. h- . i :-'.: X. C.:u4 the ther is a g ! fc(,mete 7-columuj newspaper outfit ; - .audinga firt-clai lob 1 nuting utile?, ;: -i sviUe, ,5j this property H 1 fi Boia at a trenuii.ejbaraiu by the titv derailed, proprietor, wba 1 foreri ; to : ... fMm, h.isiness ou account of failing ' iLitli : For mrlhiufuruiaiioii (W&, .;' $4lilury, X. Cv '.''... ......... . ..... ; .;. i ' . i . - ' . ' r'M' mnmwHiinV Biwiiiiii nrtwli 'rr' " i farm ,u,m '"'"'"" .1 . . " 'V, ', , ' n", ,' iba ' Watchman Carol ssixiY ;MaW.:te. its. TT i iv'rr i no lonuer coioieoxed uua v "" ' ' " T I - T"oE SALJR OB EXCHAKGE.-TWO Com- ,,w.nper a4 jb priming out- m j . . r iifitu vN." which iu- fnrra, iii WNslfra North CaW . . ... ' j V", ..... Oi oftlsexitnt9.ls inaioi me Jes' the sulripiion list and good at the V ATH MAW,, '"" t " , - ..AM f. mm. 44 - Tlie Uinl law ip're9 todayv March 15th. J Bird huuter take notice. ; ... Miss Blanche Boyd-, of Barium Spring?, U vi.aUEK the family bf Mrv W Ol Wat- R-!l tliU'w v-.aiWftrlMiHfat of the! CoiurnUtf Sieafci 13v4 Vorks in hijoIIi-; rosinxuster A. Il.Boydeulcft Salarday fur a weck'a stay at Connelly Springs. lie soea, for the benefit.1 6f hw ; ht-allh Which Iia3 hot been good for some lime, The jn-clors of the Alliance fair met Saturday.Thepurpojse'waatutayesUgate eouse vimges tmuh; jgaiust Turujer offi f eiV li was not learned wliat was done. NOVie of 0e persoua'agaiust whom char ges were pre fen e4 were pwweut. Almoat the en X. e b-ly of di reciora ; are of the i'..T.nlis Tter.suasiou and irive out "ulittle for. th. public. . -John and Jatncfl soinrj of-Mr. IU A- Iiu.-lli of Fort . Barnwell. Craven county, last Thursday, got into ar about a horse collar, when John becaaie sk enraged that lie weut to the house got h guu and shooting ott" the bird sbol with'w bicb it Was loaded, reloaded it with buck shot and returning to , his brother delibei-dlly shat him ia the leg, seyeilnj; a ariery which caused death within two hours. - The coroner's jury returped a' Verdict that , the aeceaseu came to his (icalh, from a guu shot "by he haids of hwbrolher Johu. . " The fiiW of Messrs. J. & II. Ilorah, jewelers, now have a beautiful audsu- . i. . r A ill tli t-ir Hup. at I'ftm pero oivt I gwia i n suit any purse. 1'ure 4SiiiitV: was marrij-d tJi Maner, ut Siatilxinunty.'last ; TKursdaT. v Atcdlrtiid boy m the i community ookUiix feili bef4WJ la JMtice of the Peace and MKed nan n luirrv, i uem hatfie vfoiiki K after, tlm l.cense as ivinrt-lhenow melN off. - You C-iii ttues.4 whlthet or not! the Justice uni ted tWmf i - ' 1 .. . Mr. HiQ. Strarboros m mil inM ou t he atii ior. ii ; v . Mf4 AVI S. Ingram h retpnt- lv iretiiVnkJ fntn DillottS. C, luw bten rihti sicks 4ut we are ulad tc note that sue i tmtrtJVJMg. - h ; , i ;- - intoWji $-ndJ and Monday on spe cial luMies. " .'"CiM . ' Thehnkrriage bella are ringing again in this'communily.. ) .41 Comarbulcttcd. Ihe Cyclops. Grand Offer. ; ' : ? W ill 35 00 do you any good it so Uua by a luUe effort and a few mo LentsV.aie realize as umch. The Watch- - AK wi!il5iveaGold VVatai worth $35.00 - Willi flr.'!ass Elgin movement warraii- - jr vpiirs:; to the one sending in . ' . . c ..r ciiWribera plete tha , the la n goldf-Ue silver, or plated' matches of : -l,li1the" . .t grea Furiety. Jewelry from magnificent ,llle0,Itrm,r 1 r w diamd to the latestMyle of ttj sense. miKt. Juccoinniinv each. P , Gojted Wi.reisiu.t too pretty to attempt a l ' . -. Ai.vn t.H.f do. description here.' Go and see it and you will be delighted. They arc alsJ sure to ti'lioa. plijrks. or iewelrv . ; - . . - I ItlMlll I W j 1 . , w V i V. -m' , t i'f corfectlv if you will give them'a chance. w U.V auei at ifoy, ij. t : 4 "i , ; . jud for jsmple copies,. "r - r -f T,Je!rs. veTiou. afMt. Gileaj, and L- U. Lisk The R. & D. people hava suspected oaville Montgomery county, are our lor some uiue iu.it w ue t.r, w. uc, f L uthonAd agents to solicit, wiled, f thrtr empires at the freht depot -"S receipt jfor subriptio or other here was UIihK whisky from their ; Ifor iHeWATCHMANi-d allV our ars ,d mgbl so they.set a couple