xrr iUlr An- I A negro w.oinan,-wno mvi wi o AV8iIiCIIinaU I Jin. Doyles washiugVafter flushing her , ' 1 J work lastThnraday calledoii the lady BRIEFS her wages, which ere promptly paid; pocket-boOK he loiiereu in iu wo -ill Mm. DovtesV back was turned then f l I t .a . 1 1. r-"- ... i i-v MtaH 29. ISy-l. f Ui.,1e the laicket-ooois ana ifii mo nwu" 'tUU.If- , Tl .Ir.. .h--iii.fL waadLnsuveied. 8o for contraei to uruUh their large posters I raedicine and science gives to the pby-l Perfect heallh is seMom found, for -l.mf.ll.W her necessary printed mat- Li-Iin and sunreon. impure o.iiuu is so genera?, flood s liest aud cheapest place wujcu mj gei such work dime' J- H V. . ' r -fi;i:.-i'-'rhft' hfwri; 5lT.w Li- 4i.i! . PL. J U?U ti- n n ' - nim m iii wbile marbh-jiwoiicraline nwu oogui xo take otre m her I Mrs. J. T. lach was fouud ded in i 1 ; V. L: - j ? in hi nunc lum'wi viunu ; c in : iirr of plate Wlar wttii white' en- HUHow a cough to Plague tliin for i- r - - - . . , wtrets and month. WhereuR. if na- hI iron frnuif. ana a considt-red ail - . , .. . frlr ll- "a ul tins cuy, recciM - .: - - . - ' . .. - . , un? wtre H!jaiii wim M ,toj or two WiUouj. v.'taiing Iht hU talUer-in- ,dea! uperatliig iwm bjx-minent phj- f Ajert Clrry Pectoral, the cure lwrller4'tl. It. Briiton had thai iciaiw iu this sectioii ' uiiglit be i Stored in a Wicyffew day. inoruinx died. 3lr uun, w a uaugnri - Korvriclt a Ulefcwnt Old town of , ... ' i .1 Iut Mr. R. Vi Burt. I table - w m w - - - - - f Trr'U nkWge conhected tAiedaa escaivd rrwL - j ' f. ,;tt.KCr, or w authorised to At the lII8tauce of Hon. J. 8. Hender- vlbindue jou by the r"-"-- i , n.M,tnftWhUnjrtmeui restruiji raiiu oi wr.uruwf, j r r . 17) (it Hi iniiauitanic. ana wu au uuuti i p - . i - , . l - ; 'f '-nrt?o com' PtbU county, witbi. W. Frick ffX dance pf large elwoicKgtve promise 3 aU - postaiaster; 1IU w -ad. laat a sbockto her; of ihade and eauti ie ii.mmer A while placing with fire ast Alonday ,MelHH,tJv ?" I week' in lh" r1' ot?h d,8CWMt "I h .tee fT"U- Xow" th.it t a-iq out of 4moation that she died Tuesday eVe.iiiig. ' Pi f ni be r exchairgedr f lhw office au(j we are glad death was ajnexpected. . . . - Pw intt T , T1 "V J 6 fi Westerp North Caro 0npne88 of or repreenta- DoctOril)utoa was a native of Mont- I. feel like the worst is 6ert and I may The Supreme Court of this; State has Oiieof theWoutfitsf is that of the wrollK tioue tbrouih a mi-take gomcryl jctluuty. whire he has a wrfte something iu the hope of en- decided that any town or city has a riftOLiNA jWATCHifA'ttickin- 0f he d?pturtfiiJuV has Vieeu so promptly nttmbe of trotherand other er tela- couragi0K gome other wpnlaii fo" take right to pass an ordinaucei making it ; U .ulicripu Uves now living. " the, step she Kas long her punishable for any unmarried person The Executive CoitUe of ourState 'S tfie iu,der tWey-one year of age to enter 'hln ,Uspaperoutflt Fair are t. raoSt of that beart for trials wM, near W 1 in- . biir.r0o4 ; ,;(; - - 6mIU m l'ttthS offiee,lday: ami ll u saw every.uorw ... Ume he ha heen obe of ihe mo$t prowt- -urmouniapie. iriiniix.in win nn- i0Clwl,..ft - -0 .;Tliis property will made to arouse uco miereav .vuR tient tifluettlhtl ministers of the con: ally bring success. It ulwell for me "'!i"uine banlaiuHy the un- people a to insure one. of the mo,t ex- $ wa8buriwl at Wilson, at to n-meinberthwThaVe J.ist ' begun llStor. hoU' forced to haustive exhibit, ever yet - chicle Wedu-y evening. Mrs. BnrV Uk sei rl ': 1 :...Abn ount of failing that tue aiaie r air " iMi!hre Tueldav eveuioir for that ? the fullest