"ilf.r ! : , i -i r - .v-- -' - . - -4 J ? - .! Si 7: - "IT. - -. v ii' 'i . .1 ! , I:. . 1 .1-.. f : " ' !.' I :i - ' 1 . - - -" tfe ",:7 if- ' :y.'XA: h; " n- : - -i . - ' ... if ; . i i 1 : " " J i-i : ' j , - .! r - ;' " ' ' - ' ' i - ' ': - ' ' , ' " :?" 1 -Oil-. ": ! - ; :' '1 - ; ; j . " ' ' i V-.'-':" .. . " - : - !f -it-,: v THE CA.ROLINiWATOHMANi ' 0. E.CHOV7zON, Manager. THUPwSDAY AUG. 16, ibUi. : FOU CONGIiESS. Jcmi S. ilESUERsos, of Rowan. For Judge-Sili Judicial Districe, J5ENJ. P. LONG, x)f Iredell, for Solicitor 8th Judicial DjstM J jf Davidson. ; Democratic County Convention. There wUI bohelil ,u the court bouse jn Salisbury, N. C, on Saturday Sep tember lt, 18t4t at 12 o'clock, M., a convention of tbe Democrats oT Rowan county, for the purpose of nominating jtwo candidates Ibr the House orRepre fientative's a CTerk of the Superior fiourt Sheriff.. Register of ; Deeds, Pftuntv. Treasurer. Surveyor, Coroner, ,and.otton Weigher, and for the trans action of such other buiues3:as may come before it. The Democrats of the various town ships will hold primaries ?i their usual place of meeting, on-Saturday, August 25th, 1894, at 2 O'clock, p. m. to select JeleKates to the county convention, to nominate a candidate for township constable and to select, a township executive committee consisting of five active Democrats. A. II. Eovden, . Ch'm. Deal. Co. Ex; Com. State Aid to Edncatian. Ed. News and Qliserverf per rolssion OJ,udgfrtlie V.f1 you a letter pu)icaii, fi which he gives an opinion ofj pj. C. E. Tvlors unanswerable diclision of the most important jsubje;cfcinor be-j nn the-oeooie of Nprtsll Ikurolinni! Myobject "is to jridupef mf tn, well qualified - to appr&cjatq Ajeat dis russion of this important; Question, hard pressed witlii importapt duties a -id great responsbilitiesj o do like Judge Armfkld had done take time to read thoughtUj tlfbw Far Should a Stale Undertake to gducate. I shall be glad to epa c?oy to auy one who may wish to reaJd t. 1 Stsvili, N.jC lj5th, '94. Cozatus td the Front, The activity of Nrth Carolina m -A, Weekly. Weather Crop Bulletia. The reports of -.Weekly.-' Weather manufacturing line in recent jCrop Bulleiin4 issued by j thef Nortb vars is attracting general attention, j Carolina State Weather Service, i foi : Along the railway lines j in the - the week ending Monday August 13, o d North tate travelers see at every j J894i indicate that a the season ad- station one or more new factories and the majority of these enterprises ajre cotton mills, although ,there is, ok caurse, a fair proportion of tohac co factories. We do nothelieve that uy xt her form of development Would create a more favorable . lra jJre!Sfon. ! Foreigners iind northern -jrs are alike surprised to see these unmistakable evidences of material progress, and they sound the praises vances the condition of crops w be coming more diversified Yet the prospects continue very fine. x In the southern and eastern parte of I the State, where' there has been too much . ., - .. j , j -f : rain,1 the land, is drymg out jjudw nicely. The weesWas gfenerally viery warm, with one of the hottest days of summer on the 9tlu Scattered showers occurred chiefly In the east. Since the beginning of j tbepublica- !"- i - : r- -3.x; - .y - -' - - - - jjit,MM !