"1"-.- - ffl " - ... frl. .... ' r ' I il 'Carolina- atchmaa J. W. McEEZlE, Eclr and Prosr ASHIKGTOIf LETTS' j I tore-.Hi denser. Uuy "tMi.iteli Aepfw3nt tath a Tariff BilL e nm u-lmenU to th tariff bill. art? Lli results of a iwrnprouiise order Southern Cotton Mills-: X -. ... - ( il Atlanta Joijnwl., -" . , .1 i It is a hnion-trabla fact j that 'the jouth has stood the "hard . tlnies" bet- iter than any other sectionfofj the conn- One of the evidences of thisifact is to ' liuusi'uirnojir ratjx nn vir ill ail -ailCf 1.00 j Three Jun1 hs , . . 9 0 mm r Bat-jna a s-!Uhs mall at Salisbury. N. C. THURSDAY, 'May 17. im. The Senate lt Fridi.v confirmed tlie nomination of Himi, F. M.Siuinioiis o be lolleetor of ; internal revenue "In the fomth delict of North Carolina, made pnU&ihrre wi aonif ftrei Iv vigorous prol est from democratic Senator mid E 'i'resrnt.itive and for i a tiwfi it looked us ;tbouh ! ! L'"tt' cioi!mHde in tljo auiendment Opt. B'ck" Kitchin. of Halifax county, have gone over to the howling renter, Bnekv always was an extre mist, ajadlhe and "Mary-Ann" will litftke ii uo?d JM if? Aj ilisfwtch from Mat on llougf ;iy til L4,ilature in caucus has nn tfiiiinniwly bjominate Ih ti. D. -C-ffjy IL S. Svnuttr , to fiill the nnefured tenn of Senator Gil ison, and lltit. N. C, lilaiuhstid for the unexpired ternvijf Senator Wliife, They will bejlected ly the Iiegifclntuie nexi Tuesday, Gov. Carr hWapftfiinted the follow ing delegates to the Southern Interstate Jnfmiuratiitfi (invention at Augustac Ga., Kay 30: At lr? Dr. Gharles B. Taylor, of ! Wake Forest; Prof. J. A. Holme, of Chapel iiiU, J Charles McNatnee, of lijlttnure; from the nine congreioual districts; Tlioni -s H. Ulount, J. II. tfunn, .Toej'i P. More head, F. H.- S itli, 15. F. Hoger?, Cle ment Manly and J no, K. iloyt. Of one thiif, howevor, we may all rest assure J; G;v, Tillman his vet abandoned his dispensary law. He is a m m of many resources and when there is-a change in the personnel of the S ipreme Court, thVre will be this summer,' he will in allege to have it given another tria'j and when his Legislature meets this fall lie will luveit aiiieTidt-d and made m re odieus tlnm doesu' " ; WASHINGTON LET J KB- From ourl Tin iti nniiifl il HinendmeJit to tne H it.on ailj l,MVie atjieHj tt Hi . tariff bill, and the can-e wnwu ieu u rHifl the siipiwrt ot tlie "conserviuire to tlieir doi)ti.n by the .ubc'Wftiitlef.IUiic.,uteuU for the iwanivt hive H, ;t.Uv ivhi -ct titheni as a whole. ! i li ouMic. TU re Hie a hmi! ..... .. , . . . ... - - - I L- - 1 ' i 1 . .! - V -WiWhen tin iwwidiuents were W 400 ot fclaPan h dwfsvor, iiecaii they otitieetMun mills uv the soutn and ...111... & 1. " 1 ' I -I .1 ' . - m. UK fhfe Bdtiaire Sun pves s0e of I f"tton by" the uort hero mills i have us-d Hi iuirnt cbaiioe as follows:, ' w"re cotton man ever Del ore. j, , "Ua es 011 woolen ami cottoff KiMls iu Tfr enun:g apni s, laud, niklit prove to W bfitimothi-r case ot un(1 t,1(.r Iietwirift.4 ofjlife are advan- "0ifrn imils required, 1, 27,4 in,m,tr oot of the Irving pan inr i fni:il 5 to 15 iH-rernt. Sitfeific w'e ,Mle 01 C00'1- "r t,,u ertri! edu ti ti hiv. Lot lotiav ine itiui , ,.r. ihshiIwiI iti tme rrutecliouit s detidedly better, and the impression A genual, egi?rdie of pt hfics; that the jr.po.ed ainendineutg will all Je adopt ed and the bill pissed by democratic voteM, fiven Senator; Hill ii expected o v.te fnr thebill, Mili.Miglr it i.