. . : . i ;. . . . . . . . ( K tr ;.'JSflSw .m x-. jw : rmm mm TKITRSDAY AUO. 2g,18gCl .John S. Heersos,o lUwan, fih Judicial DUice, ' of Jredell. i - For Solicitor-8t h Judicial Disk, of Da idson. Democratic County Convention. ThU will be held in the court hoyse in Salisbury, . N. C, on Saturday S.ep. Unjberlst, 18a4; At l o'cjock, M., a ponvjention of ie pemocraw oi county, for the pure of nominating two candidates for theHouse of Repre aenutlye' a Clerr of the Superior finarti Sberiff.Pegister of Ieed3, nMnr THMarer.' Surveyor, Coroner VWUUIJ , - r and GottoiT Weigher, and for the t rans action of such other business as may pdme before Xfb pemocraU of the various town hjps will hold primaries rt their usual place of meeting, on Saturday, August 250,' 1894, at 2 o'clock, p. m. to select tfetegates t.o tte county conventUn, to pminat u candidate for township instable and to select a township executive committee .consisting of five active Democrats. A. H. BoyDEN, Ch'm. Dem. Co. Ex. Com. While jt i perfeitlyrue as we cliall oersisb in contending, that the senate tariff bill oervf the pndorse- Minnrfcv dti'Us owm nierjts be undcretooa, ltt',eH jjettier the people nor iuc v?j be expected to endorse the concession hy niean of which thugarrust I anoMl fn rob the ebole of 'billions f dollars. . ' I! H -I :i . - We ttiinJvUhererel thatt would be well for Uie..4eisJtbe .7 ate to consider the j propriety Ipf pyss jng a separate bfll trijing. f;bufc"'-frife-dutv oil refined suinplt is a ques- tion that way be c.onsjaered;irrespec- tive of the policy pi ieyviug revenue duty onfSraw sugar. No genuine tariff refjfl 0!518 to a doty ou sugar. Suckdut enables the nartv to give the; popple compen sation by reducing th4 tariff on arti cles of necessity that pay ifo revenue into the treasury;; co matter how highly protected they are. The re duction these article of necessity more thaaconrpensaies the.people for the tax on sugar, pearly every cent of which goes into: thj treasury where it can be applied tfl' the sup port of jthe government. We repeat, there isjno conflict in the democratic!! party i over the ofi-oIMif dufvnn 'raW suffar. It IS purely a question! of policy, iiven so ardent a tariff reformer; as Editor Watterson declares that a duty on iall sugars is purely a n tanff tor revenue, for the reason that nearly 4i lOViag; ouuiiiinA'f A&anta Constltntion; - j , ' i j The LowellMass., Courier receht li called attention to .a significant movement on the part of on oi ine Srgest cotton mills of that city which iroesto show that the south aj ready controls the jcoirser lines of cotton manufacturing. F it seems that this company has found that its export irate in coarse coods has been captured by its south ern "competitors, and it, therefore, u luoslatnrfi to amend its qoitn mw r t charter in order that the company build and operate a mill for tbis class Af-roods iu one of the southern states-The stockholders met this tveek and made arrangements for rinsing $600,090 additional capital, jVslte for the pew mill has not been definitely agreed upon, and it quite likely that a properpresentatio'n of ihe advantages of Atlanta would cause the company to establish their enterprise in our city. A ... Ml Many of the Mew ilinglana miiia are quietly laying their plans for a phange of base and their managers are studying the southern field. Now is our time to reach out for these big Concerns and aid them in selecting locations in j this region There should be a bureau of information connected with the municipal gov ernment of every southern town, and all such movements as the one re ported from Liw'ell should be