f "JUDGE WALTER USES AND ENDORSES THE X Cure when an else falls.? 1 : !ort1l CJUn ""I ' WAJ.TKR CLARK. A9on-f Jt-ancr ; 4 4 4 i;ie W BQtp xr May. and I Stn SUM! I tfare .Ml. Fnun my sXKrtei wM 4 " Investigation I: j - X .: Electrolibratlon Co4 345 fOOATH AVlNUt, NEW YOKK. 3 viz: rfYf H8fl T fTTTT yr-- - -1 - i . t V ls-vvi rr Protoerntic mte 1 conspicuous buuiu thv platform. I and most honorable pumic servu, .-t iL rinl!ni I i i...tm ic ornrpttfil nn ' AC The Democracy oi Aorm iproiouuuuuun i j- - . . .. irtpr 111 I'l l klLdlv 'irilUTII ui lul taiuiuivi " - - SUlllllH UIW "'-- m I . . ,- i. i, following declaration of principles, I icn up0n the State in the event refer- red to. Wc aaraire uiu; nuuis i' iht it it the dutv ot i nei public and private, oi luifc cumjem fn it ns ihe noblest laiv.m.ikiiiirdctianmcui ui t inuu, a..u i- ... i:.i f i Vip I ne VnrtK Carolina man fTHimm.JKAV ll -- i rwrni-v. to take immediate steps i hood ... .,;.r. hv halation the equal! Col. P. B. Means moved to eon- Su-ivil'ee of silver witn goiu ui iM siuer mcpiuuuim ujr , vvw--. - .. ri .itifi uni UUV.UW nrfd i n;it mis tuuvi"tiuii s minis, lV tn.v ..v- , . rt a. oml silver at I Krrrt- it ihr surrrss of tbe Democra .iin.of 10 to 1. such licing ncicy jnxorth Carolina, lie uetwcu ratio f coinage whih heretofore I tiat thCrc were some part of hat has luifl intftc United. I platform which is adopted wouiu RfsJlvcdS.. That we urge irp"-r,l disintegrate the Democratic parly r j-'it.l law. making department oil q0 q6c moved that a resolution commend that the several counties in tbe tate hold a primary election on the first Tuesday in November next utider such rules and regulations as the jState Democratic Committee may prescribe, j at which primary electiojn the Democratic voters of the various counties may express their preference for two representatives in the United States Senate, provided thai sftch election shall not bo held unless! the Executive Committee of each cbunty so direct. G. S(. Efradsbaw moved to lay the resolution on the table. The vote on this motion was taken by coun ties and resulted ayes 694, noes 218 sn the resolution was laid on the table! A vpte of thanks was returned to Chaiilman Simmons and to the offi cers af the convention, and the con vention then adjourned at 6:45 p.m. News and Obverver. : i . w Waishington, Aug 8. Among the bills Introduced and referred to the committee was one by Senator Allen, of Nebraska, "To prevent Profession- THE SUN'S HEAT. T. A. Long, of Alamance, in a fine add ress, proposed the name of A. W. Graham, of Granville, as the nominee for Congress. J; K. Hughes, ot Urange, seconded the nomination. He said he thought Graham was the man to "Settle" Tom's hash. Col. Helmholtz'a Theory of How IU Loss by : Bodlatlow Is RpJrod. Those who hale paid attention to this subject are aware that the re markable doctrine first propounded by Helmholta removed all real doubt I John ! r. Webster, of Rockingham, from the matter. It ia to this emi-1 moved that the rules be susnended nent philosopher we owe an exphv I and Mr, Graham be nominated by nation of what at first seemed to be a I acclamation. The motion prevailed, paradox. He explained how, now and Mr. Graham was nnanimouslv withstanding &at the sun ravffiates I nominated for ConcreM. The chair s boat a pttofiteeilyrc todSctions iman appointed ti.Qvrt rf J thit kMvsUnhfe AaeHra tea can I Webster to not! 1 Mf. Uranam be as yet lisc0Vred. nomination aod present him to Tf tii YvnA maAfl of nlid I the convention. Mr. Graham said coal from center to. surface, and if that coal hadbeen burned for Uie purpose of sustaining the radiation, it can be demonstrated that a few thousand years of solar expenditure at the present rate would suffice to exhaust all the heat which the com bustion of that great sphere of fuel could generate. We know, how ever, that the sun has been radiat ing heat not alone for thousands of years, but for millions of yejira. Tbe existence of fas.il planH and an imate would alone suffice to demon strate this fact. We hcrve thus to account for the extremely remarkable ciwuuwtahce that our jrv.