V 1 P i 1 - 1 ?i , y, ' v . r , i ' - , o -. " Carolina - -7 - " 1 The grat nrid righteous u"tnmi orim iiilt-mainiining th right of fre- speech nd an unlnimnieM PrtW" E i- M . . has. it appear, W1 awur of by many: who, in tWrowii wie c..umt, hare proved a) hjuraTicti the party'. fulfilling! inutoj of its most ben.ficial desires; and, itttl ,ime of its assumed represetitatN luders In come wise enough to mkf concessions and submissions to the fiw nnd opin ions of the mjority of their fellow partisans, the partjf mWt forever nujrirlrtH haiidicfplMj This is an unfortunate Condition J nd men f ordinary intelligence' must ee that the good the party has declared its purpose to accoiopiwu ror ijie vu""v now that it hw th4 joppdrtuity, cn nerer be done until all in authority unite in mutual efEorU iA to the unity of the party, here we have, from Sit- urday Uharlotte upserjrer, u numiiia- tijig proof of political folly -The platform adopted Jjy, the Mis souri State Democratic ionyention w regarded rebuked to thejadministratiou in that it was thanked for nothing ex cept for its position H ne repeal of the Federal elections jafi Ou the other hand, I he triumph of j Mr. 0 tes in Alabama and the re-nomination of Congressman Snodgrass, bf JTennsee. both in the face of tremendoiw oppo sition, are market! down as adutiuisini- tion victories. Bnl what shall we say f the stateof the Juirty j when it hs come to this that the result of every convention is to be classified a an ad ministration or anlanti-ad ministration victory ?" , h"fi 1" J, W. McKENZlE, Ed r and.FroDr' suiwritirrioai uateb. Oae v:ir in uK'anu'e.. .......... 1 00 Fix months. - . . . - - Thre month 25 KitWl extmUil. iaiM at SaJIsbury, N. C. Jor Sound Money. M u liofielhat tlie following qo eJ from tlie Atlanta Jourual of t lie yi ii infant, true, and that the Dem-ocr;M-y of the South is not Windly mis led by certain ranting crack and dem- 'Tlie''Jral eiria ronotie whuli i-Hiv recently 'indort'l Preilent Cleve iaudV inteni4atuMi of the C.iicago platform have by thvir :uition .if)ened tiie eyes of iWe ho believe that im linaiK-ial here"u of a few sorehead fipapers and politicians represent the Naiiiet of: the jjeoplu of thi Hiittf. The jeople of Georgia lire ihiu fWrw&C hy luiiiow1e.' ThejT ux. iiitellieiit' ad onserrH're in thir vy ou jr t public qnfiuiii. The free iver cranka aonmg u i(eak oulv frliuselves, not. for tlw iuMli leoce if G-rgia. We observe 'that, rattle-brain l-;Klers f this dfm ire W iiig.rHpudiiled in otlr Koutheru JUt ms .well a in Georgia, -The &-ehm Xew a.v tbal tbere has a "resit din f erein ing ami tbuuderiug vH.iferation lu?re nail tlvere m live iuth for the silver phaiitaMns of the 1 lands, the lie iguns, Mir Morgans, tlu Pughs and tle Till mans," but. ii vaJU atteotiini to the fuel -. that eale mad!yiMtoKicatd witli an idea or a stimulant cau always umke ten t'tues mure nise than- eople who jtre didy wdr," but the Utter jure for tunately ii; the ntijority. . VTlie Florida Citizen protests that the silver detnagogoes Jo not represent the people of that Stale, aud tiie Mem? lhis AppeuUAvaLaiu)ie ;ives assurance that the Tefltiesstie Denweraey i for Koimd xuouey ty an overwhelming m:i jority, ami that ltd e not. toitsi.ler that nch miiey uh the (ilanil-Ueagan stripe of politictauti propose would be '. jsound. The Jaekson, Wi XewssayfcwsKind moiwey would winH in that tate aud tiiat the people of Mississippi-are stand ing by the only Demeratic adminis tration we have had in thirty years. : '1 he people are wit li Cleveland, and at the proper time will prove it very joii eliivelj," " 'Hie iNeivtoH CiMinty Progrefss, a prominent Mississippi weekly, says; "The people want a sound ad in in is-j tra' ioir aid nouud money. Som of tm represents tives seem t- want the eouu trv flixnled with unsoand nionev and unsound talk.' 