SALISBURY. C, THURSDAY MAY 17!ife94. NO. ? v 'I laa a . a -jm: a m a n a. a a m a t . fS2 What is l Castria in Dr. Samuel Pitcher' prescription for Infiints and CLUdren. It contains neither Oium, XcryMno nor j. cthe- ifarcoUc substance. It is a rmless substitute for rri&oric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, apd Castor Oil. lt is'pi;mt. Itsiarautec ir. thirty'-years', use bjr.i VIiUHn of Mother. Castorla is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Prilcnd. . . -r " A Castoria. Castoria. CMtrii- wefl adrtod tochairen thai i ,omnwud it a- Pril 1U So. Oxxora-. .-Tueuaoof 'Castoria' U so universal Iti naiuw WcHltuotra th-t it tai a wor t,t mWgtMiou 1 1 enuorso It Fw ars toe fatollir.t fabffi wbo da not keep Carfona . '- . ViJbA ZliXTYS, T). D , r New York City. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhosa, Eructation, Bus Worms, slccr, aid ;waotes dl Ideation. -j-Without lajurioua medication. uT6t several years I haw recommended your ' GaBtorU,' and shall always continuo tc dieo ts it Las invariabJ produced bcaeficU result." - , 125Ui Street aad TtU IC-vr York City Mi WEEK IN CONGRESS Tha Only Tariff Argument On th Cards for the Weet CHEM CAL SCHEDULE C05SUMES TIME OATES FOR GOVERNOR Tho Contest in "Alabama Is Prao- ' -" .tically PocidecU BOTH PARTIES CLAIM THE STATE. Dtotriit Day 1 the Boom kod the Work of f yj,, Coantlea Not IIerl Prom Con ceded to - - A a ' .t s j I " . a . m a 4. ri.M.rir the Affair in i Order froffroMeo ProsTramj f or tke 'i Week la Both Braoehea. Be Kqnally DWded The Content - Clooe. One, 'and; Better Gle , ' aoXMdi on Klthtr Side. ' ' ". . " XttirnnMinir Ala.; . May 15. -A rorc&t fires are rajin around Mari nette, Wis. , M L Vrnon is boring three more g-as Cleveland capitalists are building a Wgfpn"factory at 1'iqua, ! T Miss (Cordelia Cljmer, of Bucyrns, wi.l teach, musxe-ia IIquoIuiu, Hundreds ot bous 50 and S." cent coins are in circnlation inOmaba. Fire destroyed the L.ima steel casting works, toss, 820,000; InsuranceS.OOi). It ia reported that oil has been struck in quantity near Toxpan, Mexico. - Six hundred delegates are present at the btate Council ot lied ilen at New ark. . I . 1 otaJl in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 w i L Jrvnnv. ?.?ar 15. 'Now that the i senate has irot into thej midst of tue -t gpecial to the Atlanta Constitution says discussion ox tne tann uiu, j tuat vapiajn -wonnsiuu hwuu U taking ug paragraph it is almost n- are eTen better pLeasea wun nis pros- Dossioie vo itirctttsv v u t" "e pecvH uu j for thelweH is UKeiy ro w. mutu niffht. tiU t Aat reshlts will haye Deeneccoia- plifche4 before im.w"- . on,r TT IrrHlrZ i Congressman Grow declines to be a ,.Today beirinS -the seTenth week of r Barbouf ;UaUock , Butler 7, -CherA-1. A . -Si ai,- - the debate which was opened by Sir. kee 4, Choctaw 0, Conecnb N Coosa 5, h,j s yoorhArUVJtbeweek e TUden mme, e of , thi larffe,t .f l- propertleaonthe Georgia ran, ha. crats saythey txpect to pass it, x MontpomerT . pike Ran- resumed. laid pon the desk of. the xnemoera. Roaael 6. 8umpter 6, .Walker i. Smallpox Is epidemic in Atchison, Wilcox 10. Total 1?U Kan., and suspecU are defying the au- The returns showed Johnston to mormes. hare: Bibb 5, Blount j7, Calhoun 11, Chambers 9, Cherokee 2, Chilton 5, Col bert 7, Cullman 4, Dallas 10, Etowa 1, Faveite 4, Franklin 4, Jackson 4, Jef- fer&on SO, lauttQraaie P, aiuuQa 10, 1QNORANOS. i Boltrip cf the Apostle, of M'KINLEY'S Cliailo This Ckstxvu Compact, 77 IIciuiat tJTaiarr, Net York Crnr .4 MACHETIC OIL! losUni Killer of PaJa. IntorncJ -and External. . "7. I': 'T..;i .im Hoi HE K0Pi? BSiU. Btoi. iKtaU HtrwU ' tiu euoe- Jro flkiM JOHMSOW 3 Oa'.EMTAL SOAP. R-,,,Ti;.cr. tadiea H mil H e mo f!;tcate aaa rtrcy n-f 'f -""r Makea tf 4 ttotbSMlr. rrtce25c For sale fcy EDWIN CUxHRILL, . : i .; ' Salisbury, N C. THE BEST MB IS THE SfFESJ INVE8TI4EMT I EVER HADE. SUDDEN DEATH1 . Him Ml. JX a juia w. The Community Shocked. -" Last eveninjj, ju'4 after tea, while Mr. Tbow ts lUriujaa, a roiyuient and highlr reHiveUMl! wtii, appfrfiitly in the lett ci lira-nti arid sp.rita, ,n reading a newspaer, the heel suddenly; jell ' u the floor ; 1; liuredone Hand oxeriliis lieart, gasped, and Unk back in his cliur, ridendy uncon- - Bcious. i ne taiidly ere btricken wituvm' rtrm itioh, : and iinuu.