sense, showing every Jiuci j ttt her Cher's funer. I teaUj. wriUf . lMcKENZiE, andindjuBtryofour State.; Kowaa.can ? , ?r v ; . . . r : ' i V2 ml liry, N.C. make a tine exhibit if .be will but try.; ttf-,!, 1-ILI..,.V f , , ; i'h I' If you owe us your suhscripiion Jor - LETTEK FOR WOMAN. GraadOSir. the Watchman you know it, and you f . J 'IrtVi-Tftt .1' vou any good? .If SQ iuin by a Ittt l eart J Leatasuch. The Watch SocddAVMcl. worths - 'itVfira Ma" movement Warraa- Ihe Lt of cah sohscnuera ! -akin the nexi w - ' - " ri Jasr and the.watcbratcla 1u ev ;.ry. Ka dubaken of lesa than U aud c4 nunt accompany each, i ,: itmK sire aa desired.. ;io i. i.. li ht vou can do. t-MersJc. C. Wale, at Troy, J. M. "J Sto. atlMU Gilead, aud . L- K. Lisk .will Montisotnerjv county, are our v . treiitH to solicit, collect, : . .,!. irw nWri Di ions or other and recripvw - kuow it is au hone debt that you are as K pfeonaJ Nurse Write An Oc mutu .u - - i cuoailOIl in uaisoinyiucu clothes you ware. It is our labor giveu a Xiyinff and Do Great Good- CMak Sau.V Bkcisi?PoTTS. NorwicVUonnVMarch l."1- -'.-- "m'ii '' J uh icon's Magnetic. ciTris pain aud it will ueyerj return again Internal and . external' " for man aud IRst. Solil hr K.lwin Cuthrell. balis- ury, North Carolina. Coustination and sick headache a Jlr. J. jj Vann, one of the most promineat lawyers in the State, and who . some years ago ! came near be ing upniiited fof. the Superior Cmirt Ijeiieh, to succeed the late Judge bhipp dietSundilv the 1 8th thsKf'at his home in Monroe!, from a btroke of apojIexy. a house at Pilot ! Mountain Lifc wmI Her husband gave the alarm saying the snot herself with a oistol. The nnsbsmd and wife were not living to geth amicably, hence the husband was arrested on suspicion that lie killed her. She wu bis second wife. She leave three small children, i Bead the Following Magnificent Offer, MOSEY MADE EASY. YOU CAS no TT r ! "WHY JfOT TUT ? We call the attention of our readers to the' remarkable clubbing offer iu . d . . . " another col unn by which we can send i m . this paper aud the Atlanta Weekly Con smmiou to tue same aauress tor oue year for the low sum of $1.50. This is the only offerfof its kind we have1 ever been able to make to our readers. The Atlanta Weekly Constitution i too well known to need any uitroduc t : n Littman i LlGMensteiiL 0 bprin m 0 We call your vattcn- te vou for a price, and from it alone we s.kOA t .ramw. niir iiviiiv sua rcii sativa . F;. , .ru.tin.E that you pay u, without; the - tUf,4f. " h'f, r, ... 'Li.er P.IelS. eWly ce..y oturBo1i,or!ea,., ,. o.K,PF., . to .dUareU ,e. S.,ld l.y ty,aiinginutuiiunoi iTOru...s.- "y ,r!-. .,.,. o,,,,,!, . Tvro large hlea were killed near thecolort-d Chariots. atK,,,. .n., "jff"--.-," "" ,:" Beaufort Tueay. TI.U. make, fourof .. ... i iiu;r Uru woman. It isiliard lor mem io ... seventy iuueiiis n.i ifTL...,. i .,4,.,. i . m insters kill! within a wees . - f a i . i " l mi i - w - komes and tle other- declare that they .ace itue ...... - CilutufeJ on thi illleyea3So0,.1heycau rt, Ujeyhaveno, y . ioa, iu four year. nflri1nn. from tne emcw oi me ol v.r. - A ' w 16 Bollsjt Once Hood's SaraapariUa funriet xnw Clood and Hester Meaitru A white man whose name we could not learn while druuk, last Saturday, attempted to crawl under, a car of a u5:A trowiriV i3 , f Albemarle The new tirui, wirust, will meet with . ." !.. . ...... .-.I... mi ItiM rptnrn I .. l...i-4. luuL.imi unn iii'iKirMsHmeiit 51?'foia triuii tfoulh L'aMlimi. ' IfroiiiSiit i'eiPb; and .we hope they rs..f ..s.wt -i! . .