'lu Ahibama tiie Montgomery Ad veni.r, t he Mobile b'egister and otlier leading iiewpaeri are inakiug a tell ing fijtfat Mgaiiinl the financial heresies of soae Icmo-ratii- politicians in that state, Ctlonel )ate84 in his campaign for governor, has talked honest xrtidr on the sulj ct aij-i has received decided expressions of jMpufar apprvaL" The Galveston News jirotest that th?. people of the south are not crazy n'Muit tree ilver and makes thu'goflkl Hiiit ; . '" "The trouble is that Ihe so'er ma jority have not been sufficient ly explicit ami decided in pronouncing against the follies of the intoiicated minority and in rebuking tlte poliiifuus who sought to profit by humoring and coiitriluting io the intoxication. For this reason we have so often haid in politic and more or ) bs in legislation a riotous regiment of lunatics and speculating demagogues, to the grief-and humilia tion ot a too silent and too patient iiiajority. People vith riglit views are beginn ing io realize the necessity of speaking out on the hnaucial ipiestion. They ,are coinbatiiig false and dangerous theories wherever tbeyj are proclaimed, and we hare uu iloubi that the truth will jtfevail. ! It w estimated that iiie Seate Amendments will reduce tajprtion fer cent. The reduction should have been not less than 50 percent.; but 23 Zj. 3 .1 l ii .. t uca. ii. is more than any litpublican Congress could ever be expected to give tlu people, and when they eofljeinto ossession of the 25 per cenL reduction t hey will jike it and uak for nure. The lpublicaiia. know this, which acawjiits for Hijeir ejEErts to keep thew .out f it, Tne iVilson bill is hut ihe beginning of tiirifl reform a starter4 -Laa it is adUi,b Vhen the people get thw QHtcli they r-m be de pended upon to get the rest, WASHINGTON LETTER. From our iUUr Corrsondeot. ! Tin public received it? first kuowl- etlge this week that in addition to nth? er" more or less disreputable niethoiUof defeat ing tarifl legislation attempt- hikl lieen made to bril Seiiatins to vote against the tar:2 bill, but the demo cratic managers of the tariff bill have known for sometime that an attempt uoi. moaesi oj: nim lo write in. this war or to say What is" o follow' but betU-r immodesty than a liability that silence be misunderstood. Mr. Cald well diegii't want to lie guiity of the; absurdity bf running away fibm an honor which will never be tendered him, but under the present circuntauces it is due him self that fee saj 'tjia he wants' no office whatever 'nd -never. expectsVto want one. and moreover that he n mindful of the words of 1 nV Master, how that He Wiid'Be not'called rabbi 0h1- holding presents ha sort of attract i ns to him; journalisft has for him all tlj attractions in the world. He. wouh not exchange it for any other occupa tion for he woVihHijid rioppiriesaf'ii any others -i.If kdican have the on deface Or hisifelkiWieitteeiis, the ui-pro batioii of 'His owTj"oiiscience'and the regard ' of his newspper brethren he asks no more. He wpuld rather con tinne to work wth these latter than to; move jn any. other sphere. This may sound stntng but his iuti nates, know it is trueJ A Life of Vance. , It will doubtless:; la? gratifying to the people of North Carolina to know that Mrs. Vance proposes to publish a his tory of the life of jjher lamented hus haml Iii'msiking this jannoncement tiie Raleigh News land Observer appro priately says: I ; ! i ' We have had other great and noble men' in North Carolina, but we do not recall any other whose;life was so full of interesting incidents as that of Sen ator Vance, nor one whose career was so interwoven with the itofy of our people in historic times. U