-iliaitljr ummontd .a pitK-ian. i.Kui it was U- late, the oKl gvnileaun Was dead, j l'liysicisus gave heart ;!!; as lhe cause."-Hotbrook Herald. riyery diy tue papers contain statements jiuiilar to the above, f Even youth is no de ftne apaiiW heart? disease, and the awful , nfpiditv with which; it is claiming victims j forces upon all a omf iction of its prevalence. "Tieader. if you have a symptom of tins Irvad disease do not hesitate a moment in tttndtng 'to it. TK'lay ia always dangerous, and in lieart disease too often fatal. Some Minptomsof heart dueaae are shortness of b'watVflntterinft or palpitation, pain or tfendernes in left fide, shoulder, or arm, ir regular nnW, smhthering, weak or hungry ma - 1 1 1 . . ipeiis. rHiting si ens, aropay, eiu. Chartea Raven. York. Pa., write: "1 offered ! from haart dlaw ?2 .ypaw. req'Jrtj . " JJ bMit would aeera to jiftnp into rav uU'; "IS. r r.n4t-1n marine Try ui-laneholy. PhyaicU" areme an rUf. 1 t-mew ch worae that . 5 i . tri uro Snt wna !iiliioei as a Ut iHort t ne Dr: MilesLNew Heart Cure. Tlio . .n1 .lay I frtl -n.f4Wrrt:ev1. an.1 t theeul . vto dav I felt like king. My gratitude Is too ; it-fi i'o- expreasionf"! - . M J,.h R(jtVweU.rTn!rnfwn. Pa..: ajrn "2 a-ira: Fr frair vea-a previous o besin ' the hw. of rr MUes Kew ITpart Oire I was a'H'p'l with heart 1(-ai In a rv "vre form. H 1 txVen H-"t,H PJir. hnt with no henflt i. - til 1 mtrl Dr. Mil remedy, ono buttle of which 4. lv BetharrK Wirh Po'.nt. Ta..tnalts the rV fS-n; atatementi: pi wa a wer'cifr .Tn heirt i dia anl trnnarff trouble vhen lbcan nin 1 1- MHS New-Hetrnr e-nl Serve and Liver " rill. Aaa rtHltof their ue 1 a9 teW." . tv. f kw Ifpsri Core la arM Ut V" rtrOe- -1v.'oti rttfve gHHTantee. or ent by tbw Dr. r-.-i in rivh.rt on rereiot of aH.e. $1 per botfle. ' x ttiea for expre pr. aliL; It Is poaUiTely f from all ootatea o emMnc. Tr. MHea N.-rre and I-'yr tm. av rnt per bx. re hve. It " ailed aaywbera. 1 book at drufrlsta, by Bisil. " For Sale brail Diuprglsts.j Thcro aro alr.glo rcii-l lwo stores In oar large cltlea which ac:f2,0i0 pair o ehoes a day.maklnr a r.t t profit of $-250,000 a year. We Bed sboealoav but vj soil crest n-.any p-'.rs, thsek-ar profit on our ladi rnifoca' aatt ohildrent.' ahoca Is at lra.-t ten cc ii-.a a tair, and cn our rr.Mi' end boj a alitM-a 15 cciil.-! l'air. We f hall catahlteh ahoe ato-a n eahof tin nrtvl.trrct citicaof thai . K, ami H -fc ih.y aall oi;'y S0 irr of rhocs a Hay oumi nrn fci a Trar. We rlMioM aa w :e ye3rlv-U:vi.lcrdrff..Ve-a6!!::r'oryer;.fvcrtxtit. a yea.- on th- inv atmoi.t. V a. II t!i(o t:K t I0 a aharp. The pricr nwut wcviuibly c inr,ch Tnorc , than S'H a ahar,-. No kurIc h -.s ever bi-fctl eoid at j Iom than this prlre, v. hit h ii I: par valr:c., tion-aaaeaeaUc 1 nconv.-l-l , t-'-pitn ' ... We bavo-over 1.W0 etoc!Ae-r, r.l tb r.eir.Ur , i4 incrcaalr.g daily. Boroo tf t'.ia t lock- CVrk. Mich. ; F. T. llullrt. Arra. N N . Write for a prospectus Cdiiluiamt; tho nameaol our Btockholdf-ru, cic, r ml i rr ..r txk, (c'"i"r ronhi-r' cnhor :,r''Tf- Ord;-ra laken for one or wore share. I rloc, sm DEXTEB SHOE GO., 18oir.rIl, II uti'ett DKJTKR SHOE CO., 1;1W5 BlIsT SlO SHOK IN THE WORLD. rf0ar aneeti i a dotef earned. ThialjMllee SolM French lonsla KldBut toaBoet delivered free anywhere in the U-S.on receipt u i v-av pi vtwj -or l'ul Note for tlO. Kquala every way tho boots aold in a"l retail atorta for 2.50. We wnka thta boot ouraehrca, tiiereforo we guar anffi the f'i'il and vrar. ami if r.iiy o;e is not aatlalkd we will rcfuna 1 rotary or iio-ouifrpair. i h u ts. Kin: throncrhout ! the week late4 to the chemical schedule, and that subject will De convmueu . rk. the democrats expecting to com- plcte the consideration of the seventy five paragraphs, while the republicans say the rest of the month at least, will be necessary for this work. Inasmuch as buf seven paragraphs were acted rE uutoV If the reDublicans con- ! tlnue to exhibit thejr present zeal in r . . Li ii '- . . tu.i. debate, H would. seem maw. maUpf ihe time to be consumed is more bearfy correct. Tho debate throuirhout tne wee will be upon this schedule, and but one set speechfis booked, that of Mr. Aid rich; late in the week, when he will spealc uion the rates of duty found in ! Th bill onv articles recognized as lux uries :and ihe reductions made on this line, of imports.