of r Sns who are due us will please make n.teduves, a few days agoio work M natrons i.ote of thw tact and pny up their arrears ..' i J. W.tlvENZIK, Editor. i-;j1eb trre thelf. Tuesil.iV nilibt at alout 12 o'clock, nigh t-wacth nian W la. Soejicr was seen to enter a box car anitlie detectives caught him in the act of li'l nij n i 14; frm a barrel o whisk v. Siencer h..viug broken the c:ir oienlthat he had Ixtftif employed to . ' 1 1 . .1 1 1 1 .s --eilv is rcportea ruard a iint llieivui upreu.uors. u liavhig ld his miuing proierty in Hie ewiT ssed to having comuiUted SMver.j til iw similar I lens, ue was h:ivlnr hefort Sirs. 11. A Juu.l, o .vw wKioiir u MIGi.ul.enour art-l. fuilintr fo-iv 1 ...i. ...... . i.;iimr ri-,Miiih iii lii-ti-ilv rn ! . . .l.a iicc - . ? - 1 I 1 ninl WiS :-Plit l() I. 111. . Jr .. .1 -. ' II ' turiielJo li. r nouie iJiima : A dog supiw 10 have been mad was i in il, ubuiLs of lh ciiv last ban- day. . Trot. Tierr.an, of lb Mexico for one million of dollafe Ut take a llioruiigh fochooi if ii tutertainiueuv ai V. Tuesday u:g4it.' . Mr, W. T. LilH-, of V th' ou ' Salisbury Tuesii T Chicago, wuere he g-.e eoOTMjrin the rUariuuceuiio tin,t city. ; ; Mrs. Caldwe'.l, of Statesville, the moth- serof Mr87TUeo. F. ijltt, haviitgbeeuou w vwt .1 'several days to her daughter's ftii.iiy, returned honie Tuesday. H' . '.. j . ' ' Diel: Iu Gold Hillowuship, on the 6th iust., the infant son of 'Mr. and Mrs. :'r haejotiryaijathy. Mr. Aums liolUhouser and M iss J ulia B .li.-burv corrosnoifdent 111 Sun day's Ch.ai lot te .'Observer say's that th p'.4ol isiic siMi-ee musieial srivi 11 ... lasi Fridav niiiht l;v the - Neave M'isk Scliwl,las, as omuI, a rare entertain' menf. The audience room w.ts Avell the InWvlhblojjy; we learni that the Cy clops! wefeeuiplyed by Vulcan, the god of. fir pjiey wore sheilds over their faces' to pip! ret theni from the heat of the hrnksr ' Each sherld had one opening 'ii front, "hence the Cyclops are reprinted as one-eyed btings. According to Homer, the Cyclops M ere atigHiitic: insolent tuce of shepherd in Siqilyl , I suppose that Homer, oV- sered mm shepherd, large in body ' rl!.i-ri v :. . . it- t. : ....... lllSOIQIll HI UISJKJSIUOII, seiiisu iu pic- ice. seeing only self and self interest and tnepiently styled them Cyclops, yid. Shoulid the celtH)rated Greekipt cme nosv and classify the "dwelleisf of the jmiindane sphere, thliikiniore than gigantic shepherds would be placed in the list of Cyclops, likely tliere would! be scientific Cy- !opHp)lticar Cyclops,, social Cytdop, nd! riiiinyr other classes even tOTe- ighiils Cv'clop3. Of tiiis x lastclass 1 wish to1srak. Viewedfroni a liteaary tatid poiut, some. are giants indeed! otherl arj mare prgmies possibly of LilipUtaitj descent. lis-class: fl and Vee the.ChrUtian orldasit is she would behold thouaanda'of . young adie, with faces as pretty and hearts ms good rffhers, wilTin$ to assist at any iiinVin theVork of sonl s:iviug. .The kind of shield worn by this Mis.s Cy-" cloj make eople narrow-mined and r-igh!ed. ; Tliey heem to think l heir owu denomination ha- a standing contract for alKwho ui iy wi-h. to join he Church, and t;aiiuot see tar enough to know that, if one . Ir. nch of the Proletant Cliurcb prospers, it stays thus the whole. These unfortunates h .ve h great denominational glass with a coinfKiund (ens bigotry and dogma- tim). Through this t hey ylook for Christians, aud si'e none oulf those who come to the sectarian focus. Me- thfnks, when they get iufo the Beaati ful City, where the scope of viiou is enlarged, they will lie liiueh astonish ed to learn that many who; walk the golden streets have al ways beeu too large in heart and soul to conw within th range of the sectarian microscope. Then, what will tlie Cyclops do? Throw down their liarps I suppose, aud refuse to join the Celestial clwiir be cutise all are 'notluf ie same 'denomina tion! ' 1 CVWV Cobbiher. The sooner von beinn to f? .,ht Sre, the more easilv it niav lw Pxlin. guished. I The sooner tom begin taking Ayet s Sarsaparilla for your 1 blood disease, the e iMr, Will