-i an leTsfitod that he hs jibot niadtf tip bis n'Jid to first test the sense of the Sen ate regarding the income tax by mov ing that! the bill be recommitted to .he Finance cominjtjee with -instrpc-iions o report it. without the income tax. . 'il declined positively but politje y to hi, kiiiiiy ,idiuoipil stateineut oncenviiig his iuit'uthnis, inie the amendments were mkde OlibFc. Tliere are few democrats however, who be feve that his vote will, be cast against the bill wheri it is ynt upon its passage. Presilent Cievelain), all the meiu iersof the cabinet in the-city, mot bf the Justices of the Supreme Conrt, aud a-large nnniter of prominent olScials, un'rabersof Congfess and citizens of Washington went to Fredericksburg, Va.. yesfeiday to sea and- take part in he ceremonies atteudaut upon the un veiling of the monument to (: Mary Washington in tlr.it fcitv; I Today those who had not before been familiar with it are loud in their praise of "old Vir ginia hospitality, kuwi) and. appre ciated throughout the civilized world as uusurpiissed and unstirp issable. Secretary HokeSiiiith m ule no mis take when he determined, alxmt a year ago, that the contract for printing the before. See u Y Patent office Gazette; should be open to competitive bidding every year. List year the saving tyas comparatively small about $10,000 and the scandal involving the name of Hon. Josiah Q tincv with thesuecHSsful bddei-s, the National Lithographing? Co., f)llowed; but-this year's bidding enables the Sec retary to have the Work done by the same old concern tliit did it for ve rs and at a price near!' S0O,fKX) below what was paid for iC for the fiscal year ! eudiug June 30, 1803. f ; . , Coxnyism is tottering on its last legs in Wiis'dingtoYj. ' Coxey, lirowne and Jones counted upoii being acquitted when they were tried for violating the laws for the protection of theCipitol building aud grounds nd they have not yet recovered Iro m th shock of be ing convicted. They have anolied for a new trial, but there isn't the slightest probability ."that they will get it. They nfay be Hned or imririsofied, or both, in the discretion of the Julge.Tbe com missary department at theCoxeyite camp has begun to get low ahdthe juen are now only given two mais a day, aud deserthms are ; getting 'quite freq tent. The health officer of the District of Columbia is also after them with a sharp stick, havidg reported their camp to be la menace to the health of the entire city, aud 'given them a peremnrory notice tQ nut il m a hejilthy VJ April 7, 1894;these mills reqiiired on to hide excessive duties and conceal J 1,259,23 bales, a falling ofE of 205, tricks ou the consumer. ba,es MImDortaut changes are made itt ?u- Many mills in the north have been ear and pig-iron. Under the McKin- shut down while others have been run lev law raw snaar free -andr refiuedfoiily to snpply immediate ! demands. 'sugar pays a duty of one-half; cent a Most of them hive reduced the wages pound. The House bill male all su- 01 ..uer operatives, ' is'ir rs.or .w1 rpfinwl. fiW. The bill im The sout hern mills have mide a far reimrUid to the Senate from the finaiioe better.showinjf.