- ! Itj nbf likely tnat the arrangement whereby the senate meets at 11 o'clock each toorning and sits until o'clock, j J:ni nf fliA uvn hours to the uoumug j tariff will be set aside this week, al though )as soon as he sees he has the rotes witf which to do it, Mr. 11 arris will move for a 10 o'clock session. Mri Springer has given notice that he will report from the committee on j bankin and currency We Jnesday next ! and ask a: consideration at tha time. The report is privileged, and can be ! made aS tUe chairman has given notice he will, but the question of considera tion will be raised in favor of a gen- ', eral approPriaiion-bU1the naTal bU1, ! If it has not then been disposed of, the Indian bill if it shall be the first on the calendar at that time. The other mat- ter is the Joint resolution reported Fri ! day from the committee on labor pro- vidipg for an investigation into the in ' dustrial condition of the country, and what legislation is necessary to pro j vid employment for the idle laboring men. : . Monday is District day under the rules, and Mr. Heard, the chairman of the committee on the ' affairs of the District of Columbia will ask the house to spend the day in consideration of the bills On the calendar reported irom his committee. POSSIBLE TROUBLE AHEAD. Sj'cciai ft-rrni lJ i.'-' gMataaaeaMatvfaaaiMHaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaa Are ! . i - : -f - .i Kansas, H,iil-Pox Fatieats at Atcblaon, " i r Kef oae to be Removed. AtcntBOJf, Kan., May 15 Small-pox having been declared epidemic in this city, the health authorities today called upn the sheriff for police assistance to removed the patients from their homes to 8 the spesthonse. A colored ma a named. Mills, whose five children are down with the disease, stood in his door with a shotgun, and told the offi cers they could only remove his child ren over his dead body. The relatives of other patients are maintaining the same position, and trouble is anticipated. Oavaata, aadTraae-Marka obtained, and all FaU ent baaiaeaa ceodneted for MoocaaTK Fft. and wecaa aeeare palest In leas time than titose remote froat Washington. .. . Head modal, drawing or pnoto with eacjiP; tion. We adviaa, if patehuWe or not. free of charge. Our fee not doe till patent la eccorea. A Pamphlet. 44 Ilow to Obtain Patenta," with names of actual clienu la your Etato, county ox town, sent free.- Addresa, , CrA.SSwOW&OO. Opw. Patent orricc. Wasm.hgto. O. C BRECKINRIDGE BUTTONS. Supporter of the renltent CoafMMman 1 Jfloat Prove Their Loyalty. taxixoTox. May 15. The Breckin ridge button has made ita appearance, but as yet it has found favor only with the most enthusiastic supporters of the penitent congressman. About ten days ago, a local lithographing firm re ceived an order for 1,000 campaign but tos for use in the Seventh district, and the order was promptly filled. The button is similar to those used during national campaigns: Upon its face is a'likeness of Breckinridge, The pic ture is'not a poor one. lout of . employment, or; m : s s 1 GOLDES CiPSUlES 5 a ToslticlTi that vou do iioti' 2 like?; j Possibly the solic- 2 - mnoi finAie xnsurancc, is -2 your special forte.' , Many 5 people haye, jafter trial, 2 been surprised at their 5 1 fitness for it. V To all such ! s it has proved a most con- i s genial and profitable occu- i spation. The Management; 5 of the: ) i , " ! 5 Equitable Ufe ! : in the pejpartment of the 5 ICarolinasJ desires to iadd 2 to its foree L some atrents 5 ipfchafater arid Jbility. ; A BIG DEED 6F TRUST. W.fJjRoddev, Manager. m- . rvvT,w v. ; tuuiiaaiai(Miitiitiittaaa- t3I5?"5.4 ri i.