-i4BRI(Jtranii-'v.lE tro-sed the border line. North Carolina is in line with Georgia in this regard. The people loz these two states have come to the Dr. C. DinmAMMyidefriJoctor, pConclusion that the factory is tne t .,. m.wli nhlirrJl tofvdu Ht a copy ;thin2r. In every southern comma- i etui iiiuv" -c o r r V 1 -tf ' n w hi the state long afler they haye Ujon 0f the Crop Bulletin in the of Dr. Taylors Ipniphle entitled "flnw Far Should the State Under- W. A. B. Branch was yesterday named Uy "the-Democrats-of -tiie first district ius his own successor iu the jiext Congress, having received the 'n;jm illation on the first ballot'. Hon. W. T. Crawford was yester terday renominated in the eighth district, for the third time. " nity where the manufacturing ex periment has Ijeen tried the result in the highest degree. It is building up towns, making new markets for the farmers, and increasing the value of farming lands. The purely agricultural era of the south is a thing of the past. Now, that our factories in Georgia and North Carolina are shipping their products to every quarter of the jloJ.e, and running on full time and even double time, during the dull season, it is not likely that such an object lesson will be mistaken hy auy body. Atlanta Constitution. - The House yesterday accepted the Senate amendments to the tariff bill The bill having passed both houses and the amendments made" by the Reflate having been - agreed to, the measure now only awaits the signa ture of the president to become a Jaw. The bill with the Senate a ineuilmentsls less satisfactory to the Democratic party than asit passed ther House. The important- amend ments are those which gave the sugar differential (the protection to the trust ) of one fifth of a cent per ! pound 'on refineed sugar, -and took coa' and iron ore from the free and put them on the dutiable list. It needs to be understood, however, witli reference to the ugar duty, that it affords the trust far less pro tection than was given it' by the McKinley bill, and when, a few days ago, a reporter of the New --York Herald accosted Mr. Havemeyer, the president of the trust, as he .was hurrying to a train, asked him, point blank which sugar schedule he was really fighting for, he gave thean fiwer in one word: "McKinlyV He gets instead, a bill which gives him much less more than he should have, but less than he wanted, less than he has had. - This bill as it has passed is less a revenue tariff measure than the peo ple expected and Were entitled to Mr. Wilson jjkplaius why this is true when he says that on the tariff question the Senate is not a D3mo tic body. After nil is said, however, the new bill is aii jngnite, improve ment Upon the old one, and the more they "see of its pratieal-operation the lietter the people will like it. It is step toward tantt retorm when it should have gone the whole length That is the objection to it not that, jt is not a very good bill as far as it K"e&, uut iiiul it uoes not go lar enough. JFof the fact that it doe not,-Messis. Gorman, Briery Smith, et al., are responsible, and the peo- . will be likely to remember them. It is a pleasure to say that through outfall the different stages of this legislation the Democratic represen tation of North Carolina in both branches of Congress stood unswer : vingly'by the people and by the pledges of their party. Charlotte Observer. take to Educate ?: X htyeong heldBas been successful and gratifying opinions similar to those expressed by Dr. Taylor; but I hae eld them in a confused and ignorant way, be cause I had not invqstignte the mat ter. J am under rj?at 6t)!iations to Dr. Taylar for tjiej .f asij bpunt of research and kiojvfedgeWhich he brings to bear'uppu! tWfuject. He exhausts the whnljvfmattfr, and iii my opinion, ponciuiifely Establishes every proposition f fbiclfi lie lays down. It appears ijoj me lliat every candid and i thouglvtful ian who carefully reads Mr.jTayloi pamph let,mu come to;tHefcbncii3ion : Ux. Tint 'under! our; constitution and form of government, fhe educa tion paid for by tjie; State riust be ab solutely void of religiobs iistruction even to thp exclusion of the reading the liible in the scliboti, ud. Tha unless infidelity and ahejsm are td dominate all higher ediic:tion giveij to our people, th0 1 djenolninatiotial colleges must be uamt;jdufd and silsf tained. 