rushed out. to part the furious comb itants, but the unfortunate Moreschi was extermina ted. That bald head, exhibited thus brilliantly to the world, was too great a blow tor tier to Imvu". : ol;e never .tg;ii:i appeared on a stage! where it had been o often erowned with success. V 1ETOJI. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cistcr: Let's reason together. Here's a (imi, one of the largest the couelry ovev, the world over; it has grown, step by su p, thr.umh the years to greatness and it seds patent medicines: ugh! " That's enough!" What a little Tliis tirin pays le newspapers good money (expensive work, tins adveitisieg) to tell the. neople that they have Uvth in what they sell, so much fa ill) that if they can't he in-tit or cure they don't want your money. Their guarantee is not in definite ami relative, but definite and ab ..lute H'the medicine don't help, your money is "on call." Suppose every rick man ami every lee b!e wioiiiuu tried these medicines and four.rthm worthless, who would be the loser, u or ther 'Plus'inedieines are Dr. Pierce's den Medical Discovery," for blood dis ease, and his "Favorite Preseripti n." "r wotn "Ps peculiar ills. If they help toward .health, thev cost 100 u botlle .aeh! It thev don't tiny cast nothing! itesolved o. That these re be sent, to ti e China Grove Dart ami to the Caiioi.i.va Watchman with : request, to publish. A. A. 1J..ST, Cum. A. L. Klcttz, fjtrang-tli ad Health. If you are not feeling .strong and hceJ thy, try Electric Hitters. If "La (Jrippe" has left you weak and weary-, use K :. ce liac Hitters. This remedy acts direct!-, on Liver, Storaach and Kidneys, gently aii ling those organs to timet if nis. ii yu in a : To lit- n, s as.u CoMMCNITY. Tiie llomcstead Law. Tim a "tverti-ing man ia the Iiaeket store aMliarlotte is u riling di.; n the inai' ste..d law. The V:Vlf!iii AN heai- v e- iorses w hat he sa s and Imp. s jK-rf arm tie l: aHi.cled will: Sicik Heaihiche, you will find speedy ana permanent relief by taking Electric Hit ters. One trial will ' convince you that thjs is the remedy you need. Larre b t tfcH only S0e.. at Klutt. & Cu's drug store. a i o i Change wiil co: 44 nue to knoc;-: ou the head until there i- Whenthelaw wa.s fir-1 male per .. ...... f . O .nM l a ie. n ii -vi.ii'; i.i..'s.. , ...!... I cine io l !l i.o i.i :e IIo Will Soon Depart. The mosquito. j It is a pleasure to know that the I as it ; one will soon fold his gauzy little--w.ings and succumb to the inevitable . You will miss - his little carol atr: eventi.de the buzzing humdrum littlj mailrigal w ith, which he tried so hard Ul his bustling way to lighten your bur dens. No m ;re will you feel the soft gentle pressure of his tinvHips upon your llesh pumping out the best bloiwl -in your vein-. No "inure will his wiry little toe-nails as he promenades vo ir cheek barefooted remind you that the results of-a hasty blow aire pg, really the reverie of your exjiecta tious.v . . Yes, the sweet child of nature will soon be gone. The indisciiminating frost is his bitter enemy, and rather than have any .fuss, he will lay in all the provisions -he can .carry and j go hence. The place of his desi nation is a sealed book. We know not where lliis humniiiig bird will wing his flight. ' If we did wed takf another route. L YYe can sjare him. We have no lack of attention tot re port against him. We . never found him remiss in that respect. He- was