it-'. -!;- - - - f ' - - J - - --.. - 'V I Tii3 Carolina Watchman, j -H - :.-:- f!nnrt conveuw r itowau ruicn ----- , . H-hiJe attending cWt ext week ' Y-X.d stiWribe for the Watchman. Gastou Republfcan is tbe latest v'-- :u ..,'. nlikhnu foufnalisul. - ' ' ,r L'. noni v. nual nrotracted meeting at tbe Metho Frnest tf. .MCIY? -:; 7 V u ..,1, . r 1 ' . .i. i..J i;t' ihis week. t : i in w asiuuK"f" -vj - - lV T I'-Young lei for 2yew 1 ork iai SaxVnlay to piirchase Kis fall stock. v .Brune'r. of Raleigh, .spent rry CieckDots Correspondence tfWatcnmau. . Plenty of rain and nociderj Good prospects for Hub crops. Protracted meetings are now in pro gress with fine results in winiug eouls to Christ, Uevs., Pool,, Brown and Kittle just closea a r gooa meeting at Mt. Carrael Presbyterian church. - llev. L'owder is conducting tne an- jv d:ys in town with , friends this t re. top hnlnre;! fire eompany o pisc' i I . v- v : .1 i - Durham Monday aiign iu u tv-r!- ,,1 the firemans tournament. Kliss Lena Thompson has been elec .nr-hftd in the room which is now addfi to the grided school build Kmcry K. Kaper, chairman, calls the 7 .Utorial Conventioh for tins- district ..? ,..t. in Lexington on September ,AV. -M. Shcrrin, formerly of the illtiRton:Pipalchj'.a3 leased the jia'ksville-GazeUe'. .One lot of 27 watermelons were sold hkre Tuesday 'for thfill turn of 25 thov Were nice iresn i rj ou's at that.. Mr. F."B. Avedell; f t he i rectors . Mjstwer; c o m. a"-y mized, and will tr fATsrp. Siitn Mil McNeeh. return eu this week whore the of this city is one in the News .4 Itis.said that tbe "Stat of -WlIke'lCALLffOtt A BTHAIQT TiUlkfelVi . The ctxmUy Liil with U Sees cf will have a coutrtyr fair this frear. - Waynestiixe. U4 AilgUSt l .Vi. reiier me ending of the tariff straggle m,Ah.uTrniid oxoiindsfof RutherHTU iL naM;.. TCnrth"!.! VilJe it Is tHie it Js not 'hat we All ford colleffffare advertised Jor sale un llina: : . -.... , Tbe tircc for holding ; oar Shite I wanted and. not what the party i3 pledged to but it that could be obtained on occouat of Democratic ia. the . best be- imims- Salisbury Markets. der a mortgage. It is said the sale will '-.f ..v.r- r --- ... . .-: . .- . . - i. - . . - ; - i Vance's 4id iitopy, thellourf, an.l conu ,od f Ji rSrS? -Rnilv Onnfd meet at Ashevillel raei inasour nwuirc H5- : -4 p iep . . .a! T -;i i . J--- . I i .- it ci -1.1- :l ii i A t" I in the rlirpotirm itci.rt in annual re-union Augustl 25Ui, ana i nistory oi uieoiaie suuuiu juts weu ,7a" , eV I " ? , Weare glad tosee oar, old friends, -- -r - , -i- i, M finl, euu?:u HB P1 iine Party Mr J.Boyden and family of JVeom r X . K4" ".Vr tariff Randolph county, who are now visit-1 Mr- Jabe Myers, wno was recenny ana wno aeireo e me priuuipiesjiegislation. All reforms come by steps ngfrieedsaud relatives in Uiis com- sbot an(j dangerously wounded while G ! Republican triumph in North and not in one iump. wbicb1 is the best AVpralso deli-hted to seel our trying to attack Mr. I red ul;tveVT Carolina. The Democrats have held in the long run. In all it is . snch an vbunirfrtettl!.Mr.A; W, Emersonv who Charlotte, is rapiui the: convention and nominated improvement on the- MeKiuley bill has oaaru?? removeu ... lheir ticket and have deliberately re- hatau emocratscau accept, t with a rD ' P'131' f . 1 -i L- n,-' nearty appiaase. senator; Ransom ttoJ?e ..nrTn. ThMorauton Herald says that ' eu lo uuauu. uWt.., hen isirs. uanuau owiib vi j.