-at luminary lias radiated forth r.1 ..:dy a thousand tunes 03 much heat as could m cenrrated by ne considered the nomination a marked honor, coming as it did from the people of one oi the leading dis tricts of the State. He stood on the State platform of 1892 and the Chi cago platform. "I stand on the platform as accepted by the South ern wing of the Democratic party and not the Northeastern wing o the party." He made an address that was enthusiastically applauded 0Y oJOI Southern Railway c0. (PIEDMONT AIR LINE) Western North CMoHna Distloii .in effect Jane II, 1804. the : the jvtrnment the abolition oi tnc ireportcd by the committee m npnor staLs, to be ounished by a fine ot unconifitutional and prohibitive tax I to tbe memory of Senator Vance be lQt jesg than $1000 nor more than al L(bbying." It defines a lobbyist to be a person who habitually at tempts to influence the legislative I tae Combu:itioh of a .-'.Ha e of coal as action of Congress oy sonciung i Dig as uie sun is at preheut, uiiu jci, members to support or defeat a mea sure j and it declarss lobbying in the Capital or in the District of Colum bia hn offence against the United . t. ; . . .. ii 1? iv: ..fiiir rent, upon inc ics '"laciontccl Dv ansinc vote, auu m - s;mte banfc I prevailed, every delegate rising in Kcs6lvi(13, That, in Viv of the lrcSpectful silence to his feet t, A.vVh'i3 rondit ion ia which the Intel Mr. Elias made a speech, declftring kVnubliian administration left the I tnat platform was hot satiftfact- T,.,.rii,fihi' Tnited States pre-orv. Tt did not endorse either the scntinc as it did, sivch a lamentable I National or state Democratic ad r,trtttnihcoverflowingconditronmjmstrations. He said therelwere 1 i uh it tvn delivered bv Mr. Ino nrincinles enunciated. He moved 1 Cleveland's first administration to J that it be re-referred and again for . f . .. . ... i . . i i its Republican successor wc ur jmulatea inw-mnliinp dcoart-i fr. Means then aerain urered his Upill : IUI UIH ... . O " - - Wj ' liirtif the immediate enactment oflmotion to consider the platform i an income tax. ;- ' I seriatim wniw,n That wc cmnhatlcallyl Mr. R. B. Glenn moved as a sub- a onrovc . the tariff doctrine enunciat-1 stitute that the convention adopt ccf byf the Chicago platform. - J unanimously the report of the com Resolved 6. That while we arc op- Jrnjttee on platform,' and made a nosed to the slightest qualification,! rii gnecch in suooort of his . , o O ,7 1 ! ; fo.rr if thp T-pfirfli tiovernment, A: in hi ww. "w - " a II1UUUU ' 1 of the repeal oi the ten per ccnt tax ; on State bank issues, we ncvertlie-jtion an(j 0flereti three amendments, j less advocate as a matter of State Jall of which were defeated MrfTohn $5,000 and by imprisonment in the common jail of the District of Colum bia for not less than one nor more than five years. Ah amendment which was offered last week to the Sundry Civil appro priation bill by Senator liunton, lookiag to the appointment of a member of the Confederate army of Northern Virginia on the commission to mark the battlefield of Gettys burg, was made the occasion of a short speech by Senator Ransom, in whjich he took the ground that the amendment was a reflection upon Coj. Wm. M. Robbins, of North