In these respects he stands' by long; odds the most iutesting and historic figure a mong Carolinians. And in addition, the purity of his ljfe, his Sptless career, his unswerving integrity and devotion to principle mukejhim an exemplar for our youths to follow, and it! would be of inestimehle value for the people ,of the State to hav the story of his life perpetuated. We are therefore great Iv pleased to announce that Mn. Vance has determined to prepare such a volume, sparing neither labor nor ex pense to make it worthy! oft the great Subject. ' j - Ij : ; .. Thomas YiuVs New Enterprise The following is a .. communication from Thomasville to the'ltaleigh News and Olwerver: j HI 0ur quiet town is on at boom at last, aud we hope a new future h;s dawn upon us. j James A. Leadr & Co., have completed their cigarette factory aud commenced the manufacture of cigarettes, the brand being called the The Three Graces," aiui are turcin out 7i ,0011 per day. On the biick of each package of; cigarettes4 are three lonely female -faces, which are of course most attractive, iwhi'e within the btx is coutaihed as fine a cigarette as Dukes, Geuters, oriny Other brand that is made. On the box will also lie found a splendid likeness of Hon. dast A, Leach, ivhich; will at once be recog mzed by hw friends i throughout the State. Such enterprise bn the nart of these gentlemen should at once merit the most abundant success, and w wish them God speed iii their new, aud we trust, most profitable business." GenersA ews. "Joe", U a Good One tui. Dwarves ' Sunday V Charlotte .Cftjyer; iliya': HThrf editiif of this paper profoMli sensible of the 4rtifUrty of thevmnSi of h brethren who hare been pntpol- ing his name in coun-ction with a high place and saying handsome things j of him. ' He thanks thein with all hi. h?arf, and wmild rather deserve Vthe had been made by a lobbyist named Hf hm than bi have Buttz, once a cir.el-bag. repuUican ,uc la ine.nauop. it i tnemlier of the Home from Sout h Cani- lina, to brilie Senators Huuton, (. Vir- Ulllia, and Kyle, ,f South Dakota, to vote tigtiust the bill. HuttZrl dnnd to reorient a wealthy svnd:caie which - i ; was prepared to spend $l,000,tXK) to de feat the tariff bill. He went to the house of Senator Hunton and told a son of that gentleman vtkat his father could have OOtf'if tie would agree to vote against the bill. Mr. Buttz bad the audacity to broach the sul.jeet to Mr. Kylein jwon. That gentleman referred htm io his private secretary, after instructing that func tionary to have a withes toiheir coii versatioii, and in tiie presence rf a w itneasButtz offered iif i Ve 1 r. K vie 814.000 to vote airaiusVr tfcbill. Mrl Kyle at once placed ifiese fabts in the hands of the deracTaticihtors and expressed his desire tlrtA-be be given justice. It has not yet b -en decided what, if any, action will betaken ir the Setiate, but there is little Aloubt that these -attenHtj will hasten the passage of ihe tiriff bill. Secretary Hoke Smith has mlded to his popularity viith Georgians by the help he has given the delegation from Atlanta, here this week to work up Congressional interest in the Interna tional Exposition to Ih held at Atlanta in the fall of 1895. They do not want government appropriation for the exposition, but only ask that Congress recognize it to the extent of authoriz ing a government exhibit in a building to be erected by the government. This recognition is necessary if foreign governments are to be represented at the exhibition. Speaker Crisp and the entire Georgia delegation in Congress are working like beavers to secure what is wanted, and the Speaker, before go ing Home to attend his mother-in-law's funeral, placed his room at the Capitol at the disposal of the visitors and