be the enrn. In both cases, delay is daiifjerous, ; if not JJf sure VOU el AvorSi xn.I nn a tat. other. fl beware of Oiatmeats" for Catarrh that As niercury i will surely dostrov th. Mjnse of smell and completely ft e range ' vuc wim.k; fysienii wiietf eotennfe it . ne mucjous surfiices Such articles should nefer be usetl except on prescnptiona troni reputalile physicians as tie damage they will do is ten fold to tlie good you j tan possibly derive rron them. Ijal!;8 Catarrh Cure nianufacureil by IF. J. Cheny & Co., 'ledo O' contains i nu inercury; and is tken Internally, aciting directly up on the bloodand ;mucus surfaces of the system. In buvinb Halls Catarrh C be sure jjou get. genuilie. It is by F- ovu.-u'-y , vo,i j tesptnoiiiais iree. S.Sold by Druggiitg, 75c. V Koxth. Carolina. I notice four of !: 0yb!4p A. appeals to the reader un der tlie 1 if tie Of "Catholic Layman' in fSiipplehjent Third" to '-The hdy Fainilxvlpublkhtd by Frank Mi:G.oiu, 72 CiinipBt, New Orleans, La. After giving! time columns of indecisive argument he exclaims, "We have here presrfjife. tliCifeh die do ni of In faliikiit." "Thi4 claim to infalii church' resU tilth u,)0.n 'L Mr. I). It: Julian a)riivei Jiome Tue.H- d.i from a iiip to the nrthern markets where 1 jirfrehased iia exLeii.ive slock of .i'riiu 'ls. " If in announce 1 th.tt the yung' people :if - K.t.li:iliv Ai-..nl 'in .. are lo Live the academy iuext criwvd with p-rsoti wuo e j .veu occasion to the . fiillert. the'.; pupils N i w. od;,v as?ed I piayesojuisitely, and in theiolm solos ay on h:s vay to i cojuet o!s, piauo. duets and r !ie.trii ovjyitir.es, scelh d awy t hiiij yet given by the e!iool. Prof .-Neav is iudud proftffor of jlio Hue art in music, a'fiii is euth'uMii much of it inlo his schol ars. In him S lisl.ury has a practical and mre it insl rtxtor. . reason lded sayst' clearit is thitJ s tion rclikto' single In so ue portions of the country the so caJ led farmers all iaijce lodges are no- tidirg but Populist political orjianiz nions pure and simple. The Citizen, of the lOih iiistn, says thai Mt. Pfes Israel, a giod firmer who has lieeu up to date 'as go d Wiihelm, both of lhs county, were mar- )an AUiaiicenian as liyes in the State," ried at the residence of the ollicialing f cjine to Ashe ville On the 9th to attend a atul authouity." Then, having w column!? of sophistry, he Nr is the vbue of authorirv !e?n ;uh that f reason in behalf of hpritnt iveclvnrcli. i'he trn!h ' . ir.it,' .1.1. 1... . !. . t I . . i I JiVf I He Catholic lias th .1 , : i v I 1 iim.iiie; liieory or a ivveaieo a, ru'eiidi.i as he d e fur u aijthort t 'yk cl.UicU, founded iiy Chlis, in .nit ijii:-il by Him through ail .iastjs, l.l lehS.l!;M. bl teic:U!,ij, p:s sessins? Ih and Unlhority from above; ixiiiglwjth certaiiiity what is the re vea'ef lifuih;'sett jing coutraversies and dspmle H'V'illif pace, C m'ej'.l ilit llt. and rest St her childi-'Mi." Now, L- v- niauHN a CyclopsJ j II a sees only the gMxl: lliilietl 111? Hif WU' Esq.; ou the 7th justice, li. A. Uaiuejy! Oueof lbemost reinarkable gunners ia rnrt'aroliiia is ljk v. U. T. Vann. "Jlc! b aid to. be a tlisd ela siiol. but he liua iiu hamls. lieffsui)iKit5! the un nuii tun ui inn, uiiu iiuita lkc uij,jv meetingof his county Alliance, but he oiid.oi her members were ortlered out the Courth House whercj flic meetings-was held, fir no other cause than that they were Democrats. Mr. Israel, speakingjfor himself, said that Jie had beeu faithful to Hills the trigger by his bbligat'oiisi and bad paid all his dues, timut of a wire aiitl strip of leitlier vliicli be clutches oetweeu his tieth. ! ! T heN; C CoUou Oil Co., of Charlotte, ; but being a Democrat he was, asked to l-ayei and when he and jiis fellow Dem ' ovfjits were turned out "he left just six V. ill tiave au advirlisMneni in nexfweek's ! ' the house-,? j Vet to hear Marion iwper which Hiltbe oFinteret to dairy-! B itler cr SS'olho WiUdu tell it, there is i.S :i ... .. I:.:-.,:., a.- HVo!....'