watch ed and met half way.: Jn the next ten years we may expect to see many of the New England cotton mills transferred to the south. Doesn't Favor Fusion. Archibald Brady. BcpubUcan, la Ciuir. News. . . ., , . I if! The Republicans wll have a con vention on the 60 of August and What they will do remains to be seen. It looks very ranch to me like there will be a terrible "and perhaps fatal split in the party. f f Jj "As to fusjon with UaevPops, I am squarely opposed tolt. Qf course, if could see any chance oi beating the Democrats by doing that, why, I am mean enough Republican to do it, but you see 1 4on't think jt can be done. It is a mighty easy thing to sit down and make it a m athematuial certai n ty , but when the time would come neith- Eight Years er crowa would deliver tq& goods. A majority of the white Republicans an all the negroes in the country will vote a straight Republican tick et but when we raise any other flag they are going to leave us. The ue- grO in ihe country will vote any way he white men say if there is no Re publican ticket-for them, and the negro in town is very untrustworthy and THE WORKS, Ivy poisoning of Suffering Perfect Cure by Hood's Sarsaparitta "CI. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : "Pear Sirs: We hare tried Hood's Sarsapa rilla and find it to be all you claim for it My wife was poisoned by ivy when a young woman, and for eight years was troubled every season Hood&Cures! with the breaking out and terrible Jtching and burning. I thought hers was as bad' a ease as anyone ever had. She was in this distressing condition every year until she began to take iinM' sarMMrnk which has effected a per- politically. I think the Republicans fect care, without leaving any scars, and she of North Carolina are losing the bp- " L . , I ..-.. in , f xl- No Sign of the Poison Since. I portunity of their life by not putting - taken Hood's out a Straight, honest j Republican SarsaparUU after the grip with goodresults, and ... - , . i ... mi : i K.v.aisnfrTvon it to our four children. We are is the only way we can. win," f Prices Per Thousand: " . .. ' ' i Select Hard Brick, Run of Kiln Brick, Salmon, H Culls, - ; ' Repressed Brick, First Grade, Repressed Brick, Second Grade, Repressed Briqk, ThirdjGrade, Liberal Discount on Orders of- mm The Decline of Marriage Among the Worldly. all nlctures ot"terfect health and owe it to TTvrl'. SarannRHlla' J. C. FUEEMAN, Van- NTfe: H you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa rllla do not be induced to buy any other instead. Hood'8 PHIS are hand made, and perfect In proportion and appearance, zscperoox. Justice Here and Theie. Tt is iniDossible that southern Two KindsV Sugar Tax. f hlladrlphlii Record. - The ad valorem tax on raw and refiued sugars will be collected at the kj,e whole of it would would be paid custom houses,, ?an4 go into the into the treasury. Jt is true the Treasury. - - house foflowed its acceptance of the The differential tax of one-eight senate measure by -passfiig a "free pf a cent a pound on reined sugar sugar bill. But the trust had free arJU nrpvpnt the importation of re- raw su car under the! MeKinley bill; ...nuv i. will added to the- with iirliifv nti -fpfilWd iiluorjir. and! iudsre who is noted for his severity in iniicu sugni- I - .TO " ' 4 c . 