f- ; i Hl; .11- y.)UilTII SElMKS. Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher prescription for Infants and Children It contains neither Oiiim, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a h-nuless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH. It L Pieasiunt. Its guarantee Is thirty' years use by .thih.i.h oil mothers. Castoria Li tlie Children's Panacea tlic Mother's Friend. Casjoria. t u wri! adapts! te ctdWna thai 1 Moosuuend It a Ut-riyr t any I "l" iMUW , AST3SU, M. I).. . HTheusoof 'CJWtorw' 4- universal ad -its jjwriuio i U ki4 tlu-t ip-m-iiu n work of uper.T. Kat:.n t n::u:..nv it. F sw are the intMJt fa::;! Iv ketp OiOort withii eury rca h." ' ' i - Kcw York City, Thi Ckmtauk JOHNSON'S MACriCTIC OIL! , UitantXIHerof P-n. j Intcfnnl and Extornal. ; Cure" KUtUJlATiiiil, NWEAL OIA, Lxrae JJJWk, Spraia, Bruiser i Kiitf Joints. COUiU a&c ; f&Clt&MPti intuntiy. ChoieraMor r tUKADACJlti a:iX tyi:afc. IM HORSE mm. SSfOTSJ teHMt Powerful and PenetrnUnfrl inuuTitf or Mm lBSti xlsUaice. Lar;e a ttee Tic, is 0c . JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. . VmUcatiid ind Toilet. . The Ort Sfc'n Cure an no autifier. Ladies wW find U e mow ; iioat and Mghly perfumed Toili-t Soap or i market It u absolute' pure Makes thi i itia soft aad welsety end restores the lort com- ritofil is.lujury fr the Bath for Infanta. . ilan itcKiwr, cleanoca the ecnlp an 1 prcjiotec j I Sjeiiowtboih-iir. f rice 25c fcprBalebr - pWIN CUTECIULL, L : I ' SAtlBUKY. N C.i SCDDES DEATH! The Community Shocked. " Last ereuin, jut f'ter a, while Mr. fkemut llitrilwui, a .roniNetit aiul highly-l-iod litiieu, apjjai ejttfly iSu7tle Ua.t - feitiid id irtu, rtiuig a neajt 1 tk sfceec sudvn i y tell" u 1 1 ' uoo r ; i i yiKeti on kited Over his. -beak, gr1'' auc' ' mi Uic in his chatr, vkietiJy uucou- , taota. lite jlaiiiily: vtie it ltken with mm- J ilcrnmtioa, and iiuiuctlaiel UIllluoIKd a l f iicAaa. , Jjtut it was too fate. Tlie o.l :Aila4nKr4s dead. Fit vstMia gave htatrt imuvt thti cauMj.' iiooS"; Herald. tfeiy dajr (in papers )niiiil statements aatlar lo the above, - lveo ont!t is no tle tsiiiHtf deart disease, iiid the awlul npijity itli which it dinning vu rinis . trfoti uioivail a conv'ulion ofita prevalence. Kesder. if you havfe a- symptom of 'this 4m4 dineiite do not hesitate a moment in riding t it. r Delar w always dangerous, iaJ in heart 'dixeaxf too ofuirt fsial. Some .itiuptoiiM of i heeri iHaxe re shortne of kwk. fluttering, 'or pal i if at inn, jiain or l-demer in leftside shfttittler. or ivrro, r- r!fttUr ptl m.ther!ng, weak or .Stungry 4plU. fainting ' ella, dropcf, etc. CWfcrW Rren York, f-.ww: "t wiffewd ' .. lieii i"2 yeitrV, r"reqivetitly my wmiM ffin to Jwp iiitw ny mouth . nd my in-1lW)u tri me rv inlMW-Ji'lv. PhVKiciiK . n m n:i(iM.iif. 1 1cire w hnvh wore t t " Mt xoihh trt'Pve, hnt- Induced : utMrTtt iim Or. Me e'w Jlert Cnre. The I'"" M 4y 1 ftrrt1v rplii1. Hrvt nt thenfl 1 fiT1 ffit liv-M kiaj. Mir jratitade U too , 1 t' wieerton , f jU'vh . Huwu. : Hn'rtrtw. Pa.. ajrl 1 2 " t F.r Innr rev prWn to heain- Hthjn lr M1V S Hmt Pure I 'n F iH'et4 with bert rii tn a f ery evei form, tken il n- -ntt(d mtm. hnt with no heneflt fil I d It. Miles" remedy , one Atleof which -"fl wt" r S .' . s I J. iv Bethnrd.. Riph pont. IK .miVon the fU , wwtni 'ntement : ''I -vr a -eec fn.m hert -; divnitd tom.fh trouh'e wjSen 1 h. irn-t n1nar -I". UiW Kaw Itiirf rue end Serve nd Liver Pl'K An tmUff th-r ne fum well." 5 IV. Vll.' Ktr Ho.rt rum mM hr o'l itni.. I''m t wttive (pi-"tintre, of-ent V the I)r. ,Vt- MwHoiil Po.. K'khrt. Ind T on rewipt of ! t,'.H per v!fW'T hottles foi;is. exnr pr- i ii pnwuivriy T" irem sn on'aien ot Wf drnr. Pr Mi'e' sN'-n-e Mid l.'ror n".t nti rr Hot. f r h-f-'.H vited auyu. rree book at druggists," or by inaiL -- ' Koale hv all Druggists' .1 f sssBiBsiisissasssss !; jput of eiuploj'ment, or in 5 J position that jfoii do not : e?j Possiblylthe soliof jiajiigipf Iiife Inurance is 5 ,;; yourjspQcial torie. lanyl ' People ikye, aSter7 tfial, : jlen surpnsedlat: heir: 'gbtnes forit. iMjall'sifcH : it has proved a nost" cons ! denial arrfT rir.fnWf i spation sof tiff f Eqfuitable Life : JJt Departmnt of the Carolinas, defs to" add j to its1 force, some agents I j of character . anil ability. .: te &T information. 