Cajrolina, who was already on that commission. . Senator Hunton disclaimed any rjuroose of reflecting on Col. Robbins Mr. Means again spoke to hs mo-1 anj dcclared his object in offering the amendment to have been to have Knrtn 4-rt Viiir t-rxm tnri trin1rttTrr1 pm.cy , , , xvepster tnan moveu to aoept where oniy onc had been before. of the issues ot banks cnancreu I rep0rt of the committee asa whole. j . l lie motion to te-reier was nrsc pui Seator Ransom to be perfectly satis- and was lost, and tne piattrm was fa(itorv then unanimously auopteu notwithstanding this exiendituro in the iast, physics declare tlu.t for millioivs of yeai-s to coiue the fciin may continue to dispense light and aeat to its attendant worlds with the samd abun'uiit pi-odiality. Tohavo shown how the appavent paradox could be removed is one of the mosu nottibk' &ehievt iiieuts of thd jrreat Cronniiii philosopher. What Helniholtz did was to refer to the obvious fact tkat the expendi ture of l:at by radiation must neces sarilv lead to v . . v of the 'solar volui:. Ti:I 'tiis'-i tl:. rf fevt . i,l . - .;iii4 - n u t iore ,1 potential eneagy in Uie suu anl transforming what it takes into the acfive for of hvht. Tho transfor mation j. 'v.jr.ec s . ii i -ssu with the radvi-.i'..;, so that ihv Iosh of hat arisi:: ifion ther;.1ii:iit.ii is restored by the . ly i-rotluceil heat deriveil froi'.i th.j l:.4.t r;(. lesorvoir. Such is ouil; . f the now fa mous doet i;.e miiv. .-rsally accej)t d among phytieiati. It fu'fillsthe c n ditioiis of the prol.-ivin, and when treated by arithmetical eulcuiation ii is not louud w:t;itiiig. Sii Rob rr Bull in T. llnihily Review. Bow I.H110 Catu; I)om. Eiward L.iu , ajuihiter employed in paintinr tho sniv.Vrustack of a The Georgia platform is all right as to silver-and no mistake. Sum marisine it the Atlanta Conktitu tion sayst "It is a free coinage platform. It is not an 'international agree ment' platform. It is for the free and unlimited coinage of silver, as gold. It is for the immediate free and un limited coinage of silver by the Unit ed States. It is a Democratic platform." Three cheers for Georgia! ma ABSOLUTE TheBest WAD II wtftn ATTTl DBAIiEllS MB SU ron melln bepr Want yur trad, l'f prUw oi.Tea nETTKIt $50.00 Sfi i m... ttn.on.or a. batter SwlnTnaclJe for f ao.00 MA IP ean buy from , f .ZZZZZm ran irw ucm SRHIQHiCHISECO. AH, W JAOO, ItX. EASTBOUND. Lv Enoxville Mnrrutnwn s Paint Book Hot Sprlags AjEb&riUe KuUbd Knob Marion Morganton Illekory Newton Statesvilie Ar Salisbury ' ureensooro " Danville H 12. - - " Richmond' na.wM If iM. TSuao-IU. ST. FOR ALt BY For Malaria, Li7er Trou ble3orIndigestion;use BROWN'S IRON BITTER' Lv Greensboro Ar Durham Raleigh , Golds boro Lv Danville Ar Lynchburg ' wasntngton Baltimore PhiladepbM Xew York D rn l4 rn i " " vi l in HI 3 35a m -f 3) a m J p m i23 am iw to a m !l 2. " Piu fobody need have Veuralgla. Get Dr. Miles' ain Puis from druggists. "Uqe cent a aose. WESTBOUND. IV : A .t, or ir. : out of eriloy. i a positiv.ti t'Kit'ViMi vio n -lii:e? Possil.ly t c itine cf Life 1:.: . have, v.." m s b.jeii North Carolina as will 6ecure a sound currency- ' Reki)lvcd fi, That we admire the courfigc and lofty patriotism of the President, and that we most hearti ly commond his prompt and effective action under the law for the suppres sion of the efforts of alien jauarchists to "disturb, by force pnd violence, the tmc relations of lahoF and capital, 1iis sturdy efforts to secure the sturdy dTortio secure the etKwtmcn of tariflfrurnvas. called fox In live par ty pJatfonfi; his prontpk approval of the billl repealing the Federal election law) the notable reduction of the ex penses of government under his