. laeu and stock raisers. We legret it pmra m auibuic. " mw reached uSWlite f r this issue. They J ow ine tmug is going to pan out Will tell about the va.ue cf their cotton fcvd feedj &e. - Last evenii g, at the residence of the this year, but we know that there are yejj, a few good Democrats who are mem bers of the order in Rowan. 1 - '.. I1I..D. lt t I Alt A in j'peace, C'luteutiiicut and fisr lis secured; through the H mian C itlafllcflchorchi j lie tails to si-e (a) that; mail ni:y be ir de. to believe I here H pei.lcei(h) ; that many Proteslants have I'pfaf e, eoiiler.l uieiit, an'd rest" hcaWeihey have I Nn reconciled lo G'dt tlitoujih Clrrist Jesus their living Sa toi' haviiiiriiken the won! of Gai as'ihiruide ai.d the Holy Spirit us their frhferpreteij; (c) that the policy of the Ijpitilian Cathidic church has a ten lent l sul. niit Ihe world again to lhaf rpirit of domination and persecn- tioio jiiwalent ;iu the 15th snid 10th cenf ihils; (d) that the universal chun h hanie more towai-ds christianizing theword sinc Luther and Jiis c:da boreis Imike the power of the Komih hiefHrchv, and et the Pope at d fiance than h-rd ever l)eeii done before. B. I met not long ago. He Littleton Courier. We are proud of our sister s.ates, but iu the American constellation no star hities with a purer luster than North Carolina. Her past at last is secure. Without a spot on her escut- rcheon, her sous look to the future with hope and confidence.'" In the fertility of her si d, the salu brity of her climate and the treasures locked in her mountains she has th promi-e of coming greatness; but supe rior to these is her le'iance upon the bravery of her so.is and tlte virure of her daughters. Without disloyalty to the Union, i may he said th it the people oc our State find little hope for the betterment ot their condition in the preseut aspect of national aff urs. Theexpectalion th t ' the restored Deiuociacy would lift from their necks I hi burdens that onuress them is ut , , j bein realized, an I the M ses whom they fo'udly toped would leu I theui to si Canaan, tb.ving with milk aud ho-ie sj.mus to bi I-stiii the wild mess. T jhi.icip'es of Drf.n-wr-icy are as par a- ever, .hi 1 the tni : g 1 itforui- is t i uiiivji.'ale i 1 aw a III.? p i tv, but "the heart is ('.cteitliit ''above 's H things and di'era'ely wicked. , in -th'U condition of iirs v. turn h 'pef.:ll t- the Sut.e. 11 r we m f. m ut iv1' !l..v.r w fSA'i.t'Ui t. t iT - ll !!!- i, ess aii'i wrli'.iro of th-" pe-p?e. il dU'.-ali.m-d illstiluU as are oi a lili! ur ler, tenip'es dj i ca ed to the hvft G wl cr.iwu her hiiU, aud faciii.v i.ilorded f-r inleiiectiiii1 'and moral im- m-nv.ni .nt. I lev ad ur nisi rat ion o! i puhiic iiff ars is wise and caiiservtliv. .ii 1 !wr i-oiii ts oi' 1 istice are H) 'll lb Mi huuiMest of her eilizeus. What then is ueedt-d? What m re liMii a ni inly sftlf ivhauce? We have no ho-tiiify to the nor. I :.nd r.othi.ii? but. the kindest f elings ....... n ft.r the west, hut charity b-ins home, and, with every pivr oiisi;e. for self-support, it is supreme folly t,o cm tiuue to procure o ir mauufaetured a. ticles in ihe north and our provi-hm supplies in the west. North CaroliuaiJ fabi ices are i qual to NOTI0S ! ' .'H . Of tin SalscfValuabh Farm Lands and Town Prcp jrty; on Cltscki Cre?k and Littld Eiv3r, and in th Towa cf MtGUead,N.O- uy virtue of, ui eouformity to. and iu pursuance of a!; decree of the Superior Court of Montgomery County, North Car olina, rendered ut J?'a!rTerm 1892, iu a suit men aim mere pending wherein It....;. I 41 W'..U ... . i "" hiiiiu, uaruiauui ine minor leirof W. HBaKleV dec'd is nlaiatitt. and M. B Lassiter and bis wife 8. M. L. issiter, Calu r B. Kearus, W. K Wooley and bis wile M.'J Wooley, T, CNlngraiu and his Wife Maggie Ingram tu-e xicfen dauts, for the foreclosure and saie of the mortgaged lauds described iu the com plaiutiusaid suit; I, tue uudersigued cih inissiouer appoihletl by the court iu sail decree, will sell at public aucttou lo the highest bidder fur cash, at-the Court House Door in Troy, on M outlay' the 2 I day of April, 1894 it being Monday of Court Week) the following uacls of laud, to wit: Read, the