- ivi iv w. - nnronta nnf frtrt( r Mrs. Kate aicijeoa is on a visit wiRij. ratWn, tne acKnowieageu ueau ine last Kcuauuu. cu iuo -ne tana dhi is far better than no hersister, Mrs. Ida Covington of Rock i ftTi14-Portiliattfnartv in Burke, is its era of Bourbonism m North Caroli- bill ot all. It might beetill improved. ingham. , H.. iia cfaflmU ; : .f ' il bat we must not: foreet thatt it reduces 5lr. J. P. Emerson is naving inm oer i r -r r r- " " taxation and raises sufficient revenue hauled to eularge his gin house as ne chas. M. Cook, of Jbrankim, was thir heads in shame and say by to meet the needs of the government. nominated; for congress in jthe fourth Ufoj c013(juct that we can't approve " do does f.01.0 he idea of district today. j f Inf what nnr nartv has done in na-!h 1nno horoaAo!. A t-or!,.. t j f I - -j ..Xp. vtiikV'i hv tLuuv lucso :o: - d Corrected wetvty ttf U. ft. JtruAir, Sox's.' ! Bulk theatl sldes.4 i. Beeswax Si? .i., ".'... . Butter . i L ............... . CliickensU... Corn...;....... Jlr:.. PSS : -! v" - . Fibur, Korth Carolina ..... Melv: easy. allow J Salt . . . i ish Potatoex. .. v ...... . says the fine crop prospects demand more room, ; ' p,litirj are verv auiet here, sotar. vvwvi rct. wishe to vou and the Watchman. ; Jack. The Reformers of South Carolina L- ni aaA: rfat th last two vpars. fects." have enddked John Garv Evans for , a , . v.; . : i I I r" ? J Nervous dehilitv is a. common rnmn n governor. : I .... ..-... i j u -.-:-.L....:,,..: " T . i-" Sir- , I , ,. jJCOnveutlOn, HUU i:tyc MuimuAicu icspecianj- amung wuinen. ine oest metli- Dr. Ud. reeianci, 01 uuarioue, uipu . ;mniu cil treatment for this disorder 3 a i-crsic. iced his in Baltimore Monday, after a brief ill Mt. Gilead Locals. Correspondence W&tciiman. Rev. J, E. Thompson commen series of meeting; here 12th inst beius, assisted, by Hev, 7n Rush. n-i Aar nUt Brn nf Mrs. Jan a 1 lit; bcvvu jr vw. " - j y . T f , . J - - .. . .1 .m i T nn narlv V AIO I lin hoartl V 1 11 McLcndon was taken sick on last i;ne'AwaniafFJourui sjujp iu .u viavi y . ... ..v.v Saturday and died Sunday. We failed 1 tempt was; made by tour men to nom fllVor of co-operaticn it it means , lAam th rause of his death. up the vestibule tram ner iuu A.ry h t it savs but j, wlsn t0 ask tne " . - I ? iML II: . . , . I he ness. uri f reeiauurvvaq and at ontim practiced ; Statesville. ' i S 1 - .... t- l Arn klii.itici 1 t : I 1 1 m I I MPTPPmPHL wiLii tne itcwuuiiuuuoi aim itniL'unuc luu uiuuu. J.1113 Deintr ap Vllllll" M.llU - - - ft - W f w v I - . . . . 1 AAtn rk ichofl nnln vrv til j-i . i-. n. Dentistry in would cooperate in tlie coming cam- .t paign for the defeat of the Demo- a?"-y fK8f rer" 1 Mr. Penn Wood and family of Ashe- last Thurlaynight. The train was Re ublicans o this State and the day t ravel for hat paper. are visiting relaUyes- and friends waved dn th a lanWrn covered I j ra. er ana Clarence from Mooi6vi1Ie V had bceni visiting tliov att.p.nded iin'j 'f-Y - -'- ioey Fprirtg Camp: meeting. - in the "city". : Mr. Marvin Skeen with a red cloth. The engineer dis Democratic Senatorial Convention 26th District. There will be held in the Court house in Lexington, N. C, on Thurs the 13th day of September 1894 at clock M., a convention of the and r . . . , . 8 to If . ':-20 . '15 to2t . 10to2. . a k . 10tol2i 1.75 to 2X .-6? 4; 4 tot . 65 to 7Z . OOtoTC Carolina Racket Has just received a Ijig jot of those beautiful :o:- Shoes I kViC ARE IhTfT YET YOU BET, ' W.