ad ministration, and the freedom from scandal which has been such a mark cd feature of his return to the head of aflairs. We point with pride to the record of ths Democratic party in North Carolina and endorse the present State administration. For eighteen years this party has had full control of the State government. It has ad ministered it with the greatest economy and at all times with an eye single to the best interests of all the people. Coining into power at the -end of a reign of debauchery and crime, it addraesed itself to the work of rehabilitation, and its record is -one which challenges public admira tion. It has rebult ourpublic schoo system; established asylumns for the carp of ournnfortnnates; administer ed "; justice?-" promoted our public works fostered every public enter: prise; reduced taxation, and in all re spects justified the confidence of those wlwvkave trusted it. It has afford ed -security tolife and property, pro lecicu ooin capita and labor in its rights and done all that government can do for n people. .No scandal has attached to its administration o public aftairs. We congratulate our citizens Upon their wcllreposcd trust in it; wc congratulate them upon the , friendly relations existing between the. rncess: upon the nrosoects of A bounteous crops nud returning pro sperity. With the rccard before them we appeal to them for a vote of confidence this year in the the De ; -. niocratic party. ' Resolved. That we favor the aboli tion ot the internal taxes on spirits and tobacco as soon as practicable? anjlif this cannot be done that the harsh and unjust features of the law hir its collection be mollified. M r. Laid well stated for himself - that he dissented from the planV providing Tor the coinage of silver and gold in the ratio of 1G to 1. , The following is the resolution which was adopted in regard to Senator V;mcc: AVhcreas. Since the Democratic par ty of North Carolina last assembled ini convention, death has clainimed The following were the substitutes' offered by Col. Means; : In section 1, substitute for all af ter the figures 1892, the following: "That we are particularly iriterest erl in rrstnrin the finances of this onntrvo the W nobul eondi-. Wte8 as to the number discharged J " i I T AA a 4 frr 1 a. tion for appinea .ttOir pf .uuu, out Uhe nrnnlo ntc entitled in fiind od M"K tevcri ucprc- i r i ' r Ti ' 1 -k : .1 : iL.i -1 1. I uu. tT4.rrfy.. v honest money, abundantly suificient ri "u.ulcS uui0i,uio(. were bruifted thj; m in volumt to supyly the business Jmi ron wioiamgroom, r . T I rKm 1, . 1:...,,: r .1 needs of our country; ithatlwbatever "f"1 "re lucuulu the explanation was declared by flaring J mill in thi. eity, recently 1 1 1 'A. 1. ........ K 4 U ... 11. ....IL.IH A Large Number. Dismissed from the Got ernment Printing Office. public Printer Benedict lately dismissed a large number of the em-! plpyes at the government printing ' office. There were all sorts of esti- may be tbe form of the people's cur rency, National or State, whether gold, silver or paper, it should be so regulated and guarded by govern ment action or by wise and careful laws that no one can be deluded as to the certainty and stability ; of its value. Every dollar put into the hands of the people should be of the same intrinsic value! or purchasing po wer, and with these conditions absolutely guaranted, we demand mfent rooms, 55 from the department branches, 80 from the bindery, 45 frpm the specification and proof rdioms and perhaps 100 to 150 from the other divisions and individual positions. None of the force on the Congressional Record were disturb ed. lAbout half of the number dis charged were women. The blow tasnot