5 J Roddeji Manager, S I Rock Hii, i. c. : i "tSSIu.k..... --""..-......s.spi.. 4Illit,e :;i10U-r' 1 5 ' .' k -J Castoria. Catori Cures Colic, Const' potion Hour Stozuu;h, DiorrlKUJErucxtian, KilLi Wonau, e sleci, c-d -lrouotes dl- Without Eujurioiw medication. "Tor s?Tcral years I liave rocornmendec your 'CastoriA, add always continue U do bo as it lids IavariahJy produced beneficia rusUU" ; Edwi;i F. Taster II. V., VSA.h Street and 7U -l .- :., ICew York Cily Coxrjjnr, 77 Uitk&at Stewtt, New York Crrx THE EES? ANB IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT I EVERiiADE. Them are single rctaW ft-.c stores In our larjre cities wUich : 2,00 Xpa'.r-i o; shoos a day, making a iit prof., cl C-jC,Cau ayecr. V.Tcstill shoenlow, but vc rll a greSt riany p:;;r:i, the clear profit on our laUirw', cisscu arid child reu-. ehora la at k'ur t ten cent :i ;:uir, ::-il on v:r mens' and boys' ln i 15 ct-n'. a p':.ir. Ve chall estaldieli hoe"ton h iir each of liii! lifty l;ir:'et rilicit of the 1" H.,ittid-if th c'll on'y piiir 'f slim s n clay t y v. oi:!d ca.-ii$'jj'i, IM v year. V.'e H'lould bo a!lo t ' pny a yearly dividend of i'".C" aisttar-, or ovcr. per -ci:t. k year ou th' v- n'.nicit. - We f '1 t'le r'uck at $ it) share. Th price lnmt 1:u-vital!y ' e lat c! nioro t!ia? f ft s'aarc Xo f;oek li:n ever I een Fold itt lew than this price, v. hieh i; i. par v::li:e. .t tk non aes3-ble. J::cor;v-ra:ct. C.i:.:i::l 0. e. We have 'over l.Cttf rio.-lihr'.d'-r--, nr.d llie n nil cr i increasing t'aliy. Come cf t::-! Ti::cip:.l ttotk holdora arc : T. 3. V. aU -if. N. V. : I. J. it. -. r i ; : K. . Jr.. fhi.T...s J. )k f U.t'-iimp t V. M. Kamiau-rli. ).tt i:iek. Arh-j i. t!. Ji:i !i. t'liinn.; J. f. Tut t, Philxt I'. i:Tdii, I.". V.; i:. i ayi.v. Vmu Cn-k. .Mich, t V. C, IlallrU.-, Arra.!;-. N. V. V"rfte f or a prospcU!i eoniult-.",n; l":c names of our Btockholdern, ctc , tr i vi ini t n'i ..r .' i-, iic'tiinfl r'fiir' clin k, nxh or mov rhr. Orders uken for one or more nharca. I'rice, $10 s ahare. OEXTEH SHOE C0.f si..iioTo..alss. i . Illl til X DEXTER 8II0K CO., Ioc'p. fapltal. $1,000,009. UKST Sl.CO SHOR IN THE WOULD, ''A dollar tattd it a dollar earned." ThisTulies' Solid French Ionj?:la Kid-Bnt-tozi Uoot delivered free nnywhere id the U.S., oa receipt of Cash, Money Order, or IWal Note for $1.50. Entjnls every woe tba boots sold la n't retail stores for $2.60. Wo mak this boot out solve, therefore wc guar antee the II i, iii!e and irear. p Jr. and if nnyoac j not e.'itUfled in i-. iMi.-."lherpair. t)'r.i jextli Shoe Oo. m fZTMX. ST-1 5 vorrs-, liC'hl terr.. paveats, and l'rade-Mark) obtained, and all Pat ent bosineos conducted for v.ootRATt Fees. Du Orrtcc Opposite O. S. Patent Orriec pud we can eccnre patent lu lees time tuau those remote from Waidilnijfnn.. i Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if jiatpnuhle or not. free of charge. Our fee not due ti'l patent is t-r cured. A Pamuct, "llov lo Obtniii Prtewts,' wit! nanc of actual c!i---at in your Statu, county or town, seut free. Address, C.A.SOW&pO. OP. Pavcnt Office. Wash. acton, D. C. HRs.viomir;s 'GOLDEN CAPSULES' f?Sf Are Safe and Always JUellablef beUer tbaoTaiify or Pennyroyal Pills and ali similar medicines. VneaceUed for IrregnlsrV ttvtf&c SucceasruJlv used In thousands of camA Is s sure remedy, guaranteed, neveif fails. Price tl. A nneqaalled safeguard,, LAKESIUU SI'ECIFl : 33-tJ-i-8(i JilarkoC Chicago, 111. Bated-tb Ufa that is fighting against Commmp-' tjon. Only 'aet proraptiy. . Put it ofT, and nothing can save you. Bat, it tak en in time, Dr. Fieree's Golden Medicc.l Discovery will oar. vuiuj cure. -It must be dono through the blood and the "Discovery" is tho most potent blood cleanscr strength-resajrer, and flesh-builder " that's known to medirJ science. The scrof-' ulous affection-of tho lungs that's called Consumption, and QVery form of Scrofula; and blood-taints, all yield to it. Fo Weak1 Lungs Spitting of Blood, Bronchitisi Astb ma, and all severe, linpcring coughs, W aa tmequaled remedy. It s the only one that's ouaranteriL If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, you have your money back. OananythiES elsa, at cay price, bo r&J&j You pay only for value received. Something eiso, that pays the dealer bH ter. may be offered as " iust as jod. Per haps it i?, .'