it is being used as their headquarter. It is now easy to understand why this government took such strong grounds in favor of the government of Brazil and gaiut the insurgents, al though it was only this week that it became so. Prom information th t has leaked out through gossfp iu diplomatic circles there is little doubt that the stand taken and maintained by. Presi dent Cleveland during the Brazilian contest was the only thing that pre vented the carrying out of the plot in stigated and backed by the government of Great Britian, for the overthrow of the Braziliau republic and he setting up of a monarchy that would have been dominated by Great Britain. President Cleveland and Secretary G res hi' in were conversant with the plot from its lie ginning and were determined to thwart it. The failure of that plot is believed to have been at the bottom of the di latorines of the British government iu making arrangements to carry out the Bering Sea arbitration. The Britishers were mad at Uncle Sam for spoiling their little grab game. Representative Hatch, of Missouri, is uo longer a young man, h iving pass ed his sixtieth milestone last September but his courage is just as youiig as. it ever whs, and when accused by.Iteprer sentativw Hopkins, of Illinois, of trying iT Wi is Essential Btoddsa; 11 yoa an wmww mu-t BOILS 1 ULCERS PIMPLES, 50RE5 Miff Maa la hut. A tmm rWtlxl UB.S. S. Wll JpvttteaadbaildTmap Ailmannwrcl Wcmn CLEARED AWAY I wr fU m. It U tb best blood remedy , 1 1 I - U A A . A ' wuqus woo nil uca n say . . . 11 btood wubll noiiwitrl laat rcr. wMck f mj whole Tfot at Uf JwcmciIiwiihiiihiiimi WmffenwM appetite. Miaymea oW. Jw tMtles, fnuy vavin. ttevtom. OMo reatise oa blood and skin diseases mailed Iff) SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., AUaaia.ua. SSSSSSSS& ' News-Observer-Chronicle The at tempt to bribe Senator Mutton and at leasl one oerlSen'iitr tcTyote against th tariff bill only snows how strong is t jus-: purpose among-the protected in terests to prevent any change in the McKinley bill. . Cotton Seed Meal and: Bulls! 0- ! IT IS THK CHEAPEST. AND BEST FEED KjsOWx CATl'LE AXD SHEEP. - . ' Cotton Seed Meal is, a highly concentrated feol, ono fvouj ivhich hasiiore.feSjin?: value tlmnhra? pounds of .nTl, " and it will bo foaud inoro ecouoiuical:.to,use than. any tf 1 riousgralh feed ; COQNBEpD HULLS take therplaoe of hay b anv ; L'inri nf In lYcv nr rnnirli ftd.uinil 1ms: lwnn nnn-on l-1oi .i (pound for pound) as ally of the forage; feeds in. geiieral Coxpy's npporters in Ohio wear a ribbon bearing the legend kkeepoffthe grass." v The North Carolina Lutheran Synod will meet at Bariiim Springs Iredell county next session. W.J. Perry,of Fbrestville, Wake county 4 was billed by the train at Wake Forest rfaturdry. i i , . E. J. Fuller, convicted at Fayette- villeof the murder of Parker, han been granted a new trial by the Supreme Court. v., Coney Island is to be reformed and made a quietjind sober Sund iy rsort ; but the reformers.. have a tough job ou hand. 1 The man who makes much money is this country for the "purpose of spending it all for himself may lie good citr73en, if his alloweJ to tell it. Tuesday afternoon :Iiawson. Hip yeajr otd Hon or" ft r, Thomas Craig, near Bemia xyHs kicke, 6a tiie ue k by a mule and ly.Ued almost intautly. GastouiaGazfette. NeW8-0bser,ver:, ft has Iteen decid ed by (joy. Carr that the enca.npinent.s of the Third and Fourth Regiments of the Stale Guard ije'. held ttui year at Mofehead .Citjf. aV tjjeji.inie site as last year. Ephraim Conilius is, !n pid darkey living iu.EahVhl. - Heouts many farmers io this section to blush. Fri day he brought 10 bales of cotton in of his own raising, and received for same from the Merchants' and Farmers Bank a checc for 328. Tliis he had clear after all expenses were paid. He has.stilj some cotton to sell. Meck lenburg TiajeSi'' ' ' a 8 JTfce. Supeporit ,:Jt ,.. . 