--m r- rieisds. : While goe 'I. T . . I T II I II r ... iiiiiuh I I I I II III I k . I T II VM. WW ..Vh. " - MV.M . M-J . J sibier, 01 wjutuwiuwufa " a ci..u triet. comDrisinz the counties of Rowau KandCph-countyre vWtt.g .d. start Uaioaio WoJ. the n j i .J!" DavWson Wrsvth, for the purpose tlini Llieil irtl-ra luttttiu nio j U.U ivj wj. : . , , . .. . , oi QOUJiuaiiuir uvu uaimiuiii,e lor ine democracy, ana rrom mat pany anl rpUtives here this week. " waymen f CouU get on poara, xne it. mf- .Tj.wU nnd Miss Lamer robbers, ii however, vented tneir ais 1U I . AtVU W I ' r f i i tf nothing happens Salisbury will in Macon.of Raudolph.are visiting Irieuds pleasure m several pistol snois. IffAw ivifik.H be. connected with Char- hn town this week. iL johv a telephoneWstcm. We will The telegraph wire from Norwood klso sooii have a eofiiiplte system ot to this place is about up, all we like i i.-M I i ... 1 I.-. r.A f lli oil rat. IiHVUS bnrowili ,?t a ranruau w to vuo v. - .MflCKienmirg vna Wn rather . ..... n.. H.....iV. nAi'irtiitf 1 . awiiuciuu wiuv W l,OUUC. '? r dull durimr the lest week, everybody !" "! . - 14... . . -.i oaat r liavo nlentv of them. Li! . J.,.. l..... ttf in I J 1TPVI I IP oniuo iv - ! .--j i iere .is.u.ii- ,T i a p nn h nnt,o Max ; r- . . ,. . HTi v. Mn A it lav is movime on with ... . iu,. - o rnn sr. iTi. j undred thousand moulded, . . 1 A. Aft. i? A Krufcoii is iroiniT to aaa to ... . - - : i Ax 1 . .. " D w J 11)11?. - - ii! I, . , . ii- ... i tUlr. V1I rrrrA ni'Ano . - . , -,if .. -,i l ins aweuing aouw tu .t". Mo sooner man tic tariti uiu pacu, pnPWV ;n verv hot! v IUU ucn jixvi - t v fy nvm, nut ne is; nuu u 1 ujiuust. Merklcnbur'g will ve the Democratic his brick M-kctfromr-eOloj l,oOO majority.- one huiid Charlotte News: Mr. Ike Long of Union coiinty.says he never saw such fiue cropsjin hfs-section as they now have, lie threshed out 2L0OO bushels of oats aiid kpt a good ideal in the shock, jie.says, too, that he thiuks the farmers are going to rpake up what they lost in corn last yeaf, for nearly every sttjlk in the fields now has two large ears on it. From 4very quarter comes the report that the erops were never better. - ? Which'' has' an item fxi it fhich. puts the and they go to work like they meant j.j- . , i - business. ccnt stamps, -bufihebnly succeeded bu4 formerly of this place, is very low In getting something over i?9,Q00 worth with typhoid teven which will be a bigf saviug. "Items From Faith. Correspondence of the Watchman. The '-granite works are extending out on the belt. Two quaries are now n operatiou on the side of the Philips mountain. Stamp Clerk J. MH nurke, Esq., made Faith post office is now supOlied with lanxe sales a daiiv jnail. commencing Monday 13th otJthis month. We had a heavy rain Saturday even Dr. W.i II. Wakefield, of Winston, viil be in Salisbury, at Central IIotelt u Saturday, Sej.t ember l5thxne day. practice lYmited to Eye, Ear, Nose and .Throat., i jf' - ' - " RAnittA. nnd for sunh other himinps as select candidates for judges of them e before it Supreme (Jonrt of the State, and ask Aug. 16th 1894. Elsewjifere we publish a card from J M. Moody, of Haywood, Who was the Republican nominee fqr Lieutenant Governor, in 1892, to thle Republican party of the State. - Mr. jMoody is not in fayoribf "co-operation V. I X'K - l For Rknt: A nice fQur room cot tage on Fisher St. For particulars ap ply to, j ;j V J. 4- Murphy. The huii wtien not properly cared for loses its Jusitre, s becomes crssp, harsh, and dry, andjfails oat freely -with every comb ing. Toi prevent this, the best dressing in the marketiis Avcr's Hair fYicror- It im parts that ilky. gloss so esaential to per- feet beaiityi 1; I . fora e K-(M'y ) ex t ra.o i( i n ari 1 y I ar ot'.tump Tuesday. J. B. - Lanier's ig. ' . Messrs. Fill and brother from Ran- dolnh countv come over to the mill- a - inanager of Salisbury was up and pur? jcha-sed .0-(55.20 W'ii'rth jof -stamps.- He "also soUk W. A.1 Bailey, of Davie, y, H0.20 worth of stamps. These were l.M two largest sales, but he made sales stone quarry of J. T, Wyatt after their H - i r II i 1 I V A- n a..