3d. That ik fjrfr that thf denominational' jcoljeges niay be maintained, it is bbpVulteljjr necessary that any iifloney given by; the Statfc 'fur 'higher education I .iiiufst be usei for matters and things that cannot and will not coaie ; iiit cjmipeitioiji with any work thatj can tnd ouglilt to be done by the tleiiQiiiinatioual colleges; and that if ibktiulions that receive State aid,; dijUauylj work thtt comes in competionl yith;ivojk of-de nominational colleges, as;o this worl: then State favored dsitUtions muit tand on an exact equality with tljie denominational colleges;! that is, fr if' :','. ft. his work they shall have no State tid. Nothing is i niore .remarkable ibout Dr. Taylor'i ! pauiphlet thiii 1 o T 1 'j , '' 1 4 . i ; ii lie ruir, judicial temper ?iu wnicu is conceived and i eiresd. It is n every respect an admirable paptlr, and well worthv of ( 'tjhegthoughtf ill consideration of evbfy ciizen. I I - -I : ii I ' OEKS. M. L. Ctiextvrorit Leonard, Ma. spring of 18S8 there have never been so few reports of shedding of cotton bolls. Special reports concerning !h hay crop from all over the State in dicate in general: 1st, that the eajrly crop was inferior in yield to the sea son of 1893. . The late frost and sub sequent drought cut the clover crop short in the northern parts of the Western and Central Districts of the State. The crop was saved irk bet ter condition than that in 1893. 21 Thefall crop of meadow hay will be harvested early m September- Owing to generous rains in August the con dition of meadows is now on the av erage very good, and the prospects for the fall crop are that it will be larger than for the preceding year. The yield of corn-fodder will be large, and a very large crop of fieldpeas has been sown for cuttingin fall. Hay is not one of the principal crops of North Carolina, but it is probable that less than usual will be brought in from other States this year. Western District. The condi tions are very diversified in this dis trict. While many correspondents report showers on 9th, 10th, and 11th many others report that the entire week has been dry, and all crops In Agony 15 Yearo With Salt Rheum Prices er. Thousand : Select Hard BHck, T Run of KilnTBrick, Salmon, (Repressed Briclc, First, Grade, Repressed Brick, Second Grado, .i RepressedBriek, Third Grade, - ; - V v ; -'; - --o- Liberal Discount on Orders of- .-4iJ J. i ls.(0 j lo.fxf- x Hood's SarsaparLMa Cave a Perfect Cure. : r'' f " C. I.Hood & Co., LovveU, Mftsa. : . " Hood SarsapaiUht is an excellent medicine. I had eczeiua la py left leg for fifte- year. Part of the tihe my leg was ie mass of scabs, and about every week corruption -oul;l g-.ither under Uie skiu aiidthe scabs .would slougu ofl. The Itchlrt and Burning sensation made me suileciiidescribablo agonies. I spent a great deal of moXe? fr diliereut rem edies but did not ReVrcIief.XAbout a year go. ni:us advised me to take Jloou s leading rhysi barsapariua. I did so and haveouken five bot- 4 mm An Unreasonable Kicker. "Please, sir," said the bell boy to the hotel clerk, "No 40 says there ain't uo towels in his room." "Tell him to use one of the window curtains." "He says, too, there ain't uo pillows." "Tell hiui to put his coat and vest under his head.7' And he wants a pitcher of water." "Sutferiug Cyprus! But he is the needing rain. Upland corn chief suf worst kicker I ever .-truck in my life, fer for lack of rain. The weather Carry, him up the horse pail." has been very warm, which, with drv "He wants to know ifhe can have a eQnditioil of soili preyent much ' . r . j, t.