6? Elooi's Saraipurilla isjalne to th tfejtiebdoMs amotnVt'of "b'rairi' work and cbVistaat Care used in its pretKiTHt ion. fry one bottle andj you will Iw cunviu- ced of U superiority. It purihes the blood which, the source, of health, cur es dyspepsia, overcomes sick head aches and biliousness. - Hijod's Pills are purely vegetable, carefully prepared front the best ingre dhnta ' 1 : -1 us iuc uvjbl ui ou iaijkj io juasvuaii uc. unu vjuij VL' TfH ,.:.i and feed in connection with Cotton Seed' Meal lthib bed e M - Write for prices and other information tlcsircd. ,j Crrespbiidchce' solicited iy f ' - SW 1 '1 North Oaolina Qottoii Oil OoiiipiW t. j Davis, uwagQ ; ; -. ' sAmx VITAL TO nAIIHOOD. rv.nlL .! .. il- ...j'..F... i A Good Liver Keep your liver active and you'll hot suffer with biliousness there's thee cret. When bilious try a 25-cent pack age of Simmons LiverReulator . pow der. Take it on the tongue or make a tea. ', You'll take no pills. , - s , , y - Peter Henry, colored,' was killeed while coupling cars at Whiteville, Columbus county, last Saturday morniug. President ClereLand' Cancer. It has leen rumored that he has it. If he would take a course of Botanic Blood Balm, the best blood purifier and building-up remedy iu the wprld, he would soon be well. It will not dis appoint. Price 1.00 per large bttle. For sale by di ugist-. Us it, for all blood and skin diseases, rheumatism, catarrh, etc. At the town election at Hickory in winch bar room-or n bar rooms w;is the question, a dry board of commis sioners weri electee! with u wet-niavbr. Uoi. iYiMioti: liallylMirton tells tne iULorgauiJOJ Herjild that Jiianey will uet the JEifpubliciiii. iiom- iaation foj&tujjress jn that ditrict, The recent victory jp the third Ohio district was won; square) y on Demo cratic principles; If tbjre. had been any dodxing dr 'trimming;, the result would probably have len Democra tic defeat instead o a clecijed victory, tiie effect of which 1ha been felt throughout the jcountyf fhe honest Democrats who achieved iis victory have appealed td the Democrat in the Senate to stand steadfast fdr the orin- dples of the party. The S Democracy can TOfun power anu the 4pntidence of the country only by;pnwdng that it represents its professions, that it iua principles, that it means what it says in us piattQrm'aud that it elects men Io office who will redeem !u pledges. i nere are a lew; social led Ueroocrats in the Senate whoj are a hiiKjeraiice and' reproach to the party, but'we hope to siwn see true Democrats jut in their places, j ' i i The Aehoro Courier nominate Solicitor lien Long for? judge of the eighth district and the High Point En, terpnse adds; jJhere U ot' an abler man iu that district, i He hiakes a good officer wberereryatt put finnu" And the WatchmIlk alds that he is capable ai.d wrjrthv to fill uu) pffice uis win give nun to juggle an increase of salary fof a friend into the Agricultural appropria tion bill, which is in lViis charge, he said, shaking his fist significantly at Hopkins: "If the gentleman - from Illinois means that word in its ordi nary English significaiiie-rf; aiifc to tell him that if he should ;uSe it to tne outside of this chamber, I would ram it down his th roat." ' T Ketrenchment in government expen ditures has been the watchword of the democrats who have made the regular appropriation bills for this Congress, and the Legislative, Executive and Ju dicial appropriation bill, completed by the House committee on appropriations this week, shows how well they have tin (Km 1 - n. n" up w lire Ttiuwora. rnis is the bill that