-jP or the yar j ending committee put a duty of 1 ceut a pound April 27, 1892, they consumed 509,879 on raw suff:tr and on . refined stiirar a Diues or couon; ror me year enaiug C9 - iruly;btlT4p &Ktn or 35.70 April s;i3VJ; DU4,4oi, ana jtor the 'per catieftmeoUiutiit of the "'com year eliding April 27, 1891V they ;;re-iromisei-s make the duty after Janu- quired 582,959 bales, . x ij Doot Delay. Tt is Tonrduty to yourself to get riile of th foul Hccummulatian? tn your blood this spring, i Hood's Sarsapar illa k just tl medicine you need .to unfy, vitalize and anfich your blood. That tired feeling which affects near ly every one in th spring is driven off y Hood's Sarsararrilla, the great med icine and blood pu-i6er. roods PilU become" thtwfefavorite cathartic witheveryone who tires them. The Sampson Democrat sayak Ihe truckers' of its section are getting good prices for their strawterries this season and that the-higher prices will perhaps atone for the short crop. y : As the strength of a building de pends upon the solidity of its f ounda lion, so health depends upon the con dition of the blood To pel impuri ties and cause the vital fluid to become vigorous and life-giving, Ayer s Sarsa parilla.is the most powerful and effec live medicine in use. The Statesville L mdmark sas that Dr. W. J. Mai tin, Jr., -formerly of how assistant pro Cotto Seed Meal ,0 IT IS THK CHEAPKST r CATT AND BEST.PEEtf ,E AND SHEEP,- ' Cotton Seed 3feal la a highly, concentrated fW,l .vhicli has more feeding valuo than throo pounds of . and it will bo found more economical to use than any rious grain feeds. 1 . ... . ' ' , COTTON SEED HULLS take the rlano of hL v i - ! ' " or fin,. . kind of long or rough feed, and has been proven ivv.i 1 W the practical tegt$ of (housands of foedors, to be; worth" U'lS (pound for pound) as any of the ferage feeds in general as the cost oi iiuiao is less tnan nay, ancr can bo- fc 1 ! 1 ) Davidson College, r News-Olerver-Chronicle; The Chief Jnstic? and Justices Averv ainl Bur weJl, wh'ose opinion was asked by the Governor as to whether certain of the Judges appointed to vacancies held for the term oYoiily til! successors should b' elected at the ap roacliing election, haye given an t pinion that fhey do not .hold fi'r the term and that suceet'sors are to be elected at the approaching election, i. Hi: reaching this conclusion tiey say that they are governed largely fcry the COIiruct ion which the' legisla ture has put on the Constitution. This piuion se-tles the matter, and the pe tple will fiouuit ita and will elect in .November. stringen- philethe Charlotte Observer ; The calling of the central: cojn4iittee of the S'ate Democratic executive conmiitlee to meet at Ualngh ou the 10th, to fix a dale '-for. I I'm in-fing of the full com tnitlee to name dav for the State con ventionugg'ts that public seutimcut, iii so f ir as it made itself knowu ern to favor a rather late convention and a short campaign. This will prob ably be as well as otherwise. Another dicnsiun elicited ry this tirst political ; niovenii nt of the vear, h ts reference to i the chairmanship f the State com- tnittee this year. Who the new chair lunirc nip frar, y it iiu uie new Cliair-p . " nan will' lie nobody s-ems to ha?i? 4 condition or get pur. Tprce has been yery clear idea, but we assume that Mr. Simmons, "beingHn the publie service, will ixi ire from ilie chiimauslrip and in succeeded by sune geut'euiau who is not. ! I Th Truth of the MaUer. Cbartotie observer. ; , The Uichmond Dispatch says "there is not much capital to be inde out of the Chicago plat form" by either the friends or the enemies of free coinage. The members all agreed to shut their eyes (tiail hike whatever silver policy Mr. Cleveland might turn out to he in clivor of, vlie,has not: changtd He; has been kept ; fair too' large by Mr. has not