- I - r 111 IT 1 . . J- t 1 A 1 Xl.' .i enougn l uesuay aione iu ik-h uchuj millstones one juay last wees, tuai; $'2(),(iiv. All the Viquor meu who have they had madto order any Ii(pi;or are havfng it tax paid aud Mr. J. D. A. Fisher is putting the Stamped in order jto get the advantage ; finishing touches on the ornamental the Populists and Republicans to vote for these gentlemen under the name of co-ODertftion. Now the ticket which was placed in the field by the Populist convention for judges of the Supreme Court and for State Treasurer as I understand it are to be endorsed by the Republi can convention when it meets in Ltaleigh on August 30th. Do the Republicans of the State think this the wiset and best course to be pui- sned under the Circumstances? I don't believe that we can ever en thuse the Republican masses and get them united on a ticket. that is one-i half or two-thirds Democratic, under the name of co-operation. I don't believe that the great host of Re publican voters will ever cheerfullv get under the same political bed-qiHit tint Buck Kitchia and his like sleep niider and vote a ticket tl at is half Democratic while they vile I Theo. F. Kluttz, S. H. Smith, Emery E. Raper, - Ex. Com.2Gth Dis't. IiMaiHl SMrlioj 'Calicoes at 5 Cents pet Yard. H :,:-"'" 10 yards dress goods' for onlv 2octF 3 yards Pants j?oods for 20cts- A pair ofPaut?, Shirt, Hat, pai of Socks and Handkerchief, all for 1 ! Shoes !! Shoes M Start at 2octs. a pair. Tin Cup 2cts. Coffee Pot 5ets. Set of plates 25cts. Cups and Saucers, 25ets. per set- Tumblers 20cts. per set, and thousands of other things just as cheap. Always come to the CAROLINA RACKET STORE and ask for what you want then if you don'tget will be time enough then to go some where else and pay more money. Your money saving friends, REID & HARRY. l n winding up our annual iuV-.-7;: tory which scores our second mile post in this town, we "-wish to thank he people gener.illj for the !ieral troiiage given lis ar.d promi joa ome HOT SHOT HAUGAINS in first class foot wear this fall, that vviii nake you open your, eyes with wTm- ler. , ; . J ' : - TradewUr' those whoT'ive j yi most fojw'tour mouty. - If we don t - lo this go elsewhere, in justice t yourself and family, Our. motto is "Meri!s onh y Vry truly. U.XT77'- BUI1T db OO. University Of North Carolina Includes the Colleffe.lhc I'niversitv. Iho- Law School, the Medical School and the Summer School forTe;u hers. College tuition $)0.0 a year; board $7.'oo to JlXoO amonih, Session begins iSeptemhcr ". Atldreh i'res- dent Winston, Chapel Hill,.. C. T? L. SPENCER, B ATTORNEY AT LAW, TKOT, IN- O- t'n?rsh!s prolesslonal Rrvlcrs to lu- r-eople of Moatgomer ana ao Joining ccuutka. s' ' U..irn fvieli in flldl. miliar -Hlfl himself a """' abuse that has been neaped upon vl- V ?of the increase tai recently laid by the jfc.iate. -Statesvilje MaRCQt. Messrs: Webb Rabe,. our enter I pnssiig torabstond and marble meu are increastng their;; business: rapidly. Tlicy are having iprrble shipped here riv great :quautiie8,; and have, we are glad't'o state, by their increased trade been compel led tq-increase heir force" yard. Tliey are hustlers and lan'y'husiness they embark in is run in sueii a progressive way that it is a lu iK lit to tbeiown. I -The State "Farmers Alliance is in session fit "Greensboro this week, sever al from this county are attending. piece of granite for the Presbyterian church at Charlotte. Aug. 13. Charlie! J-i ' i . Experience of Two Drummers. One nieht last week a well known knight of the grip stepped at one of I the hotels in the city and in undressing I attempted to get out of his shirt with ; cut unbut toning or taking