f 7 J.- - ' 'f''-Hj, r, , ' . " ' ' ' .'(....' Jr.... .f . . ... ir ." . -- - - j i - " . J - - j . -? i- t III I Hi IHIIUPIW II 'IIP Ml nil iilMMnn i ' K SB f 1 i f- . . : ( ' I - y it i ! y - . --.-rr t a " tt a TPTTT-T A TI .THE OABOHNATGHMAg, s yul7MSlIED-EVKRVnn7ruSpAY. ..r. ftUKSCKH'TION $1.00 PEK YEAR. V O. E. CRO WfcQI. Manager. THURSDAY JULY 5, ?S94. "WaaliintoB Letter. Corrrspoiirtence of Watchman. ,' ' A' join resolution of both House of Congress providing for .the neces sary . expend djnresr of the Govern ment has bocii Hned by the Presi dent. Tli w was re nit red necessary because of the Vanning of the .ii caUvar, July 1-t and the fact that nn nt.nronrirttion bill has yet p.LSSed i the Senate. The triWMy P"blic receptions ; at the White House have been (its continued. The rWm of tin i- that (here are very few strangers in the city during the hot season who desire to we the (Tljief Executive. Since Hie anamination of -President Oamot, the President and his friends have beeouie careful. Yes- - tenlay when he w.nt out for his afternoon. drive, fie waste lowed by two detectivt-s heavily armed in a bu"o-y. Th.-se ollii ials were dressed as citiz mis of cours", but they kept about two hujiured ymds- beiund the presidents carriage. - . ' ilKjiiiein mass will be celebrated at St. Matthew's Church at nooi, on jSuudav, at the time of the burial ser vices of the late President Carnot in Paris: A Cablegram has been re ceived by. Ambassader Patenotre au tliorizing him to'uolify the French .coiisul in the diilerent places 'throughout the United States to ar range for the holding of services. Itie embassy iu this city will send out c; rds of invitation? to tha--' mem bers of the diplomatic coriJs to at tend the services, andtlie fedeal of ncials ot this goverii'ment will be in vited to attend' hy the State Depart ment, whitli has been n.;tifi;:d by Ambaader Petenotreof the iur-uc-tlerus lie has reciveil. Cardinal Gib bons will ofliciate. The Senate a.s oliicially nctified of this service and at 0nce .decided to attend in a body. I am very sorry to say that Senator Jarvis continues to be sick. She has something like Mrs. quite heart disease but Dr. Johnson thinks! h z restore her to health, in a short time if -she is kept (juiet and impru dent.' i The proposition to tax all incomes pas.-el the Senate by seventeen ma jority Tue tariff biil which was re ported will pass the Senate next week perhaps by Wednesday or Thursday. Then it goes back to the House where it is' devoutly to be hoped the discusion will he brief. Kev. Air. Uittenger, Rector of the Church bf the Good Shepherd was in Washington this week, on his way North tosee so ne wealthy' friends iu the interest of his parish. He re ceived a, number of courtesies at the hands ot. General W m. R. Cox, the able Secretary of the Senate andsou- in-law of the late liishop Lyman. I hear a good jofce on Joseph us Danieh which no one enjoys more than Hon. Hoke Smith. - Some one asked Mr. Dame's iu Mr. Smiths pre sence, why he did not make a speech., also at the recent Chapel Hill Com 4 mencement. Mr. Daniels said: 'T find $2"00 office a mighty nice thing these hariTtimes and I am afraid of ; making Mr. Smith jealous." Sup pose I had spoken and made a better fepeech. I was unwilling to take the risk." Mr. Smith laughed heartily at Mr. Daniels excuse. There is much favorable comment on the fact that $23,000,000, in pen - sions also have- been saved during Mr Smith's administration of jthe In terior Department. Part of the cre dit of this I am sure belongs io ' Mr. Daniels who is Hon. Hoke Smith's right hand man, and who has as much executive ability as any one I have ever meL ' ' 'Mr. Walter Paison Chief of the , Consular Bureau is quite unwell at his residence here. ; ', 'MTr. Walter R. Henry has eiven ud mi uopes ot .securing a consular ap poifit ment but I