intentioanliv deceived an vImnIv'' - j, j added to this recommendation by infor mation stating tjiat'twj) deserters from Cxey's army were, down wih small pox at Philadelphia. Coxey is trying to curry favor by declarijig that he has no connection with" the various todies of men headed ;fr Washington:' and styling themselves Coxyites. Tlie House committee on Labor gave him ten minutes to make an ass of himself, and he did it in half that time. Public Printer Benedict look charge uf the Government Printing Office this week, and he is already Up to his neck in t ue.wprk. 6f reducing he force which m " ''...rt iii'' t h arv 1. 1895. on raw sugars 40 per cent. iIUS ,10W that rere nas:!Deen a und one-eight of a certti ier pound in steady grotb- of cotton manufacturing " 1 .. .. i. . t mt . J l . .,.i,i;t;,. u.nr fr.ni i nrimifri I hull in me sounv i nis progressMnas not payifa boauty to itsugar producers wi been stbpied by the fiuancia to oav a lurther duly of one-tenth of cy or the dullness of trade. a cent a pound. We imported in 1S93 cotton mills were shutting down jn the of cane sugar 3,292 49(5,348, pounds, worth new mills were being erected in ..,i f wi aiicr .r nn in Mff whip.li the south. , A 2J.000 spindle mill has bounty is paid, 430287,435 pounds. A been competed within the last year at decided advautagels given to reGners West Point, Ga., at a cose of 700,000 bv the duties now proposed. Iron is another just like it is to be erected less thin the McKinley bill and pays a by theame company at the same duty of $0.72 a tou. The House bill put P'ac?. the dut y down to20 percent. The Semi- Atlanta wilt soon have a ,OOUspm- te bill put it np to 221 per cent., and He mill-and work U now progressing the "compromise" advances it to 4 a on a mill at Spartanburg, S4C, which tort, which is from 35 to 50 per cent, will cost $1,000,000. Oii ulass, limN sulphur, coal tar colors. A mill with 1U,4W spmdlfs was com borax and a variety bf drugs the dutv 1 pletcd'U GaffueysfS. CM just as the is advanced. The duties of the House ra,ic began. It has run night and bill ire restored iirtnanv cases where da7 tor a year past and has not only they were higher than ill the Senate its entire product but has orders hill." ahead np-to next .November, The Boston Journal says' that th A Fouls Standing in Court. goods from this null sell at a primum Buffalo, n. y. Dispatch, over New litigiaud made goods, as the To Surrogate Stern these questions com mission men claim that they are have been presented for his official de- J better made Irom better stocic. cision : Is the soul immortal ? Do masses The mills we have mentioned sire on celebrated by the Roman CalhoKc. Iy a few of those that have beein built Church benefit the dead ? in the south in the list eighteen This has come about throiiirh the months.- i It is a remarkable f act t hat ' 1 contest over the will of Mrs. Catherine during the financial stringency th Backus, who died in January last. Her erection of cotton mills has gone right est;.te of 81.000 in cash was beoueuthed ahead ic, the south. The L misville to rsicholiis Bosh mau hs trustee, to be Oourier-Journal says: expended for masses "for the benefit oft The bu'th has managed o extract my poor soul aud t hat of my deceased more than one good result from the uh husband." pie tsant nuancial experience j of th Mrs. Backus' seven children decided pst yeaf, but none has been s agree- to contest the will, and the case was bldhau the plain dem nistrajioii