unexpected, but the work ers who were suddenly deprived of employment tound .it Jnone the eas ier to bear on that account, and the speed v enactment of laws' for'the I when the stream of employes, and use of both gold and silver ap0n fPme who w61",110 lofier employes, equal term in the adjustment of our 4,Sbuilding at 5 0,clock therc were currency. M !; eyes red with weenine I and tear- For Resolution 4 substitute the stained faces by the score. More following: That we especially assert removals are looked for this soon, our devotion to the great cause of isr- Beneds hrtention to i , , . , reduce the force of 3,600 to some tariff reform, and heartily commend where near the 2200 he left in office President Cleveland and the Demo- vhen he retired five year ago. crats in the Senate and House of Representatives of the fpresent Con- Greek 0, Andrews, who has for gress, who have so splendidly striven ?even years held the position of city in this behalf, for their patriotic editor of the &ews and Observer, ex- efforts to redeem our pirty promises! pects to leave in a few days for the I hie out by the day or week as trim in this matter and secure such letris- North, where he will orobablv oer- mere to New York modistes. It goes lation on this subject as wif. give to feet a desirable arrangement which the people of this republic he bless- he has under consideration to en- ings and benefits ot a tariff 'limited gage in journalistic work. to the necessities of tre government a a ence. Ko lu.d paint 1 half of tho steek, 120 fevt hiLi. und had' just hen drawn to the top when the hook holding his platform gave way. He foil i i feet, striking a guy rope with his legs, which he oiul around the rope in a twinkling, but without ef fect. He fell again, dropping 40 feet further, where he struck another gay rope, Xjuji tatii!tr H wui b&h hwdfi qiM ffe E$b hSki piucJaw, afhpUgh oonsevaUy until Lel: leaeLtd hhn and he lowered to the ground. It was a narrow escape, but be did not apjiear to bo espi - .ally disturl'x'd over hi- ae.-nient toid Ws:s at v. next di-y h.s n--;u:d. loan Franc; Chouiele. Iotlttia. If iodine be taken continuously for a length of tune, what is know u as iodisni results. . Different individuals are affected differently by this drug. There are three forms of iodic :n-toxication-fii-st, that in which the symptoms are those of gastric irrita tion; second, that characterized by nervous troubles, neuralgia, ringing in tho ears, convulsive movements, disturbed intellect; third, that char acterized by rapid emaciation, com-4 mencmg mostly in the tace, and ko-' vere nervous palpitations of the heart, with excessive appetite, which sometimes precedes and sometimes follows the loss of flesh. These symp toms are said to be most easily in duced in goitrous persons. Brooklyn Eagle. Day Laboring Man Milliners. It is not generally known perhaps that there are man milliners who j htness -li.r-t. 2 it ha: r - 4 : p.a' .... ' : - .! of t :u triiil. ? most con-: .able tccu-1 I'tvcment : I iiquicuOic; Lite :in Ui 5 Carol h I to its . 5 of c! : "Writ.. h ;:artr.n.v.t. ot the : .....i t-J add; rvie agents ; ui aljilit'. ; ::f irmation. i Lv New York " Philadelphia " Baltimore - Washington Lynchburjr Ar Danville No. 11. 