..4, Lo, ior you. w -, . - ; x , , - !: 1 1 : if THE -1 LAST Tut FiJfAi Rax.lt of McKislkyism PROTcQ l ION'S OWN PANIC. Iefk.inleyim the iause of American la- di:s trial peprnsion. The certain effect of all such protec tive tariif Jegislaiioa as that which r bears' the n , me of, McKuiley is to over stimulate some industries and' present ly to weaken all.; f Favored enterprises have a f d Perish 4sJnd unhealtty activity, soon followed by overoroJaotiua aad collapse. 'The, victimized occupations ! may not immediately feel the draiu to which they have-; been subjected, but eventua-ly jftheii ifiyor must decline. Airprotectie legislation- does violence ' to normal j Conditions and sooner or later the evil effects of the injustice will show tlemselyo. . In the ctjsb of ltjO monopoly lc's'a- tion ofl4iU i tho iusvi table Lroulc iluwtj came suauer than Wat. exacted because the far-reachiuiiiiLiuity of that cor- rupt betrayal of ? popular rights by favored inferos ti was not at first fully j ampreAl$ied:f ItSf.tvaa known that the tariif law was; drawn by the men who contributed iUe great corruption iund of 1 1 was known that the i plunder j to be sceured by tsi authors w as'mainiy atiiered in"' the firitycar or two of iU operation. It -was seen that unhealthy activity had been fol lowed by lassitude and weaUneis and that the told familiar results of stimula- tioa werjejeyerytviere manifest All of ' these symptom Jvvjere cjininou enougli, fur they! hall cliai4ct;riavj J evjry ad vance that the pjrqtetioaists had made toward a prohibitory tariff. If in some places the results 'ia the way of over- : production and prostration were more noticeable) than usual it was because the McKinley tar ill had outstripped all ; others in; itsuafairhass and its violence. i But, a j In, ore ' serious malady was in the blood, J Overproduction was local and sporadic, ad occasional manifesta tion o: anuhbealtiiy system. The dis ease that fastened itself upon Amer ican industry as soon as the McKinley legislation weni into effect was consti tutional. The commercial and business life of the nation had been poisoned at its source, and the taint had reached the minutest vein Hf the body. Protectionism had long corrupted the industry,' the politics and the commerce of the republic; But it had not until then vitiated its finances. It had de bauched the ballot box and degraded American labor;-, tit had demoralized production and debilitated the national character, .butf until the summer of 1S3 it had !notJ ventured to extend its immorality j to Hhe domain of the na tional creel i. ' itfhad looted the treasu ry iu tW interest 'of high taxes, but un til then it had not cast doubt upon the stability f e the "treasury. It had op pressed iihe nation, but until then it : hid spared the nation s honor. . In lt last grand orgie drunk with power, delirious over the prospect of immeasurable gains, it had made com mon cause .'witb the mine owners of the west! wiio;;bargained the votes of their representatives iu congress tori protectionism in return for protection- ! ism's iavor Ito Ithtem. The passage of the so-called Mierman silver law was proteetioism'sbijbe to the silver states, and was so undefstood on both sides, llindihg the gOvernmenv to buy forty- J 4ivo hundred ounces of silver bullion per ! month, which it Had ho use for, and to issue thereon paper certificates which r ere redeemable iu gold, protectionism fastened upon the treasury a task which it could not perform. It struck a blow At the nation's! honor .which did not escape the f notice of intelligent men here