-r? 3 Are Suio awl Al way Keliablet better thaa 'Aosy or Pennyroyal Pihf an4 all aimll&r med:ciiMa. VuezosUed for Irregulan ttea.te SoooaesJtaUy aaed in Uwuaiuo caaea. Is Barereaoeily. araeeed, aww fUa fViri nrecniUleaaatesaard. IAKBS1D3 srjiGlVi 8-4-sa Market SU, Chicago, III. ; Sartd the life that is fighting against Consumu tion. - Only act proatptly. r"uc a oir, ana ? nothing can save yoa But, if fxk- mm ia tiTA X f Pierce's Gulden JJdv Dkcovery will cer- f tainly care.- It must be dona throtigh the blood and I - the " Discovery " is tho most potent blood-, 1 cleanser, strength-restorer, and fiesh-buildcr thafs known to medical science. The scrof- ulouy. affection of " the lunt that's called f Constrffiption, and every form of Scrofula . and blood-taints, all vie! J to it. For Weakl Lungs, Spitting cf Llood, Bronehitis, Asthfj ma, and all eevsre, Lniing conghs, it's anj unequaled remedy. It's the erdj one that's;. rxrnnteed. II it doesn't benefit or cure,; every case, you Lave your money back. Can nnythins else, ct say prios, Le really J as chear t , . You pay only f er valua-received. ' ? Something else, that pays the dealer'-bet ter, oay be offered as "jus as good. Fer baps it is, for 'mt but it cant be, for jfoui Cov- -..i- TntjtrMti or the! Sharon Eat ate veyed to Calliorttba Company. I Sak Fkancisco, CaC May 15. A sup ple me ratal deed of trust has been filed by the Sharon Estate company con veying in trust to the California Title, Insurance , Trust company 840,006,000 worth' of property belonging to the Sharon estate. - , 1 Provision is made for the issuance ot $2,O00jPOO 5 per eent: bonds to bo ex Chan$red tor bondshltherto issued. I i 'chief Justice of rlorida Ueat jns. I JjfeisoNvii4.E, Fls,, May 15. - Advices frorO Traiianassee ii-, ai,M5 Hiay beorge P. Raney, chief justice of the fuprctne court of Florida, has ten .ered bis resignation to the governor, to take !:Jf fct'June 1st. The cause for his res ignation is not stated. He has been ou khe supreme bench'nearly twelve years. His, s econd term Would have expired In a fw months, j i I -A Balae Sarprlaed the Tfeaver. PiriLLirsBUBO, N. J., May 15. The krfkfi at the' Standard silk mill, inau tru rated 10 weeks ago because of a re- j diCton in wages,! is at an end, and the strilcers nave neariy u reiurucu w work. When the weavers were paid Satnrday-they were surprised to find that-their wages had been increased. Ghi&r4n Tvy fcr Pitcher's Castor DOS. WUJ4ASI C OATF.S. AUBAMA. Marshal 4, Morgan 8, Perry 10, liar doiph 3, Surapter 4, Talladega 10, Walker 3. Total ISO. The primary in Dallas has not been held as yet, but that county is an ac knowledged cinch for Johnston. The gentleman estimating, -who, by the way, are well posted, agreed among themselves on the result as above sta ted. They coold not agrae on the f ol L.iuiKir iniitit& however, nnd have been able tn find no returns that will throw any light on the subject at this time. Augusta 4, llaldwin S. Clark 7, Clay 5, Clcburn 4, Coffee 4, Etmore 7,- Etcam blc S. Geneva 4, Hale 9, Lamar ft, Lee 10, Lime 7, Marengo 17, Monroe ,l'ick ens 7. St. Clair 6, Shelby 7, Tallapoosa 8, Tuscaloosa 10, Washington 3 and Winston 2. Of these it is claimed that Captain Johnston is absolutely certain to get Antuga, Clay, Cleburn, Hale, Lamar, Limestone. Pickins. St. Clair, Shelby, Tuskaloosa and Winston, which would nominate him by a scratch, but these. It must be remembered, are in- tin ficru res and represent only what .lnhnston is sure bevond perad venture to get.. His friends believe that he will divide the remainder of the doubt ful counties with Colonel Oates, and 1 thev claim furthermore, that when the returns from the inland precincts onttif. in a COOU manv OI tue cuuunca KiVi are now nlaced in the Oates col nn will m transferred to the John- list. Xot until the county con ventions on May 10th, the Johnston mn SAT. will thev be able to convince naia followers that the latter don't know how to figure. Uattta Wina. XfnvTonMKRT. Ala.. May 14 -Returns from the counties point to the fact that Colonel W. a Oates has recived a ma