carries salaries of all offi cials, and 558 fewer of them are pro vided for than were in the bill for the current fiscal year. It also carries $766,199 less than this year's appro priation, a very substantial reduction when everything is taken into co'usid eration. Distance lends enchantment to the view." Since Coxey moved bis tramps wit to Bladensburg, Md., Washington has lost all interests in them, but a car iWl of flour and some cash has this week some to them from Missouri and Colinrado, allowing that there are peo ple wlw hare Dot yet seeja them as they . The murderer, ,0 range Ptge, an I nine other negro prisoners broke out. of Wukscdunty jail Wednesday morn i m Ijetween the iinrs of " $ and 4 o'clock and made good, ibeir escape. It was a remarkable thing to accomplish in one iriewi'of tlid caser as it aji gen erally Corisidej-eiihnt'tlr Wake cou u ty j iil was oneof tn strongest and mot . ii.: -l' 51 '-'4 t'-'W i:- -W ' careiuuy guiimeu j.its in ine a late. The VVasliiugW Post says the only way the Republicans can defeat the tar iff bill is to ;ist their own strength 38 votes and oo ii re t life .aid of the; Ihree Populists; PejeUgn and Kylend two Democrats; HllL a iid Irby being the two,peiji(raJthBy might hope to aid them. But Irby, is not bro- uounced against the .pilj. while Kyle is counted among, its Kiipporters. The Post concludes that the nunietiical strenght is with the. Democrats, al though the margin is very slight. Btatesville' Lindmark: " They are passing very rapdry from one thing to another in South Carolina :: these' days. First the dispensary law and t'heti the bloodshed precipiiated by -its ehforce ment; then a Supreme Court decision declaring it un constitutional; then a period of free whiskty and uncerlainity as to wheth er the State was under absolute' pro hibition or whether there were ao j re strictions at all regarding the salej of liquor. The Supreme Court Tuesday passed upon this last question and! de cided that the State is under absolute prohibitory laws and that license can not be granted.. And now the country awaits the next move. There is no foretelling baa day inny bring frrth. The Old Friend And the Lest friend, that never fails von, is Simmons Liver Regu lator, (the Red Z) that's what you hear at the mention of this excel. at Liver mediciiie, and people should not' be persuaded that anything else will tlo. It is the King of Liver Medi ies ; is better than ' pills, and ces the place of Quinine and Ijulomel.. It acts directlyxih the Liver, Kidneys, &n Bw'ls aiid -:- e? n'W life to thi hole sys ... This is Jtl.o medicine )"U want. Sol-1 by all I)rilgi;r.ts in Liquid, or in I'owder to be taken ' dry orMnfuhj; into a-teaj:Xv " , -f.v nn-y pack ao E-ri . H a tm Z Ktaiun In red on wianpcr, -y- .1. i. & CO., lliiUJeli.ia, f. Ortmann Pavs THK EXPRESS. SEND FUR OtJR SPRIXG PRICE List and Circular and you will find it to your advantage to liave yovr soiled: clothes ..dyed or cleaned ly us. All work guar anteed or no charge. COLUMBIA STEAM DYE WORKS, 173 Main St., Columbia, S. C. J. E. RAMSAY, Agent. SALISBURY, N.C. Dm. E. C WE8TH XF.HYE iva rriiv trfat. - MENT, ptwdfie for Hjrsterta, Dlzrii . FlU, Ktu nOgla, HMdftcha, Kervoui Prostndipn caMd by 'Jeofcol or tiibnoon, Wakef oltxmi. Mental Deprwtioa, jiof tenlinr of Brain, vine iu-wuit j, misery, decay, dMth, frtmatvn Old Ao, Bnmmwn, Lom Power in tltar w, Im potency, Leuourrbcra and mi Femol Weknesiie, hiTdtmtanr loeoea, Mprm- , torrboe tu4 by orr-exrUon of brain, BW. btue, OTer-lBdolcnc. iooiith treaUueot, ft 6 forfS, by taalU With each ordr for 6 bvixe, with 5 wlU aead vritten iruanuit to refund If not irurU. Onaranfeeaifwaed by ajrent. WST8 UVEB PILL8' eurea Sick Headache, BUioomexa, Urer Complaint, 3oar Stomach, Dyayepaia and Ooostipatloa. . OUABANTS iaauad oLIy by EdwinOnf 1 Ml) K.luii-iV. K.C L A D W, S PO YOU-JCSOW r" DR. FCUX IX PRtlN'S . STEEL BHD PEHBYROYHL FILLS r the originnl and only FUT.XCH, ecfe and ra. Vnblo cora on the mat kat. t'ricc Jl.UU; sent by boil. GeaoioeaoM on'rby " Elwiir Cuthrell Salisbnrv, N. C. s,,l,trt;Cler Tlke nlv HoikIs. .