and' abroad. ' , . How long could the treasury pay gold for silver? V How long, with its revenues; reduced and its expenditures increased, could it pay at all? These were the questions, unanswered for a time, which; preceded and led up to the panic of lb93. They were asked in America ;aniil in Ejirope long before the democratic sncces of 189i They cir culated on fhe? breath of suspicipn in I every money center of the ': world, in every nook and -corner of the earth where capital existed and where in vestments were made. How long couUi the United State treasury; committed to the policy by protectionism's bargain with the mine owners, pay. gold' and receive silver? When it ceased to pay gold and came to the silver standard under which a coin worth sixty cents would pass for a dol- Children Cry for Pitcher's ! Castoria: j J ' r- . SALISBURY. N C.j THURSDAY KAY 24 1894. REMNANT. "Oa to Washington T Cliicaaro lleralcL lar, what about investments? ,The an swer that these questions were to re- i. . t .....! 1 1 r tcivn wa,- luresiiauu weu iuu oeiore President Harrison, v.-hostj?ued the Mc Kinley law and the Sherman law, left the white house. , Foreign investments in America were withdrawn. Ameri jun securities came home. Gold contracts became the rage. Promises to pay were more and more coupteu wiin me condition tnat, as gold had boon received, gold should be paid. Prudent men began to put their bouses in order, for all signs were por tentousof an approaching storm. Small investors and depositor took alarm. If it was gmxl for the rich TO an to hoard nis money it was rood for the poor man to do the same. Certain tricks practiced by SeeretaryJi'oster in ine uoouiceepins; oi tlie t.easury were not lost upon tlie people, JJy transfer ring this account or that, by postpon ing oce payment and another, national bankruptcy was averted -from day to day, but the silver purchases contin ued and the amount of papor and silver depending for redemption upon one hundred million dollars of gold be came so large that at leugth a panic seized upon the people. The banks were raided, as the treasury itsel might have been, and it was not until the Sherman silver purchase law, the McKinley law's twin measure, was re pealed that the alarm was stayed. The Sherman law bribery of the sil ver states, with the resulting panic and the protracted depression, was protectionism's crowning offense against the American people. It was protectionism's confession of ignorance on every question of finance and econ omy. It was protectionism's testimony to its own reekless indifference to the rights, the .welfare of others. It proved that to save itself or to promote its own interests protectionism wuuld stop at nothing financial panic, na tional bankruptcy, industrial lockouts, civil war. Is it not time to divorce the government of the United States from such a par' nc-" ""o Herald. PARAGrtr-...- HOINTERC The wrath of the McKinley brethren, over the latest edition of the tariif bill is fairly entitled to be con sidered a good recommendation for that measure. lioston Herald.' It was somewhat superfluous for the republican platform of iihode Island to class the punibment of McKaneism among the party triumphs, considering that the prosecution was instituted by democrats, conducted by "democrats and the offender sentenced by a demo cratic judge. Doston Herald. The call for a convention of the republican leagues has a familiar sound, especially in" the dogmatic declaration as to what "the people," have to do. I "The people" will be heard from in due ' time; and the" leagues will probably find that they know their own mind and business much better than the leagues do.