-,.. . i iviii nii.i ?s ii isimrv iiitHaiii mi' i?;ti. r rA SlMtid:inl mivs that as " '"-m?r .,-r:-:v. . , . : , . tnu r- -.t ae- forta Watchman, and all of mr freisUttraiu, at the depot here aud got j&. -'-' ..- i ir-Amt um will nlease make I . 1ljhui lltr -rr. Ju: . ' ngirwun ... OUC Of mo icga maouvu . . ' - ' ':v:iitVofh1alicf awty up their arrears. .Whilekead-Wagaeuf for aud rendered i?--' 'McK?iZt?:K'llU?'- attenUou to the uu fortunate man. ' ' i " - r i ii lour ! iJip iuhu'i uauiu is mm 7TT.- - j - W . : I 8-4 IVI W - . V .i " i. ' r. returned Monday I nniM Sink mid that his home is iu Lex- t i ai r. n. u.fw i."- - - - r A ir&a a vit of several days to reUiive ington, where be has a wife and three : .. j' '. ' '! I t - i. rri U...1 l ...... ......... .... atTUoaiasville. ' . ; ' icuuureu. orusucu icg mj.ui- dii.alLli-Uiihave been killed at te!- 1 "Hll , L.i A t;. f...ii- 1mvk savs Messrs Hurrv &' HeiL the former f v ,m ...s ...i.. M..r- Chester, a. C and the latter of Mt tive eases with digui Bed leisure. is only a: shadow of a dream now, out there are grave considerations unco coufrout the woman who undertakes t j becoitie self-supporting. '1 here are so luaiiv aud Varied conditions to meet us til often force the abandonment of a oA" iAuu after years of patient iiope thui iii:iv tiveutuallv become possible s - i. . t . a Butrtue1 ;q uetiou i: "What slivtll ; 1 do to eufn my w..y? borne teach a hard lUfUd auU uouy-weauo tion, honoroble but poor m reinuner.i lion. ; Siine go into the stores uiu shoDsaniu hard work fur lean pay Some nre stenographers aud type-wri ters, ail do ue thing aud" a .other, jet nil are fviihiii a li liited an I circum ....... '...titj. .ii.. is. .ii' lli'tliltl. 1 ilH S llllr M:iiiicti i'ii i w - Tt anmritted man v " Vis tors t t e f!hirSiim World's For fo fiivl- that - f r - - . all the bHKxl-pnnhervA.yer g.&arapar- iiiu wa thi onlv line on exhiimion. The re n U that Ayer .S vrsHparilla ! usiauiiaru .reuieuy, nu hoi. jb.i.cih medicine, or secret uOstranT. motes the growth of Hie hair, aud re-! tores its natural color i and beautj'.! frees the scalp of dandruff, letter an 1 all inpurities. : Another of themmy surmises fl al- ing -around has it tliat.Sliss Pollard is bein idnnced nionev for her suit by VVjishinton society,Jt) l)e..rey eiied on tl. Bivckiuridyre for. lutrotuiciuK her into prominent fmjiies,. . lion here. It has won its place at the tOX tO tllO foHoWlllg nreside of the nation as a model week ly newspaper. Itnumljers on it stff some of tlielniost faui3us and brilliant writers of the day and on all"5 public questions its lance is ever in rest to de fend the rights of the people. It is the largest aud most widely circulated weedly newsita per published in America havins; a circulation of 150,000, and it week. It is in itself an education to those who read it. By the clubbing rate which we offer, our readers ran get the. Weekly Constitution uudT their home paper at but little more than the New Arrivals: New Dressffoods. : New Whitegoods.- New Embroideries. New Laces. New Ribbons. New Silkplines New Irish Lawns. Hr. F, TT. StowiU VfVxnot, 8. Dak. "CtTloodft Co:, Lowell, Mass.: A.bout lour years ago my wue was wltU aalt rbeum. Although we tried nearly rervthlnK It Rot wor lnswaa ox ucvic tltd !r holx of her hand, m that . he could hardly ue them. F inauj Sox.n use llood'i barapaniu . rr,," i,iliid two bottles ner nanus r V' ,mber. she has not since neeu w i 1W3, my ueck was corered with bolls ol a a...n itiia niBiure. There were sixteen of them at once and as soon j take part in the con test . . ,..1f Kmik out. MY I ' . .. . they neaiea owr, w a cost of one paper, thereby getting the :iMCW AlUl LHIo. uqws of their home and tlie news of TlieSC aild lo'S Ot the world eyery week for a year at an " : insigniBcant outlay. Oilier gOOUS WO UrU tJU- .In addition to this, every subscriber , j j g ,, atVery: ().v to this paper and the Constitution, un- " J J der our clubbing arrangement, will be (l2UreS. given an opportunity to win some hand- v- . , . , . mm AnD-oKtS-.Uo. II. A I II... m.. AI . a. ; All vnese lUHtteis are ciiiiiiiicu in another column. We merely call at- lention to it here to show our read what a liberal otfer we have to make them. These offers are made "by our1 airangmentVith the Constitution, and only these who subscribe for both pa pers through this office are entitled to in ? Lilian & Licltenstem. e to ..ii, iuvjuoqa coverea wiui nup. uw o".'i . , HootfsGures fteneonnnencM taking Hood's Sarsa parma,and after taking four botUes the bolls ... , This is the aiost liberal clubbiuK I . n Mnu V....T.. .!.. 1 1.... i i1!a fit i i L m l j puer any ilkc m.tn cii, w ........ ' and we feel sure that it will prove im mensely popular with our readers. I vtAwarA nf hi it. lit V'nta far Catarrh that maV bl saL.l!bt tue orofessioii.it: ie,U. -'-9f- . ' i nr. nriii. jm u.f.nit. ii ror ineir uusiucna. i , ... . . i- u . . i t- i r" ' . i is - . . . ..ii . . i . i. . i .. aa 1 1 til t i fhe cn f stands p.iharn.s county .s ;- . : ,. :Wt(4 tllt. V1! .T " " As mercury will . Surtrly destroy the r f.the re-uomiuati4a.of Co.iressnian tx fil, -aside tt I ..ty ui ,ke this my lue 8e uf alJ VO(lH,letely derange f i UendersoiNld the Seventh District., "nS; ' U.irl re- eU:1 1 iu tht whole! synr wfet elilering .1 lf- ' " f, ' , f' ,r " " ' 'LI ? T trletim Williiii Wl litc!vus UnpiUt. ihnmgh Hie iuucous"firf.Tces. Such In this coiiuty, at the residence of the maining burgler, who. WUh Ldtletou illt.ipi I iit..rt iit Wnt on a ing niimsTer, Be v. W. I. HufdUIe,- . -.M?H,re, arrete I here some three It InUy pri) of interest to other ..rlicle hould lXi Z lLmV were taken last Tliura ks a,;v si.enff M-mr burglar- Woine,I to lii.o.v j wt what is r-quirvd prnption iV? nrt.nntlv Wikole toea,er a, apprentice in - .,y;:wiIrM.eHydbar0,:near ,oId:watcUes and a quaniy of the pW ahaVere the obstac.es in U Cleve and was-aecfdeutiy aestroyeo y sfi4U fewe rv. f.lr bn ti.ue. Several years ; - ... ! fire. All the provender it contained. sintfth0lakcta. ;aud aciw. was consumed with the baru. -lAabont $600, with no insurance. M-srii Then, r . rvluliz. uver- .-a - ------ - - - .! uu i v "7- ' ' . "-Jt S ! F is ;-tkeu uitenianyv-cniig urecuy -np- A coi-respohdent writing from ttalelgh a-o tiij pyti was suca as to require n We iUhM HW ui.Ui;ii jnirfacwof tin- Lthr tiharlofte Olwerver, the 23rd in- attenUUftceiat a h spiU!; 1 went to the ys,em.. 1 buying Hjdl Catarrli Cure '-Mi- u l1.T.iiu.4 .if Sul in- r L...ki....i.;,.o.,..,l I..... .mf :i natient of li sure vou Let CMiniiif. It is lV I1" here yestereay, with others n, nl.w.ril Kr.lv How new and J. Cheney & i o. TestiuioTii ds free. ling. Mre in Ua!ei-h this week at tend ing the Su tli4-y have before it. The curses iirenie Court, arnuiim eases r 1 7 w forming a company and took Mtacnaner u wa4 forlhe purpose of dealing ta real estate, , L , ; . r wa,ched S m I M.11 III! -wsa tiiuber lauds, water-powers and mining 5f.Sold by trugjtg, ?5c.; Why Hood,f Wins. . . 1 . S .I I J ...:.l I .1 1 11 r 111 1 1 1 -.. k v - i -. n .A uu ur 1 i.iiiiiiii its .- uavaaKi ..n,.Wr:ir It is the Allen & JJoyden m."-- ., ... t . . ..v I .i , - '. . , S 1 ' - ..! j. i 1 i ,n.l tllrf KlKTilPSI. i IV9IUCU1 UIIIWIII 1M1IU .