off his col lar. Thej ilerk hearing a peculiar noise i as if soiiie one was choking went iii the . . direetioiff the nise and when reaeh ; ing this gentlemaus room found him perlwtl' j exhausted .and fastened barrel-in his shirt;aml almost choked. ; He was released from his peculiar po . sition arid it was hard for him to un- ' : uerstaud way his snirt would not come o f - In another parti of town at a private board ingiio use about the same hour in the ninht another; oiie was seen to rush ; doWn stairs in hi nightlothes yelling at. the top of his voice, all in one breath, . J murder-robbersrlhosts. On iiivestiga tiou it was found ;t hat a pet coon had i 'c'raAyled in the window aiid was pat j ting this well known druaimer.on the - --heek, and whenj awakening could not . understand the situation and gave vent he above way. Chas. Briggs Killed. Charlotte Observer. High . Point, Brigsjs, engiueer on the Southern Railway, iu charge of a local freight, was killed here to-day by the engine of the Asheboro train: The local train got in about 9 i4clock, and Charley Briggs stepped ofrof his engine on the main track. The Asheboro engine which was backing, struck him aud the wheel of the tender passed over his thigh and also crushed his side and foot. The engineer of the Asheboro train did all he could -to save him. but Briggs was only two feet away when he saw him. Mr. Briggs was taken to the Bellievue Hotel, where he died at 12:20 oclock. He was couscious up to the time of his death and recognized his wife and child when they .went into the room. We notice that Mr. J.i E. Briggs, of Salisbury hs announced n did nit as for cotton weiffher Mr. Britrsrsis well known byt the people of their heads by men of the politic this pat pf flie county.j He is well stripe of Mn.Kitchin. I think the qualified I fbrj that position, and we wjsest course to pursue is to put in kuow he (ifj elected) .wjould fill the to the field a straight, pure, upright place as acceptably as aiy otner gen- RepublicHa gufce tickefc around wliiph all R, n u li I i c a n s held the position ought to now in turn .. , . ... , , L '.ij .? . , , can rallv and tor which help Mr. Rn;gs to the place to which cau ltulJ - heaspe, ththemay,!too, sere his all Republicans can vote, and then county, ilejhas all his life been a true let co-operation lake care of itself blue Perocfat and wej know he is among the people in the Legislature worthy tie We 4ope the Dem- anj senatorial tickets and candidates ocratsj of Ifcke township in their for rountv officers. The people in primary wilt instruct their delegates . - iU ha co.operatioil to vote jior.lj. E, Briggs, lor cotton - ,,. ino weigherMm in Heraldp betweea PoPulwts and publicans ' Mr xS.,LnL Mnrtoi. a well-known if tht is the wisest course for them citizen! o Isfepenincr, Mirh., and editor to pursue, and I believe that theyJ Sui.erir fostn, who, far at long tinrt?, sat- fa d be jeft free ad uutramnieled feredlEoinJthQ;most exc-ucjating pains of -"""Vi rheumitishi, f as cured, eight years ago. jn this matter to do as tlieY like, by laklngfAyeVs S.irsasarilla, having never rp Qf Democratic misrule felt a tw lfige of it siuc6, j J '-,.,, i . ; I S: . j . have stopped the wheels of industiy Settle! was renominated at Greens- . , . ,, . i i. , : - - ' ... . throughout the nation, brought the Knrn vpstivdiiv hvlhfi Rp.mibbcans of vu0iiwu 0 the fifth Sdisijrict. government of the United States to Impropfr aid deficient clre of the salp a condition of bankruptcy, and will ca;nsd graynes3 of the hair and bald- spread misery and want into eve-Fjr ness. Escape both bv the use of that re- , , , mi j liable Buctiflclllall-i Hair Xenewer. comer of the land. These are facts - I 'i: i . ..1 1 1 ....... 