Poibwiag Llagiiificent Offer. M0XETMAi)E EASY, TOUCAN DO ITOK j . "WHY 2fOT TRY ? ' .. We. call the attenlTon of our readers to the remarkable clubbing offer in: another colunn by which We tun send this paper aud the Atlanta Weekly Con stitution to th j same address for one year for the low sum of $1.50. Thi- is the only off-r of its kind we have ever, been able to hi tke to our readers. '" ' . ! The Atlanta Weekly Constitution is oo well knowli to"need any introduc tion here. Jljias wou its jplace at the fireside of the nation as a model week ly tiewsp ipei. ; It numbers on it st-.ff , some of the most fatn3U3 and brilliant! writers of the day aud on all public I questions its lance is ever in rest to de fend the rights of the people. It is the largest aud most widely circulated weedly newsj ajer puldilied in America having h cirguation ot loo.uuu, and.it' , .r rn ( v k. ai. ,-.t ioit" tha-. tollov,ing those who read it. , By'the clubbing q yy AlTiVillSI rate which we offer, on r readers can get the Weekly Coustituti n aud their home paper at but little more than the cost of one paper, tliereby j getting the nevys of their home and the news of thewor!d eyery week for a year at an insignificant outlay. Iu addition to this, every subs.riler to this paper and the Constitution, un der our clubbing arrangement, i 1 be given an opportunity to win some Land- some pr;zes. All these nittteis are expl lii.ed iu anoiher column. We merely caii a Mention to it here to show our readers' whid a liber.d otLr we have'to make to theni. These offers are male by our airangmeut with thpCoustii 'uttoii, and ; -;. -" '''s.ii.f-Jn.itf . if'.,, - - -. - i - 1 ' W'f ; - . ! , . . ,. i : . !!:". ' . - ;' I- , . v......' . .-. i - r r ! i ' : . l - ' :' - i m . . i ' i - -v ..: 4: : I : ! : JTi,'" ; iaji. LiilnsLlcMeiistek - ' -. i ' . ' -r,- f-r ' in " -' ' , I'm AAir1 V Wc call your atten- ; v '-v.;. VT 1 The 1st Tract known asthc Alex. Nich- only thoe who subscribe for b lh pa pers through this ottce are cuttt.'. d Lo take part iu the contest. This is the niost liberal dubbing New Dressoods. New Whitcffoods. New Embroideriea. pvew Lj-ces. j New Ribbons. : j New Silkolir.es. New Irish Lacwns; New Mattings. These and oH: of u i- 1 other goods we arpjpn abled to soil at very; low 1 : .f offer any have ever been able to make.f b and we feel sure that it wilt prove i.n-j j "J meuselv popular witlrour readers. j jjlLL olsou tract or Jcre L ilher place on the waters oi cneeks ureek in said Uountv, adjoining the lands of Martin Hush deu'd, James F Green dec'J, Alex. McKoy dee'd ana otners, containing acres. lue 2ad Iract on lnth sides ot Jjittle liiver in .s;ud County, .adj-iiiitug the lands of VV 6. Ingram, Mary A Chamber ciee'd, Isaac Kearns and Jno. P Little, containirg532 acres; more lauliliarly known as the Kob erson Mill Tract The 3rd Tract ou Cheeks Creek in sai.l Couuty, adjoining the lands of John P; Little, K. T. bitele and others, more famiii&rly known as the J trues Skinner place continuing liK) acres. eu.. .4 i ...... s. .. . . . J.. i ii. 1 1,., i iiu'ti nf i lie ti ii ii aub 13 ti lunn IUI III 1MB iuu i . . , Mt. Gilead iu said county, known as the! that he is niucli bet if r ana is iiiipnn- Wade. store lot, with a dwelling, brick , :ny j .:iv " . It i? iiooed that he , niav -.it t n j 1 i store no, siao.es ana out uou , A ... i -a fnnn ,i vto. ,..(111i soon "e n B."i'u i' ii m 0-.. n ngures. I; COME AND SEE US. A L;ve O ik, Fla., t.bgnnr t' l-s' S iturd iy's Cluirlotte Observei s .ys therf is "a marked change for the M- ter in Senator Vance's he iUhJ - ; n I ii&LMtensieiii. ainiiiir one half acrei The tirst two tracts eing the lauds mortgaged by M. B. las- lter and wile ft. M. Las-mer to Caher b. iCeariis, datetl uthday of November 1881, iid -luiv recortled la oJhce ttl uegis'er o D-eds for said I Count v, in lioK '"C" on .ige 3.JW if M.u-tg jge Kecords: The 2nd, 3rd and 4th tracts being the lands mor gaged; by M4 B L tssiter aud wife 8. hi- ljissi-er to David G. Worth gu.iroiao o the miiios lurifs of W H U.iey'tlec'ii. laied 1 4h day of