-m. ! ; The remains of Senator Colquit, with Company, Mr. Eun b.-iug president, me inj thej least (.ma tue t:o fool the peoI,ie a second time." They ? tM(ingriaesirt ias.sl through y H. Boyden vice-president, aiid Geo. 'uiUvemntibu my p-rt was paintul); ure quiek to recognize real merit or j ;t Uis city Tuesday i AUea of UA.eigU. secretary and trea- ll0W jw th-y -aw andnet ,--biu,id train, g'uu- t. Mac on, Ua., surcr everiWLsh-'6f mine; all- through the hem yW;.jhrretlmfi buried yester- t A. D. Moore, of Cleveland, thi. Hl-hts of fiu I felt s fe aud cheerful . It is especially gratirying that the sale day. ; J v 1 V, ' . ,, ! e tf i , , - .. a ,1 a ,llir1, of Hood's Sarsapantla'ncreaes most ra- V I f liU a .it v.d county,isdead.He,was a captain of u tlie ,wledge that the r iaSy iu those sectionsr where it is best . -;- el r?,? Compa.3LE..49th regimeut N. C. troops n n i j .j to bat aU went well. Lowi.. . v GreendM.rp, fndiiy, yxjYar College . ar. and he bravely served his , li Tlie inference is nlafii. Hood's Sarsa- truiu against the North Carolina Uni-.r . hr'u. the eBtire 8lruKlJle. KIP ' ? ,rilltf has proven tlnit it, possesses ge.i; i ii.rjy. ivlo.b thi. TTi.iwrsiiv country through the entire struggle. ; . k wta feehliu ..rii IrmiintaiusAinh standard 1 r v V , Die4lriiithwcity, jhe 2Uh instant, V. , niiuim ?"ii i nm i.-7 " .v. J ! Evans. ajrd 7'yeani and 4 uionths. The (K'Vv "inrHl servers were helU at the resi dence of the parents Sunday eveuiug 4 ht 5 o'clock. ' Mr. Ertietd -B. McKVuzJe, the soloist of the Uiiiversily! Glee ClubV leftrthis city UstLMonduy to join his club at JaWiBih rrmii there J he club will ao to Wilmington, Newlern and Fayette i He where it ailgrv it jwpular con ;rrts. ii - , . . y ' ? The Thirdites have held meetings in serrl preciucU In this county during ;the past weekfor.the purose of organiz ing their forces fo the coming Hilitical ' -fcay. From wliat we can learn the at- ..J La .1 L-.L.J - 1 .1 "uusuce ai mete meeiiiigs was geutiui- S the iit f cuLlbe better than u I: a true uiine, iitid I i-eeolved to lie oue. I l d buildnui i inediwne. and is inoi 1 1 ii JlL:.f!. iv... I.iinf this vear ih.itl ever before. Al neignuor auu ineuu, u ucum . uuwwuu Kept jiryiijg ioi wug and father, arid his sorrow strickeuetl 0ppoluiy Came. flow's This. 3 uent and highly esteemed citizeus comniunitv in which he live!; a true uiine, and I leeolvea to ' uuc. and building up inediwne. ami is more me before tlie I itoiiular tins year 111,111 ever onoic. It; . . ii...'..if:i....i. : mis uecanse iiwu uit. 1 itnmrf niilLV canif. ' .1 famiily have thesympaLhy of a host oft i i'al"ie tu ,r?t into a . training friends. li.i.!,Lii t.J th .Mnnlicant must Ronntor A.H.Cxilonit.of Georgia, had a U t'A 1 ;.i...wl -wli miut writ. I VV. nffcrOi.e Hundred . Uoliars Ue- stroke of jniralysis In Washington, d- if. i J;. ilir .v: niilt I1Mder- ward for any cas. pJiCatarrii lh .t caii- uestlay of last-week, uiisis twice neuas iegiiiij5-n wm.-.v.. , ;..-;r- ---- - , - lw frfc.fli : aUrrahur heen afflicted thus, aud lie is reported ashtaiid ttiathemaiics as far as fraction , , r. .Props., Toledo, beintr in a dauiferooslv cntical condition, i . . ij 1 1 . ..l ..i v xj. j. wieiirj f w, , 1 o. - .. . r ... .. h.n.l iui Ouiil ! .1L Later auuouiice that 1. 1 on t were held in the Senate chamber Tues-J applicant Din. art esslh'. yet promptly and mcieauyoutaieUveraiitt:lowcl. j NOTICE! Cf ths Sale of Valuable Farm Lands and Tcwn Propsrty, on Chaeks Greek and Little Bivsr, and in tne rrcwn c: lit. Gilead, N. 0- Rv virVue of, in coufoiim'.ty to, and in ..... .