jority of delegates in the state conven tion, which assembles here on May 22, to nominate a governor, i From the reports receive 1 this morn ing the votes of Baldwin, Clark, Coffee. Eambia Lamar and Washinpton, and part of Clay, are added to the Oates column, making altogether 23 de!e gates, and running up the grand total to 24 - eleven votes more than a ma jority, which pomlnutes. WRECK ON THE MONON. Aeeldeat to a Paaaeng-er Train, bat Ko One Mart. Hammoxp, Ind., May 15. The Monon passenger train, No. 5, from Louisville, - ......w.i tVirA miles east of here no. -- Omcers of the road report that no one was killed, although some of the trainmen were seriously injured. :. The road officials here have foroiation as' to how the wrec,ke enrred, butsay that no passengers Were injured. - SOUTHERN BAPTISTS MEET. The Convention City of the Lone 9tar State Filled with Deleatea. DAtUa.Tex.rMsy U. The city is full of Baptists and the indications are that the Southern Baptist convention will be the lareest in attendance for years. The citizens of the city are throwning widj open their doors, and the churches of all denominations arc ;,i!n.r in Ytndinjr to the visitors a royal welcome. Excursion trains are arriving from all parts of the south, and by tomorrow tha bulk of the at tending delegates will have arrived. Dtecuaaaiat a rarmera" National Exchanxe WashiSotos, May 12. -The Execu tive committee of the National lar mer's alliance and Industrial I nion met in this city today.' Chairman VarionC. F.utler, of North Carolina pr sided. There was a long discussion th,- proposal fonnatiou of a na- t l.i I I in i. ' - 7. - . tiont na vast scale. The propos-tiou discuvsed, contemplates co-operation between .,00",0t)u s.OOf.OOO farmers for the purchase at ! sa'e of commodi ties nL-d by ajpricultural interest. An oil well, with a daily flew of HO barrels, was drilled near l'oitlaud, Ind., Wednesday. J Mayor Knowlton; of Manchester; N. H., has resigned and ex-Mayor Varney was elected. -: The World saysthe New Y rk and Brooklyn ice companies. have. formed a gigantic! trust. Miss Carrie Uortou, of Mt. Vernon, sues Clement Berry or 510,000, alleged breach of promise. j Rev.C L White haa jhad the princi pal liquor dealers of Somersworth, N. H., put under arrest.! I . A gang of juvenile! thieves with rich booty has been unearthed in the Eighth ward of Bay City, Mich. King (Jatchell had a hand blown off while explaining how dynamite worked to a party at Sandusky. The Hendricks Brothers' Copper works, of Newark, N. J..have resumed operations on half time. Fire was discovered in the hold of the Edam at Rotterdam Wednesday morn ing. It injured the cargo. The contest over the will of Elbridge Farmer, the Arlington, Mass., m.lliou aire, has been compromised. nThc American Ticket Brokers' asso ciation commenced its sixteenth annual session in Washington. Thursday. Kaiser Wilhelm's old generals, vet erans Of '71, are; resigning, and he is patting in a lot of young others. Collector Hunter has appointed Rev. C, M. Green, a Methodist preacher, of ; Peoria, Ills., to the position of gaugvr. j The Oakes Woolen Mills, at liloom- I fipld. N. J have befrun running full' time, with a rednced number of hands. The down statre from Ansrels to Mil ton, C al was held up Wednesday by a highwayman and roooedoi ens r argo matter. The underwriter have sold the fire- damaged goods at the Whittenton (Mas .) mills to New York dealers lor $20,000. ' The insrraln comb?rs and card strip pers have joined the 600 ingrain weav ers in the strike at the Lowell (Mass.) carpet mills. OThe Peoria (Ills.) Ministerial associaj tion is circulating petitions to enforce the laws for Sunday closing of p. aces of amusement Americans are about to visit Mashon- aland under the auspices of the Ameri can board of foreign missions, starting from Cape Town. President Smith, of the Flint Glass Worker's association, has ordered tle striking glassblowcis at Muuice. Ind., to return to woi k. The wire from the Sonth Side pari: race track to tile !?t. Lonis, Mo., p.iol rooms has been tapped by swindlers. who won $2,000. j .t v. Whitnev has ben honorary in- spectorof university extension tcucidng ' 1 - 1 i .1 in western New orK, wun neau iuai tcrs at Rochester. E. A. Co idnovr, ex president of the First National buuk of Worcester, Ma.