-r-Dctroit Free Press. j The courage of Gov. McKinley is ; not quite up to the Coxey test. Wil- 1 liaci the Timorous is going to be away j from his post when the army of tatters starts on its bummer way. The gov ernor is' perfectly willing that respon sibility should devolve on the sheriff; and the sheriff w ill be perfectly will ing to hand it over to he local chiefs of police. Great and cowardly is the political demagogue. Caicagj Herald. explanation that the reduction was made on account of losses suffered through the business depression, clear, ly traceable, he declares, to the Mc Kinley bill. "The country could stand almost anything except a AicKinley bill," he adds. "Ever s.nce the bill was passed wages have decreased. " Louisville Courier-JournaL Reed's affectation of fear that tho passage of the Wiisoo bill will not put an end to uncertainty is indicative of a purpose to keep up the uncertainty. It is a republican threat to continue the tariff agitation for partisan purposes. It is not 'patriotic: but nobody expects patriotism from the ex-speaker. Ilia threat is an impotent oue, however The passage of the ilson bill will put i it out of the iower of Mr. Reed and las party to create uncertainty for a good A reduction of wages has just enod along the been made a the iron works of Cooper. n refue a Hewitt & Co at Trenton X. J. Mr. , . fche t few Hewitt, one of the proprietors, says in : i i JVoral nuiet con- THE WEEK IN CONGRESS Ha&d-Wdd Zdal aad Doubled Efforts la Pushing the Tariff Through. "THE ESD U SIGHT," SAYS OXE. tn the House General Leg-UUtloti Will Con sume the Week Busy Day: Ahead far Keprrscntlves In Both tba Branches of Congress. Washington, May -!L "The end is in sight," remarked Senator; Jones, of the finance committee, "and we expect to begin gathering taxes inder the Wilson bill on the tirst day of July, which begins the new ficjal year." This statement was indorsed by Mr. Harris. '1 he fact that Legxnninj today the senate meets at 10 o'clock, and the belief that the republicans Shave de- 1 cided. not to interpose unreasonable opposition or prolonged debate on the bill, lead the managers of the bill to take a cheerful view of the situation. Messrs. Harris. Voorhees and Jones, of Arkansas, assert that they have the 48 votes necessary to pass the bill. The republican leaders admit the impossf bility of consolidating their votes into a cohesive whole, subject to the call of the parliamentary managers. The metal schedule has now been reached aud but two more schedules remain to be acted upon before the sugar sched ule is called-up. Democrats assert that they will finish the metal and wood schedales this week, but republicans say the debate on iron ore; and the manufacturer of iron will be protected, and that the metal schedule cannot possibly be disposed of this week, leav ing the free lumber debate to follow a week later. Iso set speeches have been arranged on the tariff, but it is probable that Mr. Quay will come to the front again, as his state is especially interested in the metal schedule. , Mr. Quay's speech, so far as it has been delivered in in stallments April 14, 18 and 30 und May :-, 4 and 8 would make over ISO closely printed newspaper columns. With seven and a half hours a day for the consideration of the pending bill during the current week, it would seem that some headway ought to be made. Mr. Morgan is anxious to have the Chinese treaty disposed of, and it may happen that Mr; Harris will grant him an afternoon for this purpose. Tue Week in the House. Some general legislation is in sight in the house this week. The managers have come to the conclusion that it will be afe now to intermit for a brief period their efforts to send appropria tion bills to the senate inasmuch as that body is apparently comniitted to the tariff bill for a month or ; hiore. to the exclusion of all other j business. Two or three days will be required, it is believed for the consideration of the legislative, executive and judicial ap propriation bill, which will be taken up today under the five-minute rule. Although general debate on the meas ure has been exhausted, there are features which will be criticised quite extensively in short reports. Among these are the provisions of the bill in tended to reorganize the accounting brauch of the treasury department, abolishing the offices of second comp troller and deputy second controller, and reducing tne clerical force. With the final disposal of this