-.. nt ii cieeree 01 mc ouucuui iiuinuuxv.. - ; Court of MonlgoiueryCouuty, orlh Car olina, jvndered nt aJl term lavt, in . uit then and there -penning wicrcin Davitl G. Worth, guardian of Hie minoi heirs of W. H. B.igley dee'd, is plaintiti, and M. B. Lassiier and his wife 8. Al. Lassiter, Calii r S. Kearns, NN . b- NNoolej ...wi wiif. M. J- NYoilev. T. C. Inuiaoi i hu vir Maiiririe Iiiinaui nre Ucfeii- a,i i a no - i I a I injure and sale ot tin VIUIII.-, IWi -" - , mortgaged lands described m the com- plai.it in said sun ; I, tue undersigned ouu 1 bv the court in mi id decree, will sell at public auction to the hi'Vhest bhlder, lor casu, au me vuu.. House Door in I roy, on lonoay uw a rArii 1S94 il hem ir .uounuv oi Court! week) the following tracts ofjaud, to wit : , , x.. , 'pi..; Trai l known asthe Alex, rsicti- A 1 1 1P . . . thioii jtraef or Jere Luther place on the waters of Cheeks CreeK m kiiiu Hdjoiiiini! the laudsuf Jaartiu Unsh dec dT James F Green dee'd, Alex. McKoy dee d and others, containing acres. 2nd Tract ou both sides ot Litilc ili ver in said Cuuutv, adjoining the lauds ot W cs. t . .. . i'i,.,mi.Ur iimc'i . Isaac Hmram, ;iar n. w i - k'.. - m.hI Jiio. P Little, coiitaliili g- acre-s more lamitiarly known as the Bob ersou Mill Tract. ineoiu Cheeks Creek in said Counix , hojoiou , the lands o. Join. T' Litlle, It. I . suele and others, more fauuiiariy known as w. Ayer's Pills Are better known and more general, ly used than any other cathartic. Sugar-coated, purely vegetable, and free from mercury or any other inju rious drug, this is the ideal family medicine. Though prompt and ener getic in their action, the use of these pills is attended w;ith only the best results. Their effect is to strengthen and regulate" the organic functions, being especially beneficial in the various derangements of the stom ach, liver, and bowels. : Newspaper I.nw - i 1. Sulfscriii - press nutter to the h;l i .irV conk ered as wishing tocnVnuT. t' eir ul- seriptimi. 2 It Uk? subv ib - con: innaiM-e ot ft.. - i publisher m..y ' i-1-. until all Hrrei.r.if- -h 3. If ulsci :i, ! - , , to take their pi-ri- of fice to which ib.'y tr i;i - ly slim. r The verv remarkable warm siiell of Wfatber coven uir the first three weeks . . j j aithii) the knowledge ot our oldest citi- . 2ntli followed as ft Was by the extremly V-v -pld snap f Sunday and Monday. Great j luss wasutaine( in the .destruction of froit and garden vegetables throughout - this entire section. ; . '' Mr. aI H. Graft, supt. of . the Beam Mine, hear Garfield, this county, writes ;:;"; Tuesday's Uemtd that ttwe have just . struck new Vein, which is from 0 inches to 2 tet vide and assays $103. per ton. !i e. are now sinking a shaft r I ' " this yei.ivud ezMct shortly to put "ppump works hu same, and sink un- , ': der water level.? ; , - i . ; - ii - - P. ; JKTDW H. WnkefiM will be Vi -Ht 'he Central Hnte .-' r Thursday aii 20th. Pract The StAnlv count v News iratherer. forfbar entrance. the Concord Standard say: "There eL-tJo,, should be accompanied by more chickens and eggs iu atan ly coun- , , ty this spring than Jver before; and that statement from a clergyman testifying many farmers make eutaigh in these pro-" good ih nil cliarcter and oue from a leaving AUiemare? we counted 23 crates and ineutal health.' 