-s.. has g'.ven 10,000 to Drdry cci lege. Springfield, Mo. The commission t loeate the posi tion of Massachusetts troops on the battlefield of Antletam, has left Bos ton, Mass., for the field. It is reported that J. C. Thompson. i.nB!iiernf the defunct First National bank, of Sedalia, Mo., is an absoonuor and a forger to a large amount Lfeut. Arthur P. Osborne, executive ofheer of the cadet ship Enterprise. o4 the Massachusetts Nautical School, has been requested to resign. - Knit has been begti at Sionx ( itv agniiist W. IC GccKlrich and Diniel Butte rfield for the possfss'on of iy,4'.0 acres of land in Lyon count v, la. I j Maj. I). 1. Whee'cr, depotma ter rt Gen. Miles' headquarters, has leen trasferred to New iYoik. where he will occupy the same position at C.erucr's Isiand. if The proprietors of 1h- Ea torn El vator have berun suit for y.0U ae-ainst James Stewart A Co.. builders, of St. Louis, Mo., for non -fulfilment of contract. Forty forged money oruers oi . ....,,,.r.v h- siriwi bv y nxm (lortou, an ot!i?ial of the coini any m I Chicago, were pt-esout. d, at the Wcllh- Fargo o.liccs in Bo-tn. Saturday. I ti. l .tt.m of officers for the year by the Southern Baptist convention, was completed by choosing Frs. Lau sing Burrows, of Augusta. ta-, and Oliver Fuller Gregry, of Baltimore, secretaries Mri Geonre N rtm.! of Louisville, treasurer. aul Rev. llhai; Patrick Henry, of Ixaisvilk-, auditor. A CHANGE . - rrorMi ion. Mnr AWam Mitchell was fatallr In- flrxtr irtttniB ru-al W rurVl ; ; r , . 'V V a vaMAvj "JrT'" I " 4 uigu - ; jumi oj a uamri gai ei"iusiuu uear was a laoorau auarapi U) prove inai u J The following rotes are conceded to Hqua, ; ;i, j B teajbr twenty per cent, tariff in the Oate on ine strength i Congressman Grow declines to be a tarTy part of the century was a good , tuiag lor tae country, otre inav ranges from sixty to eighty' per cent is abso-"" lutely necessary for our existence to-day. Tariffs which upon an average did not Impose duties of more than a quarter of the percentage levied under the McKinley bill were held up as fine (examples of "protectionism,' while the AVllson bin, a comparatively hi.ih pro tective measure, was aenouncea as iree trade. " It is by such claptrap as this that McKinley hopes to win the presidency in 1800. The preposterous argument is paraded that import duties should in crease with the advance of civilization until they become nearly if not entirely prohibitory. Once give a man the right to rob his neighbors of five per cent of their earnings and it is only a rmestion of time when he will taue everythino;, except a bare and miser able living for bis victims That has been the history of all legalized rob bery and it is the record of protective tariffs in the United, States. i The old pretext for "protection" was that infant or feeble industries ought to be encouraged by the government McKinley's idea is that all American industries are perpetual infants ana can only exist by the constant con tributions of consumers. - So impotent and helpless are American manufactur ers, according to republican opinion, that, even after thirty years of the pap-feeding policy, the mere promise by democrats to cut oil a part of their unearned rations precipitates a panic. That is protectionist doctrine in 1894 as preached by iU chief exponents and proclaimed as ' patriotic" and "Ameri can." The next republican candidate for the presidency thus explains his belief oa the question of taxation: "We must cither tax'ou salves un:l our property, our iantis ar.d our iuvcotmonls, or we must tax the products of other nations seeking a market here." The i lea sou'it f be conveyed here to his ltT.orant and partisan nearers was that imported goods bclonga-l to foreigners and that taxes levied on theiu would be paid by people in Europa. As goods only come here when bought by Korne ono in this coun try, all