4 , , pricecharged for renued sugar ?y niade millions ptf i , As Mr r-oreTw haa'eV taxea sugar , . forv The judge took pockets.,' Nobody objects to paying without a differential duty on rehnt lto consideration the fact that he the ad valorem tax on imported -su- ed" sugar, would kill ithe trust as ef-j had spent several months in jail a gar, tt is necessary to raise money feet u ally as it woiild bi killed by io support the government, to pay makiug all sugars jfrjee. j ialarifs, pensionsj army and navy If the senate will no in a set bills, interest on the public debt, and parate measure, a bo jishj he difiereni Dther leeitmate expenditures. Hal dntv on refined Fugar. the tariS wThe I ist of Easter marriages among people of wealth throughout the country is far below; the usual average in point of numbers, says a C25 4.50 3.50 20,00 18.(X) 15,00 PWAKD, Low Prices on Farmers' Drain Tile. Fumture Store The Farmers Mutnal Tire Insurance Association for Eowan County, met in convention at the Coirt House on the 2nd inst., and effected a per- New York society journal. Every raanent organization, electing the woman knows that maiiage is slow- following known men as officers for ly but surely dying out in these the ensueing year : -X L!ja..mb Phillip Sowers, Prest.; .T.Gheen, United States. The nch are first to feel its effects. T H T, liip. H fi. Lmnard. J. 1. Bachelors' apart- n' ".1 V. Miller, Geo. A. Hall, judges stick too closely to the letter raentsare multiplying everywhere V. L. Harris, J. F. Carngan, W. U. of the law. . tIip stvsannins hotels that are as- Klutlz, W. A. Campbell, J. C. Sow- In New York the other day a I ' . f.f Lrs. S.. Earuheart, Directors. T? m ; 1 this is a co-operative plan of In built for the celibacy, not of married or ,rotecliollf f arm or life. any detached property against de uThe rush for admission into clubs struction by fire, wind andjiglitning. is unprecedented. The women are It gives each member a policy con- i.t i " i i .. i. : rn rr. riiiirif icu uv mc .i i' ii .iiiii - - i ua ill i.iir .i i n i i . t i . i lauiw u . m A waiting trial, audi ne turtnur iaci . . North Carolina, and good tor a pe- tliat he was an educated man of re- the sex. They feel tney can get i q thirty yearg for 0 cts on fined sensibilities. The mouey in- along witkout the men, and the men eacn one hundred dollars of property volyed in the case had also been re- ey can get along without the insured, ami4 is subject to no addi funded. women TheAmerican girl basset a tional cost except to meet the actual Did the court send him to prison ? standard of luxury to which the losses of this County Association py F.vprvhrv nbiects to heinff obliz-M i.ni ,ni Uiootw nf mnlrincr th. "NT.f. Kif. nf iL Sentence was sus- . . i n.-w.l.. prorata assessment. The statistics r - j " i - .- uui ut vr" o r i j-" " - - - . i amorimin ninn rpnisHS lu luiiut uci. r 4 to pay money to the Sugar Trust party stronger than it has ever been pended, and the prisoner was admon- Jf - Auerican .irpply for itaown emolument before, U is Mi tht Secretar sthaWe"ms of justice man, will pay for her extravangan faying the sugw tax collector at CarHe prepnred thescedule where- iteraccomplished than they Ces, let him. She will never find a he custom houses is like paying for DY the sugar trust robs jhe people of WOulahave been if this poor fellow nustand to do so. Aud marriage pe8 dinner, -ine moey goes ior frQm twentv-hye td titty millions a had been sent to .Ding oiug. frn nn -ip-.iinJn " linuuoai v uuiiu t ; r mil. i i. i ii iuiiiir ,iiuiu lie; uiu i w rr-.TTT.- l i - - t" - "7" : r ... x . . ; S 1 r -r " 1 ! thus court will never - . r-t m i f ill.. ' -t i ... .ill ilnniiini.i' rf a tax to a sugar rrus, m ue so wlthxan eye id iailitatit,g tup - - r .