1 hese are the pre of eggseach contaruing 30, dozens, and j;m;I1;I; when satisfactorily passed thi at 121 cent ner duzeu would a-; I . I. . . f : r.A-idn ii. VVaTdinif. Kinnan & M .r VVhiJes;iie Druifirist.o- loieito, U. ..... -- . Huh'. Catarrh Ciire ls taken mieruaiiy ...tinir ilir.tlv noon Hie blood and m ucgs surf aces of the system. Price 75c imt, IwiHh; bold oy an uruggisis restimouial tree. 7 mount to $86.25. ThU is about the the'applicantj W usual daily shipment."." Stanly is, per .wn'SiuflaJfel ffcill hans. the ereatest euc Producihe county . I . of the State. The writer has seen two, -,x lff- . ; j . two-horse loads of eggs shipedsby tile j 1 have leen here long enough ' to merchants of Korwoodiu one day Truui this prohational period and that place.- - - .-. 1 ' jf"i Ij . 11' -.. . . - , am powfn my pretty white cap and Ilaving added a heauliful set of Bible u 'd blue giugliaiii dress. I am sceues to their grurtd pai..Ung:of the l$tfarfn, xK pro "Crucenxion," the ueo. Jveicnum coin- .' j, L r' , . "u ' I a r w vided I master the twoyear trauiug pauy nave employed Mr. J. N. , Maxwell. f. - j J : . nfihUi-itv .tviLiwA iktmiI. and started which ISltO follow. him last Saturday to points up the Wes- The;sqpcrintendent still has the right tern road. -They inteud exhibiiinat to id!smts,s a pupvKfor misconduct .or taken on ' probation one mouth to five oi $uae and Tliroat Mnriranton..Hie.k'.rv nl Ashovill mill I .. ft. l i-,. H.u. i o-- , wf-r. I inejUlVlCjfCjr. i is pu'iicim io mr I in SaHsbury, on wlu p. aM-ueuce over into lenuessee. ua ruJldtfr that the work undertaken d Friday, April 19th ad J!1 ?r C,eTCr' is aVdi.ons, and earnest; since to the .!r '.j. -r, t reiiaoiegennemen, anu we nope IJiey r , -ji , -i ; . .. : ice limited to Km. Knr. I ... ,iJ. ...i.t. .i.. ... irin.'Oii;4-nnrst is eutriiAted theskill- y y -i i . wiumcev wiiu luesuccevs t-ney aeserve. I iT 7 J' " 7 . ?. ' l I The Watchman - Jon Office irot ihe.lfuf nam mist nition of all that traii.ing, Tennyson on 'Spring. James skinner place containing iwatius. t-i... a.u rij j tnu'it lot in tlie town oi L IIC t II II . .1. . I Mt. Gilead in sahl couirty, known as ine Wade store lot, Willi, a owning, 1 .. i;.vw kfiililfl aiid out liousea con- ... .v.. ; ....' ir..ir..i.i- 'Tire first two tracts being the lands mortgaged by .31.1$. i-a-i .tofi M IiHsiier to Calier si in am . , too, Kearns, dated 9th day ol iNove ner ioox. . j i.. i.. -.....1.1 in ottitre ol U.'Ulsier oi HIIU IUI 1 H". ... y ... i.n,, ... Deeds for said County, in iook v, ... w of Momraue llecords; I he 2ud, ord and -Jih tracts being tne iai ua ...u l-au-ed by M. B L:ussiier ana woe o. ,n. f. ... ii-j.i O Worth iruaruuin o :;. i...i W H Barley dee'd, ine biiiivi nvno .- . date.1 1 th day of June 1S80 and duly reg i,tered iu the office of ilielH'" of I wiU fhr said County in 1hoK w I., whii-li record reference is hereoy ... ... r ...,.'r.ill .lescrintiou. bae to Uiveu ioi ! . i .,'i.li-M.tr M. - vv. Al riMMONS, Commissioner February loth, 1814 Ayer's Pills are recommended by all the leading physicians and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remedy for biliousness, nansea, costiveness, indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, jaundice, drowsiness, papi in the side, and sick headache ; also, to relieve colds, fevers, neuralgia, and rheumatism. They are taken with great benefit in chills and tlie diseases peculiar to the South. For travelers, whether by land or sea, Ayer's Pills are the best, and should never be omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal integrity in all cli mates, they are put up in bottles as well as boxes. "I have used Ayer's Pills in my family for several years, and always found them to be a mild and excel lent purgative, having a good effect on the liver. It is the best pill used.'