- . m- i.i J plowing at some places. A few com- ip.PR. en iu n i iiuti! irive iiilli Liiia i - . lantern, and ask him ifhe wants the plaints of cotton shedding squares. earth, and if he'll have it fried on only Turnips up. A very large crop has one side or turned over?" been planted. The acreage of tobacco rlo i fr-J tunc Qnvjll Tnl- rt1iiifs nra 1 1 The Tradesman, Chattanooga. Tenn. r . -.r 1. . in its report on the industrial condi- CAOCUCUl t-uuu.wuii. aoii m xumvui tion ot the south for the week end county on iutn did some damage. In ing August 13th, says. the minority of counties the condi- light. The week just ended has shown a tion of all crops continues good. considerable m r?.e in a number of newly established industries, indicat- in southern de- ing that the revival I am with much respeft, Yours t-ujy ill. IF.iARMriELp.f Excellent Advice, buly The Southern Express Company tm nsnorf prl un rll nhmi frntn veiopment is in active progress. The , , Itr , . - .... I Mijntnn Am rr Wnchinnrtnn If wc prosperous condition ot the farmers ' ' ; "n"1"" and planters, whose large crops are a com"n cobs, and was not grown this season as in former I shipped to Senator Hoar, in returu years by means of advances on mort- for the 5,000 subscription which he gages, is having a good effect on all rile jn the Home Market Club nf ties. 'Now all the sores, scabs and uahYhaye vanished ard I am enjoying perfect healthy I think Flood's Sarsaparilla .i soeond to none and gladly recommend it to all suffering lnuuanity. Al. L. Cheuvkont, Leonard, iiissouri. Hood's PH!s act easily, yet prompUy and efficieutly, on tao liver and bowels. 25o. Low Prices on Farmers' Drain Tile TTT T f VI wmhis m -1 l n i mm mt i The Farmers Mutual Firs Insurance Association for ScTran County, met in convention at the Court House on the 2nd inst., and effected a per manent organization, electing the following known men as officers for the ensuring year : Phillip Sowers, tVest. ; VXGheen, J. H. L. Rice, II. G. Lippard, J. T. Carson, Jesse V. jliller, Geo. A. Hall, W. L. Harris, J. F. Uarrigan, W. C. KluttzW. A. Ciimphf ll, J. C. Sow ers, S. A. Laruhr art, Directors. Til is is co-operative plan of In surance for the protection of farm or any detached property ajrainst de st ruction by fire, wind and lightning. It gives each member a policy con tract chartered by the Legislature of North Carolina', and good for a pe riod of thirty years for 10 ets. on each one hundred dollars of property insured, and is' subject to no addi tional cost except to meet the actual losses of this County Association by prorata assessment. The statistics show that the average expense is about SI. 50 on the one thousand per annum. For further information address. W. O. GOttEE, Local Agent, Salisbury, N. C. Or J S. C. Carpexteh, Gen'l. Ag't. Charlotte, N C. X if kiudsof business. Cotton will this year be to a great extent a ready money crop, and the needs of the southern people will bo supplied with home grown bread and meat to a greater extent thau ever before" Boston, and sent to Alabama for the purpose of defeating Congressman Gates. It was filled with cobs, which represented the corps of the dead and buried Reuben F. Kolb, who met l he tradesman reports forty-eight his end before the avalanche of new industries as established or iucor ated during the week, Courier-Journal ' A short time ago a j young was troubled withfani irhmense bpil on her knee. It grew so bad tlfat she thought it necessary to call in a physician. For some f reason sfie had formed a disjikbifof the fanifly idivtician. so herj father suggesfed several others, and htuajly said