4 iu p ffl HEART DISEASE. Fluttering, No Appetite, Could not Sleep, Wind on Stomach. "For a lone time I had a terrible pain at my heart, which fluttered al most incessantly. I had no appetite and could not sleeo I would be compelled to sit up in bed and belch gas from my stomach until I thought every minute would be my last. There was a feellngr.of oppression about my heart, and i was afraid to draw a full breath. I could not sween a room without resting- My husband induced me to try Dn MileSHeart Cure and am happy to.say it has cured me. I now have a splendid appetite and eieep welL Its eSect was truly mar velous." MBS. DARBY E. STARR. PottarlUe. Pa. Dr. Miles Heart Cora ia sold on a DoslUre guarantee that the first bottle will Deneflt. All druggists sell it at SI. bottles for 5, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, Lv Richmond M DanvUle Ar Greensboro Lv Goldsbonj " Raleigh M Durham Ar Greensboro Lv Greensboro Salisbury ' Statesvilie Newton Hickory HorgantoQ Marion Round Knob Ar Ashevllle " Hot Springs " Paint Rook Morristown Kaoxville jio 4j p m '3" 4 ! a iu ti2 'm am j 40 a m 58 a m f 6 44 a m j 8 33 ini o 4S a ni 10 3tla m n Wani W 02 a a" 12 22Pm loopm .1 46 p m "2-46pitt : 50pm j 6 30 p m ; 1 45 p m MURPHY BRANCH. tlllllf lll'lilt.' It" Ttf ,1 Lessens Pain, Insures Safety to Uf e of Mother and Child My wife, after having used Mothers' Friend, passed through the ordeal with little pain, was stronger in oni HOUR than in a week after the birth f her former child.-J. J.McGoldsjcx, Sean Station, Tenn. Mothers' FaiBiro robbed pain of Its terror and shortened labor. I have the heal thiest child I erer saw. Mas. i M. abs&n, Cochran, Ga. ExpresMd to toy iddreu, ctauM psaJ4. on re lpt of price, ffio pet botfle. For uie Dr sit Drue- Citti. Book to Mothers marled firce. BRADF1ELX) REGULATOR CO., AtUots. Cs PEISVLVMIA'S LEADING NEWSPAPER ' A a tnp ataauutQafofaBp-fo qrke a Ir8t las& fatally Journal. THE PHILADELPHIA RECORD spares no trouble or expense to gather and and present to its readers all the news of the Old ad New World. Its several Departments, each under the management of a competent Editor, treat fully of matters pertaining to THE HOUSEHOLD, THE r ARM, WOMAN'S WORLD, SC1ENCE.ART, LITERATURE, FINANCE, THE I REAL ESTATE WORLD. Presenting a complete magazine every SUBSCRlPTIONAUATE9. Daily, oneear .... Daily and Sunday, one year Lv Ashevllle Ar Waynesvilie Bryson City Andrews A VIUVVU, Murphy Na it 10 3D am 1.2 43 a ra pm 4 p m 4 03 p m Lv Murphy Ar Tomotla " Andrews BrvsonGitv Waynesvilfe-Asheville ii ii $3.00 14.00 The Record Publishing Co. 917-919 Chestnut.Street, PHILADELPHIA . J When Baby was sick, f fate herrstoria. rVhenahewaa a Ctofld, she cried for Castoria.; When she becamo M1m, ahft clunig to Castoria. Vhea ibo W rAfldrw, aho gateW Cftstori TTME D AMUEIldDMc Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps Vertical and zontal of every Variety and Gapacity. Hon. Zebulon B. "Vance, the Statc'sJanil riot most illustrious citizen; itls by this Convention. when honestly and economically ad ministered." ; And that we condemn, Jftogether with Republican and Populist Sena tors, the action of Senators Gorman , Brice, Hill, Smith, " Caffrey and Blanchat:d on the; tariff bill now pending in Congress, as "party per fidy and party dishonor." For resolution G, j substitute the following: "That we have full faith in the srreat wisdom of President Cleveland, in his i loy.il ty to the principles of our party, nul we en dorse his administratipn; fpr having curried out those principles as fully as it has been possible uhefer the ad verse circumstances Confronting him. That while some of us do differ from him in some matters of policy, we agreed in the belief; that he is impcll ed in all his actions by motives of the highest patriotism ' and by an unselfish devotion to greatest good of the whole people. And that we admire and approve ; his courage and firmness in sustaining law and order and suppressing lawlessness'! Mr. Murphv. of Buncombe, intro- i uueed the following resolution: KesglvedTha appreciating his ResoWed' That this convention re- ' .A