June LSiibaiul duly reg i.tered in the; ot'lice-of tlie UegisieV o l'.eds K.r said UiMintv in nook u paa iJSs, to vviiicU record reference is lieien. iven f.r more full .lescrJiition. bale l peiTail2 clock. M.. vV.jA. Simmons, Commissioner February 15th, 18U4. A fl MIAIIQTP TO S.C MP. THF i Ail person's having e'a ais agaiie-t E'iz d.eih Iiingle, decM u e hereby nolitied l exhibit the saiie to me on or before i In lOt ii day of February 19". Tiiis Feb. 5ll 18U4. L. V. IjINOLE, Adui'r. Tiico. F. KitiUz. Altv'. of E L'ngle. excutiom zm. Bv viituo of an execution issue 1 ou' o' Ihe Superior Court of Rowan coumr on ji Judjini'mt in faor of lobias Kesle; against Davjd C ispor. I will ofu-r at pub lie sale at the Court House Moor it Sali-i-b.irvJ"ii Mv li t v He 19: h d v f Febru ary 1S.H, iu being Monday of Court. Airae ot bind as lol.uws: a o unini; the land- of Ceo. Hill H-oirv Ki-sler, Tobias Ivsler a rv!o !' , ! oiio-r-. i'tahh and useful nes. yer'sPSSSs Are better known and more general ly used than any other cathartic. Sugar-coated, purely vegetable, and Tree from mercury or any other inju rious drug, this is the ideal family medicine. Though prompt and ener getic in their action, the use of these pills is attended w ith only the best results. Their effect is to strengthen and regulate tire organic functions, being especially beneficial in the various derangements of the stom ach, liver, and bowels. . Ayer's Pills are recommended by all the leading physicians and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remedy for biliousness nausea, costiveness, indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, jaundice, drowsiness, pain in the side, and sick headache ; also, to relieve colds, fevers, neuralgia, and rheumatism. They are taken with great benefit in chills and the diseases peculiar to the South. For travelers, whether by land or sea, ....!..:... '.tK.Mit OT 1 ii niific 1.1.: n ir t n l'irvr those ot Hew iu-iand, ana inev ieu " I illt,m.e t Iki.i- t:ie tra-1 f bu.c1 M'.nh our home-made U aV IS superior lo; whel-J liiVId Lustv t no- lives .nn i. ;m " I T If M , .'I. -MT i a, M. IMOMiUl-.. r!lrill Ayer's Pills had ejcb.v ITS -een in HcohinKiiiity with I aihi acciu liiited.; Most-of the tliei ai'e Lutheriius. Cyclops saw on w hit h pettple brides parents, aPClevehind this county, I An illustration of thetheivmg prop Mr. 'Jul r!i.-:.b on m.iind i.. miir- sity of the colored race is seen iu the tol- riage to Miss Alice Tboniisu 'the beU of! lading heartless lxtiyal cf contldence. lylje fyil among Hhese rwople, and lue villagt happy blicis. Misrf Alice Tboinpsou tbe belt or '""'"o v whuhcuw. vVS,l'r v i" ' P'm ' agt. The Vaithman wishes the and trust in au incident thathappetieil Hctllil! slated that the policy of the couplj a "ongf liii of, coijugltl Mt week, when Noah McCabbins color- Ltijierln' chnrch was calculated to vf H v-.. the well known Wiud huckster, Of JliredrttJ.lM.e aud profanilv. th it brought fro.n the west. When the time cuies th t-North Carolina cottoin.will be souu iu Nortii Carolina f.ictori Nonh Carolina wheat ground in North Carolina niii's and North Croiun lauds cultivated liih X. irtii tvaroliiia-rii ed horses an 1 . i . .1 f mules, her hoine vlk Of t e aooues oi camfprt, and her s,ous. and daughter- independent anU tytppV. By 11 P. BoSkm an, D S Concord Times: Mr. John W. Car- if iu Fioijida for, several, laouilM, for the '.:;. ajro bslh bikined number ot seysURreat numlierof Lotheraiis purpodojof- renaming bis luallh. left ..f... .',, PmI Jacks nville yesiertlay for his bom . The, wtth ulfl!,iR lsinfJ,ril htt i. .vJ.iiM 'M mmitYA Iivp been a (n!.,it theevciiius of each My. The one tie- people of the blalfc will b0 -grallhed lu;;.!.,, these lhB .tired ehnndies of l Oil Si I . ,u.ir.,l in the moruilliS was full grown 1 I.'.rl.! .. . " . !iT"5' i ' ' 1 I ' . " w . lnl x,u"uu P'wu the country .ami by this means -making ,T. T7wr .f- 4..,.rb M.r. H,,v,ug.. J3ut, being bliud ana uuable tor.. ilL.il... llJ,;d n.X..J UnnJ all richt. 1 I.. !.... I... .1 f.. kit ...... ,im twitul ....vim li.i.l In h.ntu urttns im I rw I I .!