toat he would call inj the i homcepathij; physician with tjieiasl, who passed the hoine every day. They kept! a sharp lookout for!him,;ftnd when Ihe. Lcame alon he wifS jCiifjed in. The young lady modestly showed him t he disabled iiiembei Tl-fe little nian looked at it aild said: ll I "Why, that'illelty!bad.,, f "Well," she said,: "what must I do?" : ;I!xn !' "If I were youLljhe iansweredj "I 11 i t f. -if -S ; f X -r : wouia send tor a piivieian. l am a The Why and Wherefores ! There is nothing; marvelous in j the fact that Hood's' I iarsparilla should diseases, w nen ryou The g3iieral effect of the final pas passage of the tariff bill, has been ballots, hurled upon his head by the Democrats of Alabama. On the lid was the inscription: "To Hon. G. F. Hoar, Washington, D. C, Home Market Club, 83,000. i i i it. r a. . un.n.uaauu, Herein Bury Your Hopes of Split- in this section in the mam. praise 4i c? i: j o ..v i . . . . ... l,I,p me oui iu ooum. umpiimerus the action, as the best that could be f rHnton rA1 v n.moend, " done under the distressing circuni- To fcbe right q the snpposilious stances. , n -i , . , curiae, uu tue siue was iu nire, wo ire There are fer who wih attempt to, ... .... , , , . , ... uidnone who can successfully ap- uTi , TTnmp Markpt Club. 000 " r I ( In rhp nnnneira sirFu wac tho nTi 1 lie tollowini; interesting; story is from Norwich, N. Y. Miss Mary 13 .ker, of ttris nlaeei when nnlv iu'n years old, pulled a button from an old shoe with whiclrshe was playing and crowded it into her nose. On Monday, after twenty years, a physi cian removed the selfsame "button from i!s bulging place. Miss Baker, since childhood, has been greatly, af--flieted with what was IkPhpw tM i t- v-v.t j m, catarrh, an 4 hi-s leen treated by many specialists. Patience, courage and money were nearly exhauster", when the young lad v reVived to vis it a well-known physician, who quickly made a diagnosis of her'cW mid ieuioCed th caue of suffering The length of time whicthe but ion hkd .remained jn tlteliead caused deports to adhere trnl until it had att ained t-eyeialf ins its natural size, so it hadj be removed in stc tioui. TlnVwas '.accomplihed with- oiit the ,fightest "convenience to tpe patient. cure so many diseases. v nen rciiicaiberthatatnjHjorijty of the dis orders "flesh is held to" are due to impure or poisoqbu? cdhdition ofi the blood, and that Hood's Sarsaparilla is an effective an roMjieal blood purifier, S the whole thing is explained. ; - Besides its blbodi purifying crualjities, Hood's SarsaparUia, aso contain the best known vegeIetorpach tonics, diureties, kidney rjernydie3 and liver invigorants and jSj ths an excellent specific for all disorders of thesa or gans, as well as for Idiv condition of the system or That Tired Feeling. particulars, but blame cannot be truthfully placed upon the democrat ic party. It rests upon four demo cratic senators, Gorman, Brice, Smith and Murphy, who have totally in famized themselves and partly their party. The senate has yet a chance, how ever, to show that it is not owned by the trust. The bills for free sugar. coal, iron and barbed wire are already on the vice-president's table aud from present indications Mr. Cleve land will give them ten days in which to dispose of the bills before he takes action on the tariff bill. The solid republican vote for free sugar-iir the house would seem to in sure the passage of the bill putting sugar ou the free list, if it cau ever be I -.rough t to a vote. Opinion is divided as to what Mr, Cleveland will do with the tariff bill. It is persistently stated that he will veto the bill, if the senate fails to FOR SALS ! VALUABLE CHURCH PUOPETIT Y The frame chapel, on corner of