-. . , . Tne Hell You Say! after dinner is over, "paying a parage of the bill rather than play- gcn ftn Q, j legsou is wgrtn think- Morganton Herald. compulsory np to tne waiier wno nas 1Dg lut0 tbe hands pt tne trust- up lmw that the averaze expense is about. $1.50 on the one thousand per annum. For further, information address. Y O. GOREE. Local Agent. Salisbury, N. C. Or .1 S. C. Carpenter, Gen 1. Ag t Charlotte, N. C. FOR SALS! rendered no service. It is a mere ti)e other hand, He'now warns chje imposition. , J senate that free sugarxtneans a d- JJow the difference between the ficjt in the treasujhj, while the pres)- Pemocrats and the Jlepublicans, a.od ,jent also announces that lie is oj- between a tariff for revenue and a jK)SCj to the admission pf sugar free tariff for protection, is clearly illus- f duty. j : f X; trated in the compound sugar tax: Ve are convinced that the secre- The 40 per ceht. ad valorem is for tary's estimate of tjie revenue that me reasmjf tuts cigm. ut "H will be raised oy tne separe um is ico small. It was the theory of Robejrt ing about. I . -w--a rv m "X ' The Hickory Printing Company VALUABLE C11U llUti r Kur t u i i . . .. j Tiio fr-imA rhnripl. on comer of I'hcst- What the Senate Bill Eoes. uas orougut u.., ,lllt !in(1 Mjlin Jtr0ets. and lot 85x50 .ntn rnnst.itnt.mn. delivery, the subject matter of which ft wiu.u belonirh to the M. E. Church. rru .c.,. u;ii ;a nf nor:,llv is 1.900 conies of a novel entitled South and xvhieh can De convenea inio me ocuuic " j i ' . .. rtmfrvtahifl rtvcpi in'? or store-nouse. the treasury in 18 ing of high duties specific on refiusd sugar is for the trust. One tax is legitimate and fair; the other is a patent and intended fraud. One paxty insists on taxa tion only for the use of The govern , meutf the pther party would tax sugar only for the benefit of the trust. The tax for the use of the t trust was forced into the Gorman bill by the aid of three or four re creant Senators, who carried their point by a jhreat to d feat all legi.4 1 tio4 unless the sugar schedule should be arranged to suit them. The greater tax for the use of the trust in prohibitory the JftclVtuiey act was put there by common consent of Republican re presentatives. If is the thing t hey : pal) protection. ; J. Walker, who i was secretary of 6, that the lower would have the I . n. i TT II tT r 11 1 I 1 understood. It reduces the average "Ihe Well xou oay : wnicn are ai- of the McKinley bill to the extent of leged to be in the possession of the 11.32. This is a pretty good percent- author; Arthur T. Abernethy, at age and is a long step in the direc- Rutherford College, this county, tion of reform. Some of the rates the papers in the case were deliver- are protective but they are lower ed to Sheriff Webb for execution on thau under the present law. the Tuesday. What in the !!! Wilmington Messenger admits the Abernethy will say to this proceed superioritj of the senate bill over the ing remains to be heard, but it all McKinley law and says of the sugar tends to remind us that the name of clause : his next novel will be "In a D 1 of The most doubtf ul, difficult fea- a pix; is for sale cheap. For further descrip tion, &c, apply or write to the pastor iu charge. Rev. S. D. Stmf.y, A. A, 11AKTMAM, X TrusteeS. J. Li. U1JELL, M. M. Ward. June, 19 '94. . Salisnury, is-"--L effect of increasing the reyeues rather than decreasing them. Mr. Webster took the Opposite ytew, but ture of the senate bill to understand i txr. ii ..liL I .i . i. Ti Kn nln.nJ fko oecreiary vvaisers eu urates were isine sugar ta&. nuaauiaiigcumc . . -rT,. e ii.. J j i 11- -JLi.:..i Ai Af..Kinipv 1ftW while taxing suear. A special to the Times from Dub- TUliv jusiuieu ju lue uracucai results i - , ,7 ,. t7 . uwm a. ,,i ,w ..r J. , J, , ... I Under the McKinley law all sugars lin, Va., says: Wm. lay lor was or tne 0111 w men i oears nis name. i- , , , i,4. ; 1 , .. ; . I, . not graded above what is . called ha Hame Tour, Men. From tbe wpmlnpton "Messenger. 