understand the Prts ident has promised Senator Ransom y to fiird another place for him in an - other Department. - The appointment "of Mr. Wm. Myers Little of Charlotteto be Con- . sul at Legucigapa, Honduras was se . enred by Senator Jarvis. Mr. Little ia We son of Mr. B. F. Little of Lit ties Mills, Montgomery Ca, N. C. " and has a large family connection throughout the state. Senator Jar vis is a very determined and persis - ten f man very lbjal to , h w f He hds. sincere, able, and reliable. Every "day here adds to his prestige and in fluence. His speech on the tariff con tinues to be - complimented. It is : tut - shorN fcnl K)intwl.avl strong. , , DtiKfiy appoilltfd con?i jyojrjyi0f Ciim. H the literary i tor amFart; eritic oft the New Yr di OIK ;s a iiroj hpr 0f hc ,irtit i DtlvHv;; He ha Iran a writer tor ni 'itzfnrs s.nd jcncwn as a literary nun. 2N0 members of the INew 'York deleg-itirhi knew anything of himT Tlie secret of the appoint-; ment ii that Mr. DeKay p a brother-in-law "Aof Richard Watson Qilder. 4-a Vs irid. ll county is the 'only county furnisliing a candidate for Judge he' emiorsement given by that county will go along way in de termiirg the nomination. If the candidates were from different sec tionstlat would have very little hearing iu the matter, as each couu ty furnishing a candidate for any o tike Will likely endorse the home mall. Tlie j).aleigh ews-()ierver has goile Hh tho bruls of a receiver. This i b:- regU-tred by 'the State at la'rgV ari I it i liv;ped by I he many fri4tjd )f Capt.Ashe that the corn pa ily wl I be re organized and the naifie of Capt. Ashe again placed at its hentiasledilor, for there is no betterau-in the business in the Stale,! I .-! ' " '. An jcbicJianare antlv remarks that d ; ' " - when vbu .see a youth who wilt-do any sf of work, no m:itter how mi niaj f may be. rather. than be idle, you ca make up your mind that that fSeifow amotthts to something. The ypiinirian who would starve before! 1; would' do anything be . . .1 i. i . i . i i - neajthi Wfi-ift lie conceives to oe nis Ldrguitv is not made of the right stuff to eutf n)m;h of a figure in this world. Don't-be afraid of any sort of work so lorig.fas it is honorable. ' Tlatfoms and Nominees. Fa: s Observer. As the time approaches for put ting in motion the vast macmnery through' which, under our system of goverjitneht, the sovereign people's will Unifs expression, it wiil be useful to be.ir jn inind two or three funda mental i'triiths. Goyer'nrnent by party, as we have h id occasion to say i-efore, is indis penarble to free ;o"erument. Unlike the will- of an autocrat, that of the mefican people is in the nature of things a composite one. It Muds ex- prevlori through the. medium of par ties. ! iJine victory at the polls which changes party servants into public erva-ntj-, cna;nges also the tentative expression of paity measures into the ! formal tdmniiand of the people. This is their- composite will, which is as !ifltjng as qiat of the .autocrat, tree goV6rnn,ntjfails, to that extent, if ihts he dtsolieyed. If it be contin u ally disobeyed,, we might as well stop th Bxpekisiye mockery of conven tions and elections, and surrender ourselves-tothe power that will pay us the biggest price for submission. How far liave we gone on the road to such a chrqiiic condition ? Let the remarkable -jhappenings in this State two years ! ago, and those now at Washington,- in defiance of the par ty's solemn! law, answer. What is the remedy? It is in the party's hands. The rank and file know the paity law. i Let theui see to it that only those are chosen at the impend ing nominating conventions whom they can trust, from experience, with its faiUifobexntion. A big ra) was made by internal revjsniie othcers in Durham county yesterday. I A party of raiders went to John Latta's near Glade Springs in Lebanori township, and