of its argued yesterday. The will is contest-1 ability is manufacture cotton fabrics ed on two grounds: Tlwt the trus- profitably at prices t hat embarrass com tee was invested wiih too much discre - petitors who are not so advantageous tionary power, and that in drawing the My situat4. The south h is sutt'ered will the testator violated the principles some loss by the decline in the pi ice o I of a trust. It is maintained that trusts cotton, although the decline j has not ire created under a will for the benefit been proportionately so great jas tlint of of some living person, and cannot be the staple pr.idocts of other ; sect 01 s created for a soul, which can have n and, as compared with last year, has standing in court. beeti partly offset by the increased Mr. . B.iley, tlie attorney, assei-ts crop. Tint so far as its textile inJiu luaii 1 ue sjii-Lis hi oesi an in tangible ires are comer neu me rccoru 01 in 11 """W At ..I -it ill i ;egaiee, ana mat tnere is no competeiil past vear in tlie soutn lias oetn agree- 1. 1 i evidence before the coftrl that Mrs. able, and eiuouragiiig Backus or her husband is posseSseuVof a soul, for which a trust might be held. IJ.. ..I, 1 11.. i 1 . uc iiiu mattes uie noiut mat 11 ilie soul is immortal, iris doubtful wheth- fessor of chemistry j in theUuiversity of Virginia, and Miss Eloise Coit; for merly of Statesville, are to Ije married at the residence of the bride in Wash- ngton City in June. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. Dr. Wol, pastor of the Presbyterian church oi Statesville, an uncle of the groom. THE BUMPS ON YOUlt FACE Are caused by impure blood, aud will never be well unless you cleanse t and build it np in richness and puri y. Bota'iic Blood Balm, the rea blood purifier and tonic, is h.at you need. One bottle will clear your com plexion and purify your blood. Try it. Price 1.00 per bottle, ror sale by druggists. ; , ud feed in connection with Cxjiton Seed Meal tin lnj lm Witmlied when i costs and benefits aremnib,i .1 vw cant -j - . - JL ) f Write for prices and other information desired. Correspondence solicited by , North; Caplma i OottoiOil Q T. J. DAVIS, Manager, ; J HAlLOTlT ' decide t0 kuiS??r paruta do not be ihi1n.i :s: sultitnte article. I LUw' !? iBloddl You cannot hope to be well 2 your 4 LOOD ; IMPURE. If yoo are troubled with BOILS, ULCERS or! PIMPLES, SORES ..'.. a r ', a . r a ts. sf;AM hiAruf nan. m. t nrnrif 01 a oa 7 thoroughly cleanse the system, remove all 1. parities and build you up. AU manner oi usnes aie . . CLEARED AWAY if by its use. It Is the best blood remedy, on earth. ( TKrut. . tiHa whnmvn nMl it 1 So. u, blood, was badlv Donoaca i e, wmtn Eu. out 01 oioer onricea sua appetite, no enjoyment of lite. 1 wo iwn 5 whole avMcai jof wifferiog ni brought me right out. There b no mm 2k -Sofar from halting or turning back in theevpjiient of textile industry, tVe south-hits extended itstff rts into er it can derive anv benefit from masses ""w fiU - U has within the pasTyear celebrated ou earth. Where the Workiagmen Stand. Philadelphia Recoid. ilisprayed the assertion so often and so confidently made by nori hern spinners and in tlie columns of New ! England trade pajers that it can make only the The Old Friend And tlio 1et friend, that never fails you, U Simmons Liver Regu lator", the Hod Z) that's vhnfc yoii liiir Li th ruention cfLthi.-? e:co.,-at Livor meJicino, v.vA ;') slioiibl r.ot be. persuaded tl.iit anything elne uo. ' It i.