1 1. ! 1. ... that the people Know auu iiiey miuw Deaths by st:rvution are perhaps Ui,at tjley n0vV exisf and they know coninjoner f.ainong tlie rich than t ey did not exist while the llepub- m ni r4f tZ I.- he Old Friend And tho best friend, that never fails you, is Bimmona Livor Regu lator, (the Red Z) that's wliat you henr at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, and people Fhould not be persuaded that anything eiso a:ill f'o. It u the King cfi Liver fedi " ; is better than; an'l .';;e3 tlie place of Quinine and ijalomel W. L. D sr. i BE,. ROBT.I. RAMSEY (Suryewi Dentist,) 3ILAS S ATjTSliUIiY N. C. gfeyOflrc1-' hours 0 a. m. to 5 pm. NO MORE EYE-GliSSES, S3 IS THE BKST. & NO SQUEAKING $5. CORDOVAN. FRENCH &. ENAI-1ELLE0 CALF $-3.sp FlNECALf&KAfjGARCl 3.5P P0LICE,3 Soles. ' F.VTSA FIHP. 2.I7JBOYSSCHOQ15HOES. LADIES SFND FC3 CATALOGUE u BROCKTON, MAS3. Yoa can 6avc money br purchasing VV . Lw Douglas Shoc, Because, we ere the largest manufacturers oi advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the vnlti- hv stamoiner the name and ones on the bottom, -which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes eoual custom work, iu style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at fever prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cauaot supply you, we can. bold by Dealer, whose name will shortly ap pear aere. Agent wanted at ones- More 91 Liver, Kichi It aetrj (liieetlv on the vs and Bow-Is a;.d mvos new lite to the whole sys 'm. Tii.-i is the lacdiciiie y-.u want. K'.:l.l bv ail Iruir-iits in Liquid, or in I'uwder to be t;iken , diV or inaile into a tea. IEVRHY PACKAGB-Sl tlnn llio 7. 8nnp in rrl on umpper, fl. rriMSA CO., l'liiIf.'Ul,1i!'ia, P-.. A Batigatn! A complete newspaper and Job Office out -fit for Sale, at a barg -.tin. For particulars, etc., address Juo. W. MvKenzie, Salisbury, N. C. :Po or1' ifiealt hereby announce myself a candidate forj X oflice of Register of Deeds of Ilowau 4 Durbaui Sun: It will be remember ed that some time last Spring Mr. Ben Kinnon. liviDg about five miles north west of Hi llsboro, was beaten and rob bed of several hundred dollars in his own house. Soon , after the robbery two voung men came to Durham and one of them was pretty free with a $100 note. Charles Simpson and Will Dezern ere suspicioned. Tbey were arrested and tried at the last term of Orange Court, held' this week. The defendants plead guilty of burglary in the second degree. They were senten ced to twenty-five yrars each at hard 1 abor in the penitentiary. to his feelings in $100 ReWd $100. Tht readers efthfs-papyr will be pleased iti le.trn that there is at lenrst one dreaded i ! iiseaie that science, has been qble to cure in ; 'ajirtts stages, and 4bat is Catarrh. Hall's 1 atarrhure is the - only (positive cure '. known to the meditjal .'fraternity. Catarrh - If iuftlcoustitutiotial diseud, requires a ihstitutional -. treatment. x Hull's Catarrh , jure ii taken 'jnternally, acting directly .-i- ili'n the Wood and mucc.ns surfaces of the ;: ;it'in, thercbr dcsltroyingrthe foundation - jjJ. the' tiisejise, and giving, ihe pat;c-t , ?!'r-tipth by.buildjnw up the'constitu.Uo:. aij . ' ;j-sUtiii utare in itding- rtai work.' 1H pmprivt have soi much faith in its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative i. powers, .that they offer One Ilnii ; ; !rel JMla'rs lor Any caie that h fails to Jui- f .-1- CrtKNvf & Co., Tc.lcdo, 0. . 15TS.:SqJ by Druggist, 7ic.- - The surprising statement is made that Josephus Daniels has been able to put more people into the Government Printing Office than any two senators or, representatives from North Caro-ina.