Gentleman I Who formerly resided la Connecticut, tmt f wno now resides in OodoIuIo, writes i 'r 20 years past, ray wire and I have used A jei1 Hair TIf or, and ws attribute to It tne dark hair which she and I now hare, wnse hun dreds ot oar acquaint ances, ten or a dozen years younger than we, are either gray-headed, white, or bald. When asked how our hair has retained its color and fullness, we reply, By the use ofAyer's Hair Vlgor-nothint else. MmiK8,myaOanced was nearly bald, and the hair V kept fall ing out every day. I induced her to use Ayers Hair Vigor, and very soon, it not only cheeked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all in need of a genuine hair-restorer. It is aU that it is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrun, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR I without saying that these trimmers are artists. Their greatest value lies In what they call original designing. The frames or shapes in stock are taken with whatever decorative ma terial may be available, and unique bonnets and hats are evolved, which may serve as models or used for spe cial orders. The man trimmers command a sal ary of $50 a week or $10 a day of six hours. They are regularly employed by modistes, who, in connection with dress and cloakmaking, do some mil linery work, but the largest class of patronage comes from millinery shops. The intruder ; is scorned by the women i the workroom; who not only make personal remarks but depreciate everything he turnB out. One milliner on Fifth avenuenear the Union League club hires a man trimmer every season to go over her trimmed goods and put on finishing touches, which he does to her entire satisfaction. New York World. y Great C'lltlea f Bstterfll es . From the entomologist's point of view, the British Museum has just received an important gift. A col lection of 34,000 butterflies is seldom Ln, and necessitates the use of a suryrising number of glass cases; tbe Museum authorities will, how ever, find room for the collection in the Natural History Branch. 9 Regular Horizontal IPiston. W Q CO 3 O CO.) r-A C. L-rTli-rjji ijl i 'rib The most simple, durable and ef fective Pump in the market for Mines Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Fac tories, Artesian Wells, Fire Duty arid General Manufacturing purposes. flfegT'Send for-Cataloguc. Foot of East 23d Street New York 99 Hori- 1 cam 7 20am 7 55 a m 10 54 z m 1'2 59 p m f in (JHAxvLUl 1, STATESV1LLE & TAY LORSVILLE. j No. 12. Daily Except Sunday. No. 11. 4 30pm Lv Charlotte An HKham 5 20pm Ar IIuntersvIlleL 10 11 am 5'43i4a " Davidson "j 9 43 am 7 10pm M" Mooresvillc i 922am TlOpm ' Statesvilie '! Sif&m 7 32 p m Lv Statesvilie Ar 8 00 a m 8 47pm Ar Taylorsv ille Lf G 30 am SLEEPING CAR SERTICE. Nos.ll and 12 Pullman Sleepers Ix iweca Richmond and Greensboro, and trams 31 and 38 Pullman Sleepers betweon Sew York, and Hot Springs beinj?J handled on Noa. 11 and 12 on R. & 1. aid W. N.C. Divisions. Pullman Sleeper Ixiwefn Asho ville CincinnatU via Knoxvilte. . Trains Nos. 13 and 14 Solid trains, bo tween Ashavilla and Colambiai ojnn-'cf.n OJtCcJuHta wlto 6. a IV It bn Charles ton and if. O. ct F. Ity 9ot Kavuni; Jack sonville and all Florida point j Pullman Sleeper qn Nos. Wan l lb' w- tween Jacksonville, Asheyilje and Hot Springs, j E. BERKLEY, J. S. B. 'mlMt,60 Superintendent, " Supeifinteudt-nt, " Greensboro. N. C. - Richmond, Va. W. A. TURK, j Gen. Pass. Agt. -Washington, t. 0. S. U. UARDWIC'K, Asst. Gen. Paj. At - Atlanta, tit W. H. GREEN, Gen. Man. Washington, IX C. J. M. CULr, Traffic Manager, Washington D. C I .1 M A. S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WORKS. -2, .1: f i - i.-t.