idways on deck during his busuiess hours. While others complained of dull times and constrained" idleues ho found fdeiity IhljJo. Energy and jper siver.iiice were his cardinal virtues. Lhe'corner-tone of his success wa-jthe. same as that of the delect ives--k-ii'ever--b-ep.'' No one ever saw' him with hiye--hat. In presenting a bill he hasdpeen equalled by few and surjtassed by none, lie was the best Collector t he world ever knew. He got a man's ' actf-fpU auce every time. -j A Littla Girl's Experience in a Light house. . p"" Mr. and IMjs. Koreu Trescotjt am keepers of the. government -iithoiiso at Sand I'each, Mich , and are blessed will a d.mgliter, four years old. Iist ApriJ s'.ie was taken down with McasleSr fol lowed With a dreadful ('migh :nd Iturn Tng into a 1'evcr. Doctors it iioiuetttfl" atDetroit treated her, but in vain", she "jew worse rapidly, instil-tUe was " i.i if. .i rl., ,. i 'IM.ii- ..I... iiieie- namiiiii -m immius. i him tiicd Dr. King's New Discovery and af- . "... f. I I I ... I ... ' ter-the usj oi iwo ami a nan ooiut-f. ru-..av is i! and sho. .Id be n pe;.e-it. i'i i -red '.! or and ueoior. . : 1 j . rust t n ot n- r. ami no o, .n, i il HU o: hi is it! raid the H n P. m k p"-:;lvo cyrs ft all st e--s t i: ("u Ii ttlsui. Sypimt,. Hie'; i s.-i. fu. i. o i, S .fps. rU'.'. M.a. M:U.irl.l :i Jul '"la -ae inn.. i. .W.ls " I, is i pew i rtui larii". :ni 1 .'.'.i i'X .vattui a,e:e t!zt:. balldhisr " 1 the Sil-!U l;u lie . 4bn lit s i: is 1 1 iIJa e n I' un' is a toifliocas, i'.'iTitnas an 1 V." l is. a.''- cun s 1 si . I 1 IS, -) A ' sejbson li'd'-i; ai hi:. o.s. tL.i . -ales and i- p tu-i'ii -i!tiiy nu-a h. I'. 1 other will !i4t pay his deh s ieca..se n can get oat ;f it. Tl.e credit of th !ii:ui"vho owns $20'.) worth of propeTt ou"ht to boas good nsth.it of a mail who owr.sy2.0H) worth of property if the amount of th.e debt be equal n propOTtron. Oil the otm-r haoU tm man who owns $2.0'.K. We feni .r.vcl some time ago th..t every legilatur ou"ht to be pied u" I ''d'i- e r ab.,1- 1 act ami to vote lor : i .1.. I Tl, .. II - was eouipicicjy curco. i un -.i ," i King's New Discovery is worth ita a weprht in gold, vej. you may pet a tri.tr bottle JVee ut Klutt. & Go's drug store. Gal - 1 c.if iuist vn:i.',t-i nil blood mca;ooic oi lae 4.a . tU i ri 1 s -1 nij v sac. n.e 1 s- '"es,f isf-s. the !icad at Uia-S 'nun- IX 1V Cl.l II I'. A i-e Ii . i u..syrr. ... , i ... ...11 .I'l.'t II. :l I. tlil 1 . .1 .1' . t" i- i ; v Ui"df.sio-il -fT-ia until ' I'. akiMSi : 1. il .il un-e. ill. I r. I'. J ish tne honiesie.el act am law to improve our jmoiic loads, repeat it and shaH stick to' i: things c une to a head. W k Pa, whv does wafer run down hill?' uWhv, my-sfU)ii, it has to yield. to ii.. force of gr.iv itat ion. ' . 'You're way off. pop; that isn't )! reas m at all. : j . ' ludi-ed: And what is the reason . "It can't w ilk." Tucltlsn's Araisa lalve. T'r.e best Halve in the world for Cuts, ?,rui-e.s, Soi.es, S.iH Ithetim, IiViy-ulrtts Tetter, Chapjied Hands, Ctii IbUiinsj. v Cvi .is and all Jskiu Kruotions, andposl. ivcly cures Tiles of im par reipiirexl. I'. t "iiaraiiteed to give iierl'e;t satisfaction Ti r tnoii- y r funded. T :' e -i eeiits pe;. UK a. (ii r oi o.e .s. ; . . r . , . ,,r t.ioii. y r funded, r "J j eeuts pe;. ' i'J-c ' u 4 I ChildrM Cry for ritthers -Gloria. byx. For sale iy t. kkiuu & c ' t'.i t . i a - M's-itlon-tlic Vatch:a:n x tier ; ou write