- among the poor fays The New York icans had control of this country, bun. ;, 4iie-fmaciWion;thiit conies ot and tbe peopiere now looking for ""::ra r, ; 7 V J 1 r rf und thp r eves and hearts, are an iii-nouEisnea ooa yv a starving ' J . . , ," . w thout hnbsrer. Uverv phvMemn tnmea to megreai pnuc.uiw i in NewlYoHv, from whatever" social Grand Old Republican-Party for circle his patients areldrawn, treats-j that relief, and nowhere el?e, There i ? i ;.: . j i i: fni. i ' ..... many acnytwesoi b ih?v .tu mi x has been a time in the history . , . , r,., of our lives when the voters are as derstood, is really a device to feed willing to vote the Kepubtican ticket ineseKirviug men ana women wno as tney win oe tins iau, uu m perish for lack of nouiishmeiit in the mv solemn opinion that we will not be true to the principles of our greac party unless we give them an op portunity to vote their principles by nnminatincr a full Renublicau State o ticket. Hoping that selfish ambition may be laid aside and that all the councils of our party will be with an eye The Reform Advocate, issued from Statesville,! in the interest of the popu list party hjas made its appearance. The Raleigh News and Observer is much improved under the new man agement and we hope it will be sus taiued in a .manner sufficien to warrant further improvements. Do yoiL hate headache, dizziness, drow siness, loss of appetite and other symptoms of billiousuess? Hood's iSarsaparilla will cure you. presence of plenty. TniXWATERYj BLOOD. "I had an attack of the grip and was not able to leave m y room for' four nionths. 51 y b 1 o o d became S;! t f h i n and watery aud I had no appetite. I; took Hood's Sarsaparilla and now I am able to walk a good distance Without feeling t whlt jg just and right, and tne teasi t.reo i navtaicen nve oot- . tQ the d of the Hps of Hnnn's Sarsnnaw In nnn if. nasi. entirely! eufed me; It ha3 also cured a People, terrlblet: cmigh with which I suffered." I remain your most obedient ser Olaer Whitesidel Chimiiey Rock, N. C. vant. . J- M. Moody. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the .Superior Court ot Rowan County subject to the action ot tlie democratic uomiuaung coini-nuo". W . (Jr. ATSOX. j FOR SHERIFF. j T hereby announce myself a candidate for ! the office of Sheriff of Rowan County subject : to the action of the Democratic nominating , T 1 M ! convention. j. .h. .uoauo. REGISTER OF DBHDS. I the Countv suoiect tt me acii , cratic noiiunating convention. II. N. 00DS0N. FOR TREASURER. l hereby announce myseit a canuiuaie iur the office of Treasurer ot ttowan oouin iu- ject to the action of the Democratic noiiunat ing convention. J. Samuel MrCrnnixs. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Cotton Weigher subject to the Denn -cratic nominating convention. 11. A. USHER. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. T l.erehv announce myself as a candidate for Cotton Weigher of Rowan county, sub- iect to the Deraocrotic nominating coinen ticra. EYE-SALVE A Certain Safe and Efleclive Remedy lor S0RE.WEAR and INFLAMED EYES, Prwlucing Ijona-Sifthtrilnofix, and j Itestoriny the, Hifjnt e . Cores Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye ! Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, j AND PRODUOrNO QUICK -RELIEF f' ANQ PERMANENT CURE. Also, equally eftlcneiwid when rIn otlir mnliulie, nnch n I1cts I e-r HoreM, Tmr. Knit Ithoiuii, Burnn, IM1, or wlMTewr ln!anialn xlt, MITCHELl. HALVE iiwiy be uMa to ai vantage. SOU) BY ALL DRUGGISTS AT 23 CENTS. h rmnnc ?n rrrnrh mnffi than Itl Vfc -w - ill- from you imagine serious and trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature s J greatest gift health. i rowns Iron Bitters If you are feeling out of sorts, weak and generally ex hausted, nervous, have no appetite and can't work. be mil at oncetak ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine.which is Brown s Iron an ten. A few bot ties cure benefit comes from the very first dose it won't ttatn your M ttetn, a n a 1 1 s pleasant to take. It Cures Dvsnecsla tf r m RAILPiOAD, FARM, BARDEB,-. Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Ra&it 'M lfiOUSA'Di OF BILES IN LSI-. - s FIUE. FKKK'iHT I'AliJ - THE MULLEN WOVEN WSSE FENCE tU.t U4, 115, 118acdl20N. Market St., Chicago, IB. IB I X U Bsa &. Esa V7l S J 1LF t Al'E, T f - ' t . AS A f'SEV- be . 1 1 .- VAw'm Cilihrell, Jrali- J. E. Bkio(;s. Watchman Job Office. rtmanni Fine FIRST CLASS WORK IN EVERY RESPECT. Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood .Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Gel only the penuine it has crossed red lines on the wrapper. All others are sub stitutes. On receipt of two sc. stamps we will send set 6f Ten Beautiful World s Fair View and book tree. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MO. THE NOETH CAROLINA fcllep ef Apicnltnre asi Me ckanieal Arts. Offers Tliree Technical Courses: The Course in Agriculture; The Course in Science; The Course in Mechanical and Civ il Etiirineerini:. Aufi with each a good academic educa- I inn . Fih course is oroaa and thorough, and the insulution is now ciuii)pe.l for cxcelknt work. Expenses very mo.leratc. Session opeus Sep tember Gth. ! For Catalogues, address ALEX. (i. HOLLIDAY, Tre., 1Jalek;h NC the EXPR ESS. -o- r. i SEND F0U0UU.PU1. List and Circulai- and v- find it to your advai'it:- to i tiU'l clot lie- cleaned by us. ah woi an teed or no charge. - COLUMBIA .STEAM DYE WORKS. 17: Maiv St., CoU'.mp.ia, . C. SAtisiiunv, x. c. : 1LWIXG RECENTLY MOVE llood's Tiills cure inJigession. Subsenb for the r Watchman from liowluDtil December 1st for only '!. NOTICE! I W:int every man and woman in the Uni ted. (States iiitercsred. in! the Opium and LADIES SUFFERING FROM NERVOUS PROSTKATION . DEBILITY , AND FEMALE WEAKNESSES, GOOD IVEWS Whigky hiibits to have onp of raj books on thesi dilenses. Address B. M. WOOLLY. Atla!nta,(;a5Box 380, and one will b- SPtittTCtE, Allania, Ga., or P. O. Box 74, joajjire .- 5 i - I Georgia. A postal card witU your address secures it. Write nW to NATIONAL SURGICAL IXSTl" Atlanta, OlcJoue . and COMMERCIAL fircula Vorl GIVE US A TRIAL. ATI LK tU nx IUI UlUUli Ul uuuuw SALER3 3 The 93rd Annual Session begins Pep- teinler4th, 1894. Register for last year 340. Special features -.the develop; meut of Health, Character and Intel 0nt r,iiillinrs ihorotiehlv remodelled. F first-cla-s schools in Music, Art, Lan guages, Commerc-'al and Industrial Htudie-. II. CLEW i L TO THE .X-OKSEll. Formerly Ocrnpicii; BY J. B.SH I am better prepared to ..ri-s cheaDer than ever. goods daily and buy al! kind-' -', produce; a-o agent fur lli- it! galvanized backk-band honk; vn ; rut from sweat or exposure to vveu. SPECIAL 1 have J pairw;i -i and 8')ine Indies dies- g 1- ",. I; , and will well at and below . A all persons inueplt-o to n:. ? v .-1 ! II 1 I reeel- tlliy equipped Preparatory, Collegiate n!e or mortgage for .a-' y Qd Post Graduate Lepitrtment besides J aud settle and save JULIUS EARNHAua TRIAL. i J. II. CLEW i Lt J rn c jXU, p - , , : j S 7 1 SabIQ)4- 1 - ... . , . i ;;'! : i ' l: . .. -- 1 "M.- " -! : . -I i . i -', -T- : I '4 ' ' i f ;''-j.f .' .;; ' :A ". ':Tm;A MM t ,-1 t"-l 1 :l i-' tr- - .1 i: -V".- '$4 4 ! .: T. Jk ... :'. i . i . - . - . . ... ;f...i " M h:J

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