tariff t "U, not upon for eigners, bat first upon our own impor ters and by them transferred to Amer ican consumers. McKinley's gross ignorance of rudi mentary political economy oujjht to consign him to political oblivion, if his attorney-hip for the great American tariff thieves has not brought him such a fate already. Chiccgo Herald. POIMTS ANO OPINIONS. M. j. McKinley will soon .mluin tit ut deluded followers of Gen. Cjxcv t':at the only proper way to bo supported by a paternal govern- I mcut is to hii out to a McKinley trust N.Y. World. Gov. McKinley is now attribut ing all the evils of 'the- country to fear ot arlii reform. Last summer he made several specvhe3 proclaiming that the democrats were responsible for those evils because of their delay in assem bling in extra congressional session and repealing the Sherman act Louis ville Courier-Journr-L Ge'u. Green B. Raum assures us that President II arvison has had enough of ofiicvi holding, and that he will not be a candidate for renomination in lS'JO. Green B. knovs some things, for he was pension commissioner under llarrlso:md i-, believed to be on in timate terms with the ex-president Iowa State Register (Rep.). According to the Tribune "the democratic party bas to learn that it cannot draw a lanre revenue from a people by impoverishing them" The republican party learned that it could impoverish a people by drawing a large revenue from them. The sufferings Of the country from McKinley taxes and billion c'.oUar appropriations' led to. the republican overthrew. The democratic party is not afraid of impoverishing the people by reducing their taxes. N. Y. World. Until the civil war brought upon. I us the series of high tariffs that began vith Morrill's and ended with McKin ley's. the wealth of the United States was pretty evenly divided, not only as between north and south,: east and west but also as between the two (Treat interests agriculture and manu l ficiures. ,'lhe democratic party had been in substantially continuous as ' ccadancy in the government from the 1 inauguration of Washington to that of I Lincoln. Its leadership nnd legislation wu-j ail that time untainted with the ' corrupt influences of the great vested ' h iL -rests that are nowadays based on t c protective Jsy stem, ana wnici. Senator Voorhees justly said in his sn.-ech opening the debate in the sen . -c have succeeded in placing it "under the duress of a small majority" of that ly. Baltimore Sun. 'NEEDED. Secretary Carlisle Bala Forth tha Tariff j l'ollcy of taa Democrats. , KAnmMtsLrv of trin Treasnrv Carlisle ha anlliorlzel the followbaff statement . in reply to an inquiry by an Associated Press reporter as i to whether it were true that he had taken part in we con fitrenrwa which it has ' been aatd WdTtt being held for the purpose of agreeing upon certam amenamenu v me pouu- rag vann dui; i 1 , - "I have had no conference upon this subject with anybody except the demdS cratic members of Ahe senate commit- , " tee oa finance, and therefore cannot . state of my own personal knowledga . what has occurred in : any other con ferences that may have taken place It Is true that an effort is being made to agree upon suchTchangea in tbe pend ing bill as will secure for it the united and active support of all the democrats in the senate. The indications now are that this support ean and will be secured without making radicatcbanges in the rates of duty or material altera tions In the form or structure of the taaiff schedules n they were passed by the, house of representatives. In fact,. 