meas ure, consideration of appropriation bills will be suspended for a time and other matters taken up. The first of these will be the Bra w ley bill to suspend the operation of the IU per cent, tax law on respect of the clearing house certifi cates and other substitutes for cur rency issued during the financial crisis of last year, reported from the;commit- tee on banking and enrrency. I he amendment to this offered by -Mr. Cox, Democrat of Tenness. e, providing for the repeal of the law outrigilt,' will be the principal feature of the discussion. The majority of the committee are com mitted against the unconditional repeal of the law. but it is understood that the great majority of Democrats, ail the Populists aud a few Republicans will vote, for the amendment rThese two measures are expected to occupy-all of the week. Should their discussion fall short of that period, the Hatch anti-cptionbill will be taken up. MURPHY WILL FOLLOW. Voir York's Senior bo mtor to Lcrve the Tarr in- Ship. Kbw York, May '2'. Senator Edward Mnrphy. Jr., will decline a re-election as chairman of the democratic state committee, and it is understood that Lieut.-Gov. Shcehan will retire from the executive committee. A prominent democratic politician said tlus ni5r.i- ing: Senator Muryhy has reached Mr, 1 Croker's conclusion that he Has nan all the politics one man needs in a life" time. He has reached tlie highest of fice to which he can aspire, is the P" sessor of abumiaut means, and us he is getting well on in years, fecis that it is tiui? for him to retire. He it wa who advised Mr. Croker to desert the Tammany ship, and now fereuces w.tk- a v. selecting his successor. The retirement of Murphy- may mean that C. R. Defreest will decline to serve any longer us secretary of the committee. His time is fully occupied with his duties as secretary of the board of railroad commissioners." The announcement creates a stir among the Tammany committeemen aud is now a political sensation in Xew York state. Barn and Mules Burned. IIkxiierkox. Ky- .V 21. Consider able damage was done to private prop erty by a storm near Sebree last Uighl A barn be Ion i-ing to John (so.ri.e wa .tTMwL- I iv l'nrhtnimf ami burned, wit i i eleven head of mules. a large crop Ol J . i - . .. i i of Highest of all irf Leavenin - Power. m ls ftB&QWfEEf PURE The London cabmen assert that 20Q owners have acceded te taeir demands. Kert Ueil. a well knownspeculator at iJelvidere, X. J., committed suicide Friday. ' The World snvs the New Y rk and Brooklyn ice companies have formed a gigantic trust Fraudulent Wells Fargo orders are reported at Middletown, Port Jervis and Goshen, X. Y. t A gang of juvenile thieves with rich booty has been unearthed in the Eighth ward of Bay City, Mich. King Gatcbell had a hand blown off while explaining how dynamite worked to a party at Sandusky. The Hendricks Brothers' Copper works, of Xewark, N. J., have resumed operations on half time. Fire was' discovered in the hold of the Edam at Rotterdam Wednesday morn ing, lt injured the cargo. The contest over the will of Elbridge Farmer, the Arlington, Mass., million-, aire, has been compromised. Gen. E. Burd Grubb has been made governor of the Society of Colonial Wars of the state New Jersey. Henry Scott, colored, was lynched Friday near Jefferson, Ark., for the murder of his stepdaughter. Emile Henry, the condemned anarch ist, is said to have tried to escape from prison by bribing the keepers. The American Ticket Brokers' asso ciation commenced its sixteenth annual session in Washington. Thursday. Kaiser Wilhelm's old generals, vet erans of '71, are resigning, and he ia putting in a lot of young ollieeis. j A procession of anarchists prtraded the streets of Roubaix, France, Thurs day.' Six ringleaders were arrested. Four smuggled Chinamen were ar rested on the southbound flyer at 1 l;tts burg, X. Y., Saturday night. It is calculated that a gan;r of swin dlers has defrauded Xo: t'n estern banks of 0.",0oodui--i:j-April by raicL.g drafts, -wtl United States government enj-ineers are inspecting the propowd sitv!: f r fortifying the Pacific cut at Port Townsend, Wu.