1 1 XT I "T . i J i nrr-uitfi nnnv wn.'ir, is c-.;iiihi i hanam ai iewueru. a. iu-uhv ur , 1 , 1 . 1 I ULV" v . - . - . 1 llie reductions injauties reuneun techncaUv 16 Dutch standard are the murder of his wife, July 16th, a supstanuai increase oi revenue, auo 1 not taxed at all. l nose aoove xne 1 ; 1 il. ' 1 Vi 1 1 t n J.-- IO fn ?iA mv uons are maae rrom very niga ,pr .w.r.-. - o--, - u- nmn a,.nn 0.1m tn 1 h a wax or nniiiirv m uei uiv aucuua. vx. a.vu V.mo ennrar nrrwl il PP This bountv. 1 nnh hi a rtluPA Oil the traD door, look ;. fi . . . . - I UUUiU i5 K' v'w- J 7 I WW -w We are of the opinion that beer e-1 hlieve. araoUntsxto some S10,i aA nn i ho mW. movd a little to tary Carlisle's estfmat of a deficit 000,000 or SI 2,000,000 annually. We exactly under it, was asked if he case o a free sugar bill is too large have not tbe fagures at hand. a .Lin t - nnd resnonded but thaHs neither here or the&. The Gorman law changes a l thf. Hhe cTood Tho .hnlifinh nf th. HMrp.l It taxes sugar and repeals the bounty Nothing and bid the officers good . ; t j ! . intenaea to neio auu eutuuiagomve. nis anus uu :ga wcic piujuu rate conceaea to tne sugar wuw wm Loui,iana Cane growers and. others. d and the cap drawn over his - - ii. . ... Vt ii .i . lu""u t ue The bult.more tieraiu, ina "o head. The signal was given and at SDH- ineuoiuiau mcau.C. oJO , H, UB exactly icu iciuiv nuc uuuj onvu pnt incumbents in the Senate. We have no doubt, of this. The East will get one senator and the West one, uiiless the Centre should start black horse and sweep the stakes. It rap door. Death was his neck being bro- Tbere are men in North Carolina, ot create a deficit nor reduce and we can name them, who will treasury's income! but it will result . . . . . . i iff a-, i . . - n i i. loruptiv rpn n better represent sound, pure Chicago in saving to the people many mil- "rates are trom ta.oi per ceni on -platform Democracy than the pres- lions of dollaH irlhrice of refined mblasseso 46.07 P cenon beet through he . , .ti,,.mU9;n fkaRuotfl wQ i,r. v. i, sugar. Ihese rates are clearly pro- instantaneous, sugars, "euu uoLf See now pie tectiVe in comparison e-ther.witli the tfc There were no convulsive mo party can a io prmu mis qis- bounty paid uudeine -iicrv.ny , aw lfce bod ag jf -t had XZ . I . !' L - I t. AlffA-kj-kr11l ! I 111 tA-l I IIIII I !! I - graceiui concesvspn w fciauu. or uk u u mu. vr. "" lrt0- of wnrvl hnncr motionless 4-Vn.o Hint rvn-iKSIirrt VVAI.L lnLO LOrce. 1 - i -o The sum to be raised by this sugar after a minute or so. The hear tax a tax levied upon the breakfast ce.ased to beat in fifteen minutes A sneo.ial -s from Alhmarlf. to Ithe looks as if Mr. Osborne might be the charlotte Observer says that at jthe winner in the West, but of that no Stanly county Populism convention only jnan may speak confidently. What J one man put iq his appearance. Popu Iforth Carolina democrats are search- lism in Stauly must be at a. low ebl for now 'are men who ing for now are men who know what giuionpure, bed-rock tlemocra-' cy is, and who have grit; and integ rity enough uot to be swerved from jt, but to plumb the middle 61 the jrpad and yote according to Deno , cratic law. Meu who favor foster- jng sugar irustsaud playing into the I cure so many; diseaScs. : hand of a giant monopoly, are not "pjaptjv fche men for these parlous table and the pies for dinner is va- riously estimated at from $1U,UUU,UUU to $48,000,000 each year. About