-"':.- J I ia AsL4ill.i- ivllem -ib.v-have'i.i.n tu'Ilie'ln him and to set on the outfit: lie had e W Vnnsl fj emanus. j ney fceeklreot aud rccieajtiou. are ! fl'!i..- i .xiul htri .l Siii.nv fur tlna niirrwi; hut IsiRI Itllteptie' ir? mst s demands. d liecatise He drmnnds of them lUrouglrihiscity liust Friday tuoruiug, week the devil got too large iu 8andi, tolgouhder tlie water, and re 8 dish d ' and will rematu polis about leu vi.i receive sucl How's This. We off r 0..e Hundred Dollars lie t-zn A ji yooo iBibbd is Essential to --a HEALTH.! You cannot hope to be well) uyour BLOOD 13 IMPURE. If you ate troubled with i BOILS. ULCERboR; PIMPLES, SORES fyour blood Is bad. A few bottles of S. S. S. wTO tborouehly cleanse the system, remove all in.-. purities and buUd you up. AU manner u.cr-( i B CLEARED AWAY Wbvitsuse. It is the best blood remedy on earth Thousands who ne usea n av. X .. it., v.1 a miuned last vear.whlcB got v ,.-. . nf ordeV-diasedad a constant source. of sulfcrin? no appetite, no enjoyment of lifc. T""'" j Imuicnt me ngnt out. i ntx -a tcnutdv for Moo1 diseases . Yt. r.ivm nvton. unio .f ; uilj ii iim n;uac mailed free, are the best, and should never be omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal integrity in all cli mates, they are put up in bottles as well as boxes. "I have used Ayer's Pills in my family for several years, and always found them to be a mild and excel lent purgative, having a good effect on the liver. It is the best pill used." Frank Spillman, Sulphur, Ky. A Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer& Co.. Lowell, MaM. Every Dose Effective Newspaper Laws. 1. Subscribers who do mvive pre uotu e to ti.e coiii rary aie cousid ered as wishii-g lot.iitijiue . i :i sub- - 2 ll i:e siibcrib-rs orders the disr ctii-iniiHi:co or their piiodifals, the lard'sler xn y coi;tiliHe to stld thtm in. til all -rrearaes are paid. - 3. If -ti ".st ribt-rs neglect - of. ref u e " to take the r t ri duals from the bf - : five to whii Ir they are directed, they - me ipoii-iilde until thej have settled ; their bill and ordered tliem discontin- u-d. 4. If the suUcriber move to other places without informing the publish er, a:.d p;iper are sent to the former !ir-ctioii, Ihey are held . respomuV bl . " :r 5. The oints haye decided that re- fu-iug to take per odicaJs from the of fice or r iuov ng ard leavii g them aac .'re. for, is I'muti Fuclr evidence ;of intf tiotial f aud. . ' 6 1; .-lose i a p.i in d v.; nee they . aic noun--, to tjive ntic to puhlUhers at thee. tl of their iini-. if Ihev dti i.oi. ui-li to continue iakiug ii; titherwie the publislier is authorizr l to-end it and ihe su- riber will be r Kniihle until i;ii ex,re- .'ujtfce patmeut' ot als a'r - r.irs ,s gept to lh publish-, er. .. - 1 1 ' i . r - n ; u . I III H"t : iT . : I IHV! - - - i . ; j I" ASffJHIStRATOR'S KCTICF fu iii our mouutaiif mcirO- who took it into his head to lauuch out rojjfmvt a little water poured or prink- w:,id ur aiiv case oi Catarrh that chii u Jlays. We trt ibey ton his own hook j'and then it was Sand lju"4n theni.1 . If this Cjcbps could ti'ot'lw ciirwf' by Hall's Catarrah Cure. acli benefit during lueir felouiously appropriated- Noah's entire I1H t, (jge cti;ers.wht si e heli K" J. Ciicnr V, & Co., Props , To.edo, IV i i , t ii- i-i ..i 1.-. ." - n iorun ''.. li o s ! t,--v'.(,c..paii -iiut n . -i .1--"- tha iu-'tfn:i'r (' in.rk it. iefnSi-d" lid have a pt.i crl nfiiT . . ' . .... 1 1. . . .. . i . i . I. i V m a! f All 'wrtim hahif cairns a-Mlisl no; i -y ui - puoo.ur., r. m. Thomas Earnhardt, decease. I, are heieby i jl,Je to aire t nd ftne t. w -ame as for uotilitd to exhibit inea lo me oh or I . befare the -6 h day of-JaOuary lSUo. lHirl',c C . AU per-ous luticbletl to said oeceiww - ,. -j ;Ue , l'qln -Jit 1SW ,nC,liate ray"! Of HoUV arP-rill. iN witblu .neaW-T. Jan ' JlJ! fjiAKNH vnlTi j liw bouuflK ..f rea5oi. UeattMlf W trite; H r, i V!,,;; Vu'v I of tainkiLg iH-.pl-Wf..r U i-lru8; and u-iJ bv edor r-enieuis vkhi.