-.h. A reward of $:$.o:io will be or-il for the caT-tti -e of the Tavlor 1 r-.ithers, dead or alive, by Lin.i and Sullivan counties, Jiissouri. The Christian Knd?avor Missionary League of the Reformed Church oi America has elected DeWilt ihisj, of New Yorh, as president. The Xoitheastesn Life Insurance company, capital 82?.000. of Manches ter. X. 11., has decided to wiui ui its business and to reinsure. Seven persons were instantly kill n in a collision on the Newport Xews &. Mii-sissippi Valhp railroad. twelve miles eust of 1 rir.ee ton, Ky., : aturday. The annual inspection of the Thir teenth Separate Co "f.any. of the Xa timmJ (liiJiid trill Tti li.!il 1 Uv Jnsnector- General McGraitj ut Ji.iacstova Wednesday nijht. The .program committer of the Xa- tional Kiajtorial "Association has cftii pleted arr;:nTMTi nts for the tenth an nual coave.itioti at -VsLltj' Purk, X. J.. in July. Trarcy'- yd'ed a ton o fiNh-nlates on the Boston it .Albany track to wreck the Ada ns express t aih at Woreest.-r. Mass., hut the tra.n $owed through uninjured. Ten lad connected with promin:nt temperance families at WesthV'd. X. J.. were arrested for breaking into an applejac'.c distillery Saturday -nU-ht The 1 Melitv and Casualty Company of Yew York has tiled a bill to enjoii the bondholders of ex-Treasurer M, J. O'Brien, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, from selling his pivporty to have a re ceiver appointed. The Ya'e corporation elected Uoratit W. Parker, professor of tuu-ic: Goor?v M. Du'jcun. p ofessor of philosophy: F. K. Sanders. Wooisey professor of Rihli cal literature, and .v amucl U. Saulord professor of piauo p.ayin . The general council of ChrMiar. Unions of the the United States assem bled yesterday in quadrennial conven tion ut Holt, Mas.i. ; The Butler Hard Rubber Company has been awarded damages aaintl Xewatk and the Hast Jersey Watei Company of STJ.tJJ. 1,:. It is reported that the issue of St.'O. C0; public iraprovemint Ixinds by Iron woot!, Mich., w inch were ta.cu Dy b Xew Y ork firm, is illegal. Tho supreme cmrt and wurt of oyci and terminer, with grand jury, v. ill further investigate thv. Cor.icli C'i;o; iiu c;.s at Ith::ca. N, Y. It isa'd that in the distribution : queen's L'iriiiday honors i.'. achcn:;u ltoweil and Frank Mnith. ra-ubers o! the Dominion tu-Jiiiet. will U kn.ightcd. .... ... The Wisconsin Central yester ay sold to J. J. Kennedy and Fayette Shaw. o. Medfoi d. Wis.. .Mi.uy ' acres of hcui'.ojK lands in Taylor aud Rice countle-i. Slight shocks of eartlnjuake wert experienced in the Annandale and F.s',.. dale Hills, near Durufrius. Scotland Fridav. '1 he vibrations traveled uo.-tli waid. There is talk of the Dominion gov ernments imposing an ex o.tdutyon anadiau nickel, of which large quan tities will be required by tlie LuiU;u b talcs govej umeut. vS'idici. C. fr Pitcher's CistorU kas double the- i.v, culuticin otj ary other ieck!i uU litihtd hi ijtiti oityv Latest U. S. Gov't Report. TO REFORM THE TARIFF. ill-Advised Methods for Securing Desired Legislation. ' Because the democracy, undertaldng :be work of tariff reform, has no, acted is quickly or done all that was ex pected of it, it would be footish in the extreme for those who voted for its candidates to-go over to the party that is absolutely opposed to tariff reform. When, thirty-three years a pro, the re publican party gained control of the national government, it went into of fice pledged to the enforcement of the! principles promulgated in the declara tion of independence and embodied iu tho federal constitution, that "all raeu are created equal and are endowed-by their Creator with certain inalienable Tights, among which "are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Tnis and other pledges made of the party an anti-slavery organization, and yet it will be remembered that, iu spite qf the war which the slava-owuers waged against the government, there wero not a few anti-slavery men iu our north ern states, and particularly in Xew England, who