one-tenth of the sugar sohsumed in mir rountrv ishome product. The j - . when Taylor was cut down any turn ed over to his friends. VITAL TO MANHOOD. fOWi IS THE TIME Wrights To get Furniture for the multitude. Nothing like it ever beforeseen in Salis bury. Bed Room and Parlor . Suits as pretty and as cheap as was ever otter ed on any market in the State. You only have to see our line of Ta bles, Dining and Parlor Chairs, Rockers &c., to be pleased. We also handle Baby Carriages, Musical Instrumehts and in fact anything that you want in this line and at prices that defy com- petition. No room is complete without Vice Pictures. We have got them. Also the handsomest line of Frames and Moulding that can be. found in thd State. TO This departraen. is completer Collins, uasKeis, Duribi ijjuco, -) Hearse's furnished for city or country. Embalming a Specialty. See me before buying. .eo.W.WsightJ Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls! O- Tt. E. C. WEST'S XERVE AND BRAIN TREAT. WF.KT. a BDAciflo for Hysteria. DizziTiescs. Tits. Nea rolgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by -Jcohol or tobacco. WaJcef ulnofs. Mental JeDres8iO-i, SofteniEfr of Brain, causinz ini?anity. misery, decay death, leremature Old Acre. Barrenness, Loss of power in enner sex. iniDotency. ieucorraaea ana ai Female Weaknesses, Involuntary Iosses, Sperma. torrhcea caused by over-exertion of brain, SelT- nbuse, ovcr-InduJtrence. A month's treatment, $1, 8 for $5, by mail. With ecch order for 6 boxes, with J5 will senu written ruar-.i.ee to refund if not cured. Guarantees issued by aijent. wiisr'S uvisii t-iLi-a cures Sick Headache, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, jour atomaca, jyspepi.ia ana (Jonsupauoa. GU ARAN T tij issued only by Edwin Cuthrell Salisbury, N. C. IT IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FEED KNOWN FO CATTLE AND SHEEP. : .. Cotton Seed Meal is a highly concentrated feed, one pound .vhich has more feeding value than three pound f corn: U It V11L D IOUI1U muiu Lxununutai w an oi PUflf wre tjeiug considered for a pew bjijlding at the Western Insane Asjlaolufc Morgapton apart from the present building; it is to be used foriifti-iffiates. Probable post, $10.- The Asheville Citizen says of one of M . 1 The Central exkutive committee of npnr.l hv for vears enioved verv the mo3t etrecve puiuoai speakers in the Demecritic partylU called to liieet cheap sugar. It will be see u before the State: in lialeigh next Monday. I a year hw the Gorman bill will af Maj. Chas. M Stedman has received LLil feet the prices of Sugars. a letter from Chairman Pou of the The Mh-efore. 1 Objectionable ai this may be the T - There is nothing marvelous in the people are able to stand it, especially cominpainpajKn selecting aDy field act that Hoo,d's ISarfaparilla should when it is considered tnac .mey win . may prefer. Ma!. Sted- get hundred of articles at lower man haa nt decided wwhe.n he will prices than rule now under our pres- J take up the canvass, but when he does pntsvistpm open up there Will be trouble ior ine Tariff reform is too bis a thins to enemies of Democracy, and there's no remember that a fcoajdrity of the Arrlara ''fl-j.cVi io tin" 4n ;you to the a is Theepnblioaus of Tennessee have Bomioated II. Clay ivvaijs for Goyer- are due impure Or poisonous erudition of bloolr and that Hood's SSarsaparil! an effective an radical blood purifier, the whole thiug Is explainel. Besides its blood purifying qual POSITIONS GUARANTEED under reasonable conditions. Our FREE 96 page catalogue will explain why we can afford it. Dragon's Practical Business College, NASHVILLE, TENN. Write for catalogue. Book-keeplne, Shorthand, 'Penmanship and Telr traDhy. We spend more money in tne interest oi Sur'KmploymentDeparttaent than half the Business Colleges take in as tnition. 