-? tlie King of Liver Medi Vin; is U tter than il1s, cjA the j.M-e of tiiiiiiiti ami hioinel. It a?i.-5 duvctlyr.n the live, Ki'Lu'VS nh'Li,)mv'''s ni-(i vcfvucw life to th"1 a hole hvs- Th.is is tl metliciiio y-u S l t-bv all I)riiL'Lrits in h or in Powder to be taken :nYPAri:AKt;-v ap in r"'Oii winpier. Ortmann Pays TWK' And there is a good deal. 'of truth in that. Th fact is thai, at tlie time of the Chicago convftution, and even dur ing the campaign that succeeded it, ailver was not the burning question that it has fitiCe Income, the tariff fill ing the public mind. It is entirely true that there was a sort of tacit un deMaitdiiig in the Dfmocratic parly ihaWt would kllke whatever silver pel icy Mr: pleveland might turn out to be in favor jof.aml it is equally-true that he hs iid changed." Some of uh may have hopV-d that he would, but Ire made no! promithat he would, ami Representatives to put an a few demo crats.; Mr. Benedict says r "The con ditiou of the force is without precedent. There At a greatm iss meeting of the Dm- coarer grades of cloth and wilb never ocrais in ine thira uino Uit.gress dis- iorpg H competitor of the New Eng " 'v-M -aiitu "'iicnii in t eitiiirjtie ineti victory actiieved in the election of t he Democratic candidate, on of the reo- laud nulls in the making of filter goods. It is very clear that the soujhiposses- lutious unauimousjy adopted reads as SPS great advantages over tliej east in the manufacture of cotton and! it is equally clear that the south lis I going into the manufacture of the finer cot-' fou fabrics aud going to win j follows: "Third; We hav won this glorious :i. . ... 1,1 viKiviji m sjme in great oustacies. by standing upon the piiuciples of our party and indorsing the Wilson I ill While we acknowledge thtv right of the senate to amend aud its ability to im prove it, we earnestly hope that its main teatu res wnl lie preserved. . Above all, we demand th;it m onrrisoVm Ku - . , I j -.--o j AiHiiBr, uetause ue. uiu not care to dis charge any of the republicans and was 2 T ' "1 J 9 , 1 r?'de to "'e1tfi'sta' hfe 7-prcntH. L)rridm of the House of lUepresenlH- Itwririaliluf ii'uo l nf An n fn J I livoe ywani nf lli klJ T . I I : . i I Cockran's Contribation to "Patriatism " WasuiDgton sei ciaU 5ta. ; Bourke Cot krsin walked through the it fhere are 3,59-t person on the rolls,, ia question was the fact that and whea l stepped out before I left tory of the Democracy was w ue cannot accommodate so nuny; there is! no' place for them to work. Employes are now working only frbm one-half to one-third time; daily furloughs Wing a regular thing. This foree has got to be; red uctof down to a work-in bast?, nd I shall do it as soon as possible." - The republicans in the I hose of !who "whooiied em up" for itim anrviiirfirl lilm ....a .,',... J I 1 . with ou. ryes open and ith his Cmp-' iUte ale lookup for their discharge, er Unioir ifctter in our miuds, Hre est a id I f iobite no confidence in saying top, e,l from the complaint that he ha i ud the raoat of them; wil, w wbut decened n or .gone batd on u. We 1 I La' lliay uot approve him but. we cannot, . ey are looking for, f They certainly " SpiKt cflrcieiuercli!uge linn with have no right lb complain. It is had taitn. itisour itiisfortmie if we .". " x r fcn A . tlVPfi seWnrtl ilf iha niinifrwl W.. 1-1 - u .no ni'ivii. lie Call Ufb. i i ' ter submit to defeat than oppressors uV t,Ve Jresterda waS e green cer- lft....ftM. C I... li I i 11.. unique uu