- j t . '-1. - -h r f n youn , YuU CAN MAKI-; Jiopi . BY OBTAINING i:iJK-RIB6M: :;, The. Southern States" lia a beuuliftitly illiiliril"-niHh iagazme dxuted to -the Kwb. h J IIAVIKG 1 RECENTLY MOVED E STOCK of GOODS Il is a inaxazi full Solitti and i)ii'lii in I i. k.Jij r. ":5J itr UVUSCIIUIIIi j -Everybody Caa Afcrdit a 4t COSU only $1 .50 per j ear wih wu We Want hd A-erit in Every Sowbg C3l and Town. Write for um.lh ieund particulars lo U 7' - . i i' M A XUFACaUKF.K8 iiauimord. M1 J TO THE COltNER Formerly OccujicJ J. B. SHEET J l ! I am better iiren:ired to sell vniGro- eeri'S cheaper than evr. I reVriVW feui litnod tlaily and iuy nM kind f fiitr. produce; also njjenl far, tlis( cellfaflLMl irvanizel l:ielik-lm1 Iwik,;. Will Mot ... J . L' i .'k-x-'V.j ia. 1 I mill U r.MHlMIIT i w mi HIT JSPECIA! I have 200 pair -of. tahVie- i mid Home litoies ureM uomH on niliul and will sell a-t und..behw ctml. . AI.Hii1 all persons indepted to me by aocuii. no!e or in)rtptu;e lor hut year Will call and settle and iave cost. - ; N Yours reectfuHyji. JULIUS EARNHABDT. " MILLSTO ES. i lirt ln? bought th K jr. pj.h in, MUinew 0iiiiiri-s. i Mm on l ue; i iuir iiihwi kuo gin, ior coin am win. vidit 1 ir--' FOOTWEAR j Ljf I WELL MADE j When liaby was Flcfc, wt tpivr h.-r OaMors. . Whoa b'.ib jraa a Chil.l, Baa .-ril fur CKw , 1 r . ' . m m - V.'ben the had ChCUrca, kae'gvu Vm-a Cjtiicik i . For 30 Daijs or till the line of bankrupt and 'Sample Shoe just received by us, is cloed ouKj We willl give yon1 K"1-Shoes at prices never, before .heard, of in Salisbury. 'Very Truly, ' : : s 33, LE DRUM'S Tr aaa ajam aaak roa xmn in. xv wm Mat injwtM dirwtlr H taa mm Jt tkott aiiiwH af taaCmito Criaary . WMlita Ukaa iaraxaaily. aa U I by titbwiHhfaapinihlitaawaw Wl aaj BrwldiMM: kaila Ummm -jlbwaaliaaay Vmmm iaiav? Amur Uk fingi Mill ! mmA A1m m - Ma aura, rneaby mad. rrril llawbas.raaaasfar. Edarin.ttUtbrell Salisbury, N. C. Subflcje -the VV'atchman now, Only 9JAIOiir. " . ll H rin.. tm nrt p.ifc ik Miua..k. uttfa iksr-m. ao.t. fil at. 4 ch. ttl -mi., v5. n I Uft r.art4iMkak4MffhM 4armkl..niYkBUl. imkM if. P. BAaUUMX A CK. tlrA - I. laaiaa : U. : L. Spsnc T ATTOUXHY-AT-1...W. ; TKOY, - "NC Offers hifi profftMonal uerii! "J the Mottle of Ainniofiicry mo iom . . . a . 1 jqijunp counties. Aadtrs ,. njf Troy, si . V. DE, E0BT. I, KAISA? SATisiufin Xa G , p"Uflice hour y,a. ia. tt ' j'-J - INSUKAXCIu -o- SOUND, STRONG':! REU.W. COMPASS fire, Rents life ami Losses Fromptly Alp i -. i Rates Reasonable.. . . - J. M. PATTON glue'rt Fret E. W. ttanltk. Pria. Commercial Collnre ot Ky. UBlyraUyr Ivrxiiiftoa. Ky.. waa award ad r.lEDAL AND DIPLOMA IT TKI VSttirS COtUKSIU EIPOSITIOM. laaa fMmrwttitm. rirCon to complef t net the lieW8. BD8ineMOo(iraatatuOIlnclTidln(ta1tlftn.bo(k and beard. Pbonorraphy, Tya Wrltlnj anu udvnrir Tlatrraphr tanabt. For rirf ttlara. aiMrmui. UT.iln-c. OT. . HITBi Office at C. M. & H. M. Brown's ! DR. W. W. Mr.ENZlE ! Offers bis professional st- view citizens of Salisbury and M.. k, . S.'- I . t. til II tl . ruuiiuunii y. i lie uhii j race up siairs over me jo Klultz'd drug store, Subscribe to the Watc Onlv l.lHJC.JfBr 4. Aa B. C.Webb. W L. Nitholsoxi. RABt WEBB.NICH OLSO N & - .. PKOl'RIETORS Salisbury Marble Works. , LARGE VARIETY OF MARPLE ON HAND TO FELf.CT i r SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ; v

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