4 weeKs Dy our metnoa teaching book-keeping is equal to 12 weeks by the old plan. 1 1 teacners, tOU stuaenis paw ycai , uu vacation; enter any time. Cheap Board. We have recently prepared pooks especially adapted to HOME STUDY. Sent on 60 days trial. Write us and explain !"your wants." N. B. We pay $5. cash for all va- . t . . . V. .HnAl--v cancies as oooi-eepeii Meuugiduuci!!, i.wucn, clerks, etc., reported to us, provided we fill same. V Your V Heart's Blood I V Is the mosk important Dart of your organism. Three-fourths of W tba rrTTtairv fr ttV irVi tV a ttte w tem is subject are due to impuri- O i ii ui -r .f lies iu me muuu. x uu ttiu, incrc-, 1 fore, realize how vital it is to Keep It Pure For which purpose nothin equal lraa It e cleanses the blood thoroughly $J w 1 ul.rul .i i t.--, a uiu uuuus up iuc gcaerai iie-uin Out Treatise cm B'ood ud Skin diiee mailed 1 Free to aay address, J V SWIFT SPECIFIC C0M Atlanta. Ga. V rious grain feeds. li.av or .my kind 6f long or rough feednd has been proven analysi the practical tests of thousands of feeders; to he worth as ! (pound for pound) as any of the forage leeds m gene.a n iho. nost of HULLS is less than hay, and can .w .fl if i fnv mnro ppnnnmioal to us than any feed now m aow., i iij xv - , . i .nrry C 1 Alz-.r, f ilS Cl'U i"" and feed in connection with Cotton Unrt Wlipn nnsts nnd Lenefits are con; Write for prices and other information desirett. fViirn-rri-u1or.Pf snlirited l)V North Gaolina Cotton Oil Compaw mistakine that, be perfected in a day, or during one session of congress. It will grow Women say that a meal tastea better 1 . . . ,i i . i j I M-i.pn tirpnarea tT some one e.se, mi i.-.h Jmtu nn o t rt thfl i.rr.ap miinc i tr - . , v.v, ana UCiriUj'. aim t. Jivgiv : . :..- ,V M.enn -arhv Simmnnl Liver Rfi TTV- C.-U1., ?! u . .. . 111 I 11 nil-si w.v v . uMUu30iU,piM1a rsi,tUula,u! sue j by the senate bill snouia eucourage I ulator y ln fach favor. It is rfreadj pre iui. : 1 1 l iv r v -or n i h hi m k i itti si n r nn 1 ro i a i ? w diu retted, kidney remedies and liver invigoranta aDd is thus an excellent specific fbr all disorders of these! or- f' i I I is: gans, as well as for low condition of the system or That 'J'ired Feeling! every democrat to persevere in the good work. We have taken no step backward, but on; the contrary, un der the most adverse circumstances, we have made a long leap forwmd. A tariff for reveque is still in sight, pared in liquid ana powder iorn iou don't need to m ake a tea. Another reason for this faror is that Simmons Liver Reg ulator 13 better than Pills for Biliousness; ! Sick Headache, Constipation and lnUiges- U.nn SuniT.le iackare powder. 25 ceuts I s a ' - can .V It effectually re- O Atlanta, Ga. When Baby as idcV, ire gave her Castoria. When she yeas a Child, she cried for Castoria. When Bb became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, ebe gave them Castoria The Watchman JOB OFF! ; vnTinvfi ila 1 .. JTSOLICITS YOUli 1A'1UUau. ppiGEsS LASri WORK TUUNED OUT.FU03I THIS OFi ILfc- ' . CL SON ABLE. GIVE SJ Salisbury WEBB f K'IHE- Pro 41 IB pui iwj Trieloi) Dealers in Monximents, Ilead-Stones nnd everv HiinK m - . l ..:.!. KtKl IU'1'1- .. ,ni line,ud Ht the ory lowest prs consist an . rew- manstiin. Be sure to eive us a call where. Large variety on hand, io select Fisher Street, nexttoStaid Pipei from, batisl1 u r s t J - - . V

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