IU5 itneuuuiice upon II use for the month of April. "That represents my wontriLution t pid riot ism said ! tie el quent New Yorker. "How so?" he was asked "I was absent two days, deliver ing an address on "Patriot ism" at Chicago, Pay for those two days will be dedutated from my month's al lowance, for, whatever my have been the experience of the audience,; illness tn the part of myself or abydiiieraber of my family cauuot be alleged. the people. Une uotable feature or the election the vic- won bv the votes of workiugmen. There are thrpe flourishing towns in this district, in which the bulk of the voters are the employees of manufacturing establish ments. These workingmcn gave the Democrats their majority. They h ;ve not changed their minds since 1892 Their present opinion is fairly ejpre&s ed in the resolution above quoted. more President Cleveland. Cancer. It has Wen rumred that he hu it If he would take a course of Botanic ttlood Balm, the beat blood purifier and bijildiug-up remedy in tlie world, he would soon be well. It will not dis appoint. Price IJ.OO per Urge bottte. 11. . X? rt . . : . . . I 11 OP ui ii in Jriij...,-.i . IT I a . Jtnvi.:..iiWtP.I .f l.i... m...-il.,. ' man mieea . monuia since the demo- use n. ror m PVfr proini eit to jierf dnn. t ,. , . A . ? is . . j olnoj! and skiii uiu4$e$. rh iiin.ttism cratic a!ni nistration came mto power. 'i...i.-rk um.aim, Ayer's Pilfsare recommenced by !e id ing physicians and druggist, as the rhst prompt and efficient remedy for billiousness nausea, costiveueas; of the liver, jaundice, and sick heada-he;,.Hls6 to relieve colds, fever?!, neuralgia, and rheumatism. f EXPRESS. ----- " -O SEND FOR OURSPRIXCr TRICE List anl Circular and you will find it to your advantage to have yovr soiled clothes dyed or 1 1 . All 1 cleaned by us. All worn jmar- an teed or no charge. COLUMBIA STEAM DYE WORKS 173 Main St., Columwa, S. C. J. 15. A?euf. ... SALISBURY, N. C. 4 FOB EmiEB 8F.X. ThU miM(t Lfc KllllfJ S11 '"i" directly th vaxSt tbcae diaieascs of the Gnito-UriMrT Or. cans, reauina no ehanza of diet ar naosemu, mercurial or poMQnom mad, tcinento b tzktn luteroalijr. Wbea AS A PREVENTIVE bv either aax it la trapoemblata contract any venereal disease ; bat in tb caea ot t&cn already UnFoeTaBiim ArrucriB wnh Ganorrh and Ciect, mguaraa. lee a euro. Price by mail, postage paiw, $1 pei lwx.scU bases ter fi nmedv for hi QHN Daytoa. Ohio nly Hood's. 1 ' I reatise On blood and skim diseases mailed free.. SWIFT SfEClrlU WJn AXiania.ua. H WING RECENTLY MOVED 'MY 'STOCK "of GOODS TO THE CORNER r' Formerly Ofcupied BY - J. B,SHHT,! Lam bitter prepired to sell you' JGfro- ceries cheaper t lisin ever. 1 reeeivc;ncv goods daily snd buy alt kinds of eountry nloc!ttC.,: also ajreut ,fr tU eelelirated galvauied hackk-hawl hok; will .not rust' ticra ec or exposure to weatlier bPE JIAL I have 200 pairs of shoes and s me ladies dress g-uxls mi, hnnd and will soil at and belnw e st. Vis 2 all persons indented to are by account,! no'e or mortirage tor last year will call and settle and save cost. 1 Yours respecifuny, JULIUS EARNHARDT. YUU CAN MAKE The Southern states, It is a beautiAilljiUtrtt , magazine devoted Ito the Kmnk t fullofintere-tforer . EverykaylCanAfcriit as it costs only ll.oO4.er vear or U J for a single copy. ; ' s1 .v'6 W,a"t an AHn. Every City and Towu. yfite for anX3 ies and particulars io Uve Manufactrers'I KTcrEi Trui. BaHiuibre. MJ. MILLSTO.ES. uaMnsr iHunht the jE k. PimiNimuJ iwnl.