-h in ih financial worI4 wouid Mteepivdi Miibtui moment! liC-itatio. ' i i . ' . - i - Visit that it Will Ihe freoueutlV repeated.! outfit aud lit out for parts uuknown.Thel . . T J . .. i i lt)oin. A . , . , .! i.'y loaniiitf io receive uiioyp.iza miauls, l v.y .. ..i . i ..... v . 1 htiJu ..f ftiM SiiMt.. h-it'i ii u-.lim tiUr blitfil muii 19 biiTlPntinir hid l.s I w I VVut in IiixlersliUetl II.. Vi kntMI t UVVUIV . t . 1.3 ftr.M. ..... v m ' ' . .u " v . . " ' k . . wwv, I . - f ) " . , . I ".. ... I place in their beai U for tbee di&tuiuUh- -V.RI irriDctu - bMI'0 - t. . J'-L t rf Ten niV fiAiin. , - , i v . i - . , , . reward and have the mean '.ij uas a jers cow wnicn ue repons -asj wnile lie luiiiKs banay is making moue o4f of his show somewhere Una. Noah's friends ous FCoiindrcJ i ruatcing iuoue .. j t ' ein South Caro- wtwo Jjlghts prod. c. ight ' to offer a t Cjl''t15 producing, from one day's milking, 2 a i ii : . l . i . ui,igbV' e wen tor intse iwo clis ic Sandy captured aud brought back to suf NhalHre'si.eilds awhile. IMuiiUH and ? ounces of fine butter, llns I isgood, butif Mr. i. Al.: Ilanison, the I ; vwuer anu nreeuer ot tome oi the nuist -cattle iu tbe Scii:b, wer to lest t he but- er the penalty of his cjime. Ht. Giead Locas. j Corres. ondence Waicbmaa. i fPi i i ' i ' " . - V ur making eaVJci.v of rome of I is rureH " "J" q.,5eny .meenns? xonven- i s, e nouiH uoi ne couio hbow as gtwd a record, aiid We hepe when lie ads tlus-be will make a i'eet aud let us hear; what he caii do. i fit. !S i H - . . . . I . . L suppose, scorning ui uie s..yiuo j (jieIJt.y fol tbe last 15 yearN and ot- ce aaiKiiess, uom ii,.vi him uertecily noiooaoie in an ...... I ... S" : ii.. e ..niiihitiitad. II I huftines traii.v;ctions ami nnanciain .b!e to carry out any obligaliou made .v 1 1 is Krin. West& Truax. Wholesale Druggists, l.l.bi 1 1 W aiding. Kuu.au & M-r in. Vholes.ile Druggists-., Toledo, 0 Hall'sCatarrh Cure is taken internal:' .etiiV.lirecilv ur"ii the blood, and rnce l tririsl S. "oe"' - , 5 Cyclops D. isj a young lady. When isdfto perform during the opening sejifvitfe lefiire a seimon by a preacher tffanother!'cencminatitn. f-he curlW 1 A THE Being the largest, is the direct result of betas tbe e . s t irfl itnown and grown in , bes -. r.1?" r ' Knth-. acknowledged to be STbe- tor parden, rm or field, bend) for WV, Uooh. It is not a mere cnUloge, ww rr tne creat;t value, eon- fVVSnn iU, lor tbe trucker . . ...... in..m inrwim mil i)iriituJii " .Ti-j.?- af-. S u t; f ' I i-Sj h : I ' t j " t aiiieous surfaces if thesstem. plifd, "Get seme one of vein own aejLL 1 s ... u t,i hc'll lim i i . t ;, , 1 7uc. pr-r, bottle. b.Id by nil JJru rfpu 5! IS The lumber is being placed oii the lmf halitM." Ilieirg a Cclopshe r ' . r' - it ; grounds to build an academy here which leonld no see how unLecominjr her an ...;u k. , I ti 1 ' i . . n will bt built at otice. Mr, N. G.Kussell,- of Itichuiohd isvftrs wots;. I f she could get that shield I fhildfa Cry for Pitcher's r-tctia. a . . tspo i. h ftili directions for V41n-V.t rr Mkiu! aSo detcrtp- vlveti- an iluvalaabto, plI, uo . a t:-o la;t uoveltics for ear- j .,rm. V-'rllofor lt,.MI cnrrei t prices or ( la;;.r:rr.oT or other Field Kc's repaired. . "C iTOIT .-,...- ,t m ie WooU'ii Stvu. ' If. X.'COD St SOU 3, Soedsmen, Richmond, Ya. TI i ouriMioii U ortciTl ca:: i:d oea. V aft hen tiiiiiitfnu. . . Ii i- ioi awy irrnfrnBrifd, a l- , si ton-tl le. rhal Ibe wwb b of ilt-!i per ut.A lrriiabiliij i ofiea t bfiuud ia i i.erpbx ftcial coiidiu u- t-f thr perfona f f.o.eb What is ihe m-e oi trying to. "liHi-mon" a man. nbow liver ha gOPf back on bin ? lfsTmaii in tortured witj rieu aaiisin, how can he b expected t a tra ble a i-d ajjre. able? I'a 0 a COU finned -dijeptip I esievted to b ebeerfpj d4 a'tW'a 1 vKfly lo tell a, luuay tory? 1 he 'u ay to n Aovc4ht-d: MUy U fa .a :o ihecf-ue. "DvV,rt-iU, rheuma'i impure blood Hi:d liver tr Mble- yield;t j HoirtIV Sar-apari!b,4hi U hv in it , rllective tti'piiiTzi'rea-ec".l r n rl' :ll' 'f! it i v. 1- 7 '.) .1-. 4 r- i-1 - V 1 Si -ii-" A t j '

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