found a complete distilling "'establishment in his pitched, the kitchen being in the yar$ not-fr-from the dwelling. Re- porb4 filler as to the amount of whis kev securel bv the officers, somesav ingthey gft 1,000 gallons, some 250 and some 500 gallons. It is known thit aj lage amount was found. Latta was j captured, b,ut last night escaped from the men who bad him inlqharge. j He is said to have been engaged id illicit distilling for quite a while and this is the first time he has' been caught up with. Durham t j ;Hr. paldwell "Seriously." Cop5pohderice Watchman. , 14-CU'has been stated that Mr. L. P-? pal dwell, of Statesvi'le, was not Considered "seriously" in the race for Solicitor, j I will state that Mr. Cald welj is in the race and will have con sidrHble following and think will go in.t thje cfenventiou as well endorsed M anj? candidate, hoping you will givp this 4 l-lace in your paper. I I f I ' . .Voter. China Grove, Julv 2. k fOneiof;my giek headaches," you ;wfeir people frequently say, a3 if muiwp.'aiuiwas hopelessly incura bfefnj. A a, matter of tact, Ayer's Pills no6 only reliere sick headache but ef fectually remove the cause of this dia treiQ complaint, aud bring a per manent ciire. - : -r - , Our Campaign. Offer. , r In order tht. no one shall have any excuse for being without jbis county paper during the coming campaign we will send the WatchmarT to any address for 25 cents from j now until Dec. 1st. Think of it only 25 cents for 5 months. It shall be the policy of the Watchman to give the news in preference U "airing its own views. Subscribe now. . The cash 02Ut accompany" each order. All old subscribers will have to pay up ,lut?s before tttilJ aavantugeJ of 4 his offer. Mi i ' ; KOiICE.: ' If you get the Watchman for sev eral weeks at a time, without having subscribed for it it means that it is sent simply as a sample copy and yon are iot expected to pay for it. We beleive id advertising and pro pose to send out, each week, iif Rowan county, from 300 to 1000 copies as sample copies and if you like the paper will be glad for you to call and subscribe. V The Man to Supportf Balnbrldcre Democrat. The home merelvmt is the man who seeks yoip'trade. He is the man thai builds up your town. He builds yur schools, your society, and makes jour prosperity. He is the man who deserves your trade, and when you go to another town to buy what Ou can get at home, you do yourself, your town and your neigh bor an injustice. A Scheme of Robbery. In England, as in this country the masses were slow at first to un derstand the true meaning of mono metallism. They took it for granted that the ruling classes, knew more about finace than they did find so tliev accented the sit u i ) n. But the Enc'ish if. eS are wak ing up. The owners of farm lands especially are beginning to kick, and they do not hesitate to say that they are robbed for the benefit of the London money brokers. A farm of 800 acres in Kent for which w:s paid jlG0;'X)0 aud which rented; for 0,000 'a year for many years, has fallen to Si, 500 a year. Anoth- ; Onionare always iu deiuaud:if tiicbuib- or tine frti. 'inch rented for S7,5U bynche-l aud sold while two thirds in 1SSG now. rents for SI ,500. Maiiyj' the is n v nvfitaide one. , , j 11 a i '.veet corn is a? lendilx raised as lield corn, ot these farms are bought in oy the) - money lenders, and thus the soil i passing into i-be bauds of absentee landlords have seen a good deal of this shrinkage in our own country. The Nashville American sav: Thedisatrous decline iu valuesdue to currency contraction keeps pace with other rujnous resmts and con ditions due to the same cause. In deed, a contemplation of the aston ishing fall in values, and which pa-- ticulady effects; the agricultural clases, is perhaps more impressive of the bad condition- into which the cunry hs fallen than is the spec tacle of hundreds of thousands ot workingmen througout the nation vainly seeling employment. The enoimmis fall in values is prehaps a.