Chest nut and Main"--streets, and lot 35x50 feet, which belongs to the M. E. Church, touih and which can be converted into a comfortable dwelling or -store-house, is for sale cheap. For further descrip tion, &c, Apply or write to the pastor in charge. Kkv. S. I). St-vmey, ) A.A.HAnTMAN.U J. Ii. Odell, I M. M.AVaud. J June, ID 'ill. ' Salisbury, N- C. To get Furniture for the iniiutmje. Ndthing like it ever beforesecn in Salis bury. Bed Room and Parlor Suits as pretty and as cheap as was ever otter ed on any market in the State. ; You only have to see our line of Ta bles, Dining and Parlor Chairs, lloekers &c, to be pleased. We also handle Baby Carriages, Musical InstrmneLls and in fact anything that youfwant in this line and at prices that defy enm- petition. ; No room is complete Pictures. We have got the handsomest line of Moulding that can be found in 'the State. sk. w w. rzfi rvi. "V fTVf T fT without .nice them. Also Frames 'Tintl This; department is complete, Collins, Caskets, Buribl Robes, Slippers, etc., Hearse's furnished for city or country. Embalming a Specialty. See me before buying.5 Cotton Seed Meal- and Hulls! VITAL TO MAHHQOO. A, BSA;M cial ballot of the "Jeffersnian Dem ocracy," headed by the ill-fated name of Reuben F. Kolk, for Governor, and followed by a complete list of the candidates. On the same side were the"; words,' "Further Favors Solicited for Cam paign Purposes." This completed the writing. Senator George F. Hoar, better known by his political enemies and b' the humorous press as "Granny," who is one of the most partisan of Republican leader?, just before the openii'g of the Kolb Oates cam paign in Alabama, toot upon himself to get a subscription. from the Home Market Club of Boston. He suc ceeded in raising S5,00, which was sent to Rube Kolk aud distributed araon his henchmen. This influx of the Hoar corruption fund Into Alabama proved a great sod send to the Alabama Democrats and immediately became good politi cs. C C. WEST'S KEKVIv AND BRATJJ TREAT MENT, n gppcitic lor Hysteria, DiTZincss, Fits, Neu ral?ia, Uecdachje, Xtrsonn Prc-strttion caused by ".lcobol f-r tobw!co, Wr.fcefainos?, Jfontal Depression, Sot-jniE2 c firaitt, cniisjn inw.ty, mioery, decay, death, Prpmafjf e Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Powt-r in-oitiief sox, Inipdteacy, Loucorrhna aud ail Female Wetiknespes, Iuvoinntary Lo?ses, Spcrma torrhcea cauert by ovsj -exertion of brain, SeL abuif, ovcr-Iii'lujroiice. A month's treatment, tl, 5 tor fi, by moil. With ench oruor for 6 boxes, with to Trill scad written piwrantce to refund if not cured. Ouaranttosiu 'd by swot. WEST'S LIVElt PILLS curc3 Sick Ilec'lnchc, Lilior'js, Llvor Complairit, "Jour Stomach, Dyspepsia acd Oonsapation. GUAEAXTI1E3 issued only by Edwin Cuthrell Salisbury, X. C. i - f ru55 1 GUAHM1TEED !:ndcr-rc2f:R3l.l3 cnc.iLior.-"-. Our FREE 96 pagO :atalo?ij9 will trplain wily wo can aiford it. 3 fUAiiQA Biisiness College, J- h-'iSHViLLE, Tf-N'V Write for catalogue. ) ODok-kwri.t. Shorih?.nc!, Penmanship- and Je'er r?.T hv." VVu --pcsi-i re i.-ncy in ti.e intsreEt Ot i:'o7i;cn''.! ovn-!ncnt uv half tba Business ..OllfS-C'S t ! t:-.l la pi i to- ' -is. ViCC- stuoeDts past year, no xziC: r.' nxr ;ui- i.itic. C;;k;i fi.tw. Wo have .iCei;Uy-i:rp..r ! :-i.z ,sric:a!:y adapted to t-:uKiS;.rrui)Y. ' 'nfort 0 irini". . Wi.lt 2 tis nnJ .explain ;'.!?.- . r?7 S3, nshfsr ail va- -O- afiy. 4 ;dvsis, . 1 " .V.J t, t- our irtcisiu :.