-s, I Avtu .ou'l ue to luruirtonul r.uu.. 8,ii, iiM torn ;M:U Hf1. VW ise !n Shoes ! Edwiir Cuthrell Salisbury, N. C. SITAl TO RIAHH00O. aaBnnBBaaaaBWMaaBBBBBBBBB--eataBBa an mmmmmmmmmmmH - DK.E. C. WEST'S NEBVE AND BBAIX TEEAT MENT, a paclflo tor Hysteria, Diztineas, Fits, Nu rargla, Headache, Nerrous Prootration caused by 'icohol or tobncoo. Wakefulness, Mental Deprcsjiori, Sof teninir of Brain, oaneins insanitr, misery, decay, death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Log of Power in either eex, Impotency, Leuoorrhoca and all Female Weaknesses, Inroluutary Losses, Hpermn torrhaBa caufed by over-exrtion of brain,' BeU abiwe, orer-Indolfrence. A month's treatment, Jl, 8 for $5, by mall. With each ordotlor 6 boxes, with $5 will send written guarantee to refnud if not cured. Ouartmtcee issued by fut. WEST'S UVEK FII.L3 cures Sick Healacher Bllious-nf8, Liver Coin l hunt. 3onr8tomsch, Dynpepfiaand ConetipaUoo, QUACASTEEa issued My by Edwiu Cut lull Si.libiiiy, N. C LADlES DO XOU KNOW DR. FELIX LE 5aUN'3 6TEEL BHD FEJlKYRflTRl P1L18 are the original and only FKEJjCH. safe and ra table cure on the market. Price $1.00; eeat by SaiL Gocai&esol'i onJr by Edwin'Cuthrell Salisbury, N. C. Subscribe to the Watch m A.x.iho v Only $1.00 a ye.ir. E's stand for Ease and eance and these are the E's you find in our new line of SAMPLE SHOES. We are also offering some big bar gains iu cheap ! DRY GOODS tilts week. Calcutta Cloths and Ton quin Cloth- joldiers price 8"J to 10c our price 8c for choice JTeazle Cloths, Percales, Lawns, White goods and Sheetings, all going at a bargain., Very Trnlv, 3ES. "Ar O. . 'r-Tir.il i When Br.bywas ulcfe, we pav Vrfwiora, i"UerU4lie waa a Hiild,'sho irkJIdrCi ViTiea she bi-came Mui, che t-luns l ("aitarii When she had Ctdldrun, she aKlliu CjAH ' ELECTRIC TELEFKCK! Sold ontrtsht. no rent, aa roiltr. lam to City. Villas or foontrr. KeelaeM borae, ahop, more aeii ofbem. 6neteaM ianca and lt eeller on Mirth. : I Ajreata make frwaa lataSMan1 One ia a midenra mean, a !, neiithborK. Kin iBimnti, aateji, aniwhara, anr dirtanr. Completa. im u whan ahirid. Can he pal a$ biwa nererontof order, ao ratwriaa. I4 tim. Warrantd. A money '. tal .... a mt v WW. m wwf U. L, Spsnc , ATTOilN Kt - AT-L..W, ! TROY. a - NC 7 . . Offers his v profesjoaal enieri H the ptople f Moi.tmrri Md joininp coun ties'. AJIrt3 . i troy, 8. V. f DR. R0BTJ I IfAMSi' - Surgeon JJfntiJ) Salisbury t. f J-Office hours 9 .' di. to rj f- IXSUHANi r r j. SOUND, STRONG & RKLlAUtn - . ;. FOK " ' : . Fire Rents Life and Accfe ' i - Rates Reasonable - Ji M. PATTOf J . ; . it viiiut; nt v. ji. en, " ( : DRi WW. Ma Pratt W. Nmlth. Prin. Commeretal Ooltese of Ky. University, lexingion, Ky km awarded MEDAL AND DIPLOMA BY THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EIPOSITJCN, For Myatem ofBaok'tceealiir JtnA Oemera BstalaeM Fxlue-atten. a?te. Coat tor complef Busineas Coarse abeat fSO. Inclnding tuitlnn,aoolr and board. FhonoR rpny. Type Writing anu Telegraphy tHinbt. For circulars, adrtretut. IT. B. MM ITU, President, VexlngUtm, Ky fl Oflers his profe noual rj cnizens oi canst"11 i (. nnu Community. He cau -Tt nice up Ht,nir! uc. r- Kluttst'srtrug store :..t Subscribe to tbe'tcB get the newg. Only advance, j B. C.Webb. W. L. Nicholson. w ebbVnigholson & M PKOl'RIETORS Salisbury Marble Works. LARGE VARIETY OF MARPLE ON HAND TO SELECT ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 1 i r

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