- ruinous to the country , as almost any calamity which could befall it. For tunes and competence are in th's manner swept away by a tide which does uot come herrlded, and pro claiming its mission' but whose work is most thorough aud effective. The workiugman who has half paid for his home and who now defaults in payment in consequence of the stress of the times finds that the home must go for the remainder, and that he is still in debt. So it is as to all interests of the masses touching property which must be placed-Upon the market. With these evils pressing upon them it is natural' that the people in both England and America should be united in their efforts to restore bim etallism. The movement is bound to win, but we may look for results in this country earlier than in Eng land because the temper of our peo ple and their impatience will urge them forward, and they will lose no time in redeeming th" financial pledges of the -Chicago platform. The Why and Wherefores There is nothing marvelous in the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla should cure so many uiseases. vvnen you remember that a majority of the dis orders "flesh is held to" are due to impure or poisonous condition of the blood, and that Ilood's Sarsaparilla- is an effective an radical blood purifier, the whole thing is expiai ic.l. Besides its blood purify ing qualities, Hood's Sarsaparilla, also contains the les6 known vegetable stomach tonics, dityeties, kidney remedies aud liver invigorants and is thus an excellent specific for all disorders of these or gans, as well as for low condition of the system or That Tired Feeling. ' Tbe Biblical Recorder, one of the ablest church papers iu the State en tered its fifty-ninth y ear last week. It is stated that mayor Boyd is making a regular Parthust investiga tion in Greensboro; and that he is de termined to stop the evil so far as it is in his power. Rev Sampson, the returned Mission ary has been tendered the presidency of the Fredericksbury. Va caJleiate Institute. - Farming Docs Not Pay j j The complaint i$ freqnently made that ' fanninp ; does not pay." 'This usually tomes from tliosej, irlio have farmsuenr towns flnd-'vilUigof, ; where the land has grctjly risen, if jiH.i itt value, at least in vsttuaUon for the pijrpose rf taxation. , Tlie reraedy 'Is, either to) move to cheaper lands, or to raise those cropb which, afford larger returns. It high priced lands 'are devoted" to "corn, wheat, and other ordinary farm crops, it is very liklely ! that 'farniingj does, : not pay," a3 the growers of these cannot suc cessfully corr.pele with those who cultivate. fertile aud cheap lands! ' i The readiest way! in such localities to make farming pay dsj to grow ruore profit aide crops. The ciuse of the increased val ue of lands, a ,deiiser popnlatioU, al?o pro vides a market for jmore profitable proJce. Every farmer who ifihds that he is makinj; noimng ai orninary jiarming on sueu laiuts, should consider the matter of farm garden ing, thai is ttie growing of gandp-n'crops on a larger scale. Hcj may notjjeatde to take up market gardening proper, but there is a kumber of crops that-he may grow success fully. The markets of our small cities, and of villages, are most scantily sQpjilied jvith vegetabi;s"I Indeed, those within a few hbursby rail or steamers depend upon New York City for theif supplies of vegetables. These should be furnished by the farms of tlie neighborhood.! Several years ago we passed some days jat a hotel on the New Jersey coast, at a place from which steam- er? took their nightly loads of truck to New York. Though long lines of wagons passed the hotel. door, bringing their loads of truck to the steamers, tlie landlord told us