-in:ti to Q vrbeks by the IT IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST feEEn KNUV-X FC CATTLE A5sD BIIEEP. ; I Cotton Seed Meal is a highly conceiitrawhj u, one pound ivhich has more feeding value tlian three ;poitii of -niu: t1:;in nnv-ofthej rious grain feeds. COTTON SEED HULLS take the place ' of h::y r lr,' rfrnrr rr vrnrrlv Tutrl mill llHS hoeil Tll'oi'e 1 1 1 V 1 1 the practical tests of thousandsrof feeders, to l-e wn-ttf xa; (pound for pound) as any of1 the forage feeds in ii' val'J: as the cost: of HULLS is"less than bay, and c;ni 1- ?;'i 'w;1' ... n i .... i.i Ar... .,) imav lH-H waste, it is lar more economical io.us inau au i. i . i . .t O - -. 1 A f . ..... i V, , - i4H(' and teed in connection witn cotton ceea ip - . . Ko onnnllpd whon onsts :ind 1 -enotits1 irG-COIVSIUM ' '! 1 . . .. . . , .'- !- NV rite for prices and other information ie-ir : . Correspondence solicited bv North Caolina Cotton Oil Compaq vo':rvi,!. .-.i?.- . a :cs ;sL-rk Vop'. -'"(nCKT, ph rr, !(nchcrs. it il we fiil f a.- The local paper at .West Ioint, 11 is., 'points with ptide" to tfce re cord of the caniiinglfactory iiiithat ttwn durinj; the; recent blocfciberrv snaon. It canned and shinned 87.- 400 one and oiiedialf pounds cins of wild berries ed within a there is hardlvf ainuare mile in the South thiit.wonlid lwfHupply ilie raw aud ripe materia 'tr oue sacjli fac tory. iLis ndt imjigrants itliat we need so much toet a raoveon us. -Charleston Nt'wa ;and Courier, i I , , , , ill- I Cat tnuivai iu - ....... kilt; UUU3C. uuo uivu i cnuuin ill I . . . . ..... .1.1 -ii WnOae tlilgy ocut in tuc luim in . .... . ., ... .x corn-cobs to Mr. Hoar yesterday by tne Dili, sicct'uiiiu ni-j it wmi a riUK- . rs , i . , , - i ,i. - . I tUC Urll lull u - liivv no xw-y i n ir o The coffin was six feet in height iiiit V llnn bill and mlnnr nnontbpl i --.---r - i-, r I , , , TT ' . IL. 1 . .. noftnloifl.Wt :.mrpnrpepnt,bvp a.hn and slenuer. upon ioe lop wa:, a is not pledged to overthrow the Uingle cpb, bereft of all corn, around which was tied a piece of crape trusts. all M vfliirh wnh lr Women say that a meal tastes better WMlin, the COS rattled, as the COf- Ii ,M WereP ; wbeo prepared br someone else, and that ' X , , , ' . ... (nej ofthe toivn. And 5s ju5t the rea?oa why Simmons Liver f Re- fin was borne, ruthlessly about, like $ the bones 61 a skeleton. As it was prepaid, the eipress com ' gulator is ia ueh faor. It is already pared in lifiaid and powder form. don't need to make a tea : Another reason 4Vi 1 I f.arAM j that immAns f ivor Rrr ulator is ibetter than PiUs for Biliousness pany is bound t-Q deliver it to M w" " 1 - -"-o - I ii : U;-lnfrtnn X lion, Sample package powder, 5 cents, I uoar, m uw.i.Hh . r. S& 9i Your V Heart's Blood Is the most important part of V your organism. Three-fourths of O tern is subject are due to impuri- O ?p in trif Klrirwi Vnn ran fhsra. lorei realize how vital it is to Keen It Pin- VV T L! 1 ... v r or wnicn purpose notniner can S equal It effectuallY re- O cleanses the . blood thoroughly O anu ouiios i up tne general neaith. f Our Treatise Cn R ood and Skin diseases mailed n a y'y Fr:e to njr adaress, JJL V Sm SFE01HC CO., Atlanta, Ga. V TThen Ca'oy was r.ict, gave he-CastorU. VThen she was a Clilld, she ried for Castor ia. Whea she txrJime Miss, Rhe clunK to Castoria. . . Wbea slie had (Julldren, she gave them Castoria T. J. DAVIS, Manager, r IIAKt. The I atchman y JOB QFFIlj PCSOT.Tr.TTS YOTTR PATH OX AGE. X0T1JIN CLASS WORK TURNED OUT FROM THIS OFt'K - ' ! T SON ABLE. HE IJS -A TIAU Saifsourv WEBB Worpj r I f Wm, Proprielof Dealers in Monuments, Head-Stone,and every Uifi line, and at thp vrv lowest nriees ton$istant win! In-i i V manship.- . Be sureto give us a call, oj--write for trf ;s tio!, idKiV.T' T ' l,n'rt colon!, frmil. bht'l c I "uric. JUcll Jc Vrtl lr.j imii" iu ov-i.v Fisher)treet. next ih Stand Pipe. Ll l - 'L ti lt s -

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