1 regard moat of the changes now un der consideration as quite unlmpor tan I, while the remainder are not o' 6uch a character aa substantially to affect the merits of the bill as a mess ure for tlie reformation of the worst -features of existing legislation upon this subject I do not think we ought to permit differences of opinion upon mere matters of detail, or In regard to smaU increases or reduction of rates ini the bill as ijfnow stands, to prevent the redemption of our pledges to the peo pie, and therefore 1 am in favor ot se curing, if possible without any surren dcr M principle and without abandon ing any part of the democratic policy of tariff reform, such mutual oonces sions upon these points as will consoll- date our strength and pass the mer rm at the earliest possible date So far as ! the ! proposed amendments relate to j duties upon important articles of con sumption now subject to duty, fhei rates suggested as the basis for adjust-. meijt are all much "lower than iu tht f' iresent law. while there are only a few , Dstances in which they are higher than j in the bill reported by the senate com- ' mlttee. "By far the most important, single article upon which a change of duty is now proposed is sugar, raw and re fined, and it is strenuously contended by persons interested in the production of this article that the specific rates al ready in the bill as reported by tha senate committee are higher than the ad valorem rates which it is nowf pro posed to insert Whether this Is cor rect or not depends on the price of sugar in the foreign markets fron. lime to time, and therefore it is not possible to make an exactly accurato statement upon the subject; but I am satisfied that the difference. If any be tween the specific rates heretofore pro rwul and valorem rate now un der consideration is so sosall as to be of no material consequence either way. xt. anv rate. I think that differences of opinion upon this que tion, which have always been - troublesome aua vex atious, should not be allowed to defeaV vhe passage of the tariff1 bill, and I be lieve this is the opinion of all tntelli- . gent and sincere advocate of reveuuo reform. "The repeal of the McKinley act ana the substitution of a more just ana equitable measure in its place are uf vital importance to the prosperity of the country, and the people have right to expect that ail who aro really in favor of a reduction of tariff taxu tion wll make such reasonable conces sions to each other's views as will c-r tainly accomplish these results. If th4 country Is to wait for tariff refortu until a measure is devised which is en tirely acceptable In all it parts to every senator and representative whoso vote is necessary to pass It our prom ise will never be kept" ; The Kepubl -an Henate Caoeua.; WASUisTox,iMay 15. -The rppublT cans of tne senate will hokl aVauet tonight at the residence of sna.. .sueima The cuuct:s wiii have r importai.t bearing apo.. t' e atti.fdV tbemiurity asrej,'aids thetaiui: bi. (JSHdrcn Cry for Peer's Castork When Baiy wa rick, vre gave her Ca-torta, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Xi, fhc clun- to Coria. ahen aho Ltul CiiU-'j-un. Cie i.-evUiui C" MR. HAKRISON'S ERROR. Kataral Boaolt of Taxing- Labor to Voa0t CapUal. Ex-President Harrison in a public reference to the Coxey army says: "I believe that if the repnblican policies, of administration had not been threat ened we should not have witnessed tuls sad, almost appalling jnanifestalU i." It is by such utterances as this-tha l the ex-president make It almost impossible for intelligent men to preserve that spect for him that bis position iu life entitles him to. . ! Ever slnoe the MfcKlnley bill became effective the industrial distress through out the country has. been increasing. NeaKy two years ago the discontent in cident to it took the form of riot an murder at Pittsburgh. Pa., and, though the strikers were subdued by military force and wOrkingmenin other section were restrained by fear of similar treatment, the condition proceeded from bad to worse, until It dually dis closed to Goxey the method which the ex-president deprecates in eeh solemn terms ' j r ; But the charge of policies of admb ! istration from republican to democmtiO ! U not responsible for it It is the t,,ral and logical result of taxing poor and patient people to the extent of hundr-ds of mlaions annually tha the favored few in too sugar trust,- thft steel combine and the organizations of afrgregated capital ; miii, raulupij their miliions and coat'uua to control elections by b.ibry ai:d corruptn. Kansas C 'J.::. 1 - i';lldr Cr for m '!! -43 ' it: ii i m - 1 jf