that he was obliged to go ta the city for his vege tables, and perhap3 purchased the very ones which the day before had passed hi3 hotel. We find everywhere this neglect of local markets, which as a rule give raisers better returns than do those of large cities, and without the trouble of long transporta tion. The farmer can readily raise a large share of the garden vegetables in demand in places of moderate size. Let the farmer whowould undertake to raise crops more profitable than the staple "farm -products, beginwith thc?c most easily produced, and gradually work his way to those which arc most proihable. In a town where there are factories employ ing numbers of foreign workmen, cabbages Hre a',vav3 'n demand, and the earlier they a"re. the better the juice they will bring. Mo?t farmers grow late cabbage?; to raise earl' kinds, he m.jsl either sow the seed in the fail and keep the plants through the winter in a cold frame, or sow in early spring iu a hot-bed and forward the. plants to he ready to set out when the grouud is hi condition. Father method, is out of the '. usual way of farming, but there is nothing about it that can not be readily learned. ini'i lu v'ii, iiji: ei.i,iis ill v It excellent condiiion to eure lor fodier, there will -ay ihe co.-t of cultivation, leaving what is received for : the cars clear profit. Cn en! pea and. string beans are easily raised aud if pickers are at hand, will pay well, as will new potatoes, beats, etc. The crops here suggested!, with the exception of early cabbages, are as easily raised as ordirs- stry farm crops. It will be well fur tho?e u' ar a local market to m.Ac a trial of these at fir-t, and .jrradually increase the list. F-rtrm gardening OUVrs a ready relief to those wh0 find that "larmiiig does not 'ay," and those who need to urow more profitable eroii.- should look into its possibilities. The works of Henderson, Harris, Urill and Quiun, each pive valuable aid to tbe cultivator. Success will, in part depend upon locality, supply Of manure quality of seep-and, the character of the market; but the probabilities are grea in invor ui a prosuauie ren.r i iroi.. a -'t . conducted farm garden. intrican Aiirieul- tuiist. An Immoral Act. Erastus Winian having been con victed of forgery of a particularly brazen kind there is the usual amount of condolence extended him by persons who do not see that their sympathy Is immoral and harmful. A clergyman attended Wiman in the Tombs prison Sunday and in his ad dress before Wiman and a small au dience said: "Sometimes innocent men have been judged and found guilty, as was the blessed Jesus. The iudces themselvee will som day stand be fore the bar of the Almighty. The, intimation- in tl.is is that Wiman is a pure, honorable man and that tne jury that found him guilty will be rebuked for their finding in the case when thev come "before the bar of the Almigh ty." No wonder Wiman afterwards said it had been the happiest Sunday of his life. His conscience had been lulled to sleep by the clergy man and he was able to believe himself the victim: of a vile conspiracy. New York is a city with enough of wickedness occuring daily, but it may easily te doubted if a more harmful, immoral act done last Sun day than this clergyman was guilty of. Instead of 'upholding the law and the right: instead of laboring with Wiman to convince him of the great -wrong he; had done and bring him in a fit state for repentance, - be distinctly places the forger in the rank of the martyrs.! It is a' good thing that the adminiscratioh of the law is seldom in the hands of those whose) sympathy controls their judge nienti Abbeville Citizen." Whiskers that are prematurely gray or faded should be colored to prevent the luuk of ae, and Bmkiughara's ; Dye excels all other in coloriug brown- or - - - I ATelTkuown WV dLly farmer toM a a remarkable felory