believed that tho republican party was not fulfilling its pledges, and who did not hesitate to de nounce what they termed its weal: subserviency to the slave power. Iu fact, there were in the . early days of the war lenders in the party who were held up to condemnation, iu the same way that Hill, Gorman and others are held up to-day,as traitors to the party's cause. But if, to rebuke this delay in the accomplishment of a great reform, these anti-slavery men had enlisted in the con'ederate armv or had by aid and advice, done what tsiey could to securo the maintenance of the great crime of negro slavery, they would have been acting in no way different from those who would reform the tariff, but who, because this reform .has been delayed, feel justified ia voting for the support ers of McKinlcyism. The true way is rather to defeat those in the democratic party who havj proved recreant to their tru.t, than de leat the principle which the democratic party has pledged itseif t j embody iu our laws. Undoubtedly the action of tlie Minnesota democrats, the Iroquois club of Chicago and Other like organi zations has been of value iq making it. apparent at Washington that betrayals of trust in this matter cannot be cov ered by fulsome professions of general political allegiance, and, uo doabt, if tlie state committees aud democratic clubs generally were to adopt a similar course the result would be auvtnta geous. Boston Herald (lad.). ' NAPOLEON M'KINLEY. Indications That the Tinsel Kuiperor! Waterloo 1 at iluiid. Itrhas become fashionable in politics, finance and trade to hail any man who is phenomenally successful as a Xap leon. The man who accepts the title should not lorgjt that the history of Xapoleon whicii does not include Wa- tcrioo is not complete. It looks now as if the young Xapo leon McKinley might reach his Water loo sooner than even hi opiJoiie;its pre dieted. Ills adtnini.stratiou of affairs in Ohio is overcast lie -has failed tj meet the expectation of his triend. Tnerc are ugly rumors, and wnat ru ccntly were surmisei only have now bc.r conje facts. There are irregularities and' b'aortages and scandals i:i his ad:niui.i tration, scarce threo year tld Tiiero are accusations and crimination and re crimination. There are attempted ex planations which only confound. And in the midst of the confusion Gov. McKinley seeks to divert-attention by going hither and yon, inountc I in Lis old armor, and rallying wherev.-s he can his party followers to follow hi plume, and his eyci turn to the whit house. Meanwhile ho leaves his ow i capital behind, about which there is a uglier growth, and around which tlier j are more scandals than were ever be fore known in the history of Ohio. If some of those who are fond of calling the governor a Xapoleon would' read the history of the Corsician em peror, they might find some similarity between sections of the latler's history and the povernor of Ohio as he appears to-day When Xapoleon realized tho Unrest of his own capital he sought t divert it by invading another.' Gov. McKinley knows what he. haa brought upon Ohio, and he turns toward the administration at Washington, and rails at It and tells the people what would bo the difference if he were pre idenL Chicago Herald. POINIONS AND POINTCHS. How is this? Some weeks ago Mr. Harrison was telling the young .nen of California not to seek ofiice, bufj to let the ofiice seek them. Perhaps different conditions prevail in Indiana. Kansas City Star. The protected sheep of Wyoming are now sheared Ly steam. .The hu man sheep who were promis! tho sam'.' protection, and given it about a? effectively, are still sheared by the old, smarting, extortionate method of heavy. haadod woaopoiy. . ii.-u pit Times. There is a republican choras o tiie lU'eot that as congress is sure ty pas a tariff bill of somosort, tho sooner it is done the bctt.r. As an ad mt slon that the sooner the McKinley lw is m-takd the belter lor Vue coun try, it Lrinf5 tao rcijaoiicaa.-, up W w.iere the ueimcri:ts ii.-.Vv; be.Q" fos o.-- .. it.. , JSC). 15 1 1 . , t " ',1