. Frank Spillman, Sulphur, Ky. Every Dose Effective ADMINISTRATOR'S K9TICE. All persons having claims against Thomas Earnhardt, deceased, are hereby ....tii-.i-.l in exhibit the same to ine on or before the 2Gih day of Jauuary 1895. AU persons indebted to saia re requsted to make immediate pay- ' . ...... . I ...St. ineut. This Jan win inh- S. A. Eabnhabut, AduTr. of Thus. Earnhardt. Tlieo. F. Kluttz, Att'y. Hie reini!ille ui.i'.f they r. tv 1 : . li their bill and ordered Ihrni tied., 4. If th subscnliers places without inf.'.ur er, and paj; - arc direction, the v. ai ble. ' 5. Tile ' on. t - - ' fusing to Uke ei : L ficeor rnioviu v uncalled for, vt: Pignut' i' of intentional i-u Q. If iui iiUm .- p . are bound to an !.. y al the end of U.c;i i wih to I'Oi.tn ue a. the publisher -i autn -ri uud ihe subcii'w-r until ah exjre ' of all arre ni. s - i de-n' iu- ii ) '"Ht'l er. The lat "$-..-; " newspaper pi one-fur fraud wi rcfue to p.y ! ' the man who ... i . . . i . i. . - . ." to run aioiiK 1 wl then orders Uie p : ti-. i-fsr u k "refused" and har n pll cuvi notifying the publithr. i..; htni-nf liable to arre-t and tine the ..'ii.ic ir theft, etc. Of IT...!' Vim-Minarilt bahvs within the buuilsof rMu brcwuvii isl.kcj il" alw appeal to toe rt.ixr ru.H ii. . t l,.a.iiiia it tM IrUf m nrt ol minting ueupio ,t.w -. ' -y . it is always fully iWtatiil hv ta'Wr hemenU which iu the rtrial n4 would accepted wiihont a sbbwi hesitation. V h tiierWdrd of Ailred Tenny son for if thatin ihe sprihg the young .al . A ft 1 ; mans fancies light I v turn. to inouguis .1 . I . il a if love. It w Muguiar. ifiin.iie gi-ai it led to mention, the tact that it is in the spring "tjat a conside.- ible Mition of the iiuiM iii race turn i" h.L-.i.o- H.i;Mr Shfsaoariila. Probably nothing but tlie difficulty uf fluuiug :i n.irittf 4r t1iat'iHtalo.4tile reuieih y - . Tw a ' i. r i I. a Ik.. deterred hi m. pertain ji. wyim " i.lf;.ou domestic lemeHes are, gener- tm' -a I . ... 1 dly discarded iu Favor oi me sraiuiam. iiKMKl nurui-i, - ' .i,;..i, '.i atttined the ureatest plu larity a:l over the country as the fuvor ite Soring Medicine. It -rn&" t.he blood and giyps iiHrve, inenUl, IkkIiI and digestive streugin. THE INTHE iOt: Being the largest. Is the direct result of tn lh E Wood Seeds are known ndgrowa In w T..... i Rnnth; acknowledged to be every ra ' or fleid. bend for Wod'-sUd Book- It Is not a mere catatogoe. bntarefeience book of the greatest value, con Dniareiw irtn imth f r the tracker auduse Vih"full parUcular. about v a a ff tk 4 W . ..... .- r iii i. ih. fill i Hirwtlona for A fpe'"' iji"w " - - ji itons of LatHrnu BylTertrla, an nvaluabto ' . . . ii .1.- n. n...ii for ear any Gras. Clover, or oioer r r-.---" yonr orders direct. If your merchant doe rtt handle Wood'e Seed, T.' W. WOOD A SOUS. Seedsmen. Richmond, fa. I i . i. '.I 1 Thi ou. si ion is often heard aiid lo aty as often unanswered. . It is not alwy riiruWwd, is It, gJiould be. that fhe ofms v f i.Mtrr- ier aud tr'ritatilU 141 WI""W the pbisicial cond'iu n f the imttmivis tU fectel.j Wbaih the ne ol trying -4c h-rmnnixV'.a mi "W K U..t- i. himV If a Uiali 10 tTlUltd m ilii rheumatisiii, bow can he be expected to affable aud agriN iiweT d siH-ptic t. exited 1o lie Uevlul su lwavii ready to tell njfjinpy r , .1. . -J:...ii.. I- only wy to reae a "uHUiij . rt at lhee.-.Ufr. Dpl lrhomaM impure and irr lruh:- yield u Hoiirs arairiih.;Hhvl hy If It ar. rdective tranquili, Pf V ,! u reveal ive of den.vS la rels. "f, i, I; Or: ; '- i x I , - ' ' " ' ----- . l ' ji '' ''' Mir 'f .V 'I . -it f