sesterdayj of bow asimnlsrurc of a enake-Jntel of bow a simple cure of a snake-bite was affected. Some time ago a eolor ed bricklayer vvss at work on his place building a chimney and in moy ing some brick a highland njoccasin was exposed, which, before the. mau knew it, buried its fangs in bis hand. He ran to the house and a lady projiucreasing. Hoop is on top." duced'a bottle of Mustage Liniment which was at once appliedtb , the v6und.T It caused great pain but af ter five miuutes application the pain ceased and no swellUrff followed. The poison was entireJykilled. It is not peneraily keown that Muetang.Lini trout is jurist i dote for snake bite, but thwvtdence comes from an authority 'that can bo strictly relied upon. News Observer. There is a great deal of nonsensical talk indulged in these days abont pro tection to the sheep raising industry by means of a protected tariff, says the Wilmington, Star. There iswt much of that kind of talk in the south, al though there is some. Sensible people in tho south know that they coufd raise wool if they wanted to without a protected tariff and that isn't What they need 'but protection against the pack of dogs that lay in wait for the sheep aud destroy .them. If it was not for the doas North Carolina could be one of the greatest sheep-raising states this side of Texas'. There is uot a weekly exchange that we read that does not from time to time record the ravages done by dogs. In one night a couple of weeks ago a farmer near NViudsor, Bertie county, lost thirty five fine sheep by dogs dogs, accord ing to the local paper, "owned by ne groes." There was a dog killing short ly after that, hut that didn't restore the farmer his sheep or pay him for the loss of them. Sheep culture could be "a great industry with us if we coulu re duce t he number of dogs by aboutf 90 per cent. Blood purifiers, though gradual, are radical iu their, effect. xAyer'.s barsa pai illa is intended as a medicine only aud not a stimulant, excitant, or be verage. Immediate results may not alwavs follow its u.se; hut after a re sonable time, permanent beueiit is cer tain to be realized. Burning; Pain Erysipelas in Face and Eyes Inflammation Subdued and Tor tures Ended by Hood's. "I am so f:l.id to be relieved cf my tortures thrt I am willing to tell th benefits I have de rived from Iloo.i's ' Sar?ifarilla. In April and May, I was afllieted with erysipelas In my'' face and eyes, which spread to my t'arat and neck. I tri"d div'rs i ts r::d s'ltwrfstive. but tliei j was no ierm;oieiit ai-aU-iiieHt of tlw; fmrn InK, torturiiitf prun. peculiar ty tins ct)mphuut. I begun to take Ilood's Sai saparillu and Feft Wiarked Relief before Thad finisb'-d the first bott!e. I con tinued to Improve until, when I had taken four arsaparSHa bottles, I was completely rured, an.l f?'t that all signs, marks and symptom of.tliat ciire com- lili'U On ili'ii.t had foreve." vanlshe.'S. MR3. E. E. Jttawa, lHli.sbciro, V!seoi:ln. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet easy iu action, bold by all druggists. 'c. W. L. D&UCLAS 33 SHOE IS THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING. $5. CORDOVAN, rtirtpu o rmMri I errs m r- - " -. - - . - 1-; , i ; 1 3.5? P0UCE.3 Soles. c - ' -3 fvtdi rrr.Tr 2.i.75 Boys'SckcolShdes, BROCKTON, AS3. Yon enn eavc money by purcbasing W. It. Duuglns Shoe Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and euarautee the value by stamping tbe name and price on tbe bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middlttnan's profits. Our shoes equal custom work iu style, easy fitting aud wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than any other jnake. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by Salisbury Markets. :o:- Corrected weekly by D. Ii. Jcman, & Son"s, Bulk meat, sides Beeswax Butter Chickens Corn : Ek3 : . Lanl .-. Flour, Xorth Caroliua .. Meal Peas Oats Tallow lt Irish Potatoes S to 10 '20 15 to 20 10 to 25 G5 10 . 10 to 121 1-75 to 20U 65 yJ 45 4 to 5 . G5 to 75 . GO to 70 W L. SPENCER, K ATTORNEY AT LAV, Troy, rsr c. DS. E0ET. I. EAMSAY Sargcon Dentist,) Q -f -ro-r-rVr--r- -XT y-N 0Vll?5j3 U 1 V J . C sfrVi X 9 T -rdfl ,... i n. - Herald says thai wcc Ms cem euce,i on the ijew Lttst church m Mo"nton- j ' i ' A. little son Sir. ' ! L. Jenkins of j victim Ga&tonia, wasscalded to death last Fridaj', ; -, - r"r - i The people quickly reconize ip.erit. and this is the reason the sales; of Ilood's 'FarsaparrUU; are continaLly The "R & D," is now a thing'of the. past, the Southern Railway j company taking its place, j Work in en are now at wor.kali over j the different lines changing Hgns and tables and that Lof the new company will be inserted on all cars as fast us possible ; . - . How's This! . We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any ease of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., ToledorO.-L We the undersagued, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and : financially' able to carry out any obligations made by their linn. . : : West & Truax, Wholesale ; Druggists, Toledo, O; Walding, Kinifati & Mar vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,, O: Hall's Catarrh Cure is. taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75o. per bottle- Sold by all, Druggists. Testimonials free. - For -GOTO- Carolina Racket The AVc arc strictlv -n.it, nnd if you dont heliev1? it come to our store and seo.: Iiow can we sell goodsjo cheap is often j asked. It is answeTkl in very , few word?; we simply 1uy and sell for ca?h yvhieli means; jroods ehea'iier tlian-our 'timo' 1 T,- competitors ; uare jio oner them. ' j' Lawns oc, Calico j lc, Ch al lies dc. Pant piodif -5 yards for 2.)Q. First class Sgjux's. no shoddv stull. Shoes Ifals, Pants) Dress OloufV. China Wave, Tin" Ware, etc., at pri ces' that will nst!fiih y-at. Call and get genuine; ha:"gains. iiKII) & IIAliliY." Subsor'.le to the Oillv J51.00 a vear. eiAN rl i w J IT IS THE CHEAPEST M) I'.Im .CATTLE AND t M E! Cotton Seetl Meal is a highly cone; nlm A'hich has more feedihs value than iln- and, it will he found more eeononii.fu rious grain. feeds. ; COTTON SEED HULLS tal: e l;. ." kind bf long or rough feed, and lnr$-h' : ; the practical tests of thousands of r (pound for pound) as any of the fv :'.. l as the cost of HULLS is less than i, "- waste, it is-far more economical to u i1 and feed in connection with Cotton be equalled when costs and lenefits are rite lor-prices and other liilonn;.; Correspondence solicited ly rNortli Caolina Gcttor T. J. DAVIS, imager, p mi tit EgrsoLiciTS youh PATRoxAi i:. CLASS WOIiK TURNED OUT 1'KOM T. SON ABLE. Salisbury WEBB f'RHBE. Dealers in Monuments, IlentkStof. ; :i line, alid nt the very lowprt prices eous.' -! tuauM. Be ure to give us a call, or : -where. Large variety cfu lirtnd to -selegt Either Btreetrflext to Stuud Pipe. :& y . StHVt 1! tempts, hiit'u '"'hi I'm, "4J. i e: mem. ue imutii ii ; , -rl. in ei uiat u j, . j ;t Hanging '.'i tO I.-.,, foi lato faculty ofl a,.,, i ,i... . r,. . 1 ''i'a; U. assistant of art U p is a graduate of Ur. Kreai laiynt i-( a.ji j Postal M-'i berastluv r :(1 sotlh. ; i nii fail's ,.;r j: neWer has :v 1, i "'ari Hij. . origin! '.,;., ,- . - ( Mr-A iti thousan-i- i ,:a. . ' VlfA kx vbu. : vr UH HO MQ(ltE5ig -Ko ' More Jrxf '. iv i Cnrcs T Tumois, U - j , and rr-ct ' . AND AlO. f';att v -4. -r u : , jriT-Iii"i tH OiiMltSUil:-. SOLD frY ALL tUE.-- -, a!1IIU Q S 231Q5 I'll T-i. r. r. v r i r i- rn! i.n- Pov.-, iu i V' :. - V. torrii a .:.. nlUr,r . . - I -ii ? ) n-iii - ' ' wr t.-'.r.:-. --.-- Stur :c; ". tti:.i.lj.-. : i. gr r - V . .y .. 1 i V rr a -0- :i aiivo: T - v."rt'c : ;.-.ri ' A liv 4 A- ft til ji'- f' l'd s i- 1 -::a;:u"- i - m to 5 p. ta. j -